Scraps - Everyone has them series - How to sew scraps to adding machine tape

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hey guys it's me Robin our silent crafts welcome to scraps everyone's got them today I want to show you one of the things you can do with some of your scraps this is adding machine tape it's three and a half inches wide and yards and yards and yards long I bought a bundle of these I believe on Amazon several years ago and I think it came in a pack of four or five it was really inexpensive I believe it was less than ten dollars what I'm gonna show you how to do is how to sew all your little bits of scraps onto this tape the adding machine tape so that you can use it in a scrap quilt some quilts have you using like a coin quilt you use stacks and stacks of fabrics that have you sewn together or some quilts will have a piano key border some quilts have an X in it of a bunch of fabric sewn together like this when you just naturally take fabrics and sew them together one after another sometimes the fabrics can tend to get a little out of shape this is a way of doing paper piecing it keeps it all on the register on the adding machine tape and it just keeps it all in one spot for you by sewing onto the adding machine tape we can use up any types of scraps wonky you can use any different types that you want if you want to put flannels on here or you want to put denim it's up to you I'm just using all quilting cotton for mine okay here we go now to get yourself set up as you can see ISO on mine and I just keep every time I have this little session of sewing on scraps I just keep rolling it up so I keep this section over to the left of my machine you take this roll and you can put it off to the side of your machine you can just sit it there but it tends to roll and if you do it this way it tends to get twisted so if you have a little basket or an old container to put it in you can just set it in there on the side of my machine I have a spot where I have some tubs stacked up against a cabinet and it just sits in there nicely I just take out a bunch of the tape as you can see I have cut this off of my roll so if your tape happens to rip and it comes unhooked from your big roll don't worry about it it's okay it's still usable because in the end you can take even if you cut this into say six inch strips you can take them and sew them together when you're ready to put them in a quilt and after it gets handled a little bit sometimes your your adding machine tape will pop off that's still don't worry about that I like to leave my tape on because when you're sewing with scraps like this you can have any type of bias strips anywhere so this keeps them from getting stretched out of shape you got to excuse my squeaky chair no you want to keep a pair of scissors close by because I have a little scissors on my machine but I like to clip my thread anyways that way I'm wasting a little bit less and what you can do today I just have white thread in my machine but if you have like leftover thread that you've bought a while ago that you no longer use you can use that on here or leftover bobbins this is a great use great way to use up all those little leftover bobbins that only have enough to sell a couple strips you're gonna spend a lot this is a fiddly type of scrap project so if you end up swapping out your bobbins a lot it's okay it's just gonna take a little bit of time but you're not gonna be wasting that thread and throwing it away over to my side I have my bucket of scraps I went through our scrap bins that we were ironing and cutting up previously I had two one and a half two and two and a half inch strips in here I don't care to use the ones the the three and a half for the larger ones because it takes up too much space on your on your strip here and you're not gonna get as much variety and it just stands out a little I try not to go any more than two and a half inches and also on this side I have some that I haven't trimmed up yet and they're just a little bit wonky and that's okay too you can decide with this project whether you want to have everything nice and even and you want to only use two inch strips on here so it's all perfect for like a piano key border or if you want to just go crazy like I have and just put in any size any width that you choose as long as it's wider than your tape then you can use it now you can also have several of these going at a time you don't like I said you don't have to keep them all hooked to the roll like this let's say you want to have a pink and purple quilt you can only use your pink and purple scraps on one roll off a couple yards of it then take out another roll and you can have that one only be black and white accent prints and that'll be fine too you're gonna have a wonky one and then you can have one that were every strip is the same size I like to go scrappy and I like to go wonky so for me I'm just gonna sew them all to the strip the reason I have the second one is I'd started this a few years ago and I lost it and then I refined it after of course I already started this later on in the series we'll go ahead and we'll make some blocks out of this also so you can see the things you can do with it alright so what we're gonna do is we're going to be sewing these right sides together you see how this one still has a salvage so I just make sure that the salvage is over the top of the paper and it won't be part of the block now with my presser foot I am just using the one that came with my machine I'm not worrying about a quarter-inch seam because every seam would all the different sizes scraps you're using it won't matter if the seam allowances are different and if you're using a same size strip like two and a half inches then as you're sewing every seam allowance will be the same anyways because you'll always be using the side of your presser foot make sure you have a little bit of paper in here so you're not struggling and pulling on it and off we go you can go as fast or as slow as you want that's it simple as can be I pull out just enough thread snip it and instead of pulling this out I just like to slide it underneath here so that we're all set up for the next time and then we just finger press now we're gonna leave this until we're all done and then we'll go back later and I'll show you how to trim it up you just grab another one lay it down hold it up and off we go a little trim finger press it for this next one we can either sew this on straight like this or we can choose to sew this a little wonky we're just gonna line it up with the edge of the fabric on top and so now in this piece you don't want it's not gonna matter that much if you have that little extra bulk but to avoid having that extra bulk or to avoid those polka dots from showing through just bend the paper back be careful you don't cut it and just follow along that one fabric insurance fold it back over