Science of Happiness According to Yoga-Vedanta | Pravrajika Divyanandaprana | Talks at Google

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hello everyone thank you for joining us today my name is abishek Mishra and I'm the prod operations lead at Google today I'm extremely honored to welcome praja divyan Prana mat to talk at Google ma G is a monastic member of Sri sardam mat India she's well known for her clarity of thought and Lucid way of exposition of yoga vanta philosophy and how it relates to Conventional Sciences ma G has been invited to speak on this topic at various prestigious universities internationally and has traveled extensively on speaking engagements she also teaches a course on yoga vidanta every summer at IIT Delhi the courses are available for free on YouTube in today's talk mat G will discuss her book The Science Of Happiness according to yoga vanta we will explore the philosophical psychological neurological and essential aspects of happens thus identifying the connection between yogic sciences and mind management so before we begin a quick housekeeping announcement towards the end uh there will be an opportunity to ask questions through the chat feature on YouTube so if you do have questions feel free to put them on the chat as we go so let's get started Namaste ma Namaste welcome to thank you thank you for having me here the stage is yours ma take it away thank you so much um I'm delighted to be at Google sharing my thoughts with all of you and uh it's going to be regarding the book signs of happiness and of course um all the content that has gone into this book we're going to discuss something of that for the next 20 minutes after which we will have your questions um when it comes to the signs of happiness I don't think there's anybody on this planet who would deny a subject like this because it's something we are all aiming for it is uh everybody's goal to derive the maximum happiness that is available to us in this uh through our activities through our thoughts through work through everything we do so we will be discussing some very important aspects of the signs of Happiness um I have put all of this into this book which you just saw uh this is the signs of Happiness according to yog and Vidant this is actually a series of talks given at I Delhi as part of a course uh on the signs of Happiness uh it was the beb 731 course at I Delhi delivered in 2018 August 2018 so the lectures were compiled into this book because there after uh we floated the course there's there was a whole lot of interest on this subject and so many males and so many people wanting to correspond with us and trying to uh get this material U and try to understand the yogic and vedantic approach also towards u a comprehensive understanding of happiness and that that is why we published this book uh the contents of this book cover a variety of fields I would say you have a lot of Neuroscience here you have positive psychology you have philosophical systems being discussed and you have yoga psychology all of it in one book because we are going to uh dive into a very comprehensive study of Happiness as a science because as you all know happiness is a subjective experience how do you convert a subjective experience into a science so the attempt has been made here um in trying to understand what are the factors that actually contribute to keeping the Mind happy and how can we enhance those factors uh what are the Neuroscience perspectives to it and how do you actually uh correlate neuroplasticity with yoga psychology and then so you have the yogic and vedantic views of Happiness also you also have a chapter on everyday paths to Joy which is how do we make all this practical and uh all this level of knowledge how are how are we going to use it in our everyday life and use it on an everyday basis what are the things we can adopt uh the attitudes we can adopt uh the understanding we can adopt in order to make this an everyday thing so this everyday path to Joy I would like to start with that because you know many people have a very theoretical understanding of happiness and joy but in their own life they are struggling with a huge amount of sorrow and today's me mental health issues especially point out to the fact that we must be able to convert all this understanding into a completely practical format so I would first like to uh that is why dwell into this the everyday paths to Joy which many of us miss out in our uh in in chasing the uh most important aspects of life we miss out the everyday paths to Joy available to us so if you actually go into this book you will see one of the most um you can say practical downto Earth uh paths to Joy lies in having a grateful uh accepting mindset so if we are grateful on an everyday basis and what is called savoring today you know it what it means to say is appreciation with gratitude with gratefulness if we have this attitude of mind and if we can savor every experience uh make our mind such that it is able to savor every little bit of positivity in our lives and be grateful for it you know that brings a lot of positivity into your mind so one of the essential everyday paths to Joy lies lie in appreciation with gratit itude a positive mindset a positive language and deep appreciation for all the good things in life so uh I would always give the example of uh food to my students if a if a plate of food has to come before you do you have you ever thought how many people have worked for it and have made it possible are you grateful for all that energy and action uh which has come to you now as food so so this uh special attitude of mind will bring a whole lot of positivity and a sort of serene joy into our hearts so this is one thing which we can do on an everyday basis I would say the second um everyday path to Joy is uh finding your flow uh I'm sure you know uh today there's a lot of understanding lot of knowledge about this concept of flow uh it's a very very important concept given to us by zik miali something along these lines you also find in the panjali yog sutras where a complete intellectual engagement into something complete absorption