Scrum and Agile Planning with Project 2013

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hello everyone welcome to the microsoft webinar on scrum and agile planning with project ppm my name is tim runcie today and i will be your basically instructor slash tutor guide we will have an educational session here with some live demos and we definitely will be taking some questions with me today uh helping to field some of those questions we have cindy lewis who's also a project mvp and i want to thank her for also attending but welcome everyone our goal today really is to help introduce to you the opportunity to leverage project in a ppm fashion for project program and portfolio management but also looking specifically about the ability with scrum and agile planning so in many cases we see quite a few conversations around this around different types of tools and techniques and i'll be digging into that a little bit today as well so for those that are just joining again welcome uh my name is tim runcie and one of the things let me tell you a little bit about myself as we get started i am a 20-year veteran of using project probably more than 20 years now started back in 1990 well actually started in 1988 in the first dos version and began teaching and using it specifically in the windows version for project and construction management so work directly with as an mvp supporting the project engineering group and i've been working across all different business sectors using project and different types of ppm technologies so today i'm very pleased to talk about our topic and really maybe help educate you specifically around key functions and capabilities that you can build into project i work for a company called advisor con and we're a project program and portfolio management company that specializes in teaching consulting and then helping people find how to blend technology to grow their project management culture written lots of books and i'm sure some of you may have seen me present in other webinars but i welcome everyone today and i'm hoping that you'll get a chance to take a look at certainly project 2013 if you haven't seen that as well as project online i wanted to kind of give a taste of both in terms of addressing our ability to work specifically in scrum or agile type of environments so without much further ado let's go ahead and dig in and talk about how to make this work for you guys and what we do before i do that i want to give a big plug out to the microsoft project conference it's been a few years since we've had this and so coming up actually on february 2nd through the 5th down in anaheim california they're going to have the project conference and there's quite a special series of events and speakers that are going to come in it's kind of an all-star cast myself some of my colleagues even cindy will be speaking and presenting but this again as i mentioned uh hasn't been on for a couple years so you're going to see a lot of good conversation around existing implementations of project certainly strap even agile will be some other dimensions around being working specifically to present the integration of project with other systems i'll talk a little bit about that because i know a lot of times as we get into development environments or agile iterations or things that may or may not sit inside of a waterfall environment that this is a great watering hole to come meet partners colleagues meet the engineering team and take advantage of that also for you as we go forward there's a basically a new discount coupon so there is a 10 discount if you use the partner code or actually the registration code for this event called pc ssp 10 and again it'll be at the ms this does expire january 15th so if you have a chance to go out and find out if you can go we'd love to see you there and definitely take advantage of this discount offer very helpful especially as we get going into registering and having quite a big turnout okay um i know a lot of you guys asked about scratch scrum and agile and different types of methodology approaches and so this conversation in our webinar today is really going to be designed to help maybe answer some of those as well as provide some good feedback as a side note we are have the opportunity certainly to get in and take a look at for those of you that attend the ability to get pdus for this so i know sometimes people are asking and then i will be showcasing a series of files and i just want to let everyone know that if you are interested i will be happy to send those files to you i'd like people to really take a look at not only building their own agile scrum environment and project but sometimes it's helpful to have a prototype to work with so we're going to talk about the methodologies dealing specifically both agile scrum waterfall a few things like that i don't want to spend a lot of time there i want to spend my time in the tool and of course we'll talk about the technology with project ppm and ppm again project program and portfolio management so it's not just localized to a desktop tool but also thinking in terms of an enterprise approach so we'll also think through some of the moving parts of scrum and agile which will lead into the building i'm actually going to show you different views we'll also be getting into how i built them so that you guys can actually replicate this on your own and be able to leverage and use that i'll also go into a project online in fact i'm going to go to the online tenant that microsoft has i'm going to show you just quick and easy that is as well as well just kind of showcasing this and then in between some of the buildings i'm going to do some q a and do a recap for everyone so our goal is to make sure we have a rich environment for us to work with now i'm not a sucker so i'm not going to put the pdus up front but if you stick around towards the end of the session i will definitely bring up that slide and the registration login that you need to do to get those so looking forward to good questions and feel free to post those as we go through again as i mentioned we'll have some q a time as we go forward so let's start first of all with understanding what we call the structured approaches in building schedules so if you think in terms of project and its use as a tool we hear people talking about demand planning capacity planning resource capability planning you'll see a lot of different conversations and then we see many times terms or conversations come up around different methodologies so the term waterfall or we can talk about the pmbok approach or prince2 which as you can look here on the screen we talk about from a pmbok approach we have initiate plan execute control close out very common methodology certainly here in north america central and south america prince2 is certainly strong in in southern basically in south america europe and other areas but again looking at a phased life cycle where we have a series of start plan initiate the project controlling stages you might even hear terms where people talk about rational or rational unifies process and i'll talk a little bit more about that but all these approaches are really designed to think through how we're dealing with demand and that's going to be an important principle in looking at agile or scrum or waterfall planning is really how do we deal with demand now the last bullet item i have here is the gerd method and people go tim what is gerd and that is simply what we find most everywhere is the get or done approach so whether you're building schedules with a methodology whether you're not building it with a methodology in many cases people are mapping and tracking what we call the demand for work and work activities okay so now digging a little bit deeper why don't we use a waterfall all the time or if a methodology is so great why don't we zero in and leverage you know one silver bullet for uh different approaches and so let's talk about that just for a minute if we think in terms of kind of what we call a standard or a phased life cycle approach really in an organization in many cases it becomes a little bit more formal there's process involved in doing this there's planning there might be documentation that needs to be clearly put together and as we leverage what we call scrum and agile in fact if you think about agile in general agile is more of an umbrella there are many different types of agile methodologies and of course scrum is a very common one that we see today and i'll be talking about that one specifically but if we think of an agile or a more iterative psychical approach we find that there are uses for this that actually help in terms of delivering value managing tasks details hence the demand and even resource assignments directly so in most cases you can deal with complex to rapidly changing requirements especially if you think about from a technology or an i t or a development platform in many cases we're not building a house we're not engineering you know a road it's not something that we've done for 50 60 years it's not something that is standard and there's 400 page you know government's documents that go through that in many cases there's requirements that will unfold and it's something that hasn't been done before and so in today's day and age we also run into a place where with the economy kind of going up and down depending on what industry in that we have to do more with less so we approach delivering value in a lean fashion the idea is trying to deliver more with less in a shorter period of time versus maybe a more formal structured approach of putting it together again the idea from an agile or a scrum approach is we've got adaptive and real-time solutions meaning that we're moving to a prototype we're kind of showcasing value as quickly and as early on and of course there's fast iterations the idea is that we're producing a product a prototype we're getting it from the customer it may be that it's exactly what they described in a requirement but when they see it oh that's really not going to work