Science Continues to Reveal God

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That's a fairly dubious claim. I'm sure he provided some evidence, right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sidthelid66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

From what I remember of him, it's all about interpreting vague, poetic language in a way that makes it look compatible with contemporary scientific theories, which is a hard sell since Christianity had to be dragged kicking and screaming to accept those theories at all. If it was so clear that the Bible hinted at those theories, then why the delay?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IntellectualYokel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What does peer review say about his conclusions? What methodology did he use to demonstrate the existence of gods?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spaceghoti πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just goes to show you that someone may be an expert in one field (as we all are) but blindly stupid about other fields.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy whatever Robert Downey Jr. is shilling on TV...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/107197 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t find anything that indicates that Ross was a practicing astrophysicist after earning his last degree, but went directly into ministry after that. If that’s correct, then it indicates that he probably went through college and grad school with this Christian nonsense continuously in mind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OccamsRazorstrop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think he's wrong.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prajnadhyana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If he's the kind of Christian who would appear on The 700 Club, then he instantly loses respect.

In general, though, it doesn't bother me that people see their faith reflected in the universe. It happened to me, too, back when I was a believer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KurtWagnerX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"make it bigger or smaller you don't get life"

A true scientist would say: " make it bigger or smaller you don't get life as we know it". There might be a different form of life (which is not carbon-based) but that we don't know about any it doesn't mean that there isn't.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nathiss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's an idiot. What are his experiments? Did repeated experimentation yield consistent results? Did his peers who performed the same experiments get the same results?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FoxfireInferno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back you're watching the 700 club we've got a fascinating guest coming up right now Hugh Ross was 8 years old when he started saving money to buy a telescope when he finally looked through the lens he was amazed at the beauty of the universe today he's still looking at the stars and he says they helped prove the existence of a creator when dr. Hugh Ross was a young boy he was fascinated with astronomy Hugh read every physics book in the school library by the time he was 7 as a teen he was convinced the Big Bang Theory was the only explanation for the origin of life until he picked up the Bible since then dr. Ross has been providing scientific evidence of a purpose filled universe and explains recent discoveries in his updated book the creator and the cosmos join us for more is dr. Hugh Ross we welcome him back to the 700 club it was good to see you thank you I read this book of yours it is encyclopedic in your knowledge of everything how big is this universe well it's about 50 billion trillion stars where those stars make up a quarter of a percent of the universe 50 billion trillion stories or take a few million 50 billion trillion and that makes a quarter of the universe quarter of a percent quarter represent was the rest of the dark matter the rest of its dark matter and dark energy unbelievable yeah you know where we how big this earth in compared I mean the planet we're all it compared to there well it's a tiny speck I mean our planets only eight thousand miles in diameter and the universe is you know billions of light years out Rossi your book basically said that God the creator made all that trillions of stuff out there to support this tiny little planet we're all there wouldn't be a planet earth that the universe wasn't exactly that size make it bigger or smaller you don't get life it's got to be exactly that size exactly that size given the laws of physics the mass of the universe must be exquisitely fine-tuned the dark energy has to be fine-tuned even more in fact that ranks is the most spectacular fine-tuning design we can measure anywhere in science well I mean you're are sitting here on television talking about this and is it all based for us I mean oh oh we the the pinnacle of God's creation we are the whole you know me literally every component of the universe every event in the history of the universe must be exactly the way it is in order for billions of human beings to be living in a situation where they can be redeemed from their sin the whole universe is designed with redemption and mine maybe you look at the Bible it tells us God begins as works of redemption before he creates anything so every part of God's creation is for the purpose of our Redemption every part of God so we of every life-form every component of the earth well I noticed in your book you talked about all these these elements what are these elements and why are they so important the all these elements that if we had them we didn't have what does it have to do with us well a mass of the universe must be exquisitely fine-tuned