Jira Training | Jira Tutorial for Beginners | Jira Course | Intellipaat

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[Music] hey guys welcome to this session by intellipaat so in this session we're going to understand about jira and how to use it the jira is a very popular planning tracking and managing tool mainly used for software development projects and before moving on with this session please subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss our upcoming videos and also leave a like if you like our content and want more of these videos so now let's take a quick glance at the agenda first we'll start off with understanding the agile process and the agile terminologies used in jira then we'll learn what are scrum rules and sprint activities after that we'll actually understand what is jira and also what we can do with it moving on we'll look into setting up your own jira dashboard once this all is done we'll learn how to use the jira features in a development environment now before we begin with the video this is to inform you guys that if you would like to have access to our study material and ppts please reach out to us in the comment section down below all right so let us begin with the agile process so agile is a software development terminology based on the agile manifesto it is a software development method uh which basically describes a time-boxed iterative approach to software development to deliver the product incrementally instead of all at once so what does that mean so let us understand that diagrammatically so say you have a software a software is generally composed of functionalities so a software is a combination of features it could be functionality one two three if the software contains of only three functionalities right so this is generally how a software is made up so for each of these functionalities to work the way they have been intended to work right the phase that we follow in agile is planning implementation testing and review so these are the four phases that are followed in the agile development method right for each of the features that are there in the software so these features could be developed concurrently simultaneously or these could be developed one after other as well it all depends on the use case but the agile process is not a linear approach so if we were to narrow it down to just one functionality we get to the review part first right so firstly we plan the software we look at all of the requirements that are there for the software we implement the code we test the code and the feature and then we basically look at the test reports and review the feasibility of that functionality within that software so based on the results of this review if the review is satisfactory yes we add the functionality to the final build or the release that we are creating currently if it's not satisfactory we go back to the drawing board to the planning phase to look at further improvements that we can make in the design or the revamp that we need for this particular feature and then the cycle carries on until we reach the point of satisfaction so this is the agile process and the agile process works out extremely well because say for instance functionality 1 has not reached the point of satisfaction but functionality 2 and 3 have so it's not exactly holding back the development life cycle we're not holding anybody back because in traditional software development methods we are usually delivering the final product to the end user but in the agile process what we are exactly doing is we're developing uh features and we're basically communicating those features uh to the client to the business that we're making that software for one by one so we're not exactly bottlenecking anything so let us understand agile terminologies now obviously in any software development life cycle there are particular terminologies that you need to understand because there are various approaches to it so in agile firstly uh we need to understand what we are trying to achieve so in order to describe what we are exactly trying to achieve after we talk to our client uh when we are basically taking the requirements from the client and the client is describing to us what kind of software he wants and what is his business requirements and everything so essentially the first component that we create in agile is an epic right so the epic is an abstract view of what we exactly need right and then uh to achieve that epic in the technical aspect of things right we start to get into what is required to achieve that epic right so even this in an abstract form we refer to it as stories so we break the epic down into the features that are required to fulfill that epic right and to fulfill those features we create stories so these could be sub components of the feature or of the epic right so these are still in a sort of non-technical format we are not exactly describing the technical constraints within these stories so since these stories are generally non-technical in nature how do we describe the technical aspects of things so that the development team can work on it right so for that we require tasks so tasks required to fulfill those requirements and these are the final sub components in the agile sort of hierarchy that we have which basically describes the sprint life cycle and the scrum life cycle and how developers take their approach to development so within jira we make frequent use of these sub components known as epic story and task when we get to the hands-on section we will understand how to use them for now let us understand scrum rules right in order to achieve software development using the agile methodology we use scrum so essentially agile and scrum go hand in hand and scrum essentially describes the hierarchy of employees that are working for a software development company and how they operate to achieve agile development so firstly we have the product owner right so this person doesn't exactly own the software but this person owns the project and is responsible for the successful completion of the project so the first and foremost job of the product owner is understanding the requirements of the customer so uh in a meeting when the customer comes in to the company and lays out what the customer wants and what are his business needs the product owner is sitting and noting everything down and understanding what the customer requires the job of the product owner is to have a thorough discussion with the customer and clearly understand what the customer wants uh the