CTWC 2023 TOP 8 Pt. 1 | Tetris World Championship

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welcome back to ctwc 2023 we are in the top eight woo and I am honored to be joined by two of my longtime wingmen both of them at the same time we have James Chen you know fighting game commentary Legend and Sharky the next generation of Tetris commentary and uh it's by popular fan demand you've all wanted Sharky to have you know Grand finals ctwc commentary and we have it and we have it without sacrificing one of us exactly we're all here and we're going to give you a trio of information and hype and excitement here I'm really excited for this and uh ready for a fun Journey here yeah yeah it's going to be really exciting I mean we've already seen some insane play today and we still have you know three more rounds to go top eight top four and of course our finals where we're going to Crown a world Champion okay so we're good we're going to start counting this down for this first match of top eight here we go I want everybody in the audience to join us for this countdown to start off the top eight for ctwc let's go here we go three 2 one Tetris uh so as I was um just about to explain uh Fair median score Alex T is currently number one followed by sidnev so that is actually going to be an amazing match up there they are equally matched and on the bottom we've got rank number 22 which is uh scooty but scoo scooty you know having a fairly recent entry into the data stream and uh up against Huff who is ranked number six in Fair median score and right now of course you can see them all starting out here level 18 Huff with a vits oh oh nice tuck right there by Huff already setting it up and you can see right now uh all the players essentially at perfect uh Tetris rates you can see on the screen the trt under the level that is the tetris rate right there how many lines are being used the percentage of lines used uh clearing for a Tetris for those of you new here to watching ctwc but I'm going to tell everybody who's new watching this year and right now you will become a longtime fan of this cuz this is going to blow your mind yeah and speaking of the trt it is high like you don't usually see 100 hang around forever but sidnev with a trt you know even with only 28 lines clear they have all been tetrises yeah and of course we got to give a huge thanks to yobi because in nris Champs not only do we get to see the score differential but we also get to see how many tetrises they are behind by and especially when we start talking about you know level 29 and post 29 when it's becomes vital for a Tetris to be scored to make a comeback you know that's an extremely helpful stat yeah yeah they need to know how much uh risk there is to be able to uh get ahead and uh if you set up aetris well when um and take too much risk when you don't need to that could lead to a topout oh scooty is up high needing to do some Burns yeah already eyepiece dependent over here but he's going to go for a little bit of uh more risky cleaning right here as you can see dropping that LP straight down but look at this just needs a little bit more that TP is not going to work out for him though wow he's actually going really aggressive Holding Out For the Long Bar and it pays off there it is Boom teters for scooty Alex t with the vits now up on top Alex T in the lead by about two tetrises now and interesting even with that little cleaning sequence right there from scooty you can actually see that Huff you know the tetris rate not that much significantly higher at this point so the scores are pretty still even right now speaking of Tetris R James chin look at our players up top Alex and SV 98 and 95 365,000 to 344 here just around halfway through that's insane yeah they're both super efficient like we I was just talking about the new stat for the fair median score equally matched between alext and sidnev yeah I mean I feel like that's going to be one of the new catchphrases here for ctwc of that's insane because I've been saying it all weekend long it's absolutely mindblowing with I just saw Alex's Tetris rate go from 98 to 99 yeah but you see right now Huff building up a little bit High over here going to have to do a little bit of a burn has a a j piece dependency right there but there is that piece and now just waiting for that long bar there it is and boom Tetris for huff and of course you know Alex T kind of coming in this match with a Vengeance because I'm not sure if you guys remember but last year syv was actually the player that knocked Alex T back in top 16 last year that's right so now you know in this new generation with new rule set with with the super kill screen in action is that going to change the complexion of it now that players have to be super aggressive throughout the course of the match now I remember seeing uh over the weekend that scooty had that blue Yoshi but now there's two of them are they multiplying at this [Laughter] one uh you know sometimes having the plushy there you have one and you increases your power level by one you get two get double the power could be a strat yeah ct2 now has Spanish commentary so for those of you that you know speak Spanish and want to listen to it in Spanish you can watch that over at ct2 ct3 with Japanese ct4 polish and oh Huff yeah a lot of holes in that stack let's see how Huff navigates this scooty clean is going to be able to increase a lead here now of a a little bit