ScHoolboy Q On Blue Slides, Black Hippy, Golf, Family, TDE, Untold Stories & More | Drink Champs

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[Music] R here with the drink championat in the [Music] [Music] hood [Music] [Music] a [Music] what it good be hope this want to see me this is your your boy n o r e what up it's DJ e FN and this is drink Champs Yapp yaa Mi when I tell you this guest today man Bel long but long songs in the '90s like his music that you hear now is so dope for this era but I I can guarantee you if it came out it belongs in the wuang M deep like he he his soul is from my era right he's one of the best lyricists out there he's one when you listen to his albums I listen to his album the new album and it almost felt like a double album because he put so much creativity into it he's probably one of the old if you take Nas you take Snoop you take a little bit of cube little bit of bis Marky and you put them together this is what you'll get a guy who cares about his albums guy who you know in between albums I call him missing no rules cuz I don't think he follows any rules and I think that's the rule it's not to follow the [ __ ] rules I believe this man is what we need in Hip Hop it's exactly what you know so many people say ah man they don't make it like how they used to make it and and this and then here's this man standing right in front of us making incredible albums I've never heard a mediocre album from this guy wow he is and he said that he said to one time that Nas said he was the best and I'm here to tell you I don't think n was gassing you I think he came from from the heart cuz that's who exactly who he is is so in case you don't know what the [ __ ] we talking about we talking about the one the only [ __ ] school boy K that's that's a lot you should said a lot and by the way we been trying to get you on here from the beginning yo like I said um I don't think uh I don't think I'm supposed to be up here y you had some [ __ ] up here I'm like waos to we [ __ ] you talking about going but let me just tell you something um one of my uh blue slides yes thank you that [ __ ] reminds me of the World is Yours yeah like you know what's so dope about you is you remind me of a era that's gone but you doing it in this era like I don't think anybody has ever done that like you know what I mean like it's Bridging the Gap for sure like you have a old soul but but everyone [ __ ] with you but let's let's talk about blue slides that's that's I I believe that's my favorite yeah that's that's one of my best that's one of my best written materials ever I ever written easy easy really easy so how how did you what was you how did you come on with this so I had those lyrics like those lyrics was written a minute ago like in 2021 oh wow so that's a lot that's what I do I just like write lyrics write lyrics write lyrics and I just find a beat whenever um the lyrics are written and it just came out that way like um I don't know how I did it wow I just tapped in you know and um I actually didn't write it down I um just blurted the words out to the mic sometimes I just yell at the wall I like go into the studio 8 in the morning and you know tell juice to press play and then I just yell at the wall for like 30 minutes 45 minutes and then we'll just piece it together everything cuz I know what I want to say right and um yeah I just y just yell at wall bro like and it comes out have you ever met John Singleton no never met John Singleton no I have met John sing okay I met John Singleton with Snoop one time in in Miami get out of here in Miami at the club yeah I met John Singleton with Snoop at the club in Miami yeah cuz that's the first thing like from the intro of the album I felt like John Singleton should have been filming yeah like like it's like it's literally listening to you is literally like a movie yeah like it literally like oh um I remember the last time I visually like saw saw it was me reading Donald goens a hor son and then I read a book called dope fiend and then I listened to Ill mtic yeah and Ill madic BR me in Queensbridge and I I didn't realize music could do the same thing a book could do cuz a book BR me there now listen to all this stuff but listen to the new stuff I I can picture La life yeah is is that something that you do on purpose for sure it's it's like a Different Twist of La cuz when you think I always tell people they always think of LA and like the streets of LA like oh like I'm pretty sure somebody here thought I was going to come with like 20 Crips or something you know what I'm saying and I'm just mad not shaking hands and like you know that's not really like no Street dude in any from anywhere like that [ __ ] it just be for the cameras like you from the streets you from like where we come from like and you know all we do on the Block is joke and laugh all day and when something happens then you move accordingly but like I'm bringing the feeling of like we're actually normal people like we play golf we like like can have a conversation like we're all not like idiots like most of us are not idiots some of us are just have in in worse situations you know I was blessed to have a mama that worked hard I wasn't on welfare we just happened to grew up in the ghetto and you know Street yeah yeah yeah and um you know but Sports and stuff like that kept me a levelheaded that's why I think all kids should play sports because um you know when to leave and when to when to stay and if you're there like I you know you got to turn up but if you can get out of there get out of there you know learn you know you got to learn things and sports put give you a different type of discipline now you you was you and tiger had a MTV reality show together no not really um I tiger shout out to Tiger um yeah it was like some MTV stuff and that [ __ ] didn't uh really work out I really wasn't like into that type of stuff anyway yeah what kind of reality show was it like I don't even know I was just showing up cuz it was like show up oh y'all actually tried to do one it was like a and that [ __ ] never like uh worked out thank God cuz that that's not something I want like no disrespect it wasn't you just not like me and shout out to Tiger you know what I mean you been holding it down for the city for for years so the Tiger but um yeah that's just not my thing oh I want to be a rapper I don't want to like I'm not looking for like a Exit Plan either like you know everybody's like doing things and then they want to do other things and it leads them to the I I don't have no Exit Plan like I Dro blue lips and I still got 18 more to go like it's no exit plan for me you going to rap to you 80 for sure and you also in coconut juice video right yeah yeah yeah what was that like what was that like what on what on I mean [ __ ] my boy was trying to get it together he was figuring it out and I was supporting him and I jumped in the video what y y went to school together nah I'm I'm older than tiger so um I uh knew tiger when he was like 16 um right he was just coming out rapping my homeboy uh SB and my homeboy Gator um I went to school with them and they um was messing with him heavy and umu I was just getting in into music I really wasn't into music like that but I was just getting into it and um yeah he I just started trying to rap and he was like uh doing this thing and I was just supporting like you know the homies brought him around and he end up being my homie becoming my homie you know what I'm saying and um we just vi from there and then um you know um he did the Young Money situation and I was around that for a little bit cuz he was on in scope first and then he went no no he was on uh like uh like a Indie major I don't know what it was called it was like he was like signed of like Fallout Boy or some [ __ ] and um white boy group yeah yeah yeah when he first came out and then he had the uh young money situation and um I was around that and that's that that's not my vibe really either like um it's like real flashy and [ __ ] but I mean I loved him as artist but it just um just I was just running behind him almost like tiger right and really wasn't into that and I met uh TDE um like 2006 and that's that was more me and and I never left the studio you know um TD reminds me to a certain extent because me me being from the East Coast New York you know what I mean um we were always taught that um you know the Bloods and Crips don't get along and they don't they don't get money together and then you know you get to hear that you know um top and um um is like more on the blood side and then you being on the [ __ ] side has have that ever been uncomfortable situation or this the first day I pulled up because I didn't know where I was getting myself into so Ali Ali is like uh I mean but it wasn't like no pressure uh my my engineer Ali yeah he was bringing me over there he like bro we got to go [ __ ] with the TD dudes blah blah blah this is where we should be at blah blah blah he was trying to figure it out and then I'm all right cool let's go and then as soon as we get to the studio before we hop the car he like hey your hood get up along with uh me me get with I'm like BR I'm like we cool like we ain't got it's like it's far away like We we straight and yeah I went in there was nobody on that anyway you know what I mean but you know you just want to let give people heads up type [ __ ] once I got in there nobody was like like none of us was on that like you know what I'm saying we've been past that like we actually really from where we from so we all were like trying to hit this goal of like success and yeah when nobody tripping on that top never tripped on me but like oh you a [ __ ] you n if anything they love that more than anything oh we got a [ __ ] over here like you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah like it was so um I went the first day and punch was like come back and I kept coming back and next thing you know I'm living there and I'm poor as hell and I'm sleeping on that couch I moved myself in I mov myself in without even telling I'm living on top couch he didn't even know I there 3 months I done lived in that motherucker you know what I'm saying so let me ask you cuz um you know Queens bridge was the hottest at the at the moment right when I came out from from down the way but when I used to hang out with Queens be people so much it was overshadow my hood yeah right so I would come back to my hood I'll be walking around people be like que brid ass [ __ ] and I turn around and people close their shutters and I like oh [ __ ] I could never know who it was like until I got on like people was kind of mad at me for [ __ ] with another Hood another neighborhood have you ever been through something like that because messing with me for another neighborhood no I mean I that's a I'm not going for no disrespect you can say whatever you want to somebody else but in front of me you're not about to disrespect me um and nobody never tried me in in person I didn't heard people like say things like all the time Through the Grapevine like oh such and such said it's like you know and it's like all right bro like such and such could just saw me last week like such and such really is you know what I mean and why are you letting such and such say something to you I think that says more about you like you know what I'm saying a nobody never got at my homies in front of me they know who to play people know who to play with so I mean like ain't nobody never play with me like that and I don't want no I don't want no smoke but one one thing for sure I'm I'm going to keep saying is people ain't as dis PL as me and you not going to win all right they're not going to win thank you godamn it yeah they not going to win sal sal godamn [Music] it my first drink in seven days when when you showed up to the studio to TD what did you what did you see in them that made you say I want to I want to stay with this team it was dark first of off it was dark as [ __ ] you walked in and it was just dark cuz was Jrock already out at that point Jrock was working Jrock was signing him first right yeah and then Jrock was uh in the booth and then no so was in the booth Jrock was sitting out yeah Jrock was sitting outside it was real dark punch was in there thatt wasn't there um and then it was just this this beat just P like gunshots shout out to uh Curtis King he did this beat um it was just like gunshots and [ __ ] and they like rap on this and I just wrapped on it and um yeah that was that was it punch but I forget how did y' get introduced uh Ali okay Ali Ali yeah Ali Ali was on Myspace or something and hit him up on MySpace and was like I'm an engineer blah blah blah blah blah and punch answered the or one of them I don't know if it was Punch or Dave or who but they answered um his Myspace DM and uh yeah me and Ali was like this so wherever Ali went I was going to go wherever I he was going to go no no no no he was engineering with me we were just trying to figure things out wow yeah we was playing football at uh West LA at West LA Junior College yeah you was number 84 yeah you was number 84 I know I got see my notes [ __ ] but Ali the first day of P he get hurt the first day of pass he get hurt he wasn't me yeah I'm like oh right so I'm in the I'm in the in the receiver line right I'm doing my drill and you know what I'm saying my boy come over he like hey I just see a crowd standing around somebody legs flat like this right straight out they like that's your boy I'm like nah that ain't my boy like you know what I mean he the biggest boy the biggest [ __ ] on the field they're like that's him that's that's your boy over there I think he say he do engineering with you I'm like what and I look cuz you know they split us all up and I look I'm like then the par madees come running with the stretcher I'm like bro we just got the P today my boy got hurt bro my boy he went to the doctor homie and um yeah had like a slip dish that was probably the best thing to happen to him for both of us you know what I mean I went to jail right after the season he got he got his his his legs and all this [ __ ] [ __ ] up he had to sit his ass down and learn to engineer the music [ __ ] you know what I mean and we just like you know what I'm saying we just we just kept it moving from there like yeah I never look back you know music was that was it like all right yeah we doing this music [ __ ] we ain't doing this lame [ __ ] no more like all right [ __ ] Sports [ __ ] the streets [ __ ] all that we doing this music [ __ ] and we just locked in all right you your hat says Monaco yeah yeah yeah you been to Monaco uh no oh that is the [ __ ] this this hat is hard though yeah hat is Hardo listen you got to go to Monaco right yeah I lied to a couple people and told them I I went to Monaco so somebody going to see like a that [ __ ] tell me with mon I was trying to end the conversation [ __ ] I was definitely trying to end the conversation like mon is one of the places I like you know I have these travel watches right that the only watches that I bring because if if I lose them I don't I don't really care you know what I mean I regret it bringing travel watches to Monaco because I was the worst everyone else had on the big boy [ __ ] everybody's rich in Monaco like I felt the poorest I've ever felt in years and years so it's great to feel poor again you know what I mean um damn y went too far I heard mono means like the top like the the the the main don't that mean something though like don't it mean something actual name yeah like it means like money listen sound like it it does it does but school boy C let me just tell you something man from the beginning of we started the show we wanted to give you your flowers face to face man to man you are one of the greats you know we don't want anything to happen to you and then we tell you you're great we want to say that while you alive give your flowers brother Snoop Dog said it's like it's a Snoop Dog said it's like a Grammy cuz it come from his people godamn it you know what saying for real [ __ ] don't show love bro till you gone you know what's you know what's so unique about you is every time someone asks you about La yeah you always giving up game you always saying you got to watch out for this artist you got to watch some for this artist you always naming people you always showing love to people how did you develop that how how how does that I mean Once Again Sports I mean and and you know uh you got to show love to your teammates you got to show love to people and if you ain't good enough to hang like and if you scared somebody going to take your position you was it was never yours in the first place looking at him fall it was never his I said that on the last album too like if you fall it was never yours in the first place if you let somebody knock you out your position like you never had that position right you know what I'm saying once again it goes all back down to discipline [ __ ] ain't got no discipline bro so [ __ ] see somebody Gass and going up and