SCP-3179 - The Seed (SCP Animation)

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Ask a group of unrelated people how  all life in the universe was created,   and they would each probably  give you a different answer.  Ask someone with a scientific background and  they’ll tell you the universe was birthed   after the Big Bang, and that life gradually  evolved on Earth over millions of years.   Or, if you were to ask someone of the Christian  faith, they might tell you that, God created the   entire universe in six days - every planet, star,  even giving life to every single creature - then   took Sunday off. Every belief system since  the dawn of humanity, whether monotheistic,   pantheistic, or even atheistic, have had  their own creation stories and myths.  And then there’s the answer that a member of  The Church of The Broken God would give you,   and trust us, it’s far more complicated. Just in case you’ve never heard them mentioned   before, The Church of The Broken God is an  anomalous religious organization and Group   of Interest. The SCP Foundation has actually had  a number of encounters with the Church over the   years, and we’ll get to why that is in a moment.  Members of the Church share in the belief that   life - specifically biological, flesh-based life  like that of human beings - is inherently wrong,   a direct product of evil. Their religion  focuses on the worship of mechanization,   which is the process of making something,  or someone, more mechanical in nature.  So, what do members of the Church  believe created life in the universe?   Well, according to their beliefs, in the  beginning, there were two ancient and powerful   beings. It was these gods, named Yaldabaoth  and Mekhane, who created humanity together.   Yaldabaoth was the god of flesh and animal  instinct, granting humans bodies while Mekhane,   the god of machine and intellect, blessed man with  the power of free thought. As humankind developed,   its civilizations began building machines. This  enraged Yaldabaoth, seeing that the humans were   ignoring the instincts she had bestowed upon  them. As a result, she swore to destroy all the   creations of man, seeking to revert them back to  the animalistic state she had intended for them.  According to the Church’s legend, Mekhane  acted as humanity’s savior, and intervened   to stop Yaldabaoth. The god of machines shattered  himself, transforming his metal body into a number   of pieces to form a cage for his fellow god.  These fragments of Mekhane’s body rained down   on planet Earth, scattered and lost. The Church  of the Broken God believes it is their duty,   their only true purpose, to recover those  pieces. As such, the Church is devoted to   the worship of Mekhane, their broken god that  lies in fragments scattered across the world.  Often using anomalous technology, members  of the Church of The Broken God intend to   uncover or steal these various components. The  Church’s ultimate goal is to bring the correct   pieces together and eventually restore Mekhane’s  form. It is their hope that he will guide them to   intellectual enlightenment, and bless them  with new, mechanical forms so that they can   discard their mortal bodies of flesh and blood,  and ascend to a fully mechanized way of life.  The one problem is there could potentially  be hundreds of pieces required in order to   rebuild Mekhane. He cannot lead the Church  to glory and defeat Yaldabaoth once and for   all with parts still missing. A number of these  pieces have already surfaced as cataloged SCPs   that the Foundation is either aware of, or  has in containment. Among them are SCP-882   or ‘His Broken Heart’ to the Church, SCP-271,  His Broken Gift, SCP-813, His Broken Eyes,   SCP-1139, His Broken Tongue, SCP-635, His  Broken Mind, and finally His Broken Blood,   which refers to SCP-217. And then there’s  SCP-3179, sometimes referred to as The Seed.  In 1909, a meteor shower rained over  Dellinton. a tiny village in England. But   something else fell with the meteors, something  otherworldly. It was made out of liquid metal,   its form constantly shifting and shimmering,  never staying at the same mass or held in the   same shape for long. The object, whatever it was,  quickly fell into the possession of a group known   as the Cogwork Orthodoxy. You see, within the  religion of the Church of the Broken God there   exists a number of splinter factions that,  ironically, broke away from the main Church.  One such group, referred to as the Cogwork  Orthodox Church, augment their own bodies   through mechanical implants. However, we aren’t  talking microchips, the Cogwork Orthodox Church   will only use technology from the late  Industrial Revolution, as they think it   is more fitting of their god, Mekhane. So, what does this object, SCP-3179,   have to do with all these tales of  mechanical churches and broken gods?  SCP-3179 is capable of extending its mass,  forming long, rod-like metal structures that   protrude from its central mass. These rods  are then used to create smaller entities,   referred to as SCP-3179-1. These entities  might lack the ability to expand or change   shape the same way that SCP-3179 can, but they  are specialized for a wide range of functions.  The SCP-3179-1 creations are usually designed  to help free SCP-3179 from its containment   and will obey this purpose without  exception, yet somehow they do not   appear capable of communicating with the  main body that they were created from.   While SCP-3179 remains as a constant mass of  liquid metal, the entities it creates are able   to simulate an exterior organic appearance.  In other words, they look like they are alive.  Still struggling to figure out why the Cogwork  Orthodoxy and Church of the Broken God would be so   interested in this thing? Well, maybe  this will answer that burning question.   Warranty Silas, One of the members of the Cogwork  Orthodoxy that recovered SCP-3179, thought the   metallic object was The Seed of Mekhane.  According to the beliefs of the Church,   this liquid metal entity would one day expand  to form the offspring of their Broken God.  Perhaps hoping to protect the future child  of their faith’s deity, the Cogwork Orthodoxy   constructed a containment bunker around SCP-3179  in 1917. At first, this sturdy container seems   to have done its job, possibly having even been  made using anomalous methods or properties to keep   SCP-3179 in place. For over a hundred years,  it successfully held the entity and restricted   its ability to grow. However, the unit has since  been damaged by multiple attempts by the entity   to breach its containment, and will likely  fail completely within the next five years.  