product owner also has to document what the customer wants in the form of epics and convey that information to the development team right the product owner maintains the product backlog which is the most important role so the product owner has to track what status the software is currently in right so the product owner first defines all of the features that are required uh in according to the business and then based on those features the product owner will maintain a product backlog then the scrum master and the development team will pick up points from the product backlog and start working on it the other crucial aspect of the product owner's job is release management so if the software is being released on a version basis the product owner has to keep track of that then we have the scrum master so when we get into the actual scrum methodology where developers are following agile it is the job of the scrum master to glue everything together to basically serve as an intermediary between the product owner and the development team now the central job of a scrum master is to ensure that scrum methodologies are being followed by the development team the scrum master also has to ensure that they are breaking down the stories or epics into tasks appropriately scrum master will also manage backlog and will ensure completion of work in the said amount of time and he also has to ensure that there is a certain amount of transparency between the product owner and the other stakeholders and the development team and then finally we have the most important aspect of any software development lifecycle which is the development team in this case the scrum team so this consists of software developers and quality insurance people the main work of the scrum team is to break down the work into sub tasks and finish those sub tasks in the cell amount of time so the scrum team works on the agile methodology which is planning implementation testing and uh preliminary reviewing of goals so they will test the software and see if it is matching the quality that is needed if it is matching the acceptance criteria and then they will ensure timely delivery with the quality assurance based on how they assess the final product and then they will communicate their progress and the final product with the scrum master and if it is required with the stakeholder and the product owner as well so we have three components in the scrum environment uh which include the product owner scrum master and the scrum team so let us look at an example the product owner will talk to the client and create a backlog of features that are required in the software and based on those features the product owner will create an epic for instance let us imagine an epic where the product owner is saying as a customer i want to be able to pay for my orders through online wallets so this is an epic this is an abstract of what the client may want right now the scrum master will teach and ensure that scrum practices are followed by the development team right and the scrum team has to learn these scrum practices and be adept at following them right now the next thing that happens is based on those scrum practices and based on the guidance of the scrum master the scrum team will break this epic down into stories right so this particular epic can be broken down into two particular stories so say for instance we want to add two online wallet methodologies so for the first online wallet we have paypal and for the second we have paytm so as a customer i want to be able to pay for my order through paypal and as a customer i want to be able to pay for my order through paytm so these are these two stories that need to be completed now after the epic has been broken down into stories the scrum team has to break that story down into technical tasks that are achieved in software development right so these stories can be broken down into add a pay through online wallet option so up until now we may have had a credit card option a net banking option now we are adding a online wallet option the second task would be to integrate this payment option with the paypal api and the third task would be to integrate this payment option with the paytm api right so this is the entirety of the hierarchy that we are following currently right so this is how scrum works and this is what scrum roles are sprint activities so in agile scrum software development we're not exactly creating long time windows of development we are dividing these epics into stories and we're dividing those stories into subtasks now these tasks are miniature in nature and they need to be completed within a short time frame and this short time frame this work that is done in that short time frame is called a sprint and that is what makes this method so efficient because by ensuring the timely delivery of small features we are also ensuring the timely delivery of the software at a larger scale as well so here we have an example of a scrum board which is basically describing a sprint activity so for instance from the previous example we have our stories right which we have narrowed down in the stories column and we have a to do column we have an in progress column we have a testing column and we have a done column right so in the to do column we'll have the features that we have currently not started with yet in the in progress whatever we are currently working on that will be displayed over there and in the testing will have the feature that is being currently tested so these are the tasks that were derived out of these stories and we can currently see their status over here once they are completed they will fall in the done section so once they are in the done section we can understand the exact meaning of a sprint so a sprint is generally between one to four weeks that is the general trend that is followed in the scrum activity cycle and then we also have to understand that there are daily 15 minute meetings at the beginning of the day usually which basically are used to recap what happened on the previous day for each of the member in the team and what they worked on it is also used to define the present day goals as well so now that we understand agile and we understand scrum and we understand what a sprint is what is jira and why are we using it right so firstly uh we need to understand that jira is a project management tool that is based on the same fundamental principle which is the foundation of agile right it is also an issue tracker which has been developed by the uh corporation known as atlassian