of mind to such an extent that you lose sense of time this is very important for the feeling of uh inner contentment and happiness so we must be able to find our flow uh many young people find it in intellectual Pursuits or even in sports they find it in music in art forms Performing Arts there are whole lot of things in which you can find your flow but it is important to find your flow so that you don't lose this essential absorptive immersive aspect of life and once you have found your flow you will see your energy you don't have to train yourself towards it it just flows towards that and it results in deep intellectual spontaneous engagement and uh gives your mind completely refreshed after the after the experience so this is another very important everyday path to Joy connect with your flow the third point I would like to mention here is finding deep meaningfulness in life contributes a lot to your inner happiness see we all understand this in in in a way because we don't do any action which is not meaningful isn't it we really do something only with a purpose if you have a deeper purpose deeper meaning to whatever you do you know you don't actually require entertainment to keep you happy so this is a huge psychological fact uh which is accepted today in a big way because uh you you know even in positive psychology you have the equation H is equal to P plus e plus M which means happiness is equal to pleasure plus engagement this meaning we have understood the importance of this meaning in our lives if we are doing something which is uh sufficiently meaningful you know you don't require anything else to keep you happy and it was clearly seen that if you have enough meaning to your life you can actually dispense with even pleasure and engagement so this is a very interesting psychological fact um another everyday path to happiness I would point out is you know keeping a very very healthy state of body and mind a healthy physic if you just want to change a mood uh you can just go for a long run jog somewhere or climb up a mountain play tennis play Squash go for a swim just these kind of activities physical activities will immediately change your mental mood so this is the relationship between mind and body you if you find yourself brooding over something or not able to get out of some kind of a thought current or um you know overthinking about something worrying about something uh fearful then just do some uh intense physical activity and you will see your mood is replaced it gets changed so this is a very important another everyday path to changing our moods and finding our joys in everyday life the second thing is I mean the next thing is uh a general attitude of optimism what we call positive thinking today I can't uh tell you enough about the miracle of positive thinking uh because you know if you just change your mental dialogue U sometimes most of the time it's monologue if you just change that into something very positive all the time you will see that your ex the experiences of your life become positive this is so magical that um you know it's it falls under the law of attraction but it's something more than that the mirac of positive thinking you just have to focus on generating positive thought in every situation and what you repeat you will become that what you repeatedly feel in your mind you will start experiencing that and what you repeatedly imagine you will actually create that so these are some of the uh important principles of positive thinking a mindset which is um oriented towards this naturally produces joy every day it it results in a joyous living without even uh too many external factors to keep you engaged and happy so you see with all these everyday paths to Joy you can understand one fundamental thing that you know happiness is a state of your mind if you are able to generate uh a particular level of mental awareness and mental engage engagement and you have enough meaning to your actions and thoughts you will stay happy you will stay calm you will produce what is called contentment within your heart at any given moment of time so you see these are all factors which are in our hands and so many of our philosophies religions have told us about this that it has to do with your mind happiness is a state of your mind so take care of your mind first that that's so very important so these are some of the Practical aspects of the signs of happiness but there are a whole lot of other things which are which have been discussed in the signs of Happiness which I would now like to dwell upon uh first and foremost we have extensively extensively discussed the levels of happiness available to the human being see this is everybody's experience so uh I don't actually have to explain it but there are different levels of happiness There's an actual ladder of Happiness available to us to our experience the first rung of the ladder is the sensory level of Happiness available the happiness you get through the senses you uh you get through seeing good things uh hearing good things touching good things tasting good things so this is the first just described as the first rung of the ladder in in yoga philosophy Beyond this you have the the nature of the sensory white called called just the first rung of the ladder is this experience is um very very transient um it it doesn't last even for a few seconds it passes away very quickly so something so transitory cannot be given permanent value this is the idea and so you have higher and higher levels of happiness uh so the problem comes in human life when we try to maximize happiness only at one rung of the ladder without climbing the ladder of Happiness so so they will tell you immediately that the next rung of the ladder lies in mental happiness you see happiness born of beautiful thought wonderful emotions a a very positive orientation of your will this will give you greater happiness than merely eating a ice cream uh cone or having something you like so that level of happiness is something higher is the happiness born of thought it's the happiness born of U you see you write a beautiful poem for our hours together you will