Scrum vs Kanban | Difference between Scrum and Kanban | Scrum Master Certification | Edureka

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[Music] angel is a set of ideals and principles that serve as our non-stop Kanban and scrum are frameworks that help teams a view to the edge on principles to get stuff done hi all this is a partner from Eddie raker and in this session we are going to talk about scrum Kanban what are the similarities and most importantly what are the differences between the two now I'd like to remind you that it's easy to point out the differences between scrum and Kanban but that's just at the surface level while the practices differ the principles are largely the same both frameworks will help you build better products with fewer headaches with that said let's discuss our agenda for today so I'm going to start out with a little introduction to scrum followed by the same for Kanban then we're gonna discuss how are both of them similar then obviously the next most logical approach we are going to discuss how are both of them different then we are going to have the meat and potatoes of this session which a scrum was as Kanban and finally which one is best for you and your company also Kylie take up this time to go ahead and hit the subscribe button to never miss an update from the a Draper YouTube channel so without much ado let's get started so what is scrum now with scrum you plan just enough to start out with your project then you build your product with the minimal set of features then you test that particular product and finally you review that minimalistic product that you've just created at the end of the citation you have a potentially shippable product now then you have the same thing over and over and over and over again till finally you have a product that suits the market needs and yours now what scrum your team promises to ship some value increment of work by the end of eight sprint it is built on empiricism which basically means focusing on small increments of work that will help you learn from your customers and better inform what you do next it can address complex adaptive problems while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value each sprint is time boxed at the most of one month now scrum basically means working in a fact-based experience based and evidence based manner it implements a process of empiricism where you have transparency inspection and adaptation so that the progress of your product is based on observations of reality and not fictitious plants now scrum is used in a project where the requirement is rapidly changing this is basically to address the unpredictable nature of obstacles that you face during software development it works on a self-organizing cross-functional team principle and usually deals with the fact that conditions are likely to change quickly or most of the time the way it cannot be known in the start of the project in scrum low-level requirements are only defined at the beginning of time in this practice changes and optimizations of products requirements and processes are an integral part of the project moving on let's discuss its contemporary conv so what is conv now Kanban and Japanese literally means a billboard it was developed by Toyota in the 1950s for manufacturing but now it's been used in construction manufacture and software development as well now ideally in the most basic form your Kanban board looks something like this you have your backlogs which are similar to the backlogs that you have in scrum then you have your to-do column where you have your pending tasks then have your work in progress column and finally the work that you've completed keeping visualization and transparency as the main focus of your project development fits now like scrum Kanban encourages works to be broken down into manageable chunks and uses this board to visualize work as it progresses through the workflow Kanban limits the amount of work allowed in any one condition just the way scrum limits time now Kanban is designed to meet minimal resistance so it allows continuous small incremental and evolutionary changes to the current process it also helps to achieve improvements regarding throughput lead time and quality Kanban boards allow mushroom management of software development project work this helps team members to see work in progress and it also helps them to understand complex information like processes and risks associated to complete the work on time these boards prove effective as they help team members to become more productive by reducing the amount of workload stress that project managers and team members feel during a project lifecycle now convert software development method should be implemented if the team has a process which works fine but still needs some optimization Kanban process allows them to gradually improve all the tried-and-tested processes now let's discuss how are both of these similar to each other now how are scrum and Kanban the same now both scrum and Kanban allow for large and complex tasks to be broken down and completed efficiently both place a high value on continual improvement optimisation of work and the processes and both of them share a very similar focus on highly visible a workflow that keeps all the team members in the loop on the work in progress and what's to come now let's discuss how are both of them different now as alluded to before there are a number of differences in both of the philosophies and behind the practical application of scrum and Kanban while the individual differences are many they can be grouped mostly into three buckets shin Yuling iteration and Kevin's now scrum processes please heavy emphasis on schedule the scrum team is provided with a prioritized lists of story points that need to be completed to deliver a shippable product the team must decide how many of the points they feel can be completed within one sprint and anything outside the scope they commit to must wait for the next sprint optimally and efficients scrum team will quickly learn the capabilities over the course of several sprints and the estimates which improved to be optimized as time goes on then every two weeks are however long their sprint is the team produces a shippable product which carries out a retrospective to discuss the optimizing of the process and moves on to the next sprint this high rate of process is designed to allow