Sculpting THE JANITOR from Little Nightmares - Polymer Clay Time-lapse | Ace of Clay

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hey everyone ace of clay here welcome back to my channel and welcome to yet another sculpting video today i will be making the janitor from the video game little nightmares [Music] of course this is another subscriber request video or else i wouldn't know who the janitor even is i'm really glad you requested him because this game actually looks really really cool and it's something that i would actually play myself so i really have no idea why i'm just hearing about it now it seems like it's been out for a couple years but anyway long story short it looks really cool it's really creepy and it is right up my alley now just to give you a little bit more background on our subject today the janitor he has extremely long arms and very short legs that would be consistent with the height of someone that is about three feet tall at first glance it looks like he's wearing a crooked blindfold but that's actually the skin on his face that has collapsed revealing his skull and covering his eyes this of course giving the indication that he is blind and important characteristic he wears a light brown shirt or overcoat with buttons that covers most of his legs he's got dark brown shoes and a dark brown hat along with a name tag which says roger so this guy's name is roger i guess and we'll be talking a little bit more about the janitor later on in the video so stay tuned for that so if you want to see me bring this guy to life from start to finish then let's get started after you follow me on instagram and twitter at is of clay all right let's go all right the first step of our sculpture is going to be to create the armature i'm using 12 gauge aluminum wire and i'm just bending out the shoulders and the legs and then i'm going to make the arms out of another separate piece of wire and attach them with floral wire and as always all of the materials and tools in this video are listed in the description box below along with my affiliate links if you want to purchase anything [Music] all right now once i've got janitor's short body and long arms figured out we're going to go ahead and bulk out the torso with some super sculpey ultra light this step can also be done with aluminum foil [Music] and once that's looking pretty good we're going to go ahead and bake this [Music] and then once it's baked and completely cooled down it is nice and hard and we're going to cover it with our final layer of clay for this project i will be using super sculpey original once the torso is covered i'm just going to create the legs out of a snake of clay and press them on like so [Music] and then for the shoes or feet i'm going to just shape them out from a piece of clay and press them onto the bottom of the legs [Music] now to cap off the pant legs i'm just going to take a flat stick of clay and add it around the ankle like so and then blend the top edge in with the rest of the leg and then to create the folds and wrinkles on his pants i'm just going to use some snakes of clay and blend those in with the surface of the pants now using my pen tool i'm going to create the soles of the shoes now to give the pants a fabric texture i'm going to roll the textured edge of my sculpting tool on the surface of them like so and then onto his shirt i'm going to take these flat pieces of clay and add them to the bottom of his body like so this is going to create the bottom edge of the shirt and i'm just going to blend the top edge in with everything else this creates the look of clothing without adding extra bulk [Music] now as i'm adding details to this guy's coat or shirt whatever you want to call it i'm going to go into some more detail on who the janitor is i don't want to give away any spoilers so if you want to skip over this part feel free i don't think i'm giving away spoilers but just want to put that little disclaimer here so anyway like many of the other little nightmares characters the janitor does not speak but his personality is revealed through his actions like many of the other inhabitants of the maw which is the setting of the video game he dutifully performs his work trapping children who are trying to escape for the entire time that the janitor has lived blind he has acquired the skills of acute hearing and quick reaction so if he hears the slightest noise that children can make he immediately reacts and goes after them the janitor is smart and persistent we'll go into some more on the janitor later on in this video in the meantime let's finish that coat gonna add some snakes of clay to create some nice long folds and wrinkles [Music] [Music] [Music] once that coat is looking pretty good i'm going to texture it just like i did with the pants by rolling the textured edge of my sculpting tool all over the surface [Music] now let's add some pockets these are just flat sheets of clay that i've cut into these tiny little squares [Music] now we're just going to add that little strap that he has in the back and then finish it off with a couple of buttons and then i will not be brushing him with clay softener because that fabric texture is so faint i don't want to lose any of it so we're just going to go ahead and bake this and then once he's baked and completely cooled down looks pretty good a little burnt from my stupid little toaster over that i've been using but it's fine now we're just gonna go ahead and work on the arms [Music] once the arms are shaped out i'm going to go in with this tool that i haven't used in a really long time and create some folds and wrinkles on the sleeves this is a way to create the look of fabric without adding bulk if i add the little snakes of clay it's going to make the arms thicker and i don't want to do that so we're just going to sort of press them in like this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and once the sleeves and arms are looking great we're gonna go ahead and create the hands and this guy surprisingly doesn't have big hands he's got they're pretty normal sized um almost somewhat feminine looking based on my research so we're gonna go ahead and create these little dainty hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then once the hand is on we're going to go ahead and cap off that sleeve with a flat snake of clay just like we did with the pants we're going to repeat this entire process on the other side and of course i'm going to go in again with that wooden tool to create some more little wrinkles on the wrist area and then for the next step we are going to move on to the head i had a blast making this guy's head i don't know why it just sometimes the heads just come easily to me and sometimes they don't this one definitely came easily and i was i really enjoyed myself while i made this thing so going ahead covered a piece of foil with some clay added a skewer for the neck and now i'm just sort of adding his chin and then pressing out the features and going on from there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] now that i have the mouth figured out