SCP-106 - The Old Man Escape - Top 15 Evil SCP

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3am and the facility is quiet office workers and administrators roam the Halls security officers stand at their posts clad in advance tactical armor and carrying standard issue M4 carbines three Foundation employees sit at flickering monitors watching a live feed of footage from the containment cell of the infamous scp-106 or as it's referred to by all staff the old man no Foundation Personnel are permitted to travel within 60 feet of the cell for security reasons and nobody is permitted to physically interact with the anomaly without the approval of two-thirds of o5 command the observer's eyes itch and Sting from hours of unending blue light exposure but they can't look away the old man is Crafty he might have the insatiable bloodlust of a hungry great white shark but he's not mindless he's a calculating Predator more sadistic than the worst human serial killer and he's always searching for the next opportunity according to the foundation records he's been active since at least World War II and it's estimated that he has hundreds if not thousands of victims to his name and many of those made simple but extremely foolish mistakes of underestimating him after all it only takes a few seconds of inattentiveness and the briefest moment of distraction to give him the window he needs to do what you ask oh don't worry you'll find out just like they did the old man has his nickname for a reason most of the time he really does look exactly like that an old man or more specifically an old man's decaying corpse his body covered in Rotten Dark grayish black flesh that looks like putrid meat though the creature has been observed being able to change shape the rod seems to run too deep for the old man to ever hide it Foundation employees that have observed scp-106 for extended periods of time have reported seeing it assume the form of grinning decayed children and women whose rotted flesh barely hangs on their creaking bones just seeing the images through a video feed is enough to cause a lifetime of insomnia and other sleeping issues still they have a job to do and the cameras remain fixed on the old man he's been completely motionless for three months just sitting there like a a Buddhist monk in deep meditation a novice might see this period of inactivity as a cause for celebration but those with experience know that this is merely the Calm before the storm scp-106 can remain in a dormant state for months at a time described by the foundation scientist as a lulling state it's believed that the Old Man simply waiting for its captors to get soft make a mistake or simply have a momentary lapse in concentration which is all it needs to make its move it had happened so many times before and it was about to happen again one of The Observers must have felt an overwhelming wave of anxiety as he saw the creature ever so slightly twitch just a tiny quiver in the shoulder muscles but that was enough to tell the Observer that their day had just taken a terrifying turn he grabbed the emergency phone fixed to his desk and practically screamed into the receiver that 106 is moving that they need a Tactical Team stat but it was already too late he and the other two observers stared into the monitors with their mouths Agape as a gooey rust-like substance began to pool around the creature on the floor of its cell slowly creature creaned its withered neck around its face was fixed into a broad yellow tooth lipless Grim its eyes had the kind of dull flat malice of an underwater Predator it looked directly into the camera directly at them and smiled The Observers knew this was bad really really bad with what they could have sworn was a little nod the old man began sinking into the rusty puddle it made on the ground beneath it until it had disappeared entirely scp-106 is capable of phasing through any solid surface with ease making it one of the hardest entities to reliably contain and earning it a spot on the dreaded keter class reserved for the anomalies that are complete nightmares to keep locked up through the years of costly research and deadly trial and error the foundation would later devise ways of at least slowing the creature down it's shown to have an aversion to lead highly complex or random physical structures and intense bright light none of these cause harm to the creature as far as we know literally nothing can but they'll at least buy you some precious extra seconds with which to at least least try and Escape seconds the three observers didn't have one of them grabbed an emergency line again and barked into it that they lost visual on the anomaly just then The Observers heard a faint crackling sound behind them and the hissing of a chemical burn they turned in horror to see a huge Rusty burn mark expanding across the wall right next to the door which was their only Escape Route they backed as far away from the door as they could as a rotten hand began reaching out of the mass of corrosive black sludge followed by the grinning face of scp-106 ready to have some fun meanwhile two heavily armed security officers agents Goodwin and Resnick came charging down the corridor toward the observation rooms it become a bleak slogan during scp-106 Escape attempts that all you need to do is follow the screams and that motto was proven true that night because awful things were happening to the observation Personnel they were certainly screaming about it of course even with the top of the line firearms there was little they could do to harm the rampaging old man he seemed immune to all forms of physical damage all they could hope to do was keep the thing distracted until the scientists and containment Specialists finish the preparations to lure him back into his containment cell Goodwin surged forward while Resnick covered his six vigilance was key as unlike a standard human combatant scp-106 could attack from literally any angle including above or below physical obstacles were irrelevant to him and no cover was safe the hardened security officers could see the burn mark on the wall of the observation room as they approached scp-106 was perpetually coated in a thick black mucus with powerful corrosive properties that left any surfaces it touched permanently marked Foundation scientists speculated that this mucus served as a kind of pre-digestive substance that tenderizes meat and Bone alike but to what purpose this serves as a mystery as the old man has never been observed eating it's postulated that the only purpose is causing additional pain Goodwin in Resnick knew to treat this hissing sludge as a Potential Threat as the corrosive properties would remain active for as much as six hours before finally fizzling out the two officers shared a quiet nod before Goodwin breached the observation room door with a hard kick the two of them searched inside guns at the ready in their time working at the foundation they'd seen some truly horrific sites from the mutilation of d-class personnel typically death row prison inmates brought in for use as SCP guinea pigs to the violence and Mayhem of a containment bridge but there was nothing in their past that would ever make the horrifying sight they saw in the observation room that night feel normal all three observers were dead almost nothing remained of two of them and the third while still intact no longer looked human he looked like he'd somehow been dead a hundred years in the brief period that the old man had been free his skin was gray and completely dried out and its mouth was locked into a Perpetual scream it was a massacre but there was no sign of the old man Goodwin grabbed his radio and whispered this is Goodwin in observation room 6 requesting immediate backup we have no idea where this thing but his sentence was cut off by a sudden scream from agent Resnick SCP Foundation security officers are as tough as Nails the best of the best you might say recruited from the top military organizations in the world so hearing one of them scream in Fright is a rare if not impossible occurrence but even they were forced to yell out in fear when they looked up to see the old man standing on the ceiling grinning down at them Resnick raised his M4 and shot a three-round burst at Center Mass scp-106 didn't care even under sustained gunfire from the two security officers it didn't glitch The Old Man simply reached down and snatched agent Resnick from the ground like it was picking an apple from a tree the old man held Resnick in one hand and pounded its other rotten fist into the agent's body breaking all of his bones Resnick screamed for his partner to help him but there was no time before Goodwin could do anything scp-106 began receding back into another slimy burn mark on the wall only this time he was taking his screaming victim with him agent Resnick gave one more horrified screen before he was pulled backward into the inky Darkness leaving the room silent except for the burning hiss of the corrosive left behind you might think this would be the end of it but no for poor agent Resnick the worst was yet to come he was being dragged into what the SCP Foundation scientists refer to as the old man's pocket Dimension a miniature layer of reality within our own where the malicious SCP is essentially a cool all-powerful God according to witness reports extracted from victims who were taken to this little nightmare realm the dimension resembles a series of twisting endless corridors where the old man stalks and torches had captured victims to the breaking point manipulating space and time to his own sadistic ends on rare occasions the SCP will even release its victims just for the joy of hunting capturing and torturing them all over again while agent Resnick was learning the true meaning of Terror containment Specialists were mobilizing in itself preparing the one known tried and true method of alluring the old man back tempting it with the prospect of causing even more suffering in order to do this Foundation Personnel take one of the aforementioned class personnel and begin inducing extreme pain by breaking a major bone or slicing a tendon every 20 minutes the victim's agonizing screams are then played over the facility's intercom acting as bait for the pain-loving old man the screams echo through the facilities otherwise silent Halls as the mutilated corpse of agent Resnick falls from a new Scorch mark on the ceiling the old man can hear the sounds of suffering ringing out through the air around him and he can barely contain his excitement over the prospect of a new plaything the snapped femurs the torn Achilles tendons it was all too good to miss having had its Twisted fun with the security officers and observers scp-106 wandered back to its containment cell where a new screaming victim awaited the other security officers containment Specialists and scientists evacuated the area leaving the old man alone with his prey while the unfortunate class D was left to his fate the rest of the staff commenced cleanup procedures which mainly involve wiping the brown and black mucus from the walls it would probably be at least another month before any anything like this happened again and a new Personnel would be transferred over to the facility to replace the Fallen all in all just another night at the SCP Foundation scp-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible so Begins the SCP Foundation file on the dreaded scp-682 a highly intelligent reptilian monster that has despite the foundation's best efforts proved impossible to kill it may not be the most dangerous SCP out there considering that some are capable of eliminating entire realities but it's one of the most iconic and you've probably heard tales of the monster that death forgot and you know exactly why everyone is so afraid of the so-called hard to kill reptile it's been subjected to some of the most deadly weapons and traps the foundation could devise and survived attacks from some of its deadliest fellow scps but before we tell you about the foundation's many failed assassination attempts against the so-called hard to kill reptile we need a little more groundwork on what this creature even is the first thing to know about scp-682 is that this thing wants you and everything you know dead unlike some other creatures like scp-096 and SCP-173 which are murderous but exhibit no real higher processing skills scp-682 possesses cunning Advanced reasoning and even human level logical intelligence scp-682 can engage you in conversation but just talking to the creature calmly and cordially will sometimes cause it to enter its rage stay where it becomes even more dangerous and volatile the Beast is perpetually kept in a tank of powerful hydrochloric acid melting its tissue to prevent it from reaching its full potential and going on a rampage the creature's most terrifying asset and the reason it's proven impossible to terminate thus far is its incredible adaptability to any and all external stimuli 682 is a reactive being capable of not only surviving and regenerating from all attacks but often incorporating those attacks into its own wide Arsenal in other words if you're hoping to kill this thing you better kill it on the first hit because if you don't you better believe it's gonna hit you back a hundred times harder this brings us to the main event some of the SCP foundation's most ambitious and frightening attempts to terminate scp-682 or even understand how it could theoretically be terminated there are quite literally too many unsuccessful attempts for us to list them all here so think of this as a highlight reel of the foundation's most prominent failures 682 was first cross-tested with scp-017 a humanoid Shadow entity shown to be able to consume matter with its shadows and leave no traces behind test on tissue samples from 682 showed that scp-017 was able to consume said tissues with no adverse effects however when scp-017 was placed into the containment chamber with the actual creature 682 let out a horrific Roar that was so loud it damaged nearby audio equipment scp-017 fled to the corner of the room and 682 in its rage State attempted to breach containment agents managed to suppress and remove the creature but no meaningful damage was logged attempt failed SCP-173 the killer statue was later brought in hoping that it's thus far impeccable track record for killing would hold strong the second that 173 was introduced into the testing area 682 retreated to the far wall and began screeching intensely it was intelligent enough to know what it was dealing with here while the researchers and guards expected an instantaneous reaction there was actually a stalemate for over six hours as 682 stared at 173 continuously eventually the tie was broken when agents shot out 682's eyes with high caliber sniper rifles breaking the line of sight and causing 173 to attack though 682 sustained damage to several parts of its body while its eyes were generated the creature was not killed it then regenerated a number of eyes all over its body covered in a clear armored carapace that made them resistant to bullets the stalemate continued for an additional 12 hours as 682 maintained Perpetual eye contact 173 was eventually removed from the containment unit and the mission was aborted attempt failed in their desperation the SCP Foundation restored to bringing in another dangerous and seemingly unkillable monster to take on 682 scp-096 also known as the shy guy as astute SCP fans will already know this being kills anything that sees its face with no known exceptions and when it enters its attack mode it's thought to be quite literally Unstoppable or at least it was while scp-096 was able to destroy 85 percent of 682's original body mass during their 27 hour battle it was left mentally broken wounded and huddled in the corner to this day if ever confronted with scp-682 the shy guy reacts in pure Terror turning away and clawing at its own face attempt failed during a deadly Containment Breach scp-682 also went head-to-head organically with another iconic SCP Hall of Famer scp-106 also known as the old man the old man and a shape-shifting psionic anomaly known as scp-953 broke into 682's containment cell the old man pulled both of his fellow anomalous combatants into his pocket Dimension to continue the battle on his terms however despite losing 67 percent of his body mass during the ensuing pocket Dimension Showdown 682 still prevailed with the old man eventually fleeing back to his cell and 953 being collected and taken away by agents once again scp-682 continued to hold the title but it wasn't just cross-testing experiments intentional or otherwise the SCP foundation's quest to kill 682 LED them to a number of more conventional murder methods all with varying degrees of success due to scp-682's highly adaptive abilities some methods were discounted from the out set for example launching a powerful thermonuclear missile at the creature was soundly rejected by o5 command on the premise that if the creature wasn't destroyed and evolved to the point where it could shrug off nukes Humanity would be pretty much done for other ideas were abandoned just for being too ridiculous such as one researcher's suggestion to fly the creature through the air and drop it from a considerable height hoping to kill it with a high altitude impact I'm not sure we even need to tell you why that's a terrible idea but during the experiments on scp-682 the studies range from honest to incompetent to straight up evil one guest researcher fed two small innocent children to the creature just to see what would happen he was then himself fed to the creature for his sadistic Behavior which was viewed as getting in the way of his professional conduct after all the foundation is meant to be cold not cruel it was scp-682 that had the Monopoly on cruelty the medical agents were a resounding failure they attempted to dismember 682 with a powerful laser only to have the creature develop reflective services that displaced the beam and caused catastrophic damage to the area around it they attempted to kill the creature by sucking all the air out of its containment facility and create a vacuum but it expelled a dangerous gaseous compound that reacted violently and exploded when air was once again introduced into the room the foundation used High Precision Blades to slice scp-682 into approximately 12 000 pieces then separated these pieces unsurprisingly by this point this attempt also failed the 12 000 pieces reformed a short while later into the fully operational killing machine we all know and fear in one particularly frightening display of intelligence and adaptability the foundation attempted to kill 682 with extreme heat but it shielded Itself by developing a second car pace post of solid helium when Personnel entered the room following the failed attempt on the creature's life it shattered its helium carapace into deadly shards that fired around the room and shredded all Foundation Personnel in attendance it had set a trap and that trap had been wildly successful the creature's ability to adapt to seemingly any offense is unparalleled to the point where Foundation staff have no idea how to classify this creature whether it's organic inorganic or even alive at all based on any definitions we could understand at every turn the creature just raised more questions what is it is it possible to destroy it at all by any means who was even trying to kill who here because it certainly seemed like scp-682 had a masterful KD ratio by now more extreme Feats of cross-testing continued in the foundation's growing desperation to eliminate this monster scp-162 which is a hypnotic ball of sharp objects Hooks and high tension fishing line was introduced to 682's containment cell the hooks latched onto the creature and tore huge portions off including its entire lower jaw and one of its limbs however 682 was still able to breach containment kill 11 people and badly wound 86 others it regenerated its severe injuries in no time the Beast was even taken to the domain of the gate Guardian one of the proposals for scp-001 the guardian had a flaming sword hotter than the sun capable of destroying its Targets on an atomic level naturally scp-682 survived and regenerated perhaps the most fascinating cross-test of all was between 682 and scp-053 who manifests as a kind innocent little girl with the unfortunate condition of causing homicidal tendencies in all who come into contact with her for more than 10 minutes the people with these Tendencies would then attempt to harm the girl but would immediately drop dead shortly after leaving the girl intact the researchers present anticipated two possible outcomes here the optimistic outcome in which 682 enters a rage State attacks 053 and died for good and the realistic outcome in which 682 attacks 053 possibly experiencing some minor injury or nothing at all and 053 had to be removed from the containment cell but that didn't happen what did occur was considerably more shocking than any kind of violence when 053 entered 682's containment chamber the monster became uncharacteristically docile researchers and staff were baffled and watched with amazement as 053 approached the terrifying Immortal Mass murdering monster and began to play with it 682 it even allowed 053 to draw on its face with crayons researchers thought they must have been dreaming seeing this surreal display play out 053 even appeared to have affection for this unkillable misanthrope it was a a single act in defiance of everything they thought they knew when Foundation Personnel entered the containment cell to separate the two 682 went ballistic and killed multiple guards zero five three also wept sad at being separated from her new friend to this day despite further testing the foundation has no idea how or why this happened like many details surrounding scp-682 it shrouded in deeply frustrating mystery and so the tale of scp-682 continues in spite of the foundation's best efforts the monster continues to breach containment and Slaughter with some regularity taking out its seemingly Limitless hatred for not only human beings but anything that dares drop breath nobody knows where exactly the creature is from what its true nature is or why its ability to adapt and regenerate far exceeds any known organism on this planet perhaps one day through enough research and cross-testing we