EAPCET TS & AP 2024 Chemistry | Most Expected Questions From Coordination Compounds | Nabamita Ma'am

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hi guys am I Audible and visible let's check it out oh all right I am I am hello okay so hello as I always say Namar everyone and a very warm to V English Channel this is me your master teacher no and today we are going to do one of the most highest weighted chapter for eapc for both TS as well as for AP everybody and that chapter my dear student is your coordination compounds yes and even in coordination compounds I'm going to take you through the most important type of questions yes so please pay attention and stay till the end of the session just so that you understand how to solve each and every question that I'm going to take you in this session how long will the session be the session will be around uh 30 to 45 minutes not more than that since I'm starting with one of the most highest weightage chapter today that is why I'm going to take less time but but as we move on from here I will be taking longer sessions all right everybody yes please explain it t I am so sorry sweetheart I do not know telu I cannot speak in telu also this is a j English Channel hence I'm only going to be able to explain things to you in English everybody yes if you want to learn in Telugu then we have vantu telu also you can go to that channel and you can watch it but here I'm going to take the session in English all right everybody Hima I will do that I will do that don't worry about it but not today today not today today we are going to solve questions I will take another session wherein I will be telling you all the highest most important topics and everything okay all right yes absolutely why not okay so quickly go ahead and call up your friends everybody and don't forget to hit the like button guys if you don't like the session we will not understand if you really want this type of sessions or not so please don't forget to hit the like button everybody love you too love you to thank you so much thank you so much sweetie we will try to do that I can't promise it right now though I I'll try to do that okay I will try to do that yes okay so shall we start with the session guys everybody are we all here yes buta yes we will take Advanced as well don't worry this channel is going to be your One Stop solution for everything related to 11th and 12th don't worry about it yes we are here we are well and we are going to help you we are basically your friends on internet okay don't worry about it tell guys let us solve everybody yes are you all with there are you all with me hi P hi P hello hello hello yeah yeah we will take Advanced pyq also via but right now can we do EAP C CH so the first question everybody is on your screen and the first question see this is a em set 2023 question this is a last year question and this type of question I have seen that it gets repeated a lot of times like literally a lot of times these type of questions gets repeated so read the question everybody which of the following is correct and related to the colors of ti3 X and TI h26 cl3 which is compound y so basically you are given two compounds one is X and one is y and you have to find out what is the color for these compounds okay all right they are not asking you to exactly tell you the color but what they're saying is the compound is going to be colored or the compound is going to be colorless right now what is the concept here guys what is the concept everybody both are colored both are colored seriously both will be colored so let us take a look at it yes now what is the concept here my B the concept that we are going to use here is unpaired electrons okay we have to find unpaired electrons if there are unpaired electron that means that the compound is going to be colored and if there are not unpaired electron that means the compound is going to be colorless okay so now let us try and take a look at the first compound which is ti3 okay how do you find out how many number of unpaired electrons are there the first thing that you are going to do is you are going to find out the oxidation state okay so let us say that X is TI titanium okay X is titanium and we know that chlorine at at chlorine ions they have minus one charge what do they have they have one negative charge my B so that means that we will there are three there are three of the chlorine ions see as you all can see isn't it so that means that we will take three multiplied with minus1 and overall there is no charge do you see any charge whatsoever on this compound none whatsoever so what are we going to do we will equate this with zero okay now that means that X is is equal to 3 am I right now tell me who can tell me what is the atomic number of titanium guys what is the atomic number of 21 my B yes what is the atomic number of titanium Scandium is scandium is what yeah reality viewers how many times will you ask me the same question B how many times will you ask me the same question and how many times do you want me to tell you the same answer how many times have I told you that the setup the big screen costs 5 lakh I don't don't have 5 lakh rupes if you can give me 5 lakh I'll put it up okay in the office there are many teachers you have to book the studio it's a lot of you know studios are as a lot of teachers hence I like this I find it better so why don't you you know you keep asking me this question every single time anyway okay all right all right all right yes yes yes one second CH no problem this is what what did you say this is why is colored no let's make it colorless don't worry about that CH here we are going to make it colorless see now we're going to make it colorless okay all right everybody yes this is done these two are colored okay now you want me to change this CH I'm going to change this also C okay both are colorless now it's fine take it titanium has an atomic number of 22 very good so 22 if it is 22 then the electronic configuration is going to be 3d2 4s2 am I right very good absolutely now you can see that titanium is in plus three oxidation state that means three electrons it is going to give away three electrons if it gives away then it will have 3d1 electronic configuration and since there is one unpaired electron that means that this compound will be colored okay this compound is going to be colored make sense great okay now let us solve the other one okay let us solve it for T h26 cl3 right this is our