so instead of waiting a long period of time to deliver something and then having it not meet the value of a stakeholder the idea is that we have short iterations we'll talk about sprints where the idea is that you're producing something in a short period of time again getting to higher quality or work done and then of course super sized accountability meaning that you have high interaction people know what's going on there's no guesswork there's nothing going on that says hey i have to wait four weeks before i actually can see something and then in terms of firefighting we get into a place where in many cases problems or issues will crop up and the idea is that within a matrix organization instead of begging borrowing stealing resources you have kind of an iterative or a dedicated team now the big question is how do we translate some of this directly into project so we think about some of the methodologies you'll see some terminology here where we talk about complex adaptive systems meaning that we're tracking things that are complex but yet it needs to have a highly adaptive or highly iterative uh way of managing that and so when people think about microsoft project they're typing in rows they're creating links and dependencies they're establishing durations and deadlines and perhaps kind of creating a more of an architectural structure and so you would think that this wouldn't work in terms of having a very agile or an iterative process in a scheduling technology and i'm here today to tell you that it is absolutely false whether you're doing extreme extreme programming lean development rapid application development joint rapid application development the idea is to think clearly and simply about how we want to track the demand does everything need to live and breathe inside of microsoft project as a scheduled perspective or is it something that we can say look i've got the value from a planning a work effort and a deliverables perspective but i don't necessarily need to have every 15 minutes a task written down so i describe this in terms of managing an approach with project is if you're managing a handful of bbs it's so much more difficult than managing a handful of pebbles and if we think in terms of stakeholders what we're looking at doing is trying to create the value-based environment that gives us the most bang for buck so we see scrum in fact this probably would just be a whole sea of text but i've seen scrum used successfully at just about every organization we work with i've also seen scrum used unsuccessfully at many different organizations so it is important that we find a balance and i'll talk about pitfalls and avoidance with project as we put that together so whether it's large companies that are using this or certainly using it for in-house development contract fixed price handheld mobile apps basically this agile iterative process is something that can be leveraged in lots of places now if everyone will take a quick look at my screen here and i've got it at the very bottom where it talks about construction let me see if i can do a quick zoom here and i'm hoping everyone can see this but people go well construction typically is more formal but coming out of the construction industry i will tell you that whether they do call it scrum or if they have chickens or pigs or they don't ever describe that is that in many cases if we have a lot of iterative activities that we want to plan manage and track if you look at a construction crew first thing in the morning they huddle around the burn barrel what are you working on what do you need help with what you need to do and then they split up and go work on their task so the value proposition of leveraging a scrum or a more agile approach with project again will be back to that demand discussion that we were talking about so as we get in and looking specifically at something called the agile manifesto and i want to talk about this just briefly because i think this is important for us to be thinking about when we build schedules and project what is the value of what level of detail do we need to track so we talk at a high level thinking through the agile manifesto here the idea is that uncovering a better way to develop software i would scratch software and say we're delivering a solution to a customer is that the emphasis is on individuals and interactions over process and tools we want to have a working solution typically in software versus comprehensive documentation again high customer collaboration i kind of chuckle around customer collaboration because i've seen people will implement kind of a scrum process but they fail to involve the customer and that is one of the secret ingredients is that in many cases you want to have that show and tell high interaction with your customer to make that work and if that's something that we want to track and manage and deal with our presentations we certainly would want to see that broken down in a schedule with resource assignments but overall the idea is that we're trying to necessarily create value and value as quickly and as efficiently as possible so you'll hear people talk about terms and maybe you've been in an organization where somebody will come in with the next silver bullet methodology and if you take a look at my screen here let me just kind of zoom it hopefully you guys can see this but you see two pilots and they're flying merrily turning around for a picture and of course if you look closely in the middle smack dab in the center is an oncoming plane so i don't want us to miss the value of delivering good scheduling with project or project online in order to focus on the methodology and so the idea is that there needs to be a balance everyone uses tools and everyone does projects they don't necessarily put those two together and so our goal will be to ensure that you've got an opportunity to work with that so couple dangers in terms of an agile approach again think about reinventing the wheel if we're going to build a good schedule template or something that we can work with the idea is that we're in a position where we are able to see the value and that we're not necessarily having to re-type all the same pieces in fact you might have an organization where you do have some sort of a time boxing where your senior executives are thinking through high-level roll-ups but yet your development teams are working in an agile environment and so we want to ensure that we aren't losing sight of the prize what is that timeline what are our deadlines we certainly want to put in the ability to have documentation and if you're using project online you can certainly use the balance of sharepoint to upload your documentation or task notes but the idea is that there's always one central version of the truth and people spend less and less time in the schedule and more and more time collaborating via the sharepoint workspace is set up assigned to that project and again another value is that in many cases in an agile approach people forget to capture metrics so we'll talk about story points which you're going to see here in just a minute and the idea is that we want to track some level of detail so that we can see how we're doing how we can mature in the process the product that we're working on now i mentioned my background was in construction and so i actually had a construction company which i worked across all over the us then i worked for the u.s navy as a cb and we had a phrase that we called it there which is if we talk about benefits we called it semper gumby and if you've ever dealt with the marine corps they talk about semper fidelis which is always faithful well semper gumbi is always flexible and so if we're going to do a good schedule and we want to present and provide that opportunity for us to manage and track details but yet be flexible in terms of the level of detail and this is going to be important for us to continue to build these in and have results oriented focus all right enough of the lecture part let's dig into project so i'm going to share my screen here and we're going to kind of go through a little bit of a tour let me allow this to show up and then will somebody validate that we've got a good screen share going on here okay excellent so if you can see my screen uh what i'm going to do is do a quick zoom test i want to make sure if i need to zero in sometimes depending on your monitor or what you see it might be small but i'm able to come in here and kind of zoom a little bit more in detail inherently if we look at a project and i'm just going to start with an agile schedule or what we call a scrum schedule and to find some of the pieces that we're going through it's really important to understand what are the elements that make a good successful project schedule dealing with uh more of an agile or a sprint or a scrum approach here so what i've done is i've kind of narrowed a list of tasks and i've got a schedule in place for us to take a peek at so as i review some of that information the idea is that in fact let me just zoom here before i start typing is that we're in a position where we're organizing in a series of sprints so the idea certainly from a scrum perspective is that you have short working huddles if you think about the terminology of scrum coming from rugby where a group of guys or gals get together and they push really hard a short period of time to try and move the ball forward a sprint is designed for us to have a series of activities that we need to accomplish as we begin to look at the value of what we're trying to accomplish there we'll define that based upon customer need so in many cases remember the whole idea of a agile process is that we're looking to have good value showcasing early on what is that priority and you really do need to have your customers setting that so in many cases we call it the product owner where they'll come in and define hey this is a high priority and that feature or feature set or some people call it a user story is defined and we're clearly trying to figure out what we need to do and when