so the primary two things that jira is known for is the feature of bucktracking and agile project management right so we already understand what agile project management is so we need to understand why we would use jira in the first place for this why can't we manage it manually right so for instance uh it is an all-in-one solution for multiple software and team related use cases so even if you're not working in an agile team or a scrum team jira is still a solution for your other business perspectives as well it is a very good tool for employee management for the following reasons it helps you create backlogs so whatever tasks you have whether you're working within a software development environment or not you can easily create backlogs within it then you can create sprints if you're working in an agile environment then you can create tasks you can update the status of these tasks whether they are epics stories or actual tasks then you can manage multiple releases so if you are specifically working for a software and that software has multiple releases jira has the feature to manage multiple releases at once and then you have code integration so jira can easily be connected to your favorite uh code repository whatever your organization is using to better manage code as well so these are the features of jira and finally we have managing workflows so based on the workflow that your particular organization follows you can use that for your development cycle or your issue management cycle as well and you also have the option of creating your own workflow or downloading third-party workflows that may work better for your use case so this is why people like to use jira the primary advantage is that you can integrate it very easily with third-party applications as well and because of how convenient it makes the process of software development and project management so let us understand how to set up your own jira dashboard how to manage your own team and how to get started with your agile project management and we will also discuss the other features of jira as well now before we begin with the hands-on section if you haven't liked this video by now be sure to like it and if you would like the ppt of what we just discussed you can contact us in the comment section down below we will be sure to get back to you let's talk about setting up jira for your organization so the first thing obviously after you've put in your email and opted for a version of jira you would be redirected to this page where you have to enter your organization's name or your website's name right so you can essentially type anything over here and as long as it is followed by dot atlassian.net it will be fine you can log into your terminal so firstly i'll type in something like intellipath 1 and then we're simply going to click on continue so once we have clicked on continue and over here you can select what type of team you're working in currently so if you're working in customer service you can click on that if you're working in software development you can click on that so i currently click on that right uh you can click on other things as well as to what sort of job role you have currently right so you can click on any of that but for now i will be skipping this question because we don't need that you can skip all of these things and you can simply configure it from the actual ui itself you don't need to necessarily give any details over here so you click on skip question right so once you have done that then you can simply start inviting your team for starters i currently do not have any members in my team so i can simply enter their email addresses and an invite would be sent to them so that they can join my team and from then on uh we can assign them work right so for instance i can add some email over here so for instance i'm going to enter here in telepath sample 1 at the rate gmail.com and then i'll click on next you can add other members as well and you can give anyone the option to invite other people as well to this particular organization so i'll click on next now over here you'll get two options whether you are new to jira or your experience with jira so if you've had some prior jira training before you can go with experience with i'll go to new to jira and then you can either select if your team is new to agile methodologies which is something that jira follows or it is something that your team is experienced with right so i'll simply click on experience with we spend our time working on so we can select what kind of purpose we are fulfilling so i simply write features and then we have a diet or a flexible schedule to finish our work we can simply select tight here right so depending on your work and depending on your use case you can select all of that right and now we can select a template as to how our ui will look like so i'll simply click on scrum right i'll create a project name so let us try to create a project name first i'll just call this feature underscore payment right and the key for this which is something that we will refer to this project by is fb that is fine by me right and i'll click on create right so currently i am inside the project feature payment right and i have all of these options available to me so let's go ahead and look at the left hand side so we have the options such as backlog active sprints so we'll click on backlog and then we will create our epic so i will just bring up the epic that we were discussing in the presentation earlier on so this includes the as a customer i want to be able to pay for my orders through online wallets right so i have the option to create an epic right over here i'll click on that and i'll just name this epic something so let us call this online underscore wallet underscore 0 1 and in the summary we can add the description of it so i'll just simply copy this and put it over here and then i'll click on create so we have currently created an epic right so within this epic we can add stories as we had discussed earlier on as well so there are multiple ways you can do that there is a create issue option that you have right over here so you have the option of using this to create your stories alternatively you can simply look on the left hand side and look at this option over here which is create issue in epic so we currently have our epic created right and we can create our story within that itself so within this we can declare the issue type so currently our issue type is a story right and within the story we have our summary as well so we'll