feel so saturated within yourself U so contented so happy for no reason is just because something creative has emerged from you so this is the happiness born of thought and of beautiful emotion you love somebody even when you love your pet you know how much of happiness that gives you so this is um the state of uh the the second rung of the ladder which is mental happiness uh generated by thought emotion the proper orientation of the will all this then you have the next rung of the ladder which is uh an intellectual level of happiness you can say that is higher than mere mental happiness because when the intellect is deeply uh absorbed into something it generates flow high level what is called intellectual engagement where you lose all sense of time so the generation of flow leaves you completely satisfied after the experience you realize that you were in a state of bliss a state of spontaneous absorption so this is a very important state in the development of the human mind and this has been given so much value because for the first time you understand that deep levels of happiness are possible in The Human Experience so that's why the importance of finding our flow and then you have the ne the next rung of the ladder after this level also that is the happiness which comes out of service service activities whenever you make somebody happy you know this is a mysterious law of the universe at once your mind will become very glad you just feel the goodness of life in your own heart so you have this beautiful um statement you know in the um imitation of Christ it is so beautifully put there that the joy of a clean conscience gives more is more than the joy of any philosophy so this is the beauty of service activities community service activities kindness compassion just doing something on an everyday basis to make somebody happy to make the people around you happy by doing that you ensure your own happiness your own mental balance uh a feeling of Deep satisfaction Reigns in the heart and for long time you know if you just eat an ice cream cone it's a very shortterm happiness but when you indulge in service activities or in flow activity then it it results in long-term happiness it is something which stays in in your memory and it's going to uh go you towards uh higher and higher forms of happiness it is something which you cannot forget it it becomes like that because it's a very glad state of mind that you experience as a result so this is the next rung of the ladder the the level of service but the highest strung of the ladder of Happiness lies in what we call meditation or that transcendental state where you are totally captured or you can say absorbed immersed in a very high level of awareness in a transcendental level of Consciousness where the Mind does not flip from object to object it is a meditative State a meditative awareness is generated which leaves you with complete happiness so those of you who have practiced meditation you will know what I mean why is it that people hunger after spiritual practices and meditation it's only because the meditative State you can only place it as the highest rung of the ladder it leaves you completely satisfied it leaves you in Bliss this it leaves you in Rapture and ecstasy so this is why this state has been highlighted in all uh spiritual practice and religions because they always uh assured us of a super uh you can say superlative level of Happiness there for the simple reason the mind has touched its source what do I mean by that the mind has touched a level from where it emerges and indulges in all these activities when it touches that Source it becomes imbued with a very high level of awareness or Consciousness you can say pure Consciousness what we say and that leaves it simply sparkling with joy Blissful by itself and this is not due to any you know it's not a synthetic Joy it is not due to an object it is Joy inherent to the self the Bliss inherent to your true nature and that that just comes out of your personality that comes and touches your mind so your mind becomes extremely happy you sort of radiate a level of peace and happiness which uh which is infectious you know people can understand it so that is why the the rung of meditation uh is placed that's the highest rung of the ladder of happiness because the meditative awareness generates a very very subtle transcendental form of J uh which is to be experienced to be known so now yoga psychology tells us that if you want to maximize optimize happiness in your lives you must climb this ladder don't get stuck at just one level and try to maximize your happiness there by collecting more objects you can't do that in fact if you try to maximize happiness at the sensory level by collecting more objects around you you will be put on the honic treadmill which means um you you just indulging without satisfaction and the mind is extremely Restless jumping to the next object of Joy because it doesn't get any form of stable satisfaction anywhere so in order to understand this experience you must you must see for yourself the sensory level of happiness is only the first rung of the ladder you can't try to maximize happiness there you just climb the ladder you go to the next level the mental level of Joy then you go to the intellectual absorptive Joy then you go to the level of service selfless service which brings great joy to others that will leave you profoundly affected profoundly Blissful and finally the highest is the joy of the meditative awareness this actually cannot be explained because it is a complete state of absorption um a samadi like State you can can say but whatever it is it leaves you Blissful within yourself so these are the levels of Joy available to The Human Experience so this book contains all of this and if you climb the ladder you yourself will understand that you know happiness can be increased proportionately in our lives in fact uh yoga is nothing but uh by yoga here I mean meditation the practice of meditation it is nothing but a way to you know raise the bar of your happiness through enhanced awareness yoga is in fact the science of raising I mean um