Swiss+ Tech 13-In-1 Pocket Tool

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welcome back to the tool crib well you know i'm always on the hunt for good multi-tools and it doesn't really matter what they are they can range anything from a little pocket tool all the way up to something as robust as the leatherman surge and most of the time i'm going to the to the big four so uh leatherman victorinox sog and gerber but every once in a while i'll get in and i'll start looking at some of the off-brand models as well now a lot of those i've even thought about getting a couple of them as jokes for the channel because some of them are pretty ridiculous but this one caught my eye this one is swiss tech this is a little 13 in one pocket tool and there was a number of features on this one that i found very intriguing and so i decided to pick this one up and i can't remember exactly what i paid for this i'm pretty sure it was 18 but i'll have to double check this tool actually is kind of reminiscent of the leatherman series of the t-series of tools and while it doesn't have the same architecture with that magnetic uh architecture uh a lot of the functionality that's in those tools is in this one but at a much much cheaper price let's get into the swiss tech 13 in one pocket tool let's hop through the specs real quick so first of all this this uh let me get it lined up here on the grid a little bit better so this one is four and a half ounces or 128 grams so it's actually pretty dense for its overall size uh overall length on this one is three and three quarters of an inch long or 95 millimeters 7 8 of an inch wide or 22 millimeters approximately and then the thickness on this is 5 8 of an inch or approximately 16 millimeters now i've got a couple of my leatherman t-series tools here so this is the t4 which is it's got the pocket clip so it's not wanting to sit down very well and this is the t2 so as far as size wise this is real it's actually kind of right in between because it's not quite as thick as the t4 it's it's a little heavier than the t4 though uh it's more on par with the free t2 as far as functionality it's got more functions than the t2 and they're not the same they have some different functionality of this tool it's kind of the reason why i like it so much so let me uh let's start getting it open we'll take a look at all the tools and then we're going to try out a few of them as well see how well this little swiss tech pocket tool holds up now the first thing is the materials on this uh the the outside and i believe all the rest of the tools with the exception of the knife blade are going to be made out of 3cr 13. everything else or the knife blade i'm sorry is going to be an 8 cr13 mov so not a bad knife blade uh let's get this now this is kind of for me it's kind of the same problem that i have in the t series and we're just gonna bring the t2 in here as an example i have to really choke up and though there they are one hand opening i find it to be a little bit more difficult for me to get them open and that really just boils down to the fact that i have a little larger hand now the blade length on this is two and a half inches which is quite a bit better than that of the t series of tools so the free t2 that we have here you know we put it next to it it's it's a good half inch shoulder on the blade length so that's one advantage that it has over the over the t series let me i get a couple of little material here let's bring in i got a little bit use of a paracord here so we'll try and see how sharp this baby is and not bad they put a pretty nice edge on this one and we got a little bit stronger rope here well if i don't hook it on the back there and it just gets through there with no problem let me grab if i have some available here uh just some scrap paper so let me double this over and we'll see how it cuts on paper not too bad it could stand to use a little bit of sharpening but you can see that it doesn't do a bad job so i i kind of like this blade i really like the length of that blade for an edc tool so everything is is uh locking too on this and they have a really robust lock on the back side it's just i love the fact that how this locks in now the next tool now a couple of these are a little difficult to dig out uh there's a couple of interesting tools on here that you don't necessarily find in every especially in a pocket tool like this so the first one uh this is kind of commonplace you got your mini screwdriver up front and then a pretty decent can opener with a nice cut edge on there so i haven't tried this one out but i see no reason why that won't work uh just really really well the next one is their phillips driver and let me bring that t2 back in here uh they have their phillips driver which we all know is kind of reminiscent of what you have on a leatherman wingman well this one starts out as a narrow shank here but they brought it out to a full dimensional phillips which this one works really well i have tried this on several screws that were dug in pretty deep onto into wood and it had no problem uh both loosening and tightening screws out so this is built pretty well the next thing they have on here is they include a uh a wire stripper on here as well let me see if i've got some i got a little piece of 10 gauge here so we'll try it i haven't tried this yet now it might be too deep for this but we'll give it a shot we'll rotate that around see if we can't get it to come apart well let me reset i guess i didn't get it quite cut enough this might be a little bit too big for this particular wire stripper now i did it did it so not too bad at all that's it's actually kind of impressive that it's able to to do that 10 gauge so i like the functionality of having that wire stripper on there that's that's one of the tools that was not necessarily the most common of tools that i like uh finding on the on this particular multi-tool the next one they include has a a little bit larger screwdriver and then it has a cut hook which i haven't tried this one yet so we'll give it a shot let's put some of that paracord up here now just a straight pull it's not really cutting through it let me rotate it a little bit it gets through there okay so it's decently sharp and then on the edge here now this is another thing that i haven't tried they have a sharpened edge here now it does curve back a little bit though so i don't know how effective it'll be but that's meant to be a package opener or a box cutting tool to get through packaging tape i wish that it that it wasn't curved like that i wish it was a straight cut here i think it would be a