just hate for no reason it's like for what like he going up oh because he ain't do as many units as you it's like bro okay and I put my units next to [ __ ] Jay-Z and I don't even [ __ ] exist so it's like what what are we measuring things [ __ ] is hard like he hard like he hard like just let it be like you know what I'm saying so like right at some point just if it's yours it's yours and you ain't got to worry about [ __ ] you show love right straight up another another thing about you is you have some of the dopest features in the game I do I don't watch a lot of cat I watch I'm I'm about to go another I'm about to go in another washing machine room I've been chilling for for five years just watching and observing and and like uh trying to change my life and bu and [ __ ] you know I'm saying get my body to the right point where I want to be but I'm I'm ready to play ball and and and and just keep playing ball right now because um I think they making it real easy for people like me um I think a lot of people are bad though I think a lot of people are good but a lot of people are scared record what you saying no no just music musically period a lot of people are scared to try anything but I get it though you know at the same time you know business is business right and you know but at some point if you ain't got what you going to get out of this [ __ ] and youve been in this game like x amount of years you probably won't get it that's right saying that's what's unique about this album um it's like you just said a lot of people are scared it seemed like you wasn't scared at all like you were you you were taking risk like each song sounds like it's two songs in one totally different you know I'm say nothing sounds the same like what the [ __ ] what was that's that was the whole thing like how do I see music right now okay so everything is 30 second Clips right uhhuh [ __ ] can't even pay attention to a f three verses anymore right [ __ ] is doing one verse and it's like all right how do I make this album in this time and still be me it's like oh I see things in the way they see it [ __ ] 40 seconds 50 seconds BL blah blah if I can't get what do I how can I get off something in 30 seconds you know what I'm say saying 30 seconds at a time how can I say as much as I want in 30 seconds and if I can't say as much as I want in 30 seconds then I probably shouldn't be doing this this part the the beat or shouldn't be rapping or coming with this concept you know what I mean so it was just like what can I say in x amount of time and from there and how you we just built the Beats we just build it the Beats all but the lyrics pretty much came first on this album yeah CU I know the beat changing up too that 30 second like yeah yeah like you know um and and still just like [ __ ] I want to do it like this like [ __ ] why not like U my blank face album I did the same thing like you know um I think like I said just rap is just so kind of like um and uh it's so many of rappers now and it's still hell of good rappers but it's just so many now that um me doing beat switches it's like mad people doing beat switches still you know what I'm saying but um and and I've been doing it but you know with the game it is now like my [ __ ] is standing out a little bit more with it because of just of the no the no risk taking of artists you know they find a pocket they stay in that pocket and like I said that's cool if you want in it for the business but um everybody I know is a [ __ ] millionaire so at this point so it's like what the [ __ ] are we doing now like we just like making it worse for the younger kids I think um I think artists are scared to act their age yeah and um and it's weird to me like I'm 37 bro I'm not like scared to act 37 like I'm still lit like I can still do all the [ __ ] I can still outrun you I can still out out rap you whatever you want to talk about I'm still way more funnier than you bro I dress better like I look better I'm getting younger every year like what you [ __ ] just own dope like you know what I'm saying like so like I'm I'm not scared to have to live my age like you know what I'm saying and I think a lot of artists are and they doing the younger generation of disservice Y and um they're not leading they're not being examp OG's acting like y's like it's the weirdest [ __ ] to me and um I you know that's another reason why I didn't even do press before this album cuz it's just like um I don't fit with those dudes in in the media I don't I don't even [ __ ] with it they just too negative for me and it's like y'all too old for all that y'all got to watch what y'all say y'all going to really get hurt playing with people bro like [ __ ] is putting they life and their music like you can dislike my music but don't disrespect me though cuz I put my life in my [ __ ] you know what I mean so when you disrespect me or disrespect the rapper that's how I feel like you going to get at me eventually you know what I'm saying I got camaraderie still with rappers even though you know rappers don't have katerie but I do so if I see somebody say some crazy crazy [ __ ] about a rapper I ain't [ __ ] with you like you know what I'm saying like I said you can dis like it problem yeah nobody tripping on that but the way you [ __ ] are be real disrespectful they be doing personal [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah and and I ain't with it and everything is relationship based too it's like that's not how it's supposed to be either like so I'm just not with none of it I just want to go all gas and just keep gassing I'mma keep gassing gasing gassing and they going to come they going to come in the circles and I'mma keep gas in they ass and I got like I said I got 18 more to go so I'mma keep gas in their assise gas talk about Jack in the Box on Vernon and Figaro oh man that's man you going crazy that's that's is that Jack In The Crack still there oh yeah it's there yeah it's there um Veron andoo man hey Nory man let's move on from that one cool that one but that's that's that's yeah that's you know cuz I forget what kind of record you came up with over there I forget I I was going in through it but we move on but um we move on um your relationship with M Miller yeah oh man rest in peace yeah rest in peace how did how how did y'all meet um we met on tour um this this another one that's hard to talk about too we met on tour um and we just we just bonded off the rib you know I'm saying as as uh just humans just people you know I'm saying thought he was a funny ass white boy thought I was a funny ass black dude we just kicked it you know what I'm saying um he was like transition in his music from like uh like white sounding like you know poppy uh and he was going more towards rap and he was like you know he had so much Soul right you know but he just came in the game the way he came in and he like transitioning and I watched him do it and it was just likeo this dude is crazy and I just wanted you know stick around and be his homie I was just happy to be his homie that was my dog that was like really my dog like and um you know sad situation but um he's living forever though right he's living forever he's living forever want to have a moment of silence for him um no no let's make some noise for him yeah now you had a duct toil and a homie cut off your duct oh yeah and I got kicked out of school this [ __ ] dude this lightskinned [ __ ] okay I want to know what the duct tail is though we call man you had a hair and okay we called it a tail we called it a tail yeah okay so this this Punk [ __ ] dude I don't even know his name he was he wasn't really my home he was my homie kind of right you still didn't let it go though I can tell he still kicked out got a whooping and all type of [ __ ] so what happened what happened you in school G yeah so I'm in school bro um this [ __ ] you know it's you know they do nap time this is like uh kindergarten this that young yeah I [ __ ] him over too I [ __ ] him over I choked him out and I had him all in the [ __ ] teacher like he bleeding and [ __ ] that was the first time I seen him [ __ ] I'm like oh my God but he he cut my duck chair while I was sleep and um I woke up and yeah and I just went to go play with my duck tail and it wasn't there and then it was on his desk oh [ __ ] and then he looked at me and he kind of like laughed uh and I just beat the [ __ ] out of him B bing bing bing we like five like five six whatever and then and I just put him in the craziest head like I was like trying to snatch him out of the chair I'm little kid bro and I just see him blooding out and he just y he's like yelling crazy like he's like you know what I'm saying I'm like sh like once he start yelling crazy and [ __ ] I'm like sh but yeah the teacher came in and uh broke it up and I was at like some like uh Catholic school or some [ __ ] and she gave me a whooping like that's what they do Catholic School yeah like hit me like on with a ruler pow pow hard as [ __ ] wow and um I guess my mom didn't know they did that there uh my mom came in and like like she set tripped on the whole place y'all what my guy and like had a whole fit and they like we got to get his him and his mama off the chain like y'all get the [ __ ] up out of here they kick me up out that [ __ ] and I went go school second 5 Second yeah mean where I wanted to go in the first like let me just right here on the corner just let me go to school my mom always tried to do that weird [ __ ] oh no you can't go to the school in in the in the ghetto she'll send me to some other school and then I then eventually she sent me back to the school that you supposed in in in in the in the hood like and it's like why why you be doing that though you sent me to a whole other school that's the same thing you know this is another ghetto right like she I don't know why she would do that cuz I always wondered how you got the name school boy right yeah but then I listen to your your your your lyrics I can tell you have education yeah yeah for sure so how did you get to name school boy uh literally all right so it's it's like a anandra so um school boy is uh pimp used to well I ain't going you know well already he used to be a pimp back in the days uh on fig BR yeah yeah yeah uh dude named school boy from my hood okay wow um he was dope dope dude um Peace to him um also um at it was at a point I had good grades and it was a point where I had [ __ ] grades you know I leave that out a lot but it was a point where I had really really good grades and a lot of homies would call me school boy cuz I was like really good in sports um um cuz he need the gr yeah yeah good grades and like you know always squabbling and like not really like you know from that cloth so they like uh call me school boy so it was more so like a play off the pimp on fig and like me people calling me school boy for good grades and [ __ ] being an athlete you know [ __ ] would encourage me like to be take that take that sport [ __ ] far take that sport [ __ ] far cuzz you got to go far cuz because a lot of football that didn't go too far yeah go too far and Florida Miami and um like y'all take football very serious no for sure baseball too I was really nasty at baseball real nasty baseball what you play shortstop I played Short Stop yeah you was dog [ __ ] no I got more I got more trophies in baseball than I have in basketball yeah yeah but you are spish though yeah yeah yeah God damn it mind let's not point out that I mean true that true right it's very true it's very true a [ __ ] hold on okay oo I got I got some [ __ ] I got some [ __ ] goad you want you want to go efn cuz I was about to talk about fish land oh fish land oh they they they [ __ ] you up I mean uh fish L you know shout out to fish L that's a staple of the block man get you steal from there no not there I used to steal from cooco yeah Coco lior store right across go to fish land and we go to co yeah but fish land is d for they they shut that down um you shut it down cuz you shut [ __ ] it on them you sh it on let make I got the word I got the word I got the word hey my plan though is to um I want to tear I want to tear all that [ __ ] down over there I want to put uh boxing gym and um like a sports like something just just for the community like a healthy thing like um oh wow Fitness type thing wow over there because um I don't know I just still I when I go over there every now and then and I look at it I'm just like this [ __ ] can be utilized way better it's just a bunch of food [ __ ] that keeps changing every two years just like a new Food Spot name new it's like man we need to put like a gym here I need to put something but I need people to help me with it it's not just just me cuz it's more to it and um we probably won't profit for a while and I know it you know that's give it something to the community yeah but it's like um I'm trying to get it together together I've been talking to a couple people and I'm trying to make that happen but um unfortunately um another business will have to leave right but I think a couple of those businesses should leave cuz they're not serving us right anyway is that is that Park sh is South Central what is that yeah they call it South La now they gave it a new like little TW sou South Central South centr we still call it South Central if you born in you know what I'm saying from the ' 80 to the' call that [ __ ] South Central I'm I'm going to be honest I know this going to sound a little crazy what up but um I've always been proud of LA because of cuz of how y'all Riot I know we turn up when it's in the world yeah when it's time to go up [ __ ] is going to go up that's one thing for sure about like [ __ ] going to go up right [ __ ] go like as divided as we are once we come together it's it's scary like even seeing I remember watching a riots little little little kid like and just seeing it on the corner like just seeing all that [ __ ] like it was the craziest [ __ ] ever like I never seen so many black people together they were just doing dumb [ __ ] though but I mean it was just still like okay this is you know I wasn't thinking in but now that I look it's like okay that it is a chance right like like the Alabama fight we the hat in the air yeah and then they came and they hit the white woman with a chair I said holy [ __ ] yeah yeah it [ __ ] got real like [ __ ] got and they didn't even know each other yeah and they just got together and it was like that's what I'm saying like it's you know but still though we shouldn't riting and [ __ ] and like destroy your own Community like the unity but it was also a lot of a lot of Latinos a lot of Mexicans my grand my grandparents lived in Eaglewood your grandparents was riding no they lived in eng they were old at the time and I called them during the riots and they said the TV only only showing black folks they said the Mexicans was blocking on their door you want you want TV but you telling me your grandar was riding to come on that [ __ ] all new [ __ ] Bro and blacks oh I don't know bro I always been cool with Mexicans like this is like some new [ __ ] now where like May it's like we SE jail for sure yeah yeah that's how historically that's what it was yeah but like they It came it carried over to the streets and it's like it was never like that like I've been like all our neighbors is Latinos like it's [ __ ] la like how the [ __ ] we like beefing with like Mexicans are like it's it's the dumbest [ __ ] ever like but you know they like put exas on it now you know it's like these small all it takes is two people to do something and all of a sudden you know right somebody tweets it and and it starts a war when crime happens all the [ __ ] time bro like crime happens in places where their crime happens like [ __ ] black and Mexicans been robbing each other since the beginning of black and Mexicans being around each other like it's the [ __ ] ghetto people get robbed you know what I'm saying and but they make it seem like it's a race thing thing like no it's not a [ __ ] race thing the black dude got robbed bro by the Mexican cat or the Mexican dude got robbed by the Black Cat because guess what [ __ ] get robbed over here cuz we don't have no [ __ ] jobs we don't have no opportunity and you had something that I wanted and I could have gave me a little boost right quick so I did it that's the reality of it but they make it like it's some race [ __ ] when it's like bro like everything ain't filmed also too and black people commit more crimes on black people and Mexicans commit more crimes on Mexicans and whites commit more crimes on whites is like you know but they try to sow any little thing they do to divide us like oh look see you blacks y'all need to get the blacks together was like the [ __ ] you me did the blacks together y'all just got just as many [ __ ] in jail as us like you know what I'm saying like bro we all need to get it together like what the [ __ ] you mean the blacks need to get it together mother the [ __ ] are y'all in jail too like the [ __ ] Fu so let me ask you with all