School of the Prophets: Season 1 | How to see Visions | Episode 2

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[Music] [Music] greetings and welcome viewers um this is your apostle abu bakr and blacksmith hope you're doing well uh welcome to the school of the prophets season one episode two um the last session first which was the first session we did we started speaking on how to see visions oh so that was our first episode so this is episode two so i'm going to be doing um episode after episode until we finish and close the season one of the school of the prophets and then from then we are then going to be going on to uh season two of the school of the prophets so this um school is going to go on for some time so if we're just meeting now um thank you for tuning in thank you for checking us out if you have found value on our first video even on this video on this video consider subscribing joining and becoming part of our um prophetic youtube community so that you can be empowered in your channel maybe you are someone who is looking for mentorship in the prophetic maybe you are someone who has been looking for a systematic prophetic education um to jumpstart you in your prophetic call you are in the right place so consider um subscribing and also turning on that notification bell and let us um let me know where you are watching me from below comment let me know where you're watching me from uh god bless you so on the first episode i spoke about uh stefan you know the bomber says when stefan still the winner when stefan was killed when the story of stephan where he was killed the bible says stefan was full before the stoning what was the bible says stefan was full of the spirit and he looked up and then he saw the heavens open and he saw jesus sitting at the right hand of the father now the secret of visions that it's one of the secrets of vision lies in that vest that the bible says he was full of the spirit and he looked up and he saw the heavens opened so in other words the secret of seeing visions is being baptized in the holy spirit it's the baptism of the holy spirit this is what i want to explain a little bit tonight because i want you to understand that we're living in a time wherein people are constantly just looking for impartation but they don't care about the baptism in the holy spirit and what people don't know is that by being baptized in the holy spirit you you know it can be it's equivalent to impartation but very on a high level because what is impartation impartation is you receiving an anointing of another man that is generated of the holy spirit in that man so in other words the same holy spirit that is in you if you can be baptized by the same spirit the same anointing can begin to operate in your life the same power can begin to operate in your life so this is why if you check in bible days look at the book of acts you don't you don't hear of people going around looking for impartation in order to operate the prophetic but you will notice that those who had the baptism of the holy spirit those whom the holy spirit were strong upon their lives they did exploit they performed miracles they moved the prophetic they saw visions they dream dreams in other words the baptism of the holy spirit unlocks unlocks your prophetic faculties it empowers your spirit dynamics the baptism of the holy spirit is for power this is what jesus meant when he said you receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you this is why you can be a believer and become a powerless believer born again love god you know going to church every day committed you know doing all the you know all the christian practices but you find that you will be devoid of power even yourself you sense you feel that i'm i'm actually empty there is no power that i have so the secret is the baptism in the holy spirit now here's what i needed to understand about the baptism of the holy spirit the fact that you are born again it doesn't mean you are baptized with the holy spirit baptism with the holy spirit is a separate experience although one can receive jesus be born again and also receive baptism of the holy spirit at the same time it can happen but it's not it's not always the case and i'm gonna show you jesus when he rose from the dead in the book of um resurrection in the book of john he reversed as he appeared to his disciples and he breathed on them he said to them receive you the holy spirit but when jesus was leaving again he said to his disciples go and wait in jerusalem until you receive the promise of the father that you hate me speaking of and you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you so john 20 is breathing on them he says to them receive the holy spirit so we did we can deduce we conclude that these guys they were born again at that time they received the indwelling presence of the holy spirit but the injuring presence of the holy spirit in spirit is for fruit bearing galatians chapter five the enduring presence of god helps us to produce fruit you know love patience self-control you know you can you can name them all the fruits of the nine nineteenths of the holy spirit that paul are outlined in the book of galatians 25 but they're coming upon us of the holy ghost is for power now it's for saviors now so this is why even if you are born a prophet even if you are born with some prophetic giftings the when when you are baptized with the holy spirit those gifts they are not only sanctified but they are also activated i'm telling you i told you on the last episode the first episode how i actually started seeing visions right i didn't have any men of god who came to me and said and prayed for me to begin to move in in the things of god you understand and i'm again i'm not saying it is wrong to receive impartation impartation is like it's the quickest way of learning invitation is the shortcut into into into into the things of god because you know every dimension of god has a learning curve every dimension of god especially when you are an originator when you are a projector when you are when you are starting that thing is tough you have to dig it's like you are you know those ball holes or wells where people would dig wells it's like you have to dig sometimes you come across the rock you have to hit the rock until it's broken and maybe you still need to go down until you find the world so you going to someone who's already operating you getting you know laid hands by someone who's already operating is avoiding to go that process of digging the world yourself so there's completely nothing wrong about it but i'm saying some of you you're watching me right now your favorite prophets that you love that you don't have access to they're too expensive they're too far for you to even get closer to that and there you are you are stopped you know you you're not moving in the things of god simply because you don't have access to a man so what i'm saying to you is that if you're really serious about seeing in the spirit you have to start pursuing the baptism in the holy spirit so in acts chapter 2 the same group of guys that jesus spread on them in the book of john and says they received the holy spirit we see the holy spirit coming upon them they start speaking in tongues now the first time they didn't even speak in tongues this their bible didn't tell us they spoke in tongues in tongues the second time when the spirit comes upon them they were baptized they begin to speak in other tongues another example in