we can get that done so a core ingredient is thinking in terms of how to organize a series of iterations and you can see what i've done here is i've basically took an agile component i created a summary task then what i did is i broke it down into a series of sprints and usually the idea sprints are anywhere from one in some cases up to four weeks we have customers that kind of range between the two but inherently the idea is that we basically can have a short period of time to produce value we're going to track and plan and manage what we're working on so let me continue with the database structure which is really what i'm leading into is if we think in terms of effort in many cases development teams or technical teams really struggle in terms of trying to figure out what is the level of effort or how many hours will something take and if you think about something you've never done before and you have to kind of guesstimate putting an hour on it seems a little risky and certainly from a management perspective everybody wants to hold some accountability so technical teams or development teams sometimes struggle with that so organizations in fact if you think in terms of sprint they'll talk about something called story points and whether you call it story points or you have other flavors or names for this the idea is that we're looking at the level of complexity and the complexity behind delivering a feature or a user story or a task or deliverable is that we're trying to figure out how much time will that take usually that does have some correlation which it might tie back into hours so i might see that there might be a one for one correlation early on between my hours and then certainly i might have a variation between that but overall the idea is that a story point helps you to define the complexity we have customers that we work with that especially in the retail manufacturing they actually go with shirt sizes so they go hey this is a small it's a medium it's a large it's an extra large and so they'll quantify something where they can begin to look at how many points or what is the size and as they begin planning and successfully rolling out one sprint to another they can figure out how many story points they can actually accomplish which might translate to hours or the number of resources whether dedicated or non-dedicated to a task continuing this discussion if we think in terms of setting up a good sprint or an agile schedule here is i like to track the state so in many cases if it's a three-week or four-week sprint you can have these ongoing activities but establishing a field that says is it done is it not started is it in progress you know where is that out is going to give us some very beneficial views as well as some business intelligence that we have in project 2013 to help us really showcase the value of things that are done not done and then what did it take what is that burn down that it took to deliver another key element here is i've added the sprint now again we can see it in an outline structure that have a sprint but by adding a field here which i'm going to talk about how to build these where i can put in the actual sprint that a feature or a task or a milestone is being worked on allows us another way to sort and group now the term backlog for those of you that are not familiar with this again some of you may get we talk about sprint backlogs and then the overall product backlog but the idea is that the backlog is kind of the parking lot it's something that's kind of out there we haven't planned when we need to start it i need to hold that in reserves and if we've got some bandwidth maybe we can go the backlog and pull something off there sweep that into a sprint to see what we're working on and the idea is inherently i've got some fields that help me manage that i've laid this down where i put the backlog down below here and let me showcase another feature in a successful schedule that will help you in terms of the backlog so remember we might know who is going to do it we may have assigned resources specifically to this and so whether it's a generic resource or a person's name we have people that we can assign to that but one of the things that will make a good successful backlog if you're building an agile sprint schedule is when you take your tasks notice i don't have these sitting at the beginning of my project schedule like most default paths are so if i double click on a feature which inherently is something that we are going to try and work or build again as i mentioned sometimes they're called user stories and i click on the advanced tab i'm setting the constraint type for these activities to what's called as late as possible meaning that the hours the effort and the assignment of this is sitting at the very end of the project and we're not looking at this being front loaded meaning that when you type a new task it slips to the beginning of the schedule these are on the backlog it is not part of our sprints it's not part of the iteration that we're going through and so these tasks will simply slide to the end of wherever the phases or that particular schedule that we have set up when you do bring a task for example if we decide to grab feature 11 here and i'm just literally going to drag and drop that right into sprint 3 is i might want to create a predecessor successor relationship i may not have a predecessor success relationship and so what i might do is say look i'm just working in this environment i'm just using this as a manually scheduled activity and i can drag and move this around wherever i need it to go but inherently the idea is that i'm simply managing work and features and as i add that i don't know if you saw that but when i've added these fields my user basically we get into our story points let's see if we can see it there yep added up because it's a numeric field so i'm looking at a roll up of numbers specifically around that so i can say hey look we roughly can get about 20 maybe 30 between 20 and 30 no more than 30 uh basically story points in a sprint here's what we're going to try and do we're going to grab feature 11 move it in but if you have it that is auto scheduled remember this task is going to move to the end of either the phase or basically the outline summary activity you'll need to come back in here and just change that either to as soon as possible or establish your dependencies but a lot of times people will put a backlog and then what they'll see in terms of moving those objects around is that as they bring the task to bear they'll find that a lot of these are sitting at the early part of the schedule which skews the hours of work that's remaining to be done so with this in mind i'd like to just kind of go into a little bit about our overall project meaning that we've got a good view we've got some pieces that we've built here and in terms of us setting up basically the idea of what we've built and assembled let me show you how to build these fields together so first of all i'm just going to right click on the customer need column header here and i'm going to go into what's called custom fields the value is that in project professional or if you're using project pro for office 365 which is kind of streaming you didn't need to install it and you pay a month-to-month subscription is that you can pick a text field you have number fields but we can come in and create basically a name column that says here's what it is it's a customer name and i don't want to type this in i want to draw from a lookup and so you can set your priorities low medium high come in here and put in extra high or you can say it's small medium and large or xx large the idea is that i have a drop down that i can leverage working as i put these together so if i add this directly to this view and either i set default value which is hey most everything comes in at medium priority i can click on that set as default and then as i add new features or tasks this will automatically fill in as i do that without having to manually type that in these activities allow us to come in and what's important here is to add this in terms of a drop down and let me zoom that so we can all see it but inherently we've got a great looking view that allows us to standardize the metrics that we pull inside of here for those of you that are going to be working with project online or project server i i'll talk about this a little bit more but having a lookup table allows your data to roll into your olap cubes or if you're going to talk about creating you know a good business intelligences we want to make sure we share this information in as many places as possible again making sure those values are in place let me continue with the story points field and again this is a little bit easier but it has a little bit of a nuance that a lot of people forget so when i go into story points you'll notice that i can create you know flavors or numbers of those i would rename it but if i come in i just chose a number field i also told and this is the important part that for calculation to summary rows i want it to use either a formula or to sum up the numbers so remember as we moved half in or we changed the numbers we want that to roll up to a summary task which is important now i haven't checked this box here but i'm going to talk about this briefly and again for my development team they're always hounding the the project schedulers and the senior portfolio advisors to say hey look if you're going to build a field and you want to make sure those values show up in assignment views meaning for example if there are 10 story points or if it's a low priority or a medium priority and i want to make that available what we want to do is say for assignment rows when i go to an assignment view if you want the data that's out in a task level to show up you need to click this box and for those of you that are veterans out there in project i think this is helpful for you to understand that if you don't check that a lot of times as we go into assignment views like the resource