Score A Touchdown = Add A 99 Overall To The Cowboys

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today I'm going to be playing out the 2023 season for the Dallas Cowboys but for every touchdown that CD lamb scores we get to add a 99 overall player to this team so I mean as long as things actually go my way today by the end of the video the Dallas Cowboys should be an absolute super team even though I mean obviously they're already loaded they really don't need any help but everyone's requesting it so here you go I mean this is what the offense looks like to start things off clearly they are absolutely loaded and I mean on other hand this is clearly a top five defense in the league I mean obviously R of the gate this team is already built to make the playoffs but we're just going to keep getting better and better so hopefully we can bring Dallas to a Super Bowl but in week one we got to take on the New York Giants and I mean my boy trayon digs already got an interception for us so we have great field position to start this game out I mean obviously we all saw what happened in this game in real life so hopefully we can sneak away with a blowout at the same time like another good thing for us even even though this team is stacked there is definitely someone working for EA that is a Cowboys fan cuz whenever I do Sims this team is alwayss in the Super Bowl at least once but anyways I mean it seems like we're already set up here so hopefully CD lamb can finish this drive off this play is kind of dangerous but I'm going to go for this anyways never mind Dak is getting smoked I mean I thought we were going to have time to get that off but apparently not so now it's third and 19 we are in serious danger of getting held to a field goal here but it looks like CD Lamb's going to be wide open and that is going to be his first touchdown of the day so Cowboys are going to take the lead first here and I mean we at least get to add one player after this game as well I mean on the downside for us though the Giants did end up scoring after that so we are tied up again now I'm just going to hand it off to Pard here I mean somehow he escaped that's a pretty solid gain I'm really tempted to go for a shot with CD lamb right now but I feel like it's probably not the best time I'm going to try and get into better field position before I do that I mean we really got all the time in the world here so there's not really any need to rush just yet I'm going to try oh dude Cooks is going to be wide open that is another first down I mean so far things are already looking great for us right now I'm going to try and go for Gallop here cuz I have a feeling PD's probably going to be locked up actually I might be able to go for lamb CD Lamb's going to be wide open oh that might turn into a touchdown come on please we're one yard short I mean so far it seems like this guy is getting things done so hopefully he can keep it up we only need one yard now but I feel like this is probably going to be never mind I thought that was going to be the most difficult one yard of our life but that was pretty easy cuz he was wide open so that's going to be two touchdowns on the game for our boy cidd lamb and that gives us the lead back we're coming back out here in the fourth quarter though I mean surprisingly enough New York has made it a tie game so we're all knotted up at 24 I didn't think this was going to be a blowout oh my God that's third down I didn't think this was going to be like an absolute blow up but I thought at this point we would at least be up by two scores but apparently not I got to wait that out but it looks like it's batted away okay we're giving the ball up not going to lie I thought New York was going to score after that but apparently our defense clutched up so we're still noted up at 24 that might work out for a touchdown bro CD lamb come on get that please that is a massive pickup we stumbled but somehow we stayed up for the touch down so that's going to put us back up by a score on the downside there is still a lot of time on that clock for the Giants but thankfully for us it looks like we are able to close the game out after that New York did make that game a lot closer than I thought it would be but either way we're taking a dub in week number one and I mean since CD lamb went off that game we got to add three new additions to this team as you can see for the offense we went ahead and picked up Jason Kelce and to help out the defense we also went ahead and picked up roquan Smith and Chris Jones but after that we went ahead and Sim to week four we actually have a really easy schedule to start off the season and then it starts to get a whole lot harder but as you can see week four we're going to be taking on the Patriots and we're also 3 and0 I mean obviously at this point this team is already built so I'd say there's no question whether we make the playoffs or not at this point we'd almost have to try to miss the playoffs if we miss the playoffs I mean we're already off to a very good 3 and0 start but this is going to be our last easy game for a while cuz I mean after this I'm pretty sure we have to play the 49ers that might be a touchdown right there lamb get going I don't think we're going to get caught that's going to be a touchdown on a play that was supposed to give us like five yards max so I mean I don't know how you forget about CD lamb but he was just wide open so that's a touchdown to give us the lead first and after that we got to stop so I mean we have a chance to go up by two scores the Pats really don't have any good players on this team if you're a patch fan I'm sorry but it's true I mean they got Jude on on defense but other than that I mean JuJu's pretty mid ma Jones is pretty mid