giving you the experience of the highest happiness raising the bar of happiness in your experience uh by raising your awareness deepening your awareness so all of these ideas you will find in this book signs of Happy happiness in addition to this we have a lot of psychological facts which have been put into this book like for example what is conditioning how does conditioning affect your thought process and as a result your happiness the different determinants of happiness in your life what positive psychology says about longlasting happiness and then you have um the a thorough understanding and study of the concept of flow then you have the source of Happiness why is why is spiritual knowledge or the knowledge of the self considered to be the source of Happiness there's a deep penetration into that drawing examples from the upanishads I'm sure you know what what are the upanishads the Essential Knowledge portion of the Vic literature is what we call Vidant or the upanishad and a lot of information from yoga psychology yogic text like panjali yog sutras all of this have been put into this book book further on you also have a deep study of the technology of Happiness how your mind and your awareness contribute to your happiness so this fundamental technology is something we should understand because you know uh finally you can you can see this very clearly as an Insight in your meditative state that happiness is an exponential function of your awareness the deeper your awareness the more happy you will be by yourself and the more cluttered your mind which means the Lesser your awareness the denser the mind the lesser the awareness the more you require objects to keep you happy and engaged so you see happiness is directly proportional to your awareness so then how to generate this Clarity of awareness these states of mind for that we have a complete discussion on meditation meditative States the asang yog of pangali the meditative techniques of the upanishads and aoro understanding of what is attention how exactly do you meditate what exactly is the yogic definition of attention the importance of uh you know mind management and emotional maturity in order to attain these higher levels of meditation all this also has been discussed and the research methodologies in subjective Sciences have also been discussed because you know this is actually a science and it has its own research um if you see in many universities in India vedanta is considered a science of Consciousness and yoga yoga psychology is are provides you the techniques uh the technology of Consciousness and happiness so all this you will find as part and parcel of this book further on there is a chapter on existential inquiry and meditation so how exactly vanta employs methods to take you into uh the knowledge of pure Consciousness and then uh the different kinds of meditation finally you have um a chapter which summarizes or recapitulates the entire understanding of happiness that we have passed through and um when you come to this chapter you must uh you will all already be acquainted with some of the most essential aspects of um you can say modern psychology our philosophical systems neuros psychology and positive psychology on how to generate sustained and complete levels U higher levels of happiness how to remain there in those States and how to make them part and parcel of your life which means how to uh put this entire thing into practice so a complete hold over all this will come uh just by going through all these thoughts I would like to uh tell you that you see the creation of this book was out of uh the necessity of studying happiness in depth not just in terms of you know pleasure oriented activity that is considered I as I told you the only the first rung of the ladder but what does deep level happiness and satisfaction mean and how does it enhance or en Noble human life how it becomes uh you know one of the determinants of human evolution because you know when you are happy you function best you will work at your optimal best so how to keep you happy all the time and at a deeper level how to help you manage your mind so that these states are possible so this is the entire focus of this book and U I can tell you this that the whole lot of intellectual from all over the world actually made me produce this book I was uh in the first instance I didn't have the time to uh write this book uh but I got a lot of help and uh I got a lot of encouragement from people all over the world uh professors philosophers men of science uh physicists and the entire IIT faculties uh faculty group so all of them encouraged me to bring this out and today it is uh in the form of a book in front of you it's available on amazon. India so it is a complete study of the science of Happiness which which um you know comprises I mean encompasses its entire philosophical psychological spiritual and practical aspects so I think uh it is a book useful to young and old alike a whole lot of people are studying this book and that's why I have a heavy correspondence only based on this this book actually speaking a lot of it is based on meditative practice and and understanding of Happiness from the first person perspective let me make this clear these are not thoughts borrowed from the scriptures or from uh third person uh experiments they are from the first person perspective how does your mind itself understand happiness when it is in a state of deep quietness calmness how will it understand happiness and how will it enhance happiness so it's a study of that it's a research based on uh it's a book based on first person research this is what I want to tell you because U I am a nun and I I do a lot of contemplation the book is a result of contemplative practice and understanding so I hope it will make a lot of sense to people in the modern world those who want to dive deep into the signs of happiness thank you for having me present this uh introduction to the book here and thank you for having me here thank you thank you B wonderful fantastic talk you know I for one will certainly start thinking about happiness differently now um one thing to not