SCTV - Pepi Longsocks

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and now a special after-school presentation of the classic Bulgarian children's film Pepe long socks I did a wedding the end of school and that word is here summit last two months of fun and relaxation no he was he came fortunately when the bell rang he became so excited he jumped up and cracked the plaster on the ceiling Oh stupid Pepe he is so unusual he is always getting into trouble with his mischievous behavior we best leave him here we are wasting valuable vacation time Yosef is right we should be playing a game we can use the field behind my father's foremost let's go we could have fun without 50 large hey where is everyone well hmm hahaha ah dinnertime hello la la la oh oh cities are hot baby oh oh oh oh they're hot e e e pepe I tell you your mother used to say I'll put hair on your upper lip I am the hungry father it saddens me when you are not happy Pappy here here look Pepe haha I'm a potato ha ha ha look at that I'm update oh ha ha don't don't you get it as a joke yes Father it is very funny now as a young boy in smells I would laugh and laugh when I heard the potato joke I do not feel like laughing father not even at the potato joke Pepe you are very sad because your friends think that well your unusual they do not even ask me to play jump the weeds I should crush their heads like nuts like nuts I tell you Pepe do you remember the day of the great potato harvest the Sun was shining it was a beautiful day we were laughing and laughing ha ha laughing and laughing and then oh well then you jumped on the family ox and broke its legs and a half yes Father that was the day mother spanked me yeah you remember what you did yes Father I tossed her at the window into the woodpile let me tell you something Pepe he possessed super powers and super strength you must not allow yourself to get angry remember you had 10 classmates last year and now you have at five all right I guess I am unusual I'm go look for my friends I love much fun plane jump the weeds hey don't eat that potato baby it's good for you you will never jump that weed that one there look your foot will surely touch it oh you choked it's in shock you are about a girl everyone knows that girls can't jump the weeds like boys can come on Joe you said the girl surely I was gonna boys the weed with your sandal that really is especially over there on socks Singh look at his large frame I tell you Oh deed and his broad berth hi I brought you some leaves because you are my friends and I'm eager to play jump to which we would rather pledge out the weeds with a pair of oxen that is funny although less humorous in the potato joke hahahaha go away heavy young socks we don't want to play with you we tell you how we would frown on it yeah summer vacation is almost over uh-huh you're trying to make me angry but it will not work because you are my friends and I don't want to hurl you through the air like a hammer throw ah go away Pepe yes you look funny you've got all these things there you look really funny you have spots on your face resembling a leopard now I have no one to anger me except my father but he makes good potatoes and I'm hungry a lot at the time so I will have fun playing jump the weeds by myself now there's a weed over I go I will jump it again here on my summer vacation
Channel: SCTV
Views: 612,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepi, Longsocks, Second, City, Network, day, shorts, funny, comedy, lol, John, Candy, Rick, Moranis, Eugene, Levy, Dave, Thomas, Andrea, Martin, Catherine, O'Hara, Paul, Flaherty, John Candy (Film Actor), Joe Flaherty (TV Writer), Eugene Levy (TV Writer), Andrea Martin (Theater Actor), Rick Moranis (TV Writer), Catherine O'Hara (TV Writer), Pippi Longstocking (Film Character), parody, foreign film
Id: epLq_DAeex4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2010
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