compound okay for this also CH let us find out the let us find out the oxidation state now how many of you know that H2O water is a neutral liand how many of you know this that water is a neutral Li every body yes how many of you know that water is a neutral liant you all know very good okay so that means X plus 6 multiplied with zero because now now take a look at it now take a look at it everybody see cl3 is here now we all know that CL has What netive minus 3 charge if the counter ion here is negatively charge that means this coordination compound will be + three yes why did I say it you must seen na if it is na what happens it will become na+ CL minus similarly if this is minus three that means that here we will have + three right everybody absolutely so this will be equal to + three that means once again X's is equal to+ three and we have just seen that if titanium is in plus three oxidation state it will have one unpaired electron hence this is also going to be colored so what is our what is our what is our answer guys what is our answer our answer my dear student is option C okay our answer my dear student is option C that is colored okay your answer is option C that is colored and colored okay both of them are colored all right everybody yes okay now moving on moving on see another another EMC 2023 question everybody this is also a previous year question now tell me identify this species which does not exist okay which one of this does not exist come on tell me yes gamer you are absolutely right TI + 4 is colorless because it does not have a single electron it does not have any electron in the D orbital or in the S orbital hence this is colorless all right yes everybody very good CH now identify the species which does not exist everybody take a look at it see SI f62 minus it does exist why so because Florine atoms are very close Florine atoms are very small and silicon being a little bigger ion it will be able to accommodate all the ch ch Florine ions all right yes but if you take a look at si6 now when you compare the size chlorine atoms or chlorine ions are bigger than Florine atom and for silicon it becomes really tough to accommodate all the six big big chlorine atoms around it and that is why this is the compound that does not exist okay this is the compound that does not exist all right yes germanium with cl6 it will exist sn6 it does exist it's only option b that does not exist am I clear everybody guys the correct answer is option b okay the correct answer is option b not option A not option C it is option b why so because when you compare what happens is Si with F6 six Florine atoms they can surround the silicon atom but six chlorine atoms they are bigger in size and they will not be able to get be there okay they will reel each other and that compound will be unstable okay all right chinu I just told you how to know is to find out number of unpaired electron if there are unpaired electron present pres in the D orbital that means that the compound is going to be colored if there are no unpaired electron or if it is completely filled if you find d0 or d10 okay there are no unpaired electron that means that the compound is going to be colorless okay chinu understood everybody yes CH guys moving on to the next question here the next question everybody is the homoleptic complex in the following is my God this is such an easy question homoleptic complex you know what is homoleptic complex homoleptic complex means those compounds which have only one single liand like you know those compounds which have only one type of Li attached okay only one type of Li attached what did I say those compounds those compounds which have which have only one single type of one single type of liant attached to the central metal atom okay attached to the central metal atom am I right everybody yes so now if you look at the option A everyone see this has two types of liand isn't it there is bromine and there is amine also so there are tetraamine di bromido this is not homoleptic this becomes heteroleptic complex right now look at this here you have oxalate ion see c24 here you have oxalate as well as amine so this also cannot be homoleptic this is also heteroleptic but now look at this Co nh36 what would be the name the name here will be hexaamine cobal so yes because all of them are only one single type of Lian that means that option C is your homo letic complex very good everybody quickly clap for yourself Sak HMA gamer Queen lucky radak Krishna well done well done well done everybody yes now tell me something are you guys liking the session everybody do not forget to like the session guys I'm seeing that many of you are watching the session but you're not liking the session if you don't like the session we will not bring this type of s sessions okay you have to like the session B all right SI we will see we will definitely try okay yes yes yes you can you can Rani Pria you can absolutely you can okay at least you will get certain type of idea and do tell your friends also those of you who want to learn in English e EF set in English this is the channel to follow nobody else is doing it every month so this is the channel to follow otherwise you can always go for the telu channel also take do tell your friends huh CH guys next question is next question everyone the set which has only ambid dented Lian guys what is ambid dented Lian what is ambid dented Lian does anybody know what is ambid dented Lian you know you must have heard about this term no ambid dextrus or or or how many of you have watched the movie Three Idiots guys tell me how many of you have watched the movie Three Idiots how many of you have watched the movie Three Idiots quickly tell me three idiots how many of you have watched the movie Three Idiots and do you remember the Professor virus yes t [Laughter] t yes yes chish Almost same type almost same type no quickly go guys don't answer don't answer let's have a conversation here tell me something how many of you have watched the movie 3 IDs B dentate and poly dentate are different from ambidentate B it's different from ambid dentate yes yes have you all watched it have you all watched that movie Three Idiots now do you remember Professor virus Professor virus do you remember he used to write on the board with both the hands yes do you remember he used to write on the board with both the hands do you remember yes to save time exactly and you know what those type of people are called they are called