SCP-049 Cures SCP-096 of the Pestilence?!

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as you walk down the halls of the scp foundation  site 19 speaking in the various windows at the   anomalies contained there you might catch a  glimpse of a dark figure bent over a table   tinkering away like an artisan in his workshop  a vintage black apothecary bag sits next to him   open and if you stop and watch for a while  you'll see him pull all manner of tools out of it   impossibly large tools things that shouldn't fit  in such a small bag a bone saw an iv stand jars of   fluorescent liquids and needles the length  of your forearm you shouldn't be surprised   this is a place for impossible things after all  still it's a curious sight the shadowy man working   so diligently so quietly focused singularly on his  craft whatever that might be only one thing could   distract him from his efforts you he feels your  gaze on him and he looks up dark eyes glittering   from behind a beaked ceramic mask he reminds you  of an illustration you once saw in a book about   the black death the gear the plague doctors wore  while treating patients on their deathbeds hello   he greets you in a friendly heavily accented voice  his eyes crinkle beneath the mask and if you could   see his mouth you know he'd be smiling how are  you today dear fellow are you feeling quite well   he takes a step toward the window stretching out  one gloved hand and you suddenly realize that you   can't see where the mask ends and his skin begins  it's not a mask but a part of his face this is no   ordinary man do you require help i can examine  you he offers palm press flat against the glass   a chill runs up your spine and you realize that  you should definitely not take him up on his offer   no matter how friendly he seems how good his  intentions may be you wouldn't want to let the   plague doctor treat you he sat in his containment  cell fidgeting with his favorite scalpel he   dragged it over the surface of his work table back  and forth listening to the sound it made they had   tried to confiscate his table his tools the guards  had quickly learned that he had more of them   in his bag they tried to take away his bag from  him but well that didn't go over too well for   anyone involved so he was allowed to keep it to  fashion himself a makeshift laboratory in his   lonely little cell there was a time where they  had given him test subjects fresh corpses from   the morgue for him to dissect and research there  was a time when the doctors here would come to   speak with him talking of cryptobiology and the  pestilence he had dedicated himself to fighting   those days were long gone he had hidden away  pieces of the corpses tissue samples and jars of   formaldehyde he could pull out when the monotony  became too much but the days of fresh materials of   enlightened discourse with other men and women  of science were over how he missed those days   the chance to work with others as he once had what  had he done wrong all he did was treat the sick   sure they didn't always understand their illness  didn't want to receive their medicine but   that wasn't a choice for the patient to make  that should have been up to the physician   perhaps they didn't trust his expertise didn't see  how his work served the greater good like those   who watched jonas salk invent the polio vaccine  or louis pasteur rid milk of bacteria they were   confused by the advanced scientific practices  and feared that which they did not understand   he could forgive them for their ignorance he  was magnanimous that way if only they would   let him out of this infernal room he could prove  his work's worth to them he could cure them all   begin a new era of wellness and peace worldwide  he didn't exactly sleep but when he rested on his   little cot in the corner of the room he dreamed of  that future of a world healed by his touch a knock   at the door stirred him from his reverie someone  someone was at the door of his containment cell   he glanced at the little window and saw a guard  there with a tray of food he greeted the man with   an enthusiastic wave sustenance he didn't require  the food for survival of course but it helped his   mind work more efficiently it reminded him of a  time before these fluorescent lights and these   same four walls of crusty bread with fresh butter  by the banks of the sin the little slot opened   in the door and the tray was shoved through there  was bread just as he hoped a small dish of butter   pot of jam and a cup of tea still seeming he  picked up the cup at first taking a deep breath   ah an herbal blend with fresh lavender lovely he  couldn't see the guard through the window anymore   but he called out to him just the same thank you  for the libations he still had his manners after   all even in confinement he wished he could have  gotten a better look at the man seen the power of   his complexion a tremor in his hand he thought he  had spotted sweat beating on his forehead could he   be ill the case required further examination to be  certain he sighed clutching the cup of tea tighter   in frustration why wouldn't they just let him work  why must they scream at the sight of his efforts   flee from his instruments it didn't seem  fair still the pursuit of science rarely was   a glamorous one he had learned as much over the  centuries one day though history would look back   on him kindly of this he could be certain he was  just settling in and beginning to spread butter   across the admittedly stale bread when a horrible  sound shook him to attention he had heard the   noise before though he had never seen its source  it was an ear splitting scream a whale of pure   agony like the sound of a wounded wild animal he  had heard many many screams during his life from   patients and those who stood in the way of his  work but until he had been brought into custody of   the foundation he had never heard a scream quite  like this one it