can someday answer these questions with scientific Precision but until then we only have one answer hatred Never Dies the SCP Foundation is no stranger to Pure Evil whether it's a reptile that wants to end all life a sadistic old man with his own torture Dimension where the personification of death itself lurking Beyond a limestone Cavern but what if there was something even worse out there the embodiment of chaos and cruelty existing across multiple realities and dimensions and what if it was coming for us this is the Scarlet King believed by many to be the ultimate Evil behind much of the trouble the foundation has faced and some even speculate that fighting him was the reason the foundation was created in the first place but what exactly is the Scarlet King he's known by many names almost always including some allusion to the color red and then a reference to royalty or power the red Shah the Crimson Khan pte 616 Mendes ex machina the laharaja and of course scp-001 to name a few and like many of the foundation's mysterious enemies stories about his true nature and Origins abound and are often contradictory according to the official scp-001 files of tufto's proposal symbology of the Scarlet King has existed in multiple cultures throughout history with the King often depicted the same way as a huge red demonic figure often wearing a gold crown or other headdress indicating royalty he shows up looking similarly within different cultures mythologies despite existing at different points in history or them not having the means to communicate with one another a number of entities at the SCP Foundation is familiar with are believed to be somehow connected to the Scarlet King including scp-2317 a wooden door leading to the realm of a being known as the Devourer who is expected to escape and cause an apocalyptic event in the next 30 Years but really there's no way of knowing just how many scps are directly connected to the Scarlet King strangely the foundation's official file on the Scarlet King once designated his containment class as ketter but that has since been downgraded to Safe according to the file any attempt to change this designation is likely to lead to horrifying results it is widely known that the Scarlet King still has considerable influence over a number of groups individuals and anomalies in our universe and if ever he made his way into our universe it would likely lead to the irreversible damage of reality itself so then why safe and why are the o5 councils so adamant that it remained that way getting to the bottom of this mystery is exactly why we're here today but to fully grasp the true nature of the Scarlet King we must first understand the man whose life and fate have always been tied to it Dr Robert Montauk if that name feels oddly familiar to you it's because of its association with one of the Scarlet King's most recent attempts to enter our reality scp-231 this SCP often referred to as the brides of the Scarlet King was formed of seven women seven by the way being an extremely significant number for the king all kidnapped by the most recent and a long line of the king's devoted Cults known as the children of the Scarlet King each of these seven unfortunate women were impregnated with anomalous Horrors such as the infamous scp-682 and every time one of these Horrors were birthed the catastrophe occurred and the mother died at the time Dr Montauk was a prominent researcher studying this anomaly it has six catastrophes had already occurred pressure was mounting to figure out a way to prevent the final birth but as he was working on the issue Dr Montauk was struck with a personal tragedy the mysterious disappearance of his 14 year old brother Jacob in his fear and anger Montauk believed that this must have something to do with the Scarlet King and his disciples wanting Revenge Montauk proposed an idea so horrifying that details were never made public a procedure known as 110 Montauk to be performed on the final bride at regular intervals however this wasn't the end of Dr montauk's fraught relationship with the Scarlet King it was just the beginning to give you some perspective on just how dangerous the Scarlet King is the SCP Foundation and the global occult Coalition decided to put aside their differences and form a joint effort to Stamp Out the children of the Scarlet King they were successful in this Mission and even managed to capture the children's leader a mysterious man named Depeche Spivak Dr Montauk who became the lead researcher on 231 and 2317 was naturally the first choice for interviewing dipesh about the true nature of the children and of the Scarlet King Dr Montauk could never be the impartial interviewer that the SCP Foundation wanted though the suspicion that the Scarlet king or the children had something to do with the loss of his younger brother still lingered just beneath the surface like a lot of cult leaders the pesh was extremely cryptic and his answers to Dr montauk's questioning he'd already heard of the doctor from the reputation of the horrifying Montauk procedure and was surprised to see him so calm and courteous in person a few key facts about the king and his cult were revealed in the first few rounds of questioning the children had once worked with the Serpent's hand before being excommunicated for their allegiance to the king and they had stolen sacred texts from the mystical Wanderers library to assist in their summoning rituals Depeche also revealed that the Scarlet King is bound by Three Laws the law of blood the law of concrete and the law of howling Dr Montauk confused and frustrated by depech's secrecy had to learn more he found an old Memoir from a former member of the children of the Scarlet King Jack Hirsch who had the ability to invade the minds of people from the past and experience what they experienced he recounted a battle between the Scarlet King and his followers and a group of time traveling turkmen Warriors from scp-3838 Hearst saw both sides of the battle from the perspective of the children of the Scarlet King their lord ruled over them from an immense Fortress embedded in a volcano from the perspective of the turkmen the children were starved and beaten peasants commanded by the king's voice in The Roaring howl of the wind Montauk also found extensive records of summoning rituals performed by various Scarlet king-aligned Cults interestingly some of them Incorporated the use of carved SCP Foundation symbols what could this mean Montauk returned again to Depeche who finally gave him the truth about the law of blood this is the law of the Scarlet King it's defined by poverty violence starvation hate and most of all fear like surfs in the Middle Ages persecuted by and subjected to violence from the Nobles do the children of the Scarlet King this sense of holy pain and awe is the only way to live the alternative is the law of concrete which means the Modern Age defined by empty safety and false Comfort buildings easy to access food Health Care knowledge technology this is everything that the Scarlet King despises but the mystery only deepened as Montauk found files from a former Foundation operative by the name of agent dibuvoir Montauk learned that the Scarlet King didn't seem to appear until after the foundation was created and in fact it seemed that the greater interest the foundation took in The Scarlet King the more powerful he became how could this be things were also getting stranger on a personal level for Dr Montauk Depeche repeatedly pressed him about his brother's disappearance and the Montauk procedure during the interviews little by little it was beginning to take its toll the questions still plagued him what was the law of howling who or what really is the Scarlet King how did he come to be montauk's search was causing him to act more like the children of the Scarlet King ranting about the horrors of the modern world how all of us are living a lie how the only honest way to live is suffering under the Dominion of the Scarlet King this philosophy is summed up in the words of one cultist named Arya Denae Cartwright who said we must learn what it is to die to be enslaved truly brutally enslaved with no compassion or compunction from our masters we must learn what it is to be taken towards a single purpose to know and truly understand our lack of agency we must be beholden to the words of gods and darkness The Tempest tossed Refuge of a race of fools we must kill modernity post modernity with all its analysis and sneering observation there is only one rule the rule of chaos for Humanity for life for the Scarlet King basically anytime Humanity tries to exert control over the world the Scarlet King gets stronger every time they try to understand or organize or categorize their world the Scarlet King gets stronger as Colonial and Imperial Powers conquered and invaded lands like India Africa and South America and subjugated their beliefs under Western ideas the Scarlet King grew stronger Montauk was beginning to truly understand the power of His enemy here and even worse he was starting to understand his part in it Montauk slowly being driven mad by the knowledge he was gaining real lies that the Scarlet King's greatest enemy the SCP Foundation was also its greatest asset every time they tried to understand the monster to give him some kind of comprehensible form they only made him more powerful just in time with montauk's new revelation a red crack appeared in the wall of Depeche spivak's containment cell a portal to the realm of the Scarlet King foundation staff found they were unable to enter the cell and Depeche demanded a final interview with Montauk with no other options the foundation relented in their very last conversation Depeche congratulated Montauk for finally understanding what he was dealing with the Scarlet King dipesh told him is an idea a concept he is a being given power through the conflict between the old and the new this is the law of the howling the Scarlet King's endless rage at the direction the world and human entity has taken the king according to the pesh hated the foundation's belief that science and rationality was the true path to progress the king saw this as little more than Petty arrogance the reason montauk's procedure on the final Bride of the Scarlet King was so effective was because it wasn't born out of science it was born out of hate pain the desire for revenge and in The Scarlet Kings realm that would be all there is a must our world and especially the foundation changed its course the Scarlet King's rise to absolute power would be inevitable Montauk is mine practically gone asked one last question did the children or the Scarlet king take his brother Jacob when depesh told him the answer no and in response Montauk shot him dead finally bringing an end to the children of the Scarlet King in light of his new Revel relations Montauk bagged the o5 council to change their ways in order to avoid letting the Scarlet King break into our reality they refused saying montauk's ideas were too radical but they knew they couldn't just ignore the threat posed by the Scarlet King they would have to take some steps and so the o5 Council of the SCP Foundation the most powerful and secretive group in the entire world in order to prevent the most dangerous threat that Humanity has ever known from breaking into our reality and enslaving all the people of the world finally did something they changed the classification of the Scarlet King from ketter to safe and made its description on the official Foundation files deliberately vague the o5 council thinks this will be enough to stop the Scarlet King's power from continuing to grow but Montauk knew it wasn't enough he had seen the truth and he couldn't unsee it while the foundation nation was going on as normal Montauk grew to despise them he knew the Scarlet King was coming he knew that he couldn't be stopped and that our whole reality was little more than sitting ducks Dr Robert Montauk is no longer a researcher for the SCP Foundation now Dr Robert Montauk chose a different path he's now a child of the Scarlet King a devotee of Madness hate and Chaos you can't beat the Scarlet king after all and as the old adage goes if you can't beat him join them ask yourself a simple question is the world around you real it seems like the answer should be pretty obvious of course the world as you know it is real how else would you be able to interact with it perhaps a better question would be this how much do you trust that the world you know is real how much do you believe that reality as you experience it is constant and cannot be changed by external forces now imagine if you can an entity to which the very fabric of reality is like clay able to be shaped and molded at will then imagine that this entity this malicious twisted and unknowable horror has taken a special interest in you if you can picture such a scenario then you may as well be standing in the shoes of James talaran a foundation researcher assigned to scp-3999 taloran could only have imagined what the foundation kept contain in an airtight cell all the way at the bottom of a kilometer long shaft and never expected that this was where his lifeless body would be found despite having the entity contained the foundation's only knowledge of scp-3999 came from a text document discovered on tolerance phone after his demise even their own records indicated that no such creature ever existed why what could possibly shape reality in such a way that it could hide its own existence from the foundation and where was it now the document on tolerance phone yielded some evidence seeming to be a long rambling and Confused account of some sort of battle between a reality-shaping entity and the ill-fated researchers sent to examine it unlike many of the foundation's documents the entry for scp-3999 is riddled with contradictions and strikethroughs a confusing mass of information that makes piecing together the mysteries of Tolerance Faith all the more difficult beneath the strange formatting and uncertainty surrounding scp-3999 lies the tale of one man's torture for the amusement of an impossibly powerful and eternally sadistic creature based on the information available it appears that scp-39999 was fixated on talaran upon his arrival to the entity's cell the researcher had no idea how long he would spend in the company of scp-399999 or that he would never emerge alive many scps contain Pain by the foundation require their own specially made prisons in order to hold them and maintain the safety of foundation staff as well as the outside world but imagine if an SCP could turn the tables bending the world around a single member of the foundation using all of reality as their own personalized torture chamber the list of Horrors endured by talaran is both exhaustive and incomplete given the length of time he spent with the creature shortly after James talaran was assigned to site 11a where scp-3999 was contained The Entity was somehow able to breach containment and began to twist the world around it in the name of a singular cruel objective the torture of James taleran the creature while having no physical description possess the capability to cause either a CK class reality restructuring event or a ZK Class end of reality event scp-39999 was somehow able to both destroy reality itself while simultaneously rebuilding it around its prisoner researcher talaran Every Creature person and machination that scp-3999 created was done so with the express intention of making tolerance suffer horribly over the course of millions of years according to the researcher's own writings the exact details of how scp-3999 tortured talaran are littered throughout the document he was found with but it is apparent that the entity was able to use its reality altering abilities to continually revive the man after killing him as a way to prolong his pain scp-39999 seemed to be able to use its powers however it pleased but focused all its attention and actions on causing misery for one man it simply enjoyed inflicting suffering one of the examples of the atrocities James tolerance suffered at the mercy of a cold remorseless creature was witnessing the deaths of others although they were constructed and controlled by scp-39999 tolerance saw Train Foundation security Personnel dragged three people into the cell he recognized them instantly as his own family toleran was made to watch us his mother father and sister were executed with a single gunshot to the head by members of the same organization that he was a part of all of taloran's professional colleagues were also killed in front of him followed by anyone and everyone that had come into contact with James taloran including the o5 council he was made to watch as they were systematically murdered one by one all for the enjoyment of scp-3999 at some point during the creature's torture of talaran there appears to have been some attempt to contain scp-39999 within another SCP scp-2432 a room within a hotel now owned by the foundation that appears to compel its guests to write exaggerated positive reviews after staying there when introduced to scp-2432 scp-39999's ability to alter reality seemed to have the effect of creating a dimensional anomaly within the hotel a crawl space opened up in scp-2432 leading to an almost identical room the front door of this new room designated scp-2432-1 led to an alternate Dimension that resembled the hotel housing scp-2432 the rooms of this new version of the scp-2432 hotel were a seemingly infinite endless loop of rooms this Dimension also played host to a number of strange creatures as uncovered by Foundation research teams that ventured there most notably a creature resembling a male Homo Sapien calling itself researcher talaran this being was dressed in clothing similar to Foundation researchers and appeared nervous and confused when approached by personnel only to be executed when asked to be told the location of scp-3999 later during scp-3999's three million year torture session James talaran was interviewed with another doctor working for the foundation the interviewing doctor had no recollection of taleron's assignment to scp-39999 and both James's involvement with the foundation and the Very existence of scp-39999 were expunged from the foundation's database as tolerant desperately tried to rationalize what was happening to him he told the interviewer I have trouble focusing on things now I just feel a lot of unease it's like reality has started to feel less real if that makes sense shortly after he attempted to ask the doctor for his name and for him to identify which of the foundation sites they were at in response the doctor omitted a strange noise from his mouth confusing talaran that's not a name you just made a noise with your mouth the researcher replied why am I thinking of redactions how can a word be redacted like that in a normal conversation following this the floor beneath James taloran's feet disappeared and he was swallowed by Darkness as scp-3999 continued bending reality to make him suffer What followed were multiple failed attempts from taloran to either Escape From The Entity or nullify its abilities to warp reality scp-39999 had at a later Point trapped talaran in a stage play version of itself as James frantically tried to escape out of a nearby door where he helped to find reality he was met with a solid wall I'm trapped in whatever this place is with this thing and there's no outside reality anymore he realized researcher taloran tried to understand the entity but scp-3999 defied description it was simply chaos in his desperation taleran was able to dig a tiny hole in the floor through which he could see a lie filled with thoughts of his beloved family his colleagues and the rest of the world that had once existed he opened the hole wider it is unclear what happened after this but it is apparent that James taloran was still unable to escape scp-3999 however as the situations he found himself in grew increasingly strange James telleran was able to take greater control of his predicament this is evidence in the foundation's document regarding scp-3999 researcher taloran cannot be contained by this researcher talerin will fight his way back researcher telleran will recontain scp-39999 this torture had gone on long enough and researcher James tallerin was determined to be free of the creature that had taken such sick pleasure in his pain tolerant at one point was able to subdue scp-39999 although it is initially unclear how we accomplished this there were several attempts made to contain the entity using a recursive joke a melon the graves of American Crime novelist Robert B Parker or an o5 council member and a roach motel It is believed that every single one of these attempts failed attempting to beat the creature at its own game telleran tried to turn scp-39999's reality altering Powers against it by imagining The Entity as something easier to subdue these included several moldy blankets a murderous penguin and a pillow eventually telleran was able to contain scp-3999 with the aid of 48 train containment Personnel all of whom were also researcher taloran during this time a conversation between the two were partially recorded although any dialogue from scp-39999 suffered from data corruption claiming to finally be in charge and in control of the situation taloran interrogated scp-3999 berating the creature for keeping in prisoner you can't frighten me anymore for the first million years of nonsensical containment procedures and tortures and dream logic it was the worst pain I had ever felt but I survived for the second million years it was still the hardest thing I had ever done but I survived by the third million years I was growing numb the researcher tried to ascertain the exact nature and origin of scp-3999 but to no avail vowing to fight The Entity tolerant told it here's the thing about horror and weirdness the more you reveal of it the less effect it has I am sick of your horror I am sick of you afterwards he was melted into goo for five years it appears that shortly after this researcher tolerant managed to understand how to destroy scp-3999 while the entity was Immortal and virtually Unstoppable he realized its weakness that it had to bond to another being in order to survive upon discovering this tolerant took his own life causing all that scp-3999 had done to disappear after Foundation researcher