Screw Modeling in 3ds max Tutorial

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hello guys welcome back to sound VFX and since I am back with another tutorial here it's been a while I've not recorded a tutorial and Here I am and today we're going to look at modeling these screws in two years max okay this is a simple object there's not too much detail but we might get into some challenging part while creating these threadheads that's why I thought this could be a really good topic tomorrow and it should be a very good morning practice for you guys as well so I have a reference image here and I just take it out just to push on these threads right there and the problem we might face on creating these is we have this straight that's a continuous loop okay so we want to create a continuous loop from top to bottom in that way so that might be a bit challenging so we'll tackle that today let's go open up our 3ds max and first of all let me learn about grouping in my front view let me maximize my viewport by pressing the alt W key and then let me go to views viewport background and custom viewport background from here I can just use file and match bitmap block jump and so that they may really move when we move the grid along let's go set that up desktop maybe let's see okay screw blueprint open up and okay so you can see now the blueprint is loaded now we don't we not worry about this top part for now we'll just and go ahead and create this part right there now let me go ahead and create a cylinder in my perspective view hey doesn't matter whatever the sizes and the hypest will adjust it accordingly let me push it in at the bottom here let's go to modify tab and increase the radius first that should be okay and increase the height to match up the blueprint that should be alright okay and then I'm gonna make my hashtag notes down to one okay now you may want to have a decent amount of sites so that the MS would look pretty smooth or you can obviously later on adding a turbosmooth to make that smooth but it's better if you have some decent side it's a small object so we can maybe get down to sixteen that's it give you a pretty decent look okay now that's done let me freshen duplicate is actually this I'm just going to show you some other examples how people create screws and let me just convert it to an editable poly and most people and most of the times because the screws are really small details which are not exactly necessary to model perfectly so what we can do is go to connect adding some segments there maybe about that okay and maybe do a quick a chamfer increase the amount okay and then down here on the left view let's go to polygon mode and we're gonna select the polygons skipping one polygon and selecting the other but we'll do it pretty quick okay and then go ahead and do a bevel there go to local normal not that much maybe down and increase the decrease the outline amount that's how people create screws and if you look for fire and there should be no problem on creating that okay and in most cases this is a really small detail and it most of the time it gets inside a hole to fix something so we'll definitely not need this detail but the kind there might be some time in your modeling history where you may want to model completely exactly photo-real so in that case you may need this technique that I'm going to show right now so that should be a good modeling practice for now okay and most of the cases modeling the screw this way that's it work perfectly so let me get rid of that and get to our modeling and now that we have created the cylinder we need this path to follow along we can go ahead and manually Caterine that's going to take forever and it's not gonna be perfect so we need to have some kind of a reference or some kind of line there so let's go to mode create tab down the shapes and we have this helix right here okay so let me just drag and drop and create something randomly and that should do and okay I didn't show you the step of creating the helix you know the Creator you got a click and drag it out let the mouse go and give it some height once I'm going to click and then you gotta give the second radius okay that's how you create and again click to end now I can just align it to the center of the cylinder by clicking this button right here and it's clicking the cylinder and we got the XYZ position and people don't maybe stand a point okay I think I proved your point would be better but that's all right and let me pushing it down at the bottom somewhere around here and we need to adjust their our radius obviously I think they are not at the center so let me align it once again at the pivot point this time okay I think that's still not but that's alright first of all let us match the radius up 25 maybe and then position it ourself that should be okay and then radius 225 as well that's too big so let's go with 21 and 21 a little bit it's me yes nineteen point five by nineteen point five okay that's a perfect size now we need to give you the height exactly the height of our cylinder but little small little less than the exact cylinder we need some space slid on at the top and the bottom like to do maybe did you see the bit and let's see at the bottom here and we could not see but let us pull it up a bit well that's okay now let's increase the turns maybe a 2 2 you can see here maybe a little more and I think that should do pretty good job you can see here well maybe we need to increase it a bit more okay that's the correct that's correct it's not following the blueprint nicely a little bit different maybe and you may you can also increase it if you want that way okay but that should do pretty much fine and this one this line is going to act as reference for us to get that look there now the next thing we're