Scrap Yard Scams Copper Wire

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hey trainee Gavin here and talk to you about selling wire and getting the best price this is how we used to sell our insulated wire you leave the ends on it dirty like that the best we got it's 55 cents a pound then manage two ends are cut off or not and we'd sell these Christmas lights 25 cents a pound best we could find so I've been doing some checking around I found a second yard the second yard will give me 90 cents a pound for this insulated wire dirty like it is and 50 cents a pound for these Christmas lights dirty then I called the third yard let me tell you one thing it did for me they told me that if I take this extension cord cut the ends off like this this is now worth a dollar 40 a pound this phone cord the first yard wouldn't even take this as it was worthless the centered yard dollar five a pound same thing on this light gauge wire Long's all the ends and plastic clips are cut off a dollar five a pound now as far as these Christmas lights go they'll pay 50 cents a pound for them like this these plastic buckets on there for the lights all's you got to do sit them off real quick this light gauge wire dollar five a pound 50 Cent's dollar five more than twice the money for just a few seconds of cuts of wire so don't always take the first offer these scrap yards are going to make money not all of them are honest shop around you got the internet do some Google searches find some scrap yards call around check the pricing see what you can get you be surprised the difference in the arts tricky Galvan see you
Channel: trinketgobblin
Views: 1,156,811
Rating: 4.3985281 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Scrap, Copper (Chemical Element), Copper Wire And Cable, scrap yard, junk yard, scam, scammer, resale, scrapping, recycle, copper wire, sell, junk, metal
Id: i4ZoKC7kNrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 03 2014
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