like obviously I have a bunch of questions for you already um but first thing I want to start about is you mentioned yoga and V uh so how do these relate to modern modern world like these seem to be like an ancient philosophy how how do they relate right so uh that's a very beautiful question see why is it that we are um studying yog vant which are very ancient philosophies in fact the vant is more than 5,000 years old it's the philosophy of the upes uh the knowledge portion of the vas which is at least 5,000 years old and the Y yoga Psychology was codified I mean the yog sutras were codified in 2 Century BC so that is also a fairly old text so why is it how is it relevant today and how are we drawing insights from that see if you actually look into the subject matter of these uh books the upanishads or the yog sutras you will see they are talking about Consciousness they are talking about human consciousness at once this makes the subject matter relevant to our uh interest in Consciousness studies today into contemplative psychology which we are studying today so this is how the relevance comes about you know uh you you'll be surprised to know every morning after my meditative practices I take up the upanishads or yog sutras with the commentary and I just dive deep into that and when I do that you know know my mind is uh I can't tell you bursting with energy and enthusiasm and joy I can't explain it why that happens but it's just that there are such deep insights in these books and if you have found a meditative connection with what they are trying to say because we hold the openes to be the revelations of rishis if you can get in touch with that Rishi mind you will understand this is very deep level knowledge it's in of the nature of a Revelation and Revelation about the nature of my own Consciousness that's the beauty of it so automatically you see this piece of literature becomes part of the signs of Consciousness uh just recently I was on a trip of various us universities which had invited me for talks and there this is what I told them that you see when we do Consciousness studies we should also take into consideration the understanding of pure Consciousness or Consciousness in itself not the contents of Consciousness like thought emotion whatever your beliefs your will not all that just bear awareness pure awareness this is essentially you know what we call self- knowledge knowledge of my uh unalloyed being so if I can catch that in meditation and if we can convert that into a an understanding a signs of Consciousness it will be a huge contribution to uh modern science isn't it so that is why I'm telling you these ancient philosophies are very much part and parcel of modern thought and they are being accepted like that everywhere in fact if you read patanjali yog sutras they are so small they will come in one A4 page you know the entire but you go into the commentaries on it they are huge volumes such thick volumes and what insightful ideas they they present because they are all like G understood and being interpreted from the meditative State and you the entire understanding of Mind management the ways of the Mind how to control mind what is an emotion what is thought what is the connection between the two what is attention all of this has been covered that is so how Rel so you can understand how relevant it is to modern science totally yes actually I've heard there a lot of studies going on Consciousness studies and they refer to these these text as as as one of the thing um moving on to the next question I think um it it seems like uh after reading the book um a lot of the unhappiness if you will uh you know comes arises from us identifying with body mind and you know the external objects the and and the whole thing is about de identifying from these so that you can stay at a higher level however when I'm awake and I'm talking to you right now I'm using my body and mind so is it ever possible to De identify yes it's that's a good question very vedantic question see you don't de identify through a thought process how do you de identify you just drop body Consciousness in fact if you see it in your everyday life when you're deeply absorbed into something your body Consciousness is very very meager very minimal you are not even conscious of you being particularly like abishek Mishra you know it's just your deep level mental engagement that is dominant in your mind whatever you are doing so what panjali yog suas and all these scriptures are telling us is what is the meaning of dropping body Consciousness not that you cease to identify with the body it holds no more dominion over your mind you have generated a level of awareness that goes far beyond being just conscious of the body so this is the meaning of transcending body Consciousness or not being body conscious because you know yes it's the your level of focus has shifted to a different level Al together your the extent of your focus so naturally body Consciousness will drop deep flow will be generated and you just grasp what you are concentrated on that's the idea thank you thank you very much and so so in the sense like the there are two aspects to it one is like I control my mind mind management so everything I could then there is like then in that case how should I handle the negative interactions for example if you know I I interact with other human beings and there's a lot of stuff that is thrown at me technology you know so much so much stuff happening outside yes how yeah yeah yeah that's the most important question all of my students almost ask me this question you know so uh what we do in addition to imparting this this theoretical knowledges we train them in meditation also uh the essential thing is the ability to manage mind and not allow mind to be carried away by the negativities that you know that can fall on us because the mind is constantly bombarded by a whole lot of stimuli from the outside now if I have to uh manage all of that stuff I must fundamentally be very stable Within Myself then whatever uh input comes from outside you know I will be able to process that properly I will be able to keep