Scottie Pippen Latest Documentary EXPOSES His Former Teammates!

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with the release of unguarded a few weeks back it didn't take long for critics to label the book as a rather salty experience and while it's not exactly regarded as one of the greats it's undoubtedly had a few shocking moments that fans would love to know about so what are the various topics discussed in the hard-hitting memoir and what are some of the craziest moments throughout for all this and more stay tuned one scottie pippen wasn't the best player in the league back then first of all we have to talk about the man scottie pippen was on the court as this is what the majority of the memoir discusses you see many fans still regard pippin as the greatest player of all time despite the fact that he shared his success with the incredible michael jordan physically speaking he had everything a defensive player needed on the court it's not just that he had the build of a fantastic defender though with a massive frame and some of the largest arms in the league he was also a tough player who never let a member of the opposing team get up in his face and it's this defensive nature of his that really solidified his position on the chicago bulls according to pippin his coach would constantly give him new targets in a game in an effort to take the opposing team by surprise whether his target was a big wing or guard it really didn't matter scotty could pretty much defend them all and by far one of the most shocking revelations from unguarded is the fact that pippin was far from the best player in the league he admitted he was an absolute beast when it came to defensive performance but in the sector of attack there's no doubt that michael jordan took the cake not exactly a shocking statement for jordan fans but there's no doubt that this statement took pippin fans by surprise two his salty review of the last dance that wasn't the moment that made headlines though after the release of the book many readers found themselves shocked by the statements made by pippin about michael jordan and how he was portrayed in the last dance for those of you who don't know the last dance is an espn documentary that launched in the midst of lockdown since life sport wasn't being played at that time basketball fans found themselves desperate to go back to a time when the nba was in full swing so when espn released this anticipated documentary which was described as being the exploration of the life and times of michael in the chicago bulls you can just imagine how many viewers watched every single second from the edge of their seats not only did it remind them of a simpler time it also revolved around the greatest basketball player of all time but as it turns out not everyone was happy about the way the documentary had been set up scottie pippen was especially riled up and went on to discuss his feelings by giving an unexpected review of the documentary and unguarded according to him each and every episode was exactly the same the series did its best to put michael jordan on a pedestal which unsurprisingly gave the impression that he got to where he was without any help in the words of pippin this couldn't have been further from the truth though suffice to say he was sick of being ignored scottie pippen discusses his true feelings after the last dance had finished its 10-episode run time pippin went on to receive a text from jordan himself who went on to ask whether pippin was okay jordan had apparently heard that pippin wasn't too happy about the documentary and went on to ask whether he wanted to talk about it since pippin knew that the conversation was going to take a while though he put it off until the next day but how could michael be blamed for a documentary that he hadn't created himself well according to pippin he had actually been given creative control over the final product and for this reason deserved a portion of the blame it's not just that though the sentiments expressed by the documentary appeared to come right out of jordan's own mouth and expressed the same sentiments he shared way back when after all you see pippin thought that jordan was far too arrogant rather than giving his teammates their fair due he saw himself as a god on the court and expressed the idea that he could do anything on his own so the fact that the last dance glorified michael and forgot about the rest of the team involved in the 1997-98 championship season was a real knife in the back for pippin last but not least pippin went on to say that michael is trying to appear greater than he was back then and in an attempt to come off as better than lebron james ouch three the tony cu coach incident that infuriated him further another revelation that unguarded brought to fans of pippin is the intense nature of the beef he had with phil jackson over the years remember jackson was the head coach of the chicago bulls and as such made all the decisions regarding who would be playing and what strategies would be used in upcoming games after michael jordan had taken his lead from the team bippin knew that this was going to be his time to shine no longer hidden by the shadow of someone he clearly had a lot to say about he wanted to try his best to become a true great of the game that's when jackson made a call that he didn't agree with the coach brought on tony cucoch and surprisingly put him in the leadership position that pippin so desperately wanted in his own words tony was a rookie with no rings i was in my seventh year with three rings are you serious but that's not where it all ended you see the dynamic between pippin and jackson had really fallen with the departure of jordan the head coach apparently humiliated pippin by telling him that when he throws the ball in bounds only to land on the floor at least then he can be a decoy for the opposing team not exactly something that the best defensive player in the league wants to hear from his coach and that's why pippin made the decision to get out while he could his lashing out at phil jackson that labeled the coach a racist jackson's decision to bring cue coach in the position that pippin wanted triggered something that he had never felt before according to him he needed to find a way to understand why this decision had been made he had been the one helping the bulls to victories over the years after all and although jordan had received the majority of the fame and fortune from this incredible championship run if there's anyone who knew how crucial the rest of the team were it would have been jackson and so pippin went on to call his head coach a racist and as you can imagine this had quite a few consequences stemming from it but there's one thing we should take from unguarded it's that nothing could have been further from the truth pippin has used his memoir to finally clear the air putting an end to this allegation and ensuring that jackson is no longer regarded as the type of person pippin described when he was clearly too angry to speak with civility it's not that he lied though in his own words i told myself at the time that phil's decision must have been racially motivated and i allowed myself to believe that lie for nearly 30 years and funny enough it was the writing of his memoir and reflection back on his history that made him realize just how wrong this initial assumption was so at least something great came from its publication four a possible truce with isaiah thomas but it looks like pippin wasn't about to forgive everyone that had wronged him in the past after watching the last dance through clinched teeth he came to realize just how terribly isaiah thomas had come off in the documentary it might have been true that he and the rest of the bulls were somewhat ignored but thomas's true colors were definitely shown for those of you who don't know pippin and thomas have never really gotten along and have been beefing ever since they've faced one another on the court and if pippin is to be believed thomas saw just how negatively he had been portrayed in the documentary and got in touch with bj armstrong in an attempt to smooth things over armstrong then went on to contact pippin asking whether he would be willing to squash his beef with bj and let bygones be bygones unfortunately for armstrong though pippin was having none of it in his memoir he states that bj had never been kind to him so there's no way he was going to help him out a hole he had dug himself into brutal and there you have it some of the most shocking moments from scottie pippen's own unguarded memoir what was your favorite moment and do you intend on reading the book in the future feel free to let us know in the comment section down below [Music] you
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Id: dMIQCFUgr9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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