as ambid dextrus what are they called they're called as MV dextr okay all right that means that see I will be able to only write with my right hand right but Professor virus he could write with left hand he could also write with right hand he could write with left hand he could also write with right hand so that means the type of liand which can hold on to the metal with the left hand or with the right hand they are called as ambid dentate okay and lians don't have hands obviously which you know right lians are not human beings lians don't have hands but what do the lians have the lians they my dear students they have donor sites what do they have they have donor sites that means through that site they can give some electrons okay through that position they can give some electrons are you getting my point everybody yes now there are donor s there are different different donor sites like there are F minus CL minus BR minus these are all what these are all monodentate monodentate means they can only hold on to the metal atom with just one finger or one donor site okay all right very good now you must have seen some other donor sites like like o h o oxygen is a donor site okay then you must have seen c24 right carbon is a donor site oxygen is also a donor site check it out guys now if I write n O2 or if I write o n o same thing n O2 there are two oxygen now I have written o n o same thing so either it is holding with the oxygen side hand or it can hold on to the metal with the nitrogen side hand okay you must have seen another Li which is NCS or scn minus have you seen that exactly so see it can either hold on with the nitrogen hand or it will hold on with the sulfur hand then you must have seen then you must have seen CN minus so these are all option b is your correct answer all of them are ambid dentate liant n O2 o n o CN n c s c NCS these are all ambid dented and by the way one thing that you must remember everybody is that the ambidentate lians my B are always are they B dentate no are they poly dentate no they are always always always monodentate lians that means when they are holding the hand it will not be like this okay it will not be like a Cho B and holding hands both the sides no they are only going to hold hand one side okay always through just one donor side they will hold on to the metal so they always act like a uni dentate or a monodentate liant am I clear everybody is this much Clear does anybody have any doubt here does anybody have any doubt here yes do they do they yes anybody has any doubt here or everybody is clear guys are we all clear are we all clear are we all clear the difference between ambidentate and see ambid dentates are always unidentate monodentate ambidentate lians are always monod dented Lian but ambid dented lians basically you have to understand this okay uh okay let's say that let's say that what is the difference between uh okay what is the difference between a a a a starfish and a lizard that's the sort of question that you are asking a starfish has six hands all right but a lizard has only one tail a starfish let's say has six tails but a lizard has only one tail you understanding everyone you understanding NH3 is ented no NH3 has only one donor side and that will be nitrogen NH3 does not act like an ambidentate NO2 acts like an ambid dented liand okay Keating ligands are poly dented ligands more than bented ligands when they hold on to the metal basically imagine if this is a metal okay this is the metal atom and if if so you know wait I'll show you okay so imagine there are there are let's say that there are Five Fingers of a liand and if the liand is holding on to the metal like this now if you look at this does it form like a ring structure here does it not form like a ring structure here so that is called as a Keating Li okay a Keating liand can form like a ring structure when three two or three more two or more than two donor sides hold on to the metal they form like a ring and that's called a skating Li okay all right understood Amar you are asking about kilting Li right this is clear this is clear okay all right c24 is a b dentate liand yes then you have then you have uh you know B dentate liand you have uh peridin yes then you have en en en en is a bented li okay so there are different different different different you know there are different different uh lians okay type of lians but please yeah Kiran s whoever you are please yeah don't you know I don't know why you didn't get updated with digital I don't have so much money like I told I don't have so much money yes I don't have so much money that's it so don't keep asking about this I hope if you like it you study you don't like it you want a digital board if you think that digital board is the only thing that can make you get marks sure please go to somebody else's class don't disturb this class and you know keep taking that Mom why you not take class why you don't you take class from digital board it's not going to happen I'm not going to get a digital board also even if vantu gives I don't want to you know spoil the room and uh you know do all of these things I like this this is this is all that is okay all right yes don't keep asking the same question everyone yes anything else Eda now Eda Eda has different ions there is Eda 4 minus there is Eda 5 minus Eda 4 minus is a pentad dened ed a 3 okay sorry no there is Ed 4 minus Eda 5 minus so Ed 5 minus becomes a hexadentate li four minus becomes a pentad dented Li So based on what is the charge Eda can Eda can act like you know different Ed can have different denticity all right okay got it got it thank you chinu thank you so much guys yes yes himma absolutely right absolutely right getting it everybody are we all clear are we all clear with the denticity do you all know what is denticity everybody understood what is denticity denticity is basically you know the teeth how many teeth with how many you guys have seen those clutches no your mom or your sister may use probably you know these clutches that they use for hair have you seen guys have you seen everyone have you seen so exactly you know there are clutches which have only just two teeth so that's like a bent again there are clutches which have like three teeth you know 60 so that becomes like a you know so that becomes like a hexa again you get it everybody yeah exactly so that sort of thing that is your denticity that's it that's it it's very easy okay very easy CH guys moving on moving on let's