was pure rage devastation and   suffering mixed together wet with tears and  loud enough to rip through human vocal folds   whatever was crying out it was no mere man more  screams answered it and these were very much human   these sounds were more familiar to him shrieks  of pain a fear of desperate but futile attempts   to escape then the meaty thud of bodies falling  to the floor of torn off limbs hitting walls and   windows a loud crash and the sound of something  large moving quite quickly through the halls   scientific curiosity got the better of the doctor  and he found himself moving back to his little   window face pressed to the glass so hard his beak  nearly cracked it he couldn't see much of anything   just guards running down the hall weapons drawn  he saw one of them fire heard the gunshot ring   out but what was he firing at then he  saw it a pale blur darting past the door   whatever it was it didn't so much as flinch  when the bullet ricocheted off its skin   a long thin arm crashed against the door  knocking the doctor backwards into his work table   he steadied himself and climbed back to his  feet taking in the damage done to the door   it was crumpled in on itself nearly ripped off the  hinges and whatever had plowed into it was already   gone from the sounds of chaos in the distance it  had disappeared around the corner with the guards   following it he inspected the ruins of the door  to his containment cell it was useless now hanging   loose and open well that was an invitation he was  hardly about to decline he grabbed his trusty bag   tossed his scalpel back inside and set off to see  what all the commotion was it was easy enough to   follow the trail of blood stark and vivid red  against the white tile floor and the sound of   gunfire human screams and that loud long painful  whale he had heard before he walked at a leisurely   pace taking his time until the sound suddenly  stopped he rounded the corner and found a mound of   bodies guards and scientists beaten and bloodied  almost beyond recognition it was quiet here   save for one sound the sound of weeping there in  the corner huddled over with its face to the wall   was a pale thin figure its shoulders heaving  with the force of its sobs this poor soul was   clearly in great distress it was a peculiar sight  hairless and white extended arms wrapped around   itself as it cried excuse me the doctor cried  out to the pitiful creature are you alright   do you need assistance it didn't answer it just  continued to cry had something so despondent been   responsible for this destruction the dozens of  corpses the smashed in walls the crumbled doors   and shattered windows it seemed impossible sure  it was large and looked strong but he had never   seen a monster cry before this couldn't be  a dangerous creature not when it was so sad   he would help it but first he would attend  to some of these bodies he sat his bag on   the ground and pulled out several vials of liquid  a set of syringes and a variety of other surgical   tools he might need now after such a long hiatus  he could resume his work in a meaningful way he   couldn't be certain how long he worked reviving  these poor souls and reconstructing their bodies   as the pale creature wept in the corner the  sobbing faded into the background for a while   becoming a kind of white noise as he removed a  liver here placed it in a chest cavity there poked   and prodded injected and extracted testing out new  methods alongside tried and true cures one by one   the milky eyes fluttered open rigor mortis stiff  joints creaked into motion sallow faces looking at   his with the vacant gratitude he saw in so many  patients over the years he didn't need to thank   him with their words the work was its own reward  he expected more guards to arrive to attempt to   contain the situation but none came even as the  alarm blared overhead as for the morose creature   he didn't seem to notice his presence at all  not even when he had brought all of the intact   corpses back to life the patient shuffled around  the room aimlessly waiting for orders of some kind   the doctor tapped one on the shoulder and handed  the reborn man a vial of thick black medicine give   this to the poor fellow in the corner please  it wasn't much but it should calm him provide   some relief from his suffering the corpse nodded  mouth hanging loose and open an eyeball dangling   unseen from the socket he shuffled over to the  strange creature and held out the vial to it   it turned lifting its head and as it locked eyes  with the cured patient something shifted in its   face its mouth opened wide impossibly wide and  a treat that same terrible sound as before tears   streamed from its colorless eyes its arms shaking  with unbridled rage has its jaws locked around   the patient's head like a boa constrictor in one  fluid motion it swallowed the revived man whole   while the doctor watched in shock he had been  wrong this was not an innocent creature caught   in the wrong place at the wrong time this creature  whatever it was was deeply sick he had never seen   such an advanced aggressive case of the pestilence  he'd heard rumors of course but never encountered   it firsthand as a doctor he had sworn to do no  harm but in a drastic situation drastic measures   have to be taken it was well known by himself and  the doctors at this foundation that he could cause   any and all biological functions in an organism  to cease with a single touch and so he approached   the creature arm outstretched ready to administer  that necessary touch to protect the rest of his   patients as he approached the creature turned to  him its eyes wide and blank an endless stream of   tears pouring from them spilling onto the floor  it shrieked again mouth stretching wide enough   to engulf his entire head and ran toward him at  a breakneck speed i am so sorry you are not well   the doctor said simply as his hand pressed  to the creature's chest as soon