gonna do is select our cylinder and convert it to an editable poly and we need to cut right following this path right there okay so let me see look at the helix and convert that to an editable spline first and if we see the vertex there are lots of vertex ah right there so it should be really difficult for us if we go ahead and snap our tools to vertex looking so what I mean second cylinder go to cut and let me right click my snap button right here and this is a vertex selected on okay and if I go ahead you know this turn on the snap and you'll notice that it gets snapped to every vertex right there and if we go ahead and cut it this way you can see right click turn off and turn off the snap as well let me set my cylinder and press alt Q to go to eyes isolation mode and you can see we have that segment right there but you'll notice that we have additional segments right at the middle of this vertex right there and we should again go ahead and clean those up later on if we go ahead and do complete of them then we're gonna have some trouble clearing up so what are we gonna do is let me get rid of this by pressing the ctrl backspace and let me exit the isolation mode we can take this button right here are also all the queue button so in order to cut it perfectly nice and smooth let's go to cut and right click the snap toggles I'm gonna turn off vertex and I'm gonna select eight segments okay and turn on that now you can see and they can snap to a revert sorry every segment so it should be a little easy for us to cut out also if you are new to cut to you shouldn't know that and the icon changes as you move to vertex you can see the icon is a small square box with some crushed there and if you go to face it'll be our bigger square and if you are on I guess segments are lines you'll have a different icon so you should know that before cutting and let me zoom in a bit right take didn't get off of cotton mode first and let me save my segments let's go and said black color for that so we can see better can see there let's go cut now and we're gonna start cutting up okay cut that way make sure the icon is what you can see right now that's the indication that it's on a line so that's where you want to cut it you don't want to cut on a face like this otherwise you end up having lots of unnecessary vertex which you will need to clear up later on so go ahead to make sure and start cutting it's gonna take some time obviously we have to go all the way up to the bottom let's go ahead and click and don't worry if you go a little bit up or down you don't have to be 100% accurate that should look pretty good even though if you are little bit offset you can see here it's a little bit down but that's alright they'll be okay gonna have to worry let's go ahead and cut out okay so we can have done that manually without using that hellix but that should take forever to get it exact so it selects it to a pretty good job and also we would have added what I'm sorry okay I'll explain that later on no way okay let's go ahead and cut it first let's go pretty good we're still a lot of way to do so I'm gonna pause the video and get back once we finish cutting okay I'm almost at the end so we should finish it soon now that Dan and if you don't know what I'm doing to move my viewport that's pretty simple I just go ahead and cut one of them and then I hold alt and my middle mouse button to move it around like this rotate around at the end here right-click to end okay now we are done with the cut let me select my cylinder turn off my snap and then press the alt Q to isolate and that's pretty okay and you can see here I did a mistake right here you may sometime have such errors you may click accidentally on a face rather than on our line so you can easily fix that let's go to cut once again and I'll cut it from here to here and then I'm gonna select these unnecessary lines there so all the way up to bottom okay and ctrl backspace to delete them and also you can see has some where the cat looks are really inaccurate in such places you can just go ahead and do a manual movement and you can we may go ahead and check all the way around if there is any other inaccurate vertices and in order to check if this is your right running on a continuous loop without having any vertex in the middle can this go ahead to is and double click one of these aces and if it's perfect or it's going on a single line without any breaks or anything then the loop should go perfectly fine you should silica of them you can see there and I don't think there is any inaccurate cut right there but this should be pretty fine okay now the next thing we're gonna do is chamfer them up and let's go ahead a bit more amount you don't want to cross this part right there okay that should be pretty fine okay now what's that done let me go ahead and select this segments right here and do a ring and control click the polygon to set those phases and this is a necessary phase we can just say kick hit alt and click to deselect that and that should be on the bottom as well so all 10 deserve that as well now we're gonna Babel that out local normal maybe let's go to our blueprints here oh these that maybe that to be pretty much fine I guess you can see 7.5 maybe 1.5 and for the outline amount let's see I'm gonna go really down maybe that should be all fine okay now we're gonna go to segments once again lines and we're gonna select that loop right there this one here and this one here so that we can chamfer them and let's go on our starting right here you want to select these ones and the bottom ones as well and let's go ahead and do a quick chamfer obviously we will need to have only a little bit of amount otherwise they'll start overlapping up and that to look pretty bad so don't be too high maybe 0.4 something like