they get 94 naturally existing elements in the periodic table and yeah we need every one of them for advanced light to be possible why why do we leave well I mean your body for example has 22 elements in it okay and many of those elements what we call vital poisons if you got too much in your body they will kill you if you got too few in your body it will kill you that to be exactly at the right level and we happen to be living on the one body in the universe where everything is exactly at the right level well now there are people who you know believe that the Bible I mean that the universe is 6,000 years old because of ushers dating how old is the universe according to scientific knowledge we now know it to four places the decimal 13.7 9 billion plus some minus point zero five thirteen point 779 yeah 79 billion 13 was it thirteen point seven nine yeah I tell the story there how we're now able to measure it very accurately the Earth's age we can measure to five places the decimal so how do we get such fine tuning on I mean 13 billion years how is that so far well like with thee the thing about you know we happen to be living at the right time in the history of the universe where we can see all of the history of the universe if we were created earlier we'd only be seeing part of the history of the universe we were created later only be seeing part we're at that one time where we can actually see the entire history of the universe and directly witnessed a cosmic creation event how do we see that I mean you the Hubble well the velocity of light it takes so when we looked at a distant galaxy we're not seeing it as it is now we're seeing as it was one light left that galaxy well we can now look so far away we can actually watch the universe being created we can actually get data from our telescopes it tells us the conditions of the universe when it was 100 billion of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second old that's so close we can get to the cosmic beginning say that they did a billion series if we can get to it in 100 billions of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second there's a whole chapter in this book and how we're able to do that and it's direct observations we're not inferring it were directly seeing it we're saying that elements our ability to witness the cosmic creation event which gives us such compelling proof that indeed we live in the universe cream oh my god we live on a planet that's in a solar system that's part of a galaxy called the Milky Way and that in turn is part of a spiral and maybe lie to tell us about that habit how does that all work so we can see from where we sit the rest of it well we happen to know II live at the right time to witness the whole history of the universe we're in the best possible place yeah to see the whole history of the universe were far from the galactic center you don't get blinded by the light okay I'm the bright stars there we're halfway between two spiral arms which again gives us a clear view of the heavens and we happen to be living in a cluster of galaxies where there are no giant galaxies and the galaxies are far enough apart we get a clear view of the heavens what about our Sun is there something unique about the Sun that we have enough yes yes I mean the Sun is remarkably stable as luminosity which is crucial for us to build a have civilization and for 60 years my colleagues have been looking for an exact enough twin of the Sun that they say maybe there could be a planet with advanced life on it they'd get to find one they haven't found one we're the only one we found stars that are twins of one another where we can't find a sufficient twin of the Sun that it could be a candidate Stephen Hawking just died he he didn't believe in a lot of these things what was wrong with him well I got a whole chapter in Stephen Hockey we're actually giving that chapter 12 away for free for anybody who wants it okay so go to our website reasons dot org slash CC they can get that chapter for free got to hear him when I was at Caltech yeah he spent a month out of every year at Caltech a remarkable man but also he showed some humility since you know they all think I'm so brilliant I've got an advantage over all of your rest of your Caltech I can't play golf I can't fish I can't hike all I can do is theoretical physics that's why I've been able to achieve because I'm not distracted was he that smart or was he that stupid because of philosophy was that focused I mean there's plenty of physicists and astronomers that are and brilliant as he is but he was singularly focused and he made some remarkable discoveries in fact he was the one along with Roger Penrose that came up of the first of the spacetime theorems which shows that there must be a causal agent beyond space and time that created everything now he didn't believe the implications of that but he was the one who actually said when he was interviewed by The Reader's Digest we proved that time as a beginning we proved the time was create and there had to be a causal agent outside exactly and that's what's unique about the God of the Bible the gods are the other religions create within space and time that God of the Bible creates independent of space and time and now we've got theorems that actually prove that had you ever figure that why God wants to fool with us I mean I talk to him I say you know why do you want to fool with me I mean I'm one of umpteen billion people on this planet and I was a tiny little globe I'm on well why does God want to fool with us he's got a purpose for you this isn't gonna be your final career okay I tell believers yeah God's got a career for you in the new creation as more than anything you can imagine is gonna be incredible significance they're gonna be a teacher in a rule over the Angels themselves and over everything else God creates God is exposing us to His grace the angels watch the grace