@schatzy145 is live! #puyopuyo #puyopuyotetris

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for what's up y'all just going live a little bit on P I'm not really up on it too much because I just joined and I can't get into the online meds yet I guess unless somebody's withholding me from that I can't get the controller to hook up if anybody wants to help with that i' be great I'm trolling it we're good think how slow it is right now Celtic sup got it good te spin so this was what it was all about I think trying to steal my Tetris games so I decided to come out online on the computer and like go old school I can't get the Xbox Live controller to go on and I know there's a way I just don't choose to do that right now cuz I used to play Tetris friends back in the day I'm trying to get back into it a little bit not anything major oops that was a mistake my bad I was adjusting got it it's a cool little game I give it four out of five stars so far I think it's going to be better I think I'll give it five out of five because I like the gameplay I like the little algorithm thing I don't know any of the moves yet like that's what I got to learn cuz I just play and once I learn the moves it'll be better for me to play from a controller however I got to make the moves you know I got to learn like all the s attacks and all this so I'm live playing pu pu Tetris I think it's called I'll try to figure out how to stream from the computer and right from the screen capture I don't know how is I'm doing it with my phone cuz I'm the idiot what's an algorithm each need son CH go Ro each C C You stop something stop solved it all right so what do you want to say how long do you want me to go for the challenge was 28 days Mountain Deo Cath and um Mom poop got to poop maybe I'll get a perfect clear no all right I'm in in the zone should I mess it up because I like messing it up or should I play straight up what you want to see tetrises te- spins build what you want to see any anybody in the chat this shouted out what you want to see I'll try I can't look right now cuz I'm streaming this in the craziest way possible here we'll give you something give a little Kung kungi so people actually like to watch people play Tetris it becomes uh addictive and like you have a little a little bit of a Tetris effect going on after you play for a while you gu You'll Play it in your head that was a power up or something I don't know how to use the specials if anybody wants to reach out and tell me how to use the specials that would be cool I'm just going to pause it real quick and see if I'm in a good I can see because um I'm just giving her a little break I want to see if I'm on properly on the stream properly they're crazy people so I got four watching it says all right I'll continue I didn't test it though so hold on and then I'll get with it promise all right I'm good just had to check that I'm streaming and it's got audio and all that good stuff okay so resume Kung kungi and it really stinks I can't have the uh Xbox come come F I'll be all right though it's not the end of the world Tetris Tetris canes my a bought me to or my sister I for you is it LD has Tetris friend it's starting to speed up a little and I was in that mode for a little I like that come F so you messing with a GI Joe if you mess with me on this game because I could play indefinitely if I want to I can't play on the I have to gain more points I reckon to play on line online like on the battles and stuff I've been having trouble in the battles atast however Marathon Sprint or my thing and battling used to be with combos I don't know any of the moves yet I'm just new I'm a newbie oops I must that went upy good everybody makes mistakes especially when you're learning solved it I like the sound that that mystery solve itus now it's flying I don't know what level I'm at I don't even care I don't look at that stuff I just play a weird action solved it that's what you got to do solve it that come by I wonder what that means I have to look it up solved it 7 Minutes in let's get a te- spin that up I'm not going to use it here I'm waiting for a long pieza now we even got a little off there all right so it's coming I didn't want that that's okay though this is why I oh I hit the wrong button my bad there it is oopy W algorithm con Solve IT Su suck or is he saying something she or whatever double double got it got it got oh no algorithm double double kungi whatever that means got it solve it you get it I understand the undertone to that Solve IT sa is that it solve ITT soft it solve it all right sup was all over about 10 Tetris was that what this was about like was it a battle of Tetris Battle of emore so I I'm telling you that I could play indefinitely just need the catheter um what's it call Cather Mountain Dew um water and like other waste I guess like episode of South far the World of Warcraft or whatever how am I doing everything all right everything looking good I can't I'm like Jarred in there my hands are solved it tet all right come on build on the run on the build Tetris stop stop what up got it good tetri almost oh that was a wrong move get it we'll fix it so how long do you want me to go I'll put that there