SCP-5633 - Must NOT be Hemophobic!

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Researchers at Foundation Site 202 were going about their day as they would normally, or as normal as a day could be in the SCP Foundation. If anything, normality was abnormal for them. It was a quiet day at Site 202, as it had been for a few weeks, to the distress of many of the researchers stationed at the site. No anomalies had breached containment in the past twenty days, there were no random anomalous events to investigate, testing was up to date for all the anomalies they had contained in the past few months, and their leads on potential anomalies had run dry. There was little to do at Site 202, and its researchers grew restless as the piles and piles of boring Foundation paperwork grew ever taller. That was until a fateful day in the Spring of 1990. It was March 22. The cold winter weather had still lingered in the air that day, but it was warming up for all the people living around the Site. There was word that a school, not too far from Site 202, was experiencing an event that could only be described as potentially catastrophic to the SCP Foundation’s reality. Of the researchers at Site 202, five were deemed suitable to form a temporary task force. The first, Doctor J. Alfred Henry a senior researcher who was a former member of the Mobile Task Force The Mole Rats during the investigation into SCP-1730, the interdimensional Site-13. Doctor Henry also brought along his assistant, researcher Tyler Zeissman. The next member was Yavan Olich, who was in charge of taking care of any living anomalies that may be present at the location. Another member of this team was Spriggand Firestarter, a former member of the anomalous Group of Interest: The Serpent’s Hand, which specializes in magic and spell casting. This project was overseen by Samantha Strysand, the director of Site 202. The team was not given a normal designation as most tasks forces are: a greek letter and a number. Instead, they were called the “Taint Team” and were in charge of documenting and combating any and all parts of reality that were tainted by the anomaly. The team set out for the location of this potential anomaly. Along with their standard-issue firearms and tactical armor, they were armed with portable Scranton Reality Anchors and possibly the most important part of their arsenal: their expertise. The location the taint team arrived at was nothing they were expecting from what they had heard about past reality-altering anomalies. They were greeted with a single school building. It was large in size; more a castle than a school. It was constructed out of red bricks, with the roofs being slanted and white. In the center of the building complex was a large clock tower. The researchers commented on how similar it looked to a nearby church, and continued inside. They moved throughout the school, looking around for any sign of abnormalities. There were three floors and two wings, but all of them housed no anomaly. The portable Scranton Reality Anchors each member of the taint team held were not picking up on any levels of reality instability. They were close to calling the investigation a false-positive and move back to Site 202 when a faint beeping noise was heard from all the members of personnel. Doctor Olich was the only one not to react to the sound out of the team. “It’s just a meat processing plant,” he said sternly. “There’s nothing in here except empty rooms and dust. Let’s head back.” The rest of the team was confused. “A meat processing plant?” They were all briefed numerous times that this was a school. Olich was the first one to comment that he recognized the location. Was this the reality altering anomaly they were looking for? A school that makes people think it’s a meat processing plant. That wouldn’t be the weirdest anomaly the Foundation has found. One site has a yeti working for them. But this, was rather underwhelming. “What do you mean a meat processing plant?” Inquired Doctor Henry. “Whatever, let’s just go,” Olich responded coldly. Doctor Henry stopped him as he turned and looked to his portable reality anchor. There was a rise in Humes on the other side of the main corridor on the first floor. Humes are a unit of reality stability. Baseline reality is located at a Hume level of 0. Anything or anyone with a Hume level greater than that is able to affect reality in various ways. The team moved slowly to the other side of this room, once again finding nothing except the white drywall and tile flooring of the building. There was one odd element as they approached this portion, though: a door. It was not like any of the heavy steel doors the team had seen in the building. It was wooden, like the one you’d see on a house. The Hume reader skyrocketed. It was a number they had never seen before. 4000 humes. After a tense second of looking to each other on what their next move should be, Doctor Henry slowly reached his hand out to the door and twisted the bronze handle as the rest of the team drew their weapons. He opened it quickly, finding nothing but a dusty staircase. The Hume reader plummeted back to normal levels as quickly as it had spiked. The team discussed what they should do next. They decided to enter the basement level, which they found was not listed on the floorplan of the building. Doctor Olich, insisted, however, that he remembered this meat processing plant having a basement. They moved into the dark stairway and slowly progressed down the stairs. It was an oddly short staircase that led to an oddly small room. The team was once again confused. Why did the Hume levels hit a record high if there was nothing but a small boiler and a few pipes snaking on the walls? Doctor