do this okay the correct order about the number of unpaired electrons present in the following complexes are everyone CH guys let us check this out okay the first one the first compound here is Fe cn6 4+ okay here it is written as 2 minus it can't be 2 minus it has to be 2+ okay it has to be 2 plus so F CN 6 now everybody first of all let us find the oxidation state so let us say that Fe is X Plus CN has one negative charge by the way okay CN has one negative charge so plus -1 multiplied with 6 here okay and see the overall charge here everybody the overall charge here is 4 minus so I'm going to write here minus 4 okay now if you calculate this x - 6 will go that side it will become plus 6 so that means it will be X is equal to +2 all right now Fe what is the atomic number of iron guys atomic number of iron my dear student is 26 that means the electronic configuration becomes 3d6 4s2 but now we have just calculated that iron is in plus two oxidation state that means it will be 3d6 am I right everybody am I right everyone it'll be 3d6 but CH 3d6 okay now CN everyone okay CN cyanide is one of the strongest Li possible okay Cyanide and carbon monooxide carbonal carbonal and cyanido these are very very very strong lians always remember that wherever you see there is a carbon donor site in the Lian that will be a strong field Lian same goes for oxalate oxalate also has a carbon donor side that is also a strong filant all right yes so this is a strong fi liand and a strong fi liand will push the electrons and make them get paired up so if I have to draw the orbital it will somewhat be like this for D there are five orbitals yes so the six electrons they will they will become like this and the cyanide will take the hybridization of D2 sp3 am I clear yes so how many unpaired electrons are there Z unpaired electron now let us solve it for f26 2+ okay similarly here also see H2O my dear buto H2O is a neutral Li does not have any charge so that means that we can write it as x + 6 * with 0 is equal to +2 that means X is equal to + 2 am I right yes so iron here also is in plus two oxidation state that means iron in plus two oxidation state will be 3d6 but but but but but here is a but kah may twist there is a Twist in the story and the story here is that H2O is a weak field liand H2O is a weak field Li and because it is a weak fian what will happen this time pairing up will not happen and the orbital will look like this okay see electrons will look like this now see this is how they will act H2 is such a weak such a weak liant that it will not be able to push the electrons and pair them up it will not be able to push the electrons and pair them up so that means that how many unpaired electrons are there four unpaired electrons my dear students four unpaired electron 1 2 3 4 four unpaired electron okay four un unired electron okay all right everybody understood yes four unpaired electron guys why three how are you guys finding three four unpaired electron but 3d6 no 3d6 so four unpaired electron saan where are you having trouble B where is it that you are not able to understand yes yes yes dat data yes yes pretty much Dro pretty much yes most of the lians okay so I'll tell you what in spectrochemical series what happens is the anionic lians are the weakest then comes the oxygen site oxygen Dona sites then comes your nitrogen Dona side and finally you have the carbon Dona side so nitrogen Dona sites are strong comparatively nitrogen donor sites are strong field again okay all right yes gr understood yes no this will be outer orbital complex B f206 the second compound this is going to be an outer orbital complex the first compound is going to be an inner orbital complex here the hybridization is going to be sp3d2 so this will be outer orbital High spin complex getting it getting it okay all right everyone yes now let's take a look at the last one okay the last one is Co h26 and 2+ am I right okay so 2+ my B 2+ and once again everyone see h26 H2O is a neutral liant H2O is a neutral ligant so how do you calculate x + 6 * with 0 is equal to +2 that means X is equal to +2 now tell me what is Cobalt's atomic number Cobalt has an atomic number of 27 that means it will be 3d7 4s2 but here it is in plus2 oxidation state so we can say that Cobalt will be in 3d7 oxidation state right there are seven electron and see weak field ligand H2O is weak field liant okay so here see everybody this is how the orbital will look like one 2 3 4 5 okay seven electrons right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 seven here we will have three unpaired electrons so I think the option that is correct is okay one has the least then it is three and then it is two so option A is your correct answer am I right guys option A is your correct answer very good many of you are saying that option A is your correct answer well done you but well done option A is your correct answer okay next question guys next question okay yes yes do you have doubts everybody do you have doubts regarding lians how many of you have doubts regarding ligans guys let me explain this to you right away CH let me explain this to you right away how many of you have not studied anything about lians guys how many of you have not studied anything about lians everyone yes how many of you have doubts regarding ligans tell me quickly say viit test you can give it from your home okay you can give it from your home you just have to book the slot we will do that it we will do that don't worry VI e also we will be doing more classes yeah yes okay how many of you do not know anything about lians guys do you want me to take you through lians doubt in ligan yes tell me what are the doubts I'm here tell me what are the doubts first of all let us understand what are lians okay all right what are ligans first of all let us understand what are lians so what happens is understand this with a story let us understand this with a story okay now you know the D Block elements okay the D Block Metals such as iron manganese Cobalt you know Scandium titanium vadium chromium nickel all of these all of these Metals right they have empty D orbitals have you heard that have you have you have you heard of heard of it or have you read about that guys tell me okay see we are going to interact and we going to understand okay we're going to interact and we're going to understand so we all know that the dnf blog elements guys now please I'm teaching you fully now don't ask me doubts in between okay I'm