Schnitzel Showdown

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what's up guys my name is anthon and this is the here are the rules today I will show you how to make three different types of schnitzel from all over the world I invited some fiercely critical friends so we can put my schnitzel skills to the test and find out what schnitzel style can call itself the best in the world I hope you're hungry let's do this we're gonna start with the essentials you probably know that the og schnitzel comes from Austria's capital Vienna but what some people don't know is that by law at least in Germany in Austria you can't call something in Vienna schnitzel if it's not made from veal which is the original way and the only way I'm cutting my veal into thin slices around a centimeter but a Viennese schnitzel actually needs to be even thinner than that no problem that's what the meat pounder is for they're very cheap by the way you should get one but can you see how the meat sticks to it you can actually use some plastic wrap or a ziploc bag to help yourself here much cleaner job but I'm gonna go the old-school way until all my schnitzel czar about five millimeters of thin and by the way that pounding it's not just good to flatten the meat it also helps us tenderizing the meat by crushing those cells and don't forget to season with salt and pepper but go easy your schnitzel is hopefully super thin now how big should you go because some schnitzel it's maybe you've seen them they have like the size of a car wheel I think you should actually go by the size of your frying pan just make whatever you can fit I'm gonna talk about this other meat in a second but let's first turn that pounded veal into a schnitzel you will need to build a breading station like this with the three trays or plates I'm filling the first one with flour for the second one I'm gonna crack two eggs and lightly beat those with a splash of water and number three will be good old fine breadcrumbs you can by the way use your old white bread for this like an old baguette or something just leave it out to dry and then put it in a food processor and blend it or grate it the least messy way to bread your schnitzel is the two-hand method check this out but the first hand I'm gonna coat my schnitzel with flour this will be like a protective layer that separates the crispy crust from the meat and then we move to station number two now I'm using what will be my wet hand to coat the schnitzel Wells and egg wash and then at station number three I can carefully use my dry hand again to apply some bread crumbs you can press this a little bit if you really have to but I really you want a really light coating so be gentle or don't touch it at all and you're done the two head method actually really does help but you kind of have to focus and I have a lot of schnitzel to bread so my technique will be all over the place in this video just saying do as I say not as I do okay in the end all that matters is that we get some beautiful schnitzel like this now the classic recipe calls for the schnitzel to be fried in lard or even better clarified butter and that is exactly what I'm gonna do actually be generous with the fat I know it sounds a little bit counterintuitive but frying in a good amount of fat that is nice and hot will result in a lighter less greasy schnitzel a few minutes on each side are enough usually until the schnitzel is golden brown like that and then make sure you let it relax for a second on a paper towel I'll be serving the Vienna schnitzel with a classic potato salad as one should and a quick recipe video for that will be available to my patreon supporters yay but back to our beautiful schnitzel and of course the obligatory slice of lemon and now let's see what our tasters think else you did now please squeeze us the lemon on top of this my old potato salads prettier you have high standards very nice and crispy outside no saltiness at the beginning this is way better than you don't like the jerk biggest the lemon takes away after crispy nuts rock with or without lemon lemon goes a long way so everybody agree on no jam no clearly the classic doesn't disappoint but schnitzel has come a very long way since its invention in Vienna so you might have heard that not too long ago Germany and Austria were not exactly safe places for the Jewish people who lived there so a lot of them fled to it was then British controlled Palestine and would later become Israel and one of the things they brought for schnitzel but they did change a few things up for one veal is an expensive meat and in Germany and Austria they would usually go for pork as a cheap replacement but neither religious Jews nor religious Muslims actually eat pork and that's why Israel loves the chicken schnitzel what we need to do is slice the chicken breast lengthwise through the middle like this don't worry with a sharp knife this is easier than it looks pout and season just like the veal and there's your chicken schnitzel base back at the breading station we can leave most things the same except we're switching the bread flour for matzo flour so you might be wondering what exactly is matzah matzah is basically just this very plain type of white bread that has been produced in accordance with the Jewish kosher food tradition we're going to be using that and also adding some sesame seeds to the breading this is a common thing in Israel and I like that it kind of adds a little bit of a middle-eastern touch and you know the drill do the whole three stations of dipping for all your schnitzels now this schnitzel were actually frying off in vegetable oil and not in hot butter actually this as well has to do with kosher