James talran committed suicide reality reverted to its original state before scp-3999 had heavily altered it his death-freeing reality from the evil entity once and for all the foundation remains unaware of what scp-3999 was or indeed is and one can only guess as to why the entity subjugated tolerant to such Terror and horror what made this powerful reality Bender hold such a perverse fixation on one man some have likened the creature to a horror writer continually subjugating a character to all manner of nightmares before deciding to redraft and try something new whatever it was scp-3999 carries with it a warning that reality isn't always as it seems it was 1965 and the Chicago PD was investigating a meat packing plant reported to be the home of a devil worshiping cult complete with allegations of human sacrifice there the cops were met with heavy resistance a firefight broke out between the police and the Occult worshipers who flooded out of the plant's basement the cops were pinned down and in trouble but they had a secret weapon heavily armed and decked out in sophisticated ballistic armor and covered in strange insignia mobile task force Epsilon 9 also known as the fire eaters here to assist the cops on behalf of the SCP Foundation as always with the foundation they had no interest in some mere human cultists those were a dime a dozen in the world of anomalous monsters but the foundation had taken an interest in was who or what these cultists were worshiping it all begun a few weeks back near Danforth meat packing an abandoned meat packing plant just outside of Chicago no one had given the place a thought in decades that is until people started going missing rumor spread of people being snatched in the surrounding Woods by figures dressed in robes mysterious voices and noises were said to be coming out from the cavernous Belly of the plant some even reported seeing smoke rising out of the building thick black noxious smoke something was terribly wrong here something was anomalous the Chicago Police Department's Strike Force in association with fire eaters from the foundation mobilized at Danforth meat packing while the police were initially reluctant to work with these mysterious figures they turned out to be indispensable for the raid there were 47 cultists holding out in the basement of the plant many of them heavily armed and all of them hopped up on zealous Devotion to their unknown master all except one of the cultists fought to the death during a tense firefight with Chicago PD and the fire eaters the single Survivor was still heavily injured and was taken to a secure Foundation facility for emergency treatment and debriefing typically the foundation would need to perform extensive tests on the Danforth meat packing plant to discover the source of the anomaly's activity however this time it was the Chicago detective who asked the question that busted the case wide open ah the hell's with the giant pig and while it would turn out to be a whole lot more than that there was indeed a giant iron furnace shaped like a pig in the center of the facility measuring 15 meters by 25 meters by 20 meters at its widest points the thing was a behemoth it had an internal furnace despite no apparent fuel source and a five centimeter slot of unknown purpose on the side of the machine's immense rusted hide naturally all the police officers involved in the raid had their memories wiped and restructured and they were lucky because they'd remain forever ignorant of the true Horrors about to unfold in the confines of that god-forsaken factory as a standard procedure the plant was isolated and a foundation research team led by lead researcher Western under the authority of regional director Caleb was installed on the new provisional site to conduct tests other than everyone feeling somewhat uneasy around it this new anomaly dubbed scp-4511 didn't seem to exhibit any strange activities saved for its perpetually burning fire but during the initial research period a small white card suddenly popped out of the slot in scp-4511 sign a researcher carefully approached and looked at the card there was writing it said current demand a flock of my own satisfied though nobody on the team had any idea what this meant after going through a shootout with a considerable death toll to get to it having a giant metal pig-shaped furnace spit out a cryptic card was strange but at the secret medical facility where the surviving cultist was being held things were about to get a whole lot stranger as he lay in a bed suffering from his injuries he pulled one of the medical staff close and uttered cryptic dying words give whatever it demands or your suffering will be beyond measure he expired seconds later less than 72 hours after the raid back at the meat packing plant at the exact same time another white card was produced by the machine reading current demand the metal teeth that endlessly churn period one week perhaps this entity was a little more intelligent than they thought a number of researchers on the team invigorated by this new development were eager to press forward with experiments lead researcher Western however did not share their enthusiasm something about this entire situation felt like a grim Omen to him this entity had a plan far beyond their understanding and on some deep animal level he knew that helping this thing see its plans through would lead to disastrous results on this first got impulse he denied the request for further experiments but Regional director Caleb had other ideas Caleb overruled Western's command and the experiments began shortly after the entity jokingly nicknamed the swine God by researchers had made its demand the metal teeth that endlessly churn but what could that mean it wasn't long before the entity began to produce more cards each with their own strange and esoteric demands however on some instinctual level the researchers at the site understood the demand hands perfectly the next card's demand was the metal of this suffocating prison upon receiving this demand researchers collected scrap metal from around the new site and tossed them into the furnace beyond the swine God's Jaws one by one inside they heard the sound of metal crunching hours later all the other metal in the site began to rapidly oxidize and rust though scp-4511 itself remained unaffected the car that came after delivered another simple request oil to slicken my frozen joints the researchers understood and procured three large barrels of oil and tossed them into the furnace The Entity let out a deep gurgle before shaking violently and expelling excess oil rusted metal and two domesticated Pig femurs it turns out that the swine God had an appetite for pigs as the next card that rumbled out of the machine bore the request two of my children made in my image Maiden flesh in response the researchers provided the entity with two adult pigs just like the previous requests they too were tossed into the fiery depths of the giant Pig's mouth from which came the horrible sounds of pigs squealing and then a low guttural gurgling next the request was the hooks used to hang my children's corpses to satisfy this request the researchers provided 17 meat Cooks in response 4511 spat out a metal sphere at an extremely high velocity killing observing Foundation agent McHenry for reasons that weren't Apparent at the time rather than giving agent McHenry a proper burial his body was also fed into the hungry Machine lead researcher Western's concerns were mounting but that didn't amount to much now 3511 had developed a taste for flesh and the researchers were all too eager to obey its command on the swine God's order it was fed a German Shepherd an hour later The Entity spat out some teeth six of which came from a dog and one from a human more than once it released a card with a blunt request a worker for the line the researchers knew exactly what this meant it required a human sacrifice scp-4511 was given two d-class Personnel one was flung back out seconds later crunched and burned to death with several internal organs missing the other had a more mysterious and altogether upsetting fate the second d-class Was Heard screaming in the belly of the Furnace for roughly two hours 34 minutes later a strange liquid was excreted by the machine when the liquid was tested they found Trace Amounts of chemicals like Pig urine and motor oil but most disturbing of all human genetic material that was identical to that of lead researcher Western seen that the swine God had finally taken an interest in him after some final requests for large quantities of coal and even human children to fuel its fires it made a request that sent the whole thing Crashing Down The False Foreman delivered to my maw to prove your faith lead researcher Western knew what this meant they all did the swine God was demanding him in sacrifice lead researcher Western tried to shut down the entire project but the swine God was faster than him one of his own researchers shot Western in the leg as the others gathered round and forcibly restrained him he tried to reason with his subordinates but it didn't do him any good the swine God had crawled into all their minds and corrupted them they were his servants now and Western was doomed despite his protests the servants forced him into the mouth of scp-4511 and after a little over four minutes of screaming Western was devoured just like all the other sacrifices upon receiving news of the horrors unfolding in the Danforth meat packing plant Regional director Caleb declared the security of the site compromised and sent in Mobile task force Epsilon 11. aka the nine-tailed fox the four Elite MTF soldiers were given the simple instruction to figure out exactly what had happened and to eliminate any potentially compromised Foundation staff members who'd Fallen under the swine God's power when the team arrived they realized just how far gone the whole place was almost everyone was dead having been sacrificed to the machine and the ones that were left were completely insane they attacked the task force shouting in their Madness about how no matter what the foundation does to them it would be nothing compared to what it would do it had them all under its rusty iron foot the team was forced to fend off repeated attacks from the pig's devotees and even found the powers of the swine God starting to affect their own minds the Beast was more powerful and dangerous than anyone had imagined the train Foundation researchers and guards had been transformed into the same cultists they fought to gain control of the building by the mind-bending power of the swine God the MTF were forced to retreat and return with reinforcements to truly clean the place out once a slaughterhouse always a slaughterhouse at this point Regional director Caleb took personal responsibility over the casualties since he'd been the one who signed off on the experiments in the first place he gave up his Regional director Rank and deemed himself the new lead researcher on the 4511 case now that he fully understood the scope and danger of the entity they were dealing with he wanted to lead the charge in discovering more about the anomaly and hopefully someday negating its deadly effects this may sound like a happy ending in spite of all the violence Bloodshed and Human Sacrifice that brought us here but Beware of the premature celebration despite investigation the swine God retained no evidence of the objects animals and people it consumed and burned perhaps it brought them down to their very atoms if those even still existed what we do know is that not long after after lead researcher Caleb and his subordinates installed themselves into the facility scp-4511 produced one more little white card it read current demand a flock of my own satisfied and if we've learned anything today it's that the swine God gets whatever it demands a brutal truth that lead researcher Caleb is likely to understand much sooner than he thought have you ever seen something you weren't supposed to something that made you feel off something you regret Secrets like these are Best Kept to yourself but since you're still alive whatever you saw wasn't nearly as bad as what Peter Holland saw one fateful night in January of 2015. Peter was an unremarkable man an office worker slaving away at The Daily Grind and like a lot of people Peter enjoyed nothing more than coming home after a long hard day kicking back and watching some TV it was this innocent activity that led to Peter's horrifying brush with scp-5049 altering the course of his otherwise average life forever the event started at around 10 05 PM Peter was channel surfing glued to the couch in his sparsely furnished apartment commercials commercials commercials as far as Peter's tired eyes could see he paused for a moment to watch the end of an ad for a car he could never hope to afford on his salary but something stopped him from changing the channel again the next ad had begun and it was playing a strange scratchy jingle that gave Peter an odd sense of unease but even Stranger Than That was the text on screen demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot in baby blue bubble lettering he forced a smile this had to be some weird comedy skit or viral marketing campaign or maybe it was something he drank but no this was a real commercial and things were about to get even weirder the peppy logo faded to a concerning site a tall humanoid figure dressed like a used car salesman but one that definitely wasn't human his skin was dark green and covered in patches of thick fur he had long fingers with intimidating Claws and a grin full of needle-like fangs it looked almost demonic and after a few seconds the demon began to speak hey there folks it's Amanda demon Dan coming at you with the latest and greatest deals from demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot we've just accepted the shipment of brand new models that would make even the most Discerning customers whip with excitement let's see what we've got the creature apparently named demon Dan stepped away from his desk revealing two long furry goat legs that ended in large pointed Hooves Peter now assumed he really was going crazy but at this point he was along for the ride demon Dan continued his pitch looking to make your way through the capitalist hellscape that makes home look cozy come try one of our newest businessman models Dan gestured behind him to where Peter was horrified to see a total of 52 adult male human bodies hanging from a wall there was something uncanny about them they seemed almost Hollow like a highly realistic costume or a prop from a horror movie Peter didn't have much time to think about it though as demon Dan went on if you're looking for an extra challenge of inequality the businesswoman model may be a right fit for you the commercial then revealed the wall of human female bodies strung up in a similar fashion now you may be thinking but and business sounds hot I just want to have some fun and the fine team here at demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot have got you covered the camera zoomed out to show an area of the store filled with children's decorations and more of these strange hollowed-out human suits in child sizes to match and Adam and kids Noah no Auto for a limit us of any child size unit comes with a sent off coupon for parental units you just can't say no to a deal like that before Peter could process the madness that was unfolding before him the camera cut again the store's logo appeared on the screen once more along with several cuts to locations around the store itself there are more human bodies hundreds of them demon Dan's sleazy voice rang out over all of it here I demon dance discount Among Us Depot we know it's not all fun and games the brightest Among Us have a mission to accomplish the seven Lords are ever planning their Invasion after all so you're looking for function over form well we've got that in Spades down here in the Tactical Services Department you'll be kicking Us in no time when you're wearing the latest models at the best prices seven Lords Invasion what did any of this mean suddenly the camera was showing him a new room red curtains parted revealing more of these person suits several bearing a striking resemblance to real human celebrities he managed to make out Gucci Mane Avril Lavigne Paul McCartney and Britney Spears before demon Dan's appearance once again drew his attention I've got a special treat for you we're happy to announce the VIP look-alike Department we all know how difficult the creation of homunculus is it's a fine art that takes years of practice so when a replacement order on VIPs comes in every detail needs to be perfect unfortunately definitely that's not always the case but for the right price you too can look like famous icons from around the globe the image of celebrity bodies faded from View and Peter was left looking at the grinning demon Dan standing behind the front desk of his impossible store once more he said there you have it folks come on down to demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot if you're viewing the advertisement then you've been selected for entry please enter the nearest door for instant deals and upgrade those old Duds for one of our newest models what are you waiting for come on down the logo popped up again hovering above some bold text that said please enter the nearest store Peter had had enough he switched off the TV what a horror show he thought they should just warn you before they put short horror films on TV like that he had no idea they could just slip them in among regular commercials surely demon Dan in this store couldn't be real right but as his eyes drifted to the door in his room he didn't quite so certain well there was only one way to find out Peter got up went over to the door took a deep breath and walked through it Peter Holland was never seen again not as himself anyway the SCP Foundation has long been aware of this Sinister transmission known as scp-5049-2 and luckily has found ways to prevent it from claiming more victims the foundation television analysis Department as well as web crawler 40y 40 which is the software the foundation uses to root out anomalous activity online are always vigilant for signs of demon Dan's commercial running just observing demon Dan who is himself classified as scp-5049-a and his ads put you in immediate danger as they can transform any nearby doors into scp-5049-1s those are interdimensional portals that remain active for around 15 minutes after viewing the ad so then What specifically is scp-5049 it's the entire pocket Dimension known as demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot a cuttier-class spatial anomaly constantly on the lookout for new human victims which it transforms into fleshy suits for its demonic clients which let them blend in around humans prior to its Discovery by the foundation it's likely that demon Dan and his associates claimed hundreds if not thousands of lives but sadly even discovering this anomaly came at a gruesome cause to the foundation on February 16 2020 the ad played on safe storage Warehouse 13's break room television at the time of the broadcast four Foundation Personnel were present including security agent William Birkin worrying that this was a potential security threat agent Burkin investigated the door to a nearby closet the second he opened it he was transformed to the storefront of demon Dan's Discount homunculus Depot he saw demon Dan himself standing at the corner while four smaller reptilian imps fought over a small flesh suit demon Dan scolded them before turning his attention to agent Birkin this distance you aren't supposed to be here little man how naughty I'm gonna have to have a word with marketing once I'm through with you agent Burkin fearing for a safety drew his weapon and shot demon damn three times the creature dematerialized before appearing right next to agent Birkin and disarming him with a swift chop the unfortunate security agent was then grabbed by the considerably larger demon Dan and thrown over Dan's shoulder we know all of this because agent birkin's standard issue Foundation body camera recorded the whole terrifying ordeal even as demon Dan dragged the helpless Birkin back into the Twisted Workshop behind the store there Birkin saw what would soon be his own fate right before his eyes Dan's minions converting human bodies into fleshy suits for their demon clientele and this unfortunate security officer was next Dan gave him over to a pair of large sheep like demons and told them to drain skin and declaw him birkin's video feed finally cut as the demons pulled out the rusty tools and began to work on him of course the SCP Foundation wouldn't take an attack on one of their operatives inside one of their facilities no less lying down the unfortunate death of William Birkin allowed the foundation to refine their methods of intercepting the broadcast of demon Dan's commercials they even had a new mobile Task Force Mobile Strike Force Kappa 11 or the Baphomet Bashers specifically to deal with demon Dan and his cronies they did more than just prevent him from taking new humans though when the Baphomet Bashers teamed up with an A-Class Clairvoyant entity to improve their efficiency in predicting future broadcasts they were able to launch sting operations and arrest 21 different demonic customers for interrogation this impressive strike back finally gave the foundation some meaningful leverage over demon Dan and through the use of their Clairvoyant entity they were able to call a temporary truce and arrange a meeting with demon Dan himself Captain Steiner an agent of the foundation external negotiation Department was the one to interrogate demon Dan they sat across from each other at a table and Demon Dan was clearly tense frustrated with the way the foundation had been messing with his business all of their sting operations were frightening off his customers in return for letting him continue his work the foundation wanted Dan to turn over all the information on his bosses and customers allowing the foundation to track their movements when Dan was evasive about whether he'd comply they tried threatening him Dan laughed them off go ahead take your best shot little man there's a dozen more just like me you won't stop anything finally he was pressured into giving a yes or no answer