Scoville - How to Play [Hot peppers festival!]

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hey guys welcome to top tabletop I'm gab suniga and today I will show you how to play scoil a competitive game for two to six players where you are farmers competing in a chili pepper Festival growing the hottest peppers to take home the trophy the components are one worth 65 auction cards 30 from the morning and 35 from the afternoon decks 48 Market cards also from morning and afternoon 30 recipe cards 12 award PLS 18 bonus action tiles a bunch of peppers and pepper tiles in case you run out of peppers six farmers and six discs a lot of coins six screens and six breeding [Music] sharts we will set up a five player game place the board each player takes a screen farmer and disc of color one of each of the three bonus action tiles 10 worth of coins three Peppers red yellow and blue and A brething Shard place your stuff behind your screen to keep it hidden from other players Shuffle the morning deck of the market cards and draw cards according to the number of players shown on the board place them beside the board and return the rest to the Box Shuffle the afternoon deck and place it on its spot on the board Shuffle the recipe cards and draw the corresponding cards as shown on the board place them beside the board ordering them by points and return the rest to the Box Shuffle the auction decks and place them near the auction house draw cards equal to the number of players from the morning deck and place them in their spot on the board place the PLS in their corresponding space ordering them with the higher valued ones on top in a two or three player game the top plock from each stack is returned to the Box take a red yellow and blue pepper in your hand randomly choose two and place them on their starting plots on the board beside the start randomly place the player discs on the spots on the turn order track keep the peppers and the money nearby and the game is ready to [Music] begin the game is divided in morning and afternoon starting in the morning and it's played in rounds each round has five phases the first phase is auction where players beat coins for choice of turn order and auction cards the first round of the game there is no beating because the turn order was already decided randomly during setup but all other rounds will have bitting first Slide the discs to the circles above in the same Order each player secretly selects any amount of coins including zero and hold it in their hand when everyone's ready the bits are revealed simultaneously players choose their spot on the turn order truck from highest to lowest bit if there's a tie the player who was earlier in the previous turn order chooses first players who beat zero don't get to choose a spot after everyone else has chosen they drop down in previous T order into the available spaces from lowest to highest two of the next phases will be in T order but one will be in reverse order in the new turn Order each player chooses an auction card takes the shown peppers and discards the card after whever one takes a card refill the auction house keep using the morning deck until the game moves to the afternoon the second phase is planting all players in turn order must plant one pepper you can plant any of your peppers in any blood that is horizontally or vertically adjacent to another Pepper when you plant a pepper you get the top PL of that Pepper's color if there are any still available the third phase is harvesting in Reverse turn Order each player moves their farmer up to three steps earning a pepper for each step between two peppers in the first round you place your Farmer on the star facing either direction and start moving from there you may take up to three steps but you must take at least one one step consists of moving your farmer from its current spot to an available one in front of it when you step between two Peppers you harvest a pepper check the breeding chart see where the two Peppers meet and take that pepper from the supply some combinations give two peppers and some give nothing and if you step on a spot between one or zero Peppers you don't get anything either before you start moving you can turn around your farmer but once you take your first step you cannot turn around you can only move to an available spot in front of you also you cannot pass through another farmer or stop where they are the fourth phase is fulfillment in turn order all players May perform any or all of these actions you can get one market card paying the peppers shown in The Wanted side of the card any peppers and money shown on the other side are received immediately you can get one recipe card paying the shown peppers and you can sell up to five Peppers of one color to the supply each salt pepper will give you one coin for every two Peppers of that color currently planted on the board the last phase is time check if it's morning count the number of recipe cards remaining if there are fewer cards than there are players then the afternoon is skipped there will be one last round and the game ends it's not common for this to happen but it can happen if that's not the case count the number of Market cards remaining if there are at least as many cards as there are players then it's still morning and the next round starts normally but if there are less then the game moves to the afternoon in which case you discard the market cards and draw new ones from the afternoon deck according to the number of players the rest are returned to the Box the morning auction deck is also returned to the box but the auction cards currently available will stay there and the next round begins if it's already afternoon count the number of market and recipe cards remaining if there are fewer cards than there are players in one of the two locations then the next round will be the last one but if there are fewer cards than there are players in both locations the game ends immediately otherwise the next round starts normally each player has three bonus action tiles that can be used once and are discarded afterwards this one lets you plant a second pepper during the planting face you can only get one PLU per turn if both of your peppers give you a PLU you can decide which one to get this one lets you take an extra step during the harvesting phase with this you can even end up where you started and this one let let you turn around once during the harvesting phase after you started moving you can use multiple tiles on your turn and any you don't use will give you four points at the end of the [Music] game when the game ends each player adds up their points from Market cards recipe cards PL onplate bonus action tiles and one point for every three coins the player with the most points is the winner and if there's a tie Whoever has the most coins wins the game and that's how you play is coille come back after playing and tell me in the comments how you liked it and if the video was helpful don't forget to give it a like And subscribe thanks for watching and see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Top TableTop
Views: 162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, boardgames, board, game, games, how to play, tutorial, board game, board games, play, learn to play, tabletop, family, competitive, review, overview, scoville, chili, pepper, peppers
Id: LdPHg12k3Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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