we should be able to roll all over this team today unless we somehow choke this but I don't think that's going to happen cuz we're already going off I'm going to try and go for another shot with cidd lamb here though cuz I mean it seems like this defense is doing a terrible job at staying on him this time he's kind of locked up though so I'm just going to keep this on the ground and Dak is getting smoked I mean he isn't the slowest player in the league by any means but he's also not anywhere near the top on the ground so I mean we should probably just keep it in the air unless we use Tony Pard cuz what I've seen I mean so far running the ball with Dak I don't think that is going to end well I'm going to keep it on the ground of par this time though and it looks like we have a path for another first this defense just hasn't had an answer for anything we do on offense so far and that's really all there is to it that's another first down from Pard seven yards to go and we're in this row is kind of dangerous at this part of the field but I'm going to try and go for lamb and hopefully we can end this drive off here come on bro please get that that's going to be just short of a touchdown I mean hopefully this works out again last time I ran this play CD lamb was wide open but right now it's looking like he's probably going to be double team but he's still going to get there so that's another one for lamb which is going to give us a two-score lead over the Pats I mean I'm expecting to just absolutely demolished in this game and we're already dominating in the first half as you can see we're coming back out here in the fourth quarter the Pats are getting absolutely rolled over right now it's 42 to nothing I knew we had the upper hand in this game and I thought it was going to be a blowout but I didn't think they would be losing that badly I mean keep in mind we are in the fourth quarter right now and they have not put a single point on the board I don't think they've even gotten let's go lamb okay somehow we escaped no way I honestly thought we might be able to sneak away for a touchdown for a second but as I always saying I don't think the Pats have had the ball in the Red Zone once yet which is probably why they haven't even gotten a field goal today I mean so far it seems like the new additions to this defense are definitely doing their job I'm going to try and go back to CD lamb on this play though he is kind of locked actually that might work out for a touchdown he's wide open they forgot about him again I mean he was covered and then he wasn't covered so that is going to be three touchdowns on the game for cidd lamb I'd like to say that would put the game away but realistically this game was over in the first quarter I mean it looks like the Patriots did end up putting three points on the board so I mean good for them they didn't get shut up but that is still absolutely brutal so I mean this defense seems to be doing their job but after that game we got to add three new additions to this team which is already loaded by the way I mean we already got Jason Kelce but I thought it'd be a good idea to also get Travis Kelce and then we also picked up Nick chub and for the defense we went ahead and picked up der James but that brings us to week number five I mean this team is off to a really hot start we're 4-0 but at the same time things are going to start getting a whole lot tougher cuz in week five we got to play the San Francisco 49ers we did stop the 49ers on their first drive though so I mean we have a chance to take an early lead here hopefully we can oh yeah parul's getting shut down actually that was chub not Pard I kind of forgot we picked him up but I'm happy we have him now I was expecting him to get more on that pickup but apparently not that is a crazy catch from CD lamb are you kidding me Dak got smoked on that play so I didn't think that was going to work out but apparently cidd lamb is going to be doing everything in his power today to get the win I hate to say it though but I feel like the Run game might just not work against this defense cuz so far they have shut it down every single time Travis Kel's wide open though I mean I might as well just keep it in the air I'm going to try and run a slant route here though I mean ah this is kind of dangerous man I feel like Fred Warner is going to be a problem on this play but hopefully that should work out Lamb's got it again that's another first I'm going to give chub another chance to try and get the Run game going so I mean so far obviously we have not been able to get much on the ground yet but this time chub is going to get a first down I feel like we do kind of got to get the Run game going though cuz I mean putting it in the air against a team like the 49ers the whole entire game is just a recipe for disaster so I mean if we can use the ground game and the Air Attack I'm hoping we can sneak out of this game with a win but so far we're rolling 13 yards to go and we're in that's dangerous I got to sneak that in and it looks like lamb is going to push through for the touchdown we almost got stopped at the one yd line but so far today I mean this guy has been absolutely Unstoppable so that's going to give the Cowboys the lead first san fran did finally get a touchdown after that though so I mean we're all tied up at seven I feel like this game is probably going to come right down to the wire let's go chub that's another first down I'm going to try and run a few plays of this guy cuz I mean as I said I do want to get the ground game going against the team like this cuz I don't want to have it in the air the whole time since we got shut down there though I mean I feel like I kind of got to put it in the air now so I'm going to try