for now probably this weirdest live stream you've ever seen on T by by I don't even know if I'm saying it right I don't want that in there it's all right I'm on a little run here there we go that almost I almost got my fingers off the trigger there did she say tainted s it there we go freshia where's shout out to fresia the bully Rena the bully LDS tet friend all the Little Friends From the Rough riding times now we got Pou maou Tetris sure then boo yaah so I'm rolling now so there ain't no stopping me Tetris so does anybody know if you can make money doing this cuz I'm ready to battle as soon as I learn the moves I don't know I I know is like I know how to spin and all that however I want to know about these moves these battle moves cuz I'm I'm new to this I'm not new to Tetris of course I'm new to Pou Pou Tetris new to this game oh that was a bad one got my fingers all the wrong way soon as I get this Xbox controller up I need help with that I I'm I'm frightened to turn on the Bluetooth so I'll play until whenever you want and Shotsy 145 on Steam there's two secret one got to find the puzzle it's all about the puzzle combo combo went up oh that was not good I got stuck stuck like a duck solved it I knew that would happen did I beat the world record yet for Marathon since I can't get on online play I don't think so no way there's no way my last night I did I just didn't save the game from what I saw cuz I could Sprint a marathon like anybody um battle is where I want to be at in the six PE room and that's locked I guess I got to do something I don't know about this po po however I know about this um Tetris like the regular tetus here I could go without even holding if I wanted to indefinitely combo I I want to get the world records in combos one day probably 26 I would guess I don't know what it is I'd have to look it up I'd have to Google and a perfect clear wouldn't be nice because I could have had one right there however I got the two dots I'll get one they one in 100 perfect clear is a one in 100 chance of getting a perfect clear I usually get more than that so it's I mean I just started this is just starting for me I don't know where to put this one so I put it here see how smart I am to hold that because I've been I've been being cheated on my phone like crazy now it's legitimate where I can make my own choices without somebody pulling the game away and trying to mess me up and they can't even win doing that so it's like serious business when it comes to gaming right don't believe me call Verizon didn't quite go around I don't see nothing wrong on here so far except I can't get on the online play uh-uh uh-uh and I told you that we won't stop Tetris no it wasn't must seen it now you could imagine if I could hook up that Xbox controller which is Bluetooth and this computer has it however I ain't Hing that up until everything's clear oh MinGa Su sup o Kung got it good got it good it's mess up on purpose setad of pieces I'm just messing up now a little bit to make it interesting Tetris get Tetris so what are they doing just voicing it over that's funny over a Tetris game should I just goop it up oops my bad I didn't get to twist that one come shout out to my aunt who bought me this and give me time to play so what's my net worth now I'm Tetris Sal good scammed in good socks was this going about my business it was just another non eventful day oh say that I'm in big big trouble oh I wanted the another one thank you I like how it like grabs makes that [Music] sound I'm up at the top should I should I mess up on purpose or should I bring it back down cuz you know it's like I'm I'm hard to I'm a hard cookie to get bounc out of there so once I get going sup good sup people over here the people over there Sunday morning sitting in my underwear uhoh I got her Kung I can't okay I can now I've always been really good at this game so this is not anything new however I've been playing it since like 1987 I think or 89 G watch this I didn't get that whenever I want get Tetris come by I'm picking up steam on Steam oh that was I tried to picking up steam on Steam all right let's get this let's get this all adding up there it is she's doing karate or something down there saled yeah I'll take it I was I was going to say let's go for the big one or oh that was a little hard drop mistakey what up T I'm going to pause it um what am I at 254 855 Oh my legs are sore ouch because I'm an Indian style like a kid um let me check the Stream because I had to do that every once in a while guess there better be audio so I am live all right let me check the Stream I'm giving myself some love and keeping at 100 all right so how many people did I get now buddy it's all good we'll continue so I got audio just going to lay on my side hopefully I'll be able to um get into these rooms and do these power moves and all this let me just get my position okay there's a triple so I had to do this to not only get off the phones just to get back like to I'm not getting beat in the head cheated because I know for a fact that this if this doesn't prove something then you know people be impersonating people online nowadays it's all about that let me try to take money ideas Innovations whatever