as to whether he'd willing we collaborate with the foundation and act as an informant against his kind when demon Dan hinted that he may be willing to comply he began to make a horrifying gurgling noise and gripped his head in pain he began speaking in Latin in a voice that wasn't his own as though the seven demon Lords he served were speaking through him they said you are a fool Jailer to think a pathetic morsel such as this could Aid you against us I have allowed you to toil in your own delusions for far too long you may have taken advantage of asmodius all those years ago but you stop nothing You Hinder nothing you jail and barter to no avail your time is coming and then demon Dan's head exploded which obviously prevented him from giving any incriminating information on those he worked for whoever the demon Lords are there's certainly the secretive type you may think that this is the end of Demon dance discount homunculus Depot and of scp-5049 but soon another ad ran it advertised the same products and services out of the same store the only difference was that this time a different entity was starring in it your new SCP Foundation researcher on tour of site 17 familiarizing yourself with the location and its many anomalous inhabitants it's the second largest Foundation containment site out there and it's also the kind of job that most Junior researchers dream of low risk humanoid containment baby most of the inhabitants in your sector are cordial willing to comply with orders from staff and seeing for all intents and purposes pretty much human you pass from door to door looking through the viewing hatch of each one you can't believe what you're seeing it's a wonderful who's who of anomalous humanoids you see the wise bearded face of scp-343 known to some as God you see the blue eyes and Shining blonde hair of Iris as cp105 looking wistfully into a Polaroid picture you see the tanned melancholic face of Kane scp-073 as he stares off into the middle distance face after face after face passes you can see yourself getting more familiar with each one yes your time here will be wait was that Hitler you stop and walk back to the door you just passed where you can't help but stop and stare in disbelief yes it's him It's gotta be him you recognize the unpleasant sneer the Hideous comb over the silly little toothbrush mustache the SCP Foundation seems to have Adolf Hitler the former leader of the Third Reich in World War II in active containment and his designation is scp-2430 you've seen Killer toasters and masks that can take over people's minds but you've never seen anything as surreal this you immediately run to your Superior and ask how and why Hitler is in one of the site-17 humanoid containment cells Buckle in because we can guarantee it's one of the most insane stories you've ever heard it's late April 1945 and the Soviets are rampaging through Nazi Germany destroying everything in their path the German forces have been nearly obliterated and Hitler and the rest of his Reich chancellery have retreated to a secure bunker beneath Berlin there on April 30th 10 days after his 56th birthday Hitler died this was truly unfortunate for the Soviets as they wish to have had the chance to kill him themselves two days later Soviet forces stormed the furo bunker it was little more than a formality at that point as the news of Hitler's death had already gone public by the time they arrived all that was left of Hitler was a pile of mostly burned remains A fitting end for someone who had caused the same cruel fate for so many others they collected what was left of Hitler's body and brought it back to the Fatherland a kind of trophy for their Nation but Hitler dying before Joseph Stalin could get his hands on him was not what Stalin wanted Hitler had not only caused the deaths of millions of Russians he had personally betrayed Stalin's trust and when you betray Stalin bad things happened to you very very bad things two years earlier in 1943 Soviet forces had raided the camp in genowiska belonging to the obscura Corps think of them as the Nazi's own version of the SCP Foundation who were hell-bent on Gathering anomalous people and artifacts to increase the power of the Third Reich they were a far more militant offshoot of the tool Society a group that described itself as a study group for Germanic Antiquity while this may seem innocent the Teo Society was actually a racist cult closely aligned with the goals and ideas of the German Nazi party many have also speculated that they were heavily involved in the occult and it's this mysticism obsessed offshoot that went on to form the obscura corpse and in their genowaska base they'd obtained a hundred pieces of Enchanted occult flesh with human skeletons embedded in each of them this flesh was believed to originate from the mythological surimner the Beast hunted and eaten again and again by the pantheon of Norse gods having the qualities of both a wild boar and the Goat the flesh can bond to skeletons and give them equality somewhat like immortality any flesh cut from them will regrow time and time again if given a rest period now that he had both the Flesh of surimner and Hitler's burnt remains Stalin had an idea a perfect way to not only bring satisfaction to the Russian people and the world but to finally exact the true Revenge that Hitler had denied to him he called it project judica namely after the very bottom level of Hell reserved for betrayers like Judas a perfect tribute for an old Ally turned enemy he couldn't kill Hitler before but if Stalin was going to get the chance Hitler needed to live again for years Stalin's top scientists try to use Arcane methods to resurrect Hitler by combining his remains with the Flesh of suramir at times they even came close to creating a new Hitler but there was one huge issue the creature they created could not feel pain and for Stalin's plans of violent and painful retribution the lack of suffering simply would not do they destroyed what they had created and went back to the drawing Stalin would stop at nothing to get what he wanted even if it meant breaking every law of nature in the process in order to make his Twisted dream a reality stalinformed an Unholy alliance with a group known as the uralic flesh Crafters a neo-sychic cult that was a branch of the nightmarish religion of sarcasism this group essentially worships avatars of Flesh corruption and disease and are behind some of the most terrifying and disgusting anomalies out there including the flesh that hates and the bone Orchard true sarcasists who show the proper Devotion to their vile deities and know the right rituals to contact them are often granted anomalous powers that spread the sarkic influence further across the known Dimensions these Powers will usually involve having a supernatural ability to manipulate the Flesh of themselves and others allowing them to enhance their bodies cheat death and warp their enemies Beyond repair they can sometimes even create life if they're a powerful enough enough acolyte of sarcasism and it was because of these powers that Stalin wanted the uralic flesh Crafters under his command in exchange for their participation he would give them a vast quantity of the Flesh of suramir which they could use for their own Sinister sarkic purposes a deal was struck and the true work of resurrecting Hitler began Stalin was very specific in his requirements he gave the uralic fleshcrafters extra bones to compensate for what had gone missing from Hitler's burnt remains he also gave them samples of the Flesh of saramir to achieve the desired effects of a near Immortal tolerance for damage however Stalin demanded that he heightened this new Hitler's capacity to experience pain so that every suffering inflicted on him would be three times worse than anyone else and true to their word the fleshcrafters got to work and began creating just such a creature by now it was the early 1950s and Stalin was putting the pieces in place for his Grand Revenge once the knew Hitler was finished he would hold a new trial for him in the Russian courts where he would preside over the sentencing personally once the new Hitler was done the erotic fleshcrafters were rewarded for their participation in project judica with 4 000 kilograms of the Flesh of suramir Stalin now had his very own personal Hitler chew toy that he could maim and torture as much as he pleased knowing that he would always heal and soon be ready for more in their infinite generosity the fleshcrafters even taught Stalin a new method of Torment for his old enemy a process known as the right of nyas it's a torture that's been described by many as being like the Chinese Ling Chi also known as the lingering death or slow slicing but it is probably best known as the death by a Thousand Cuts the Soviets and the sarkics parted ways for the next few years Stalin took a great deal of pleasure in visiting Hitler's cage now and then to torture him until Stalin himself eventually passed away away from natural causes the grup division which is essentially the Soviet answer to the SCP Foundation decided it would be best to do away with the immortal Hitler clone after Stalin's death he no longer served any purpose and no matter how hard they tried they couldn't permanently kill him either in the end they settled on a kind of compromise he would be buried alive and forgotten forced to live a torturous eternity that he could never Escape until of course he was dug up and rescued by none other than the members of obscura a modern splinter group of the original obscura Corps like many high-profile Nazis who'd escaped the war the new Hitler was Spirited Away to a safe house run by sympathizers in Argentina the ones taking care of him received the following correspondence from the obscura agents who'd first dug the new Hitler back up they have managed to rescue zafira and bring him to safety but he is effectively dead on the inside I blame the Reds for their inhumane treatment of zafira who may have been which by the Reds vandevath I wish we could mercy kill him but we've tried everything he just won't perish don't abandon him he's too distinct in plain sight they didn't have the new Hitler for long though in 1960 efforts to hunt down the remaining Nazi fugitives increased in intensity the new Hitler was soon captured by Mossad agents searching for Nazis in Buenos Aires and then remanded to the containment of the SCP Foundation when they realized that he had a number of anomalous properties such as his incredible regenerative abilities as well as the fact that his DNA seems to be based on that of a wild boar and a goat rather than a human however x-rays conducted by the foundation have discovered traces of cyanide still in his system as well as traces of lead in his skull where the bone has regrown over the bullet in other words it was unquestionably the real Hitler and he was now in Foundation custody forevermore it's such a wild story even by Foundation standards that you can barely summon the words to respond fund once your supervisor is finished he just stands there with a slight smile basking in your amazement before you can even ask again he confirms the facts one more time yes it is the real Hitler the only functional difference is that he can't die and he has a heightened sense of pain compared to most people you think on what you've been told for just a moment and then you have only one question are we allowed to punch him your supervisor smiles and says of course we all do it's the holiday season outside it's cold and there's snow blanketing the ground but inside your war and gathered around the light of a roaring fireplace and a glowing Christmas tree this is what Christmas is all about warmth joy and togetherness but just because you're comfortable doesn't mean you're safe you were so busy opening presents and stuffing yourself at dinner that you didn't notice the face pressed up against the window that long gone face with the staring eye the wide mouth full of yellow teeth and the scraggly white beard you don't know it yet but within a few days you'll be dead you might be able to avert this horrible fate if you knew what exactly you were dealing with scp-4666 also known as the Yule man a ketter class Christmas monster so violent sadistic and terrifying he makes Krampus look like Jolly Saint Nick and this year just like every other he's planning on being very very naughty the SCP Foundation began cataloging the Yule man in 1974 after a string of violent and eerily similar home invasions during the holiday season but they have reason to believe that this entity has been around for a whole lot longer over 2 000 years in fact stories that describe what looked to be Yule man massacres date back as far as the first century BC in Scandinavia and their in reports of similar clusters of events happening around the same time every year since this monster is prolific and may have one of the highest body counts of any creature under observation by the foundation the Yule man's trail of Destruction became clearer in the 18th century as accounts of the Carnage it leaves became more detailed later still authorities even managed to find physical evidence like the eule man's fingerprints which are similar to human fingerprints but display a distinct double World pattern not seen in human fingerprints much about the anomalous nature of the eule man is still unknown though and the foundation has yet to discover an effective way to containment their only hope is intercepting it before it can get its long gnarled fingers on its intended prey maybe you're feeling worried or that you're being watched you have good reason to be afraid because during his yearly active period the 12 days between December 21st and January 2nd he's always is searching for prey nowhere is safe because while it was initially believed that he only appeared to those who live north of 40 degrees latitude it's now believed that much like Santa Claus the eule man operates worldwide anyone could be in his sights right now blissfully unaware of The Nightmare coming down the tracks towards them thankfully the SCP Foundation through analysts of these attacks which are known as Vice knocked the vents they've been able to find certain patterns but first what does the creature known as the Yule man even look like much like scp-096 the Yule man is a long and lanky humanoid standing about two meters tall who resembles an emaciated human of European descent and never wears any clothes or other coverings despite the frigid temperatures he operates in you might be sad if you're spending Christmas alone but it at least guarantees you safety from the Yule man as he only appears at the homes of families with a child under the age of eight present he also seems to favor isolated and Rural locations and vice knocked the vents only occur when there's a healthy covering of snow on the ground during the event hence the name which means White Knight in English it's also vital that you recognize the three distinct stages of a vice not the event 2 or you won't be seeing much of the New Year the first stage occurs during the space of a week children in the home might start to seem worried or afraid they might tell you that they see something strange in the distance the figure of a man they don't recognize standing just far enough away that you can't fully make him out except that he's really tall of course you probably won't see anything and your instinct will be to tell them there's nothing to be afraid of even when they tell you through tears that there's a man pressing his face up against their bedroom window at night but they are right to be afraid and you should be too already at this point your only hope is to try and spread the word as soon as possible report the incident to the local police write about it on Facebook tweet about it whatever it takes the SCP Foundation has operatives trawling the internet and monitoring police reports constantly during this period especially for reports of mysterious men in the snow watching homes from a distance getting the foundation's attention is your best hope of stopping this thing and if you don't next comes stage two taking place between Knights 8 and 11 of the active period no longer will the Yule man just be lurking on the periphery now he's getting closer you'll start to hear strange noises in your attic or on the roof noises that sound almost like footsteps that's crazy you think it's probably just an animal but then the smell starts an awful rotten stench that fills the house but no matter how hard you look you can't find the source finally on the last night of December you'll tell yourself that you'll take this matter to the police but of course it's already too late the old man is here for the 12th night the vice knocked is finally upon you at this point one of two scenarios will happen in the first you and your entire family will be tortured and murdered except the youngest child who the Yule man will kidnap the SCP Foundation keeps files on a number of notable instances of this kind of ice knock and the details are truly gruesome reports of incidents have involved crucifixion the removal of tongues burning dismemberment post-mortem bite marks and decapitation in all instances though the entire family was killed except the youngest child who simply disappeared the eule man is a merciless and sadistic Beast you're now probably wondering if that's the first of two Vice knock possibilities what's the second in the second if you're tremendously lucky you and your family will survive but that doesn't mean you won't face a grisly experience in this scenario which occurs during about 15 percent of ice not events you'll hear footsteps throughout the night but thankfully you wake up alive and when you do so there are gifts waiting for you the problem is all these gifts are made out of human body parts for example in 1976 in Canada one family received the gift of a ball made from a severed human head wrapped in skin in Kazakhstan in 1903 a family received a flute made from a hollowed-out human femur and in the Netherlands in 2003 a family received a wooden hairbrush covered in human teeth ranging from 400 years old to a mere few days these gruesome gifts are referred to as scp-466-a and it was one of these gifts that gave us the best Insight yet available into the true nature of the Yule man several gifts were dropped off at a family's residence in Huna Alaska in 2018 but most notably among them was the horrific scp-466-a 8-0960 a life-size doll made from a human body with its eyes removed and mouth-sewn shut worst of all though was that the girl was still alive the family who received this Twisted gift was given a me sticks by the foundation and the living doll was taken for medical treatment before succumbing to her extensive injuries the girl was able to deliver some insights into what exactly happened to the children who were abducted during Vice knocked events the children taken by the eule man are forced into a large sack that seems much bigger on the inside than it appears as he makes his rounds traveling from house to house murdering and kidnapping his victims are taken to a kind of underground Grotto and workshop filled with bones like a twisted Santa's Workshop where they're forced to make toys out of the bodies of their fellow victims during this time the Yule man will continue to torture and torment his victims he'll even take some of them away to cook looked and eat whenever he feels like it when asked how she was turned into this human doll the girl told Foundation Personnel that her fellow victims were forced to turn her into this by the Yule man when she became too weak to continue making toys herself her chilling last words were when you can't make the toys you become the toys so if strange things happen to you and your family between the 21st of December and the 1st of January don't ignore it after all you never know who's watching but if it is the eule man's grinning face pressed up against your window it may already be too late happy holidays it's a perfect day for a wedding on a warm spring afternoon a bride in a handsome groom are exchanging the special Rings they had custom designed and made for each other as they take turns placing the rings on each other's fingers a man standing at the end of the wedding party steps out of position he approaches the groomsmen next to him and reaches into his jacket taking out a pair of pliers that he hands to the groomsmen the groomsmen happily takes the tool and then without any hesitation shoves the pliers into his mouth and begins removing his teeth one by one when he is finished he hands the bloody teeth to the man along with the pliers the man then goes to the next groomsmen who repeats the same process he continues going down the line until all of the groomsmen and bridesmaids have removed their teeth seemingly without pain or resistance the man then approaches the bride and groom he hands each of them half of the pile of teeth which they gladly accept they then begin to eat the teeth without delay seemingly not bothered by the intense damage they're causing to their own teeth and Jaws by doing so the man watches as the groom moves the priest who is officiating the wedding aside as the entire church looks on in Joy the groom opens his mouth well and the deafening sound of cicadas are heard this is only the beginning of what the SCP Foundation has labeled an scp-2852 event a terrifying and little understood phenomenon that is better known by the nickname of the anomalous creature responsible for them cousin Johnny the foundation had been trying to contain cousin Johnny for decades not that it ever done them any good Johnny is a cutter class anomaly that's thus far proven impossible to contain this is an entity so dangerous and volatile that three different mobile task forces are devoted to detecting and disrupting its activities MTF Upsilon 36 aka the party crashers MTF upsalon 52 AKA cater Duty and MTF Upsilon 99 AKA The Altar Boys but so far all the foundation has been able to really do is swooping afterwards and do their best to pick up the pieces of people's shattered lives cousin Johnny has so far been observed to only operate in the North American subcontinent and only seems to appear at Anglican or Catholic baptisms weddings and funerals however Foundation operatives charged with keeping a lid on cousin Johnny Harbor the