scripture the bible says in the amount of two or three witnesses can be established because anyone can just talk things that they don't know but we don't accept anything as truth unless it we can we can find it in the bible more than two times you get it oh more than one time two times a versus in the amount of two or three witnesses everywhere it may be established philip went to samaria he preached the bible says he performed miracles the bible says and and there was great rejoicing in the city they saw the miracles he was doing the voices they received the word right but philip was an evangelist he understood i don't have the grace to found to to to legislate um and organize and regulate new new testament apostolic territorial governing churches so then philip begin to you know send message to the apostles to uh to let them know that somebody has now received the gospel so the bible says when the apostles heard that samaria has received the gospel they came down to somebody and the bible says they prayed they spoke to them they prayed for them and the bible says they received the holy spirit they spoke in tongues and they prophesied can even if these are guys who received the gospel from philip the evangelist but they were not baptized by the holy spirit they were not baptized by the same the holy spirit so you see so you can be born again and not be baptized by the holy spirit you see what a proof a son that sign that one is baptized in the holy spirit is when you have power with god it's power with god it's being able to move with the gifts of the holy spirit so so many people want to move in the gifts of the holy spirit without the baptism of the holy spirit if you you will not really be effective if you really want to be effective if you want to be strong if you want to be powerful if you want to move in this thing you must seek the second experience you must say the bible says um if you fathers being evil you know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will god give to those who ask the holy spirit so you have to ask god to baptize you you have to have to ask the lord to baptize you another way of if you want to be baptized you can go go to get someone who's baptized in the holy spirit speaking in tongues they have the obedience of the baptism of the holy spirit in their life ask them to lay hands upon you and you i'm telling you if you can you can begin to shift you remember simon when he saw peter laying hands people were being baptized with the holy spirit speaking in tongues he wanted to buy it he says give me that power so that when i lay hands upon people too they will also receive the holy spirit peter said your money perish with you because peter they were not in the business like what's happening today in the church they were not in the business of selling invitation they're not but but the point i'm trying to say is that you cannot give what you don't have and also yourself you cannot lead yourself where you have never been so this is why it's very important if you are serious about your prophetic journey it's important to become it's important to understand this especially if you wanna if you wanna move in visions if you wanna say this remember you wanna see visions from the lord you want to see things that you are shown by god you in other words you should not just be interested in seeing but you should be interested in that god should speak to you through the visionary dimension like the seer the seers anointing so but if the if you want the lord to speak to you if you want the holy spirit to speak to you then you need to be baptized you need to be baptized in the holy spirit you see our fathers here in africa uh they never they never knew much of these things about entertainment impartation and whatnot those guys went to the mountain they seek the face of god they told god it's a matter of life and death lord speak to me or come and pick my body here god meant to them halfway they came back seeing visions they came back moving in higher levels of power and what not why these are guys who sought the baptism of the holy spirit they sought to be filled with the spirit a lot of people want visions they want prophecy they want tongues but they don't know that the secret is the person of the spirit the person of his presence the presence of his presence so what am i saying to you if you really want to become strong and move in in in in the prophetic seek the baptism in the holy spirit seek the baptism one you can even ask the baptism those the holy spirit yourself you can receive it by faith but you can also get someone who's baptized with the holy spirit and ask them to pray for you and say can you please pray for me and i want to be filled with the spirit even if you were once baptized at some point you can ask someone to pray for you so that you received the infilling to the feeling of the holy spirit so that you are you are you are you are fulfilled with the spirit you see the freshness of the move of the spirit in your life you will see the new surge of power of this the power of the spirit in your life you will be to come alive this is the secret check all men who did exploits in the old testament the bible will tell you the holy spirit came upon you he did want to dream the holy spirit came upon him he did want to do this is the secret also of the prophetic this is how you enter the prophetic ministry it is a portal into the prophetic dimension the prophetic ministry it is a doorway into the prophetic dimension so if you don't understand in other words the prophetic ministry begins with the minister of the holy spirit until you fully understand the ministry of the spirit you will not understand the prophetic you will depend just on people so i have just given you a secret of your life in the prophetic seek the person of his presence seek the presence of his presence seek the person of the spirit that is a portal into the prophetic dimension so it doesn't matter what prophetic expression you want it doesn't matter what realm you want to go into in within the prophetic dimension all you need this is to be baptized you need to understand the person of the spirit because that is that that is the portal that's a divine portal into the prophetic ministry so thank you so much uh i'm gonna be seeing you again on um episode 3 uh uh uh season 1 of the school of the prophets so thank you so much for tuning in may the lord bless you make sure you remember to subscribe drop me your comments i love hearing from you this is why you see i'm responding to your comments may the lord bless you um appreciate you we're missing you on episode three uh season one of the school of the prophets tell somebody share this thing with someone on facebook your social media platforms call invite them if you know someone who loves the prophetic and this will help them i want you to invite them tell them that the puzzle of blacksmith is doing a school of the prophets for free on youtube tune in and get some secrets so that you can begin to stand and jumpstart you and grow and become powerful in the prophetic may the lord bless you i'm done i'm out i'm gonna be seeing you next time god bless you bye you
Channel: Blacksmith Tv 📺
Views: 5,394
Rating: 4.9681277 out of 5
Keywords: How to see in the spirit, How to prophesy, How to open your 3rd eye, How to see visions, How to see in the realm of the spirit
Id: chv405KPmsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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