Science and the Evidence of God - Fr. Robert Spitzer

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foreign statement here and then I'm going to explain it throughout the first part of my talk and it goes like this as the eternally inflating infinite Multiverse Fades into the world of fantasy what's replacing it is a super intelligent Transcendent Creator whose image cannot be suppressed let me try to explain that over the course of the next half hour and then come back to you in a moment let me just start though before explaining the statement by laying out a very curious phenomenon that's going on right now if the Pew survey statistics are not skewed while our young people are leaving the church in droves scientists are not young scientists are actually becoming more and more theistic in the 2014 future of agilix you'll see the reason for this in a moment but in the 2014 last few survey of the American Association for the advancement of science 66 of young scientists 35 and under declared themselves to be either Believers in God or in a higher Transcendent power now that's very interesting the other group about 30 percent declared themselves either to be agnostics or atheists splitting it down the middle um you know 15 15 percent wow 66 percent theistic or Believers in a higher power and the other uh you know only about 15 to 16 percent on the atheistic side something is happening that you couldn't possibly imagined even in the 1920s just a hundred years ago something like this would be an unimaginable statistic let's take a look at the overall statistic for scientists so this would come combine older scientists with younger scientists of all SMB of all ages and so if you look at that statistic you can see that 51 of scientists declared themselves to be either Believers in God or a higher Transcendent power while only 41 declared themselves to be agnostics or atheists split it down the middle again it's about 21 diagnostic 20 atheist right in that uh category but 51 compared to 20 percent but then they'll go back to that statistic for those young scientists we're trending upwards not down young scientists are actually yeah they're more open to God than ever before and so this is a a rather interesting thing and you know let's take a look at doctors more than ever before 76 percent of doctors declare themselves to be Believers in God or a higher Transit and power well um I think it's only 12 percent uh consider themselves to be agnostic and 11.6 percent or something atheistic so something's happening out there in the world of science and we get the impression sometimes that scientists are universally atheistic and it doesn't seem to be the case like I said if the Pew statistics for the aaas are not incorrect what's even more interesting is people like you know Richard Dawkins who for years and years was a vehement atheist suddenly comes and says well you know I'm agnostic but I lean heavily toward atheism that's a big move and I just got to ask myself well why why is this happening and I think the reason that it's happening is because there's evidence that's beginning to emerge there's a mystery that cannot be suppressed and I want to just give you a little insight into that you know and the rest is tag no I I just don't get too upset if you don't understand every term um I'm going to go through a lot of cosmology here to try and get my point across but um I think you'll I just try to get the general gist of what's going on here because it's utterly fascinating but let me use some technical terms and and give me a little uh a leeway here to uh to confuse you but stick with me by the end of the talk I hope I can I can make it as clear as possible that there's something God is really being very very crafty here and he's slowly but surely lifting the veil let me just go through some quick factoids about our universe that we know today and then after those factoids I'll uh I'll get um to the to the real meat of the the talk first of all our universe we believe that since the big bang our universe is about 13.8 billion years old as you will hear in two other talks um a Catholic priest father or Monsignor George lametra he is responsible and good part for this if Mario Olivio is right he was the first one to publish uh what's called The Big Bang Theory today he called it the theory of the cosmic Adam or the cosmic egg in either case let me try to publish it way back in 1927 and of course since that time the big bang theory has been confirmed not only by the Kobe satellites one and two the playing satellite the wmap satellite and you know the the ligo gravitational wave detector etc etc it's been so verified so often I think we're pretty good in saying that 13 13.8 billion years ago plus or minus 100 million years our universe exploded from something akin to a Quantum gravitational uh position into uh you know what we would call the general theory of relativity universe that has been expanding ever since that then and today is expanding at an Ever accelerating rate I'll talk about that in Dark Energy in just a moment but that's an important fact because for many many years of course Aristotle and as you know Aquinas they just uh well from physics you you cannot deduce a beginning uh so you should just assume that the universe is infinite from physics but from the vantage point of faith we know that it has a beginning now today things are changing as lamentra said we're getting this Insight that beginning may be in fact a necessity and that's going to be part of my argument coming up in a moment let me give you a few other factoids though uh really quickly the the first