these great features you have what do you prefer you prefer them in a studio or you send in the record I love in the studio but um some people I would rather send a record they busy nah they just I don't just don't Vibe with everybody in the studio yeah yeah and then then people like can't say that I'm saying I'll be in theud I want the yeah sometime [ __ ] be talking too damn much or sometime [ __ ] won't talk enough like you like the music you don't like the person necessarily or you don't want to even know and and I like working in the daytime like I'm I'm up early and then I'm in the studio about 8:30 8:00 in the morning in the morning yeah 21 no yeah it's like that too no it's a lot of people like that now I think it's like switching but some people haven't switched yet and they be like calling you like oh it's like 10:00 it's like I'm I've asleep at like 9:00 mus is one of my closest friends but he start his sessions at 12: at night yeah like that's out like it's out bro it's out bro you know much weed I smoked like I went with the kids over here did this I done watch something like bro I'm cook you take Gro man naps yet no I don't I I can't take naps I don't take naps when a grown man nap grown man nap when you you hit 40 it's called grown man nap I haven't you know I mean I got three more years yeah yeah yeah you hit 4 it's called a grown man before I used to be like I'm lazy what I'm doing take naps in the daytime but if I want to go to Club liveb I need to take two naps okay in the daytime to to survive cuz but you getting that chicken down yeah no no I I ain't [ __ ] you call it the chili chil you call the chil but um no I haven't been to a club in years yeah I can't I can't stand it no more yeah that [ __ ] out staying up at night that [ __ ] out you you you have legendary listening parties all your listening parties be invite only and all the who's who come out yeah yeah yeah I mean I cuz listening parties like I remember doing one at uh for oxymoron and um people didn't give a [ __ ] they was in that [ __ ] getting Shady walking around I'm playing music I got rayquan on stage [ __ ] is in that [ __ ] they turn around look at me and then turn back around and do some I'm like what the [ __ ] is but at least they wasn't just doing like that I can't yeah that's not that that was a different time they [ __ ] was just out happy to be outside and I was like and I was mad and then my boy told me from uh in scope he not there anymore um he like this all listen parties are this is great yeah it I'm like he's like look at this turnout is great I'm like bro nobody's listening to the [ __ ] music where's the listening they just in there getting shaded yeah it's like you know like 30 people in the front that only care and everybody else in the back just chilling like don't get it but is that invite only or is that no that was my then after that it was like all right we only doing invite people come with that want to hear it hear it whoever serves it serves cuz I'm not you know I don't know putting that jju on your [ __ ] like people that don't even give a [ __ ] just want to be there like I don't even want them around me like you know what I'm saying like it's like getting posted about certain blogs like why this blog post me you'll never post me [ __ ] why you poting like don't post me dude you know what I'm saying like you know what I mean like that should be giving you so I wrote the cooies they're coming to get me running like [ __ ] I can't dude these bro these dudes all got the cooties bro I'm cool I ain't got time for it okay we I think it's quick time orlam let's go we got it y'all got quick time yeah yeah this is going to be a fun one I have a feeling all right so you got to explain to them the rules yeah we're going to give you two choices you pick one we not drinking but if you say both or neither like if you don't answer like if you don't pick one we drinking we all drinking we all take a shot okay but if you don't want to take shots you can designate someone to take a shot I'll do this one I'll do this one I'll drink for this one I'll drink cool you ready Jamie get my shot ready these [ __ ] really do this yeah but we do we do this is a this is a long game so we take short sh cuz it's going to add up and he's the killer well it depends on your answers I remember when you first came when y'all first came out y'all was doing the uh hey years this month the uh the uh what was the [ __ ] tiger bone the tig don't even talk about tiger B you don't want to bring that back up listen that's the worst that's the worst I still got one at the crib though and sunny got one but when Co hit cuz it came from China they banned it we let it go cuz like like it was a sign all right cool like to the T all right this one this one on top I believe he's drinking um Jamie you ready wait get him a shot though before we even start you what I'm saying we wait I'm pretty sure I'mma answer everything though all right yeah no I'm pretty sure on this one you might be a little stuck don't leave the witness man I'm leading the witness I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry all right cool but I want him to be stuck on this one all right cool you ready Jamie all right cool okay Snoop Dog or Ice Cube Snoop okay I was shocked Tupac or nipy PAC he answering everything Nas or Jay-Z Nas is my favorite rapper but you also went to the Jay-Z is also my favorite rapper was just with him he had Rebo yeah if you got stories with anybody please like expand on any anybody yeah um I say Nas oh you going to go n corrupt or Daz corrupt Dr Dre or DJ Quick Dr Dre kiss or fabulous kiss we not going to drink nothing I'm not going to I'm I mean me and kiss got it me I'm me and kids got a song together okay exhibit or Ras cast exhibit NWA or wuen Clan bro y'all got y stop it like that sound like both that sound like both to me right so look I'm going be honest I didn't listen to NWA you didn't listen listen to N I wanted to say NW listen no no no no I'm I'm going wuang okay you going because I didn't listen to NWA I listen to them as individuals though all you got to take a shot for the West Coast but not listen W for the West for the west but wuang over NWA wow I would have never thought that I should take a shot I mean you hear the way I rap yeah yeah I I should take a sh I rap I'm not scared to rap off pocket and out of in in in them zones because of ghost face and rayquan and all them you know what I'm saying they Ghetto boys or UGK UGK Minister Society or boys in the hood Minister Society shout out to Tyron man it's my boy 51st Street Kane 51st Street get him up here man yeah Kendrick Lamar or Jrock a you gonna put Jrock in there I like I take back drink Dr Kendrick and Jrock Kendrick and Jrock you're not about to put my brothers You're not about to put me against my brother I thought you was G to say some other [ __ ] that was a good one I tried to answer before he hit the second one yeah by the way shout out to all TD I love I love y family you know I mean I love how y hold each other down um you got it doggy style or me against the world doggy style what okay y'all gotta come with some better ones okay okay okay doggy style me I I [ __ ] with me against the girl but hey doggy style what yeah doggy style changed the game oh my God where were you when you first heard [ __ ] I I I don't I I was young as hell what was going on um me being bad trying to get some [ __ ] at like 6 or 7 you know what I mean me trying to get some p trying to get some [ __ ] at Savage I don't know I wasn't ready I know where I was at but I know I trying to get some [ __ ] trying to try I ain't getting no but I was trying at least he was finger popping finger popping Kanye West or farell oo whichever category you want wow whichever category you want them both the same all right let's take the shot wow yeah that's I didn't think y'all would actually get me yeah sal sal I love both those dudes uh I work with both of them too and uh yeah and you work with for real yeah you got some [ __ ] work with Kanye too yeah yeah man Classics uh Friday or car wash Friday okay battle cat or mustard ah I'm going mustard oh okay my I mean I love Battlecat Battlecat is a Legend um but mustard is from my generation okay I respect I got to go with must mustard a legend too now I mean yeah he a legend for sure he just you know I'm just saying like I really didn't want to pick but I'm going go with my generation go mustard Big L or Big E Smalls piggy small is easy Larry June oh you skip one king T or dubc who king T or dubc dubc the shadiest can can somebody quip walk better than dubc yeah me yeah oh yeah yeah I'll watch dab oh DB I'll watch what's the other [ __ ] I'm in love with the c Genesis I'll watch him too mine is a little different from them okay yeah mine is a little different we stump they like Kurt walking [ __ ] and you stump yeah yeah yeah we like we got a different Groove we got a different way different Groove and yeah they n that [ __ ] don't compare to what we know so y' she is Top Notch yeah yeah yeah okay yeah all right don't T know he can't [ __ ] with me my boy know man I Stu you man I stop you to death know he can't [ __ ] with me man what I I I DC DC yeah all that skip skip [ __ ] man I'm going be right here you know I mean I'm going to make it happen right here in the you I mean I'm cold with it I'm cold I'm like skates man I'm like like I'm on ice skates you know what I'm saying I'm like you know I mean I'm on ice skates they can't [ __ ] with me I ain't going to lie I've never heard nobody confident against dubc so I'm DC would have a chance yeah shout out to DB though I'm a big fan too I forget what toour I went on I forget what toour I went went on I mean I wasn't on the tour I went to go see it and they br dubc out for a segment he just came out and he just skipped through the whole [ __ ] yeah he I didn't know what he was saying I just was like yeah like yeah he Co Ass Dude too man yeah yeah yeah I never really met dub man n man I want to meet Cube too I met Cube before but I was uh it was early on in my career I don't think he really knew oh man that would be crazy I love Cube too man coll even though I picked somebody over Cube like but was like you know it was snooper Cube and you know it's it's Snoop in Cube for me right literally so yeah Harlem Knights are coming to America Harlem Knights okay NYC or Miami I'm staying out of this y'all deep in this [ __ ] Miami Miami can't make eye contact on this one this is Miami side Hey listen listen take a shot man just take a shot take a shot yeah take a shot nah [ __ ] that New York New York and been in Hip Hop man no no New York and been in Hip Hop yeah you skip Larry junor Dom Kennedy ah why y'all doing that shot let's take a shot shot there we go but shot shot um but um let me say this take the shot then say Kennedy is one of the ones from La he's he needs a [ __ ] statue on on in [ __ ] Lamar Park um I I I I vote that that he gets a [ __ ] statue of lam mer Park you know what I'm saying that's it don't get more La than DM and um Larry June is um I just did a record with June pop out right quick yeah that's [ __ ] hard um you know from the yay I love the yay so um yeah but you know DM he need a statue though I love how you always give people they fly yeah need a statue that's La that's La that's La he led that generation that came Bo come on bro we used to love we still love D but they're saying like bro like you know never forget what [ __ ] be have done for the city and [ __ ] like that like he done a lot for the city when it was it was dry you know um p.m shout out to d man I haven't seen him in a while but blessings and peace to him straight up Podcast or Radio podcast I like that let's make some noise for him man yeah I don't think nobody ever want my generation never wanted the radio I ain't going to lie that we don't need they ass I'm going be honest y' generation finished the radio yeah yeah we we hated that y generation we hated that [ __ ] up the streams and when y up the streams y downloaded the radio radio man they did US dirty too they they made us do all this [ __ ] and made us do like gatekeeping in radio man that's what I was like bro why y'all doing this BR got do drops of people names y prounce now now right you know what I mean the art going to always win fli the radio need to try to do drops for you and then it's like what the [ __ ] bro like even my radio in La like I dropped this album I bro it was stations from other places poed my album before LA radio did what yeah and it's like this is why I don't [ __ ] with y'all you know shout out the big boy and them though big boy you know like I have nothing they don't have nothing to do with that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like they have nothing to do with like and all them let me give a shout to all of them uh Justin incredible all them but all y people that's that's that that's that's [ __ ] it up out Baker Boys yeah uh ble C all them um well I actually hit ble C with told him to jump on board he didn't want to jump on board and then I saw him in the interview so we GNA go but uh yeah yeah um [ __ ] is uh yeah they need us now everybody need us and I want more artists to understand that that um they need us everybody need us they sit there and they talk about us bro like we need to get on the same page at some point like and uh you know like understand that they need us all these platforms streaming radio uh everything podcast no disrespect you are artist y artist like you know what I'm saying but just saying like man like [ __ ] sit up there talk about us all day and then act like they don't need us like but that's their whole [ __ ] right and then it's mad weird to me like you know what I mean like I just don't get it like the uh yeah like I just don't get it I just don't get what's the [ __ ] is going on yeah n don't worry about it game or Y YG You Rather Be Loved or feared loved me too yeah I don't want people to fear me that's like uh people hurt you they fear you y that that'll check you out that can check you out y people can dislike you but they love you and they have that love for you and they just like walk away from you but that fear when somebody's scare you that's what a lot of right that's death and do ertic [ __ ] want to be feared no I want to be loved you know I also want to be respected too though but you know that comes like I said once again with discipline people know who to play with nobody never nobody never played with me so I'm blessed um and hopefully you know nobody do play with me cuz i' be at home with my kids and [ __ ] so playing gol yeah you you looking at the wrong one bro like go not me like yeah BMF or snowfall snowfall La um that's my man freeway Wiki right yeah yeah loely based off Loosely based yeah they don't they don't want to give my boy the chil so they say Loosely B see my man in real life Dum son oh Ricky fre Ricky no I'm talking about the guy who plays him no I I seen him one time at a Tyler show yo he's hey mate you like what the [ __ ] but I I didn't meet him I didn't meet him but I saw him uh do our can't do them you like you you him be like what up cuz you know like hey mate you like what the [ __ ] you made [ __ ] you Australian though bro you made him Australian oh you know what I mean like he had that accent Zeal SW I was just like holy [ __ ] yeah you know you know what I'm I don't know how to do that yeah okay um bis Mary or ODB ODB I took from him too yes so y'all have that in common you know yeah I love OB peace yeah rest in peace ks1 or Rock o shot take a shot Sal shot Sal cheers Sal that with the left hand my bad too short oh sugarfree or E40 oh you changed it up a good bang bang Niner gang E40 oh 4y water E4 man shout out that's out to who was on that that's my OG that's my OG he actually called me and like yo how you doing yeah he called me not too long ago I mean well not a couple months ago and he's like yo how you doing I'm I'm straight he I don't I'm like what's up I'm thinking he like want to record he like no I'm just like how you doing a good dud you straight like let's let's link up and like do some Niner [ __ ] and I'm like all right yeah let's do it you're a 49er fan yeah yeah Die Hard Die Hard you ever did a record with E40 yeah yeah we done a couple in the same Studio together nah it was always sent um funny as hell cuz he writes his rhymes on his stomach so he swear to God like he he you explain that better man listen he came don't disrespect disrespect no no this is my homie what are you talking about like all right me and him I'm like the East Coast slang guy he's the West Coast slang guy we go to to to the studio I tell him to come to my studio he actually doesn't like I don't want to say he doesn't [ __ ] with New York he just goes there does his business and that's it so I'm tell to come to the studio he comes to the studio he brings this called um Rosco car Carlo rosi anybody know this yeah Carlos Rosy car the cheap ass wine cheap ass wine he BR a whole two gallons so I'm looking like this