they can so I'm moving my head s sorry I had to play Tetris today on the Super Bowl is it started yet it doesn't start to later right just warm up halftime show I'll be going to I'll pause it or I'll just beat out I don't know like what to do get beat out let's get it in there get in there get the fudge in there Tetris there's another one for the for the girls for the boys double up Double Cups full sipping oop this one got stuck let's see if I can roll it up I want to get a PC if I get a PC I'll stop this I'm getting it's redundant perfect clear oops oops oops so if you out there impersonator let's play in real life 101 I call you out I know something you can't do or that you have problems with uhoh Super [Music] Bowl got I'm in the zone here's what they can oh I'll save it for you all for the all for this all for the big move here I couldn't get it over fast enough I was going to give you a tea give me a [Music] t what's that one up later let me see if I can get one let's like put this here get this here they're getting stuck this is going pretty quick I think I'm leveled all the way unless it goes fast pretty good combo Tetris so I did I solved it now let's do that te- spoon for you all or a PC would be good so we're not getting the right pieces to do see T spin that's all right cuz they come and go cuz I like to hear the algorithm got it good that would been sweet if feel was stop stop it waiting on that teasp I probably Place till the battery dies which I don't know what percent of tatris Commander psychop P shout out P pis go for the pis all right trips come by so what are you got to do you want to see the tpoon or the L spoons all right I have a a chance for uh for a a sneaky oh no I can't a sneaky um te spin right here single I wanted the algorithm one oh I want the full teaspoon Dixon is tired got that in there a n time got it good I get it I got it I know it's good all right I wish you were all right now we back down the bottom look at her she's like a little ninja ninja Jaden shout out Ninja gayen the game now we're building we're on the something as they say oh that's okay textures back to back textures see gets all trippy in the background when you get the big ones tetrises Tri I didn't want that there to be honest I just landed there I like doing this once in a while lining them up the big pieces satisfying I guess right bingo bingoo bingo that tree soon got it dubs no On's sings what should I do with this all right I got it so we're at sorry but it finally fell you know we're at I don't know how many minutes 55 minutes score is 2000 2 24, 855 it says 27 35.45 on the game I guess that's the time and that was fun right so we're going to end it up and I'll continue later if you wish subscribe like and puya puya Tetris is um pretty much I'd say five stars so far I just need the old controller they hook up Bluetooth onto this and if anybody can shout me out on how to do that or any of that tactical stuff I really don't want to use a Bluetooth um I got Nintendo it's for breakfast now I got short fires I got a little Nintendo short fires and the Nintendo actually works I don't I didn't find Tetris on it though I have a bunch of games though and it has volume they I don't find Tetris on it though anyway I'm just making this stream for the tetris community and just live streaming a little bit but before Super Bowl what time is it [Music] anyway I'll probably um resume this game and go and get picture for the thumbnail um somebody was contacting me about thumbnails yesterday so I don't know what would cool thumbnail be like like pause Marathon something like that I don't know you can make a anything l so all right I'll talk to you guys later I don't know how many people popped in or out and it doesn't matter it's for [Music] prosperity and it's Tetris and it's almost like Tetris friends however they got to bring Tetris Friends the website back out so we're at a not a perfect clear I think however we are good to go in the Stream and that was just like my third serious game and uh I'll continue with later I'll pick up where I left off I'm just going to wait until this pauses out I have the phone's hot it's from streaming so I'm waiting for a specific number to end the stream at probably I don't know let's say one hour exactly 60 minutes I'll end it and like I said I could hook this up I just need guidance from a from a tech to know why the Bluetooth isn't working so I mean I just I'm baffled so need a little help on how to hook my Xbox to this computer computer which should be simple so I can play and learn the other moves and whatnot um just winding it up down to an hour what time is it it's a Super Bowl I'm picking Kansas City even though they're underdogs by one point and actually out at my home I knew he was going to be good from the time he stepped in I think he'll Excel and break some records of Brady even if he stays healthy so one hour mark cutting off thanks for watching I'll talk to you later byebye to all my people all right see you
Channel: Michael S
Views: 996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ApWd021FatA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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