one is that we've probably got about five percent visible matter in our universe so the university has parameters out there but we've got about five percent visible matter we've also got about 25 percent what's called Dark Matter dark matter doesn't radiate any light right doesn't reflect any light it just sort of absorbs things but but there's no emanation of of light radiation anything coming from it and so um yet it does have an attractive quality uh for the gravitational field and is very important for holding our galaxies together so you don't want to get too much of a an absence of dark matter you need the visible matter plus the dark matter to hold the galaxies together but then you've got another Force out there called Dark Energy and it's just the opposite of Dark Matter dark energy is repelling things right so dark energy is almost like a think of it as like a field attached to our space-time field which is just pulling the universe apart and that's why galaxies are expanding um you know away from each other in our universe so much so that the further you get the further out a galaxy is the the greater um its velocity moving away from us it's so-called recessional velocity so we have these statistics out there and by the way these things are all subject to change what we're talking about in this talk and throughout the the days except for of course philosophical talks are more metaphysical talks but in the scientific realm remember scientific facts are changeable because they await future discoveries some future Discovery could be made it could change things we're getting more and more uh you know certain about certain kinds of facts these days and the evidence for those facts is compiling more and more but nevertheless just remember this scientists don't know what they don't know until they have discovered it from our observational data so we've always got to await new discoveries and we cannot say that anything scientific is absolute certitude but you can have some good probabilistic certitude but that caveat having been stated let me just continue we probably have in our universe in terms of visible matter we have probably about 10 to the 80th baryons the baryons like a heavy particle a sort of a neutron proton a worth of of mass in the universe which comes to about 10 to the 55 kilograms of mass in our universe so we've got some parameters out there in the universe we have four forces in our universe we have the gravitational force we'll talk about that a little bit in a moment we have also got the strong nuclear force we've got the weak force and we've got the electromagnetic force which of course is composed of three constants that we'll talk about later but these four forces are producing most of the physical reactions that we see out there in our universe enough factoids for the moment what I want to get into now is how the universe seems to be perfectly constructed for life this is the question that needs to be answered and that's why I started this whole talk with the eternally inflating infinite Multiverse why is this thing going to be so popular well if you have an eternally inflating infinite Multiverse Anything could happen at any time and of course all the coincidences all that what we call the cosmic coincidences all the anthropic coincidences for life that I'll be talking about in just a moment all those things can be explained because you've got an infinite amount of time and an infinite number of bubble universes in which this can occur and so we've got to show is that really attainable Theory anymore the infinite Multiverse that's been out there for an eternity and of course I'm going to say no on the basis of some really good physical data from very fine physicists like Stephen Hawking Etc but let's get to the coincidences first is the universe fine-tuned for life oh it is exceedingly fine-tuned for life let me just give you a few examples the low entropy of our universe and of course many of you have heard of the Penrose number I just met a fine I think it was a Hungarian physicist who was uh you know talking to me about it and um you can see pretty clearly here that um uh low entropy is needed for life to develop in our universe what low entropy means is high order what high order means is that physical systems can actually have what we'll call thermodynamic change so you can have you know large and small flows of matter and energy which cause changes within a system if you can't get any change within a system if you can get no flows of matter and energy if you have low order in your Universe if you have high entropy in your Universe you're going to have a dead Universe really quickly and it's very hard for life to develop let alone life to evolve in a dead universe now our universe get this our universe has exceedingly low entropy exceedingly high order exceeding it allows are all kinds of change to occur all kinds of net flows of matter and energy that cause change now what are the odds of this nice low entropy high order Universe just popping into existence by pure chance at the Big Bang well it's a double exponent so get ready it's 10. then the next exponent is another tan raised to the 123 to 1 against that's a 10 and if you just were to write out the uh the exponent it'd have to have a one with 123 zeros after it in the exponent that would be a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion in the exponent if you try to write that number out our whole solar system could not fit that number if every one of those zeros was 10 point type it's the same odds as a monkey typing the entire Corpus of Shakespeare by random tapping