usage or task usage you're going to find a lot of options that just will not show up allowing you to sort group or filter so putting those values in place are going to be helpful for you to work from okay uh without too much further ado let me continue here again we talked about sprint and state uh in many cases people you know i like to use number fields for numbers but does it really matter well it will matter if you want to mix and match your text so the idea is if i'm creating a lookup and i'm going to have a text value just understand that your numeric sort in your drop down you may want to prioritize that order meaning that when i drop it in here i want to display the lookup table and with that lookup table i can do it by row number so at least the idea is that it's giving me a natural sort again we can still see from a text or a number perspective some of the views and options that we have state again another text field that we can go in and manage and what i like about working in project professional and certainly if you talk about working in enterprise is that if you haven't spent a lot of time either in ppm online basically project servers online version or if you're working on product server and you have administrative rights a lot of you may not have seen is that if i can build it locally i have the opportunity to promote this directly into the enterprise including establishing lookup tables i'll talk about this a little bit more because my preference in a server environment or basically online environment is that i like to kind of define that a little bit more make sure i have a good structure in place but you're not ever stuck if you're not a project online user and you haven't really figured out the administrative side for you not to be able to create custom fields and migrate those forward the reason i'm showcasing these pieces and this is important is that it's the layout of your features it is the land of how you organize an agile iteration and the idea is that i can expand and collapse a sprint or a one and two i can basically view that information and even if i'm working in a waterfall schedule but i have an iteration i have this opportunity to be able to swap and view a basically set of columns that are helpful for me in working the minute i'm going to hop into an integrated schedule we'll talk about that a little bit more but inherently the idea is that i'm laying out data so we hear many times that people say project is not a agile tool it is not a scrum planning tool and in many cases i hear people say it is a waterfall tool project is great for waterfall type schedules i'm here to tell you that project is neither waterfall nor is it agile it's a relational database and if you think in terms of the columns that you want to sort group or filter by you can actually go in and say well listen i need to quickly flag all of the high priority tasks and see where those are at and now i'm using this database to help me sort group and find that information in fact if i take that to the next level let me go over to my view tab here and let me hit the drop down for groups and i've created something called a burn down group and the idea is that i can say let's group by what's done what are the features what are the sprints that we're working in and what are the hours or what are the story points or if i really wanted to i could track even the cost let me just insert a cost field here so depending on what you're putting together it's not about the methodology of how you lay it out whether it's phases or it is an iteration of sprints or highly interactive process reviews and sometimes engineering companies we talk about a thirty percent design a sixty percent design and a ninety percent design what we look for is the ability to see these roll ups to say how do we do what's done what was the cost if you snapped a baseline we can expand that as well and say here's our plan and actuals as we're learning and we can look in terms of even budget or baseline for story points cost work etc all i'm doing is using projects native built-in features to layout groups or if i want to simply summarize by sprint i'm changing my view applying a little bit of grouping where i can showcase and validate this information for us to work from okay so with this kind of a high level description i'm going to be moving into a little bit more detail but what i'd like to do is maybe pause and open this up for questions so i know that cindy's probably been answering questions for folks so let me take a look at a few here maybe i can verbally online kind of post a few of these all right let's see we talk about having a pdf yep we will definitely have slides available for folks we have more certainly to come through this is a recorded presentation so you definitely will be able to have access to that as well let's see um for those of you who are asking again who maybe showed up a little bit late if you'd actually like to get a copy of my microsoft project 2013 file i'm happy to share that just send me an email and i have my contact information here as well i definitely want to get you guys started taking advantage of this okay let me pause for questions let's see if you have any more questions that we can bring up here and i can answer kelly posed a question uh basically asking can task be synchronized with team foundation server now you may not be aware of this but at the project conference that's coming up i will be actually presenting on project 2013 and team foundation server so the answer is absolutely yes in fact we talk about the level of detail we really define which is you know for tracking sprints uh in some organization in fact let me just bring up let me bring up a view here i might be able to showcase this a little bit differently uh i was going to look for just a standard agile here we go let me bring up this file real quickly it's again it's another type of agile where the features themselves are milestones really we're tracking is it done is it not done but the sprints themselves are the tasks and in many cases in team foundation server which is basically a product of visual studio is that people are checking in and out their code the dev teams are working but what they can do is roll up those activities by connecting a project and say don't put the details in project just roll them up against sprint one or sprint two and then we can track key handoffs or deliverables as milestones so this is another way of organizing showcasing information specifically around tfs that was a great uh a great question so michael posed a question which says does this method permit earn value management so if we think whether a task is a sprint or a task whoops let's just go right to the correct project here we go uh let's bring up my integrated one here that'll probably be a little bit easier so if i'm looking at a task and i'm baselining work and i'm assigning actual assignments in terms of hours the fact that maybe i want to have story points or have other ways of grouping should have zero impact from an earned value management reporting right the idea is that i'm planning i'm baselining and i'm tracking progress against actuals and if we actually connect this either via tfs into project server or we connect project server time sheeting or task updates is that we should be able to see in real time some of that information for updates okay other questions let me just kind of pause here for a minute mary asked how is the duration of the sprint summary task calculated from the feature or is it fixed now that's a great point and i'm going to basically show something that you know many of my other mvps would probably cringe if they saw this because we talk about good better and best practices so let me go and showcase something real quickly here and we'll talk about that normally a summary task is calculated based upon what it's really a product of its sub activities so the idea is that if you have a two-week sprint then your task should be scheduled around a two-week sprint and normally that's not a problem especially if you're dealing with manual scheduling but the minute we start talking about hooking up a dynamic schedule where we have predecessors successors which sometimes you do have and sometimes you don't depending on what the teams are working on but if you look in my view here this is an example where we took a two-week sprint and we took the end of a project phase and linked it to the beginning of another phase now why is this not a best practice normally in project and the reason why is that if you have an outline schedule the task that you see right here cannot move any sooner than when the summary cast starts especially if you have a waterfall schedule where you can kind of crash the schedule do lag time and lead time we really run into a place i feel like i'm john madden here where i've got three x's and we're gonna run a circle around the left here and we'll make that work and we'll get it into the end zone but the idea is that tasks themselves as we're working cannot move any sooner than that summary task well in a sprint process we are time boxed and this is really an important concept is that executives like to see things in a waterfall fashion phase one phase two what are we getting done technical teams or development teams love the iterative process but if we lose sight of the prize we might have endless sprints so by time boxing your time basically your summary task and tying them together allows you to ensure that we really hey we are not crashing that schedule if you want something different we'll have to move it out of one phase into the next and then we'll reallocate those story points as we need to or the assignments great question let me scan for a couple more i know we could be here for at least three days talking about all kinds of flavors and variations aaron says will resources allocated to the agile project show correctly on the waterfall projects and the answer is yes in fact i'm going to be leading into that in just a minute so why don't i just