Socrates once stated that, "We should
follow the argument wherever it leads." When we look at the most profound question
of life "Does God exist?" we should certainly follow his advice. When we do, we'll find evidences
that show us God is real. Let's look at six proofs
that show God exists. Number one:
The universe must have a cause. The most fundamental law of science is
the Law of Cause and Effect and it says that "For every material effect we see,
there is a cause that came before it, or was simultaneous to it,
and that is greater than it." The universe is a material effect,
so what caused the universe? If you don't believe in a Creator,
then you have to suggest something like a singularity.
That's what is popular today. That there was some type of singularity
that exploded in something called the Big Bang. But then when you try to get down
to the bottom of "What's a singularity?", well, what we hear
from the scientific community that suggest to us--
the cosmologists--they say, "Well, a singularity was something that
popped into existence from nothing." In fact, Lawrence Krauss wrote a book titled
"A Universe From Nothing" and in that book he said that, "[This] singularity that exploded
popped into existence from nothing." Do you know that if there ever
were a time when there was nothing, that's exactly what
we would have now. The idea that something popped into existence
from nothing is simply not a scientific idea. You see, they're suggesting that that singularity
is somehow natural but it behaves super naturally. They say that that singularity wouldn't
have followed the laws of nature. Well then, so what are we left with? We're left with the fact that the universe had
a beginning and it was not a natural cause. It was something above nature. It was something supernature.
It was something supernatural. And so, when we see
the material effect of the universe, we can know that there was a
supernatural Creator that caused the universe. Proof number two:
Design demands a designer. It is a truism that everybody recognizes
that this universe looks designed. In fact, when we see the various different
aspects of nature and we see birds and squirrels and trees and we see
all of the things that they do so well, many times we as humans we try
to copy and mimic that design. But often we don't do nearly as well
as the design that we see in nature. We look at the design of the human body
and the human hand and the arm and the leg and the brain and
we see that those are some of the most advanced technologically savvy pieces
of equipment ever put together and we try to mimic them and copy them
and we can't do it as well. Why? Because this universe exhibits design, from the starry sky at night
to the fingertips on your hand. The design is overwhelming. It's everywhere.
Where does design originate? What you and I both know is that when you see
things that function and they're complex, that design comes from
an intelligent designer. Big explosions just simply
don't bring about order. They don't cause things that are functional
and complex to come into existence. The design we see in the universe demands
a supernatural, intelligent designer. Proof number three:
Life demands a supernatural life-giver. In the material world,
we have come to understand that there is a law of biology
called the Law of Biogenesis. The Law of Biogenesis simply says this:
That in this material, natural world, life comes from previously
existing life of its own kind. Now when we look at how people used to
think about life, they said, "No, life can arise spontaneously
from non-living chemicals." And yet every single biological
experiment has shown us that that simply is biologically impossible.
Life doesn't arise from non-living chemicals. From where did life arise? Where did life originate if it doesn't
arise from non-living chemicals? The idea that there's no God suggests to us
that there had to be some singularity without a cause that exploded
and that explosion brought about design, which we've never ever seen happen. And then, ultimately somewhere
the non-living chemicals gave rise to life, but that's biologically impossible.
Life demands a supernatural Creator. Proof number four:
Moral law demands a moral lawgiver. If some things are objectively morally right
and other things are objectively morally wrong, then there must be a God. If we evolved from primordial slime
over multiplied millions of years, at what point did
objective moral values arise? We don't look at a dog
and say that that dog objectively morally violated some rule when
he steals a bone from another dog. We don't say, "Hey! He violated a objective moral value!"
We just don't say that. We do say that humans can perpetrate things
that are objectively morally wrong; that humans can be involved
in things that are morally right. If that's true, there must be a God. Proof number five:
Free will exists. The atheistic idea that there is no God
is founded on the idea of materialism-- the idea that this material world
is all that there is, all that there was, and all that there ever will be. Because of that, atheism has to suggest
that you as a person don't really have free will, that there is no being inside
of your body or brain that is supermatter. That really what's going on in your brain
is just electrons bouncing around and you're the product of those bounces
and you don't really make decisions on your own. It's just the physical laws
and properties going on in your brain. If you are watching this video
of your own volition, then the fact of the matter is
there has to be a God that can account for that freewill
that you as a person have. There has to be a God
if there is freewill. And proof number six:
Human reasoning. We reason on a regular basis.
We understand abstract ideas. If we were products of blind chance--random
processes over multiplied millions of years-- reasoning and the laws of reasoning,
simply would have no explanation. And yet we've reasoned together
on a regular basis. From where does reason arise?
It's got no naturalistic, atheistic explanation. Antony Flew, the atheist who wrote
"Theology and Falsification" the most popular atheistic paper for
the last hundred years, the last century. In 2006, he co-wrote a book titled "There is a God: How the World's
Most Notorious Atheist Became a Believer." He stated that his rule of life had always been
to follow the evidence where it leads. And he said he followed that evidence
and it led him to the conclusion that there is a supernatural intelligent God. Let's let the evidence lead us
to that same conclusion.