Scout Plays Mario Kart 64

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[Music] let's go everywhere I go gotcha oh yeah let us be good yeah gotcha [Music] [Applause] let's go let's go let's go hey we did what just happy I can see my face from it let's see them try that twice I will never stop killing you but they go take Sasha out for a steak dinner tonight wait think about that stop hiding behind your little boys I fight like a man [ __ ] you today is a good day Oh No [Music] what'd I do violent for your cupcake start to bore me how much you suck yeah oh that's beautiful are you freaking hit me now you fight like a girl I hate ghosts so much come on come on we have you surrounded at least from this side no I'm not even wearing a helmet let the little man live in concert it's not fair to use garments such a tiny man ain't nothing you ain't gonna win hey Lord fat those lotteries don't stop bullets dude a Stars and Stripes beats hammer and sickle look it up whoa [Music] what is your major malfunction broad yes lay your de pancakes oh it's magic time you kids today don't know how to dominate damnit [Music] I'll put in my trouble room with you I make it look easy uses for soldiers I have ever seen real Texan would have dodged there [ __ ] you at least you died for honor and my amusement No [Music] I am the Lord of all magic [Music] I love my ball Dirk damn it boys real nice outfit boy peg wasting precious hit ball crates now never the program no yeah it's ours now I'm not even winded drop dead and give me 20 do you think I would forget you [Music] I'm a frickin blurry look at me Mom here we go make it look easy [Music] I don't know how it did it this actually makes me more handsome is nice look at you Grantham traffic [Music] i managing my your sandwiches in circles around you i'ma Luigi almost join therefore the team well off to visit your mother I'm really here eat my dust go getting dominated trouble at all are you gonna cry you're gonna cry now you're a disgrace to uniform pal what are you looking at I don't usually kill morons this fast you're we got him we got him only [Music] is anybody even paid attention to me you ass yeah that's right you have got to be kidding [Music] we are screwed [Music] [Applause] [Music] move it up move it up [Music] that's so tough now are you are you [Music] you like that jug Lutz [Music] oh yeah you're real scary this is just the beginning of the pattern I will cost you my pick on someone your tiny babies I don't mean nothing to me now you know what you're not scary you just weird although we know this would happen - what have we learn I always win remember me yeah you do see that don't you ever cross me again otherwise how embarrassing she let a man of science escape with her papers don't touch my Merrill sure whoa I'm getting too old and giant for this [Music] ah crap dude not yet I feel like every burden me put it wrong pop Hot Rap Battles war is not a game [Music] ah put them up pal come on tough guy what's the matter you freaking stupid [Music] I'll kill you oh yeah you're real scary I want a head butcher I'm gonna head butcher I am owning you you fat ball best [Music] is anybody even paid attention to me okay this is not look good here um all right yeah that's a pretty good job little help but then what was that crap haha ha [Music] next time pecan sampling you're wrong tiny baby sighs Papa Chet which one of you is crying [Music] very bad [Music] [Applause] Hey look at me look at me I'm aa no other class gonna do that I'll know who to think first I know me it was long trip I killed many cowards for that you are all weak you are all bleeders [Music] make it a little you see much while trying for us agitate what did [Music] oh my holy we cover with crap this when you pry it from my cold dead hands and even then good luck goodbye [Music] through third world oh my god oh my god oh my car bus get out here so I can take you right in your frilly wizard dress come get me wizard coward I'll put it in my trophy room with the others very well marasmus [Music]
Channel: KS243 The Mad Player
Views: 3,964
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Id: YYAlolFkjh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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