and go for cidd lamb This Time come on he's going to be wide open it looks like we have a path but we're going to get caught I mean don't get me wrong I am really tempted to just go for a shot to try and end this drive off with lamb but that the the same time I feel like this is a team you don't want to do that against I feel like we should probably keep it in the air for the rest of this drive though cuz I mean so far Nick chub has not been able to do a whole lot I mean he has had some pretty solid runs but for the most part Kelsey give me that for the most part the defense has been shutting him down I'm going to try and run this route with lamb again though I mean last time I ran this it did work out oh my God he's wide open that's going to be a touchdown isn't it okay that's going to be two on the game for CD lamb already I mean I don't know what's happening bro but nobody has had an answer for this guy doesn't matter who we play we're coming back out here in the fourth quarter though as you can see we're up by a touchdown right now so if we score here I wouldn't say that would be a putaway drive just yet but that will definitely help our chances if we can go up by two scores right now I mean especially considering there isn't a whole lot of time on the clock I mean if we're going to get the Run game going now would be the time but it looks like it still just isn't happening I mean it's not that big of a deal we kind of have weapons everywhere right now I just got to be careful and make sure we don't throw an interception and hopefully they don't Blitz us cuz I mean that attack is absolutely insane on San Fran that was a crazy pickup though so I mean just like that 26 yards to go and we're in and it looks like Lamb's going to get another first down I mean I've been trying to go for other targets like Kelsey and them but so far I mean it seems like cidd lamb has just been wide open on every single play and obviously I'm not going to pass that up that's another touchdown from lamb as well which is going to be his third on the day once again and that's going to put us up by two scores so hopefully our defense can clutch up and put this thing away and it looks like our defense did end up clutching up san fran did put up a much bigger fight than everyone else we've played but once again nobody has been able to stop us so we're going to be 5-0 to start off the season but since lamb had another three touchdown game we got another three players on this team we already have the Kelsey Brothers so I thought it would be a good idea to reunite Stefon Diggs with Trayvon Diggs and then for the defense we also went ahead and picked up TJ Watt and Jessie Bates I mean after all those pickups I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that we are Super Bowl favorites right now but either way we got to end things off with a bang so we Sim to week 14 as you can see we're going to be taking on the Philadelphia Eagles and we're also 12 and 0 right now we do start with the ball as well here this is going to be another very tough defense to to face but I'm going to try and get Nick chub Going On The Run cuz obviously that was something we couldn't do last game it seems like the Run game honestly might work a little bit better today I'm going to try and go for par this time though and see if he can match up with chub that's going to be very close to another first I mean since we don't need too much yardage I'm going to try and go for a shot with cidd lamb and hopefully this works out if not I mean two yards should oh my god dude he's going to be wide open too come on get there that's going to be really close but he's going to hold hold on to it we're stopped at the one yd line I honestly couldn't tell you how that didn't work out for a touchdown cuz it looked like we were in either way I'm going to try and go back to this play it looks like lamb a come on that's off Target I got to go back to it though cuz I mean this is really the only good Red Zone play that we have with CD lamb I mean at the one yard line at least but anyways Dak has only made one bad play today so I'll let that slide cuz he's going to make up for it with a touchdown pass so that's going to be another touchdown from cidd lamb which is going to give us the lead first coming back out here in the second quarter though we only have 2 minutes and 48 seconds before halftime so I mean I wouldn't say we have to rush just yet oh my God we're getting smoked didn't think that play was going to get blown up but it got blown up so I mean now it's second and 13 I wouldn't say we have to rush yet cuz we do have all of our timeouts but I mean after that I don't think we can really take our time either I'm not going to lie I almost forgot that we had Stefon Diggs on this team now so I mean I might try and do a little bit more with on this drive cuz we have two very solid wide receivers on this team now that's a huge pickup let's go at this point it really doesn't matter who I throw the ball to cuz I mean we kind of have weapons everywhere we look right now I'm going to try oh my God yeah chub's getting nailed again it's a hard truth to face but I mean against a defense like this the Run game is pretty much useless right now I'm going to try and go for CD lamb and it looks like that is going to work out for a touchdown I thought we were going to get stopped a couple yards short there but this guy is just tearing through everybody in his path so that's another two touchdown game from lamb and after that it looks like we got the job done I thought this was going to be a tough game but instead we dropped the 50 bomb on Philly so I mean that's going to move us to 13 and0 on the season but after that we got to add another two players to this team I