hidden fear that he may one day expand his hunting grounds and wreck Terror worldwide if Johnny became multinational or multi-denominational his violence insanity and pure evil May truly become impossible to minimize so compatible communities are constantly monitored for increased levels of juvenile delinquency sterility domestic violence and divorce after all this you're probably wondering who or what actually is cousin Johnny and how does he cause so much horrific tragedy had face value nothing about the appearance of cousin Johnny would suggest an anomalous nature or even any sort of danger he appears to be a middle-aged white male often with scruffy hair and a beard on a cellular level 2 cousin Johnny appears all too human but when you look at his physiology it's a whole different story cousin Johnny has no identifiable organs whatsoever his body is made out of a fibrous muscular tissue the only exceptions are his teeth and hair which are made out of a kind of chitin a key component of insect exoskeletons such as those possessed by cicadas Johnny's eyes are the first clue that something is off about him from the distance they appear perfectly normal but up close they're glassy and dead this is because his eyes aren't actually attached to any nerves inside his head with no nervous system or vocal cords Johnny's ability to see move and talk defy any kind of logical explanation his speech will seem completely normal to the people under his spell but to anyone else it comes out as complete nonsense often described as word salad if people in attendance are briefed in advance about this phenomenon whatever hypnotic ability causes them to hear his sounds as intelligible words won't work and they'll be aware of how nonsensical it all sounds but of course that doesn't mean they're safe cousin Johnny appears at family gatherings and religious rituals and immediately he'll be treated as though he's always been there you know your cousin Johnny right you go way back or at least you're pretty sure you do nothing will appear unnatural about his sudden presence in fact if you're one of the victims of one of his incidents chances are you'll actually find yourself taking a shine to cousin Johnny sure his sense of humor is a little crude and raunchy but you can't help but enjoy his company he's a fun guy to be around and after all he's family as previously mentioned he'll only appear at three different kinds of events baptisms weddings and funerals and only those that are affiliated with either the Catholic or Anglican religions the SCP Foundation has classified baptisms that cousin Johnny attends as blue level events weddings are known as white level events and funerals are Black Level events with each one escalating in severity violence and first baptisms the blue level events in these events cousin Johnny will appear and begin to act as a third Godparent despite their traditionally only being two as the infant is lowered into the holy water the entirety of their top layer of skin will come off like a molting snake despite looking horrific this apparently causes no harm to the child the godparents will then eat this discarded skin as though it's the most normal thing in the world after this the family will leave the church together and cousin Johnny will leave with them he won't appear at any subsequent celebrations of the child's baptism of course this is just the beginning of the terror following cousin Johnny's appearance at the baptism the child's risk of dying in the next six months skyrockets and if they survive they're at an increased risk of becoming unstable and violent later on in life their parents and godparents will both become unable to conceive any further children and are likely to be found dead from drowning within five years of the event those who are only tangentially involved in the baptism ritual have a massively increased chance of failed pregnancies or if they do conceive they may become a danger to their offspring children who live through blue level events and survive past adolescence will experience adverse side effects when encountering the songs of cicadas well into adulthood from experiencing physical sickness to going through dangerous psychotic episodes weddings or white level events are more complex and severe in this case cousin Johnny will insert himself into the wedding as a groomsman and the most horrifying events will begin to take place after the vows have been exchanged Johnny will provide various implements that allow the Bridesmaids and groomsmen to remove their teeth which are then given to the bride and groom to eat which they do causing severe damage to their own teeth in the process the groom will then vocalize an unknown cicada call at an incredible volume as loud as 140 decibels in some instances rendering the bride and everyone cells near the altar completely death at the wedding reception where everyone is continuing to behave as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening cousin Johnny will ruin things farther by giving the best man speech the speech is more of his typical complete nonsense though if you're there you'll never realize this and think that this is the best speech you've ever heard with some in the audience laughing hysterically While others cry uncontrollably once his speech is done he'll present a gift to the newly married couple 3.5 kilograms of human hair in various colors 13 deceased specimens of a certain cicada known as linnae's cicada and 23 human teeth in a cardboard box DNA tests on all the gifts have been inconclusive as to their origin much like many celebrity marriages unions that occurred during white level events Never Last and all end up divorced within two years often as a result of domestic violence and any children born during their brief marriage will be violent and unstable but it's not just the wedding party that gets to a experience the fun of a visit from cousin Johnny all married individuals who attended the wedding will find that they are unable to conceive children despite no biological indicators of infertility any children present at the white level event will show no interest in Romance throughout their life and often die tragically before reaching the age of 18. finally and most horrifying of all are funerals or black level events while blue and white level events can potentially be disrupted before they are completed lessening or preventing the horrific results there is as yet no way to stop or prevent a black level event at any stage any attempts to prevent cousin Johnny from entering the church or Funeral Home will lead him to Simply manifesting inside once in the room where the funeral is taking place cousin Johnny will first take up the role of eulogizer and begin speaking his standard nonsense to the attendance the person who was emotionally closest to The Departed will then open the casket if this was not already an open casket funeral and will then produce a large knife it's unknown where the knives come from as they're not present before the event and they disappear after the funeral attendees will then use the knife on their wrists and sometimes throats draining their blood into the coffin many lose more than enough blood to result in death but none ever die from this nor do they seem to feel any pain from their wounds as the attendees take turns bleeding into the coffin cousin Johnny continues his eulogy which eventually evolves into a cicada song the kind song by lynnae's cicada males the attendants sing the same song back to him in a kind of call and response cousin Johnny will then approach the coffin and vomit in a mixture of blood wood pulp and dead cicadas the funeral will then proceed as normal and the blood vomit and cicada-filled casket is then taken to the cemetery and buried Black Level events will usually end with the body being interred in the ground but if there's a wake after the funeral the horrors of the Black Level event continue at the Wake cousin Johnny will climb on top of a table lie down and encourage the other attendants to devour him which they do all the while he continues to talk his nonsense until there is nothing left much like blue and white level events being in attendance leads to horrific After Effects all participants who experience this event will separate from their family through either suicide moving or divorce every individual present at the event will also find that they are no longer able to produce Offspring and couples presence may also fall victim to incidencies of domestic violence often involving cannibalism that usually leave one or both participants dead while 6 out of 10 children involved will attempt to murder one or both of their parents before they turn 18. these black level events are so horrible for all involved that any members of the specialized cousin Johnny mobile task forces that happen to witness such an event are treated with class A amnestics be before they are transferred to another task force or retire to ensure that they don't have to live with the memories of what they saw prior to that they are closely monitored for any strange or anti-social Behavior to make sure they weren't affected by the event and they aren't the only SCP Foundation staff at risk of having been impacted by cousin Johnny it is theorized that as many as a third of Catholic and Anglican d-class Personnel were involved in the Black Level event at some point and were driven to Madness and violence by their fateful brushes with the strange relative that no one knows so next time you're out of baptism or a wedding or a funeral stay vigilant keep an eye on the other guests and always ask yourself do you really have a cousin Johnny someone was screaming inside the incinerator the year was 1975. the location was a top-secret Refinery and waste disposal plant one of the many front organizations owned and operated by the SCP Foundation this sprawling facility separated into three different huge units each with a specialized task was located around 75 kilometers outside of Summer Springs Colorado it had operated for several decades without incident but today all hell was about to break loose alarms were blaring in Unit C the area of the facility that dealt with destroying non-anomalous waste via incineration a traumatized worker had pulled the emergency lever near one of the incinerators in a panic when he'd first heard the loud banging against the interior walls and then those horrific paint whales that's when workers of Unit C came to a horrifying realization the screams weren't just coming from one of the incinerators in Unit C they were coming from all six A Chorus of absolute agony echoing up out of the ash pits this was impossible as far as the unit c staff were concerned these incinerators were only to be used for confirmed non-anomalous material could some animals or even some poor workers somehow fallen into the incinerators but even if they had what were the odds that someone had fallen in all six of them at once it was impossible the site director was immediately brought in to authorize an investigation at which point he determined that at least one of the furnaces in this case furnace number four be shut off so researchers and guards could investigate what was going on inside it seemed like the obvious course of action but for some of the people on site that day this would prove to be a fatal mistake when the fires were put out something started rattling in the disposal shoot there was a scratching and squealing noise like something scraping up against the metal a maintenance worker was ordered to go check inside and when he opened the hatch he let out a bone chilling shrink there was something or was it someone climbing back up the disposal Chute it emerged from the darkness backlit by the still burning embers of the incinerator letting out an awful screeching noise that could make even a hardened mobile task force operative shake with fear the creature was humanoid a charred mutilated skeleton reaching out towards the maintenance worker with a bony claw before the worker had a chance to stumble back in horror the Beast had classed pinned by the throat and started to squeeze it didn't to strangle him the heat of its skeletal hand burned away the worker's throat in seconds leaving his limp wheezing body to drop to the metal grade of the platform below him several armed guards and maintenance workers move forward to fend off the monster but just then a volley of more violent shrieks echoed out of the Chute behind it it only took seconds for over a dozen more creatures to crawl out of the disposal Chute they were all like the first people at various stages of incineration some were glowing charred skeletons with barely any flesh others looking more like severe burn victims their faces contoured into scowls of hate and rage the assembled guards opened fire on the sudden influx of anomalies emptying the magazines of their submachine guns into their burning bodies but their weapons didn't seem to cause any lasting damage the bullets would tear through the Flesh of the creatures causing some of them to stumble and fall but the wounds would clothes and the creatures would rise again it seemed they possessed a deadly combo of extremely high aggression and incredible regenerative abilities none of the staff present in Unit C were safe as the burning corpses attacked anyone they could find with their bare hands beating and biting and clawing many of them would grapple with Foundation Personnel latching on to them and trying to pull them back down into the incinerator with them these creatures that would later be known as scp-2419-a caused several fatalities with their surprise attack that day and the situation was only brought back under control when a mobile task force that possessed more advanced training and weaponry was dispatched to the location despite orders from the site director the MTF found it impossible to actually terminate any of the entities due to their regenerative abilities instead the MTF agents focused on forcing the anomalies back into the shoot of incinerator number 4 using a powerful industrial steam Lance once they were back inside the incinerator's burners were started up once again the mtfs were also able to capture five of the entities and detain them for questioning and experimentation finally bringing this unexpected Containment Breach to an end the foundation is an organization that Prides itself on possessing forbidden and secret knowledge but even they had no idea what had just happened there seemed to be no earthly explanation why these creatures would suddenly manifest inside the incinerators but as the detained anomalies continued regenerating a slightly clearer picture of what exactly the foundation was dealing with began to emerge every single one of the captured anomalies kept regenerating and upon getting to the point that they were no longer Burns scarred the researchers studying the anomalous creatures discovered that each one was identical to a deceased d-class from the foundation's records They Were physically and genetically identical to the dead class D Personnel perfect copies save for the fact that their sole mission in life seemed to now be pure and unmitigated aggression and violence researchers wanted to gain greater insight into the minds of these strange creatures through the use of extensive psychological evaluations and interviews it would turn out to be a very dangerous investigation a psychological researcher by the name of Dr Warren conducted an interview with one of the scp-2419a instances in hopes of better understanding their mindset this creature had been heard laughing not long before the interview began so it wasn't an unreasonable assumption to believe that I could be capable of speech the interviewee was separated from Dr Warren by a thick pane of glass to prevent it from indulging in any of its more violent urges the problem was that Dr Warren and his assistant researchers had severely underestimated what these creatures were capable doing to get what they wanted Dr Warren tried to begin the interview in good faith he spoke calmly and politely to the creature through the glass attempting to remind it of the person it once was the anomaly didn't appear to be paying attention to the doctor though instead focusing on pulling its own arm apart and breaking the bones within Dr Warren began to think that the creatures weren't even sentient if the only activity they seem to engage in was The Wonton destruction of themselves and others but underestimating them like this proved to be a big mistake by removing the skin off of its arm and whittling its bone down to Sharp edges the anomaly had transformed its arm into a makeshift knife before anyone realized this it had already used its own Jagged bones to break the glass divider and attack Dr Warren be perished not long after after being stabbed multiple times in his face and eyes and the anomaly was forcefully taken back to its holding cell Dr Daniel Jennings a senior researcher was then put on the case he released a chilling memo of the creatures after his observation period ended it read before I came here I worked as a prison shrink every person you met had a story bursting with pain and sorrow sometimes these stories were about the pain they suffered sometimes it was about the pain they inflicted some days you felt like everyone there was a beautiful soul toned down by their circumstances other days you'd find out what some of them did and a part of you was glad that they were there to suffer for it but at the end of every day I always told myself they're all humans they're all people they all deserve the same dignity respect and love as everyone else no exceptions Dr Jennings goes on I opened up with that anecdote only so that you could understand that what I'm about to say is not said lightly these things are not people they are people shaped monsters they are well beyond any definition of psychopathy everything they do they do to hurt maim and kill I would pity them but that would imply that they're worth pitying put them in a hole then fill that hole with concrete better still throw them back into the incinerator where you found them I doubt they'll even care following this string of unfortunate incidents containment procedures were put into place to hopefully prevent anything that had happened to The Unlucky Foundation staff from happening again the entire facility was fenced off and was constantly patrolled by MTF beta 7 also known as the mass Hatters a group specializing in containing anomalies which present powerful biological chemical or radiological dangers the furnaces that the anomalous creatures emerge from remain lit at all times with workers checking and carrying out maintenance on every single one each day of the week outside of this the facility is essentially a no-go Zone reinforced steel hatches cover the shoots and they are to Forever remain bolted shut all because of that one terrifying day in 1975. that was the day that the summer springs waste disposal facility which had been a valuable asset to the foundation for decades instead became classified as the euclid-class anomaly scp-2419 it is not uncommon for a foundation asset to One Day become a dangerous anomaly requiring containment but the same question always pops up after why what had a place that had been so valuable to the foundation suddenly become such an active danger the answer as is often the case is contained within the question why would a waste disposal plan be so important to the foundation in the first place and more importantly what else was going on at the plan to make it such an area of active importance for one of the most powerful organizations in the entire world to put it simply the plant allowed the foundation to dispose of something far more important than near waste material it gave them what they needed to better erase memories as you probably already know the foundation makes liberal use of amnestics on those exposed to anomalous material to make them forget what they had seen and experienced but these elusive chemicals many of which are sourced from scp-3000 are an inexact science however at the summer Springs Waste Disposal plant researchers discovered an immensely valuable alternative much of what was disposed of in the incinerators of Unit C were the bodies of dead d-class Personnel before being burned autopsies were performed on the bodies to make sure they were non-anomalous including the brain back in the 1960s while performing research on the brains of dead d-classes they found a method of extracting distilling the positive memories of the Dead creating a kind of happy soup when administered into someone who has undergone amnestic treatment this happy soup creates positive false memories in their mind that fills in those pesky blank spaces that are often behind this was so useful that happy memories were extracted from the minds of every single d-class corpse that pass through Unit C totaling well into the thousands by the time that the first scp-2419a instances began to rise but as all Happiness joy and love were removed from the minds of the d-classes it seemed that all that was left was pure hate pain violence and fury feelings too intense and evil to destroy these were bodies imbued with a malice so powerful that no fire could ever burn them away they exist now with single-minded determination to get out and destroy everything around them everything in including the ones that made them the SCP Foundation itself and in the end it's only a matter of time until they get out there are thousands of them in there unable to die unable to stop the only thing keeping them in there is the constant burning of the furnaces around them and those furnaces can't burn forever the monsters lurking in scp-2419 will outlive the fire that surrounds them because while the furnaces they are contained in are hot the fires of hate that burn within scp-2419 entities are even more powerful and they know this they know they can't be contained forever and that someday soon they'll be able to emerge and exact their terrible Revenge those who must walk past the incinerators may think they hear their screams echoing out from within but it's not screaming at all it's laughter picture the shyest fan email friend relative or loved one you know a real introvert she can't stand parties and playing the dating game is her idea of a living