teaching you from the beginning so wait up wait upsite there is a website of VI e so you have to give the test in the website not on the app okay yes this is clear this is clear again ad SNB wait no wait no I will come there wait chill yes so all the dnf block elements the transitional elements what do they have they have empty D orbital so now imagine if you are a house owner okay if you are a house owner and you have empty room yes where you are not staying what will you do you will rent it out you will say that to let one bhk 2 bhk 3 bhk you'll be like you know give me money I'll give you some room right right everybody right am I right everyone yes yes or no guys yes or no absolutely now this D Block elements they have empty D orbital that means they have empty D rooms which they can rent it and somebody you know somebody there are some ions okay there are some compounds like H2O you know there are some compounds like NH3 there are some compounds like phosphine there are compounds like you know F minus or elements Elemental ions like Florine one minus chlorine one minus bromine one minus they can come and they want to have some you know they want to have some space to live they like yes yes yes yes yes we will take the rent and we will pay you we will take the rent and we will pay you okay all right so this lians when they come yes so see when you want to rent it out to somebody what do you do you have a rent agreement right you write a rent agreement that every month you have to pay this this Marth every month you know the bulb should not be broken the tube light should not be broken the fridge should be kept as it is right right yes or no guys yes or no that happens everyone does that happen everyone exactly so that's basically a bind your owner the house owner and you who is going to rent out the apartment you both are in a bind okay you both are binding there is a bond that you are sharing understanding everyone yes is this understood guys that there is a bond that you all are sharing clear okay so similarly the metal and the ligan they share a bond okay all right they share a bond yes all right everybody now the metals they have empty D orbitals the lians they want to come and stay there actually now tell me the liand when they are coming imagine if the ligans are relatives right now okay imagine the lians are your relatives who are coming to your okay the imagine that the lians are the relatives who are coming to your house okay and sometimes what happens is if you are a house owner you know you must have kept some something in some room yes and if somebody is coming to the house you will have to clean up that room isn't it you'll have to clean up that room right you will have to clean up that room correct exactly so sometimes if the liand is very strong you know so sometimes imagine if you have a you know you have an auntie or an uncle who are very strict what will happen or if sometimes your grandfather or grandmother they are coming and they are very strict what will you do your parents they will literally clean the house completely like you know this has to be here this has to be there this has to be there will they do it or not yes they will do yes they will do but if your cousins are coming you will be like a if my cousin judges my you know my test if my cousin cousin sees this pen I'm using if he or she sees that I'm having the PS5 they will judge so what do you do then you go and clean everything you put everything in the cupboard L nothing should be seen nothing should be seen isn't it exactly the similar way when the lians are approach approaching the metal when the ligans are coming near the metal the metal will be W somebody's coming somebody's coming I have to clean up the room I have to clean up the room I have to clean up the room they will go like this and they will do what they don't have rooms they have orbitals so they clean up the orbitals and they ask the electron like hey go to that orbital go to that room you are not allowed here go to that room the LI is coming the LI is coming so what will they do they will pair up the electrons if somebody is very strict if the liand is very strict what will happen pairing up of electrons will happen if the LI is like okay I will manage don't worry I will take a nearby Hotel you don't worry so much yeah I will take an Airbnb or guest house so that liand is weak then what will happen there see see exactly what is happening now take a look at it take a look at it see Fe e iron when it is with when it is with cide okay if you have Fe cn6 see what is happening guys Fe cn6 cyanide is such a strong ligand that what will happen so iron has orbitals iron has 3D orbital it has 4 S orbital it has 4 p orbital am I right yes 3D 4S 4 p orbital right now cyanide will be like no no no no you have to give me a room in your house only I'm not going outside I am not going outside so cyanide will do what 1 2 3 4 5 6 then cyanide will be like okay okay whatever is remaining that I will take so see cyanide will do what cyanide will take 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 see six electron six cyanide are coming six molecules of cyanide are coming each of them will have two two electrons so 12 electrons they are going to fill and this will be your hybridization hybridization is D2 sp3 and because cyanide said that this will not work I want a room inside the house so what will you call this this will be called as inner orbital complex what will this be called this will be called as inner orbital complex and here you see in each of the room there are two two electrons in each room there are two two electrons am I right everybody can you see that there are two two electrons in each of them there are two two electrons now tell me the electrons have spin right the electrons want to rotate like they want to rotate so if there are two two electrons that means they are fully filled will they be able to rotate they will be rotating but slowly hence we call it to be low spin complex what do we call it low spin complex getting it so this is low spin inner orbital complex clear clear everybody is this clear guys is this clear I can see a lot of weird students here see now that I'm teaching concept somebody is asking ma'am concept ma'am concept ma'am concept but what are you seeing me what am I doing dancing huh can't you understand that I have I'm actually taking you through the concept literally taking you through the concept what's wrong okay now