more than a Tetris well there we go got through it clean here but does need a long bar right there for column oh just decided to block it right there and now okay third line bar so there you go what an adjustment over there from Huff yeah Huff with that box tuck there just out of nowhere all right trying to find a way to get through that column 10 finally has it open ready for another Tetris and now let's see if he's going to suffer through a little bit of a drought here but fortunately stack built in away for easy burns on the right side Alex T now maintaining a lead of over four tetrises 90% Tetris rate deep into level 18 about to hit the transition yeah hu the first one to transition Here and Now scooty and Alex T right behind yeah 672 transition for Alex T burning it up here in top eight but s that also an amazing performance 619 transition what amazing you know we said like just before transition Alex T had a four Tetris lead and that's with as high as the score that he had but sdv with a 600k transition as well so Alex T just really poured it on yeah now Alex T has a bit of a burning to do Sid def completely clean could catch up with this boom Tetris for sidnev 671 versus 750 for Alex T yeah Alex having to do a little bit of cleanup over here but scooty with a dirty Center well setup waiting for it this is what scoot's been doing all weekend long going for these aggressive Center Wells and has had been got some nice Burns here but now he's double ey's A Long Bar what a drought what okay but again beautiful burn there it is finally and boom Tetris and that's only going to be a double right there but he's still going for the dirty Tetris over there on the right column just missed it yeah such insane aggression and 812 up there for Alex T8 away for sidnev that lead that Alex he had built up going the transition has been basically neutralized yeah s up being super efficient past transition now okay needs that Long Bar there we go Alex T now has the well opened up ready for a Tetris going to have to do a little bit of a burn to stay safe and there it is Boom Tetris for Alex T yeah they're neck and neck up on top this going to be a battle of the two highest FMS stat players it's also kind of neck and neck down at the bottom as well scooty and huff just fighting it out on level 25 scooty knocks down a Tetris and so does Huff separated by 300 points wow yeah neck and neck everywhere here players just maximizing their efficiency okay Huff having a fire there probably just needed to put that long bar somewhere wouldn't be in the way and is able to clear it off just like that oh my gosh alext and sidnev look at these scores about to Max yeah sidf with a Max at level 25 into 26 and Alex T Max all as well level 26 1, 155,000 1, 67,000 C still going strong here a level behind wait is that a vits from Alex T yes it is Nails it and now we're seeing right now scooty at 906 so he's about to max out as well Huff not that far behind at 881 but we are about to hit kill screen on the bottom over there one line to go now for huff to transit to double transition and there it is kill screen time and scooty next to line clear will get that kill screen action 9 949 to 967 we are neck and neck on the bottom at kill screen up on top kill screens are coming as well both players are maxed and now a Max for huff as well there's kill screen for Alex T 1.17 having to get the board under control and sidna waiting for the long bar now let side's a little bit of a concern but K screen for scy and kill screen Tetris for scooty are we going to see our first super max out potential we got a Tetris now from Alex t as looking like type B at high speed there's a center well set up for Alex but look at this burn from from syid here beautifully wow syid burning that all down clean again Huff is set up for the tetris wa Tetris for alext in setad up for another one he's going and there it is Boom Tetris for alext 1.3 million we are getting so many Kill screen tetrises what is going on there's another one for blue scooty alext trying to get set up for another Huff going for one as well oh no Miss drop from huff and he gets it over alive alext level 33 in a drought trying to maximize Huff is going to top at a 1 mil one 52,000 blue scooty is good we got a battle here Alex C with a 3.1 Tetris lead s have in trouble with double Long Bar dependency needs to get that oh it Sy can't get over to the left and he gives up so Alex T takes the first round but what a performance 296 lines right there and already pumped up look at this he is feeling it right now that adrenaline right there I mean when you are surviving that long at at kill screen speed you just you build up so much of that energy and like level 35 we're seeing on two of the player screens there we are on the verge of seeing that super kill screen when will it happen here we go and 3 2 one [Music] tetr buun is not playing in this top eight right [Laughter] now but was active in the Legends tournament yesterday having an amazing time here looks like on top we're still going to get a late start are learn to play session over yeah we'll let you know what's going on with the top side of of the screen over there but in the meantime we have the uh bottom players over here uh scooty and huff going at it again shout outs to the entire ctwc crew always working hard bringing you all this technology for uh you know capturing this in great High defin quality and of course uh you know having