Madden, but Jersey Number = Points Per Touchdown!

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Aaron Donald is going look at this jersey number a little bit further and gone 99 points just like that what are you doing dog yes that is right we are playing another little game of Madden but their jersey number are the amount of points that the touchdown is worth we did this last year it was incredibly fun you guys seem to love it so it's back baby it's back now to make things Fair we're going to do a quick Fantasy Draft three picks a piece that's it and then we're going to get into this game so let's start the draft up I'm the Cardinals Frank is the commanders by the way 3 2 1 start drafting wow we do not have any good picks my first pick number 87 on his jersey Travis Kelce that's a good pick that's who I would have taken you know what Frank I'm going to follow you up I'm going 85 George KD ad for the squad thanks for inviting me to the party for my second pick Mike Williams 81 E I tell you what this kind of stinks cuz most of these players jersey numbers are really low none of these guys have freaking good numbers dude Calvin Ridley you know what I don't even care I'm taking Christian mcaffry regardless of what his number is just to help me move the ball downfield look at the value I'm getting here with this pick why have great hair I am old now all right so every good team needs a quarterback Mr Achilles tear himself Aaron roders discount that fool now for my last pick you know what who cares we're picking TJ Hawkinson let's do this Frank all right moment of truth will Le ow tank Dell 3 4 160 well he's starting uhoh here we go Frank what have you been blessed with oh my gosh that team's lowkey amazing all right let's check some of these numbers check numbers 81 154 136 86 I'm I'm digging that maybe the best man win I'll see you all in there oh you booted that what do you mean dog zero you need to get get out of this game why you bully me imagine you should have just let let's run it daddy I'm trying it not even close there goes will Lis for you got to I got oh my gosh oh my gosh that was stupid let's get this got to use them got to abuse him wait what wait what wait what wait what wait what tank Dell tank Dell we're not going to score with you but I'll get close don't push me in the end zone now this is where it gets tough for me come on boys do the thing for me I got him 87 points just like that TJ hawson yes oh hex yeah all of his guys numbers are over here on the left I'm paying attention to it got I guess I should pay attention to it a little bit later hold on now lured lurked lurked lurked I told you I told you I told you you drafted that guy too that did that for you stop calling your money plays bro money plays you said I'm going deep with it he's a big boy he's a big boy that's 87 points you're never going to catch me oh would have been dirty though wouldn't it have oh no I shouldn't have thrown that yeah I should have that's Christian mcaffrey it's so he dropped 98 overalls oh you had that line shift Frank inside the five wait there's an 89 let's put three tight ends on the field come on come on come on why did he delay oh my gosh why did he delay go go go go go high ball mine oh no way no that was 85 more points what the heck I'll go for it no I dove into the end zone wow oh brother I only got a couple people I could realistically throw it to here oh fudge got him yes on the goal line prevent I went prevent on the goal line stopped me on the goal line had two open guys two will Levis Miss throws essentially there look I'm sorry I'll do better next time my defense is garbage I don't have a single ability lurked oh I'm all over the field though Frank come on we on delit oh oh why would he ever why would he ever dude it's 87 nothing right now holy crap throw it this way Frank lurked lur oh my gosh good score touchdown number four I dare you to you got nobody on this side that even matters don't not M around here no and you still can't stop me you have zero points right now what are you talking about can I everyone my dance sorry you had to see that might as well just Blitz with this guy cuz who cares watch this what are my play my players are just playing dumb at this moment box alert box alert clamp alert into his face what is on his face look at his face maybe he was playing war zone before this oh he could have been yeah yeah yeah where's your corner out at nobody I thought you were going to try that boxing them up whoever gets in the end zone I'm coming oh what do you call this Frank what do they call that strapped are you going for it oh my gosh there's no freaking my defense is so good I don't reckon you even get in one time oh my days Oh my days sucks SC them 50 50 I hate this game Let It Be oh my gosh oh my gosh go might as well get on the board maybe what is this close your eyes and look you in your eyes right now keep getting Closer Closer Closer Closer Closer wait hold on he got his dude at at fullback he got his dude a fullback worked oh my gosh oh my gosh that's 22 points oh my gosh oh wow wow goes after me add 22 to the score wait you could get seven points there's no extra point no what I'm saying if you kick a few what hit off somebody's head everybody prayers down in the chat for suie this her last football game she ever went to take this back with 86 yeah he'd get 86 point but Lateral with to number eight or Lateral with number zero stri come on throw it to try T Kelce again number 87 he's boxed right now boxing put him in a oh my fre add 81 to the score boy oh 81 and 81 all right good tutty good tutty that was lucky but good tutty this could go anyway there's only been three touchdowns so far this is tough to score all right we got 109 81 man up lock up clamp up oh jeez that's so freaking dangerous he what come on cut me a break dude oh you're playing a game that I don't even know you know how to play Frank came second in the spelling be one time yo everybody give Frank a word to try to spell down in the comments I bet you he'd get it he's the best spellow that I know lur but he's the best at throwing lurks to me also at the same time this is a 40 pointer no it a't Tri it you're not good enough bro you're not good enough got be quicker than that got to be quicker than net I got a touchdown here got him got him got him yes that's huge that is so big 196 points only four away from 200 now and then just when I thought I had an incredibly comfortable lead Frank pulled off the return of Dreams that's so freaking awkward um he's never going to catch me 86 on the board Marquez Stevenson I even know who you are new score 196 to 167 so far not going to lie Christian mcaffry was kind of a waste of a pick easy we take Hawk first downs oh kit is oh wait KD KD KD k k k k stay there good tackle guess what actually just ran it and foled the actual crap out of you pop him you know this is a free touchdown right got you let's go I'll take 82 points oh my gosh I thought was 82 yes let's go that was the best trick play on defense ever oh my goodness dude only giving up three don't fall for it beautiful oh my gosh that's so bad get him get him get wow that was crazy all that oh my gosh where is that guy at fudge me dude Dodge absolutely got kelse on clamps here oh who is that there's how am I getting out ran this guy's no good T Spears are you kidding me I don't even know what to say you want the loop you want the loop oh my gosh this oh my gosh push him in I don't even care full back oh my gosh that was a cheeky play I'm losing Thomas such a freaking cheeky play how did I not see that coming Frank has 249 points right now if I score a touchdown I have like three players that I could throw to to take the lead what are you doing I'm doing it for the boys oh oh get the ball no all right let's see what we got here come on will oh my Under Pressure come on this got to be big I can't can't trust will anymore oh my God I don't think I could score there I don't think I could score there that'd be stupid we got options on options I think I got the plan again yes what a broken tackle this game stinks no no no no no no no no no yeah flipping do it that was so obvious oh my gosh oh my goodness people seriously my man only got two people on the field right now that are worthy enough of scoring a touchdown that's one of them I got double coverage double [Music] coverage well shoot yeah I'm down by a 50 burger right now Frank I'm calling an inside zone I'm calling an inside Zone oh wow you actually did oh my gosh I didn't call freaking timeout oh I suck will will will will back that that's beautiful I think I lost guys ah crap GG's sir GG's PR everybody subscribe to his channel it'll be linked down below this is weird subscribe over here the best God blessed getet keep first see y'all in the next one shoot
Channel: YoBoy PIZZA
Views: 1,191,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, Madden, yoboypizza, yoboy pizza, yo boy pizza, yoboy pizza madden, madden yoboy pizza, subscriber franchise, madden 32 team franchise, franchise yoboy pizza, madden franchise, madden 24, madden nfl 24, unemployed, 24, madden24, unemployed yoboy pizza, yoboy pizza unemployed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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