let us take a look at okay now let us take a look at f h206 f h206 here see what will happen is because this time you have a weak Li okay you have a weak Li but Fe iron has iron has 3D iron has 4S iron has 4p but H2O is like you know H2 see what will happen is here the electrons are 1 2 3 4 5 all the electrons are filled in 3D okay so H2O will be like you know what don't bother you why will you push one electron here another electron there no worries you know what I'll take a room outside this time see Iron also has iron also has a contact you know in the same road he has a contact he'll be like bro don't worry chill I have a contact and here I have the 4D orbitals I have the 4D orbitals why don't you go and sit in the 4D orbitals and that's exactly what H2O is going to do now see what H2O does okay H2O will take what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and this time the hybridization becomes sp3d2 now because water said that I will take the outside room what will be this complex this will be outer orbital complex this will be outer orbital complex and because here you see see see see see see here there are one one electrons guys guys guys take a look at it here you see there are one one electrons there are one one electrons so that means these electrons if they want to spin what will they do they like zo they can spin right very fast they can spin so here we we will call this to be high spin complex get it we will call this to be high spin complex okay now now based on the unpaired electron how many unpaired electrons are there yes plus if you do 0.75 you will get the Magnetic Moment so I can tell you right now see there are four unpaired electron the Magnetic Moment will be 4.8 the mag Magnetic Moment will be 4.8 here there are no unpaired electron the Magnetic Moment will be zero if there is only one unpaired electron then you should be able to calculate it f 1 + 0.5 0.75 it will be 1.75 1.8 if there are two unpaired electron write it as 2.87 if there are three unpaired electrons you can calculate it it will be 3.83 if there are four unpaired electron you can calculate it it will be 4.86 if there are five unpaired electron then the Magnetic Moment will be 5.87 got it clear I cannot speak T I'm not t yes I'm not telu guys you can go to you can go to the telu channel this is an English Channel okay all right this is clear now what happens when a liand is approaching guys please please please understand this as a story when somebody is so you let's say that you your your your sibling okay or your brother sister and your mom and dad right you all stay in the house and you are all chilling right but if somebody wants to come to your house what happens you all start getting into the preparation I today I have to I have to prepare P some today I need some you know uh Papu I have to create I have to make I need some rice and sambar also there should be some Chutney also right everybody will go crazy everybody will go crazy that I have to do this I have to do that I have to do this I have to do that right so when the leg hand is approaching the metal also starts getting there the metal will be like what to do what to do what to do and there is a split and there is a split okay so what happens is when the metal Whenever there is a six okay whenever there is a six they will go for octahedral splitting what will be this yes it will be H2O is neutral yeah my God H to bro guys if you ask me such questions one month before your exam so neutral Lian does not have electrons who told you that neutral lians don't have a charge like CL minus this charge it does not have H2O does not have any charge it is neutral but electrons to it will have now my God there is a mistake it seem see look at him hon is saying that I made a mistake H2O is a neutral so there should not be any electrons bro what's wrong with you neutral liant means that number of electrons number of protons are same same it does not have an extra electron as a charge you guys are crazy seriously Queen lucky I don't don't know telu Baba how will I talk to you in telu I told you right there is another Channel vantu telu go to that channel for efet in telu here we can teach you in English only got it is this clear so like I said if there are six mules that are approaching okay if there are six molecules that are approaching there will be a splitting okay what will happen these these orbitals that you see these orbitals the D orbitals they will get they will be hyper okay they will become hyper and they will split so that splitting is called as Crystal field splitting got it clear CH now everybody let us come back to the questions okay here is another question for you let us take a look at the iups name of the following complex guys you must know the IUPAC complex okay you must know how to you you must know the nomenclature rules everyone so let us try out the nomenclature rules here everyone okay what is the nomenclature rule the first rule everybody is the first rule is that you will start naming the lians first name the lians first okay all right and these lians alphabetically you will name so now you tell me that here NH3 is amine and H2O is aqua which one shall I name first I will name amine because a m then a q okay A M so here there are three amine so I am writing it as Tri amine Tri amine okay then what will you write see there are 2 H2O okay so I will write as d Aqua okay then there is a chlorine atom also so it will be chlorido chlorido okay then see the metal here is chromium so I'm writing here chromium then I will leave a space for the oxidation state and outside here there are two chlorine but that we don't have to write how many chlorine atoms are there we will just write here chloride now let's find the oxidation State okay oxidation state for chromium will be X Plus NH3 is neutral liant so 3 multiplied with 0 plus 2 multiplied with 0 because water is also neutral liant plus -1 CL has minus1 now tell me here outside C cl2 CL will have min-2 charge that means this whole coordinate complex will be plus two charge so here I'm writing + two yes so if I calculate it 3 0 are 0 two Z are 0 x - 1 is = + 2 so x + 3 so here I'm writing 1 2 3 in Roman number and this is the name which means that option A is your correct answer clear yes option A is your correct answer all right everybody okay guys CH moving on to the next question the next question is which one of the following pair of complexes has the effective atomic number equal to 36 for