School Subjects Tier List...

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ranking every subject in school as somebody like myself who is an academic weapon when it comes to cheating in school so I would say I'm pretty qualified to rank all of these subjects starting from the best going all the way to the worst and the best one we got to start with is lunch I already know I'm getting people in the comments technically lunch is not a you can't forget lunch bro you can't dis lunch I guess the only thing that's really bad about it is the food but you actually get to talk to your homies there's roast battles there's rap battles what's not to love about lunch I don't care if it's a subject or not it's the best thing on this list I mean compared to everything else on this list that's a class obviously this is the best thing we're getting next up we got Jim now you obviously knew this was going to be in second place Jim is just too goated compared to the other classes I guess the only con about Jim is that sometimes you don't want to do this [ __ ] at 700 in the morning bro that's a little bit much and some of the activities suck like the Pacer test everybody's trying to play sports or a fun game or something like that there's like some sports that I'm not really a big fan of like soccer hockey I didn't particularly like those days but it was better than the goddamn Pacer test sometimes the worst part about gym is when that taco or burrito day is hit in your stomach right after lunch like I'm over here feeling like I ate a gordita crunch from Taco Bell somebody hits me with one dodgeball a truckload of [ __ ] is flying out of my pants dude but obviously some of the best moments of gym class outweigh this by a ton the gym scooters that big ass parachute and dodgeball man that's when gym class was in its prime but I think you know when it comes to gym class we got to talk about the gym sweats bro you are not getting drafted to the NFL because you got six touchdowns in a gym football game pipe the down dude I'm sure every NFL scout is cool off watching a gym football game study hall but actually um study hall is I didn't ask for your opinion dude shut the study hall is so goated you can literally just sit down do homework if you want just get that [ __ ] out the way play games or hell you could just sleep if you wanted to that's what I would do most of my time in study hall but believe me bro I was locked in on cool map games like crazy I was playing run duck's life the Papas Games oh and you bet your ass I beat every single game that I played and now the reason why I play study hall third I feel like sometimes it could be hit or miss depending on the teacher that you have I feel like they could be like that for any class but for this one it's either really good or just absolutely terrible because if your teacher's an OP you're not going to be able to play games sometimes my teachers would pull up Land school which basically what it was it would watch over every Bud screen but whenever that would happen I would just get all my homework done so I didn't have to do it later honestly the worst part about school's got to be homework so the fact that I can just get that done early clutches up and if I had some spare time I would just knock right out next on our list we got business and now the reason why I placed this one forth is because it's actually useful these kinds of classes teach you how to manage money stocks and other Investments you can make and how to run a business these were the best classes I took in high school honestly because all the other classes just don't apply to me like when am I ever going going to use math again I'm a [ __ ] YouTube but taking some of these classes in school just gave me a basic understanding of all this stuff so I'm not completely clueless when I get out into the real world next on the list we got cooking classes I don't know how many of you had to take a cooking class in high school I never did and now I have no idea how to cook I know how to cook maybe one or two different things but when I move out on my own I'm going to be I'm going to have to eat TV dinners every other night so just having that knowledge is so useful especially if somebody in your family can't really teach you because as somebody who almost set their house on fire with microwave mac and cheese I can say that cooking is a skill you need to know in your life trust me next on the list we got drivers's Ed and now tell me not driver's ed is soing boring oh my God like this class is insufferable so as unfortunate as it is it's information you really need to know because again you got to drive every day it's just something you're going to have to know now in my case I chose not to take drivers out of my school so instead I had to sit there for 6 hours on a Saturday and I had to do this for 6 weeks I had to watch a bunch of boring ass videos go through shitty lectures and it was quite the crew as well obviously that didn't help one bit there was one dude on the staff that was a heavy smoker his voice sounded like his lungs were just about to collapse any second all right welcome to the class I've been smoking for 40 years like dead ass the entire building smelt like cigarette smoke next on the list we got wood shop now why I plac this 1 7eventh although wood shop is dope as [ __ ] you can use a saw you can make anything you want out of wood honestly that's really it there's not much more than that but the idea of it is still kind of cool though but I've heard from other people's experiences they usually ask them to make a table or a birdh house but I'm going to be honest though if I was tasked with making aing birdh house it would be the shittiest birdhouse From The Trenches it would look like it survived a shooting in oblock got ran over by a few cars sitting in sewage for weeks and we are 100% not graduating school with this this shit's some straight ass I'm sure we've had that intrusive thought yo what if I just cut my finger off with a languages they say that French and Spanish are the most romantic languages in the world maybe if I learn them I can finally get some action I plac this eighth because learning a language can be useful but bro you can literally just use dual lingo and you can work at your own pace so taking an entire class on it is just straight ass compared to Du lingo the fact that you're graded on it makes me not want to learn it at all and most schools are like you're either taking Spanish or French like there's no other option and if you could pick the language that would be cool because I really need to tap in with my culture more I'm downloading dualingo after this video and I'm learning Italian swear to God I'm going to Italy in a few years I can't go there and just be absolutely clueless I'm going to look like a [ __ ] idiot like I at least got to know something bro next on the list we got science now I got to say science was one of the most fun Bas subjects I've been in there's like four Bas subjects and science is the best out of all of them I got to say because some of the experiments that you would do were cool in [ __ ] like biology it was just lame as [ __ ] I'm not going to lie I had to study bacteria in a microscope that was the lamest thing I've ever done but in classes like chemistry there was this experiment with fire that we did that was cool as [ __ ] next on the list we got tech classes now most tech classes aren't bad but some of them were just boring as [ __ ] now my tech instructor was the biggest meme at my school bro like everybody would make fun of him this [ __ ] put himself in front of a green screen this dude was like running next to a cheetah and then he put himself behind a dance floor and just started dancing and anytime we had a problem with our computer this dude would tell us to power refresh our computer like that was going to do anything and then he one day taught us about browser history I mean that one came in handy for when I was in Middle School for sure like come on bro you didn't have to spend a whole class teaching that next on the list we got art now in most cases art can be a really relaxing class I can't draw for [ __ ] that's why it's as low as it is you get a teacher with a stick up their ass that cares so much about every little detail in your art that just ruins the class in my personal opinion like my fourth grade art teacher dead ass just grabbed my artwork and just threw it in the [ __ ] trash when I didn't make a straight line like all right bro it's not that serious next on the list we got music same type of deal I have no idea how to play an instrument I'm sure everybody in elementary school had to play a recorder that's how it always went and when it was my turn to go I'll just completely it up there was absolutely no saving me whatsoever and then the teacher would just be like birdie look at the music tell me to look at the music is not going to magically make me play any better like what is he saying but yeah I can't play an instrument if my life depended on it but I love listening to music but as school went on for me music kind of got better because it became more about learning about artists and I thought that [ __ ] was kind of cool like I got to sit in class and learn about Michael Jackson for a full hour like that's actually dope that beats most of these subjects honestly but next up on the list we got public speaking now I hate this [ __ ] with all my guts bro the amount of presentations you got to do in this class is crazy I I just hate presenting to begin with even though this YouTube video is going to be seen by thousands of people I can pre-make it but for a presentation shit's got to be on the spot so obviously I'm going to be a lot more nervous and if especially if it's about a topic I don't give a [ __ ] about I'm not trying to do a speech on King Henry the 55th bro no one's going to even pay attention anyways half the class is going to be dead asleep bro nobody cares I promise you but if you are in some sort of public speaking class and you got to present no one's going to remember your presentation unless you do a backflip and then start hitting goofy ass dances in the middle of the class if you just do a normal ass presentation nobody's going to remember what I would do is I would write an entire script like I'm recording a YouTube video and I would get through these no problem although every time I did that the teacher would [ __ ] at me and be like I'm no notes alloud I mean I really didn't give a [ __ ] I just did it anyway but these next classes these are like bottom of the barrel these are the worst of the worst bro if you're in any of these classes I'm praying for you these suck so bad history history is so boring I never wanted to knock out more in a class and in my entire life I mean some parts of History okay I could sit through it's not that big of a deal but one year in scho I to learn about caveman like I couldn't give any less of a [ __ ] dude and it was for the entire year as well like I'm not learning about caveman dude this is so boring like yeah cool they invented fire like what else do I got to know and how do you talk about that subject matter for the entire year if I had to teach that for an entire year I would just quit my job I'm resigning today I'm putting in my two weeks I don't care how [ __ ] broke I am and every year I would get a big ass textbook then the teacher would just walk around just start slamming it on people's desks and [ __ ] like I could do a goddamn dumbbell curl with that thing but the fact I would have to Lug around the textbook with me is insane oh yeah and by the way we had computers yeah we did but I still had to use a textbook anyway the second worst class has got to be math all right a lot of you definitely saw this coming I mean I'm really bad at math me personally every test I failed in school school was a math test so it doesn't exactly surprise me I mean the fact that I'm walking into class and just staring at hieroglyphics on the board is already a bad start and honestly bro math after middle school is so useless like what are you going to do with [ __ ] geometry bro if it's not in your career path in the slightest it's just not useful at all I left High School I passed geometry calculus all these [ __ ] classes I could not tell you how to do them anymore I don't know and I absolutely hated those speed math tests that was the most anxiety and inducing thing ever imagine giving a first grader a sheet of addition problems and saying fill this out you got 30 seconds like I swear to God the amount of stress I felt I felt like I was about to like diffuse a bomb or some [ __ ] but for math it's like you got to be a math person I guess and for those people it just comes easy for them and for the rest of us this shit's like [ __ ] building a rocket like it's just not happening and the worst class I got to say by far is English yeah seriously I couldn't give any less of a [ __ ] about the most insignificant details in a book like the author making a carpet blue has no significance to the meaning of the story if you enjoyed this video I'm sure you'll enjoy my playlist of a bunch of other videos just like this go watch it right now
Channel: Burdie
Views: 486,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsfr, xozero, burdie, Legitdc, tommynfg, degenerocity, brewstew, animation, the duck, lonee, offending everybody, tokemon, School, High school, School subjects, Types of kids in high school, Which school subject is the worst
Id: g5BPJWbt-JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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