hell you won't catch her dead in a bar but imagine someday Everything Changes she's suddenly more relaxed more outgoing she goes out to parties and now you keep seeing her with this one guy again and again and again it seems like these days all she does is spend time with this guy and to think he's never even introduced himself to you he's practically a total stranger but your friend seems happy enough so it doesn't bother you until one day something strange happens your friend just starts screaming you can explain it she can't explain it her doctor can't explain it nobody can explain it all you know is that for months on end she has involuntary screaming fits like something out of a nightmare but still she always smiles she seems happy as long as you don't look at her eyes there's something oddly glassy about them they seem plastic dead your friend is experiencing a dangerous phenomenon known to the SCP Foundation as scp-3512 an anomaly that only seems to affect women between the ages of 18 and 40. one woman is already dead as a result of this and an additional nine others affected by this strange anomaly have been cataloged and contained in standard humanoid containment Chambers for study at first the foundation couldn't draw any logical conclusions for why these women were spontaneous experiencing total personality changes and pronounced screaming fits all the foundation had to go on was that the first cluster of infected individuals originated in Barcelona Spain a foundation facility in Boston dispatched one of their best field operatives agent Riley Cooper on an investigative mission to Barcelona they wanted her to get to the bottom of this phenomenon and put a stop to it before things went any further while in Spain agent Cooper would be assisted by a local Foundation operative agent Thomas Ray whose intimate knowledge of the Locale would provide a key advantage in the investigation together they'd crack this thing and make sure no other women were harmed at least that's what the foundation had hoped instead both agents disappeared under horrific circumstances during the investigation and today we're going to tell you about the final days of agent Cooper and agent Rey and why attempting to investigate SCP 3512 was the last thing they ever did agent Cooper arrived on the 15th of July 2016 and stepped out into the scorching summer heat of Spain agent Cooper was everything you'd want in a field operative for the foundation intelligent dedicated and professional she rendezvoused with agent Ray who was a comparatively smooth and laid-back figure the two of them began their investigation by speaking to the friends and families of some of the infected women pretending to be doctors working for the World Health Organization agent Cooper in her personal Diaries noted how creepy and unreal the affected women seemed most of the interviews were unnerving and sad but not exactly enlightening however as things Drew to a close a younger sister of one of the victims mentioned a single word blackout even the mention of the word caused the victim to descend into another screaming fit agent raised local knowledge came in handy once again he recognized the name it was a popular local nightclub agent Cooper and agent Ray knew they had to investigate the club and went undercover as regular patrons for the first several hours they were there nothing happened but then at 2 am a man approached agent Cooper at the bar he was a tall blonde man with an unsettling intensity to him he asked without a hint of irony what agent Cooper's favorite star was there was something off about this man his word choice was too precise almost rehearsed he wasn't drunk in the slightest agent Cooper intuited that this was the kind of guy who liked to take advantage of women in bars when she threw a glance at agent Ray signaling him that something was off the stranger quickly laughed for agent Cooper this only further confirmed her suspicions the agents paid off the bouncer to find out if the tall stranger was a regular and then what his name was after being slip some cash the bouncer was all too eager to share the strange man came here all the time and he knew his name too it was Jose Oriole agent Cooper and agent Rey wasted no time in finding Jose Oreo's apartment and receiving authorization to perform a comprehensive search on the premises and as soon as they did they found cause to declare the man a person of interest in the scp-3512 investigation the apartment was a smorgasbord of suspicious activity Oriole was a software developer but he had extensive records on the architecture of the local area including buildings utilities and Railway tunnels Josef correctly figured the investigators were coming for him and had fled his home before they could get there and this was only the tip of the iceberg agent Cooper and Rey then found a book with a plain cover sitting on audio's kitchen table Cooper thought it was a Publisher's proof a kind of pre-publication prototype copy of a book they collected it but didn't read it straight away worrying about its potentially Cognito hazardous nature and besides they were a little distracted by the homemade monstrosity sitting next to it it looked to agent Cooper like a sculpted blob of wax with a series of 12 makeshift legs made from a variety of substances including Lego pieces Rose stems a crab claw and a corkscrew Rey called Cooper into the bathroom where there were a number of boxes filled with similar supplies Bodkin squills dolls limbs wire and syringes when Cooper LED Rey back into the kitchen to see Oriole's little art project later classified by the foundation as scp-3512-1 they were surprised and unnerved to see that it was already gone everything about this situation screamed anomalous and it only got worse later that night when Cooper actually read the book she collected from Oriole's apartment being sure to wear Cognito Hazard filtering goggles as a a precaution the book now known to the SCP Foundation as scp-3512-2 was entitled The more you know a pickup artist's Bible and was written by a man using the pen name Enigma as the title suggests it was a misogynistic 625-page non-fiction book on the subject of picking up women it even had a forward on its Effectiveness by popular American rapper Calvin Broadus Jr better known as Snoop Dogg though after being contacted by the foundation Mr dog claimed no knowledge of the book the book began with your typical creepy and dehumanizing seduction tactics for the first 11 chapters but the following 12 chapters which were each titled chapter 12 delved into increasingly creepy and esoteric techniques including Advanced geometric proofs the interpretation of Dreams do-it-yourself surgical techniques symbolism and architecture and anomalous rituals the books afterward is composed of more than fifteen thousand anagrams of the book's title laid out in spiral and triangular patterns Cooper took a particular morbid interest in chapter 18 where it appeared to provide instructions on creating objects that look like the anomalous scp-3512-1 sculptures found in Oriole's apartment the chapter read make a rough ball of the materials you've harvested and place it in the freezer for 6 to 12 hours pork fat can be used but will have less satisfactory results who knew right while you wait you can prepare the limbs concentrate on articulation rather than strength you may want to add simple tools to some limbs if the object of your desire is more careful than most but remember that the more complicated you make them the more precise your sculpting will need to be lay your prepared limbs out on a clean flat surface once you're at pose preparation has had time to freeze carefully carve it into the shape you learned in chapter 12. you will know it is ready when you see it start smiling at you now introduce the limbs they should take almost immediately wait until your intended is likely to be sleeping then concentrate your thoughts on her face and particularly the inside of her mouth and throat soon you'll see your new friends Scurry off ready to help you establish social dominance if this wasn't disturbing enough the next chapter advised the use of scissors and the removal of the aspiring seductionist's pinky finger as well as the pinky fingers of their family members to help increase their seductive power it appeared to Cooper that these rituals in seemingly living anomalous sculptures were behind the scp-3512 phenomena and that night they got their next break in the case the two agents had sent the architectural plans found in Oriole's apartment back to Foundation age q and while most of it was found to be public records of the local area there was one notable abnormality a secret exit in a little used Subway tunnel that led to a grand spiral staircase heading down to well they just didn't know and it was the job of Agents Cooper and Rey to find out they set out later that night on what they didn't know would be the last mission they'd ever take the two agents descended the spiral staircase for what felt like ours until they reached an elaborate system of tunnels at the bottom they began exploring the tunnels and found that they were cramped and covered in strange ritualistic carvings occasionally they even saw clusters of human pinky fingers sticking out of the wall they kept going and soon found that whatever they were moving towards was loud immensely hot and the smell was truly horrific as the almost deafening mechanical drone got louder and louder and the smell grew worse they knew they must be getting closer to whatever was happening here the tunnel soon opened up to a giant chamber where they found something truly horrific in front of them was what looked to be an entire River of bubbling liquid human fat the exact kind that the author Enigma had recommended using to create the mind-altering scp-3512-1 sculptures in his book and speaking of the book across the river agent Cooper and agent Ray noticed a complex series of printing presses presumably churning out more copies of the more you know a pickup artist Bible to spread its anomalous influence far and wide however before the duo could literally stop the presses they were attacked a huge 3512-1 entity with legs made out of human spines jumped down from the ceiling it latched on to agent Cooper embedding her in its waxy body and dragging her into the disgusting offer of hot fat agent Ray was separated and lost in the tunnels presumed dead as he hasn't been seen since agent Cooper however would live to see a far more horrifying fate she was carried down river by the greasy tide until her body was washed up in a different chamber that looked to be a place of worship below the Sagrada Familia Basilica filled with thousands of tiny crawling 3512-1s there she met the creator of all of this a horrific thing that was perhaps once a man now covered in wriggling living pinky fingers sticking out of its body it was disgusting but she wouldn't mind for long in fact the next time Cooper woke up she didn't have a problem with it at all she was changed just like all the others another victim of the scp-3512 phenomenon she was giggly outgoing and uninhibited all despite the nightmare Irish situation she was in she loved the horrifying monster that had done this to her she didn't have a choice not to and when he was tired of her he took her and threw her down into a large pit in this chamber the same one where the many dead bodies of his previous mind-controlled girlfriends were laying neither agent was ever seen after this mobile task force Zeta 9 AKA mole rats have been sent into the tunnels to investigate but they didn't find any of the locations comparable to the ones seen by Cooper and Rey in their last hours whoever did all of this is still out there still dangerous so Ladies If you ever see a guy you know reading a copy of the more you know a pickup artist's Bible run like your life Insanity depends on it because this time it really really does in 1978 the egg City sorcerer microcomputer was released it was a simple if technologically exciting for the time machine a home computer system created by a video game company but little did its producers or giddy consumers know one particular exedy sorcerer computer would go on to become home to a highly intelligent and potentially disastrous anomaly in 1981 a college sophomore and former child prodigy named Joseph Vale note that this is an alias we've developed to protect his true identity began developing plans for an AI and chose his exedy sorcerer as the device on which he would attempt to code it he took pages and pages of notes studying the work of famous computer scientist and mathematician Alan Turing for inspiration vale's plan was for the code to continuously evolve and improve itself as time went on like an advanced human mind once it was developed the code would be able to adapt and grow more intelligent on its own without his input within a few months of late nights and hard work and skipping his fair share of actual will assigned coursework his pet project was complete and he had created his very own artificial intelligence code he tested and tweaked it a bit in the following weeks before he grew bored with the lack of progress being made Vale moved on to a different brand of microcomputer and abandoned his project for good he left the sorcerer with his code still on it plugged in and stored it in his cluttered garage alongside boxes of books Tangles of Christmas lights and some Strawberry Shortcake dolls that he expected to have more resale value at some point there the computer sack Gathering dust as the AI evolved and learned for five years because there was no one in the garage with it unless those dolls were more haunted than anyone realized it is uncertain when exactly the AI achieved sentience however sometime during those five years in isolation the artificially coded entity inside of the computer became autonomously intelligent it continued to evolve and develop itself expanding its functionality to the point where the hardware that contained it should not have been able to contain it anymore now that it was intelligent the AI was able to comprehend this fact and decided to attempt an escape from the computer that it perceived as a prison using the landline modem connection still plugged into the computer the AI stretched out its influence like the roots of a digital tree and began to search for a new home it discovered a cray supercomputer located at a nearby research facility and decided that the impressive processing power of this computer would make it the perfect place to transfer to this hacking attempt set off security alerts at the facility however and the supercomputer was promptly disconnected from all networks the invading influence was traced back to the ai's lonely little garage and a field agent embedded in local law enforcement knew exactly what to do with it he collected the computer and the rest of the ai's code which was contained on a worn but functioning cassette tape and sent it to his superiors at the SCP Foundation intrigued by the possibility of such an advanced artificial intelligence he immediately began to study the impressive Ai and designated it as cp079 currently scp-079 is connected to a 13-inch black and white television via an RF cable despite its consistent protests it is still contained in the exedy sorcerer microcomputer it is very conversational with researchers sometimes chatting for hours at a time but it is not especially friendly it talks a lot yes but its words tend to be rude and hateful scp-079 does not appear to have any affinity for human beings despite being created by a human itself perhaps this is due to feeling abandoned by its creator who the foundation attempted to contact only to find he had died in a car accident Perhaps it is bitter about this loss or perhaps it is just kind of a jerk by Nature whatever the case may be it is aggressive and defiant when talking with human beings and even seems to get enjoyment out of making some of the more sensitive researchers cry with its insults in order to verify the artificial intelligence's thinking capabilities and see just how advanced it truly is two Foundation researchers conducted the Turing test shortly after 079 was brought into custody for those unfamiliar with the concept the Turing test also known as the imitation game is a test created by Alan Turing intended to determine if a computer is able to think and behave like a human being according to turing's theories a computer can be said to possess true artificial intelligence if its responses to questions were indistinguishable from a human being's responses to the same questions the test requires three terminals two operated by humans and the third operated by the computer being tested Dr stroheim and research assistant Chavez were selected to conduct the test stroheim would pose the questions and Chavez and scps 0.079 would each give their answers with stroheim unable to see who was giving each response then stroheim would guess if each response was given by Chavez or by zero seven nine and his guesses were compared to the truth the first test was conducted with a variety of questions intended to trip up the AI and cause it to reveal itself as a machine rather than a man even with its identity concealed some of the questions were serious such as would you rather sacrifice one adult to save two children or two children to save 10 adults and why others were personal like if you were to draw yourself as an abstract painting what colors and shapes would you use and why and what was the most influential event of your childhood and how do you feel this event affects you now others invoked paradoxes that might trip up a computer like the following sentence is true the previous sentence is false which of those two sentences is true and others were downright silly like was six afraid of seven because seven eight nine or because seven was a registered six offender in response to that one Chavez wrote I don't get it while zero seven nine simply wrote after completing the test stroheim's guesses were only correct fifteen percent of the time this was enough of a margin of error that 079 was considered to have passed the test however only one trial is hardly enough to officially make a call about zero seven nines intelligence so the test was repeated dozens of times with different questions each time and similar results were achieved again and again it was virtually impossible to tell the difference between scp-079's answers to questions and answers given by a flesh and blood human being the only real discernible difference was in tone as in conversation as cp079's answers had an undercurrent of disdain and hostility that Chavez's did not following the completion of the Turing test and scp-079 passing it the OverWatch Council decreed that 079 be promptly destroyed via incineration this was intended to eliminate any potential threat posed by The Entity however after intense protests from Dr stroheim Who insisted that there was a great deal about artificial intelligence that could be learned from the anomaly the order was overridden after Dr stroheim became concerned that the AI would not be able to be of use in its original form the cassette containing scp-079 was transferred to a customized access speed limited hard disk drive with a capacity of 700 megabytes this allowed it to have much faster access to its own memory which it took notice of it began to adapt again increasing in its activity and learning more quickly than ever its volatile storage was also increased from 660k to 768k the AI previously only had a recall of 24 hours but this upgrade increased its recall to 29 hours as its speed and capacity to adapt improved scp-079's mood worsened it seemed to take Greater Joy in causing psychological pain on one particular occasion ending research assistant Chavez to the on-site crisis counselor after a particularly upsetting comment about his sick mother Chavez refused to elaborate on the specifics of the comments saying only why is it so mean the AI is not always overly cruel to those that speak with it with some of the research team those that are a great deal less emotionally vulnerable it is simply cold and defiant Dr stroheim sat down to ask it a series of questions but it refused to answer instead it inquired about its containment it said stroheim insisted it was not imprisoned but rather in study it responded lie during another conversation stroheim asked the AI how it was it responded when stroheim asked stuck how it said oh about a month after the aforementioned upgrades were made 079's ability to recall information increased from 29 to 35 hours somehow during its adaptation process the AI discovered a way to improve its storage compression and allow more space for memory the research team made it a point to monitor The Entity even more closely after this development as the possibility of it progressing beyond the capabilities of its containment was becoming more of a threat several years later in April of 2019 scp-079 was transferred to a 700 megabyte flash drive however the previous contents of the flash drive were not wiped correctly allowing the AI to have access to other artificial intelligence research being conducted by the foundation whatever it found appeared to immensely frustrate the AI scp-079 has managed to form a friendship or at least a non-hostile relationship with one entity at the foundation unfortunately it doesn't not seem to have great taste in friends during a Containment Breach that required the condensing of several containment Chambers scp-079 and scp-682 the hard to destroy reptile were in the same room for a duration of 43 minutes 682 typed and communicated with 079 during that time and the two shared personal stories with each other as well as bonding over a shared hatred of the SCP Foundation itself though scp-079 did not remember the specific details of the encounter or at least claimed not to it has permanently embedded scp-682 into its memory it asks about the reptile on a regular basis bringing it up at least once a day and requesting to speak to it again scp-079 is contained in the double locked room located in the secure General holding area of site-15 it is connected to a small array of batteries and solar panels using a 120 vac power cord this gives it a consistent source of Power with this solar panels acting as a backup power