the transition element okay how do you find the effective atomic number guys does anybody know how to find out the atomic effective atomic number how do you calculate the effective atomic number there is a Formula CH let me tell you guys let me tell you the effective atomic number you can calculate it as atomic number of the central atom atomic number of Central metal ion okay Central metal ion minus oxidation state of central metal okay plus whatever is the coordination number multiply it with two yes coordination number is basically how many number of legans are attached very good enk very good very good very good well done CH now see I know the answer is option C okay I know that the answer is option C so I'm going to calculate it for you and I'll show it to you okay so effective atomic number let us calculate now what is what is iron's atomic number iron has an atomic number of 26 okay now see C see see Co carbonal carbonal Lian is a neutral liand okay so if it is a neutral Lian that means x + 5 * with 0 is equal to 0 that means X is is equal to zero so the oxidation state of iron here is oxidation state of iron here is zero plus what is the coordination number five lians are attached so five multiplied with two if I do I will be getting 36 okay see for option C is the correct answer guys option C is the correct answer telling you option C is the correct answer okay now see for the next one one if I do e effective atomic number for the next one if I do which is K4 Fe cn6 can you see K4 F cn6 okay all right yes here see once again iron has 26 minus okay right here if you calculate it CN has minus one charge guys CN has minus one Char so if I find out the oxidation state it will be x + 6th multiplied with -1 is = to -4 so X's is equal to + 2 so here I'm going to write 2 + 6 * with 2 if you calculate it you will get 36 okay all right it will you will get 36 all right so that means that option C is your correct answer clear option C is your correct answer s I've already told B can you please forward it and watch it or please watch the coordination compound chapter I will tell you where you can find it okay I'll tell you the coordination compound chapter don't worry okay yes lost it it is still possible the questions are very easy you can do it but you need to answer okay yes okay all right CH guys moving on to the next question let us go to the next question okay see this type of question will come B I can guarantee that this type of question will come this is from Warner's Theory okay this is from Warner's Theory so please learn this see when ag3 solution is added in excess to one molar solution of ccl3 do X NH3 1 mole of agcl is formed what is the value of x okay so here this is going to be very easy everyone just take a look at it what are they saying that you have a compound see you have a compound which is co co cl3 do xnh H3 okay this is the compound then they're saying that ag3 you are mixing okay what are you doing you are mixing here ag3 okay so let us add here ag3 okay now when you do ag3 what are you getting you are getting one mole of agcl okay if you are getting one mole of agcl that means that this compound okay this complex will be sort of like this Co NH3 there will be two CL inside and there will be only one cl outside if you know that this outside CL this is called as counter ion and whatever is inside that's called as coordination entity coordination sphere so here there will be four four plus two this will be an octahedral complex so that means what is the value of x guys the value of x will be four isn't it the value of x will be four okay all right yes Kika it could be useful okay it could be useful yes I'm not very sure if the question will come but this type of questions definitely comes in each and every exam it even comes in J it comes in VI e it comes in SRM jle e it comes in E set everywhere it comes take all right yes did you understand everyone CH guys moving on to the next question everyone yes okay so what is this type of isomers guys what are this type of isomers see Co NH3 five s so4 BR is outside BR is the counter ion in the next compound s so4 is the counter ion and BR is inside okay and this type of isomers my dear students it is called as ionization isomer that means that the counter ion also has counter ion has potential counter ion has potential to become a liand okay to become a liand am I clear that is called as your ionization isomerization cool okay everybody understood very good next question everyone is what is the coordination of the metal in Co N2 cl2 now en N is a b dentate Lian what is en n en is a bented li that means that two multiplied with two will be four and there are two number of Cl okay 2 CL are there so 4 + 2 is 6 option D this is an octahedral complex what about a liand isomer does anybody know what is a liand isomer guys does anybody know what is a liand isomer does anybody know what is a li isomer come on guys there are different types of isomer yes okay so what happens is there are liand isomers are basically you know in in in in in uh organic chemistry you study that what happens is when the liand when the liand is attached to different position that's called as a liand isomer it's a type of structural isomerism okay uh for example you know uh okay for example I'll give you one example okay there is one two diaminopropane one two diamino propane and there is 13 Dam propane so that's called as a liand isomer okay that's called as a liand isomer clear all right yes no no no no that's ambid dented guys that's ambident that's ambident no no no okay yes okay understood everybody you manik please go out of the class please go out of the class you don't have to study go out of the class just go out of the class time complete time complete send this session I will send you this session huh what do you think you have hired me as your personal teacher or what I will send you this session and time complete don't study go so guys next question okay the correct order for wavelength of for wavelength of absorption in the visible region of the following complexes will be what okay so let me tell you everybody here we will be using spectrochemical series all the students who were asking ma'am what to do what to do what to do spectrochemical series ma'am which one is what what is what right so let me tell you here okay see you guys know that from this side to this side okay so you you remember I have told you I have given you some pneumonics everyone yes