is before drink champ so I'm looking like what's wrong with this guy like I'm not drinking I'm not drinking that [ __ ] he's like nor take a sip don't worry so I take a sip he got me this the second time he before he did this to me he got me I was like oh sh colorazzi is the [ __ ] and he's like I went from this is whack to colorazzi is the [ __ ] worst hangover ever right so then we going to the so he goes in the booth and we're like yo where the [ __ ] is he at cuz we can't see him we're like where did he go and he he'll he'll lay down and he'll listen to the beat and he'll just write them lyrics just like that oh you mean like on the floor Lane down I thought when you said it it sound like he was going like that no on his stomach I didn't mean that I oh I can get how it sounded okay what I meant was the ls on the stomach yeah yeah okay my bad okay I can see okay I can see how that sounded now I was like what do you mean like yeah but but that was like the the most unique [ __ ] I've ever seen like you know what I mean yeah 40 to go man that's that's that's go yeah that's that's that's that's super goat um New Jack City or King of New York New Jack City Rap City or YTV raps Rap City Rap City yeah Jrock or Abol another one of those you want me to be drunk J Ro yeah yeah hey man we we again I'm not ever I'm [Laughter] not I'm never picking they better than all me all three of them better than me I I love your modest your humbleness I mean it's the truth it's I'm not even joking it's the truth and it's the last one after you take this shot it's the last one we get back to the loyalty or no no no okay all right leave it leave it okay loyalty or respect loyalty cuz I can ignore somebody that don't respect me once again it go back to the you know the fear thing oh you don't respect me then um it's the purpose of me trying to like what am what am I gaining like out of trying to like prove something to you you don't even [ __ ] with me it's like you running into the fire it's like you just like use the fire extinguisher and just like the coties they're coming to get me running and you get the [ __ ] out of there you know what I'm saying you don't respect me whatever loyalty is is like I said once again [ __ ] may be mad at you but he going to stay down I say Mak noise for that yeah now one thing one thing um about you that I know we spoke about it a little bit earlier we touched on it was um I remember a time after Nas made Illmatic and he made uh I believe I am after that right I am after that was written it was written it was WR it was written no no it was written and um I forget what other album I used to hang with n all the time yeah and we used to walk around and people was like when the [ __ ] is when's the next album cuz you know people have Twitter that was their Twitter back then so they like they would yell at him they were yelling at him when I be looking like yo like we thought it was just like Queens people and for not for nothing Nas wouldn't let no one rust his process yeah to me the only artist like that in this generation period is you Kendrick Kendrick as well it feels like it's a TDE thing I mean yeah we got a problem and they blame it always blame it on top and I'm going to be honest it's not top fault it's y'all being overc created it's the artist I wouldn't blame it on top bro listen what top gains from telling Kendrick Lamar he can't drop album no he don't G nothing it's [ __ ] Kendrick lore what does top gain from telling the scissors she can't drop album this is black hippie dropping the album yeah like what does he gain from it you know um if anything he should be um throwing us under the bus you know what I mean but um you know I'm here to take some Flack off top and he never not told us you know has he ever said maybe you need another R of course like he's a [ __ ] yeah like my engineer tell me that too uh Kendrick sometime tell me that too like Jrock tell me that too um you know like my producer tell me that too like so yeah sometime you may say yeah you need another record right but I mean like like saying like oh you can't drop this year at all don't even think about it it's like insane and me being like in my 30s and allowing that would be even way more crazy like like all everything about it is out of pocket but um I I don't suggest artists take five years off right um unless you got a let me just tell you unless you're good no let me just tell you something there's people that's good that don't have a cult fan base I'm be honest with you yeah if you don't have that yeah you can't do that you [ __ ] got cult fan base I I enjoy so much yeah this morning waking up and saying look this is how I'm training for school boy Q and all your fans was in my DMs yo [ __ ] tell them this tell I was like I was like oh [ __ ] I like and you have like a alternative fan base a lot of white people I'm not going to lie for sure for sure a lot of white people hit me up yeah no for sure I okay and then uh a lot of gang members as well I respected them too you know what I mean but uh I got I definitely got a lot of white fans I mean I came out like with pop record opposite yeah it really is like I really I really I really s for myself like holy [ __ ] manad white people hold up hold up my hacka Jim Dugen you know what I mean and then then a lot of yeah Hoover gang oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah no I I got a lot of white fans cuz I came out I came your shows is white people I mean that's how most shows are black people can't afford no [ __ ] with um bandanas covering they [ __ ] hell no no no no my my you know I got the nice white folks and [ __ ] you know like I'm not talking about them I'm talking about the gang members h n n n gang bangers don't they go to the club they ain't coming to no damn school boy Q show you know what I mean n the gang bangers don't really come to my show no really N I don't really make Gang Bang music to be real like um like if you got to be like in The Artsy side of it like like a artist you can respect it and you can hear it but the average uh Street dude I'm more so on a weird side of like the gang banging I mean yeah you're artist but I'm just being realistic it's just what it is like you know you think of nipy you think of YG you think of you know what I'm saying like those people and like I always say Vince cuz I always got to give Vince stap St his flowers too every time because we're like the only two we like the The Outsiders of like that you know that was the first time me coming to La as many years as I've go to La was I went to a nipsy hustle show one time and the first time I seen Mexicans like you said like Mexicans and blacks been together like that for a while but I had seen it happened before I had never seen I'm not saying it didn't exist I had never seen that when I went to a nipy um show I seen Bloods Crips yeah all different types of people everybody and they was yeah together um is there any reason why you and N never really like oh man um that's one of my biggest regrets not doing a song um not doing the song didn't get along I mean I mean to sit there and say that is kind of like yeah you know like irrelevant right cuz was nobody going to say nothing if if it happened yeah yeah but I mean um it it was it was presented before and um I think my timing was a little off and we didn't uh do the record um and that's one of my biggest one of that is my biggest regret of my rap career is that not having a song with nipy right and um he reached out too oh wow through Ken civil Caren civil yeah yeah yeah big up Caren civil I mean but me and him would would be always cool and like always would talk but we just never put nothing on wax right um what I say politics maybe but not really no it just hadn't happened it just didn't happen yeah and like I said I'm like a I'm I'm I'm a like a a RT [ __ ] so I'll be like like I'll literally just I I keep say this like I I literally go everybody and like just like put my phone away like literally get rid of it and like just you're on your own time yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think that was around the time where I was on that and I was just you know cuz I give so much and I tour a lot at the time I was touring a lot and I was doing a lot of [ __ ] and um yeah I had to get back right you had young kids too right yeah yeah yeah like and know I got kids he got kids and our timing just didn't uh match up but yeah he had sent me he got a song with Mazy it's called ain't hard enough he sent it to me and I'm yeah bro I wish I was on that joint cuz I love that song too ain't hard enough your knuckles ain't scarred enough you ain't in forign cars he was hard on there I'm hot ain't on that record I'm I ain't on that record he hard did you NP hard he's hard he's hard he's hard um did you expect that like what um like you know when you heard I don't think anybody expected it no that he that he passed nobody expected that to happen no uh that wasn't uh that's out of pocket man right he he a deserve that at all he's rebuilding the neighborhood like how you said you went like that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that type of [ __ ] be having me scared to even do [ __ ] you know what I'm saying a dude that like a dude like that like bro everybody loved him and took this one [ __ ] idiot like you know what I'm saying like which is usually how it is this one [ __ ] idiot dude like it's not fair bro it's not fair for his kids his homies it's not that [ __ ] for the community that [ __ ] not cool for no no no no part of it is cool like black black folks like you know what I'm saying like I said it got me scared to do something and no I a going to say scared that's that's a that's a strong word I ain't scared of [ __ ] but it got me like dude yeah like is it worth it yeah you know what I'm saying is it worth putting the [ __ ] gym over there right like you know what I'm saying like other than TDE right um it's been r is that La is probably one of the most dangerous places for rappers do you believe that's true um yeah because I mean everybody be checking in that's your' favorite thing to do check in with somebody that's going to rob your stupid ass wow y you think that guy he yo the guy that you don't know [ __ ] in uh California got your back the guy that got beef with other hoods and all this you checking in that dude bro just go to the hotel get you something to eat go back to the hotel do your business go have some fun where [ __ ] is fun where you why do you want to go over there all right for what don't call me oh [ __ ] be having a nerve to call me sometime like like what are you talking about bro I'm playing video games my daughter got a soccer game tomorrow bro grow the [ __ ] up like I'm not meeting you at I'm not about to drive over here to Beverly Hills and drop you off an ounce of weed what a bad one if someone calls him to check yeah [ __ ] told me yeah bring bring some of your homies with you I'm like bro look I'm coming up by myself I'm not even bringing Mingo with me like um like you get what I'm saying like I'm trying to be lowkey why you trying to like you know what I mean let's just go to this spot why you want to go to that spot like you you better living like what what are we doing I get it I get it stay connected and all this [ __ ] but sometimes you don't need to be connected like you're not from over here bro like I'm not going to Brooklyn to see what's going on in the dangerous parts of Brooklyn what the [ __ ] like why am over there in the dangerous parts of Brooklyn like shout out to y'all I want the dangerous parts of Brooklyn come to the show or something and we meet up over here where it's neutral and we cool and we all straight like I'm I'm here for peace I don't know why everybody trying to prove something I just feel like people just trying to prove stuff and then they put their self in these silly ass situations and and it's just like I don't get it like just why don't you just go home like go to the back to the room like you got your food like all right cuz like you know we can like smoke weed in the [ __ ] room and [ __ ] like or we can go you know come to my house like let's go to the studio like let's do some productive [ __ ] let's go to Alchemist crib yeah let's do some cool [ __ ] like shout out to Alchemist man Alchemist always got the spot jerking with you know what I'm saying with artist and music going you want to go do go to alot the first time I heard of TDE yeah through no for sure spot is jerking all music everybody you got to you come to La that that's that's what we that's what we are you come to La see Alchemist [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying and that's another thing [ __ ] think he from New York yall damn near than took him from usk La bro y' can't y y a taking out from me y can't have out no y not out he gave us he gave it up he gave it let me tell you pause pause no no no he was damn near for Queensbridge list no no no def definitely but let me just tell you something I hung out with Alchemist for two days one time I almost died the [ __ ] don't eat just drink coffee and and smoke [ __ ] tobacco joints and I'm just looking around I I ain't want to be the I ain't want to be the fat guy to be like we ain't going to eat eat we just kept working I was just like I'm looking like there's no break there's no like Dunkin Donuts or something and he'll just order coffee and just keep going I'm like this [ __ ] is crazy he's such a legend though he's such a legend everybody always asking us why we don't have him on like it's our fault I'd be like yo I alus don't want to be on drink champ he was he was here in the studio the other day no no he was ready he was ready was he yeah yeah Alchemist come on man me we love Alchemist man we love him but and he is from the West Coast scho boy right though we've been trying to scoop for a long time be trying too I didn't know I was from La y'all better put some respect though that I was from La well [ __ ] [ __ ] that that's my big homie that's my favorite producer yeah that's that's crazy so I know I know y'all always sick of talking about this but black hippie yeah never happened you named that I named it yeah black hippie is the greatest group that never happened exactly exact the greatest [ __ ] group AI is going to create an album yeah I lie AI should create Al I mean um it might be hard it might be hard I mean [ __ ] the industry firing every [ __ ] body saw twe today yeah yeah they firing everybody [ __ ] so it might be hard they might put that [ __ ] out I go I I survive I survive 600 got chip clipped in the universe clipping everything they clipping everything they're clipping everything but artist right artist about get but they're not gonna sign new artist think about that y you think artist is complaining about getting clipped but black hippie y'all could go to akan mhm Ohio yeah we can go anywhere for two days and this album will be done yeah for sure I don't know why I say aan Ohio I just feel like we can go everywhere Lamar be Lamar James um but you know that ship sale it was never going to happen anyway but um and then you know dot got his own he got he doing his own thing man like you got a PG Lane you going up yeah you know what I'm saying left TDE in a good way on good yeah yeah in a good way just like you know it's paperwork Ain got [ __ ] to do with like that's blood right there you know what I mean like that's it's not even like a rapper homie or like no that's like really my brother like that's blood so paperwork don't got [ __ ] that's just paperwork you know what I mean but if you I'm whatever he is I am too he PG L I'm PG L too if you know what I'm saying if if right now like you're saying who would be the one to call it together yeah let's let's just say let's just say you said if why you weaking do but he don't have the power to get me to do a black hippie album dot Kendrick don't have the power if doc call you and say listen we listen meet me at Aspen Colorado you pulling up you got ski boots on M I want the album to be made there for that man yeah n no yeah the firm album was made in bville that [ __ ] was hard too The Firm album and two days didn't you say went to Cali for your reverse yes so what the [ __ ] you talking about the firm album was already done I'm I'm I was the extra on the front sorry you blow me up like that all right I was an extra sir but Aspen 4 days you do K you don't think I could make it happen you wouldn't you would I I wouldn't do it you wouldn't do it you wouldn't do it no cuz it sell you're just that as that's the artist in you the creative artist like gone yeah it's gone not even as a tour no it's gone it's gone it's all good like what the [ __ ] like [ __ ] I mean like it's all good it's gone though but but you understand why everybody wishes that no yeah yeah yeah I'm talking to this is the fan of Me no it's not all good let's make this it's over let's make this right no black he album let's do a tug wall but we we um um me and Dot going to do something in the future I'm