just simply bring that up so the first story that we have is as a customer i want to be able to be so i'll select as a customer i want to be able to pay for my orders through paypal i'll copy that and put that over here in the summary section and i can add custom components within it so whatever components i create in my project i can attach those components in the story and i can attach some documentation if i need to to further describe what i want in my story and i can describe it further as well with regards to any business or technical details that need to be added for that story right so if i scroll downwards i can also assign the story to a particular team member right i can also assign a priority and here we have the option of an epic link so that is not currently available because it is automatically linked to the online wallet epic if you create the story separately then you will get the option to select the epic that you want to attach it to right and then i'll simply click on create right so within this epic which is online wallet one i have successfully attached the first story right so similarly i'll attach the second story as well which is for ptm and we have two stories which are successfully available in this epic so we have our stories ready and available now we need to create some sub tasks that are going to be associated to these stories right so to get started with work we will create a sprint so here is our create sprint button we'll click on that and it will create a default sprint called fpsprint1 you can go to the triple dot button over here to change the name of the sprint if you would like from fpsprint1 to something else so when you want to add stories to your sprint it is as simple as dragging the story and dropping it within the sprint so we will drag both of our stories within the sprint now that we have successfully created our sprint we need to start it as well for it to appear in the active sprint section so we will click on this button which is start sprint so we have our sprint name over here we can change the sprint name from this section as well and we can provide a duration in which we expect the sprint to be completed so generally it is from one to four weeks as we discussed we can go with two weeks as it is a safe bet and then we can essentially write a sprint goal if we would like and we can also go for custom timings if we want a custom end date we will go over two weeks for now and we can write something like we need to add payment methods or something like that so that is our sprint goal right and we will click on start so once we click on start we are automatically redirected to the active sprint section and within the active sprint section we can see our user stories which is as a customer i want to be able to pay through paytm and through paypal right now we need to add the sub tasks that are associated to these sprints so these are the subtasks right so firstly i will add this section over here click on this sprint and here we can add some story points to the sprint right so uh for every particular feature that you have you can add certain amount of story points and that essentially tells you what sort of weightage it has in the software development life cycle whether it is a quantitative task or not whether it will take a long time or not right so depending on how heavy this feature is we'll add a story point so here i'll just add a story point of 3 and since we're dealing with a similar feature on the other side as well which is on paypal i'll add a story point of three as well right and uh the other thing that we can do is once we have created our stories we can add assignees to our story which is basically the owner of that story the person who is going to be managing that story and ensuring that it is completed within the set amount of time so within the assignee section i can simply click and add any of the team members that i have added in my project so i'll add in telepathworker and that would be it i'll add intellipath worker to this one as well and add the story point of 3 now to create our subtasks so for this one i'll open it up and here we have the option of create subtask so i'll click on that right and it asks me uh what needs to be done so for that i'll simply copy paste the first option which is add paper wallet and paste it over here and click on create so that is the first sub-task of the story and the second sub-task would be to add the paypal or the ptm option actually for this one and we'll click on create right so we have added our two tasks and then we can close this one and we can add two sub tasks to this story as well so this one goes for this one we'll click on create and second is add the paypal api and we'll add that as well so we have added two successful subtasks to this particular story as well right and we can click on cross now so that it is saved so we have our two stories in the to do section with two subtasks each so keep in mind that you're not exactly expected to add tasks like this all the time you can add them directly as well so if you go to the backlog section over here and you look at the plus icon that you have over here once you click on that we have this little icon drop down so within this we have three options story task and bug we can go with task directly as well and we can then specify what task needs to be done say i want to add a debit card and i want to create that task i'll simply click on this triple dot over here so that i can elaborate on this task i can attach any documentation i want any description i want attach the person that i want to associate this task to which is intellipaat worker i can attach the epic link as well so in this case it is online wallet fp2 and then we can attach the sprint as well the current sprint that we have created is fpsprint1 so it makes it really convenient for us once we click on create it will automatically get assigned within that sprint as we can see so once we go back in the active sprint section other than the two sub tasks for each of the story that is available already we have a separate task as well which is a add a debit card option so we can further specify the constraints for this one as well the other great thing about it is that you can create subtasks within this task as well so you're not limited to the traditional story to a task architecture that scrum usually follows you can manipulate it a little bit according to your own use case we had also discussed that jira is a bug tracking software as well so say uh within the software