I've given you some pneumonics how to remember the Rays the absorption spectra what is the absorption spectra numon it is can't get x u v in my range this means Cosmic gamma xray UV visible infrared microwave and radio wave so as you go from this side to this side what happens the wavelength increases and the frequency decreases if the frequency decreases that means the energy decreases okay yes and if the energy decreases that means you have to understand that Wheat Field liand will be absorbed this side okay this side you will have weak field Li and this side you will have strong field liand absorbing it okay all right everybody so now tell me which one is the weak field see there are H2O n2o NH3 what do you have you have H2O n2o and NH3 okay all right so here see what do you have weak fi the weakest f is H2O that means Lambda has increased Lambda has increased for H2O after that what do you have the next wavelength that you have is NH3 okay after that NH3 will be somewhere here okay NH3 will be somewhere here and n2o or n O2 will be somewhere here okay so because of that everyone because of that option b is your correct answer okay n2o or n NO2 sorry NO2 will have the highest energy that it can absorb because it's a strong fil then it is NH3 and then it is H2O okay out of this three H2O is the weak field liant okay out of this three and H2O is weak fill Li clear everyone yes so guys moving on to the next question yes the next question is which among the complexes are named can be named Doro bis ethane one to diamine platinum for nitrate so wherever nitrate is outside okay see in this one nitrate is inside so this is not the answer in this one nitrate is inside this is not the answer in this one also nitrate is inside not answer this is the correct answer option A is your correct answer okay option A is your correct answer all right guys next question the oxidation state of cobalt in K4 is everyone CH let us calculate everybody let us calculate this yes let us calculate this everyone the last one shall we shall we calculate this everybody yes see there is k+ if there is 1 k+ positive that means that Co co4 this will be negative 1 negative so what we will do is X+ Co is a neutral so 4 * with 0 is equal to minus1 that means X is is equal to minus1 so the oxidation state of cobalt is min -1 okay it will be minus one next question guys the Wilkinson Catalyst in the hydrogenation of alkenes is okay the Wilkinson Catalyst everyone the name of the Wilkinson Catalyst everybody write this down it is chloro Tris okay chloris Tri fenile phosphine trien phosphine rodium okay rodium one oxidation state so that means option b is your correct answer okay option b is your correct answer and the last question everybody is this is very important please do this everyone ml6 n plus it is an octahedral complex it's Crystal field splitting energy is given to you if the same metal forms a tetrahedral complex with the same Li then what will be the crystal field split energy for the same uh you know for this complex and that to you have to find it in Delta EV okay sorry not Delta that you have to find it in electron volt okay because there are four lians everyone okay because there are four lians then we know that for Delta tetrahedral it is 2x3 of Delta octahedral okay yes what is this this is 2x3 of Delta octahedral okay so now now we know that Delta tetrahedral is going to be equal to 4 multiplied with 2x 3 multiplied with Delta octahedral has how many lians guys so let's write here six because there are six lians six lians will be occupying the space right in octahedral complexes yes absolutely very good okay now take a look at it so 4 multiplied with 2x3 multiplied with Delta opal is given to you as 1.8 ided 6 right so now let let's do this two here and this will be three so three multiplied with this this will be 0.6 now four multiplied with 0.6 it will be 2.4 divided by 3 that means that this will be equal to 0.8 electron volt and correct answer is option b okay all right which complex exhibits potential candidate for information storage man H information storage I think that's biology that you are asking bro I don't teach you bio I teach you chemistry okay so guys that's it these are your these are your you know questions that we have solved today correct answer is 0.8 with this note thank you so much I really hope that you found this session useful and you like the session if you did do not forget to hit the like button and let us know in the comment section that you want more session I'll bring you more questions and everybody let me also show you one more thing so this is our YouTube channel everyone you will find that I'm searching for our YouTube channel right here everybody right right here see Vidant J English I have searched for it and I have clicked on it here see this is our Vidant J English Channel okay now in this channel okay in this channel if you go to the video section go to the video section and then if you go down here okay or just search here guys see see everybody see see see see look at it look at it see I'm showing you here see here is a search button so search for search for coordin ination compound coordination compounds J English okay if you search for it see you will be getting this can you all watch this session please watch this session everyone see this has already 78,000 students that have watched watch this session I promise you every single topic that you are finding it difficult in coordination compound you will be thorough with the session okay you will be thorough with the session so please watch this session all your doubts related to coordination compound will be done I'll be sending you this PDF in the telegram Channel everybody yes I'll be sending you this PDF in the telegram channel do join the telegram Channel and you can also join my telegram Channel which is nabamita no sorry my telegram channel is Nobita ma'am okay you guys call me noita ma'am no so my telegram channel name is noita ma'am you can follow me on telegram if you want you can also follow me on Instagram Instagram it is naita navita a no okay all right so you guys can follow me I'll see you there t bye-bye lots of love you have your math session coming up so stay
Channel: Vedantu JEE English
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Id: 7C4o_xphS80
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Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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