almost 100% sure we're still going to work together we never but that's the thing though like I never done really done records with DOT I always wanted to stand alone um he would always put my albums together and like have mad ad libs do it and like he Happ was this whole thing sequencing and like composing and [ __ ] like that um so only thing we really did was uh bless and collar greens you know I didn't want to use the cheat code like put dot on it put putt on it put dot on it it's like I want let me see if I can do it like I already got dot on something like you know what I mean that's my brother like and he going up like like he going up like I don't even like when I see somebody going up and they're like going in a certain direction artistically like I don't want to step into that and mess that up either too I saw where he was going I told him too if you ever get him on here he' tell you I told him exactly when we were like on the couch I told him exactly how his career was going to pan out like step by step what point did you tell them that like when we were like no fans no nothing like I his work ethic and the way he was right I'm like watch you going to drop your first album going to be the biggest uh I don't even I ain't smoked a blunt from somebody in like five years you went your own you your own n it's all good let's do it yeah that's that blunt with that live res in there you there you go yeah you got you got more you got more come more but sorry what I was saying um when you told him when you told him how his career was going to go yeah I told him so I said your first album you're going to be this this Mega star watch you're going to blow up be this Mega star your second album you're going to make the greatest album ever I told your third album you going to be like this big ass at this point you're going to be the biggest you could you know what I'm saying the biggest artist in the world right and I we didn't I didn't really talk about for but I just gave him like a one two three and it literally was that and it's it's hilarious like the way it panned out I I just saw it though he was like always we used to always call him the uh the the the go what we used to call him the golden the Golden Boy or the CH The Chosen One Golden Child yeah some [ __ ] we used to call him something I forgot what we used to call him but he was always like oh yeah he the one like I you know his work ethic everything he taught me worth that thing he taught me all that [ __ ] like like to that's that's why nobody like to this day nobody outworks me nobody I don't know nobody that can outwork me like I'm always creating something always always is it true TDE wanted to drop you and Kendrick stepped up no uh I they just pul me to the side and just intervention yeah just like I wouldn't say even drop me it was just like we ain't [ __ ] with him no more we Wen really popping like that right so like dropping me out um it was like early again yeah it was just like like uh we not going to have he he lazy he ain't with this [ __ ] he don't really care uh yeah I mean I was hustling and [ __ ] I was hustling too so I was your heart wasn't in it yeah yeah I was back and forth out of town and hustling and um I was trying to get to the chili I was like this rap [ __ ] bro you hear to me I get some chili right quick top one with that [ __ ] he like man nobody got time for that lazy [ __ ] you know what I mean so I guess he like said it and like you know just like spoke it and I him heard and was like you know just put me to the side like hey bro they talking about blah blah blah blah blah you know what I mean and that's when I came came up with the black hippie [ __ ] like all right well [ __ ] I'm going to make a group you can't leave kick me out then I can go bust a mov and I can just do a verse and then uh yeah boom black hippie the name and then uh I you know that verse me having to do the verse just you know I just you know once again that that Sports side of me kicked in the discipline and you know once that other [ __ ] dried up I wasn't making no money on that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was I ain't no I was no real I'm the most cap drug dealer ever you know what I'm saying that [ __ ] dried up and it's like um you know now I got to compete and he in there cracking every day he cracking every day that was cracking Jrock cracking so cracking they cracking every day we on One mic we was just waiting in line every day just you know soon as it free up all right my turn I'm you know when you just got to get your [ __ ] off and then I just started cracking cracking next thing you know I'm on drink Champs I just never stopped cracking never stop cracking never like I said I I I got drop blue lips and I got 18 more to go so I'mma keep cracking I'm not going to lie to you again blue slides my favorite cuz it remind me of who world is this without reminding me of whose world is this like I'm I'm jogging to it this morning I'm like this [ __ ] too young to know yeah the feeling like I said in in the intro of it I listen to your music it almost feels like you belong in the 90s yeah it almost feel like you did time travel and you you you came out I don't want to say the wrong error but like a different error like damn just tell me I'm outdated [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no cuz that's not what I mean I mean I mean it in the most respectful way because so many people of this generation are not lyrical based are not like like you made an album made people make singles yeah for sure they make a single a bside excuse me I went SCH d i just show my age I just show my age my fault my fault they make they make a single and the next single stop stop all right they make you made a whole album like we jog to your whole [ __ ] thank you like thank you it's a body of work like what why why would you do that when you can just make two [ __ ] dope singles like everyone else why you want to break them sh I did it like so many times and nobody ever told me [ __ ] congratulations I'm like God damn like on the album bro nobody never [ __ ] told me [ __ ] generation we telling you congratulations here and drink CH [ __ ] oh yeah OPP I he said the opposite way I'm saying the opposite way so I was always chasing these hits right and doing hits and [ __ ] it was always dope right but like every time something go PL them they never be like congrats this [ __ ] go PL I be having to ask for my plaques and [ __ ] I'm like man [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm making this [ __ ] right now I want to make I want to make this I told everybody too like bro I'm making an art project and um Step back please I told everybody just step back and let me cook for this project and um they let me cook and I made my best work like um and it's going to live forever like it's going to live forever like and it's going to inspire people to to to to actually make a project you know cuz people are now you know the streaming and [ __ ] it up it's like eight versions and [ __ ] yeah you got the sped up the a capella you got all this [ __ ] it's like like golly like what the [ __ ] you got you know what I mean like what where do I start the album at like I don't even get it like you know they just trying to run up the cuz the streaming [ __ ] is so [ __ ] up it's just you know they just running up the streams now so people aren't fly focused on making albums and like you know the thing with James Blake was saying people don't buy albums either right you know what I'm saying so when you don't buy albums people are just going to play the game cuz artists are like Fu well y'all ain't buying it I'm just going play the game then you know and rightfully so I ain't mad at him you know what I mean but me personally I came in a different time and um I'm blessed to be school boy Q so I'll always be able to generate some chili like you know I put myself in that position but I don't see the younger artist being able to do that with the way they do things cuz they're not like really making a b of work it's more so you know streaming they making some chili though but I mean that how long will it last exactly it's like um is that chil going cuz you're feeding your your true fan base and growing them at the same time yeah but when you just recycling you know people for like a couple songs it don't you see it all the time it don't really transfer to shows like people can't even tour it's like how these dudes like sell so many records and you can't even like [ __ ] do I be like Germany and [ __ ] and I be out and then I be in New York yeah I'll be I'll be everywhere like you know what I'm saying Australia wherever and it's like I don't be seeing none of these cats and I'll be like I don't get it it's not making sense can't they can't go out there they don't have that yeah but also like I said if something don't change like um I think James Blake is right we got to figure something out like uh to get cuz we need the younger generation to start making albums again and and caring about the artwork not saying not to make a hit I'm not sitting here saying that like you def if you're a young artist you definitely need to make a hit now don't try to come in on on some blue lip [ __ ] like no come [ __ ] you need a hit you know what I'm saying but at the same time like you can still make an album with a hit like you know what I mean it's been done since the beginning of time like you know but you know people just focus on those records and so they'll put 10 of those same kind of Records on there cuz one of them all you need is two of them to catch and those two songs will carry the album to gold or platinum and it's like you know so it killed the album kind of but you know um if we don't you know start purchasing albums unfortunately that's going to be the continued result um and me it doesn't affect me cuz I can get my chili I'm talking about for the Young Generation It Ain't About Me me like oh buy my album hey you know buy it or don't but I'm just saying the younger generation is going to suffer because it's just going to keep recycling new artists cuz somebody else going to come with another joint too and another joint another joint it's going to catch on Tik Tok and then you know it is what it is but they become their disposable at that point yeah exactly and one thing I wanted to bring up going back to Alchemist is that his his model of making music and then making the the merch and then he'll sell it at a at a at a high rate yeah so that he could make the music he wants to make and that's what happens when you have a real fan base yeah versus a streaming fan base yeah it's it's different fan base that's what I'm saying and it's not it's I think it's a disservice that we're doing the older Generation Um like my generation we we can do something the 90s Our Generation [ __ ] it up first yeah yeah and we're just constantly keep [ __ ] it up you know what I'm saying but at some point we got to learn you know what I'm saying we we got to learn start they kept [ __ ] up and uh yeah we got to help these younger cats a little bit and we got to fix it a little bit because the biggest artists in the world are still in their 30s you know what I'm saying or the older cats they're the biggest artist you can name them they're all in their 30s so I think uh yeah like everybody needs to figure something out for the younger artist like I said we're fine we can always get some chili like these other dudes are not going to have what we have and so we got to like figure something out I think the like I don't know what it is but the difficult part is making a younger generation a musician and creatives understand that making something dope is more important than just flossing that you're doing well but they yeah but that too but they they need some guidance and they just need a little bit of they need to know that it works too though but you know dangling the cheese or the carrot in front of the person that's what's every time has [ __ ] [ __ ] up but these dudes are still good writers though I I they they're dope it's almost like they don't want to be like they do it on purpose sometimes you can see the Crea the game they playing the game rightfully so because like they they coming from no chili you know what I'm saying it's easy for me to say like oh do the you know the art and the album [ __ ] but that's just how they have to get on you get what I'm saying like we didn't have to get on like that so they have to get on playing the game so they come in a certain way it's like you know what I mean and and it's and and it's a little disservice we're doing a disservice in that would you say like a team like TDE makes a big difference and where a lot of these artists don't have teams like that uh yeah and no but I think the team thing is kind of dead too you have to like stand as an individual right more so than anything cuz like people are just scrolling I mean you we all scrolled a 100 times million times before we even got here right like so you have to be able to stand in as a individual the team thing is dope but um that's kind of selling too um you have to be an individual so saying that you got all these projects ahead of you what's your I mean obviously you might not want to give it all up but like how what is your like if you're giving up to the younger generation some game what's your plan that because you said this is your only thing yeah this is it what does that plan look like in these next four or five albums moving forward uh just pushing myself still uh how often do you drop these albums what's around these project that's the thing I I hope I don't take another five years you know what I'm saying [ __ ] I do not want to take another five years but um I'm be honest I can afford another [ __ ] five years this climate I can't afford another five years I like I said I can always make some chili but mentally I can mentally no I can't afford another five so that that was the last time of your fiveyear Hiatus yeah I don't think I could ever do that again um your last album to this album yeah yeah but I I'm asking the next was four yeah it would be five years in the in one month type [ __ ] so I just call it five round it off five if we was talking about some money I would have rounded it off five if I got 4.7 I Got 5 million out that you know what I mean but um yeah uh hopefully I hopefully um you know I'm still working right now so hopefully uh I find a pocket and I get it I get it going but yeah other than that I just hope the younger generation just get some help and and [ __ ] we got to help him somehow some way uh I don't know I don't know who's the best rapper golfer me me take a shot for that I'll take a shot for yeah yeah but I'm definitely better best rapper go yeah better than everybody how about DJ K I'm way better he's not a rapper though yeah way better than D how about J Ru way better than J Ru okay here's the big one Scarface is the only good one SC Scarface Scarface is the only good one and um I haven't played with Scarface but I seen his swing it's pretty good but um I don't know his handicap but um I think I'm I'm better than everybody though how did you get put on to [ __ ] golf my boy uh June yeah he um he got me um he bet me in the studio 10 grand that I would make a birdie in two years and I was like I can do anything okay what the [ __ ] is a birdie all right so say it's a part four so what the [ __ ] is a part for you have four shots listen sh our audience like they stupid cuz they pretty much you have four shots to get a par it's called a par four four shots to get a par so if you make it in the hole before four shots on your third shot that's called a birdie and you get a negative point so you the the game goes by the lowest amount of points you get what I'm saying that's why I ain't playing golf this it's too much mathematics it's not really it's just hit the ball get faded and go ain't nobody tripping on like all that [ __ ] okay okay yeah yeah like I mean bro like bro they all trash have you not seen these dudes play they're all trash like you can definitely go out there and play and have enjoy yourself like no but kie look good out there Cali shout out to Cali man he he got better he got better I seen I he working he working he working he working but but he's definitely he's a he's definitely awful he's awful wa not awful come on no he's awful I seen him no I seen K like he be sweating now he's a good dude man he's a good dude man he be like proud down the middle I'll be like I'm proud of him because he really did it like uh really playing okay like like you know what I'm saying like a lot of people you know so you really playing hopefully I hope he gets rid of the uh like U like the the rich side of like I don't want the I don't like that narrative that we kind of push what that golf is Rich like yeah you have to be like Rich to play golf that that's not true that's not true no yeah okay um so that's that' be my my my riff with a lot of hip-hop and golf right now cuz now that it's