Scientists Confirm Dogs Can Recognize Bad People

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scientists confirm that dogs can recognize an untrustworthy person when your dog growls at someone in your home they may be on to something so on our countdown today we have the top four reasons why you should trust your dog before you believe your friends number one science proves that dogs know when someone is rude to you it's fascinating to think that a dog can figure out when someone is rude to you according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience and bio behavioral reviews dogs can tell when someone is being a jerk this research was conducted at Kyoto University in Japan around 2015 in this study scientists conducted a live experiment with dogs and their owners what they found is enlightening the live scientific experiment involved two different phases in both scenarios the dog owner would pretend to struggle with opening a package that contained a toy then the actors came in in the first case the hired actor aggressively refused to help in the second scenario the actor helped open the container after the performance the actors were instructed to give treats to the owners dog the dogs accepted food from the actor who tried to help however they refused treats from the actor who didn't lend a hand and that brings us to number two on our countdown number two science proves dogs know when someone is deceitful believe it or not dogs don't respond to unreliable people and this brings us to number two on our countdown and back to Kyoto University in Japan the home of dog research but this time with another scientist this study was conducted by Akiko takaoka in 2015 this research laid the foundation for a groundbreaking experiment as to why dogs trust some people and not others and this study wasn't just a paper it was a live experiment where researchers believed a dog would go where you pointed if you were telling the truth most people know an obedient dog will go where you point if you are honest but scientists wanted to this theory they conducted their experiment in three parts with 24 different dogs on the first test they pointed each dog to go to an overturned container that concealed a treat lucky dogs on the second test they pointed each dog to an empty container instead of one with food every dog fell for it why wouldn't they but here's the problem on the third round they pointed each dog to another concealed treat none of the dogs would go for it the moral of the story if you trick a dog once you may get away with it but you won't trick them twice and on the third strike you're out John Bradshaw who is a scientist from the University of Bristol in the UK weighs in with his opinion he states that dogs like predictability so you can't ever mislead them apparently they know honesty when they see it which brings us to number three on our countdown number three science proves dogs can understand hand gestures and body language according to animal behavior expert canines will pick up on every move a dog or human makes whether it's stiff behavior playfulness or nervous behavior a dog will know immediately this is because dogs rely on canine body language to assess their own safety when they around other dogs this inbred behavior transfers directly to human behavior as well so if a person you know is saying one thing but acting differently your dog will sense it immediately that's why your dog will bark or growl at a person they think they may be an immediate threat even if that person is only thinking of harming you in the future dogs can pick up on unintentional and subtle cues like when someone is nervous or has anger towards you this person might seem all right to you but your dog knows better number four science proves dogs can read facial expressions a recent study published in the Journal of learning and behavior addresses the subject of whether or not dogs can read facial expressions conducted by scientists from a university in Valentino Italy this study confirms what you were thinking all along your dog knows what you were thinking from your facial expressions but they know what other people are thinking too this is a remarkable study and it was an experiment where scientists showed dogs photos they were blown up photographs of people with different emotions these were pictures of faces that expressed fear sadness surprise anger disgust and happiness but there was one more facial expression it was a neutral facial expression during the experiment a dog's heart would actually run faster when they were shown the angry happy surprised disgusted sad or fearful photos the scientific studies showed that when humans exhibit a clearly aroused emotional state we are doing something alarming we are baring our teeth this can indicate to a dog that we are baring our fangs which of course we are not but if you do experience an extreme emotional swing don't bare your teeth and hug your dog at the same time dogs will see these both as a threat it makes them nervous and overexcited [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 2,504,946
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Keywords: can dogs recognize bad people, can dogs detect bad people, can dogs identify a bad person, scientific evidence that dogs can recognize bad person, dogs, facts, Scientists confirm that dogs can recognize an untrustworthy person., . Science proves that dogs know when someone is rude to you, scientific journals, science, experiment, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Akiko Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japanese scientists, dogs understand body language, dogs can read facial expressions
Id: P2ZU8PDat-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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