Olich was notably absent from the team. After some searching, he was found a bit up the flight of stairs, frozen in place with fear. “Yavan,” Doctor Henry called. “What’s wrong?” There was no response, as Doctor Olich just stood there frozen in shock. Then suddenly the silent doctor began to walk down the steps almost robotically; his eyes were locked on the boiler, but it didn’t look like anything was wrong with it to the eyes of everyone else. Doctor Olich entered the room with the rest of the team and moved towards the boiler. “You don’t see it?” Olich said. “The– the veins.” “What are you talking about?” Doctor Henry responded. “There’s nothing wrong here.” Researcher Zeissman moved toward Doctor Olich in an attempt to calm him down. As he approached, Doctor Olich became hostile and began fighting the researcher. The other members of the taint team attempted to calm and restrain the doctor, but Olich thwarted these attempts and moved to a corner. “Blood!” Olich cried. “He wants blood. A lot. Blood.” Doctor Henry began frantically radioing Director Strysand in an attempt to get more help, but as he did, Olich cried out the word Blood another time. A gun shot rang out. His body fell to the ground, but his blood did not. The blood of Doctor Olich began flowing up the walls in a jagged pattern, then began to absorb into the concrete. Suddenly, the Hume levels spiked in the room, and the blaring alarms of the portable reality anchors were all that could be heard. The room switched in appearance, attached to all four walls on the basement were hundreds of long, thick veins. They were red and black and purple, and dripped a syrupy liquid of the same color onto the ground. There was almost a foot of the liquid in the room, which the agents had been standing in without even knowing it. There was a mass slithering towards the corpse of Doctor Olich. It was black and a deep red in color. It almost looked like a person, but it didn’t move or act like one. The entity absorbed the body of Doctor Olich into its central mass and began moving towards the remaining members of the taint team. The Foundation personnel yelled into their walkies that they needed to be evacuated immediately. They sprinted up the stairs toward the roof and out of the building. Just as they reached the roof top: They heard a terrifying gutteral rumbling voice mutter the word “More.” Their reality anchors’ Hume readers then plummeted back to normal levels. And a Foundation helicopter arrived to evacuate them from the roof top. The Foundation would designate this anomaly as SCP-5633. They devised a number of containment procedures to combat the anomaly. Site 202 was to be used as a drainage facility for the anomaly’s secretions and all personnel who enter the basement of SCP-5633 must not have a phobia of blood. As with most anomalies, the SCP Foundation personnel of Site 202 decided to conduct some testing under the belief that SCP-5633 could speak to them again. Blood, used for transfusions at the Foundation, was transported from Site-17 for the taint team to use as bate to attempt an interview. It had been over a month since the taint team had been to SCP-5633. They remained with three members despite losing one to the anomaly, as they were all familiar enough with the building. Doctor Henry placed down a bag of blood and readied his reality anchor. Immediately the blood was drained out of the bag and began to flow up the walls of the basement. As Hume levels spiked, the room revealed its true form. The humanoid entity responded. “I AM GLAD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.” Another bag of blood was placed down. “YOU ARE NOW PART OF MY CREATION.” It was decided that two bags would be placed next. Doctor Henry believed that more blood would potentially get a greater result. “YOU SHOULD FOLLOW EVERY INSTRUCTION I GIVE YOU. YOU SHOULD GIVE ME BLOOD EACH TIME OR I WILL STOP GIVING YOU INSTRUCTIONS.” Another two bags of blood were placed down. But this time no phrase was given from SCP-5633. Instead a bundle of papers fell from one of the veins. It depicted the blueprints for Site 202. Whether this was a threat or a message, it did not matter to the personnel at Site 202 that was overseeing the project. They commanded that all of the taint team were to return to base at once. While the SCP Foundation has ways to combat reality-altering events, they also have methods to look into alternate realities. As SCP-5633 is one of these reality-bending anomalies, it was decided a much more in-depth investigation was needed. It was found that in an alternate timeline, SCP-5633 was a meat processing plant that suffered a reality alteration. The taint team, in that reality, had been trapped in the meat processing plant only to fight and destroy SCP-5633. Somehow, they were able to disconnect SCP-5633’s control on them and the meat processing plant, then overseeing researchers were able to attach SCP-5633 to various realities that were different from its own. It became confused and destroyed itself. Did the SCP Foundation of another reality accidentally send SCP-5633 to this reality? It seems that way, so perhaps this version of the SCP Foundation could contain it by sending it to another reality, perhaps one that it didn’t have power in at all. The taint team decided that this was the course of action they would take. They reviewed the file they had recovered from the servers of an alternate reality, finding that blood was the correct sacrifice to give to SCP-5633. There was an issue though, the humanoid entity within SCP-5633 had been growing larger, along with its already intense power. Tests were being run on the substance found in the basement, as Site 202 had been draining and