of God we experience the grace of God so this life as brief as it is as a training ground for a remarkable career that we're going to happen in your creation these a great deal of humility though doesn't it as human beings I mean the fact that the we're special again it's kind of hard to understand why we would be special in the midst of this huge huge universe but he says I I've created all the things heaven is my throne earth is my footstool you know I think when you look at the universe the worst of their conclusion we must have incredible value in God's sight the fact that he created all of this so that we could exist and be you know have this training that we need to fulfill her future career when Einstein came up with his theory of relativity how does that impact what we're talking about is there anything about what he found that contrary to a theistic interpretation of this not at all in fact the space-time theorems and talking about they're based on the theory of general relativity if general relativity reliably describes the movements of bodies and universe then there is a beginning to space and time and a creator of and time and today as I've talked about in this book general relativity now ranks as the most exhaustively tested and best proven principle in all of physics therefore the God of the Bible indeed exists how did Einstein come up with this he's like a pope postal clerk over in Germany how does he come up with these things well he was trained in physics was he trying it was trained in physics yes he was working for the Patent Office in Switzerland pipet and that postal pen right yeah but on the side he was working on this physics theory and one person held he had he had great audacity this was yes this is what the physics community is saying but this is what I think that physics is saying and he first came up with his theory of special relativity which doesn't take a whole lot of brilliance it's a rather simple thing to derive all right his general relativity was a remarkable achievement and why is that well it's much more challenging to develop that in fact when he first came up with it the British mathematician master Arthur Eddington said there's only two people in the world to understand general relativity and I'm not sure about the other guy but today was about ten thousand ten thousand had to understand general relativity well he was looking for a unified space theory wasn't incorporated time into the right and we've made some progress towards that but in order to really get a firm handle on a unified field theory mm-hmm you need a particle accelerator forty trillion miles long and my colleagues joke that won't be funded until the Democrats control all branches of the government forty three forty trillion miles long kazar we're never gonna have a unified field theory that we're calling this book ladies and gentlemen is called creator the cosmos it was set up in like a textbook on it I mean it's it looks like it was set up for teaching people well there are study questions the end of each chapter yes we know small groups are going to want to go through this book but it's mainly a book that believers can give to their non-christian friends we see more people come to faith in Christ reading this book than any other book I've ever put out there's no conflict between true science and faith is there that you can see well that's how I came to faith is through my physics and astronomy that I realized the Bible indeed is the inspired Word of God and yeah was at age 99 gave my life to Christ or sign my name in the back of a Gideon Bible but it was based on two years of comparing but the Bible said about science and realizing he's the same Bible is more valid than the theory of thermodynamics or any of these other theorems that must have brought me to Christ was realizing that the Bible had a higher degree of reliability and trustworthiness that we could show through mathematics and what I could see and say the second law of thermodynamics I said I trust that law therefore I have to trust what the Bible's got to say the book is called creator where can they get this is available however the Creator in the cosmos yes you can get it on Amazon you can get it from us at reasons to believe it so any online thing will have that you know we have a school of divinity at Regent University and I didn't want those people those students to come out with that so-called creation science that is so flawed and I wanted to make compulsory a course on cosmology and your act even because you tell us about that well thanks to you I'm gonna be giving 7 lectures here in the next few days to various groups here at Regent University and yeah so thrilled to be partnered with region so thank you is it helpful to the student of it you know this this creation the science just it just doesn't have it does it omits it so forth well we're talking about real creation science God gave us two books the book of nature in the book of Scripture and the book of nature brings us to the book of scriptures that's me me what I'm going to be speaking to your students in fact log this week well I appreciate you and he's a tremendous wisdom but God has placed in your hand that this this book is mind-boggling at the complexity of all the universe that he was just talking about and the evidence for God in the universe and surrounds us so thank you so much God welcome Revati she
Channel: The 700 Club
Views: 543,337
Rating: 4.7781458 out of 5
Keywords: 700 club, creation, science and faith, science proves god, revealing god, proof of god, science, christian science, is god real, does god exist, scientific evidence of god, scientific evidence of religion, creation science, hugh ross, the cosmos, studying the universe, creation of earth, proof of god in the universe
Id: i1oCQ6bZ_Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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