my focus very steady I will be able to put at attention on that which matters and I will remain emotionally stable so that this training only comes with meditative practice because you know you are meditation is about handling the inner instrument we call it anaran in yoga psychology it's the inner instrument whatever happens on the outside it is objective to my experience but my mind my awareness it is my being mind is the instrument through which your awareness expresses itself in the outer world so I must first learn the art of controlling or managing mind so for this you have enormous ideas I would tell I can tell you in all these scriptures the most fundamental idea is learn to stabilize yourself within yourself first see any thought comes to my mind any sensation passes through I should be able to see it objectively if you can do this much you have put a distance between you and any other Factor coming into your mind anything impinging on your mind from the outside anybody's comment anybody's negativity it will not affect you because you have effectively put a put a distance between myself and my the happenings in my mind so this is a possibility this you can perfectly do but you require a training to do this you know meditative practice begins this way understand that the self is watching the states of the mind you are watching the states of your mind that's how you know the content of your mind so if this can be practiced you know you develop a very stable inner state of mind which which which is full of awareness where from where it's a vantage point from where you can see all the different things happening in your mind so at once you develop a great control or balance within yourself and so you mentioned meditation obviously like so so how does what does it mean when did you say meditation does it mean like okay I need to quit and go sit in find a cave and sit in meditation or can I can I do this right now at this moment uh every day yeah of course you can do it right now in Google you can take it from me um I never tell my students to run away to any cave because I always tell them wherever you go you will take your mind with with you you know that's one companion you can never leave behind your mind will always go with you so if you can do it in a Himalayan cave you can very well do it in a Google office you can do it anywhere on Earth and all you have to do is understand the fundamentals of the meditative process I have a video called All About meditation so I would recommend that uh that one to uh the people who are watching this show because uh all about meditation will give give you a complete summary of what is required to prepare yourself for the meditative process and what exactly is meditation the art of fixing attention so as to take you into the transcendental level of awareness this is meditation so that has been covered entirely in that video perfect and I know we have we have like a few minutes left uh probably last few questions um yeah so you know in my daily life I Silicon Valley you know um we go about the day um you know any pointers on how we can incorporate this mind management into our into our into our daily life uh for your experience yeah uh practically what can be done is at least 15 minutes of every morning if they can be devoted to some level of what what I call yoga by yoga I mean meditative practice I don't mean just the asanas or pranayam I mean the the practice of concentrating at one point every day at the same time at the same place if you can generate uh this meditative uh mind or at least a few seconds every day in this meditative practice just devote 15 minutes every morning towards this you will see a whole lot of clarity will come into your mind this is the first thing I would suggest the second thing I would suggest is you know now physical fitness very important even for the practice of yoga so there are very many youngsters who ignore this because we have such a hectic lifestyle we ignore that but taking enough physical exercise making sure your food is really you know satk and energizing and making sure that good stuff everyday good thoughts go into your mind this is fundamental to this kind of practice so this can be made a a habit you know H habits are something you have to uh like willfully do and then it becomes automatic so if you begin this way then I think it's a huge gain over a period of time you'll see the Mind naturally yearns for a little more meditation good reading all this so it's a way how much and and how much time does it take M like I for some people it take short time for some people long time how how does how much time would it take see time is uh you know relative as if your if your mind comes to a real stand still then you can do it in a few seconds and if the mind is really not that if the mind is not doesn't get still quickly you may require even half an hour one hour so it will depend on uh well the capacity of your mind to stand still a lot depends on that uh this state is so so precious I can't tell you all knowledge is uncovered in this state all understanding comes in that state as long as the mind is flitting from object to object you will not understand the fundamental truths of your own existence it will be objectively engaged please see but when your mind touches Stillness becomes quiet and you become deep you're deeply aware but without a thought process that's a magical statement attain and that will that will give you everything that you require to understand that is we we're going to end with that the magical state where mind stays quiet uh that's the that's the biggest takeaway thank you Ma G for gracing us with your virtual presence an eye opening talk uh for folks who want to dig deeper you can buy the book online on Amazon or one of the vanta society bookshops uh the link is in the description of the talk um with that we can end thank you M for now thank you thank you God bless [Music] you
Channel: Talks at Google
Views: 8,983
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Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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