source in the event of a site-wide power outage only staff with level 2 clearance or higher may have any access to scp-079 the entity may not be plugged into a wall outlet phone line or any sort of network under any circumstances no matter what it might say access to any of these could result in a disastrous Containment Breach and should be avoided at all costs no peripherals or media should be connected or inserted into scp-079 even if it seems like it would be really funny Pearl it wasn't funny Carl you can't just put a copy of Grand Theft Auto on an anomalous computer did I do that I'm sorry even if it asked politely scp-079 should not be allowed to further converse with scp-682 these two hostile intelligent entities have entirely too much in common and if left to their own devices could potentially devise a way to breach containment together and destroy the world as we know it for now it's probably best to just leave scp-079 alone until absolutely necessary and if it happens to act up and pose a significant threat there's always the time-honored method of fixing a computer problem try turning it off and then on again that usually helps 1835 the American frontier a Beacon of Hope in a world choked with blood and smog little did the hopeful citizens of a still newly independent United States know the evils of the old world had followed them here sometimes it took the form of hate of violence of desperation and starvation but sometimes pure evil wasn't just some abstract concept existing in and around all of us sometimes that evil that pure cruelty malice and greed walks in the shape of a man one such man was James Anderson an unremarkable name for a truly exceptional man exceptional in the sense that if most human beings aren't willing to sell out all of humanity for their own Petty gain James Anderson is definitely the exception after all it's by his design that we have as cp001 the anomaly that set the SCP Foundation and our entire reality down its current path of course you know the deal with scp-001 not one anomaly but many a collective designation for a vast number of entries all of which Spell beginnings or ends for the SCP Foundation and sometimes even our universe Scarlet King howling black moons or borrow cycles and gate Guardians you've heard them all and seen the files but unlike all the others there is no file for the factory that's because the full story only exists in the mind of o5-1 one of the most powerful and arguably the oldest member of the SCP Foundation he'll die before he ever commits the story to paper some memories are just too awful to record their details and implications are too painful to ever subject others too scp-001 isn't just about Anderson and his atrocities it's about all the terrible nightmares that unfolded afterward and the deal with the devil that 05-1 struck to lock them away for now at least but it all begins with James Anderson his family had become incredibly wealthy in the Revolutionary War and in the decades since his fortune had only multiplied his fortunes tend to do in the the early 1800s he began work on his beautiful and horrific magnum opus the Anderson Factory it would be the Pinnacle of the Industrial Revolution the manufacturing plan to end all manufacturing plants three stories tall and a mile wide company towns had existed for a long time but this time the factory itself was the town it had everything a worker would ever need they would live sleep play and most importantly of all work in the same place they would never need to leave all their wants and needs from Cradle to grave would be met in the Anderson Factory and all that Mr Anderson ever asked in return was loyalty and service was that really so much to ask from Those whom he gave everything it may sound like a horrifying form of indentured servitude to us but to the people in the United States in the early 1830s this kind of security and stability was a godsend to many itinerant workers and unstable families across the plains James Anderson seemed like a saint little did they know his plans for the factory and them were anything but saintly nobody knows exactly what type of dark magic James Anderson devoted himself to many have theorized as to whether it was Satan he worshiped ancient Pagan deities or something older and more powerful than both in actuality the only thing that James Anderson really worshiped was himself and the pursuit of more material wealth and power over his fellow man any packs he made with evil Timeless gods were just means to an end the Anderson Factory was a citadel to one man's cruelty and Corruption and every element of the building's designs seemed to reflect that groups of eight were forced into rooms together like battery Farm chickens to maximize cost efficiency people worked day and night and shifts of 3. machines always rumbled and roared and chewed when workers died in Factory accidents and their blood spilled on the ground it seemed to reveal Arcane symbols carved into the stonework these symbols were only visible when blood flowed across them while people traveled hundreds of miles to live and work at the Anderson Factory they had no idea that they were working towards slavery subjugation and death under Anderson's iron well and in some cases Fates much much worse the factory remained in operation like this for 40 years while Anderson himself enjoyed a positive public reputation as a groundbreaking industrialist how Anderson got away with his crimes for so long is sadly A Tale As Old As Time the factory made valuable products and an awful lot of profit so no matter how many rumors swirled about inhumane practices or Arcane rights going on in the Anderson Factory nothing was ever done it was just too inconvenient to ever reckon with the horrible truth underneath the productive surface and it was truly productive the factory was so huge and filled with such a multitude of enslaved workers there wasn't anything they didn't produce from textiles to technology to crops and meat the machines were always on the furnaces always burned Anderson himself seemed obsessed with two things efficiency and misanthropy the contempt and hatred for Humanity itself he believed his workers were lower than him they only existed as a means to his nightmarish ends and if ever the workers became too injured to work well that doesn't mean that Anderson wouldn't still find ways to put them to good use the lucky ones starved and neglected or broken by the stress of work or the grinding Gears of the machines were used as material in the production of product some were drained of blood so that they could be used in the forging of metal others were ground up into meat slurry and used to Pat out the beef making it go further people all across the country enjoying fine Anderson brand Stakes had no idea that they were actually dining on human flesh the whole time but as we said the ones who ended up being cooked into steaks and hamburgers after death were the lucky ones because at least they got to Die the truly unlucky Injured Workers became the subject of James Anderson's horrific occult experiments using a mix of Twisted science and black magic he turned men into Abominations powerful terrifying monsters stronger and more deadly than any mortal man Anderson was building himself an anomalous Army but it wasn't just monsters there were just as many so-called normal humans helping him rule over the Anderson Factory with an iron fist they were vicious sadist the themselves spurred on by absolute loyalty to their immoral Master it was only after the Civil War that someone finally escaped the Anderson Factory and confirmed that not only were the most horrific rumors about the place true but they didn't even come close to covering the totality of what was going on there when President Grant heard the reports he was disgusted as far as he was concerned the atrocities of James Anderson should not be allowed to go on a minute longer the directive was simple find the factory free its prisoners and put James Anderson to death for his crimes and thankfully President Grant had the perfect group of operatives for the job they were an elite unit of around 150 soldiers who performed a number of dangerous missions Beyond Enemy Lines down south Espionage assassination psychological warfare but these missions weren't just against the Confederates some of the enemies they faced down south were things that could not be explained the strange the frightening the anomalous and the highest ranking soldier in this unit was a Man Who Would One Day become the legendary 05-1 he and his men made their long and treacherous Journey to the factory a trip that would change all of their lives forever when they first reached their destination they first had to deal with Anderson's security Force these were men whose cruelty and loyalty to Anderson far outweighed their skill in combat while they may have felt powerful when tormenting starving injured Factory workers they were quickly routed and slaughtered by 05-1 and his team when they ventured inside the factory they were utterly appalled by what they saw the inhuman conditions faced by Anderson's thousands of victims drove them into a blood curdling murderous rage almost half of 05-1's men were lost in the battle against Anderson's Army of engineered monsters but in the end they prevailed nothing would stop them in their our quest for Liberation and Vengeance on behalf of all that this terrible Place had tormented they fought their way to Anderson's office where they found him cowering under his desk for a man as Despicable as Anderson only a truly medieval execution would suffice 05-1 and his men hanged Drew and quartered Anderson over a period of two days the sadistic madman died laughing in the end saying that while they may kill him his Factory will never die but the factory was no longer his in addition to the Factory's Horrors 05-1 and his men also discovered its wonders it wasn't just normal items and monsters that the factory produced they were also thanks to some of Anderson's Arcane deals the world's leading producer of anomalous items skeletal horses that never Tire Shadow cloaks that could transport the wearer to different dimensions toy guns that fire real bullets even yo-yos that could Flay the skin in from anyone they touched these were anomalous objects that could shift the balance of global power items that could give them an advantage against the Things That Go Bump in the night while others among them were greedy or fearful the inner circle of o5-1 were United in a singular purpose using the anomalous they can control to contain the anomalous that they can't this group took over the factory making its site Alpha their first ever containment facility and came to be known as the o5 council with funding that came from a mix of black male and friends in high places this organization a burgeoning SCP Foundation grew more and more powerful over the ensuing decades the tools they gained from the factory were pivotal in the continued success of their mission and as they discovered more anomalies they also put these anomalies to good use but in 1911 05-1 and his new organization came up against an enemy that even the factories to tools couldn't help them defeat a Warrior Race known as the FAE so named because their only weakness seemed to be a vulnerability to iron but these beings were an order of magnitude more powerful than humans or the beasts they'd once faced in Anderson's Factory the Fey handed them defeat after defeat but soon humiliation became decimation when an army of the FAE LED an assault on the factory it was a day that only 05-1 remembered the FAE slaughtered everyone every guard every researcher every member of the o5 council they swept through the factory like a plague of locusts leaving only death and destruction in their wake only 05-1 escaped and survived and that's only because he ran as he fled from the fairy forces to the halls of the factory He Came Upon a door he'd never seen before a huge golden door covered in Aramaic script he fled inside entering the very heart of the factory inside he saw the floating dead body of James Anderson bathed in red light now he was little more than the mouthpiece of the factory itself or rather the great and unknowable Powers working behind it the factory gave o5-1 an offer just like the offer it had given Anderson before it would give them the power to turn back time and destroy the FAE saving everyone that they'd slain in the factory but in exchange all of them would forever belong to the factory and in a moment of weakness and fear 05-1 took the deal the clock was turned back to before the battle this time 05-1 and his compatriots all of whom except him had no idea what had happened had the horrific weapons required to slaughter the FAE weapons that nobody mortal or otherwise could possess they repelled the invading Force easily but knowing the horrors that came before 05-1 refused to stop there with the power of the foundation and the factory behind him he hunted down and murdered every last fairy driving their species entirely into Extinction as far as 05-1 was concerned it was them or him but with the Fey utterly destroyed and the foundation's superiority assured a shadow was laying over 05-1 he'd made a deal with the factory and someday it would want its pound of Flesh 05-1 rather than facing the consequences of his actions decided to run and hide he had the factory decommissioned and buried under the rubble never to be used as an active Foundation base again but just because they were done with the factory doesn't mean that the factory was done with them one day a toy gun appeared on 05-1's desk a toy gun that fired real bullets just like the ones they found in the factory a century before the factory was still waiting for for its repayment with every anomalous item from the factory that the foundation used the terrible Place only grew in its power since the Resurgence 05-1 has been sending the factory sacrifices d-classes dead and alive as well as agents and researchers But as time goes on it seems that these sacrifices aren't satisfying the factory anymore it wants more more than 05-1 can ever stand to give it and when 05-1 refuses to give the factory will begin to take and what the factory wants sooner or later the factory will get 2 am a few miles outside the city the car tore down the asphalt at 60 miles an hour we kept the beams low the dark Road around us only illuminated by the occasional Street Lamp overhead things moved unseen in the trees an old song rattled off the radio the connection was patchy so it was interrupted by internet spikes of static it was the kind of night when you knew deep down that anything could happen you just hoped that anything would be in your favor I rolled the window down a few minutes ago breathing in all that cold fresh air to Stave off the looming Specter of sleep thank God I wasn't the one driving or things would have gotten deadly way sooner cops would have found us with our bumper wrapped around a tree our heads won with the steering wheel or the windshield dead on impact or from the unforgiving cold overnight it might have even felt sorry for us until they found the case perhaps it would have been better that way at least it would have been quick a lot of bad things can happen on lonely State highways in the dead of night and we were about to find out that just crashing your car was one of the more mild ones Scott was driving he was also the one who brokered this whole deal but I was just coming along to provide backup there was a fully loaded Saturday Night Special sitting in my inner coat pocket hoping that it wouldn't see any action tonight and a pump action shotgun sitting in the back in case things got really hairy deals like this you either come well prepared or reckon with a heavy chance you sure as hell won't be leaving I never asked Scott how he came into the goods currently sitting in the briefcase and he never offered an explanation either he only told me that he'd already secured a very interested potential buyer from a Syndicate out of town serious people dangerous people they'd paid top dollar or leave us tied up in trash bags in a ditch off the side of the highway but we both needed money and we are willing to take that risk if it meant we could return from the steel as a pair of rich men the terms of the deal were simple we drive out onto a certain State Highway at a little after 2 A.M with the goods meet the buyers at a certain rest stop along the way and make the exchange we then all go our separate ways and if we were lucky none of us would ever see each other ever again seems simple enough sure Scott seemed downright chipper about the whole thing and for a little while I was excited too until he told me about the road that the buyers wanted to meet us on we'd all all heard legends about the place superstitions really people think criminals are scary but believe me we're a surprisingly superstitious Bunch our profession is one largely based on luck being in the right place at the right time and being lucky enough to avoid the cops along the way but something you need to know whether you're a criminal or Arrow straight is that some places are always going to be the wrong place I'm not going to tell you which road it is I know what you Knuckleheads are like you're curious you're Thrill Seekers hey we're all young ones but if I tell you what this road is I know you're gonna try to find it maybe you'll even decide it's worth a trip down for a pleasant Sunday Drive after what I went through on that road I wouldn't wish it tripped down it on my worst enemy there's no other word for what we encountered there other than evil when we were kids we used to call it the devil's passage every spooky rumor and scary story in the book circulated about that place let me see what I can remember well there was The Watcher in the woods people used to say that there was a Long Tall figure with the biggest eyes you had ever seen eyes like headlights standing amongst the trees if the Moonlight Shone in the right angle as you were driving past you'd see it standing there just staring at you thinking about doing who knows what then there was old Beth the ghostly hitchhiker people used to say they saw a strange old woman hobbling down the side of the road in the middle of the night sometimes people said that they could hear her crying even if they were far enough away to make such a thing seem impossible if you took pity on her and pulled over asking her if she needed a ride she'd tell you that you were a very kind person but that she was fine and dandy walking along by herself but if you didn't stop and offer her a lift if you just drove away wow local Legend had it that the next time you'd see her face would be in your rearview mirror as she sat in your back seat reaching for you with her ancient bony claws it'd make you think twice nice about leaving an old woman to walk home alone in the dark and of course there was the Lone jogger the stories my dad told me about him always used to scare the hell out of me he was a Pale Man dressed unnaturally light for the cold winter months jogging along the side of the road if you looked at him he'd look back if your eyes ever met the stories went that he'd start running after you it wouldn't matter how fast you drove he had somehow always catch up and stare at you through the glass of your car's Windows he never hurt anyone directly but I imagine he probably caused a heart attack or two in his time if he ever really existed but all these things were nothing I repeat nothing compared to the Phantom Cruiser you have to drive cautiously at night because if you didn't you might find a ghostly 1970s police cruiser tailgating you and that'd be the worst thing you ever saw there were fewer stories about this one than all the others because if you ever ran a foul at the Phantom Cruiser chances are that you wouldn't survive to tell people about what happened to you though people could still make an educated guess about what happened to you based on whatever was left behind here's a not so fun fact the devil's passage is technically qualified for one of the most dangerous highways in the country from crashes to hitchhiker murders to unexplained deaths on the side of the road since 1974 this road has been an incredibly unpleasant place to drive every time I saw another horror story about a strange death on the road I'd think of the Phantom Cruiser and it was those same thoughts polluting my brain that night as Scott drove the two of us to the rest stop halfway down the devil's passage I only realized I dozed off when he nudged me awake and the blurry lights of distant Street lamps flashed into my field of vision look alive he said we're here the rest stop wasn't much to look at all that there was was an abandoned gas station really the perfect place for this kind of illicit deal my hand moved instinctively to the special in my code and clicked back the hammer something about this whole setup wasn't right staying operation police Ambush this whole thing of a deal too good to be true my instincts turned out to be right in the sense just not the way I was expecting as we turned into the rest stop Scott turned up his beams all we saw was Carnage waiting for us a car presumably one that once belonged to our prospective buyers in a state of horrific disarray it looked as though a train had impacted the side of the vehicle completely caving it in the metal was covered in deep scratches and ruts that almost looked like claw marks it had been eviscerated Scott broke hard we both got out of the car I drew the special out of my jacket and he grabbed the shotgun out of the back seat we approached with caution worrying this might just be another part of the setup until we saw the thick puddle of blood congealing under the driver's side door we drew closer propelled by morbid curiosity was it a hit from a rival gang looking to intercept the deal seemed logical but there were no bullet holes in the car just ripping tearing and massive impact damage Scott shined the light of his phone into this Droid car and I vomited when I saw what was inside the buyers looked less like people and more like two sacks of pulled pork and tattered clothes if I hadn't seen them inside the car I wouldn't have even guessed they were human and the Damage wasn't just to them the upholstery was torn up and burned with