Sculpting a DEVIL with BUTT TEETH!

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[Music] hello welcome to this winter Soler special of something wicked my name is Barry and today to celebrate the darkest day of the year I'm going to be making this horrible little thing it's taken from an engraving called the Temptation Of Christ that was created by the mysterious master lcz in about 1500 I think this engraving is bloody amazing and today we're going to be finding out not only what it can teach about the world of 1500 but also why the devil's got teeth in his bum anyway uh on with the build now the original engraving is just stupidly complex and if I want to stand any chance of building this thing I have to simplify stuff so I spent a bit of time cutting the devil out of the picture so that I could see exactly what I was making now AB is weird on pretty much every level but thankfully its body is basically a humanoid shape so we can use a human armor to build a little skeleton for our fell once his bones are all ship shape and Bristol fashion it's time to pack him out with some tin foil so tin foil is just an affordable way of packing out a sculpture with something that clay can bind to later on once I'm happy with that I will twizzle some wire which I'm going to wrap around the tin foil to hold everything in place when I'm getting serious with the sculpture later on now I use super sculpy as the first layer on pretty much all of my sculptures for this one I'm going to roll out some long noodles which I'm going to wrap around the sculpture to create the first iteration of the [Music] form so once his tailbone is in place we will start working on his torso now it's immediately apparent in the engraving that the devil is slim but when you look a little bit more closely you realize that he might actually be malnourished and the reason for that I think is because whilst the devil has an enormous appetite he's never satisfied so in this incredible engraving we see the three Temptations of Christ in the foreground we see the devil pointing at some rocks and tempting a very hungry Jesus to turn them into bread unimpressed Jesus hard him with the immortal line man shall not live by bread alone but the other two Temptations are here as well further back we see the devil on a cliff promising Jesus the whole world if he would only fall to his knees and worship him and right in the background we see a tiny little devil challenging Jesus to throw himself from the temple to be saved by Angels such are the many Temptations and masks of the devil [Music] [Music] now the eagle eyed among you will have noticed that the nose is a different colored clay and that's because it's something called cos clay unlike super sculpy cos clay retains some flexibility after it's cooked which is absolutely essential when you're adding delicate details like squiggly noses hair and demonic antlers so once I've crafted him a couple of luscious eyebrows I would choose a couple of teeth from my jar of smiley bones which I will then jab unceremoniously into his Gob his tongue is a fairly simple Affair um just a little bit of clay which I will add some texture to and once that's in his face I will start making well whatever the blood of Hell these things [Music] are anyway now it's time to make some boobs so images of the devil from this time often have boobs and that's because in this highly religious and patriarchal society women were often portrayed as a source of sin and the breasts are often those of an older woman which is making a statement about fertility something that you can also see in the background of the Engraving behind Jesus everything is verdant and green but behind the devil it appears to be Rocky and Barren once the boobs are in place we will blend them into the Torso We'll add a bit of texture and also some details like nipples and also some veins which are just little noodles of clay that get Blended in until you can just about make them out once we're done with those it's time to start on his arms now at the top you've got this luscious Pelt of fur which is obviously reminiscent of a mammal but on his elbows you've got these sharp Jagged bony bits that kind of look like the carpes of a crab it's a a mish mash of different animal parts to remind you that the devil is at once bestial but also a complete Corruption of nature everywhere you look you see something that's unnatural and r for example his hands when you count the number of fingers on each paw you don't find the normal amount you find 1 2 3 4 five six and as we all know six is the number of the Beast epoxy putty is absolutely perfect to bind together his six metallic fingers and once that's in place I can add these pre-baked nails to the tips and then I can shut up for a bit and get on with sculpting the rest of his hands [Music] so I bought myself this new toy um it's called a clay extruder and not only is it super satisfying to use it's also really bloody helpful as with the top of his arms his hands are completely covered in fur and the clay extruder made doing that so much easier unfortunately adding crabby little Knuckles was still a massive pain in the backside I can't tell you how long it took me to do all of these hours but by the end of that time I was pretty happy with the result and ready to move on to the pig now we know that the devil is trying to tempt Jesus with sin and this little piggy is being used to represent that now in the first instance the pig symbolizes the sin of gluttony but there's another sin here as well which is represented by this horrendous thing that's coming out of its mouth that is the sin of lust because that's exactly what the devil wants Jesus to do weakened by his time in the desert and the Goring hunger in his belly the devil wants Jesus to lust after the taste of bread and if Jesus were to succumb to the sin of lust he would invariably succumb to the sin of gluttony but don't worry Jesus he's not having any of it so a few people have asked me why I put cling film on