Scotland's rural way of life

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tomatal and Glenn livit are remote rural communities which in common with many others in the highlands face a whole range of economic and social challenges uh which uh can pose a real threat to the local economy here and the ongoing sustainability of people's way of life issues such as uh businesses which can struggle to thrive in the current economic conditions together with people who have to travel further and further a field to access local Services which they can't get locally uh so in recognition of this in 2011 the two Community associations here contacted the kengo's national park Authority for help and advice on how they could potentially resolve this problem and the park authorities response to that was to put together a team of agencies which uh comprised um themselves the money Council Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the crown estate visit Scotland and and they worked together with the local communities and businesses to come up with a regeneration plan uh which identified 70 opportunities which is amazing in such small communities so following on from that uh there were a series of public meetings and the communities were asked to have a look at these opportunities and prioritize them the the first uh priority for them was to find a community vehicle an organization to tell help to take these ideas forward forward so that's when the tomal and Glend devit uh development trust was born people saw that there actually was quite a lot that could be done but um people needed the help to do it and um and that's how the development trust has has come about we've been very fortunate in that um the highlands and islands and um Kang's National Park and Murray Council have have got together to um donate um a substantial amount of money for us to employ a development officer for the next 3 years so the directors will will come together with a with a a development plan to take this forward and that will be driven by the development officer what we're aiming to achieve is is is to to turn the the cycle around the the village and the area is is in a downward spiral at the moment and I think we need to we need to reverse that and get it back on an upward spiral um create more jobs um but this is a long-term project the development office is going to be with us for for three years to start with and hopefully um we'll be able to continue that into the future I would like to to think that uh there will be much more people on the go there'll be more families at the moment it's uh it seems to be everyone comes here to retire but I would like to see families staying here the schools overflowing and all the touristy bits are uh bursting with energy and just uh a vibrant community
Channel: The Cairngorms National Park
Views: 151,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SVPu3o92sls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2013
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