for accurate estimations of workflow and effective management of multiple projects on a Kanban team there are no such required time boxes or iterations while Kanban method is I trait of in nature the continual improvement is expected to occur in an evolutionary fashion as work is continually completed the limitations pasted on various conditions in the workflow will be regulated early in 18 or an organization's use of Kanban until an optimal set of limits is arrived at to keep the flow steady and efficient with that let's move on to something you all have been waiting for scrum versus Kumbha in this module I have listed out seven key differences between scrum and Kanban now even though both scrum and Kanban strive to increase quality along with productivity and bring efficiency to the organization there are a few differences between how they function so first of all roles and responsibilities now in scrum every individual has a set role and responsibilities they're assigned the roles of a scrum master product owner team members or stakeholders where every role has its fixed responsibilities and no one ideally should play more than one role at a time Kanban does not have set rules and it provides complete flexibility in terms of individual responsibilities in the absence of roles individuals are assigned work according to the specialization or preference next you have teams and commitment now scrum teams are required to commit to a specific amount of work and it is important to identify all the tasks prioritize them and estimate the number of hours each task will take or the number of story points that is assigned to it a commitment should then be provided based on this estimate now commitment is optional for teams following condon thus teams work and the natural speed sometimes they may deliver more while other times they may deliver less in the same duration next we have addressing challenges now since scrum demands commitment any obstacles or challenges that arise need to be immediately dealt with the earlier it is done the better they can retain their momentum and deliver accordingly the work in progress in Kanban is completely transparent and so the teams can spot obstacles and bottleneck pretty easily they are thus able to avoid such obstacles or challenges and ensure a smooth flow of work types of teams now in scrum most of you might already know this cross-functional teams are necessary as they are better able to deal with any disruption that may cause a bottleneck in the process however cross-functional teams do not mean that everybody is equipped to perform every task it means that certain members of different teams should be equipped with various other important skills and utilize them as and when required instead of cross-functional teams Kanban encourages specialized teams as the workflow is intended to be used by any and all the teams involved in the project next you have focus of the now in scrum all the teams focus to collaborate and complete the tasks to produce something of the greater value now scrum encourages conducting daily scrums or stand-up meetings to educate every member of each other's responsibilities they work together and help each other to achieve their team rules in Kanban teams strive to achieve goals and reduce the amount of time to complete the entire process a reduction in the average time cycle is one of the main indicators of success here next we have iterations since scrum places heavy emphasis on it cereals new items cannot be added to ongoing light rations only when the current sprint is completed can they take on another Sprint gradually teams get adept at estimating introducing Sprint's accordingly in Kanban it is more iterative in nature due to the lack of timeframes and so new items can be continually added whenever additional capacity is available when any tasks moves from in progress stage to completed stage a new task can take its place immediately next and finally we have ownership now a sprint backlog is owned only by one team at a time as scrum encourages cross-functional teams each team has all the necessary skills to successfully complete all the tasks during the sprint now Kanban boards have no ownership they can be shared by multiple teams as everybody is dedicated to their own relevant tasks now with that I come to the end of all the seven key differences now let's discuss which one should you choose now before you reach a conclusion let me tell you that many large companies have adopted either scrum or Kanban for project management teams and companies like Apple Google Amazon are using scrum whereas some teams like Pixar Zara and Spotify have gone for Kanban now it is clear that both scrum and Kanban have their merits and it should be noted that Kanban usually works well with smaller projects whereas scrum is much more beneficial for large long-term projects it depends on the team which framework it believes in and will be best suited for achieving the end goal it is clear that both scrum and Kanban have their own merits and demerits many scrum teams use Kanban additionally as a visual process and project management tool now some teams prefer to use only scrum because of its prescriptive nature which leads to lesser ambiguity but there are many that have adopted select principles of Kanban that are useful in adding an extra layer of visibility to their projects when making a choice an individual distinction doesn't always have to be an answer because in my opinion both the frameworks are equally awesome and scrum and Kanban work best hand-in-hand with that I am closing my session thank you and have a great day ahead I hope you have enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to any rekha channel to learn more happy learning
Channel: edureka!
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, scrum vs kanban, scrum vs kanban difference, scrum vs kanban board, kanban vs agile, agile scrum vs kanban, agile framework, agile frameworks compared, agile kanban vs scrum, agile kanban and scrum, kanban and scrum, kanban and scrum together, scrum and kanban, scrum and kanban together, different agile frameworks, different agile methodologies and frameworks, scrum vs kanban comparison, scrum edureka, difference between scrum and kanban, edureka, agile methodology
Id: GLFuzBiy18o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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