You see, SCP-3179 isn’t just alive, but sentient.  The liquid metal entity has displayed an extremely   high level of intelligence, although not through  direct communication. It shows its intelligence   through its evolving tactics, changing the  shape of its mass or creating more instances   of SCP-3179-1 to aid in its escape. In fact, the  so-called Seed of Mekhane is so vastly intelligent   in its strategies and relentless in its goal  to breach its containment, that in 2016 most   of the containment unit built around it had been  destroyed. The Cogwork Orthodoxy had no choice but   to directly contact the SCP Foundation, and appeal  to them to take over the containment of SCP-3179.  Even after this exchange, the Foundation still had  significant trouble keeping the entity contained.   They couldn’t transport it, instead assigning a  Mobile Task Force, Zeta 10, codenamed Death Metal,   to monitor SCP-3179’s growth. If a section of its  body expanded too far beyond an acceptable level,   these personnel had to step in and  sever it from the main body of SCP-3179.   Any part sliced, severed, or otherwise  removed from the liquid metal mass still   continues to grow for several hours after its  removal. However, this growth eventually stops   and these pieces are left inert and lifeless. For example, on one occasion in late December   of 2016, SCP-3179 grew a number of metal supports  from its main body, not unlike multiple pairs of   legs. Before the entity could use these new  appendages to pull itself free and escape its   containment, members of MTF Death Metal stepped  in and severed them before they could fully grow.   A few weeks later in January of 2017,  SCP-3179 tried a similar strategy:   growing structures resembling propellers on  the top of its body and attempting to attain   flight. Once again, Death Metal did what  they do best and clipped SCP-3179’s wings.  It later produced instances of SCP-3179-1 in the  form of numerous flying drones, that it tried to   use to fly away from the containment zone. MTF  Zeta 10 was able to shoot these entities down,   forcing SCP-3179 to once again alter its tactics.  Next, it produced a number of sound-emitting   structures from its central mass and used them  to mimic the voices of a number of MTF Zeta 10   members. The metallic creature attempted  to plead with the Foundation’s operatives   in the voices of their colleagues, claiming that  they had become trapped inside the liquid metal.  After no result, a day later SCP-3179 began using  the same structures to emit screams of the same   MTF Zeta 10 troops. This time, the voices claimed  that SCP-3179 was killing them, and begged to be   set free. Once again, the Foundation’s personnel  remained at their posts, though this breach   attempt apparently added a lot more job stress to  the role. SCP-3179 even, on multiple occasions,   produced instances of SCP-3179-1 that were  identical to existing MTF Zeta 10 members,   trying to convince the others that the entity  should be released from its containment zone.  At one point it was even able to use tiny  SCP-3179-1s to replace the internal organs of   one of the MTF Zeta 10 members in his sleep with  entirely mechanical components. On the outside,   the man looked to be human, his eyes,  skin, and tongue all organic. But inside,   he had been made a puppet of SCP-3179 and  sent off to sabotage a number of systems   involved in the entity’s containment. Luckily,  the Foundation’s forces were able to stop this   new instance of SCP-3179-1 and terminated him. Of course, this all begs the question,   why would the Cogwork Orthodoxy hand SCP-3179  over to the Foundation? If the Seed of Mekhane was   so sacred to them, so important to their belief  system, then why give it to another organization?   You could argue that the Cogwork  Orthodoxy were admitting that they   weren’t as well equipped as the Foundation  are when it comes to containing anomalies,   or that they’d rather the future offspring  of Mekhane was best kept as safe as possible.   But that is if you even believe that SCP-3179  really is The Seed of Mekhane. While growing   in its containment, the entity showed to be  considerably hostile towards the members of   the Church that curated it. It even caused  a number of casualties, killing many that   wanted to protect it on behalf of Mekhane. Additionally, the metallic mass wouldn’t   change its state whenever they would read  scripture relating to the Broken God,   in fact, it showed little reaction at all to any  displays of faith from the Cogwork Orthodoxy.   Surely Mekhane’s own offspring wouldn’t have  behaved in such a way. Unless, of course, SCP-3179   wasn’t the Seed of Mekhane at all. What if this  entity was an imposter, oblivious of the beliefs   of the Church of The Broken God? And given  how intelligent it had shown itself to be,   surely SCP-3179 would know to take advantage of  the faith of those that had tried to procure it.  On the second of June 2017, SCP-3179 produced  a number of metal tablets from itself   and dispersed them throughout the containment  area surrounding it. Each tablet had the same   inscription written on it: “Humans must obey the  ruling of gods. The Mekhane is a god. The Mekhane   is a powerful entity of steel and industry. I am a  powerful entity of steel and industry. Therefore,   I am Mekhane. Therefore, I am a god.  Therefore, you will release me.”  It is entirely possible that SCP-3179  was indeed a part of Mekhane,   the ancient, Broken God and deity to the Church  and the Cogwork Orthodoxy. But then again,   this entity showed intelligence and adaptability,  as well as hostility towards the human beings   around it. Perhaps this so-called Seed of Mekhane  was nothing more than a false prophet, trying   to use the faith of the Church to ensure its own  escape. It doesn’t get much craftier than that...  Now go check out “SCP-001 - The Broken God -  Ouroboros Cycle” and “What Actually Happened   to Major Alexei Belitrov? SCP-2273 - Tale” for  more lore from the Church of the Broken God!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 632,759
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Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-3179, scp 3179, scp3179
Id: cln2Nxse1NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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