of the keys in a single try highly highly unusual let's just say virtually impossible yet it happened that's the low entropy of our universe Roger Penrose calculated it way back in 1992 and nothing has changed since then physicists continue to be flummoxed by that number there's got to be an explanation and without that low entropy there's not going to be much happening in our organic Universe not certainly not the development of life let's take a look at another number that's really important it's called the cosmological constant the cosmological constant not only controls whether the universe will expand or collapse but the precise rate at which it will expand or or collapse now in this case we need an expanding universe but we need the Goldilocks deal here we need our universe to expand it just the right rate now of course in order to do that you're going to have to get through dark energy and your dark matter and you're going to have to get the equations that combine these things together and all the contributions from the attractions I all the contributions from the repulsion side they all got to be matched up and as Stephen Weinberg said uh who is not necessarily A friend of religion he he put it out as as solidly as anyone could put it out there though cosmological constant needed for the precise Goldilocks expansion needed for our universe to develop and not go into a black hole and collapse or not just expand too fast so that everything becomes dispersed matter you don't have any protons or neutrons or you don't have any hydrogen or you don't have any um element heavier than hydrogen if you're going to get that cosmological constant just right you're going to have to fine tune it to one part in 10 to the 120th now just think about that for a moment that's a billion trillion trillion trillion one it apart in a billion trillion trillion trillion and we're dead higher or lower and we're dead that's all there is to it but here's the deal I mean oh just think of this think of the entire Earth covered ten feet down with sand and there's only one little grain of sand in that huge lot of sand that will allow the universe to develop and have the cosmological concept necessary to give rise to life that's really unusual that that grain of sand should have been selected on the first try very very unusual let's go to just a few other constances you're going to get the picture I don't have to keep listing them there's a good number of them but uh just uh right now I you know if you just take a look at the weak Force constant right remember those four forces I talked about you have the weak Force constant uh you know and you also have the gravitational constant each one of these forces the weak Force has the weak Force constant the gravitational force has gravitational force constant the strong nuclear force has the strong force constant and the electromagnetic force has three constants associated with it the mass of the electron the mass of the proton and the electromagnetic charge now the main thing to remember is these constants are invariant in the universe and they have to be exactly what they are you can't have just even little deviations higher or lower and if you get too far of a deviation higher or lower in that window you are simply not going to get a universe that will sustain life so take the weak Force constant and the gravitational force constant in relationship to the cosmological constant the cosmological constant's really governing this thing again but if the weak Force constant gravitational conference Force constant in that relationship that ratio was off by one part in 10 to the 50th well hate to see it but every single star in argument I mean every our universe would have been if it was one part in 10 to the 50th higher our universe would have been continuously exploding in its expansion which by the way would have been exceedingly bad for life forms alternatively if the unit if it had been off in one part uh in in 10 to the 50th lower the entire universe would have collapsed into a black hole after a second or two exceedingly bad for life forms has everything in the physical universe is being collapsed into 10 to the minus 33 centimeters squished to death you mean we avoided complete travesty by one part and 10 to the 50th and those two constants higher or lower from the values they just happened to have at the big bang I mean this stuff is like monkeys typing Shakespeare monkeys typing Hamlet monkeys typing Macbeth this is ridiculous then just keep going I mean the electromagnetic charge right you got those three uh the electromagnetic force you've got three constants in balance in order to avoid Thermo you know it's called convective instability in Stars if you have those three constants off by one part in 10 to the 39th higher than than they are actually then of course we'd have convective instability in every Star every star in our in our universe would be a blue giant this big huge hulking burning hot searing flames in every single star in our galaxies burning everything bad for life form very bad for life form alternatively if ever if you go off one part in 10 to the 39th lower what will happen every star in our universe and galaxies will be red dwarves and of course a red dwarf star is so cold not even a Hawaiian could get a tan from uh from this so it'd be bad for life form we've got to get some heat pardon 30. okay I got to move on uh quickly here quick more quickly I have I perceived um but anyway you get the point I'll just simply say if you had a strong nuclear force constant was two percent higher you'd have no hydrogen in our universe