Scientists Reveal How Dreams Can Kill You In Real Life

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brainiacs have you ever considered that falling asleep could be deadly that what we dream about could kill us here in the real world maybe even more horrifying than that have you ever wondered if while you were asleep you could be the one doing the killing but you wouldn't have any idea today we are discussing how dreams can indeed be deadly some real-life instances of oneness has occurred and also when someone has been fast asleep and went on a rampage against his family looks like Freddy Krueger's got nothing compared to today's video dreams can be really intense experiences we've all woken up in a cold sweat after a particularly terrifying nightmare and felt our heart racing at 100 miles per hour but can the subject of our dreams cause us to die in real life for example if we dreamed that we were running into the street naked to avoid a herd of lions and then we were hit by a truck could this kill us here in the real world for many years it was believed that this could be the case in the 1970s Cambodian refugees that fled to the United States were thought to be dying in their sleep due to terrifying nightmares of their experiences while living under Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime seemingly healthy young men who claimed they didn't want to go to sleep due to bad dreams would simply never wake up and die in their sleep but as research continued on these young men scientists found out the true cause of their untimely demise --is turns out these men weren't dying because of their nightmares they've had Regatta syndrome this syndrome causes irregular heartbeats in the lower chambers of the heart so it wasn't the dream it was their condition so go ahead and put your mind to rest when it comes to those dreams of you falling off a skyscraper and waking up just before you hit the ground the dream itself won't kill you however a dream like this could absolutely lead to your death when we are asleep we put our bodies in a rather vulnerable state a terrifying dream could cause someone to roll around and if they were in a bunk bed or on a loft they could absolutely fall in such a way that they seriously hurt themselves in fact 450 people died per year due to falling out of bed on top of that sleeping is also a time that humans are more susceptible heart attacks when humans are in the rapid eye movement or REM State we not only start to dream and get a good night's rest but funny things start happening to our heartbeat as well during this time our heart rates are less stable than they normally would be while awake if you have a heart condition you very well could up your chances of a heart attack as you sleep a terrifying dream can cause a burst of adrenaline in your system which would mean your heart rate suddenly increases and you guessed it this could cause a heart attack this is the closest it gets to a dream killing you in real life so don't worry as long as you don't have a heart condition you can keep watching those scary movies but the danger doesn't stop there brainiacs sleepwalking is quite real and there have been accounts of people not only hurting themselves unintentionally while asleep but hurting others too one famous sleepwalking case involved a teenage girl named Sandy and when she was asleep she tore her bedroom door off the hinges one night she was unable to replicate the strength when she was awake and scientists theorized it was due to the adrenaline her body produced while dreaming another case of sleepwalking weirdness happened when a young man drove to his parents house over 10 miles away while asleep he finally woke up when he was startled by the sound of his own fists hammering on the front door of the house here right but do sleepwalkers ever do anything more sinister the answer is yes a famous 1987 case which involved a Canadian man Kenneth Parkes ended with his acquittal of a charge of murder when he used the sleepwalking defense park's first drove 14 miles to his parents in-laws house strangled his father-in-law causing him to pass out then hit his mother-in-law over the head with a tire iron and then stabbed them both with a kitchen knife when police talked to him he had no recollection of any of it and had no memory of how the injuries he had sustained during the encounter had occurred so the jury found him not guilty their reasoning if he's not conscious he's not responsible and thus not guilty so what can you do if you or someone you know is a sleepwalker you guessed it see your doctor luckily there are medications that you can take like benzodiazepines which not only reduce nightmares but we'll also stop the strolling round whilst asleep and should put an end to those unconscious attacks as well well looks like if you are having bad dreams best make sure that you do all you can in the real world to make sure your heart is in tip-top shape and maybe line your floor with some super soft pillows because while the dream itself won't kill you what happens afterward just might and when it comes to sleepwalking if you see someone strolling around deep and sleep best you just leave them be and get them to a doctor right away once they wake up [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 263,222
Rating: 4.843523 out of 5
Keywords: Brainiac, dreams, nightmares, dreaming, Freddy Kruger, Sleepwalking, REM, sleep, night, night time, snore, snoring, animation, animated story, animated science, science facts, brugada syndrome, dream of falling, horror stories, sleeping, falling out of bed, heart attacks, scientist reveal, what dreams mean
Id: NLleqiVVFfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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