pumping it into a disposal and storage laboratory. It was found to be a mixture of blood and DNA from over 2000 different human sources. There was a catastrophic accident with one of the drainage pipes in Site 202. One had been heated to intense temperatures, causing a potential meltdown of the entire site. On-Site security and repair teams moved in swiftly to combat the issue, however, the superheating and rapid flooding led to the pipe bursting from shock, splattering everyone in it’s vicinity with SCP-5633’s fluid. The fluid acted almost as acid, burning away armor, clothes, skin, and muscle tissue and embedding itself into the bodies of the victims. They were immediately placed into temporary containment, as, at the time, it was unknown what would happen when the liquid entered the bloodstream. As always, tests were performed on the wounded. They found that the entirety of the DNA of those who had been victims of the liquid was instead reading as SCP-5633’s DNA, not their own. For the time, the victims seemed fine. That was until a week later when all the victims of this event were found dead in their cells with cuts on their wrists and throats. Logically this would be the most efficient way to drain the most amount of blood out of their bodies in the shortest period of time. The oddest part of this entire ordeal: There was no blood pooled on the ground whatsoever. There were only faintly red trails of blood up the walls of each cell. That same day, SCP-5633 was observed to have grown over twice in size. If the anomaly could affect people who are not even in the room, what’s preventing it from spreading this liquid to all corners of the Earth and drawing all of the human races’ blood into its mass? The taint team was given a supply of blood to draw SCP-5633 out so that reality anchors could be placed and it could be sent to another reality. The plan was simple, with Doctor Henry and Researcher Zeissman placing the blood bags down and communicating with the entity, Firestarter would place down three portable Scranton Reality Anchors to contain the entity for a time. The taint team journeyed to SCP-5633, this time accompanied by Director Strysand. The site director believed that all the deaths caused by SCP-5633 were at her hand, as she had more than enough time to intervene but didn’t. This time, she was ready to send this anomaly out of her reality by any means necessary. The brick wall of the school had gone from a nostalgic reminder of elementary school to a nightmare of dead colleagues and the potential death of reality. They were careful when they entered, despite knowing SCP-5633 was located in the basement. Everyone on the team was tense but knew they had a mission in mind. They were ready to die in the dark if that meant everyone could live in the light. With a swift hand, Doctor Henry opened the door to the basement, and the three other members of the taint team followed suit. The basement once again appeared to be normal. The team knew this was a false sense of security put in place by SCP-5633 so it could coil around them and drain their blood so it could grow in size and power. The first bag of blood was placed down, and the taint team was met with the voice of SCP-5633. “I LIKE TO LIE.” The taint team was perplexed as the bag began to be drained of blood. What did SCP-5633 lie about? Another bag was placed on the ground and Firestarter was commanded to wait. “MY CREATION WAS ALWAYS INHERENT. YOUR ASSISTANCE WAS NEVER NECESSARY. I TOLD YOU IF YOU HELPED ME YOU WOULD BE SAVED.” Doctor Henry, in a fit of confusion and rage, threw the rest of the bags to the ground. The only response he was given. “I AM LYING TO YOU.” Suddenly, the Hume levels in the room spiked to 4000. The room changed appearance again, now, the taint team was almost drowning in SCP-5633’s liquid. They tried to scream but were only met with mouthfuls of the disgusting black and red mixture. As fast as the liquid appeared, it was gone. And so was the team. There was nothing but silence and the soft sound of slithering. Personnel at Site 202 realized about one hour later that something must have gone wrong with this investigation, and hastily traveled to SCP-5633. Over 50 members of various Mobile Task Forces and security teams entered the school and its basement, only to be met with the disgustingly cruel fate of the taint team. SCP-5633 had reached a height of almost 20 feet. Doctor Henry’s left arm and nose were seen floating in the middle of this mass. Half of Agent Firestarter’s face was seen jutting out of what appeared to be the shoulder of SCP-5633. The legs of Researcher Zeissman were found at the lower portion of the entity, laying completely still other than random twitching. The head of Director Strysand was peeking out of the top of SCP-5633. Her eyes had been completely replaced with SCP-5633’s veins, and she appeared to be crying the liquid constantly. It seemed that SCP-5633 had been influencing events from the beginning, from the death of Doctor Olich to the pipe explosion to possibly even creating the entire narrative of being kicked out of another universe by an alternate Foundation. The SCP Foundation does know one thing for sure though, SCP-5633 requires a great amount of blood, and it just so happens, human beings have a lot for it. Now go check out “SCP-354 - The Red Pool” and “Frightening Lost Ronald Reagan VHS Tape You Must Watch - SCP-1981 & SCP-095” for more blood-curdling SCPs from SCP Explained!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 286,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-5633, scp 5633, scp5633
Id: BKxs8Kfohfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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