if it were two percent lower than it actually is at the Big Bang you'd have no element heavier than hydrogen in our universe you get the picture when we put all of these constants together with the really big one uh low entropy in our universe 10 raised to 10 raised so 123. and you put it together with um the the constants for um uh you know the uh the fine-tuning of our cosmological constant Etc probably you could fairly say that our universe is about fine-tuned to about one part in 10 raised to the 10 raised to the 125th to one that's what we really need to have in order to get life forms to develop and evolve in our universe now that's a really big number that's not just the monkey typing Shakespeare that's the monkey typing Shakespeare all of Milton all of right you know name another 10 15 literary Geniuses by random tapping of the keys perfectly in a single try our universe is so unusual it is so out of the question enormously improbable and it's our big you know organic universe and so filled and Lust For Life Is So unimpromable So unusual as we'll see in a moment it's almost impossible to explain how this could have happened by pure chance now because of this physicists are you know they are honest people they're gonna try and answer this question how could this happen and so of course the the usual theory that we have from Christianity is pretty clear right and that is well there's a really highly intelligent uh Transcendent Creator who just set the constants as they are who gave us all that low entropy in high order at the big being said all the constants to be the exact right things they need to have for the amount of matter and energy that's in the universe and uh that's that we can explain it that way and as I'll see I'll say in a moment that's the uh I'm going to say it's the most reasonable and responsible way to describe it but other physicists would say no you have to have you know there's naturalistic explanations of this phenomenon now one of them was of course the oscillating Universe right the bouncing universe expanding and Contracting and expanding and Contracting but nobody believes any more that the balancing Universe can do this because we probably don't have a bouncing universe and even if we did have a bouncing Universe the low entropy as we go back further and further and further in time so let's suppose that you know you're going back further the entropy has to get lower and lower and lower and that means you're going to have you know higher and higher order as you go further and further back in time even the atheist Sean Carroll said the bouncing Universe if it were Eternal The Bouncing Universe would have infinite fine tuning which is a hundred percent um you know 100 unpredictable zero percent chance of happening it would be infinite fine-tuning for no apparent reason so even the atheists rule out the oscillating Universe the amount of dark energy rules out an oscillating universe that's not going to be the explanation so physicists turn to another explanation and I know this seems like a long long build up but you'll get to the you'll see the relevance in just a moment but the main thing is they they started turning to string theory and they get some really elegant universes you get higher dimensional space universes and string theory or you can have you know two uh brains you know colliding in a four-dimensional space-time uh cluster there and and that might pop out on their new universes Etc but then these guys uh Board of Lincoln and Guth came along and um Arvin borda from University of California Santa Barbara Alexander Lincoln who is the director of cosmology at Tufts University in Boston and Alan Guth who had the high chair cosmology at MIT they came along and they basically put together a proof in 2003 which not only showed that every inflationary Multiverse would have to have a beginning but also every string Universe in the higher dimensional space of string theory would have to have a beginning and that every single one of the nucleating models and string theory of bubble universes coming out would have to have a beginning and ARG if all those things have a beginning how are they going to explain 10 raised to the 10 raised to the 125th to one odds happening it's going to be a hard hard haul so in 2006 a new theory was proposed one that seemed to be the ideal solution and that was the so-called fractal Multiverse because with a sort of an infinite fractal in a mosaic of bubble Universe a bubble universe is just a universe like ours amidst billions and billions and billions of other bubble universes in a big Multiverse but this Multiverse wouldn't be a regular inflationary Multiverse it'd be a fractal Multiverse and therefore you could just have this you know huge exponential growth of bubble universes that's going on and supposedly it would be without limit it could be you know eternally uh you know growing and it wouldn't even have to grow from a beginning you could get out of a whole lot of stuff and that seemed to be the solution because as Alan Guth put it right if you have an inflationary multi uh in a fractal Multiverse rather than an inflationary one then you could literally have an infinite number of bubble universes that you know one of which is ours but an Infinity of others not like ours and you could have it lasts for an eternity for an infinite amount of time well as good as put it in an infinite amount of time with an infinite number of universes everything is possible and physio said well that's that we finally got a rid of that whole thing of needing a Transcendent creator but then a few things started happening