bring up my agile project and i'm going to be talking about this in a minute in terms of blending the two together let's see here kelly again or a different kelly what is the difference between state versus status talking about the standard column not quite sure but really the idea of the state field is is it done status could be the same thing i've just created a custom field you can call it what you'd like but in many cases you don't get credit for a deliverable or a feature or a user story until it's completely done and so in many cases as we look at accruing value or billing hours you can use these fields to sort group etc okay well let me continue so i want to make sure we're able to take a peek at some of the elements that are there and then i definitely want to have time to get into project online because a lot of people say wow i can do project pro i can make this spin on a dime but how does it work with an online or a portfolio environment so what you're showing right now or at least what i'm showing right now on my screen is what i consider kind of a standard waterfall phased approach and i'll do a little zooming here so you can see it so we start out with a concept approval phase i might be doing a new database dual discussion might be going out and securing hardware notice here i've got something called development sprints which i'll come back to you could certainly even have you know a prince2 or a pmi lifecycle phased approach of what we're working on with milestones deliverables in fact if you look out here you can even see some of my deadlines got a few deadlines out here for us to look at so i'm tracking activities you can also see that i've got assignments for local resources on the team and i've also included kind of a little bit of a dashboard so i've got some dashboard columns here and i'll kind of explain how those work but inherently the idea is that as i'm working my schedule if something takes longer and i increase the duration or if the team comes back i change it i can see a ripple effect through my project and i continue along my merry way until i change the values and i increase it beyond a time time phase view so for example if i'm looking from a scheduling perspective and let me just grab a quick example of this where let's just grab plenty of good funds here let's grab portfolio we'll just grab an example dashboard uh which version are we in okay okay let's let this one load here so whether i'm tracking a series of customer deliverables and activities i'm grouping it by you know key concept or values is that the ta the task themselves which we refer to as our demand is something that we're able to work from so how we group and present that information will be important now if i go back to project and i talk about development is that if i open up this development sprint schedule section is that perhaps what i'm looking at is helpful but if i'm looking at work and schedule and slippage and i would like to see red yellow and green indicators as things change you certainly can treat that as you would any normal waterfall schedule however if i'm working through the value of presenting that information perhaps i might just want to have what we call an agile view so i'm going to come up here to the upper left hand corner and i'm going to right click and you notice i've got one called dashboard this is simply a table and i'm going to click on my agile view and so if i'm looking at a series of phase or phase activities and i'm looking at resource assignments i can certainly see on the features that i've got this little red stick figure and i affectionately uh call them raj for red over allocated guy or gal and in 2013 if you click on this and you go to your tasks tab you can call for the task inspector to come in and say hey what's going on here which resources are over allocated huh i see that it's my developer well they're pretty busy uh what are the tasks that feed into this and then i'm able to move into a view whether it is a sprint activity or a regular task and i can certainly manage some of this in a team planner view so inherently if i'm working at assignments work and activities i can quickly see in spot where resource assignments are under over allocated in fact if i'm connected to project online i can also see tasks that are coming from other projects because you're in an enterprise environment but the whole approach in some cases if whether we're using full manual scheduling or a series of auto schedules that i'm moving the assignments around so if i need to allocate some assignment activity say look let's drop this off on tai our developer is still on other commitments you can see here from project server and i need to move work around i have a little bit more of a touch mode environment to manage over and under allocation so the question that was asked which is even if i'm using kind of a sprint view or a waterfall view is i'm always in a position within project to say look demand is demand a task is a task and the level of detail that i want to track and put in there really means i'm capturing what's being done or delivered and i'm also listing whether it's work hours or if it has a roll up very helpful for us to work from so again back to this waterfall schedule and let me just grab the split bar is that i know a lot of organizations that have a mix where they're working in a series of phases and then they have kind of a series of iterations there is no reason you can't come in and certainly filter out by sprints or you can come in and say look i want to find everything that has zero story points right and i mean i don't want to see any of my milestone tasks or excuse me my deliverable feature tasks i might just want to seek milestones and everything else that is a regular task which doesn't have a story point is simply out there use your database to your advantage and so the idea is that you can sort group and build views including tables to showcase key activities without having to go in and actually manually type it or insert your column so if you're a project user and you go out and say okay i gotta print so i better insert this column and then rearrange the order don't ever do that again in your view tab you're able to come in and inherently build a table i encourage people to have the views or tables that allow you to mix and match just with a right click present the value that you're looking for go back into your dashboard view to manage and track your details etc the whole idea is that we are still working in a scheduling tool regardless of whether it is an agile scrum or a waterfall pmi life cycle or prince2 lifecycle okay with that in mind just kind of breaking down some of our elements here let's take a look at moving this into a server online environment so the idea is that we're able to see tables we're able to see custom fields we're able to build a group and sometimes people ask me you know how hard is it to do a burn down well let's go to an agile view with my burn down and now see here's all the no value task and break that down for me well in 2013 they make it very simple is that you can come in you can always create a group group clone a group or you can basically go in to more groups and what i'm going to do is just zoom in on this for you guys but i'm going to go ahead and edit and grouping is nothing more than us looking to our database to define ah i want to group the order and the second or follow-up groupings of any fields that i'm looking for fun part about that is you can certainly group just the assignments you can drop we talk about an assignment view you can look at just those if you had that roll down field where you said basically when you create the custom field that it moved out of the assignment level you're still able to create grouping views by using this check box if you've done that in creating your custom field and of course if you're grouping in intervals if it's a number or a date or it's characters you can always kind of group you have a lot of flexibility here even if you don't want to show summary tasks sometimes that's helpful in maintaining or not maintaining that but the idea is that we can build a sprint view which let me apply it break it down here i am in a waterfall schedule quickly show me my sprints what have we got done let's go ahead and take a look at the customer need field here i'm really hoping that we're going to show our high priority and what's the number of hours work cost or dollars again notice my roll-up summaries are telling me in the grouping view what i have to manage again very helpful in terms of quickly using a database to manage your view again sprint view more groups go right into this and this one's a simple one i gave it a name and of course i'm a little lazy so i put a little underscore at the top here so it will always float to the top you may choose not to do that if you're an enterprise environment and don't forget to show it in the menu so that it will appear as part of your drop down but again color cell shading you can have a lot of fun with this in terms of managing but there's no reason you can't mix or match a schedule and again you can always come back clear your grouping go right back into you know a mixed waterfall slash agile scrum environment all right with that said we're going to take a gander into basically project server but let me hop into our next slide here so we paused for questions i'll take a few more let me stop sharing and let me jump into our next slide all right any final questions before i leave project professional or project pro for office 365 again same feature benefits whether you're pulling it from the cloud or locally it's really about that setup and structure let me take a quick uh review here and see if we've got some that will be helpful for people uh question came up is from uh one of the our participants i need to display sharepoint list data in project server 2013 in a project detail page so part of this is again this is not quite the question i would answer but i would say that if you're looking to