just went ahead and maxed out our defense by picking up Aaron Donald and Josh Allen I mean don't get me wrong I built a lot of very solid teams but looking at this defense this is probably the best team that I have ever built and I mean on the other hand I wouldn't say this is the best offense I've ever built but they are obviously stacked I mean after all of that obviously I think it's safe to say that our work here is done and with four weeks left in the season there is a very high chance that we go undefeated it looks like we're going to finish off the season going 16-1 to win the division and get the number one seed apparently we lost to Miami and it look looks like we're going to be taking on the 9 and8 Panthers in the divisional round and it looks like the Panthers got absolutely annihilated so now we play the ners for a trip to the Super Bowl and it looks like we're going to sneak away with the win so now we play the Dolphins who are the one team that actually beat us this season in the Super Bowl the Dolphins did somehow Score first so we're down 7 nothing to start this game off I'm not sure how they are a Kryptonite but so far it seems like Miami is our Kryptonite I mean clearly we have the upper hand so hopefully we can get the job done but so far somehow we have not been able to stop Tyreek Hill or Jaylen Ramsay for the most part I mean obviously the defense is absolutely loaded we have Trayvon Diggs and Stefon Gilmore but I mean I feel like we probably should have got jayen Ramsay just so the Dolphins don't have him I mean as you've probably noticed he is already being a massive problem today I'm going to try and go for Stefon Diggs here though and hopefully okay it looks like he's going to get some separation so that's a first going to try and go for Kelsey here though I mean so far I don't think we've really used him a whole lot considering it's Travis Kelsey I feel like we should probably use him a bit more that's going to be a first down so it pays off and since we don't need to add any more players it doesn't really matter who gets the touchdown so I'm going to try and go for Stefon digs here and hopefully Ramsay isn't on our ass he's going to be wide open and that's a touchdown in the corner from Diggs so that's going to tie the game up just like that but so far Miami has been doing really well against this team so I mean this might come down to the wire we're coming back out here in the fourth quarter though we are losing to Miami right now I thought we would be able to come back but apparently they have just been rolling today I mean oh my God Diggs is wide open that's going to put us in field goal POS we almost stayed up man that would have been a touchdown everybody kind of fell over us there I mean we do have 2 minutes and 19 seconds to work with right now I'm probably just going to try and run the lock out at this point and I mean hopefully we can get a touchdown last second to put this thing away I don't know how Miami is playing so well though cuz I mean you guys saw the roster this team is loaded at this point though I mean we just got to make sure Nick chub doesn't end up fumbling that is going to set us up perfectly but I mean 6 yards to go and we're in and we also let the clock go down all the way to 10 seconds so I mean as long as we don't get stopped at the one yd line I'm hoping that oh my God we threw a brick he was wide open too I mean that was probably the play to do it right there we might have screwed ourselves man I mean I don't know if we're going to get a better look than that Dak Prescott might have just sold this game actually we're stopped no he dropped it too 1 second on the clock so I mean it all comes down to this we're either going home with a very disappointing loss or we're going to get in for a touchdown I'm just praying we don't get sacked or anything come on CD l no I shouldn't have thrown that that's going to be game right there I'm not sure how we couldn't put up against the the dolphins with a team like this cuzz we were absolutely loaded I mean looking back Jaylen Ramsay was an absolute dog that game I probably should have waited a bit longer to throw the ball there even if I did though I mean I feel like lamb probably would have been locked up that was our best chance of getting another touchdown but since we couldn't obviously it looks like Miami is going to be taking the dub so I mean surprisingly enough to end off this video it looks like two aunga Viola and the Miami Dolphins are going to be the ones that are hoisting the Lombardi Tru trophy not going to lie I'm still kind of in disbelief that this team did not win a Super Bowl with a roster like that but if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like And subscribe it'd really help out the channel and if you have any video ideas feel free to drop them down in the comment section below I'll try to get to as many of them as I can and while you're down there comment the most random thing you can think of so we can confuse everybody in the comment section but other than that I'll see you guys in the next one peace out [Music] he
Channel: Prime Time
Views: 110,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden 24, madden 24 challenge, tdbarrett, td, barrett, gameplay, challenge, madden 24 tdbarrett, youtuber wager, madden 24 wager, madden tdbarrett, game, touchdown, madden trash talker, comedy, every madden, scoring every madden, Justin jefferson, every team, score every team, madden 24 best defense, madden 24 gameplay, madden 24 franchise, madden 24 ultimate team, bryce young, cj stroud, anthony richardson, carolina panthers, houston texans
Id: d0uzGmqgNCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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