development lifecycle you're trying to implement a feature that feature is not working out in the testing phase even though the application is working correctly so that potentially becomes a bug that you need to solve as a developer right so bugs are handled separately in jira you can create an issue for a bug and within this you have options so there are multiple options as we discussed tasks earlier on we can also create a bug right so say for instance a gpa api not integrating so this is a potential bug that is preventing users from being able to use a tool like gpa to be able to essentially conduct their transactions right so i'll simply click on the triple dot option over here it works in the same way as a task does we can provide the summary we can provide the description we can provide the exact component of the software that it is related to and then further on we can assign a worker to it right and we can attach an epic link to it we can attach a sprint to it as well and then we can click on create right so we have currently we have two stories with two subtasks each uh one task and one bug in our sprint that need to be resolved so here we can see the entirety of the sprint details we can look at each task see what is currently pending what is in progress and what is done and if you're dwelling into much more complex project issues you can simply go to the components and create the sub components of the project by creating component right you can name a component anything for instance we can add a login component over here and description helps users log in we can assign a lead for that if we have anything so we can simply search for the people that we have in our organization so for instance we can assign and telepath worker to that and we can click on save right so when we do that uh we have a component available over here and then we move on from the component section to the code sections for instance if you have any online code repository like pet bucket github or gitlab you have easy integration options available here right you can use bitbucket you can use the other services like github you can connect to the other providers right and you can install the services needed for you to automate your workflow so you can simply go ahead and add this particular extension which is github for jira if you want to integrate with github and then we have releases so whatever project you're working on whatever versions that project has you can simply track that over here so currently if you're working on a particular project version you can create that version and then you can subsection that in the work log you can also go to the project settings and customize your own workflows so if you go to the workflows options in the project settings you will have this particular option over here which says software simplified workflow for project fb right you can add other workflows as well so we can add existing workflows that are available so we can simply wait for this loading to happen so currently this is the builds workflow that is there right and if we go to the jira workflow option we have this option available over here which says the project opens and then we have other options which says the issue is closed or if the issue goes into progress and then you have the jira workflow and you have classic default workflow so these workflows essentially refer to how you're going to resolve your issues and how they can be reopened in the case of any further complications that arise from it so these are the workflows that you can use that are currently there and say if you want to add a workflow that is not there you want to simply go to search for workflows and get any other additional module that you can get from the marketplace now there is the task of time tracking for instance so if you want to time track your employees depending on what sort of work they're doing so basically you can go to the time tracking feature over here so if your employee has a target based approach to working or if the task that has been given to the employee is target based then time tracking would not be necessary but if your employee has to do quantitative work then time tracking may be necessary so you have your default time tracking provider which is the jira provided time tracking right and then you can customize all of these options from over here by going to the edit global settings option right from over here you can select how many hours you want to allocate for employees per day how many working days essentially and then you can see over here how they would see the time that is being displayed and how you would see the time of how much they have worked in that particular day right and then you can simply click on save say you have multiple employees in your organization and you want to create teams you can go to the people's option and click on start a team right so you can name the team anything so we can call this the front end team and click on start team right and then you can simply click on people again and then you'll have access to the members of that team so if i simply open the front and team right here we can add people to the stream so if i want to add someone like in telepath worker i can add that particular person to the team and you can add as many people as you would like in that team depending on the subscription that you have so with the free subscription you only get to add 10 members in your organization you need to go for the premium one if you want to add more right so here we can add particular links that are relevant to the stream they can share they can talk with each other through these links and you can see what they are working on currently okay guys we've come to the end of this session i hope this session was helpful and tomato for you if you have any doubts leave a comment below and we loud to help you out thank you guys meet you in another session
Channel: Intellipaat
Views: 391,922
Rating: 4.9322267 out of 5
Keywords: jira training, jira tutorial for beginners, jira tutorial, what is jira, what is jira software, what is jira tool, what is jira and how to use it, jira, jira tool tutorial for beginners, jira basic tutorial, what is jira tool and how it works, jira software, jira (software), jira basic concepts, introduction to jira, jira basics, jira agile, jira for beginners youtube, how to use jira for beginners, jira for beginners, intellipaat jira
Id: uM_m6EzMg3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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