SCP-1459 │ The Puppy Machine │ Safe │ Ectoentropic SCP

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Fun article!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/akumeoy 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

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SCP-1459 ⁠- The Puppy Machine (+589) by PeppersGhost

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Paranoid-Android 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy fuck

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KookieMunster98 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
good afternoon everyone my name is dr miller and the scp we're going to be looking at today is scp-1459 object class safe special containment procedures scp-1459 is to be kept within a standard containment vault in safewing c of sector 25. as of may 16 2000 only level 1 maintenance technician valera may view and interact with scp-1459 mt valor is to be presented with the opportunity to receive a mild amnestic to ameliorate emotional escalation between testing sessions in the event that mt valor becomes unavailable to perform further tests a new individual is to be selected by the presiding on-site counselor by executive order testing is to continue indefinitely description scp-1459 is a modified claw crane arcade game machine that stands 2.3 by 1.2 by 1.5 meters like most machines of this variety it has a central rectangular space with three clear walls on its front and sides with a white plastic floor and back however scp-1459 is unique in that the inner chamber has no shoot where a prize would normally be dispensed the front panel features two coin slots a large red button a microphone a digital numeric display a sign that reads when a cookie and a thin horizontal slot from which the aforementioned baked goods are dispensed there is no power cord attached to the back of the machine nor is one needed as it is presumably powered via anomalous means when scp-1459 is inactive the central chamber is completely bare scp-1459 cannot be forcefully opened or damaged by any known means when one-quarter dollar coin is deposited into scp-1459 a hatch will open in the ceiling of the central chamber and a claw carrying an instance of scp-14591 will descend from it scp-1459-1 and other materials produced by scp-1459 are often too large to normally fit in the upper section of the machine it is unknown if these materials are manifested by scp-1459 at the beginning of the game sessions or if they are teleported from another location after depositing the instance of scp-14591 the digital numeric display will present the number of games that have been played previously and a voice recording will play urging the player to press the button and describe oascp scp-1459-1 can be destroyed after this message has been played the button on the front panel will glow and the numeric display will initiate a 15 second countdown the player may then press the button and dictate into the microphone any lethal action that can be performed upon scp-1459-1 with the only restriction being that players cannot choose a method used in a previous game scp-1459-1 are juvenile domestic dogs canis lupus familiaris the breed and gender of which varies scp-1459 typically selects a breed that individual players holds the most affection toward aside from the seemingly infinite quantity that scp-1459 contains instances of scp-14591 do not appear to display any innate anomalous properties and generally behave in a manner consistent with animals of their variety however scp-1459-1 instances may occasionally be subjected to anomalous changes to their physiology or behaviors in order to facilitate the method of destruction dictated by the player if the player states a method of extermination within the allotted 15 seconds the hatch in the ceiling of the inner chamber will open and an array of mechanical arms will descend carrying whatever is necessary to carry out the player's suggestion requests for deaths that are not possible within the confines of the chamber will cause scp-1459 to display additional anomalous properties to carry out its orders see experiment log once the instance of scp-14591 is deceased one cookie will be dispensed to the player via the slot in the front of the machine cookie flavors dispensed have included chocolate vanilla oatmeal raisin strawberry lemon white chocolate and peanut butter the exact variety dispensed to a given player is often one that the player has the lowest preference for if the player fails to state a method of extermination or the method proves insufficient a robotic arm will descend from scp-1459's hatch and bludgeon the scp-1459-1 instance until it is deceased no cookie will be dispensed following this event scp-1459 automatically cleans its interior chamber after every game first an arm holding a broom descends and sweeps the remains of scp-14591 into a trap door next scp-1459 wipes down the surfaces of the chamber by deploying arms equipped with flat rubber implements spray bottles containing a soapy solution and white clean towels while this process is taking place a recorded message will tell the player yeah you're totally going to hell for this play again experiment logs experiment one player dr yeetly statement stab it result scp-1459 played a sound effect indicating the method of extermination had been previously used experiment number two player dr yeetly statement chainsaw result same as previous experiment superfluous test logs redacted experiment number 48 player dr yeahly statement shark bite result the hatch anomalously elongated and produced a great white shark carcredon carcharias which proceeded to bite off scp-1459-1's head and recede back into the machine experiment number 49 player dr yeatley statement running over result scp-1459 produced a tire attached to a spinning mechanism after the mechanism accelerated to an estimated 2000 rpm it made contact with scp-14591 experiment 50 player dr yeatley statement drop it from a great height result scp-1459-1 fell through scp-1459's trapdoor 15 minutes later it fell through the top hatch at high speed and was instantly killed experiment 51 player dr yeetly statement reality television result a 1958 general electric television set fell on scp-1459-1 then the set powered on and replayed the event experiment 52 player dr eatly statement death by blender result scp-1459 produced and lowered scp-1459-1 into brand blender scp-1459 sat unharmed inside the device for three minutes after which a robotic arm pressed puree the blender was uncovered when this transpired experiment 53 player dr yeatley statement murdered by its lover result scp-1459 