Scuba Tech Tips: Dive Tools - S04E15

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alik there's some from le Pere scuba tech tips I'm just laughing here because Kevin says that he's been reading all the comments thanks monthly much brother and he says everybody wants to be a tech master like me well I don't know where the word tech master came from I'm not sure that's a tough motor Myrna I'm not sure if I'm a tech master yeah I know a lot about scuba gear but that's just because I hung around with scuba gear for a long time and and I'm mechanically inclined and took a lot of courses and some people kept bringing their gear to me I got three double hose regulators here one from a chap in Texas a really nice guy in Texas another from a following Minnesota nice guy too and another one from a chap here in Canada three double holes regulators from all over the countries me to fix and other stuff too but anyway I guess I'm a tech master oh yeah you want to be a tech master like me you got to add tools you can have your tech master without tools take a look at a standard regulator here we have a standard regulator okay first age first of all it has hose is one two three four hoses plus a air integrated transmitter and then the second stage that has hoses and nuts and all these things are held together by nuts and bolts you see here you see the nuts and the bolts and all these ports are certain sizes four wrenches if you have to move something about hose breaks so you need tools for that what do you need well you know what it's really very simple you need a half inch 9/16 5/8 on eleven sixteenths your four wrenches you can completely dismantle almost every regulator on the market today the shrimp absolutely true now you do need a couple other small things you do need a 5/32 allen key you know an allen key is now the key looks like this here's my bright yellow so I can see if somebody's sleeping it ok 5/32 allen key because that allen key fits all the ports all the port plugs on your rate port play what's a port plug if you look at your regular you'll see little plugs with an Allen holing in and this fits in there 5:32 yep and there's another one to 5:30 or two why am i showing you two because you're different one is smaller one is a bit bigger high pressure low pressure why the different sizes because you don't want to put a low pressure Oh which is good for 250 psi into a high pressure port which may hit 3,000 yeah it gets exciting around your mom is going to yell at you show they had them different sizes now so you need to have a 5/32 allen key and four wrenches you know like guys don't have screws on them a few regulators have a screws on them and they usually Phillips screws that's the cross head ones for you ladies watching yeah but that's all you need just a very few tools now how do you do that while you can go to do to your Harbor Freight or a Canadian Tire and Home Depot they got some tools that make up a tool chest but there's an easier way scuba - there you go this is a scuba told you - scuba stores to scuba tool and it has 1/4 allen key 5/32 allen key a sharp little pick for taking out all rings is not the best way to do that - flat screw divers more for prying than anything because regulars don't have and there's your cross head roof Phillips driver as well there's everything on there and a nice neat little as a wrench an adjustable wrench you'll see it on there that can be adjusted so this is half 1916 is 5/8 eleven sixteenths there you go this is kind of fat a little work if you're careful so this one little tool will meet almost all the needs for anything you need to do in your rape take all the hoses out change their port plugs around take a second stage up almost anything can be done with this one tool divers tool there's another tool a little bit smaller this is pretty neat and this year compact it is I mean it disappears in your hand and that there's all kinds of nice tub to that say looks like a 5/16 there's a 1/4 there's your 532 I'll link a very important there's a little oh this is for taking off the valve knob if for some reason you ever want to take the valve knob off you're right this special tool you see the little cut key in it I should take into valve ah and then on the other side that has a flat driver and there's that cross head or a Phillips driver this is another special - I have mines on the wall here see you see that - with the special hand on it there's the same - you know that's what as for taking on the inflator hose do we have enough later hose on this BC this guy doesn't here's a BCI yes doesn't have enough later host oh yes he does right so this recent is down inside and you can undo the Schrader valve in there Schrader that was the same as the valve on your tight car tires in the in the valve same thing so that's special do Goes Down takes that out you can put a new one in okay and then it has a little brass hook for taking out all rings and so there's an even smaller a scuba tool scoobadood we'll call it scuba tool with almost everything on everything it's not on there is a wrench you'd have to pick up another wrench with that now if you if you are if you're a leader if you're a scuba leader and instruct your dive master G around them year round divers Alondra or if you're one of those people that like tools you know like me I love buying tools well I can't go anywhere near Harbor Freight like run the Harbor Freight de Meyer a screwdriver to place when I broke last week a sixth all the screw down right I'll walk out three hundred dollars later it's always the case not anyway that's just the way I like to us well there's this this kit here this is called the deluxe divers toolkit so is that deluxe divers you think Kevin heard deluxe divers toolkit whatever so if you're a deluxe diver then you can get this toolkit that's bits in there and allen keys and a ranch and all that kind of stuff in there that you might need you know I heard this has got all that stuff I think this two is probably better because this hasn't got an old ring pick and so on but anyway the point is that if you are a little bit handy and you've been watching my tech tips and you've got a couple ideas and how to change sports and I'm gonna show you more a lot of you been asking how do I do this how do I change that I might change the hoses and so on I'm gonna show you some of them I think a little while ago we show you how to take the second stage apart and cleaned it so you get a little tool kit like this together and then keep it somewhere don't forget if you keep it anywhere near the water which divers tend to do they don't go forget every once in a while take it out dry it spray it with something wd-40 or oil or something so it doesn't rust up on it but if you have one of these divers tool kits like this and it's amazing what you can do take all the hoses off switch them all around if your hosts blows you're gonna take the hose off and you can pick up one of these ports and plug plug that hole and maybe you even keep on diving these are the port plugs they're called port plugs by the way keep the free I have boxes box of them and it's every time you sell a regulator we end up with three of these we have to put the safe second in and the the BC hose and the SPG in so a little sporty we just shore the moat I save a bunch she you should be able to go to your local dive store and say listen I would like a port plug a low-pressure port plug on the high-pressure port plug so if my hose breaks I can plug the hole and keep on diving they should just give them to you you know it should anyway there's some thoughts on tools that you can use to make minor repairs and changes to your regulators it's really pretty simple half a dozen do it I have a whole bunch but I don't want to use about six like fifty tools they use six anyway good idea going to your local dive store and I check out the various tools make sure you're getting the right ones remember at 5/32 allen key have inch 9/16 five eighths and eleven sixteenths and a Phillips head screwdriver you can be a what they call myself is a tech master to stop laughing okay guys thanks very much for watching Alex Pearce tech tips
Channel: Alec Peirce Scuba
Views: 11,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alec peirce, alec peirce scuba, scuba tech tip, tech tip, scuba tip, underwater, scuba diving, scuba, vintage scuba, sea hunt remembered, sea hunt, diving, skin diving, port plug, regulator disassembly, alan key, philips head, dive tools, scuba tools, wrench, scuba repair, scuba 2000
Id: ZWZkobE89VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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