display list information the list information can be done several different ways but the idea in project server if you're creating a project detail page you certainly can bring in tasks you can bring metadata information but there's also things that you can do displaying it because a sharepoint list is in a sharepoint page a project detail page is also a sharepoint page so the secret to that answer certainly would be something that we would run in terms of syncing uh one sharepoint page to another and then associating it to a project a couple folks mentioned they're new to project server that's good we're going to take a look at that as well and some people ask for the email address so please don't put me on a spam list but i will be willing to help share some of these files out with you folks at the end stephanie asks we plan a high level of epics which are broken into user stories and executed across multiple sprints we would like to show the epic to a user story or feature hierarchy in addition to execution across sprints how would you recommend us doing this in microsoft project so the idea think of it like portfolio management is if i create in fact let me just uh why don't i just bring up project server right now so we can take a peek at this i'll share my screen in just a minute but if we think in terms of structuring tasks like they're their individual projects if you have a field called an epic right the idea is that if i want to talk about a user story and maybe i have a name or a naming convention to that is that i would add another custom column that just says hey for this particular epic these are all the activities sprints and phases that fall into that and the same way that we group by customer need or customer priority or status or state allows us simply to do the same type of grouping at a task or if you have broken these up into independent files we still can price view or what we call a master project if you're not in project online let me take a quick look at a few more questions here wow they're streaming in validating the email that's good whoops bjorn asked him how do i add detail to the pbi during the backlog grooming my developers to start to add tasks to pbis how would you capture that well one of the things is really control over what we call team assignments so this feature not necessarily a project professional but the idea is that if i'm going to build a basically a backlog of activities and i want to have my development team basically go and grab those because they have an opening or we have a conversation of that in project online you actually can do something called team assign and what you can do is allow the team to pull that in also if you're using the time sheet or the my task you can always add tasks in even if they aren't necessarily something you've been scheduled to so you have the flexibility to allow your team the online environment to see that okay i'm getting the note that we've got about 35 minutes i want to make sure we get into project server and then i will continue to take questions so kind of moving forward is let's go in to look at project online along with uh basically our scrum agile approach so let me bring up my share screen here and i'm going to start sharing and looks like my login needs to come up hold on give me a second here and here we go you can see all my email let me grab an online tenant for us to work with so this will be helpful for us to work with okay bring up our portal screen let me actually tear this off where we can see that kind of in its own view great okay so i'm going to go directly into office 365. let me make sure i actually have the right tenant login sometimes i get that wrong because i have lots of environments that i get to work with and everybody watch my password nothing secret signing in here here we go try that again if i type it correctly all right so what i'm doing now is moving into what's called an online tenant and the beautiful thing about office 365 or project online is that you have a mixture of both sharepoint and a project enterprise environment for us to work with the idea is that if we are building schedules there's no reason we can't actually build a schedule and publish it into one environment meaning one common resource pool across all of our projects so with project online the idea of having interconnected project schedules project sites business intelligence and even strategy for helping you rate and rank and select your projects always means that we're using a sharepoint environment for a web portal to access that so what i've got here is just kind of a project environment and again if you notice here i'm just basically grouping projects by owner and i'm able to come in and take a look at who owns what i can put red yellow green indicators again the same way that we have our dashboards and project professional we can build these up at an enterprise level as i'm going through here let's take a look at the agile project itself so i'm actually going to click on this i'm going to drill directly in there what i like about being online and certainly either in the cloud private or on premise is that i've moved to more of a sharepoint web portal where i've got a ribbon that helps me manage track and deliver what we're working on so as i begin to load from an environment as i can actually present information i can control what end users see i can even change the state so the same way that we go through sorting and grouping and viewing this information we're never in a position where we can't do the same things that we did at project at a filter sorting and grouping level we're actually able to come back in here and use that as well all right let's let my screen load up and we'll drop right into a project what i did is i took kind of the agile project that we saw in project professional so let me bring that up real quickly and i actually i'm going to close a couple of these down because i got about three variations but if you look at this project this project itself if i want to open this up is available for publishing meaning that i've actually published it into project online and i used it to manage so i'm able to track manage and when i'm done i don't just save it and put in a hard drive i'm actually able to save it and publish that directly into project server so the idea is that environment in fact let me just bring it up here where i can track that in fact i've got mine checked out so let me close and check it back in and we'll continue with the view in terms of our agile environment here let me just close that one and i will save the changes and i'm going to go ahead and go ahead and just close this one in project online let me zoom this for you guys is that because i'm connected to server i can discard the changes keep it in i'm going to check mine in that way i've got access to that so while project pro allowed me a lot of detail in terms of what i'm working on specifically let's see it says it's trying to access it right now so let me stop it and we'll refresh here we had it up here just before our demo so let me bring that up again and while that's reloading is that we're also in a position where we can actually in fact i'll bring open another tab here is that from a project perspective is that i can build those custom fields directly into my environment so on the left hand side from an administrative perspective is that we have a grouping of our portfolio of projects and then certainly a review and approval process but let's take a quick look at our server settings and the same way that i was building and managing my direct details in project is let's go to our enterprise custom fields and look up tables so when we mention that we have an opportunity to create custom objects or custom views the idea is that my environment and my screen should be refreshing here is that i can come in and create a field and then i can also tie that field to a lookup table so in project online the idea is that i can come in and create a drop-down choice let's just go into our customer need field real quickly here again from a text field i can establish a field that i can have other basically fields look to but if you look right here very simply i tell it it's a text level field i give it a name and then i'm able to drop in and basically take a peek at here are the custom drop down values that i'm looking for low medium high again if it's a customer priority i could be doing it in shirt sizes or different values but once i have my lookup table i'm able to go back in in fact i'll just leave this page since i'm not making any changes and let me drill right back up to where the fields are so if i come back up here to customer need which is the field that i would create at a task level i can point that to my lookup so i'm able to create a lookup table and then basically define what is my default value so similar to that processes of us creating a local field in project server and using it there we can do this from an enterprise perspective and the value here is that once we make it an enterprise wide i don't have to re basically clone that out to all the other files i basically can share that based upon the project or the project type let's uh look at another one here we'll go ahead and talk about the we've got customer need i thought maybe what we'd do is uh oh let's talk about our story points just for a second here it's a little bit different since it's not a lookup table and it's not a a text field it's being a number in terms of a number field in creating your lookups or creating your custom fields in project online the idea is i can create formulas i can go through here and create calculations i'm also in a position where i can manage it based upon departments meaning that i can create fields views and associate into a department which means that maybe when the i.t guys come in here or the dev team comes in they never see what the waterfall people are looking at or the inverse is true as well maybe i don't need to see if i'm part of just the waterfall team i don't have to