as the tough   hide of the doctor's hand which the uninformed  might mistake for gloves made contact with the   unpigmented skin of the beast its eyes closed its  muscles went slack and it collapsed to the ground   with a mighty thigh the doctor paced around  the fallen creature taking in the sight then   something strange caught his eye the creature's  chest still rose and fell was it his imagination   he checked its pulse and thought it was  slow and faint and though was slow and faint   it was very much present the creature was still  alive it had merely been rendered unconscious by   his touch rather than completely deceased curious  very curious indeed he muttered perhaps there were   comorbidities present other infections aside  from the pestilence which rendered the creature   unnaturally strong resilient to the usual courses  of treatment what would cause these abilities this   intense aggression it seemed to be brought on  whenever someone looked at the entity's face   if only he studied psychology more the science  of the mind and its inner workings since he had   no experience with therapy nor was he certain this  creature could communicate using language at all   there was only one way to find out more about  how this creature's brain worked he would have   to take it apart and see for himself it was slow  work getting the massive creature back to the   doctor's containment cell he required the help of  his cured patients who grasped it by its massive   limbs and dragged the limp body through the halls  once back in a familiar environment his work   table ready and waiting the doctor instructed his  assistants to place the new patient on the table   it was a bit small unable to accommodate the  creature's distended limbs but if he attempted   to use an official foundation laboratory he  risked discovery and subsequent interruption   so it would have to suffice first he set up an  iv stand filled with a vivid green liquid it   was easy to find a vein the creature's skin was  nearly translucent now that he could be certain   the creature would not wake during surgery  he could make the first incision scalpel   he held out a hand and his favorite surgical blade  was placed in it by one of the helpful patients   thank you he slid the scalpel along the hairline  of the creature or where the hairline would be   if it weren't completely bald once the scalp was  removed he set it aside for later when it could be   reattached bonsa please he held out his hand again  and again his assistant gave him the proper tool   this however was when things got strange the  doctor had always been a deft hand at cutting he'd   once even received tutelage from the great robert  liston but no matter how hard he tried to saw it   never left a scratch on the creature's skeleton  naturally this was somewhat frustrating he wanted   to study the creature's brain tissue to get a  sense for what was going up there neurologically   and he couldn't do that if it was impossible to  saw off the creature's cranial cap he blunted two   of his favorite saws while trying thankfully there  was still a solution to access the beast's gray   matter a little trick he learned while studying  the funerary practices of the ancient egyptians   he produced a long curved hook from his bag  and inserted it up the creature's nasal passage   with some fine maneuvering he eventually managed  to remove the brain it was such a terrible shame   that he needed to do it piece by piece via the  nasal passage but one makes do all that was   left was to sew the skin of the creature's head  back into place it was mid-stitch when a voice   interrupted his careful work nearly making him  drop the needle hey what are you doing he looked   up to find a guard aiming a gun at his face excuse  me i am in surgery at the moment please do not   interrupt he admonished the guard but the man did  not listen or lower his weapon in fact he shouted   something into the radio code words the doctor  didn't recognize then he fired a bullet into the   skull of the patient standing at his side how dare  you the doctor cried readying himself to confront   the guard but it was too late dozens of other  guards were swarming the room and neutralizing   his assistance some in hazmat suits grabbed his  arms and pulled him away from the creature on the   operating table no matter how hard he fought or  how loudly he protested then something incredible   happened something wonderful the creature opened  its eyes and sat up it looked directly at the   guard closest to it and the two saw one another's  faces the guard tensed preparing for the worst but   nothing came the creature simply stared placid and  quiet no screaming no tearing and flesh no mouth   opening wider and wider to swallow the manhole i  did it the doctor shouted overcome with elation   i've cured you now begins the rest of your happy  life he watched as the guards led the shockingly   calm creature away back to its containment cell  the doctor's door was repaired and he was returned   to his state of captivity but he never forgot the  patient he helped that day and how marvelous it   felt to do such a good deed meanwhile scp-096's  brain regrew within the hour and caused another   massive containment breach murdering a variety of  researchers and guards but the staff agreed not to   tell scp-049 about any of this better to just let  him have this one he really seemed like he needed   a win now go check out scp-049 the plague doctor  everything you need to know and scp-096 shy guy   escape incident 096-1-a containment breach for  more videos on today's terrifying combatants
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 3,558,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-096, scp 096, scp096, scp-049, scp 049, scp049, the shy guy, scp shy guy, the plague doctor, scp plague doctor, scp vs
Id: qzelyutanyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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