like coming into this world they're like making it seem like oh yeah some rich [ __ ] like yeah rich people but it's like like you know poor people should be able to play this [ __ ] too oh really you know what I'm saying like and they're like um they might be really really [ __ ] good you know black people be pretty good at every [ __ ] sport if we start playing golf maybe at five right we might have some you know so Ty Woods told us that yeah yeah for sure um but you know that's my whole thing like I I want more people to like uh push it more so as like you know like it's more a mental thing it's fun it's like you think right now people are pushing it a golf but they're pushing it like as a rich like in a hip hop The Hip Hop world yeah yeah but even outside of hipop the cruise yeah yeah I mean yeah it's like some rich [ __ ] for sure it's like some rich [ __ ] what I'm saying is but what I'm saying is it's a lot of people that are not rich that play go they drink beer yeah yeah and just chill and just play at public courses yeah and they like you know what I'm saying saying like they're way you know what I'm saying that's it's the it's more of them than it is people at the Country Club you get what I'm saying more regular folk yeah yeah yeah so The Narrative of it and it's like you know I don't like it because um they be putting like this retirement on it too like oh you you going golf you you doing your way to it's not even that it's like bro I'm just gone for a couple hours and I'm back getting to it like what's the difference of me going to the club what's the difference of me like playing basketball how long you been playing golf uh 6 years 6 years yeah [Music] yeah yeah I'm I'm and you know I go on and off but I'm I'm right now I'm trash right now cuz I've been working on the music but um Dam you got to keep at it like that to say no for sure that's what I'm saying like bro everybody's ass like just play like you know don't worry about don't wor about yeah like bro like everybody's ass like everybody's ass I'm ass and I'm really good and ass so like you know what I mean like don't even worry about it just play like you I'm telling you that [ __ ] fun and it's cool like you out there smoking you doing everything here yeah like you you chilling music you got music slapping you chilling and you just hitting the ball that's you wearing them shirts though yeah yeah and you get you know what I mean you get fresh tuck your shirt in you I mean da her up young man I Tu my shirt in the at yeah you got shirt I don't know to do that b yeah man I took my shirt in every day you mean collar shirt look at ik I ik Ike had to change y don't know if you know I I I had to change yeah he he wore the same tight ass shirt Sunny had on other day is that what happened mm so you you with the golf attire you do the shoes the spikes yeah I do the whole [ __ ] kind have to right yeah you got to do the whole [ __ ] you a slip you a slip or something you got to have it you look like you look like you might golf I never done it but I'm man I done goito that's mini golf you know you know what's my hobby I play handball handball that's some prison [ __ ] you you did or Puerto Rican prison [ __ ] or some Puerto Rican Ric you I'm mad that y both kind of right I'm mad I'm mad I'm mad holy [ __ ] I ain't never hit the um let's talk about brand new guy with ASAP Rocky because um how did y'all link up you went to New York actually D yeah um so uh Flo was a fan he always say I'm his favorite rapper I keep calling him out every time now he got Rihanna has he said it since he been Rihanna nah he ain't said it's he G me man you my favorite rapper he deserve taste [Applause] got brother that's my brother describe he you my space nah he uh on mypace Dam Myspace I don't know made that that far back he out to you yeah he reached out to me um I forgot through kendri and top and and punch did not know about yeah yeah yeah no no no you didn't know about him they no no yeah I didn't know [ __ ] about him okay but they were saying he was bumping my [ __ ] all the time and I was a new artist he like you my favorite blah blah blah this that and I'm like okay blah blah blah I didn't hear [ __ ] so anyway he dropped like pesos or something right yeah that's and I'm like oh this dude hard ain't going and I'm in New York like right after pesos pretty much on yeah and he like yo I'm trying to [ __ ] with you and he pulled up him and yams yeah him and yams peace and um so was with me we big we big drugged out so in the other room faded which one of your homies went to sleep uh Soul AB so it was Soul yeah yeah he he was in that [ __ ] she was I was doped up too but you know what I'm saying they come in he play the beat he like got like brand new whip brand new ride and he just like he like mumbling my ear or whatever and I was like oh yeah and I just cracked like I said crack think was stupid then he let's go back and forth crack think went stupid and then yeah I went to go to the bathroom and uh so was on the couch sleep and he he just like he just stuck his hand out CRA he like oh my God you so stupid like you are ridiculous something and then yeah that was that was that and we've been like brothers ever since let's take a shot for the Brotherhood yeah yeah yeah yeah that's my brother cheers I'mma tell you something as an old Elder Statesman I don't want to call myself a OG because I not but as an elder Statesman the TDE ASAP crew made us proud because y'all kind of started together we kind of like still like together like yeah we are still cool like that [ __ ] is dope like you know what I mean because in my time our time like it was like enemies like yeah and it was it was stupid because when you go to a la Hood it's the same [ __ ] Hood as New York just people got different type of you know gestures and coaches and accents but it's the same [ __ ] people rul same [ __ ] thing but y'all showed us the difference yeah and y'all younger than us but y'all shown that c how they say it camaraderie you go there you go y'all showing us that I had to look back and say damn I wish I wish we would have participated in that you know what I mean we no our whole generation though it was really no real beefs in our from our generation right if you notice like we all got along like all of us from W nipy to ASAP to everybody that came out joy badass everybody that was like coming out like y'all were unified in the C we all of us were like super cool and all supported each other like I said if if you let somebody take your spot it was never yours in the first place I feel like all of us was like SEC secure and like we all had our own Lanes yeah we all had our own bags like we weren't even tripping like you know what I'm saying so we always supported each other all of us like I mean that's why I said earlier like y'all like the only Crews like that didn't sound like each other like like give mean TD as a crew TDE um you know um ASAP as well too like um in our generation it was dope like my favorite rappers granddad listen to my my [ __ ] you can't hear Grandad you and my at all it's like I want to be exact opposite of what I and I felt like that's what you guys was doing like you guys were like being so unique that's why I said like Andre 3000 in your in in in your your intro is because like it's so different from what you guys it's like I'm so influenced I want to show you something different yeah yeah I'm definitely influenced by cast all them like Goody Mob uh oh man you know what I'm saying family yeah like Snoop mob deep right you and Capone um for real right um wuang like bro I can name Nas literally my favorite rapper like bro you know what I'm saying like I can name all day corrupt you know what I'm saying like corrupt was so hard one of one that's my brother corrup is one of the but do you consider hand on your on the wheel on one of your first hits yeah it was it was and that was the first record y'all did together no brand new guy then we did hands on the wheels like I hit even one like oh I got this joint I'm like I got the radio joint that's when it was like kind of like trying to get on the radio and [ __ ] I'm like I got a radio joint sent it to him but then my boy he sent it back and it just you know think another one we got another one you know so this one y didn't make in the studio together no we didn't make this one in it he actually no actually no no I sent it to him and he showed no he came to LA and pulled up to uh Hector homie Hector studio and we yeah we did it yeah yeah you know it's another story I love what is I I only got invited to the Grammys once ah the Grammy right um I lost me too I lost I lost a few times you got four nominations out there or five I got like I got a few I lost count I don't I don't think Philly Philly officially n i don't whatever I just I hate War shows yeah I never went again I just couldn't stand it I couldn't stand losing pun was alive at this time yeah but you went to the Grammys because your daughter asked you yeah yeah yeah and then not only you went to the Grammys that time but you drank Duce with Jay-Z no I didn't oh [ __ ] no I didn't drink Duce he had some Duce he offered you something no he didn't offer me now he and what else you have so he can say that didn't happen what the [ __ ] so he had two cups M and he had some dece and he had two cups and I guess it was like for one with his boy or something and he looked at me he like and I was like oh he said my bad yeah yeah yeah like oh like like this could have been yeah like my bad I only got two cups bro like you know what I mean I'm like it's all good I was with my daughter and [ __ ] you know what I mean just me and her so I wasn't tripping so how cool of a dad was you that day uh my daughter was ready to dip she was hot she was hot at chance she she was not [ __ ] with chance Chance the Rapper yeah when when they called his name she was like why he win another award was like it's third one he won I'm like she was hot how old was she how old was she I don't know she was like uh eight oh yeah she won day yeah she was over um she was like why he soon as they said his name after uh um for best rap album cuz they brought the camera uh cuz like you know they bring the cameras for like the reaction yeah like case you win and they brought the camera in front of her and she like squeezed me like like as if like oh [ __ ] too yeah yeah oh yeah you went for the [ __ ] of it h no I ain't going for you lost you lost oh okay but um yeah so she was mad for you yeah yeah soon soon as they said Chance the Rapper she's hot she was why they say his name why they why that's a SD one I'm like good for him man it's all good like you know what I mean like Jo she was not [ __ ] with it she was not [ __ ] with it then she's like let's go I'm like yeah let's go so we did right after right after chance got his a war like let's go and Jay was just like um yo keep going man I was like a thank you bro I was like I'm out that's what's up yeah you and ASAP rocket was going to do an album together yeah we talked about it but I mean we both like me like like I say me and him just ghost each other so much bro wild man yeah yeah like you know what I mean he'll be I'll be looking for him I can't find him he'll be looking for me looking for him he looking for me coming outside flash I see it I'll be like BR I call him tomorrow and then it just he changed since Rihanna got Rihanna he got so sometime I got to get him back all right you ghosted me for a week I'm going have to ghost you for a week you got to wait a week now too no no no but you know no that's my boy I was just at his house um uhuh uh looking at the new art he was making and and coming up with he called he called okay he called the art that he drawing he doing you know he's always doing clothes videos and you know music he just let me to see all the art he was working on pretty much that's a ill couple creatively yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's different that's different Kanye's um daughter dropping an album yeah uh Elementary dropout dropout that's a little crazy but that's ill at the same time Elementary drop out that's cold it's crazy dope hold on did you see drop out of Elementary though no I hope not well I mean if they homeschooling if they homeschooling then maybe I meano yeah homeschooling is fine too but maybe that's that makes sense that that's that's hard if she actually dropping out like right now like that is hard I'm out I'm out [ __ ] fth grade [ __ ] it honestly what does she need school for though like honestly what they going teach you how to make money yeah yeah you got she looking at these teachers like being honest she should be educated come on let's be honest [ __ ] that what the [ __ ] does she need from school I'm be honest all of their kids what do they [ __ ] need they need their own education to learn their own [ __ ] man what have you learned in school that you applied in life man you need some fundamentals show me what you have you learned man one plus one I have I learned how to read Lear how to Geographic geography yeah I learned learn that own I learned history history you know what the best geography is touring not everybody can tour bro well learn to do something learn how to do something to see the [ __ ] world [ __ ] learn how to do something to see the world got learn in school so you can learn tour I know [ __ ] who got $40 and they go to Bali every two months man no listen they B out if you kid I be looking [ __ ] sometime like damn [ __ ] be posting some [ __ ] I be like ain't no way you out and [ __ ] tur andos [ __ ] is saving up [ __ ] is saving those crazy Backpackers don't got [ __ ] they be they be homeless out there coupons Is For Real homeless yeah they probably be at the [ __ ] hoteles for real the hoses no there's no hoses no more with them hard ass what do they call [ __ ] listen man airbnbs now since Donald Trump they've been living man I'm be hon you going go back to that [ __ ] sleepy Joe was [ __ ] up [ __ ] getting locked up over sh sley Joe you [ __ ] with sleepy Joe oh man here we go here we go sleepy Joe hey man when Dre Champs goes politics we [ __ ] up every time every time yeah you a got to answer this [ __ ] bro I ain't a Democrat or Republican man [ __ ] I'm I'm a nnan I'm a nothing I'm a nothing but I'm not a democrat or a republican so I don't know you know I vote I vote according I vote you know what I'm saying on whoever is the best candidate yeah I'm a flipflop voter yeah it's not a yeah that's the problem when you on the team that's the problem when you a Democrat or you a Republican and you on that team that's the issue in America problem is I follow my brother Fat Joe no you don't man whatever he does you do yeah until he put up the Trump sneaker then I got confused I'm like yo hold on you just told like and and then then the next week after that he in the white house he did as a sneaker head I don't know man listen Joe you confusing me my brother I you I deserve a text give me a text B Jo let me know what time which side are we flip-flopping to yeah no I'm not I don't I don't you know I don't think we benefit from neither of those dudes and both of those parties AR a't cools with each other bro I'm almost ready to vote for Kanye again that part yeah how did that record come about see how that Mak sense you see how made that makes sense that was that was some real that was some real good [ __ ] right there I a lie that part go ahead um so I had this record cardo sent it boom that part make it and I hit top and I'm like bro I want Kanye on it I was like [ __ ] I'm going shoot for the stars right I want Kanye on this [ __ ] he like all right I'mma see what's up and I guess he sent it to him and I ran it to him Kobe's last game um hold on you going hold on talk about what did you just say Kobe's last game yeah Kobe's last game you ran into kanj West yeah yeah in sta y not the crypto Arena yeah stap Center St Center continue he dropped the 60 ball yeah Kobe this a 60 game yeah um just legendary yeah yeah he um yeah and I ran in the yay and he like uh I got the record blah blah blah that [ __ ] hard blah blah blah blah blah blah and I'm like what the [ __ ] oh he telling you this yeah yeah yeah yeah he just W you know he just we entered this my first time meeting him too and then he just like um I don't know all that you don't remember that part yeah yeah I don't know not that part um yeah we we slap hands or whatever and he just like oh yeah pleasure to meet you bro don't record hard blah blah blah I'mma do it tonight I'mma send it to you tomorrow do blah blah blah and showing up the next day I had the verse and I was like what the [ __ ] and no politics no politics no nothing for the love here take it and and and to the video he showed up to the video by itself by itself he showed up to the video by itself I'm like I'm like Kanye Co and then he wanted to hear my album and then I played some of the album he like let's do it in your car my car I had a little Porsche and he he listen to the some of the album