Score 70+ In EAPCET | Weightage For Maths | EAPCET 2024 | Namrata Ma'am #eamcet

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hey my ninja warriors welcome to the most awaited most requested session wherein we are going to discuss how to score 70 plus marks in your upcoming eapc examination which was previously known as Emet examination so in this video we are going to discuss unit wise weightage and along with that we are going to discuss that what are the important topics regarding the the chapters or the unitwise important chap chapters wherein we need to focus to get our Target scores all right so let's begin with the today's video today's session and also uh there is a good news regarding eapc sessions so if you want to know about it stay tuned till the very end okay all right yes so first of all let me discuss the sub basic pattern of the examination so you're going to get 3 hours to complete this examination wherein you will be asked how many questions once 60 Questions yes so 160 questions you'll be asked and uh the questions will be of one Mark each and the good news is there is no negative marking like J meain so no negative marking and also you can clearly see that the highest weightage is from the mathematics section which is of 80 marks right 80 questions 80 marks and chemistry you are having 40 questions 40 marks physics you having 40 questions 40 marks again so mathematics is something that you have to to focus and the good news is the syllabus is almost similar to your J main examination all you have to focus on is your accuracy your speed and the question pattern the paper pattern is what you need to focus on okay all right so let's start one by one we'll be discussing how what should be our strategy what should be your uh the focus or the target unit Target topics right so first of all let me just show you the weightage and also one more point before moving on to the weightage part scoring 70 plus is not that difficult in your EAP C examination why a it is there is no negative marking B the questions level is much easier than your J main examination if I talk about mathematics at least because you know out of physics chemistry mathematics J was giving tough mathematics right lenier mathematics but EAP C examination will give you easier mathematics problem so that is a good news for you and now you can see the weightage unitwise weight you can clearly see the maximum weightage is allotted to your algebra and the second highest weightage is for calculus so alone from algebra and calculus you can score 45 marks right and then rest we are having coordinate geometry 14 marks trigonometry which is a prerequisite topic come on who leaves trigonometry who doesn't know trigonometry right if you don't know right now start studying it 11 marks right this is a basic topic for all the chapters as well so this is something which you need to must must Target for each and every student and now vectors and 3D geometry 10 marks for this particular segment okay all right now let's discuss that uh how is the syllabus of EAP C examination how it is different from your J main examination let us understand so from trigonometry we've got the this much topics you can clearly see hyperbolic function is something which is different in U from J Main in EAP C this specific topic but trust me this is the easiest topic from trigonometry you'll ever see okay hyperbolic functions you don't have to worry about the name don't get scared by the name but this is an easy topic then you are having properties of triangle again this is unfortunately not in your J main properties of triangle is similar to the solution of triangle but again this is still doable you still know some things from properties of triangle which will be intersected in your J me right so something is intersecting some some new things you have to study from this then trigonometric equations you all know inverse trigonometric function you all know and trigonometric ratios up to transformation transformation wherein sum to product formula product to sum formula and all those formulas right so this is all trigonometry is all about as far as your e apct examination is concerned now from vectors can you clearly see addition and product of vectors right dot product cross product and uh STP vtp so these are the things in vector algebra so basic things which were there in your J main as well now we are having probability so in probability this is something which is deleted topic from J main but it is there in your EAP C examination don't worry about the deleted topics we've got you covered yes I have something to share so so stay tuned till the very end random variables and probability distribution is something which they ask very frequently in EAP C examination and then basic probability and this this is from statistics methods of measures of dispersion variance uh standard deviation and all so this you have already studied in your J right so this is the syllabus and now from algebra we have a youth syllabus because this is the highest weightage unit matrices and determinant theory of equations this is from quadratic then de moers and complex number are the combined unit topic then we have mathematical induction come on this is very very easy quadratic we have binomial the to we already have in your J Main and we have thorough we are thorough with this particular chapter then permutation and combination function means sex relation function combined topic and then we have partial fraction so this is from your algebra okay and this is from your Calculus can you see differentiation LCD basically aod application of derivative then differential integration and definite integration so calculus is basically similar with your J mean right okay and then last but not the least coordinate geometry again similar similar with your J mean pair of straight lines you also have that straight lines Locus Circle system of circle Parabola hyperbola and ellipse plane is something which is there which was deleted in your J main Direction cosine and ratio threedimensional coordinate right so planes is something which you need to do it now and transformation of axis is something which is there in your e apct examination right okay and now I know that you must be waiting for ma'am okay okay you are talking about all the topics all the chapters what is there in your syllabus but what topics I should Target to score 70 plus and also before I move further let me tell you about the good score what are the good score so suppose if you target 55 to 70 marks approximately in mathematics and in physics chemistry 25 to 30 25 to 30 if you target so 70 and 30 is 110 okay so 70 if I'm telling you uh very high uh aspiration if you think 70 ma'am Target is 70 but okay let's be in our limit if I get 60 so 60 plus you can get 3090 so this is 120 so if you score 120 is absolutely good score you can get rank under 6,000 so if you go 120 or more your rank will be under 6,000 and you are going to get a very good college under 6,000 rank trust me and even if you score the lowest like 55 