Science 8 - Quarter 2 Week 8 | Comets, Meteors and Asteroids

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[Applause] [Music] briefly everyone welcome back to our science class my name is a great day to learn something new in previous episodes you learned about structure and the processes that convert the formation and behavior of our planet earth this provides you a better understanding of the earth's changing environment as well as methods for predicting and mitigating the effects of natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons for our last episode in quarter 2 we will also discuss about objects in the universe beyond earth's atmosphere by studying the other members of the solar system we can learn more about the origins of our planet so are you ready to explore the other members of the solar system along with earth let's go [Music] have you ever looked up at the night sky in a cloud last night did you notice the light streaks across the night sky what do you call those tricks of life it was commonly referred to as shooting stars or falling stars some of us believe that if we see a shooting star we can make a wish and it will surely come true it is also said to have a bit of magic which means good lives and luck for anyone who happens to look at it so these are some of the superstition beliefs that most of us have when celestial bodies pass by and interact with our planet so in this video we will describe and explain the celestial bodies that frequently interact with earth and can be seen in our night sky [Music] do you know what a shooting spark is is it a comet an asteroid or maybe a meteor our last one is about comets meteoroids and asteroids so before we proceed to our discussion let's check your prior knowledge to our last one for the day by answering these five item true or false weeks let's get started choose fact if the statement is true and bluff if it is false number one a comet is a ball of mostly eyes that moves around in the outer space fact or bluff [Music] excellent the answer is the statement is true number two comets are believed to be in long elliptical orbits fact or bluff very good the answer is fact the statement is true number three comets can come back into view from time to time fact or bluff excellent the answer is love the statement is false number four [Music] comments are same with meteors fact or bluff [Music] correct the answer is love the statement is false [Music] and number five [Music] asteroids orbit around the sun fact or bluff excellent the answer is fact the statement is true did you get all the right answers if so everyone did a great job so for this lesson our most essential learning competency is compare and contrast comets meteors and asteroids some of them are the subjects of science fiction films such as greenland a big badger 2020 film about muhammad kimbap and don't look up a netflix 2021 film about an asteroid we also hear news about an upcoming meteor shower and wait for this spectacular phenomenon in our backyard but what is the difference between comets meteoroids and asteroids comets are also referred to as dirty snowballs they are made of dust rock and meta and are surrounded by an icy shell that is consists of both water and frozen gases as they orbit the sun this mainly solid body of the comet is called as nucleus when a comet approaches the sun its icy shell sublimates converting from solid to gaseous state forming a large halo of gas and dust around the nucleus known as the comma when solar radiation and wind push the former back as it travels through space it creates comments are also classified based on how long their orbits around the sun lasts they are classified into two categories short period comments and long period comments short period comments are comments that orbit the sign in less than 200 years short period comets are believed to originate from a region in the solar system known as the humor while long period comments are comets that orbit the sun in more than 200 years and it is believed that these comets come from a region in the solar system known as comets have highly elliptical orbits which means they prefer a long circle that some of them can take out of the solar system before returning the harley's comet first observed by edmond halley in 1910 and again in 1986 is one of the most well-known comets it was observed in detail by spacecraft when it appeared in 1986 due to its solid nucleus and large tail it is the only short period comet visible from the earth with the naked eye halley's comet completes its orbit every 76 to 79 years and its next appearance is expected in 2061 to 2062. now let's move on to asteroids asteroids are also known as minor planets or planet coins basically they are just like comets without the eyes they are made of dust rock and metal these varying sizes of rocky or metallic materials are traveling together in the so-called asteroid belt a region which lies between the orbits of mars and jupiter scientists believe that the dinosaurs went extinct due to an asteroid impact on earth czechs club crater a large crater in mexico is thought to have been caused by an asteroid colliding with the earth's surface about 66 million years ago the impact is thought to have caused extreme changes in the earth's atmosphere and climate eventually eliminating dinosaurs lastly let's discuss meteoroids but what is the difference between meteoroids meteors and meteorites so meteoroids are rocks for particle debris in the solar system that range in size from dust to boulders most meteoroids are about the size of a pebble and it is believed that some meteoroids result from the breakup of comets as they come close to the sun while others are thought to be the result of a collision between two asteroids but what about meteors so when we say meteors they are just simply meteoroids that enter the earth's atmosphere as it passes through the atmosphere the friction between the meteoroid and the earth's atmospheric gases burns it to the point where it glows and becomes visible to our eyes which we know better as shooting stars most meteors glow for only a few seconds before burning up and colliding with the earth's surface now are you familiar with your showers so meteoroids may remain in their old orbit until they happen to intersect earth's orbit when this occurs we are treated to spectacular phenomena in the night sky known as meteor shower and finally if the meteor does not completely burn up the remaining portion of it hits the earth and is referred to now as a meteorite every year over 100 meteorites destroyed the earth but fortunately most of them are quite small so do you now understand the distinctions between comets asteroids and meteoroids as well as meet yours and with your rights so before we wrap up this lesson let's check your overall understanding by completing this activity [Music] place a check mark to indicate characteristics of comet asteroid and meteor number one appears as a streak of light [Music] very good that is a meteor number two frozen ball of dust [Music] excellent that is a comet [Music] number three visible in our sky [Music] correct that is a meteor number four orbits between jupiter and mars [Music] correct that is an asteroid [Music] number five [Music] often called as a shooting star [Music] excellent that is a meteor so that concludes this episode see you in the next episode stay safe and i hope you've learned something new bye [Music] you
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Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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