SCOOTY - a mind blowing short by Peter France

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] are you okay you see you the scooter is you're ruining the city you think you're so cool huh you're so hip scooting around the wind in your hair not a care in the world give me that sorry i just did a story i just get a secret sorry come on [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god my worst nightmare how do you think i feel i am living this right now robot made out of scooters so is that like a bad thing scooters ruined my life they're the worst i was gonna say the worst because they are stupid stupid and awful awful disgusting oh i hate scooters so much i do not know what to do with all of these feelings i'll show you what you can do [Music] pretty [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] wow this place is so cool ooh what does that do mixed up hot what's this for pee pee who are they friends what's that pizza what are those beer what is all this this is dinner dinner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can we do dinner again tomorrow i mean yeah it's uh kind of an everyday thing scooty you do this every day yeah you don't come on breakfast lunch sometimes brunch crunch best parts of breakfast best parts of lunch [Music] brunch oh my god can we do that i mean yeah tomorrow sure yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did the scooters ruin your life huh in the alley you said scooters ruined your life we were a team of champions we were to wield transit with the beatles for a rock and roll except when we rolled [Music] we stuck together [Music] you're so i thought byron why don't you show us how these bad batteries work [Music] would you look at that photo anyone can do it this is incredible what are you guys doing have you seen these no no this is not us we're not doing this this is stupid get away anyway that's why i hate scooters but you don't hate me right no you're you're scooty not some inanimate object everyone else probably hates you though well these how do i make them not hate me come with me so people hate you because you're a scooter right um well they do okay but that's just because i think you're this dumb stupid lifeless soulless chunk of junk so show them what you're not [Music] wow what is this jake you could call it a [Music] heist and we are back with the ceo himself and founder byron scott why don't you tell us more about this big black box here what does it do it's next generation server hardware costing only 20 entire core traffic how to get back to uh it sounds too good to be true scooty has transferred all of its server data over to this one singular unit incredible but what about scooty's user data risk if there's a power outage someone carries it out the building gps uh backup the only way this thing is going down is if you sink into the bottom of the pacific ocean incredible right way okay okay so we get the box put it in the plane fly it over the ocean drop it no more scooters fly just throw it off the pier he's in the middle of the pacific ocean yeah it sounds fun definitely but you know there's other fun stuff we can do for example brunch i am not going out for brunch with you bro i mean look at the tv they get the [ __ ] out of us that's it's not fair i know so let's make it right we get rid of the scooters i get my friends back and people don't hate you we could get brunch hold on are you manipulating me no okay let's do it yes [Music] do you take venmo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh david uh you need to take these uh faulty scooters up to the uh the maintenance floor the server floor for maintenance those are gonna go straight to the scooter scorcher the scooter sculpture the incinerator oh uh so what's good bro do you need a recycle yeah just some some stupid scuba scraps uh what happened struck by lightning oh i know this is so exciting i know stay cool let's go [Music] you bust in get the card and i'll turn off the cameras okay okay one two [Music] three hey hey you said you could be down here oh scoot i'm just going to put the scooter deposits for you let me help you with that oh no that's fine that's fine there's a white male and it's totally good you know what i got this you sure yeah thank you though okay don't do anything funny okay no no all right we're gonna get me out of here i'm slipping [ __ ] the door's closing just hold on no one i'm gonna fall out for like five seconds please i'm serious [Music] [Music] hello anybody help me jake no this is zoey hi zoe how did you get in there okay it's kind of long story yesterday i was born and he just left you down there no he was gonna come back for me honestly this guy sounds like such an [ __ ] no it's it's not like that what do you say we get you out of there and we go get some coffee [Music] i'm taking this in for uh maintenance [Music] i almost died in there oh don't be dramatic give me the keys no here's what's gonna happen okay i'm taking that i'm finishing this heist and then i can hang out with the people that actually want to get coffee with me whatever that is here are your stupid rollerblades they're tacky anyway i really wanted to be your friend [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] everyone out of the way i don't think i can stop this thank you sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's it [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] jake scooty i'm sorry i'm so sorry i should have never left you back there i was stupid stupid and awful awful and you are my friend my only one and it may not be much but you're my best friend [Music] here we go baby [Music] jake what what's gonna happen to me scooty you were struck by lightning you'll be fine okay i promise you don't know that i mean like maybe we could just do some research before seriously i just hung off the side of a plane for you god you were so what what am i jake so right really we can do this anytime but we only have an hour left until lunch you don't mean that's exactly what i mean what do you say you and me go get some [Music] i got you i'm fine i'm absolutely fine i hate you sure you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Corridor
Views: 1,011,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scooter, electric scooter, e scooter, e bike, ev, electric vehicle, peter france, corridor crew, ebike, byrd, lime, short film, film festival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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