in the Porsche and I'm like this is what the [ __ ] like this is Kanye West like what the [ __ ] is going on this [ __ ] jump out by himself he in the car my homies and [ __ ] there they couldn't believe it too they just staring that like what's up with K like why why he Doo like why is he by himself like he did that here too he did that right here like damn like yo he came Sol here oh I couldn't believe it like this is yay and then he went to McDonald's right Lee they went McDonald like bro but I mean but that's another thing like when people love you like ain't nobody would never disrespect like you know what I mean you'll be such a sucker to like try to harm you know what I mean and like you know that's the respect you know he carried through his art that he put out you know what I'm saying like um I mean was nobody going to do nothing anyway but I'm just saying like you know he can move like that you know that's how I want to be able to move like [ __ ] by myself do you know every time you shouldn't though but you know I mean the flip is someone could say that's that's arrogant as well cuz we also talk about you know kind of knowing yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean there is that one like we said there's that one yeah sometimes sometimes yeah you should have security when like people knowing where you're going to be or not even security just even if it's you know someone in your friend just someone there watching where you're not watching yeah for sure for sure but um he felt you know he felt comfortable and he was comfortable and that was dope yeah if if a alien comes down right I'mma say what's up I'm a smoky I got a smoking yeah and he's smoking with you and he's saying yo school boy I need one hip-hop album to tell me to describe all of hip-hop what's that one hip-hop album you would tell that you know I'mma say blue lips oh godamn you know I'm going say blue lip Blue Lips I thought you would say il mtic no okay okay I love you nas but I'm not telling them it m no he's like I got one chance I got one chance this alien the alien get to bang my [ __ ] I'm the man you know what I mean but all right so um you was number 84 playing football with Andrew Harris and Sam yeah um these guys went on to the NFL I don't think so they they they made it like to like college though yeah yeah yeah yeah they did some um they did some shout out to them um honestly bro I was I was still gang banging when I was playing football I was just showing up to practice I didn't even know who on on the [ __ ] team I know like maybe three people on that team uh I remember a few people I remember a few I remember Round Tree Round Tree where you at man round tree thing it's Farm dog Round Tree he was a good he he was a good um he was a good linebacker dude um my homeboy Floyd played on the team I do remember Sam Rogers um Ryan Ryan Henry uh what school is this West LA um yeah that's that's pretty much all I remember uh this and I'm pretty sure I know faces for sure but names not so much I was like uh yeah but I was wild I used to have my round tree of V kouch for this but y'all never probably [ __ ] meet him but I used to have my burner on the side I was exted out I has to have my burner on the side of the practice bro it was so stup who want to play with you it was it was a dude it was a dude if I hit you too hard we we it was a dude it it was a dude that I didn't really uh see how ey with um but we was on the same team and I just didn't trust it was just stupid your own team members yeah it was it wasid dumb bro just like that's not even a flex really but it's just hilarious a hilarious story like having my gun on the sideline like I'm like like I'mma run to the gun like just dumb [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you was looking Ray Louis [ __ ] earlier like stupid it's just dumb which sports you like the most hey relax man you and take off your glasses before you ask questions I talk about floating with uh 21 Savage yeah how did that come about um that was me just like you know like you said earlier you can just make the hits and do I was just like just make a hit right quick mhm and I just [ __ ] was easy be easy yeah like [ __ ] Studio nah I sent it to him uhuh uh I pulled up on him and then just gave him the record and he's like yeah I'm going to do it and that was it wow we don't really got like no relationship just like this [ __ ] easy bro to be honest like making them type of records that [ __ ] easy so let I can do like 20 of them shits in the night like easy let me ask you cuz um I asked Nas you know a person that everyone loves I said n has there ever been anyone who's ever a fronted on you on a feature and he said no and then he said stop he said yes you know what Nori there is somebody that front on me and he said it's prince prince prince front on and I'll tell you why I lay there if you don't remember but is there anyone cuz like I said you have some of the most phenomenal guest features ever has it anyone who's ever told you no or ghosted you yeah a bunch uh who I want to say that names that's not cool just one just one just one uh who what's one I could uh say the [ __ ] bro I don't I don't think uh I don't this one respectfully this a few okay it's a few if you want to name a few I'm with that too um but I don't know yeah who did you front on a lot name I take a shot take sh hold I want to shot you I don't think that's fair I don't think you got shot right there no is yeah I don't think that's fair because like just cuz somebody don't do a verse cuz it was verses I didn't do for people that I really like the song yeah it don't really mean front onit getting in the way of it like yeah yeah like I mentioned like I had a chance to do a song with nipy and I love the song but you was in front on them yeah yeah I was in front on him it was just like timing and [ __ ] so sometime it just don't work out especially now the way you know rappers are like [ __ ] mega mega stars now so people be moving around we like athletes and [ __ ] now just name one person that didn't do a verse for you oh I'm going name one of the homies Then Kendrick didn't do a verse from me before and I didn't I respect that you know what I'm going take a shot for that I'm take a shot for that I'll take a shot take a shot for he breathing right now we back Sports chance we're here with Underdog fantasy app hey drink CH Army don't forget download the underdog fantasy app use the code drink Champs drink or Champs up to $100 will be matched and we here for it hope yall logging in doing a great job that's right this time nor is giving him a 100 a full 100 not going mat give you put five give you 100 9.99 that is not facts Underdog FY got you up to $100 anything you put in up to 100 they they match you that's right make that money celebrate I think we doing good we doing Gooding excellent we're doing EXC now for tonight's game we picked a a great competition we got the number one team in the Atlantic division Boston Celtics at the Chicago Bulls who's fourth currently in the Central Division so let's get right to it Jason Tatum averages 27.1 points this season for tonight's game Diego is he going higher or lower I Jason Tatum going higher than 27 maybe even higher than 30 I got Chas to tell him going higher off of his s Carol alone just off the S Carol high he got he got so glow from Coming to America yes higher on on Jason Tatum well since we're picking this game a little early pay attention to see if jayen Brown's playing if jayen is playing under 27 and a half if he's not playing matters he is out that is uh confirmed now for total now for total assist in the game we're back to Demar for Chicago Demar the roosen averages 5.3 assists to one and a half turnovers so that ratio matters he's a 5 to1 so efn higher lower on assist for Demar lower Diego higher than five yes absolutely he's got to Dish the ball I'm going to go higher than five I think he going to go nut tonight I I like it I like the way it sounds definitely lower he's playing the number one defensive team in the league and they're short a lot of players he's going to be required to score ain't nobody else H in the shop you see Sunny follows me that's why he makes so much money drink CH Army follow attention now going straight to the rebounds let's get to it uh Jason Tatum is an allaround athlete so he's also in this category he averages 8.3 rebounds a game defensively he got seven offensively he about two efn higher lower on the rebounds in tonight's matchup lower lower than eight rebounds he's going to go higher cuz he's goingon to get five of his own rebounds well I'm sticking with higher that's you know what I I think it might go higher too I like I like as a total points for the team Chicago Bulls at home remember they're the fourth seed in the Central Division they average 12.1 are they going to go higher or lower than 112.1 definitely lower Boston is going to keep them yeah and the Boston Celtics they average 121 points a game they are the number one team in the East and it was just St Patrick's Day so the St Patrick more the Lu of the Patrick what is it the luck the look of the Irish the number one three-point shooting team in the league % from the field they could score 121 in their sleep you heard here drink J's Army don't forget to download the underdog fantasy app use the code drink [ __ ] Sports CH let's [Applause] [Music] go um chopsticks with with Travis Scott yeah how did that come about same thing just like up going that was just a billboard album it was like just hit billboard do this or do this do this say like that yeah just I can I can literally do whatever bro this [ __ ] is easy I'm telling you this [ __ ] is easy bro I'm nasty bro I mean but that's not like a song that I I hold like as like one of my greatest songs or nothing I don't it's a good song man a [ __ ] gra [ __ ] I appreciate it but um I can do that type of [ __ ] like I can do whatever that [ __ ] easy all that [ __ ] easy okay C greens don't say that that easy too I did that in Man of the Year the same night those are great records man I was high as a [ __ ] too piss off making those GRE do you eat collar greens of course now what kind of collard greens do you eat with the pork in it or with the turkey in it bro I'm from La I eat pork and turkey bro like I'm not I'm not Muslim bro you know what I mean shout out to my Muslim Brothers but fo you know what I'm saying but you know but I'm not like a a super pork eater though like I eat like pork in the card greens I eat like bacon you know what I'm saying but I'm not really like feet P feet n I'm not like yeah I'm not like eating like pork chops and all the other sh other pork but no so um so I finished oxymoron and yeah um I told this story before I finished oxymoron I um you know toping him hit me like bro we need to uh single bro we need a single blah blah blah blah blah you know this is me coming out and I'm like you know had the hands on the wheel and you know I'm like on fire and [ __ ] right like this going to be a big moment blah blah blah blah blah and I'm like pissed you know cuz mainly just somebody telling me what to do you didn't want to be told yeah yeah yeah like you know just stubborn like artist he was right though yeah they wasn't wrong you know what I'm saying like he was 100 % right but I was just like bro I got Studio like just that's we good like that's you know what I'm saying they saw the future of that record it to get to that yeah so I was pissed I got high [ __ ] I got I brought some lean Want Blood yeah I brought some lean I um you out of control you brought some lean yeah yeah I brought some lean and I took some pills and I I just mad as a [ __ ] um I made collard greens real quick C greens mad yeah I was mad yeah mad like attit can nobody eat collar greens manad oh you wasn't eating collar greens you thinking collar greens no no yeah I was thinking collar greens okay so I I went you know made collar greens and then after that I just load you said Outcast what Outcast they they like uh influence okay inspir the record okay like yeah yeah like Outcast did this [ __ ] I'm thinking like oh they want like some pop [ __ ] even though I love Pop [ __ ] but I was just like oh they probably want me to go the same route as Hands on the Wheel right and then that's when you know I picked that beat though I picked you know I could have picked anything but I you know I I lcky picked the pop to me you a producer too yeah no I am more than I am a rapper a producer you be cracking on the ra um yeah but yeah I did the [ __ ] real quick Bing and then we just loaded up man of the year right after and I did that and I remember do calling me on the FaceTime about some [ __ ] was asking me about something and he heard man you going like this oh yeah yeah um and then um cuz he was working on [ __ ] don't kill my vibe video and then he heard um Man of the Year in the background playing man and he heard me rapping he like bro I want to put this on the end of uh one of his videos he had I don't even know if it was [ __ ] don't Kim my vibe that he put it at the back but it was one of his videos and so yeah I had to make sure I finish the last verse and I just you know I just had a verse no hook and know [ __ ] like that and so I just finished it right quick and yeah and that was just call the greenest Man of the Year yeah and I just sent it in like here y'all wanted singles I was had an attitude with it y'all wanted singles here the go to [ __ ] singles they're like thank you very much sent through text and like oh thank you straight great job I'm like you know I'm mad and [ __ ] you know what I mean all like [ __ ] trying to tell me Stu like you know like just stab bur [ __ ] I mean those are great records man yeah yeah okay let's talk about groovy Tony groovy Tony oo that shit's hard blank face Trey eight kill everybody [ __ ] AK sell narcotics step my dollars up to Bill Gates push all limits you looking timid need to back off punk ass cops some crackers W us with our black off I st no I was just bullshitting just [ __ ] around like I said this [ __ ] easy bro just Turn the Beat on just yell at the [ __ ] wall say that [ __ ] that's how that [ __ ] came out right you know what I mean and put kiss on there and that was history voila that was easy but I just I just you know all music is like you know my stories is all the same bro I just turn the beat on and yell at the [ __ ] wall like yell at the wall and I'm normally by myself in the studio I put like you know sometimes I do ideas with a bunch of people for the most part I just I'm by myself early in the morning just yelling at the wall bro just and just piece it together all right so about yay yay yay yay was that about cooca kinaa mhm I'm ready yeah yeah just a like once again just a song it was like a street single man like there no um no intros nothing introspective about it it was just a record like you know it is what it is [ __ ] let's make a slap I had pistols in my hand I you know what I mean I don't even know that [ __ ] no more but that [ __ ] was banging you know what I mean it was like a street single it was like the first single of oxy [ __ ] it was like before I hit him with this pop [ __ ] let's like U let's hit him with a uh I I normally do that with every album though like Ruby Tony was technically the first single off blank face but that part like I be saving like the joint right so I just like cuz I don't want him to box it in or have a idea what this album is going to be and then I just give him a 360 almost um so yeah uh yayay was like yeah all right I'm going to give you this before I give you these pop joints cuz I'm coming pop with it with the CL greens The Man of the Year call I mean it is it is I mean rap is pop though rap is pop well yeah anything popular is pop yeah yeah yeah it's like but I don't think I don't hear those records as Pop though yeah yeah I mean I hear him as Pop nah I think you making hardcore music that happens to turn to pop right no I I I think I think pop is Prett looking down on Pop I think pop is no I'm not looking down on pop it's just the way that you seem like you're going into the booth saying this is the a pop record already no yeah I'm not hearing it as a pop record I hear it could become pop you know what I'm saying yeah yeah but no I just I just I love Pop records though I love like nerd and [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying I love like for real yeah yeah I love that [ __ ] like so it's like okay we love it too yeah like that's pop yeah yeah yeah but it wouldn't pop when they went in the studios is what I'm trying to tell yall like I mean rap rap is yeah rap is all everybody said like if you a true creative you're not really really saying I mean don't get me wrong there are artists that go in there and say going in there trying to make right but I don't think any real like hip-hop artist goes in like yo this is going to be the poest pop ever no no no no no think Hammer was out there for that M Hammer was Hardcore bro I mean but I can't hear a beat