and pick your next piece and so here if you use your wider fabric here you because that way when you come back over you'll have more fabric here and you won't have any of the thin slices like that unless that's what you want bring the paper back don't worry if you trim a little bit into the seam allowance as long as you leave yourself at least an eighth of an inch you'll be fine finger press it now another way you're gonna get wonky is if you use pieces that are already a little wonky you I try to avoid going too crazy on the wonky I personally don't want to have too many triangles like that but this is your strip you can do it any way you want so I'm going to go ahead and keep on stitching and then when I get a decent amount on here I'll go over to the cutting table and I'll show you how we take care of trimming this up alright our next step is going to be go ahead and iron this so it looks kind of nice and neat what I do is I take with this extra roll that I've already been sewing on all this time this is one of those handles that come in a gift bag I just when the gift bag we use them as much as we can and went for other things and when it gets all torn and ripped up I just saved the handles so I just to hold this part from rolling all over the place just give it a little knot you tie your shoes and this keeps it if it rolls off the table you're not gonna be chasing it all the way across the room and on the other end I put my big roll into this basket for once again to keep that from rolling everywhere now ironing this it's just gonna be simple we're just gonna press it just to make these if we finger press and there's a little bit of extra fabric right here then we're just gonna flatten it out so the seams are all nice and flat nothing fancy I do have steam on but I'm not pressing the steam button because it really doesn't need it just a quick little iron just to even it all out now just like with any other paper piecing it is okay to have the steam on and even if you chose to go ahead and and hit the steam it's not gonna hurt anything cuz it's just paper it's like printer paper it's not gonna dissolve on you just keep pressing it all down and your last one you want to give it a nice little push over to the side and press it just so it lays flat for your next one all the other pieces are sewn on both seams so it's not like they're gonna go anywhere and it's as simple as that if you can't find adding machine tape you can make your own you can take as simple as using the copy paper this is a little bit thinner than what you would use through your printer but you can slice that up into whatever width you want say like this is a three and a half inch if you wanted it larger or smaller if you wanted it smaller you could just cut this in half after you have made it and you would have two sections they would just be identical but I say you wanted it to be six inches wide you can just cut your printer paper that way you can also get rolls of the art paper that the kids use to put on their easels to draw and then cut out the size you want from that I'm not sure how sturdy the rolls are and whether or not you'd be able to cut through it would say hacksaw or something like that but you could at least roll out the paper and slice it that way now we're gonna go ahead and trim now what we're gonna want to do is we're gonna want to trim all this excess so that it matches the same all the way long now I've gone ahead and I just let the roll go off onto the floor that way and on this side I have the empty roll of paper still sitting in my basket just sitting on the floor now all trimming is going to be done from the backside so you can see the paper just like if you were doing string blocks and you were trimming them up to size and you do them from the back it's the same theory if you've made those before I'm going to use my nine and a half inch square ruler and my rotary cutter but if you didn't have these you could just trim right along the edge with your scissors it would be perfectly fine I decided to swap mine around and I have down here I have the part that's already been stitched previously and off that end of the table I have the blank paper this seems like it might be a little bit easier this way so what you do is you line your ruler up along the side of the tape I like to go just a little bit past because I don't want to be cutting the paper he's just trim and then you roll it down line it up did anyone catch that I didn't close my my rotary cutter for safety a bad habit and you're just gonna keep going all along until you have it all trimmed now if you were to trim the paper it wouldn't be a crisis it just does your blade a little and then your paper won't be exactly that same length but it's probably about an eighth of an eighth of an inch if you trim it so there you go you got another section added to your scrappy coins string strip whatever I like to do this I call this my rainy day I don't want to think today project it's a day you want to sew but you really don't want to think and worry about measurements and exact and cutting blocks you can just take 15 minutes each day and just throw some of these strips down in here and make yourself in 15 minutes you could probably get close to a yard done if not more so in the short amount of time we were sewing together we've got almost a yard done anyway so 15 minutes would be plenty of time to pick out your scraps and get stalling and trim now you have all these little bits leftover if we were using larger scraps you might have had bigger chunks leftover on the end that you can choose to either Riso onto this if they're long enough or to use for another scrap project these are all really small and I have zero use for these I don't save these I tossed them some people like to save them they put them in will throw them into a pillowcase and make a bed for an animal or they'll use them to stuff into pin cushions but I don't do those things this is truly scraps and waste for me I'm okay I will throw those away and not worry about them if you have any questions go ahead and leave a comment down below and I'll be happy to answer them and if I need to I will make another video for you thanks for someone with me bye
Channel: RsIslandCrafts - Robin
Views: 446,176
Rating: 4.7411976 out of 5
Keywords: rsislandcrafts, knit, craft, crafting, sew, sewing, knitting, tutorials, podcast, quilt, tutorial, paper, machine, adding, fabric scraps, paper foundation, scrap quilt, coin quilt, paino key border, adding machine paper, calculator paper, use it or lose it, sewing with scraps of fabric, sew your stash, waste not want not, scrap buster, how to, sewing class, cape coral, florida, robin lalone, sewing tutorial, sewing tips, string piecing, fabric leftovers, small pieces of fabric
Id: f9Iq9TB6XQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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