see our scrum or our agile views again we talk about that roll up or roll down so for summary rows we want to make sure that we can basically sum up the value if it's a number and again remember we talk about assignment rows i really encourage people to say hey look if you want to go to an assignment view roll down your text field so that you can continue to sort filter and group now we're not creating graphical indicators but this is exactly where you would you could come in create a test condition and the idea is some of those red yellow and greens that you saw before you can see a list of what you can choose from so based upon the condition you can certainly take the text out of the equation and use it as a visual to see if it's done in progress slipping etc all right let me cancel out of our custom fields here and then let's take a quick look inside of our project center which let's see if my schedule now that's checked back in microsoft will you let me into your online tenant so my screen is re still loading here lots of data good we've got that checked out and wow hope everybody's not sending emails at the same time let's take a quick peek at our views so in project online so if i go into a project view or i go back into my server settings is in many cases when you go to a web page if you want to look at an individual project inherently the idea is that we manage our views for what people see and this is important so if we spent time creating custom agile fields in project online what we can do is come in here and create different types of views the project center kind of at the project level we can look at just resources in the resource center you can look at resource plans your work get into we talk about that team assignment what type of columns that we show up and at the project level you'll notice here i have one called agile so let me drill into my agile view here and the idea is that when i go and look at a project schedule online through the web is that i get to define the different columns that i get to work with i get to add those from right to left and it's important if i want to sort group or even filter these is that i ensure that i've added my fields directly now of course filtering gives you a wider set of options in terms of not necessarily having to add a column to a view but if you notice here i can put story points i can change the state the sprint and these are those custom fields that i've come in here and if i've got a field that says state i certainly can come in and put a custom label let me zoom this for everybody because a lot of times people go nuts when they look at a view and the information is displayed and it has some complex underscore database name and we really want to say hey look what state is this or is it the status or customer need so think about being sensitive to your audience in terms of what you're presenting and how you're showcasing that information the idea is that i can be able to manage or build a view i can choose the grouping so that when i first come in i'm able to sort and group the way that i want and then down below we can make it available to different groups who may or may not want to see this so let me leave my page without any changes and i'm hoping that it'll let me back into my agile project so let me click right on agile and see if it'll let me filter my view come together so while that's loading in terms of project itself let me just kind of pause and i'm going to go and take a look at a list of questions it should open and drip in just a second and while that's popping up there ah let's see here features work in templates yes absolutely we definitely have the ability to establish templates so if we don't have to create all these columns you can create a basically a table of view or put into the enterprise global template so that you see that so here we are directly inside of the same project which was our agile project and just for today in terms of time here you notice up at the top i've got a list of views so if i'm looking at the task detail view notice there's no grouping i can see my projects i can see certain columns in fact if i want to edit this online i can actually make simple modifications to hours date task i can even link or unlink activities but remember that agile view that we were talking about with those custom fields let me click on that and have it do a quick review here so if i look at all of our tasks and i start collapsing all of the non-sprint activities i can see right here in my view here's the milestones here's the states sprint one sprint two i can certainly collapse and expand the ones that are started not started that's in progress what's done and i get the same grouping roll up for hours working costs including my story points if that's something that you'd like to use and again here are the fields simply showcasing in an online view so there's not a whole lot of difference in fact if you can figure out how to build this in project professional there is no reason you can't put this into an enterprise view and make it much more of an agile iterative discussion what's nice about ppm online is that we have this wonderful ability to actually go up here and create a timeline directly in the sharepoint page itself so the idea is that as i click on my objects i'm actually in a position where i can come in look at it and i can change the view based upon what i'm working on or i can even promote items up into my timeline view so if i decide to edit and check this out let's just do it let me edit right in the browser not in project pro let me bring this open watch the ribbon and the ribbon is essentially going to enable itself and it'll refresh my screen and i notice that create a new database tool looks great but i sure can't read those dates what dummy put that up there oh this is tim's project well that turkey didn't make that white so i can read my dates so if i'm looking at text or font or values i'm in a position where i can come up certainly format the appearance where i can or can't see or manage that and then again as i'm looking at you know maybe i'm taking my sprints i'm thinking hey this is a great idea but the idea is that if i'm looking at something i want to put it up here i can take summary tasks or regular tasks or even if i want to get into a milestone is i can come up here add that to the timeline there it is i did this right online instead of people kind of geeking out about your project schedule they can look at the timeline view inherently what i like about this is whether i'm in a scrum process or a little bit more agile as i have multiple levels of undo i'm centralized in one sql server environment which gives me a lot of good flexibility and if i really want to let's just look at this project sharepoint site which is dedicated to the project so i'm going to leave this actually let's stay on the page and do best practice let me uh close don't want to leave it checked out i'm gonna actually okay i'll save my changes and i'll check it back in but the idea is if i want to leave and go and take a look at my project site while this is processing up here in the upper right hand corner saving and checking it back in i can have my team going out and having discussions around the project what's going on what's happening in those type of views and so if i go back into my project or my project sharepoint page any one of these objects is that i always have the opportunity to have a conversation around that so again if you see a project you look at it and go wow this is really looking like we need to have some deeper conversations we can drill right into these projects look at them look at the sprint pieces apply the view and so inherently training your end users building simpler views to manage that and then of course the assignment level of information meaning that when we go and assign resources to a feature or sprint or if it's part of an epic make sure those custom fields are available and if i need to go and take a look at a project or its product information as i'm always sharing showcasing that data here's an example of a sharepoint page basically dropped in this is where most of the teams will come they can work with their documents the labels issues and risks again tied to that and very easily on the left hand side here we've got our document library we can look at office labs anything that we're working from okay so that's just a little bit of a taste of taking a look at the same type of functional approach from a project view project online or project professional again empowerment for you to think about project not as a waterfall not as a prince2 not as a scrum tool it's a database and how you want to group sort and present that information is always helpful to the end user based upon you creating that summary structure all right let me move on and we're going to take a few more questions here before we wrap up so moving to our next slide questions about project online all right now i do need to keep this in the bounding box because this is like talking about an erp system uh it is an enterprise project management system so i want to make sure we're localizing our questions around agile so let me take a look here rose says is there a file size limitation using web access to a sharepoint site if you are on project online there is a limit i believe it is 20 to 40 gigabytes to a sharepoint site but i also encourage people that if you are building custom microsoft project files for example if you have a large schedule that has maybe 10 000 rows you do need to think about the number of custom columns because in terms of file size what happens is if you're creating lots of grouping it's the number of columns times the number of rows that does that multiplication of size so if you have 10 000 rows and you add 100 custom columns you're doing a lot of database storage of information so think about that certainly in the size and complexity in many cases i will tell people say look if you're tracking information you can actually in your business intelligence