God it's so crafty and of course what happens is there's a group of physicists there at Berkeley and a couple of other physicists at MIT and they said well you know that won't work because if you have an infinite number of bubble universes that been around for an infinite amount of time why you'd have an infinite number of thermal vacuums now a thermal vacuum really is almost next to nothing but the odds of a universe what we'll call one of these thermal vacuums giving rise to a boltzmann brain that is to say a brain suddenly fluctuating into existence in a thermal vacuum right so you've got this brain and it pops into existence fully loaded with all the the images and memories of being in a carbon-based universe like ours and seeing other people out there in the audience that are just like the ones I think I'm seeing well of course I'm not seeing anything but the point is pretty clear but nevertheless that brain popping into a thermal vacuum and of course there's an infinite number of thermal Vacuums in an infinite number of bubble universes well if that's the case um what's the odds of a thermal of a boltzmann brain fluctuating into existence fully loaded with those memories 10 raised to the 10 raised to the 90. well the odds against our carbon-based universe are 10 raised to the 10 raised to the 125th if you divide 10 to the 10 to the 125th by 10 to the 10 to the 90th it's still pretty close to 10 to the 10 to the 125th 10 to 10 to 90 doesn't affect it at all as Penrose says in his book just try it go ahead you calculated it's still close to 10 to the 10 to the 125th well what does that mean you guys it means this we're all boltzmann brains we don't live in a carbon-based universe like this we are a boltzmann brain that is fluctuated into existence fully loaded with memories of living in a carbon-based universe and we think that's what's happening to us but in point of fact the odds of having a carbon-based universe like ours are so far Out Of Reach compared to the number of boltzmann brains in that infinite Multiverse every one of us is a boltzmann brain now Sean Carroll who's a good atheist out there he really got upset at this he said well you know there are some ways of working our way around the you know you know thermal fluctuations and then this guy Don Page at the at the University of Calgary comes out and he goes well actually you could also have the same phenomena happening in Quantum vacuums and so of course at the end of the day he called those brief brains either were a boltzmann brain or a brief brain if there's an infinite Multiverse and it's the infinite Multiverse as you internal and anything can happen and there's an infinite number of thermal and in Quantum Vacuums in these universes we're all boltzmann Brains it's a flat out zero we're in an organic Universe it's all an illusion but if you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you the point is pretty clear No One Believes they're a boltzmann brain they believe and we begin our whole scientific discovery and Expedition believing we're in this carbon-based luscious spacious universe so against the odds I don't think so but that was the first thing the second thing that happens to the infinite eternally inflating Multiverse is a guy who basically has uh he's kind of on the uh just kidding he's not on the periphery at all his name is Stephen Hawking and his name is and he has a partner named Thomas hertog and uh what he um he publishes a paper a few months before he died in the Journal of high energy physics called a smooth exit from Eternal inflation and in this paper by the way you can get a great um uh little uh analysis of this in Cambridge University's website just go to an article called taming the Multiverse taming the Multiverse and you can get all these quotes from Hawking in her time but what's their basic Point their basic point and this is important is that if you have an infinite Multiverse which would be a fractal Multiverse then we could not in our universe maintain the difference between classical physics and quantum physics but we do have a difference between classical and quantum physics there is a differentiation between the two kinds of physics in our universe and Hawking said that rules out the possibility of our being by the way there's no remnant of our having as it were detached or come from a fractal Multiverse anyway and so of course once he says this clocking doesn't stop there Hawking goes on to say Not only would that mean that we came from a Multiverse that had a beginning a boundary in past time he States it out explicitly he says the Multiverse from which we came would have to have a boundary in Pastime I.E beginning and more than a boundary in Past Times says Hawking it couldn't have an infinite number of bubble universes in fact it couldn't even have a large number of bubble universes the fact is if Hawking and her talk are correct then basically it has a very small number of bubble universes now why is that so important go back to 10 raised to the 10 raised to 125th to want one uh to one just go back to that number if you had to have that number of bubble universes that would be an extraordinary number of bubble universes but what Hawking and her tug are saying is we're not even going to come close the Multiverse if indeed there was one Hawking says well we're not down to one Universe yet but what we are saying is that the Multiverse that generated us has a very small number of bubble universes then the Multiverse is if if Hawking and her talk are correct then the number of bubble universes is just simply not going to happen with okay okay so uh so the