I know you say but I can't hear it beat and hear in my direction and tell like oh yeah I'm going I'm going this way with it and I accept it but like I said rap is the highest form so like uh of music to me like so we're everything like if we country like even though it's a pop I wouldn't want my [ __ ] to be in the pop category I wouldn't want that [ __ ] to be like nominated for pop record of the year hell no I feel disrespected yes it is a rap record but what I'm just saying is just like you know like you knew it was going to hit the masses yeah it's a pop yeah it's a pop right yeah pop you wasn't making it for your homies just you knew this was going to be bigger yeah yeah yeah yeah that was I knew that that song was going to be yeah exactly what it was it's about water water a little baby another easy one cardo sent it um Krick cat to beat kindrick cat to beat and he was like I can't do nothing with this he like you take this [ __ ] cardo already had the hook on there that was Kendrick beat first yeah it was his beat um and he gave it to me like yeah cardo had to hook on it already and I just wrapped on it that [ __ ] was easy and sent it to little baby like that was like the easy process easy process what yeah there wasn't nothing deep about that one either um yeah like deep about that one so which record is hard for you here what record everything you saying is easy to NOS all that [ __ ] easy bro what's a difficult record that you went into and said this blue slides that's cuz it's like uh that's whose world is this yeah yeah like you know blue and [ __ ] 2024 cuz super introspective like having to tap into that that vulnerability right clent like and the first words hitting how they hit but a out of that ho before you [ __ ] up your blessings like I've been trying to come up with a song where I like do that for so long like you know what I'm saying like my whole career has been me trying to get a line off like that pretty much like you know what I'm saying like I'm always searching for this like thing where I feel like it's perfect like oh I I did this perfect thing and and that's what you know so I feel like blue slides because it took me my whole career to be able to do that like climb out of that hole before you [ __ ] up your blessings before you realize that it's over wouldn't start to get desperate that like sums up pretty much a lot of come out the gate with you know what I'm saying like that sums up a lot of [ __ ] that's going on right now so many people in Desperate situations and doing desperate [ __ ] right now to just stay afloat and this mad weird like I said we said earlier like people scared to act the age and you know that line to me and those words are like I've been working my whole career to say it yeah why didn't um this album be all visual um cuz that's to me when I hear it it feels visual yeah so was when I was rolling it out I I showed a lot of visuals um like I did a lot of visual parts of it but um I didn't really want to do anything after the album dropped for like a couple weeks put anything out and just let it live for a little bit M and then I get back into the album so I do have more visuals and I'm I'm shooting I'm pretty much making it that a Visual Album um book I'm making it like a art piece a whole art a whole thing like a whole theme around it right um so yeah it's more visuals to it um I filmed myself for the last four years recording it too right um so this years of footage of me just making this album wow so I have a lot to do you documented the whole album I knew I knew this album was like going to be special going to be yeah special for me and um so I documented it from day one so we gonna see this on Netflix hopefully I mean I ain't gonna just say Netflix I ain't about give him to plug like that [ __ ] who knows you know who knows what's going on who knows what's going on Spotify whoever got that break the bank check yeah you know what I'm saying whoever got that you know what I mean whatever's the best yeah whatever the best situation break the bank Alchemist Alchemist killed it with this one both oh man Alchemist being at Alchemist so pulling up to Al you know we already had a relationship we did the my homie record and now I'm like trying to take it there so now I'm like trying to you know focusing on hooks and [ __ ] and um we did Hoover Street and and break the bank um but yeah I was just so high again once again super lean out and um I just did the hook and did mumbled pretty much the verses and then I came back like the next day and then I kind of pinned it pinned it down fell asleep pinned the second verse fell asleep only the third say this sounds like a Le a lean episode then wrote the third verse yeah so just up it down fall asleep wake up but you know it was just one of those moments you know like I said he's my favorite producer anytime I get in N he's incredible anytime I'm with him it's always like you know like I can't you know this is like my dog yeah like so you know it was like one of those let's break the bank you know what I mean that's where I where I was feeling with it like I came I finally got to this point and I'm in here with my favorite producer like you know what I'm saying like let's kick that you know what I mean let's break the bank for sure so I love the respect that you showed K that right yeah so God comes to you one day God it's the real God God God comes in your bedroom he got k do in the headlock what a scenario God got a gun to K dot Jesus God is Walling and God says to you you got one record to make for me school boy C and you got one beat and one feature to make the Masterpiece to save k. life what God got to be doing what the devil God is a f [ __ ] to why can't it be devil is a foul [ __ ] too let's just be clear God made the devil God made evil so God you wake up you like oh [ __ ] God what's up God God like [ __ ] making a decision you got one [ __ ] to make a beat and one feature right now right now so what like what like what type of song do it has to be like a [ __ ] like hit record or just a sick song ask he asking all that you one chance to do something all right so I have to go as of right now I would say U probably me and Tyler that's the feature yeah and he do the yeah he should prodat he doing the beat yeah he's not the feature no he's doing the theature okay whoa whoa whoa you [ __ ] me up now well don't tell me God don't like that I thought no no no no no I thought you going to pick a producer and he did that is a producer and [ __ ] me up right right I like [ __ ] no no you [ __ ] me up he [ __ ] God up he [ __ ] me and God up I'm God I'm this situation I'm God this me with K relax all right you you you and Tyler Tyler's going to make the beat and he's going to do the verse yeah save K Do's life yeah cuz he know do too so we he [Music] to save that was so hard I ain't going to lie I wasn't ready for that I'm going to take a shot for that I'm going to take a shot for that I wasn't ready I was damn I thought I swear you going to say Dr Dre nah n n cuz Dre is a one who picked you on correct uh top put me on no yeah you're thinking of Kendrick but heard your music he was the one who said sign him as well yeah yeah he um I didn't know that so he kind of like vouched he vouched it was like um so Manny Smith Manny Smith um wanted to sign me from inter scope and DJ um pretty much uh Jimmy IV's nephew DJ um you ain't got a shot I got to take a shot for the for for the no no no that's your shot over there okay all right cool cool Salo Salo Sal um what were we saying about About Dre about the Dre heard your so Dre yeah Dre uh pretty much he heard I had a song called what's the word with Jrock and he heard it and um he like oh yeah y'all need to uh this is hard so this is after Kendrick and Dre yeah but both of us wasn't signed at the time we was just [ __ ] with Dre on some [ __ ] that's crazy you got to give credit to Dre on on no for sure for sure for sure like uh cuz you're saying it's legit cuz you know some people will highlight Dre and and and make it seem like they just using Dre's name but this legit like Dre heard this throughout his owner he um he heard what's the word and um yeah he but but they were like already interested in it but they wasn't like like oh yeah we're going to do it but on Jay yeah Jerry was like uh yo this is it this and it was like yeah we're going to sign yeah yeah so yeah he had he he had a he had a piece to do with it go damn yeah and no no politics again right no politics no politics no politics Dre is a good dude bro he let me he let me use his studio um to mix blue lips actually so you think Dre is like sorry but the same way that you were saying how you want to highlight home team you know your city it seems like Dre's trying to give back in his way no yeah he always did though I mean Dre always put on L I know but I'm just saying that for the people that don't know you know oh yeah hell yeah Dr oh you know what I'm saying that's his whole thing he put on he put on for the city right you know what I mean what you do with it after that is on you you know what I'm saying but Dre put on he put on like if anybody put on Dre put on he wouldn't got everybody he wasn't trying to get [ __ ] from over here like bro you ain't from the city bro get out you know what I mean Dre was looking for [ __ ] from the city so he put on for sure for sure There He Go There He Go that was uh I did that at uh TD studio in Carson that was me um Carson yeah that was uh me trying to sound like my daughter Nicki Minaj what yeah hilarious what you lost me on that one like your daughter Nicki Minaj like my daughter and Nicki Minaj and Nicki Minaj yeah yeah like just like uh Nikki used to play with her voice right you trying to like manipulate your voice yeah yeah like I was like like just joking around almost like uh and like trying to say it like my daughter like um yeah so Nick Minaj influence that record that's dope but all right yeah creatively me listening to you everyone listening to you you you describing that right now and you said it earlier but I want you to to reiterate that why aren't you scared to take chances where artists are and artists follow the tra traditional route why aren't you scared to do that because I would always like have like a joint on ear you know what I'm saying you're that confident yeah yeah that's what it really is yeah yeah that too like you know and I like I said you know I always you know always made like hit records and [ __ ] so it was like once you do that you can do what you want right after that once you got those records locked in like uh just make you know make make what you want to make really make what you want to make mhm and yeah I always had like this weird ear so like why try to fake it like you know like I had this other ear you know what I mean try to fit in in something that I don't so I just always stay true to myself um even at times when I thought I wasn't being true to myself you know um I was still being true to myself you know what I'm saying straight up so when is a school boy Q uh not documentary but uh not reality but uh like Kirby Your Enthusiasm Seinfeld type of show dropping it has to you seen Vince Staples sh out to Vince stles the Vince Staples show go watch that man I haven't got a chance mentioning drink Champs in it said Dr CHS SE I I I have not seen it to Jay-Z yet I've been trying to get a good clean clip of it to send it to to Jay and I haven't got it so I'm just going to let it go but um when are when are you going to do that um your personality is [ __ ] hilarious um I would love to do it but at the same time my heart is still really into music wow I don't know if I could music and golf you should do a golf version of itl a golf to Curve Your Enthusiasm yeah I actually wrote a golf show actually really I did yeah you smoke weed and golf yeah I would like to be a part of that yeah yeah okay yeah I did I actually wrote a golf show see there you go but um I never like pitched it to nobody or try to like um do anything with it I just wrote it cuz it's just like writing what's it it's not called let's go golfing no okay I don't it it doesn't even have a name yet okay yeah um but it's I read like I written like uh I would say seven episodes okay um at least I think I did I don't know like structure and [ __ ] I just wrote things down like funny moment yeah yeah yeah and like just like kind of put it to yeah I didn't um I would probably need to sit with a rider though so let me ask you when you go golfing do you go with the homies yeah my boy Royce Clayton um ex baseball player do they know how to act like I mean that's my that's my he's an ex baseball player yeah yeah I'm talking about my homie homies yeah they don't they don't really be into it they don't really be into it nobody from the set yeah yeah they not really into it but I done brought a couple homies and they just like oh yeah this is cool this cool then they don't be into it no more they Ain trying yeah but you know they get it though once they get out there one time they understand like oh I get what you be on you know what I mean like just getting faded like as a recent I I I can't even say I don't I stop drinking anymore but but um you know I haven't been drinking like that nervous we didn't want to be the first people to with you on camera like what the [ __ ] they going to blame us for this I wasn't like [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying so it's not like a big deal what's your favorite part of the game is it making the music or performing the music it depends it depends depends it depends it depends um because I feel the both I feel both like uh making the music it's nothing like making the music and it's nothing like performing that is doing a crazy show and they singing the words and you looking at somebody in the face and they like really into it and they and it's like oh [ __ ] right you know what I'm saying like so I think this like you know they're equal cuz I heard you me me me not only you but all the TDE but you guys are [ __ ] Stadium Festival yeah Music Makers yeah yeah and I heard you say you felt more intimate having a 200 people you know what I mean Gathering yeah I think you said you said you rather do sobs like around the world like a so type of setting get New York around the world is is that because you could see people's Expressions you can see people's love for it um I haven't done it in a while one two um I feel like for this album this album is a uh the way it's made um it's made like to be played like I don't even see how I can perform a tour on this album and not do it in order what you mean the whole album yeah yeah wow it's like um one of those type of thing so I'm trying to figure it out now what I'm going to do with my tour how we're going to do it cuz it still has to make sense financially cuz people like has to you know other you know people got to eat too I can't just be like on me and just everybody taking Pi you know what I'm saying so we're trying to figure it out like how we're going to do it right now um the so the the sobs around the world probably won't work out we already tried we already thought about it and and tried to get it makes more sense is is the arena type of thing no I can't I can't feel the arena everywhere um but um I could you know do bring it down a little bit and then just do multiple shows but I probably won't be able to do the 200 cap like I wanted to but I can break it down to maybe a th000 or 700 and then do multiple SS like that yeah well listen our show is about giving people their flowers oh yeah show is about showing people they love they H thank you bro you a [ __ ] Legend You're a [ __ ] Lyricist you're a [ __ ] person that's keeping this genre and this generation alive he wanted to give you your flowers he want to tell you how dope you are how ill it is how much we want you to continue to do this thank you you're Artist Artist you're king of kings and we wanted to salute you to your face and say tell you this is your platform thank you bro you ain't got to be dropping nothing you could you could just come here and just want to just talk about your [ __ ] you know your gray hairs and your we don't give a [ __ ] we going like all right [ __ ] it get the great hairs in your ear we don't give a [ __ ] this is your [ __ ] platform this is [ __ ] hipop and you are hip hop so we want to give you mother thank you take some pictures drops and that's it we good thank you bro that was
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 537,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ScHoolboy Q, Blue Lips, Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Tyler The Creator, Dr. Dre, Kanye West, LA riots, golf, TDE, Black Hippy, hip-hop, rap, music, interview, Drink Champs, N.O.R.E., DJ EFN, staying true to yourself, creative process, family life, Los Angeles
Id: CQA6dP3kms8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 9sec (9189 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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