little bit better uh but it might work just fine i don't know the edge is very sharp though so they've done a nice job on that the fact that all these are locking is what really it and it locks in really solidly too i mean they're they're in there ah there's a little slight rattle to it a little bit a little bit of rock uh it's very very minimal you kind of notice it on the blade let's see if we can it is super minimal so they've done actually a pretty decent job on that lock mechanism now the next tool is one now this one did intrigue me a lot this is their file now this is only a two edge file and it has the combination screwdriver up front which is done pretty well as well uh so it has your has a cross cut pattern here now we're going to try this in a minute but what i really liked about this was the fact that it had a diamond file on it so they have a diamond embedded file here i don't know how well that is it uh the diamond coating is adhered to this but we're gonna try it on some steel here in just a minute and give it a shot and see how well it works but i love the fact that it has a diamond file on it the next couple of tools is you have your bottle opener here as part of the little carabiner and the last is you have a glass break on it too so this can be used as a bit of an emergency uh an emergency tool now the one thing that i did not care for is the fact that it does not have a way to put a pocket clip on it because i i just really feel like these little pocket tools should have the ability to be uh to have a pocket clip on them for for ease of carry now it's good as when you when you consider against the uh let me get this one folded down again we'll get all those out so if we spread out the tools here on the on the t2 and this is what it's going to basically go up against is the t2 and we get these folded out you can see that the functionality on here this one has a lot more functionality than what the t2 does now one thing that is missing that a lot of people would like to see and i myself would like to see on this tool is possibly in all or a pair of scissors so i would like to see a different version of this that would maybe eliminated the file and put a pair of scissors in maybe one that got rid of this tool and put it dedicated all in a number of things but for now we're just going to concentrate on what they've built so far so this one offers quite a bit of more functionality than what you get out of the t2 it also has what i consider to be a little better knife blade than what's in the t2 and the t4 now the t4 is going to have some advantages because it does have a pair of scissors it has an awl uh the screwdriver is kind of inferior to this one has your knife blade and it has a little file but it's not a diamond coated file as well as the screwdrivers and package opener on this one as well so but the price difference is is really drastic 18 compared to i don't remember what these went for 60 50 and 60 or 60 and 70 i don't even remember i like this tool i like this tool a lot now let's try out that file and see how well that thing works okay so i don't have a whole lot to work with today but i i do have this piece of flat steel and there's a little bit of a sharp edge that was left on this we actually did a test on a different file on this same piece of steel but we're going to try to remove that edge and see how well this file works so the first one we're going to do is just set it up and we'll do the crosscut first and boy it pulled it right off well no i take that back maybe i didn't have the angle right it's still got a little bit of well focus there you go uh it doesn't it still has a little bit of an edge so let me get a little steeper angle on that see if i can't get that off with just the regular file [Music] yeah it's pulling it off there so it's doing a pretty decent job now i've seen files that do a little bit better work than this one does but now let's try that diamond file i'm really interested to find out whether or not that coding is is adhered well so well we got a little dirty but that coating i don't see anywhere where that coating has diminished in any way shape or form it's just dirty from from the dust off that steel and it has done a very nice job of smoothing that over so the file appears to work pretty good now that that i like a lot you don't necessarily get a lot of and especially pocket tools that are going to come included with a diamond file so this can also work as a as a great little nail file obviously mine's a little dirty you'll have to clean it up now but nonetheless you get the idea so on the whole i'm really impressed with this tool now uh it would be nice if there's a little bit better blade steel but eight eight cr-13 mov is not a bad steel it's a it's a decent budget steel and it's comparable to 420 ac that leatherman puts in their multi-tools so it's hard to complain about it too for 18 and i like the drop point on it too i mean it's just it's really well done it came out exceptionally sharp uh considering i mean it's actually pretty good couple of the tools that i really like first of all the the full dimensional phillips is one that i do like i like the fact that it has the little uh hook cutter and the package opener screwdrivers are kind of a given i could probably do without the can opener i would rather have a good awl in place of that can opener because you know you just got so many things that have cane openers on them but one thing i do really like about this is that diamond file and the file combination they seem to work pretty well the the crosscut file could be made just a little bit better but it doesn't do too bad of a job the diamond file is actually kind of impressive i was i was really thinking that it was really going to pull off the coating off of this but it it seems to have held on there really really well so this is the swiss tech 13 in one i'll leave some links down below if you want to pick this one up uh i wish it had a pocket clip that's if it had a pocket clip man this thing would be awesome but as it is they've done a pretty good job on this one my name is ben you've been watching the texas tool crib i appreciate you watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: TX Tool Crib
Views: 57,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everyday carry, swiss tech, multi tool, everyday carry 2020, everyday carry bag 2020, everyday carry minimalist, swiss tech pocket tool, leatherman t2, leatherman t4, leatherman free t2, leatherman free t4
Id: WFU9Wuq_5TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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