Schedule Appointments on Google Forms

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all right guys what i want to show you here real quickly is how you could create a google form where people can uh schedule appointments with you and once they schedule an appointment then that appointment time is taken away so that way you know if you're having somebody that wants to schedule on monday at nine in the morning no one else that can then schedule for that time once someone has scheduled on the forum before then so this takes a little bit of front end work but once you get this done it actually works pretty cool and uh is kind of a neat little form and again you can duplicate it afterwards and everything so i'm just going to call this you know schedule appointment and you know let's say i want to do it with you know students in my class so i'm just going to put name here and of course going to go to short answer i want them put in their name so that's required i'm going to add another question here that's going to be you know class period and again i'm going to go to short answer and they're going to have to put in their answer there so again i'm going to make that one required as well now what i'm going to do from there is i'm going to put in a new section and you'll see when we get into the form it actually once they answer a couple questions and they you know go to the next to get done with that question and submit that it takes them to the next section so the next section here is going to be i'm just going to basically call this you know what day and i'm going to put in a question here and i'm going to call this you know or say what day of the week works for you all right and and very important here i have to make sure it's a drop down you'll see why later on it has to be a drop down so please make sure you do drop down so also go ahead and put in here you know monday and you can see here it's already got my next ones coming up here for tuesday wednesday and so i'm going to say those are the only three i want i've only got times for monday tuesday or wednesday for a appointments all right and again this is going to be a required question they have to put you know what day they're going to be uh coming in all right now i'm going to add a new section so once they pick what day i'm going to add a section now it'll take them to the next page of the form that will be for monday all right and i'm going to add a question here and i'm going to say what day or what i'm sorry what time works for you and i'm going to put in parentheses here monday and you'll see why later i need to make sure i have monday on here so again i'm going to do a drop down so again make sure you put the day on there on that question i'm going to put in my time so i've got 9 a.m 9 10 or 11 a.m are the times that they can make appointments okay so now i'm going to add another section because i have to have a section now for tuesday so tuesday and what i'm going to do is i'll come up to this question i'm going to duplicate it i'm going to move it down here into tuesday i'm just going to change it now to what time works for you on tuesday drop down same as always so i'm going to do another section here i'll put wednesday duplicate that question bring it down into this section and i need to make sure that i say this is wednesday okay now here's where we need to go back and start doing a little bit of work to make sure this form all works correctly okay so they've got their name they got their class period but now they pick a day and what you can do here is i click on this question you see these three little dots down here if i click on that i'm going to say i want them to go to a certain section based on what their answer was okay so if they picked monday i want them to go to monday section if they picked tuesday of course i want them to go to the tuesday section if they pick wednesday i want them to go to the wednesday section okay so we got that part set up now now we need to go to uh the times themselves all right so what we're going to do here is again put go to section and here we are on monday so as soon as they answer what time what i want them to do is submit their form they can't go to the next day and choose another time i just want them to submit their form as soon as they pick a time on that certain day so on monday if they pick nine o'clock in the morning as soon as they click that it's going to take them to the end of the form to submit it and we're gonna do the same thing here on each one of these so like i said this takes a little bit of front-end work to get this set up correctly but once you get it set up it really works very smoothly to schedule appointments okay so let me get this last one done here so again we're going to be doing submit form if they whenever they answer that question so submit forms forms in the form all right now this is where we have to go back and do just a little bit more and that's where it gets a little bit more i guess you could say in depth we need to have an add-on here if you look up here you've got this puzzle piece that has add-ons and you see i've already got this one called choice eliminator 2. so if you don't have that click on these three little dots and you'll see down here it'll say add-ons so if you click on that it'll open up this uh you know google chrome store and that's where you can search for choice eliminator and hopefully you know your organization has that uh unlocked so that way you can get that so hit choice eliminator two and that's the one that you need right there choice eliminator two so again i've already got that installed here all right now once you have that add-on put on of course you click on the add-ons button hit choice eliminator two and now you'll see it'll say configure so i need to configure this choice eliminator so it's going to pop up and give me a message saying please make sure you have drop-downs set on all your questions so i do have drop downs set on all my questions so here's where we're going to be changing some things so we click on this one that says what time works for you monday i want to eliminate choices there so right now it's working on it it's going to give it just a second and you'll see here in a moment this little gear will turn green all right that gear is now green so now i go to tuesday i want to eliminate choices on tuesday so this is basically making it where when they do the form if somebody picks nine o'clock in the morning then no one else can go back and click nine o'clock in the morning all right so now that one's a green i go to my last one here on wednesday and i'm going to eliminate choices for wednesday all right now it's all green so now my form should be ready to go so now of course i can you know send it through an email or or whatever but actually i'm going to go ahead and get the link here to it i'm going to copy the link here and we're going to go to another tab and i'm going to put in that link okay so here's my form schedule appointment all right so i'm going to put in my name all right and then i'm going to go next okay what day of the week works for you let's say tuesday okay so i hit next and so what time for you on tuesday so i'm going to say 10 o'clock in the morning and when i hit next it's going to say submit your your appointment okay so i submit it all right so now let's go ahead and do another i'm going to do another couple ones here just to show you that that is now gone so uh let's just go ahead and put another name here and let's say okay i want to do tuesday so when i go to next and i go to tuesday look now there's only two choices left okay so i'm like well i guess i'll have to come in at nine o'clock in the morning all right so i submit that appointment so let's go ahead and do another one all right so let's say okay well tuesday works for me as well i go back again oh only 11 o'clock okay well that's not gonna work so i'm gonna have to go back i'm gonna have to pick another day let's say monday and okay there's nine o'clock on monday that'll work for me so next and i submit my form okay let's just do one more just so that um just so that we can you can see the sheet when it's all done okay what day works for me let's say wednesday is the day that works for me next what time on wednesday at 10 o'clock okay so now that i've got all those submitted you see now i've got four responses here on my form click on my responses of course there you can see my responses here kind of a graph of them but what i want is to click on the create a sheet and create that sheet and so now it'll go to this sheet and now you can see here is you know my schedule i can see i've got john doe on tuesday at ten o'clock okay i got john smith on tuesday at nine o'clock there you can see you know jane doe monday at nine o'clock john brown wednesday at ten o'clock okay so again it'll create this sheet for you that will show you all the times that people signed up and at the same time the form will also eliminate uh times that are already taken okay so anyway i think it's kind of a cool little tool there to use and hopefully you find it helpful alright thanks
Channel: Jared Bruening
Views: 81,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: schedule appointments on google forms, how to schedule appointments on google forms, create google forms to make appointments, google forms appointments, google forms how to, google forms how to appointments, google forms how to schedule, google forms schedule, how to schedule on google forms, how to eliminate choice google forms, google forms schedule tutorial, schedule appointments google forms tutorial
Id: OWku_-9ZrGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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