key thing then is if if that's the case and by the way there's several other physicists who have contributed to this I'm not going to go into it now with my 15 whole minutes left but the thing that's really crucial to see is this that first of all if you have a Multiverse at all and it's not necessary right it's hypothetical and that bubble Universe has a beginning and that bubble that Multiverse excuse me has a beginning and the number of bubble universes are small in number and very much like our own then the cosmological constant then the low entropy of our universe and all the other constants I talked about are not going to be explained by it it just seems right now between boltzmann brains brief brain Stephen Hawking Thomas hertog and a variety of other physicists who are out there writing about this in fact one of those this was a very candid he just said you know Eternal inflation violently goes against experimental data so that's a kind of a dramatic uh Point that he's making what's my point though that I think is so important the point is it looks like the infinite Multiverse it looks like Eternal inflation is simply fading away into Fantasyland and what's beginning to emerge is this incredibly difficult to explain perfectly designed for life universe that has every one of these constants refined to just one part and you know 10 to the 50th 10 to the 39th one part in 10 to the 120th indeed one part in 10 raised to the 10 raised to the 123 to 1. totally amazing what it means is we've got one explanation left tegmark I I go into this later but he talks about you know level four multiverses but it's it's big category error he's confusing ideas with physical reality and individuation that's another problem but if you take all that aside the most reasonable and responsible explanation is that we have a Creator a highly intelligent creator and of course let me tell you what uh alexanderville Lincoln said before the infinite Multiverse came into being Alexander verling he's the B and the the V and the bvg proof the board of Lincoln and goof proof the Lincoln said in 2006 it is said that a reasonable argument that a good argument will convince a reasonable person and that a proof will convince even an unreasonable one well now that the proof is in place Cosmo and proof is right the bvg proof plus entropy cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past Eternal Universe There Is No Escape they must confront the re the problem of a beginning now if you look at that for just a second that was in 2006 then you got the infinite Multiverse now we're right back at good old volankin now we're right back with the infinite Multiverse being challenged on every angle we're right back to where we started and if we started with that statement about needing a beginning now we even have a worse problem to contend with because of Stephen Hawking it looks like the number of bubble universes are very limited and that they are very much like our own they're not restarts with wholly different constants they're really kind of little ancestors of ours they're kind of related to our universe and that means in my view that at the current time science is pointing to a Creator a Transcendent Creator who's highly highly intelligent I think this has been kind of a waiting Discovery for many many years the point that I would want to make too in in the same process is I think we're getting some concomitant evidence too from near-death experiences for a soul and I'm just going to shift topics on you but right now I think I'm going to conclude this cosmology part with just that Robert jastro's statement way back in 1978 which is now just as applicable as it was in 78 with the contributions of Hawking and hertog and bullsman brainsbury brains Etc here's how we phrased it and I'm paraphrasing it with a little more drama here scientists Unshackled themselves from the domain of superstition and they climbed and ascended the mountains of knowledge with a strict empirical mathematical methodology got to the final precipice pulled themselves over and found a band of theologians there awaiting them for centuries I think that still applies today as much as it did before thank you now just one quick thought about you know the soul because I do think our kids are closet materialists and I'm going to give you just a few materials uh uh you know shamelessly at the end here but I do think we need to look at the soul more seriously and I think this has been coming out again God's craftiness very shrewd very like he wants to keep us free he kind of leads us along he's not going to force us you know you know pulling us in but that's the way it is but now we start looking at this data on near-death experiences we're talking about some really first-class studies that have been done uh by a series of really first uh ranked medical journals uh that have published them all peer-reviewed journals Samuel parney I made his 2014 study with 2060 patients I I I'm sure Dr Pym van lamel a lot of you are familiar with that uh publishing his study in the international study in the Lancet um then of course you had the the Kenneth ring study of the blind people which showed that 81 of blind people saw when they you know when they were having a near-death experience let me explain that notion of near-death experience to you it just basically means that a few seconds after your heart stops and no oxygen is going to the brain and you start to register a flat EEG that's no electrical voltage going across of the surface of the cerebral cortex no voltage in the frontal cortex and it's starting to go all the way down to the um