views do a calculated field where you never stored the data but you actually create a view that sorts in groups based upon maybe appending those together think of like excel where you can concatenate two cells together by simply typing equals cell 1 and ampersand and then a little bit of quotes to kind of separate the two together all right let's take a look at a few more questions here around agile scrum and microsoft projects i see kim hi kim great to have you again anders says the features work in the tms tfs template as targeted date but your presentation shows a start date and end date where did they come from so the start date and ending of a project really is based upon when the start of the first task is to the end of the last task and if you think about tfs is that the activity itself you could actually create those and push those from team foundation server kind of a development agile environment into project or you can push them from project down into tfs and then begin consuming sub activities under that the start and end dates usually default by where we schedule the task itself uh debbie asks is sharepoint part of the project uh 365 offering or are you using your own sharepoint site from the project subscription so the answer to that is i am completely demoing today from the cloud basically what i have is a project online subscription and i have project professional on mine is actually a local installation of project pro but it won't matter between project pro for office 365 as if they couldn't put enough words into that but the idea is that project professional you can buy in the cloud and have it streamed to five up to five mobile devices but when you publish you can certainly use project pro and the question itself back to is is sharepoint available is absolutely so when you get project online you get a sharepoint site set up kind of like for office 365. i believe the key thing is if your organization already has an online tenant i encourage you to sign up we're happy in fact i'm happy to uh with our team to answer any questions about getting online in the cloud but i encourage people to stay inside of their corporate tenant uh versus you know maybe setting up a short temporary site that you build out and then later have to migrate but you've got some options great value we're in project online you get sharepoint as well it's all part of that subscription and if you go to forward slash project there's a lot of information about how to do that how to sign up what the discounts are from an online perspective and i also see advisocon there as a partner if you have any questions bjorn i'd love to show you tfs integration but unfortunately we won't have time for that today please come see me at the project conference we will be demonstrating this directly there uh again we have like an hour and a half just around that piece because it is pretty exciting all right other questions okay a few more around uh yep i'm going to share the pdus as well some people came a little bit late so that's great um jeanette says what of what you demoed will not be available if we use sharepoint enterprise in microsoft project pro 2013 and the answer is everything that i've shown you is a hundred percent available so i use project pro client i use project online and whether project online or project is on premise or it's private cloud i think if you talk about uh good hosting partners there's plenty of them out there bmo's one that comes right to the top of my mind but the idea is that if you get in there all of this that we're describing is available and i just purposely demonstrated the cloud because a lot of people don't know that hey it works as if it's on premise there are a few restrictions in terms of you can't get to the back end of your data but you know what if you want to do workflow if you'd like to do data driven diagrams if you want to use vizio services a lot of that in the cloud is all going to be still accessible and question came up just recently about uh project online reports and i'm going to showcase a couple here i know this is a little off topic but let me bring this up so working with the project team you'll be able to see things in more of an excel like reporting from a business intelligence perspective in your online environment so literally you can treat it like excel build charts and graphs and what i like about project 2013 again this is a basically an excel services view that we're viewing but if i go back into project and let me just grab a file for us to take a quick look at new in 2013 and this is really sexy is that we actually have built-in reports directly inside a product so the same way that you have excel's charting and graphing engine it sits directly here so again we talk about adding those custom fields for sprint and agile you can sort group and you have access to your pivot table information directly here so that you're in a position where you don't even necessarily have to leave project you can take a look at charts graphs you can change the view you can apply a filter turn on that information didn't like that chart let's go to a pie chart there you go double click and for those of you who've done x excel charting and graphing you've got same functionality it's all now native in project don't have to send it anywhere and drop this into a pdf share case or showcase and share that with folks okay let me pick on a couple questions and then we'll get to the wrap up here bjorn asks how do we handle portfolio managed with agile practices in project server so if we talk about new work portfolio management meaning that we're looking at the selection of new projects the ability for us to go in and apply portfolio analysis is how to select the work and if you don't know you don't have your features you haven't broken out your user stories and you're looking at basically a portfolio view of selecting a project in many cases what you can do is build something called a resource plan that says i need three developers for three months one pm two testers and a qa person and you're able to go in and basically create that demand artificially until your project is reviewed and approved so the overall idea is that we're in a position where we can rate rank our projects by priority by strategic significance against a business driver but we're also in a position where we can also select that demand without having to build out all the user stories that's a great question okay let me take a couple more here um can you share your screen let me go back to a screen share i was going to try and get this to load for you we've got a lot of stuff going on with the demo here plus we're also recording i'll tell you what um there's some screenshots i actually have some canned slides i can send folks real quickly let me share the screen of our portfolio view for you guys here we go allow and then ask me for my credit card number my social security number and my daughter's date of birth here we go so what's loading up now on my screen which you guys should see here in just a minute is the ability to come in and project server has out of the box the ability to kind of do portfolio selection and ranking i hope it's loading because i just closed it and now i reopened it from our views but let's see here if that takes longer to load let me uh pivot to another question here we go ah there we go it's right here so the idea is that i can come in i can take a look at a list of portfolio scenarios and i can rate and rank these projects as an intake process defining you know do we have enough budget to do this what are our limitation what are the values that we're able to work with and then every project that we're kind of proposing can be rated or ranked against a business driver in this case i'm not going to get have time to go into the resource piece here and i probably could spend another hour and a half that but if you have 100 of proposed projects you've got a resource plan against them that would represent kind of your iterative life cycle and let's say that our budget is only a hundred thousand i can tell this to recalculate and what it's going to do is look at the strategic ranking of my projects apparently don't have enough budget to do any work so say 900 123 i guess an extra zero does matter and people do complain when their paycheck is short by an extra zero so let's see what our budget is for our project but again from a portfolio we can move projects in we can move them out we can actually come in and define whether we want to force a project in or out again this is all native in project online or project server the idea is that you've got that setting up a scrum or agile process may not have all the details in the early portfolio selection stage okay we'll tell you what let me conclude i know a lot of folks getting to the top of the hour here definitely want to see this so let me bring up a quick short summary for everyone here so i encourage people to think in terms of an agile approach scrum waterfall won't matter the key is that project isn't necessarily just waterfall or it's agile it's a database set up your custom fields to sort group present that information there's certainly strategies on the level of details how we break out our user stories we had some great questions about you know how do we deal with epics how do we deal with more of a portfolio approach to sprints and again i treat it the same way i would build out project online as an enterprise tool or a single project as i want to look at a column that allows me to sort filter and group that information i create a lookup table to do that so the key is how you lay that out and create presenting some of those key fields
Channel: Advisicon
Views: 101,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Agile Software Development (Industry), Scrum, Project Management (Professional Field), PM, Project
Id: lZjgeNKos5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 44sec (4964 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2014
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