that it should pretty well okay so that's how we create that trade right there and now let's go ahead and create our tip here for that we're gonna add in a 50 bucks modifier FFD box and for the number of points I'm gonna set my height to 6 and hit OK let's go ahead click this plus button right here and go to control points say call these coupons at the bottom and go to scale and scale it down okay let's go to perspective view you can see it better here just carry it down so that's pretty much seen there that way maybe you can also scale this one down in that way okay that looks pretty good we can now just convert it to an editable poly once again okay let's get an ad in a turbosmooth we'll see how it looks when we smooth it the isoline display yeah and let me turn off the easies right there okay that looks pretty good we don't have much error and at the top a little bit and that will fix and we don't have any error at the bottom as well so everything looks pretty good well now let's go ahead and create the top part that's a really easy part actually and that's not what I want to show in this tutorial but still I want to create that part and for that I'm gonna just delete this top face right there get that and go to the border set this border right here and I'm gonna go to front view go to move tool by pressing the W key or you can select it from here every click the shift key and drag it up so that way you will extrude along that line and I'm gonna scale it out to match the reference there okay that's okay and I'm gonna again once against extrude it up and then hit capped and then I have selected there so I'm gonna do a chamfer making it a let's move and save this bottom one as well and chamfer just do it - okay that should be fine well that's good now we need to create that minus sign there for our screwdriver to tie this knot before going that I was just saying something previously so let me hide all in here we have our helix and what we could do is go to rendering and enable in renderer and viewport and then it should give you something like this we can increase the thickness maybe five so this would also give you a pretty good detail kind of like on a screw maybe set it to more seven or something like that if you have a signal right there it'll create one cylinder up there as well that helps we have create one sitting there right there just just to see shift a to align int and let me increase the height okay you can see that's it also give you a pretty good detail right there but we wanted to create us out of a single piece and also we have some modification we have the thin edges right there so we did that way but you may want to do this a little bit quicker way you can also use a rectangle but that acts a little bit different with the helix so we cannot create exactly that but sometimes that's it also also work that's a pretty fast and quick way to create that detail right there and let's go up here and create that minus sign now let me go to top view have here let's turn on our faces shaded mode let's go to shaded and turn on ours these faces as well let's go to polygons and insert that with higher amount if your so let's do it this one and do a plus more higher amount once again plus and that should be fine let's go to vertex and we're gonna straighten these out to match these two vertex right there also on the top one and scale scale it on x-axis to make it straight okay that's okay and also for these two let's try that out we're gonna scale that on y-axis as well well let's go ahead now and set vertex we're gonna connect this together go to connect well they connect it all together let's go ahead and do these unnecessary segments right there ctrl backspace let's go to vertex take these middle ones and connect them together to let's go to face select these polygons right there and we're gonna pull it in okay do a quick incept it's a really small amount okay and do extrude negative extrusion okay control click the edges to select those aces right there and I'm gonna deselect them sorry Alt + select - deselect them and I'm gonna hit a chamfer okay also for this one right here chamfer not too much okay now if you go ahead and add in a triple dare that's a do a pretty good job on holding that okay and that's that looks pretty good and it's smooth there as well we have everything fine well that's how you create a screw now it should be a really good practice for you guys so thank you guys for watching we'll get back with some more tutorials and hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and you have something to learn from this don't forget to comment us giving us a feedback how you like our tutorials we have been receiving lots of comments as well and as well as I want to tell you something that our website contact for me is having some issues that we're not getting the email address what you're using so we're not able to reply to any of those messages so if you are one of them to whom we have not replied in please once again contact us we have fixed that issue and we should get your email address now so that we can reply to your messages as well so guys thank you guys for watching have a great day see you then bye bye
Channel: sanvfx
Views: 56,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanvfx, 3ds max, 3ds max tutorial, 3ds max modeling tutorial, 3d modeling, 3d model, free 3d model, modeling, how to model screw in 3ds max, how to model screw thread, 3d modeling tutorial, basic modeling tutorial, best 3d modeling tutorial, best 3ds max tutorial, learn 3ds max, polygonal modeling technique, box modeling technique, high poly modeling tutorial, create a detailed screw in 3ds max
Id: 61Uq0GyIJ48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 07 2014
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