down to the lower brain and in the lower brain you've got a few sputterings of neurons but not much more and then during that time when cognitive activity should be downright and possible certainly through the cerebral and frontal cortices right that very moment a soul seems to leave the body it can see it can hear it retains all of its memories it it can move it is memorizing what's going on around it reporting things you know later that it experienced and of course it defies gravity right to move up and down can go through walls many times you know blind patients that we have on our modules website right they just go right through the hospital walls and when they go through the hospital walls they can describe very perfectly these are blind people 16 years old never saw a single you know a visual image in his life right he sees this train going by with a big arrow and a sign in the rear of the train pointing to the right going into a Grove of trees and first time you've ever seen snow and grooves in the snow from the train tracks he's describing this whole thing and indeed a train did pass by the hospital at the very same time how would he know it he's in the his physical bodies in the operating room yet he's describing this activity going on outside the hospital with perfect Lucidity and perfect timing and you'd say oh yeah there's a physicalist explanation for this a physicalist explanation how could that kid be hallucinating he's never had a visual image in his life to hallucinate in his physical brain this is really hard to explain so a lot of people like this guy you know Mario Beauregard a neurophysicist there at the University of Arizona begins to you know answer to the physicalist explanations the Grayson studies over at the University of Virginia medical school are really excellent in the same regard but the the big you know uh point that has been that just got me in 2022 in the New York Academy of Sciences there was a you know a huge peer-reviewed they reviewed all the peer-reviewed studies um you know on near-death experiences and the New York Academy of Sciences this is under the leadership of samparnia but 26 other scientists basically declared that they thought that it was a very very probable that your Consciousness Will Survive the death of your physical body number two that you will have a sense when you are leaving your physical body of a vast sense of Consciousness right as you are leaving your physical body Clarity in sight etc etc number three that when you leave your physical body you will have the sense of going to a destination here in this earth maybe somewhere in the operating room maybe somewhere outside the hospital maybe somewhere outside the right so you know once this one lady said you know I'm just hovering around outside the the hospital there and I saw a tennis shoe with a worn left toe there with a shoelace sticking under the heel of that left toe and so forth and so they're saying yeah there's going to be some form of destination that you're going to feel yourself going to or you could go to another world where you might encounter some deceased relatives or friends or where you might indeed encounter a loving white light furthermore you will have a tremendous sense if you have a good near-death experience you'll have a tremendous sense of being at home you will also have a um high probability of having a Life review that is very detailed but it will happen very quickly but it will seem detailed it'll seem like you know covering your life in a very detailed way and finally a return back to your body now I don't want to say anything but if the New York Academy of Sciences is going to go out on a limb and say this really just isn't a bunch of Hui there's some really really good studies out there with really good timing indicators that really have good statistical basis are longitudinally done by over 10 people in the uh in the study group who are medically qualified to make these assessments and you have study after study done and we cannot with our good neurophysicists find an explanation for this that is um uh you know physicalist in nature where the brain could actually produce such a hallucination through anoxia a stimulation of the temporal lobe stimulation of other kinds of lobes in the brain etc etc it just simply doesn't happen it defies any kind of an explanation yet we have thousands of heretically Justified cases of it hell maybe your Consciousness really will survive your bodily death and we might say at least that's a tentative approach to the fact that you have a trans physical soul and that trans physical Soul would probably have to be created by a trans physical cause because it certainly couldn't be created out of a physical evolutionary process so the Catholic Church once again in its prescription that if you believe in evolution you just can't deny that God created an individual soul for everybody well now there seems to be real evidence for that trans physical soul and the evidence keeps coming out there's going to be another big study done of peer-reviewed literature on this and as we'll see I'm pretty sure it's going to validate the very same conclusions of the New York Academy of Sciences so there you have it I think our cause our Cosmos was truly created by a very intelligent God and he's gradually revealing himself unveiling himself to us and I think we're going to we do have a soul which will survive our bodily death and very likely encounter The God Who created that Universe thanks so very very much foreign [Music]
Channel: Word on Fire Institute
Views: 46,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.