Evil melon starts chaos

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a what a beautiful day just chilling on my computer and nothing bad is happening let me knock on this door who is that better go see oh my leg my foot why am I sitting I should be walking but my foot I need to get my foot back now I walk now I limp oh my God okay anyways let's just open the door come in um who isn't come outside and find out hello who are you identify yourself um my I am evil melon and I'm going to destroy the world I'm just telling you why are you telling me this information cuz I'm going to destroy the world and you are and you are my first victim oh why you do that I'm going to kill you get ready to die not if I kill you first not if I kill you first why am I holding a doorbell you can hold doorbells they hold doorbells for they hold doorbells as weapons for in 20203 now that's messed up okay you are going to die and say the bodye to your life a blood everywhere shut up because you ain't know I shall speed I am a monster up I'm dying freaking dying okay he's taking care he's tooken care of let's check up on my cousin let's check up on my cousin Plum let's check up on my cousin Plum sure yeah y let's do this let's why is there blood oh my God what the oh my god did you just say oh my God yes why did you kill my cousin you monster evil melon I just said I was going to rule and take over the world you can't do this we already built a Titan M you have to be lying we have Titan Stella oh oh okay but brother my cousin I'm [Music] disintegrated I'm disintegrating don't give me an ad oh my God what is this you're a tease you know that if you keep saying my God I don't want this I don't want this app want this app anymore stop showing me these enime girls no I don't want to see this I'm disintegrated you killed my brother I don't give a crap he was just chilling on his computer and then I told him I was going to take over the world no he's too powerful we have the to go inside and fight to the death you have to go fight to death die oh my oh my rib C that is it Lord Jesus Christ oh my God my sister bro anyways ignore that let's do this you better die I don't want to see you anymore and you shall kill and I shall kill the world but we're going to stop that never oh my God stop saying oh my God that's weird my God want groovy to come here and kill everyone including you no I was going to take over for the world World a ouch run melon run call call for help yes sir I'm going backflip best backflip ever a ow what in a sbly bobly who is that come want the SpongeBob who are you I'm your mother what in the excuse me sir can I watch skib toilet Ohio on your phone please no I how are you still alive I'm from the dve and baby no you're not get off of my knife now you ow um I am melon's dad and you should stop um I am melon's enemy so you should stop oh my God I'm going to the I'm going to the store to get m oh my God my arm I need to put Band-Aid on where is it I need to put a Band-Aid on come on give me a band eight that's better now she go down and kill melon melon you're dead I'm using um what is this whatever this is a katana you're dead melon just cannot how did they split apart did that thing fall on you Lord come here and die no please I shall call my friends power penguin and Bambi yo I'm back from Freddy have enough shut up um why am I here how are you even how do you even fight I'm a penguin you go first since you're the old since you're since you're so stupid I'm not stupid okay then what's 5 Time 5 25 oh you're actually not stupid how is a penguin going to oh it went up by [Music] nose Okay power go okay so sir can you please stop murdering everyone and try to take off never you can't stop me get smacked oh oh no oh get off me oh crap Mr Sir can you please snow weirdo it's only us left I have this gun from the last episode I have this gun from the last episode and it is super op wait babe how did you do that it's beat makeer Pro it's amazing wait so this is an app yes no I do not want to best music ever so all righty okay I've have this gun from Freddy had enough episode yeah that should be useful come here whatever you are that's evil melon my enemy oh wait who are you I'm the guy from last episode oh hello Bambi what's up you better die you know I so speed I look like an Among Us character I look like an Among Us character please I look like an Among Us character you kind of do shut show I'm coming back I'm going to send my whatever going to send my what can I send what can I send I'm going send my infected sausage on you infected sausage well you better get out of here yes there is an I made an infected sausage so it could kill you hello I'm infected sausage what the I know you ain't talking get out of here ugly oh wait is my voice
Channel: Noah Latin
Views: 114,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9J78L6VDmVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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