food religious Jews don't eat meat and dairy in the same meal but quite importantly I am also going to be adding some fries to this because in terms of presentation we're going to full Israeli Street food style I'm gonna be spreading some hummus inside a fresh pizza and we're stuffing this with our chicken schnitzel and the fries and now for freshness we are adding some Israeli salad this will as well be a little bonus video on patreon this is the Israelis it's not please friends it's very Street foodie yes it looks pretty but it looks kind of dry from the outside yeah rather good there's not enough crunchy weightless crunchy or I like the sesame it's not as juicy anything I like how it comes together and let's breath with the salad I wouldn't compare it to the banana so together various different I'm not a big fan of fries what who are you I think it helps of inputs I'm the salad inside overall satisfaction the bread meat salad meat yeah I'd like that I gotta say I was shooting for a more enthusiastic reaction because I really do like this style a lot well let's see maybe the next style of schnitzel will be more convincing let's travel even further east to Japan I notion it's list not what comes to mind when you think of Japan but katsu which is the Japanese name for schnitzel has actually been around since the late 1800s this was a time of rapid change in Japan and people were adopting all sorts of Western ideas starting with politics and maybe clothing and of course down to food this is why the word katsu actually comes from the word cutlet and katsu was one of those new foods that took Japan by storm these days the most common lead for katsu is pork it's a bit thicker than its Austrian cousin and oftentimes not even pounded I'm still gonna give it a few slaps though just to get it a bit thinner now a significant difference is again in the breadcrumbs we're using panko which is a kind of shredded milk bread it's very spiky and gets ultra crispy when you thought a three tres were a lot well for katsu you need four because instead of the salt and pepper seasoning we're drenching the pork in soy sauce YUM after that it's the same spiel flour egg panko oh and by the way for my vegetarian viewers I'm working on some veggie friendly videos I promise but today on the topic of schnitzel I recommend getting a regular block of firm tofu placing it on a rack and pressing out the liquid with something heavy for a couple of hours you lose a lot of water and get a much firmer tofu which you can then slice and prep just like a cut solution it's low okay on with the show fry up your katsu on both sides until you get a deep golden color and for presentation I will make yes yeah so cut Sandow is one of these things where I don't understand how you cannot love it and here's how you make it first get some super soft white bread one of the few times where this is actually good and we'll start with a layer of mayo and this is actually not just male thank you very much you can of course use a regular Mayo instead but if you can find the Japanese stuff go for it next we'll need some shredded Chinese cabbage which I have prepared before make a little pillow on both halves of your sandwich and now we're gonna drizzle this with tonkatsu sauce you can try mixing 50% ketchup and 50% Worcestershire sauce and it will get you kind of close actually there's one more thing it's absolutely necessary that you cut off the crust of your bread and it's actually much much better to do that before you made your sandwich just don't forget it and now let's see how the iconic pad Sandow is holding up against the other schnitzels I have a consultation this is a pretty tada it's it's a very pretty tough it's almost too pretty to try to bite into yeah so wait I forgot the saw that was important that was important that last one soft Enif enough to comparison now I don't know sir love the sauce and mayonnaise plus the sauce I know it's good stuff it's amazing this also gets the juiciness for free mmm-hmm and the ratio of everything is for me question spot I think the bread is just there to keep the source of the way I had to choose that Malik should still choose the first one I mean you can't beat the classic winning style schnitzel I think it's just so nice and simple I agree with I believe the food in the class I love the sides of the Viennese shoe so I love the salad at the sides and the fresh I think it was just I mean you want me you want something in your mouth and such as mouthful of juice sauce so it seems we have a result sometimes the classic is a classic for a reason I hope you guys learned something today my schnitzel game is good but I know it's obviously not perfect so if you have any suggestions on how I can do an even better job let me know and more importantly let everybody else know in the comments below and we can figure this perfect schnitzel thing out together as always thank you so so much to my supporters on patreon you know it I know it you guys are the best see you guys in the next video
Channel: My Name Is Andong
Views: 172,048
Rating: 4.9158454 out of 5
Keywords: andong, my name is andong, lear nine tiny, cooking, food, food recipe, schnitzel, schnitzel recipe, schnitzel recipe easy, weiner schnitzel, chicken schnitzel, chicken schnitzel recipe, chicken schnitzel israeli, israeli chicken schnitzel, israeli chicken schnitzel recipe, israeli chicken schnitzel homemade, israeli chicken schnitzel at home, japanese tonkatsu, japanese tonkatsu recipe, japanese schnitzel, katsu sando, how to make schnitzel, how to make japanese tonkatsu
Id: Ri1phXVfYPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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