25 25 so that is going to give you approximately 105 marks 105 marks means your rank will be less than 10K so this is also very good score so your target you know your target now I have told you the glimpse of the ranks and the the the target score so now you can just think about it you can uh make your mind you can just fix your target score and now you can just focus on high weightage topics like this okay so let's start with trigonometry trigonometry is having 11 marks from these topics so one uh so 11 marks means 11 questions you are going to get right so you can see the the topics as well so suppose periodicity and extreme value so they'll ask extreme values means maximum value minimum value range based problem right ITF this is a whole chapter wherein you are going to get only one question from ITF are you getting now properties of triangle is something which is actually important you're going to get three questions from this right three questions alone from property of triangle but you know what so sometimes what we do is okay trigonometry 11 questions ma'am I'm going to Target this three marks high weightage right don't do that because there are many things which you are already aware about so focus on all those things which you already know which you can see that okay this is easier for me and once you are done with that all it's obvious that yes high weightage should be our Focus but you cannot neglect those topics which are easier to crack so always focus on two things High weightage obviously but one more thing please do not forget that one more thing you have to focus on is easy kill things so figure out your easy kill uh things as well so 11 marks you can clearly see that from trigonometry you can score all right yes so this this this was these were all in your J Main okay and now let's talk about coordinate geometry right together 11 + 8 you can see 19 marks you can easily score 2D geometry very easy wherein section formula distance formula right very basic things related to 2D geometry so two questions you can expect from 2D geometry and now you are having transformation of axis one question from this so if you feel that okay let us Focus uh later on deleted topics so I'm going to just cross it right now and later if I get time I'll focus on these topics which are deleted let's first focus on all those topics which I already know which I'm already confident about just like Locus you can clearly see straight lines pair of straight lines Direction ratio and cosine of course you should focus this then 3D coordinates three dimensional geometry coordinates XY Z you can talk about distance or distance between a plane under Point very basic basic problem and trust me planes are there so plane is something which you need to focus but again if you feel that okay right now I can focus on lines and all those topics which I already know you can do that now circles is having three question system of circle so overall you're having four question from circle from Parabola 2 question ellipse hyperbola 1 one each okay so this is from your coordinate geometry all right so have a look and uh just keep an eye on your targets right and now vector algebra this is something that every everybody should focus you know what because from one topic four question product of vectors addition of vector two questions so this is something which is high weightage although if you like superficially see you will see okay algebra is having 25 marks calculus is having 20 marks but what I feel is Vector is something carrying six marks from these two topics only so this is actually actually this is your high vitage what is high vage where what happens is the topics the syllabus is less but the question will come more so this is actually a high weightage thing because algebra if you can see algebra I'll show you the algebra so this is your algebra the the number of chapters are also huge are you getting my point yes so complex number basic question three marks D moiv theorem if you focus one Mark you can get one question short short you're going to get from this theorem and then quadratic two marks theory of equation 2 partial fraction one and then we are having binomial theorem two marks This is highly scoring I must tell you permutation and combination probability yes this is from statistics so from statistics you're going to get two questions two marks right and along with that this is very important matrices and determinant right very important three marks from this chapter alone one chapter mathematical induction easily doable topic although this is deleted from J main but easily doable you put the value of n you get the answer then functions four marks please do not confuse this is not pure functions St relations and function four marks right okay now let us come to the calculus calculus is almost similar to your J main you can clearly see integration and definite integration will give you nine question nine marks huge marks from integration right but again integration is a very vast topic so yes you have to do hard work in this but yes I will make your life easier stay tuned till the very end areas differential equations right and then after that application of derivative alone we'll give you six marks here is the breakage so overall 18 marks six is for aod errors and approximation one question tangent normal one question rate of change one question maximum minimum it was high weightage in your jman as well and here as well and along with that mean value theorem roles Lan lmvt yeah so these are type of theorems uh you are going to get one question from so you now you have all seen everything the high weightage topic and uh now I'm going to revealing the good news and I'm not going to completely reveal it okay so what you need to do is you need to stay tuned for your AAP C academic sessions yes if you want to score 70 plus in mathematics you have to write # 70 plus in the comment SE section that is one thing and another thing I have already told you that we are going to bring some amazing uh amazing eapc sessions and through that session you can easily Target uh more than 110 and more than even 120 marks for EAP C examination right so we have got you covered and just one more day and we'll be revealing about all the academic session which we are going to get okay all right so this is me n on this note signing off
Channel: Vedantu JEE English
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Keywords: vedantu, vedantujeeenglish, jee2024, 2024, pyqs, vedantujee, jee advanced, bitsat, cbse, nta, jee english, pcm, enginnering, eamcet, eamcet 2024, eamcet weightage for mpc 2024, eamcet 2024 weightage ts, eamcet maths weightage 2024, maths weightage eamcet 2024, eamcet maths weightage 2024 in telugu, eamcet maths high weightage chapters 2024, how to score 70+ in maths eamcet 2024, eamcet 2024 strategy, best books for eamcet 2024, physics weightage for eamcet 2024, best books for ts eamcet 2024
Id: 30rEgfGwSJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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