i'm going to go ahead and add the nose this is just a little ball of clay that i'm blending in with my spoon tool and then we're going to further shape it out with a couple other tools and a tiny dotting tool to create the nostrils [Music] now using the pointy edge of my trusty wooden tool that i like so much all of a sudden i'm going to go ahead and create some wrinkles on the bottom half of his face to create that sort of collapsing skin [Music] texture [Applause] now we're going to go ahead and create that sort of chunk of flesh that's falling down his face and i rolled my clay through my pasta maker on the thinnest setting and i'm going ahead and just shaping it out in my fingertips sort of letting it naturally fold and then i'm going to edit to his face and then start blending it in with my spoon tool but still maintaining the wrinkles and grossness of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then just to create another big fold on the side of his face i'm going to go ahead and add a little snake of clay that tapers at each end [Laughter] once everything's looking good we're gonna go ahead and do the ears [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow check it out i'm so happy with how this guy's face turned out now we're going to go ahead and attach his head with a little bit of bacon bond and while we're doing that and finishing him up and making him a little hat let's talk a little bit more about the character and again disclaimer if you're worried about spoilers go ahead and skip this area alright so according to the janitor's arms are capable of limited movement after they are severed a close-up view of the janitor's clothes reveals some faint blood stains implying that he may have killed some children the presence of a blood-stained guillotine in the lair further supports this the janitor is the enemy encountered in the most chapters he has seen a total of four times and initially the janitor was supposed to appear in the kitchen and in the guest area for unknown reasons it was cut out of the game and again this game takes place at the ma which is this gigantic underwater sort of vessel that houses all of this creepy stuff and um i don't i don't i could talk about that for hours and hours an hour so that could be like maybe a separate video if you guys are into this little nightmare stuff but um just want to keep it on the janitor for this one and out of all the characters and little nightmares this guy is probably my favorite one i think he's a lot of your favorites as well um all in all i just think he's really creepy and the guy that made this game is just a genius like this stuff is so weird so out there and honestly if you like gaming check it out i have truly fallen in love with the lore after brushing the surface with clay softener to remove fingerprints we're going to go ahead and bake him and once he's baked and completely cooled down it's time for paint i'm going to show you exactly how i mix all of this guy's colors and there we have some grass green warm white buttercup brown and pure black and i'm just sort of dabbing each color and adding it to my mixture until i get it to a point that i like this guy is pretty monochromatic he's like maybe four shades of like brown and green so we're just going to kind of play off this one color for the entire sculpture so going ahead and trying to mix up that coat color of his and by the way all of the paints that i use in this video are foca brand matte acrylics they are matte that is very important do not get satin or glossy get matte [Music] now i'm going to go ahead and mix up his collapsed skin color again playing off of that initial brown that i created we're going to lighten it quite a bit and create this nice yellowy greenish dull brown grayish color nice and dead and you are supposed to mix your paints with a palette knife i'm just using a crappy paintbrush don't judge me [Music] and now i'm darkening my brown color to create the color of his pants and shoes and for the next step i'm going to add a dark brown wash to this guy a wash is just a watered down acrylic paint so i'm going to go ahead and brush that over the surface and then wipe the excess off with a paper towel you can thin the paint as much as you want i do know at a certain point acrylic paints can get a little tacky when you thin them out a little too much so just make sure you keep that in mind and then if it does end up getting tacky you can always varnish it at the end i don't usually varnish my sculptures now because you really don't have to i don't plan on handling them all the time but if i were to like make a sculpture to sell to someone i would definitely varnish it to help um with the wear and tear so here we are just wiping off that excess and then i'm going ahead and dry brushing some lighter brown on the surface this is further bringing out the details to dry brush you just want to saturate your brush and then wipe off as much paint as possible without completely cleaning the brush and then you're just going to sort of whisp it on the surface like so so that it catches all of those nice surface details if you've never dry brushed before start with a little bit and then work your way up it's always easier to add more than take away now to create some of those rusty looking blood stains on this guy i'm going in with a fine paint brush and some watered down light brown and just sort of adding it here and there [Music] now i'm going in and mixing up a nice lighter skin color that i will be dry brushing on the surface of his face [Music] now let's paint his skull i'm going in with this nice gray shade and then i'm going to sort of shade it a little bit with a darker gray towards the bottom i don't dry brush the skull i sort of work with the paint while it's still wet now let's paint his hat i'm going back in with the color i painted his pants [Music] now for some final touches i'm going in with my fine paint brush and some of that dark brown wash and really getting into those nooks and crannies and he's done the janitor from little nightmares is complete let me know what you think of this guy in the comments and which little nightmares character you want to see me make next [Music] uh and that's a wrap i really hope you like how the janitor came out let me know what you think in the comments and if you want to see me make more of the little nightmares characters and if so which ones and as always thank you so much for watching and being here be sure to like comment and subscribe and then follow me on facebook instagram and twitter edison clay and i will see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Ace of Clay
Views: 94,752
Rating: 4.9591141 out of 5
Keywords: little nightmares, gaming, gameplay, games, the janitor, six, ace of clay, how to sculpt, polymer clay, how to model clay, how to make a sculpture, how to make armature, how to sculpt a face, the lady, lore, little nightmares 2, the maw, the story behind, fnaf, piggy, siren head, ps4
Id: M5zxBvqqhYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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