the clay sometimes well the reason is that the cling film softens the edges of the sculpting tools that you're using which gives a more rounded feel to everything now like the arms the legs are U another indicator that the devil is a complete mashup of different animals this time birdies now not only is that a reminder that the devil is inherently bestial it's also a reminder that the devil is omnipresent corrupting the Realms of land sea and air now a lot of sculptors will say that the best tools they have are the ones that they've made themselves I made this little do hickey to help out with this build and it's proved absolutely invaluable to create the scaly texture on the legs once I'm happy with the top half so I can wind some wire to create the feet epoxy putty will hold everything in place and then we can start packing it out with Clay so each toe's got two Talons once they're in place we can get started on its tail I'll twizzle some wire around it again it just gives something for the clay to bind to and then we can add a bit of texture using cling film and this wonderful little texturing tool that I've got I'll sharpen up his tail with with my rotary tool and once all of that's done we can turn our attention to kind of a reoccurring theme in Renaissance depictions of the devil his butt face now the reason that lots of these illustrations and paintings and Engravings have butt faces is because the devil was said to be a complete inversion of the natural order of things now I'm not a massive fan of the buttface from the original engraving so I've had to look elsewhere for inspiration and luckily I found this this is a fantastic butt face so this is the one that I'm going to use to base my sculpture on these glass beads are perfect for the devil's eyeballs so I'll shove those into its sockets and then I can start working on the rest of its face a couple of prebaked tusks will get carefully positioned inside its bum and once we're done with that we can get cracking on the spines that are all over this thing so to begin with I'm going to drill some holes and then I'm going to sharpen up some metal wire which will serve as the spines themselves so when you spent 2 months making a sculpture like this it's bloody terrifying driving a 6 mm drill bit into its back but once that bits out the way I can position the wings and then I can move my attention onto my favorite thing of the whole build you see when I was cutting out the engraving at the beginning I found this weird little bean underneath the butt face and what this represents are the words of the Devil he's literally talking [ __ ] and that's where we get the phrase from anyway I'm going to cook this little turd in the oven while you click the Subscribe button and then we're going to paint it to get things going we're going to give the Lord of Darkness a nice base coat of black with my airbrush and once that's done I'll mix up some red and black to create a nice maroon color to cover him in his legs will get painted up with some desert yellow and then I'll use a dark tone wash to bring out some of the detail before treating him to a nice pedicure with some bone white paint once we've covered the bird's beak in Battleship Gray we'll paint his Bey little eyes yellow and then add a little pupil and then I'll top up my airbrush with some Dragon red so that we can start adding a more vibrant tone to the rest of the body predictably his fur will go fur Brown and then I'll P around with a variety of different colors under his tail until I chance upon something that I like the tusks in his bum were painted bone white and then I soiled those up a little bit with a soft tone wash the red of his knuckles was blended into the white of his Talons and once I was happy with the way the hands were looking I moved onto the snoozle of the [Music] pig I wanted the grotesque Lusty tentacle coming out of his mouth to be suitably horrendous so I used warlock purple and crusted saw as my colors I'll blend those in and then I'm going to use a gloss varnish to make the whole thing glisten [Music] lasciviously so now I've painted up all of his Facey bits I'm going to sort his antlers out I'll paint those up with a series of dark washes and once his face is looking good we'll do some dry brushing on the bird and the fur just to help the detail pop scrunchy scrunchy tinf is going to get used as the membrane of the wing and once I've applied some super glue to the Bony bits we can get the tin foil in place now this didn't actually work that well I glued more tin foil to my fingers than I did the sculpture so I used epoxy on the face instead of super glue but once the flappers are in place we can paint it up with a couple of layers of primer as a final touch we will dry brush the wings in red just to make sure that everything is on brand and then we're just going to paint up a couple of other little bits and Bobs just to make him look super sick so painting up the eyes is the penultimate bit of the whole build the Devil he's trying his best to look adorable so I went with the brown eyes of a mammal and then I used this amazing resin that sets under UV light to give his eyes a nice glossy finish so All That Remains is for us to paint this lonely little turd if you're ever tempted to do something wicked just remember this guy he's talking out of his [Music] ass [Music] [Music] so I want to say a huge thank you to my incredible patrons without you guys I don't think this video would have been made so a massive shout out to Bradley orop Marian youal Becky Lee kruu Leo bulbar Manuel landal where did it all go wrong Dominic musal Dennis Hansen Dolly mixture Jake gamolo and Adriana Natasia you guys are the absolute best and if you'd like to support me as well subscribe check out my patreon and also my shop until the next time t for now
Channel: Something Wicked
Views: 126,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zkr4O8LLx9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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