produced a second instance of scp-1459-1 which proceeded to claw and bite the first instance until it died of blood loss the second instance was eliminated via scp-1459's default bludgeoning method note only one cookie was dispensed experiment number 55 player dr yeatly statement murder suicide result as in the first test a second scp-1459-1 murdered the first following this scp-1459 provided the second scp-14591 with a hammer which the animal ran into repeatedly note two cookies were dispensed experiment number 59 player dr yeetly statement crime of passion result the hatch elongated and a caucasian woman in a red evening gown emerged the woman who has not yet been identified strangled scp-14591 while sobbing and screaming the phrase you dog repeatedly the woman performed this action continuously for 15 minutes afterward both the woman and the deceased scp-1450 fell through the trapdoor and out of view experiment number 57 player dr yeatley statement drowning in puppies result additional scp-14591 were produced until the entire chamber was filled to capacity the remaining space was filled with water god damn it note many cookies were dispensed superfluous logs redacted experiment number 231 player dr lavquest statement civil war result a man in a historically accurate uniform of the confederate state's army circa 1863 dismembered scp-14591 with his bare hands experiment 232 player dr siddl statement the judicial system result 15 additional instances of scp-1459-1 were produced one of which wore a miniature powdered wig and a black cloak and two of which miniature suits a noose was lowered around the first instance head and hanged to the instance the same procedure was applied to the remaining 14 instances note 15 cookies were dispensed all of which were of the raise and variety experiment number 233 player assistant researcher kirschner statement made into cookies result using kitchen implements and traditional ingredients scp-14591 was dismembered and incorporated into a batch of chocolate chip cookies scp-1459's internal heat increased to an estimated 300 degrees celsius scp-1459 then produced a caucasian woman in a red evening gown who consumed the cookies while smiling wordlessly at assistant researcher kirstner note a chocolate chip cookie was dispensed no traces of animal matter detected in its composition experiment number 234 player junior researcher leishman statement falling off a roller coaster result scp-1459's mechanical arms constructed a miniature roller coaster within the internal chamber over the course of three hours once completed scp-1459-1 rode the ride normally until the loop section at which point the ride stopped causing scp-14591 to fall to the chamber floor scp-1459-1 was then bludgeoned via scp-1459's default method note no cookie was dispensed experiment number 235 player dr hoshi statement batman result a concrete bust of the fictional character was released from the ceiling of the chamber subsequently crushing scp-1459-1 the floor remained undamaged experiment number 236 player dr fillmore statement knowledge of the unknowable result an entity resembling o5 emerged from the trapdoor of the inner chamber picked up scp-1459-1 and pulled it out of sight note when questioned o5 denied any involvement in the incident experiment 237 player d-5923 statement my bare hands result scp-1459-1 reacted as if being strangled although no additional presence was observed in the chamber d-5923 reported feeling scp-1459-1's fur on its hands as it died experiment 238 player d-5923 statement spontaneous combustion result scp-14591 underwent what appeared to be an accelerated form of scp-81 for those of you who don't know that's scp-81 the spontaneous combustion virus experiment 239 player d-5923 statement nuclear detonation subject terminated mid-sentence result the resulting explosion was completely contained by scp-1459 note d-class personnel no longer permitted for testing maintenance technician valera selected for further testing due to low likelihood of k-class scenarios resulting from her requests note 2 368 cookies were dispensed in rapid succession the significance of this is unknown experiment 240 player maintenance technician valera statement happy thoughts result scp-14591 was injected with a black substance convulsed and collapsed experiment 241 player maintenance technician valera statement love result a caucasian woman in a red evening gown emerged from scp-1459's upper chamber sat on scp-1459-1's face and began moaning in apparent pleasure after continuing this activity for another five hours both individuals were removed from scp-1459's claw gross experiment number 242 player maintenance technician valera statement old age result scp-1459 played a sound effect indicating that the method of extermination had been previously used maintenance technician valera was unable to think of an alternative method of extermination and scp-14591 was disposed of in the default manner experiment 243 player maintenance technician valera statement please no kill dog result scp-14591 was given a pillow a treat and pat on the head by a gloved mechanism 15 minutes later it was retrieved by scp-1459's claw immediately afterward scp-1459 produced a juvenile domestic feline felis katus and exterminated it with a single blow to the head with a sledgehammer note a salted cracker was dispensed addendum the following is a manufacturer's mark present on the rear panel of scp-1459 brought to you by the good folks at ywtg thft in partnership with sugar comb confections some anomalies just why you know what i mean why anyway thank you for listening if indeed you still are and you were all dismissed goodbye i would like to give a special thank you to bad luck lou it's not a spoon arbiter soul the morrigan james saba nicola w joker corvus kawaii fire keeper king madding samurai corgis daniel nj vujak justin day and eric corbich if you would like a special thank you at the end of each of my videos and some other cool stuff as well visit forward slash the organ thank you you
Channel: TheVolgun
Views: 434,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scpfoundation, thevolgun, thevolgun scp, voice acting, scp foundation, dangerous scp, dangerous scp creatures, Secure Contain Protect, SCP Agency, scps, creepypasta, horror narration, scp creatures, paranormal, object class, scp secret laboratory, scp secret lab, doctor millar, doctor miller, scp foundation explained, scp lesson, what is scp, scp explained, SCP-1459, scp 1459, the puppy machine, puppy scp, Sugarcomb Confections
Id: HCTfbn2CUhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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