Sci-Fi Short Film “Planet Unknown" | DUST

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(metal wheels turning) (suspenseful music) (robot whirring) (wheels screeching) (machine processing) (abrupt machinery) (wheels turning) (comet soaring through air) (explosion) (wheel skid) (rapid explosions) (robots whirring) (slow somber music) (sorrowful robot whirring) (rapid whirring) (epic harmonious music) (intense fast-paced music) (wheels grinding against ground) (robot sounds) (hopeful music) (comets roaring through sky) (distressed whirring) (rapid explosions) (fast wheels turning) (robot screaming) (uplifting music) (robot mechanics) - [Female AI] Watch Dust, like this video, subscribe for new visions of the future every week. It is the business of the future to be dangerous. Your future is dust.
Channel: DUST
Views: 4,175,990
Rating: 4.857779 out of 5
Keywords: dust, watchdust, science fiction, sci-fi short film, sci-fi movies, science fiction film, robots, space rover, animated short, animation, robot cartoon, cute robots, artificial intelligence, Shawn Wang, robot short film, animated short film, science fiction short film, DUST short film, dust youtube, sci-fi short, dust sci-fi, dust science fiction, free short film, free sci-fi short, free science fiction short, sci fi shorts, best short films
Id: B4JY_JeodKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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