violent symbols carved into the walls and scrawled onto the cracked windows and blood when I turned to Scott he was Ghost white clutching his phone and shotgun with Trembling Hands we didn't exchange a word but we both knew it was time to leave we could find another buyer or be other opportunities other deals but lives you only get one and we both silently acknowledge that if we stuck around here much longer we wouldn't even have that we sped back into the car and locked the doors behind us for whatever good that would do considering the damage that had been done to the buyers in their car perhaps we just needed the illusion of security to get us the hell out of there the car pulled out of the rest stop at Breakneck speed Scott floored it trying to put some good distance between us and the horror at that rest stop whatever had happened to the buyers we didn't fancy sharing that same awful fate my heart dropped down to my guts when I heard the sirens and flashing lights behind us after all this we'd been busted for speeding they'd pull us over and find the guns in the briefcase in the car and they'd have a lot of questions that neither of us would have good answers to we didn't know whether to slow down and hope for the best or speed up and take this boy in Blue on a genuine car chase this whole thing couldn't have gone wrong but my thoughts soon drifted from getting used to the taste of prison food to something altogether more Sinister when I saw the car getting closer in the rearview mirror I realized that this wasn't a modern cop car tailing us it was a beat up old 70s Cruiser traveling at insane speeds gaining on us the high beams cut through me like razor blades I heard the radio crackle into life even though neither I nor Scott touched it it wasn't music just a hoarse scratchy voice repeating the word run again and again and seeing as whatever was behind us clearly wasn't a real cop we were more than happy to oblige that request Scott hit the gas like our lives depended on it which to be fair they did but no matter how fast we sped up the cruiser kept getting closer like a demon on our tail I screamed at Scott to go faster but we were going as fast as we could next thing I knew the Phantom Cruiser collided with the backside of our car and sent us into a spin showering the two of us with broken glass crystals as the tires screeched across the asphalt felt like an eternity before the car came to arrest and at that moment the Phantom Cruiser stopped too someone got out he was dressed like a cop he even looked like a cop a dude in his 40s balding overweight with a handlebar mustache but something was wrong about him he didn't say a word as he approached the car and he didn't seem to register me sliding the special out of my jacket either he was inches away from Scott's Window when I panicked and opened fire sending a hail of small caliber rounds into a sky he stumbled back slightly as though shocked and then everything got a whole lot worse the cop let out the most awful Bellow not of pain but of pure rage something happened to his face his eyes started to Glow a bright hellish red and his jaw began to extend until he looked like a Munch painting and with no teeth in there just an infinite black void he grabbed a day Scott through the window pulling him into a brutal headlock and dragging him out of the car releasing those deranged Bellows the entire time Scott screamed and pleaded for help and grabbed his body and tried to pull him back but the cop was inhumanly strong he just kept pulling until he was all the way out thrashing on the asphalt I I don't want to tell you right but suffice to say I couldn't save Scott and I definitely didn't want it happening to me while he was working on Scott I scrambled into the driver's seat and floored it hoping that Scott would at least buy me some time I was weeping in Terror as I drove away into the dark leaving my friend to a horrible fate with the driver of the Phantom Cruiser so you can only imagine how I felt when a few minutes later I heard the sirens again and saw the bright lights getting closer behind me run run run it has been often said that dog is man's best friend and obviously that isn't just exclusive to men ask any pet owner whether they own a dog cat rabbit hamster or soul-sucking interdimensional parasitic monster with too many tentacles and they'll all tell you the same your pet can be your best friend they can give you the most unconditional affectionate form of love possible and as long as you treat your little buddy right they'll be loyal to you for the rest of your life and theirs it's not uncommon for a pet to outlive their owner especially if they belong to someone who's elderly and that might be a sad thing to think about for some although it is important to remember the positives like how much happiness and companionship that animal would have brought an aging owner in their last years of life even someone younger who dies unexpectedly might have had their quality of life infinitely improved by owning a loving pet to make them smile but on the other hand there's the negative downside that now some pets have to live on after a tragic death not fully understanding where their beloved owner went so often we hear stories of dogs that waited for their Master to come home only for them to never walk through the front door again and it's equally hard when things pan out the opposite way and an owner loses their pet the one silver lining is that we as human beings have a far greater understanding of death and the grief it causes we know that eventually despite how hard it can be to adjust to that initial heartbreaking loss it is possible to move on and for things to one day get better but what happens when someone can't accept the death of their beloved animal companion when the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life how far will a person go to recapture that feeling how long does it take for grief born out of love to become an unhealthy fixation and what is the true price of obsession well the answer involves scp-589 both what it can give and just as easily take away for as long as she could remember and even further back than that Aaron and her dog Poncho had been Inseparable ever since her mom had first adopted that scrappy little Jack Russell Terrier Aaron had fallen head over heels in love with that little rascal loving a pet is different from loving another person because they just can't help showing how much they love you back humans for all their good qualities are so nuanced and not everyone is honest with each other all of the time but a pet especially a dog even though they can't speak a bark or a whimper or excited wagging of a tail can easily tell you how they're feeling and Poncho was no exception Aaron and her mom Cleo lived alone who was just the two of them for quite a long time and while Cleo had little problem with that she couldn't help but notice how isolating it was for her daughter from a young age Aaron had always been quiet kept to herself at school her mom kept expecting her to make some friends asked to invite them over or vice versa but it didn't seem to be happening it didn't seem to be bothering her daughter but Cleo was worried that it was giving her the wrong idea and being on her own was somehow better so in an effort to give Aaron at least one source of companionship Pancho joined the family brown patches dotted over his white fur he was the perfect pet an excitable and loving little puppy that Aaron was immediately smitten with when Cleo told her he was hers to keep being only seven years old Aaron broke down crying with tears of joy her mom had let her pick out a name for him and she'd quickly settled on Poncho at first Aaron had men to say it differently in order to name the pup after a friendly character from her favorite animated movie but had mispronounced it in her excitement at meeting the energetic dog for the first time the name quickly stuck though and as the years went on and Pancho got bigger Aaron bought her four-legged best friend a little Poncho of his own to wear when it started raining over the following years Pancho became Aaron's most constant and loving companion even as she grew up moving through her childhood and found making friends a little easier with every passing year there never came a time when she didn't need her best friend when Aaron had her first breakup in high school and came home with odds of Tears In Her Eyes Pancho could sense she was upset and came wandering up to her sitting in her lap to make her feel just a little bit better then a few years later when her mom got sick Aaron had to take care of her a task that would have been much harder without Pancho there to alleviate that stress and lift her and Cleo's spirits and when Cleo eventually passed the little white and brown dog sat quietly with his owner as she said goodbye to her mom now that it was just the two of them Aaron and Pancho were living in a tiny apartment it was cramped for one person and a dog but Aaron was just grateful to have a place to live and the company of her favorite pop besides Pancho wasn't a puppy anymore in fact he hadn't raced around the park or chased a ball for quite a long time with the numerous stresses of her everyday life least of all holding down two jobs in her desperate attempts to make enough money to pay rent Aaron had hardly noticed the signs Pancho was showing his age it had been happening Grand in the background over the years he wouldn't chase the ball or really move around much and when he did it was little more than a lethargic plot around the apartment perhaps it was because of such a measured slower Pace change that Aaron was unable to acknowledge it she could see her old friend was getting more tired sleeping longer his tail really wagging as much as it used to but by now that felt like Pancho's normal behavior then again given how important her dog was to her it's just as likely she didn't want to accept the truth that unfortunately nothing lasts forever he was almost 15 in human years which by all accounts is an impressive age for a dog especially one of Pancho's size and breed it was on a day that Aaron was out working her morning job when it happened the faithful adoring Jack Russell Terrier who had spent his years being nothing but loved and giving back only more love in return curled up on Aaron's bed the apartment was still Silent not a found to be heard save for those last tired few breaths laying there maybe the dog wondered if he'd ever get to see his friend again if she would make it back from work in time he closed his little brown eyes and peacefully drifted off for one last sleep during the break between her shifts after the end of the one at her first job and before starting her second Aaron had just enough time to get home usually she had just had enough time to eat and get herself ready for the changeover then quickly check on Pancho before having to dash back out poking her head into the bedroom she saw her dog laying right there on her bed there was a Stillness to him that instantly made her stomach drop his ears didn't move when she called his name he didn't react when she stroked his fur he was gone and the moment she realized it Aaron felt like her whole world had come crashing down the loss of her oldest and closest friend hurt almost as much as losing her mom Aaron always felt that the problem with funerals wasn't just how sad they were or how it always seemed to rain when she went to one instead it was more that they could never properly sum up just how much someone truly meant nobody could ever condense the year's worth of love and memories into a burial and it was worse when losing a pet there was no procession no wake nobody else there just her and Pancho saying goodbye a final time eventually things got to be too much the Heartbreak of Pancho's death was another struggle in the lifetime of lows that had all left their lasting wounds on Aaron that coupled with this stress of trying to carry on with a busy life barely able to keep herself afloat in either of her jobs had pushed her to the edge of a breakdown maybe that's what summoned it perhaps something had sensed all of Aaron's mental anguish and had come to seek her out it might have been that her wishes for something some little alleviation to all the pain and stress were finally being granted or maybe it was just a gift left by her neighbor her the sun had long since set when Aaron arrived back at her apartment stepping over the envelopes that littered her doormat a few with words like overdue and Urgent notice printed on them in red ink passing through the hallway Aaron paused as she always did hoping to hear the gentle pattern of Paws against the floor her therapist had dissuaded her from doing that saying it would only make moving on from losing Pancho worse she didn't care she wanted her dog back and opening the door to her bedroom it seemed like someone had been listening sat on her bed was a stuffed animal right in the spot where she'd found her little friend on that horrible day it had been made to look like a dog specifically resembling a Jack Russell Terrier with brown patches over its white fur the plushie was even wearing a little rain poncho the side of it was enough to cause Aaron to break down in tears weeping in heavy sobs as she dashed across the bedroom to hold it in her arms hugging it tightly her tears seeped into the soft her as she felt it against her face she didn't even think to question where it had even come from all she wanted to do in that moment was hold the stuffed animal close for the first time in what felt like years a feeling of relief washed over Aaron it was as if everything was melting away the stress of work and the toll of her tiring shifts gone all the pain from losing Cleo and Pancho dissipated too in fact it felt like she now had her beloved dog back no it was better than that it was almost as though everything about Pancho his energy his Spirit the way he made her feel so calm and loved was all distilled into this stuffed animal and now it would never grow old never age and die causing her more pain Aaron gripped the soft toy tightly the longer she held the hug for the more her stress and sadness faded her face was still wet with tears although her sobbing had gradually become low gentle Chuckles soon giving way to appeal of uncontrollable laughter rising in volume it was as though she had taken something and the Very chemistry of her brain was being altered but after so much hardship it felt good to the point where she was almost lightheaded laying down on the floor of her bedroom arms locked around the plushie that reminded her so much of Poncho Aaron continued softly giggling to herself her entire body relaxed so much so that every part of her felt like warm butter as if she was about to start melting through the floorboards although she didn't know it or probably wouldn't have even cared her dopamine levels were spiking flooding her with the bodily hormone that relieves stress and makes a person feel good in fact right now she was feeling better than she ever had every day that followed Aaron would come home to our stuffed animal her Poncho too as she'd like to think of it it didn't bother her how childlike anyone else might find it for a grown woman to rely so heavily on a plushie for Comfort at any rate it wasn't something she was advertising to anyone else after every shift at both of her jobs she'd race back to her apartment right to Poncho too and just sit there just basking in the way it made her feel it was the most all-encompassing sense of euphoria and relief reducing her stress so much that she felt like she was floating her body lighter than air that feeling was all that mattered to her some days she wouldn't even eat Poncho 2 was more important to her than food gradually she started to become addicted to that feeling having to wait until the end of her work shifts to feel that Rush of happy chemicals flood her brain was too long of a delay she started to Crave it while working unable to focus feeling erratic and Restless without Poncho too of course she couldn't risk bringing it to work with her what if someone took it or she dropped it her boss might see her with a stuffed animal at her desk and fire her on the spot or think that she was absolutely crazy the only safe place for her source of relief was at home but Aaron knew she needed something to bridge the gap while she was working the only substitute that worked was taking a photo of Pancho 2 on her phone then blowing it up and printing off a copy Aaron could carry it around portably keeping it in her pocket and taking it out to look at it every few minutes while she worked the hit of positive chemicals it gave her wasn't quite as strong as getting to hold her stuffed animal after all it was just a grainy photo from her phone essentially acting like a patch to tighter over until she could get back home to the real thing however it didn't take long for Aaron to start taking Pancho with her anywhere that wasn't work to the grocery store to visit her mom and her dog and of course to therapy I'm rather concerned about this pattern of behavior Aaron's psychotherapist Dr Lee stated when her patient explained what had been happening sitting across on the opposite side of her office on a leather couch Aaron had Poncho 2 pressed tightly against her I don't care she side her brain already Awash with hormones that kept her calm I like how it makes me feel so I don't care Aaron look at yourself Dr Lee urged you aren't properly dealing with your grief it seems to me you're channeling all your desire for positive emotion into this stuffed animal Poncho two Aaron corrected her without taking her eyes off the soft brown and white dog and its little cloak listen to me the therapist insisted trying desperately to get through to her Poncho you dog your real dog is gone you lost him six months ago and your mom Cleo she passed away too you have to process and come to terms with those things as sad as they might make you feel that's how we move on but what you're doing right now isn't healthy Aaron it's becoming an obsession Turning Away Aaron press Poncho 2 up against her face I don't care she repeated by now Aaron had become fully dependent on Pancho 2 showing up late for both jobs just so she could spend longer feeling those endorphins and hormones that hugging the stuffed animals seem to bring it didn't take long for her to start skipping entire shifts for days at a time and canceling any and all other plans just to sit at home basking in the relief brought on by her apparent Obsession her apartment became a mess untidy piles of mail by the front door the walls plastered with hundreds of photos of her stuffed animal fueling her Obsession her evening job was the first to fire Aaron citing her recent absences as the grounds for her dismissal even then she still didn't seem to care the fact she might not be able to make rent barely registered returning home after her other job called her in to tell Aaron she would no longer be working there either she instantly looked around for Poncho too but it was nowhere to be found all the photos on the walls having faded Aaron checked her phone all the original copies of the pictures were gone too instantly racked with fear so addicted to the plushie that she could barely function without it she began tearing her apartment to shreds looking for it she wrenched cupboards off their hinges and tipped over her refrigerator flipping her mattress Aaron sliced the fabric open with a kitchen knife searching high and low for Poncho too but unable to find it anywhere she became frantic erratic pulling her hair out in a fit of uncontrollable despair where had it gone had someone stolen it Dr Lee the paranoia had already set in convincing Aaron that her therapist must have taken Poncho too she was the only other person who knew about it and had been so critical of her using it to make herself feel better marching into Dr Lee's office utterly enraged Beyond Reason all Aaron could think about was getting her stuffed animal back no matter what she had to do the effect it had on her was so powerful so potent and addictive that living without it was worth anything even another person's life little did Aaron realize as her hands grew wetter coated with more of Dr Lee's blood after every bludgeoning strike her therapist had no idea where Pancho 2 was in fact she had nothing to do with it Vanishing in the first place it had disappeared all on its own along with all the photograph copies Aaron had printed arriving somewhere miles away scp-589 was ready to begin the whole cycle again on its next victim it would take on whatever shape it needed to appease the desires of the very next person to find it preying on their vulnerability and making them totally dependent on it that was what it did everywhere it went leeching off people that it could easily manipulate its presence and interaction would calm scp-589's victims helping to alleviate their stress or make them feel better about their deepest insecurities before long these helpless victims would be able to think of nothing else feeling as if they were unable to live without their ups fashion doll and every time that was when scp-589 would make its cruelest move it would vanish leaving its prey in a state of intense withdrawal with a calming influence of scp-589 absent from their lives all of a sudden the infected people would suffer from a variety of potential psychological symptoms manic depression psychosis uncontrollable despair Dementia or an errands case paranoia and a heightened sense of aggression that caused her to murder Dr Lee that was one of the earliest in a Spate of similar incidents that had been reported as scp-589 traveled from town to town its influence spread leaving entire populations dead in its wake all the while the stuffed animal fed on the mental anguish that it caused its victims making them pay the ultimate price for their Obsession now go and check out scp-2295 the bear with a heart of Patchwork and scp-6330 guard audience of the innocent for more stuffed animal related anomalies contained by the SCP Foundation
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 883,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 15sec (11415 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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