these stations all set up for you guys so again on the top side oh it looks like uh we've got their screens back here yep s with a onepoint push down Advantage there for a moment there Alex T and C both had the exact same sexs even throwing the Ops over to the left to create a hole intentionally wowow maybe this uh FMS stat really does have something to it so evenly matched [Music] getting a mostly clear screen right now and boom Tetris for sidnev oh interesting TP tuck right there puff building up high really trying to maintain efficiency here yeah small drw but nothing too big blue scooty though what a start just about a 90% Tetris rate here in the first 40 lines Dr occurring on top I mean droughts have been kind of plaguing today and uh it did interfere with a lot of the earlier rounds so we'll see if that plays out with these uh amazing players who are pretty much able to Tetris pass kill screen at this point yeah I wonder if the the the high level of droughts we've been seeing is going to affect how they're playing maybe try to be a little more conservative but I don't know the way these guys have been playing all weekend long I don't think conservative is uh in their in their lexicon right now yeah they're just tetesing fast kill screen and uh you know I never thought I'd see that you know before it was just like okay once you hit 29 it's over but it's definitely not over here in 2023 for huff droughts have definitely been Game ending for several players I mean I believe we saw a 50 piece drought earlier that's right yeah happening up high then yeah it's deadly and that's always one of the uh biggest strategies here is the risk assessment how long do you are you really willing to hold out for that long bar or if you're just going to go for you know the safer play and getting the safe Burns it's always an interesting game of tug of wars like do I go aggressive here or do I you know play it conservative and potentially let my opponent Take the Lead just because they had simply a little bit more risk tolerance than I do yeah we're going to see some deeper level game analysis now throughout the course of a game you know because decisions that you make if you're not making those tetrises early on and then you're at the kill screen and then you're trying to fight against the super kill screen to make your points to make it up that could you know make the difference right there and um you'll be able to watch A Match you know rewind and say okay well because this Tetris wasn't made here that forced a a death causing risk later on dude I I just want to point out right now that our Tetris rates are between 79 and 72% right now before all four players that is insane all have us see there it is again that's insane that is like I said we need that on a a ctw t-shirt now that's insane I mean and you can see it reflected in for all four of them look at that so crazy ridiculous 386 for alext 382 for sydne 452 for huff and 434 for scooty what is going on neck and neck that's what's going on we are seeing the highest level of Tetris Play maybe that we have ever seen in the world that is what is going on right now scooty oh okay actually decided against setting up the tetris but cleans it right off Tetris ready another drought 24 piece drought right now yep scooty going to go for the burn actually both huff and scooty right now going for some safe Burns here and there it is finally the trout is over and look at that back to back simal tetrises for both huff and scooty yeah but those are the droughts that we were talking about you know if scooty would have gone for that aggressive dirty Tetris that we thought that he would have then that could have potentially been a top out see scooty playing a little bit safely here with some smart uh setup for the burns over there and back to a neutral field and simult Tetris for huff and scooty again similar story up on top scores are neck and neck and they're both banging down the tetrises with each Long Bar spawn there Tetris retive and Alex t one after another yeah both of them right now at 79% Tetris rates yeah this is going to be a crazy quad score for transition here as uh 583 for huff and 567 for scooty into level 19 but players up top having to do a little bit of burning Alex T able to find the tetris there s of opens up the well just waiting [Music] patiently players with Tetris well set up on the verge of hitting 19 another drought coming up here yeah another drought but there it is they both got the Long Bar at the same time so 620 transition for Alex T jeez these transition scores are absolutely insane and boom Tetris forid into transition 601 once again another double 600k transition alext in the lead on 18 yeah I remember back when you know 500k would be like ah yeah they're doing okay but now it's just like 600 after 600 really pushing the efficiency here it's what you need to do all right unfortunately for scooty right now has to was forced to cover up that uh column 10 a little bit but has managed to burn through perfectly with some nice pieces and boom Tetris for scooty alexie having to deal with some Burns oh miss flip the Long Bar nothing deadly boom Tetris or alext probably going to burn that right off yep there it is right there and now just looking for pieces to drop in there perfectly got the J piece is Tetris ready once again oh oh nice oh what an adjustment right there by Alex yeah flat burning that L just to keep things nice and clean as if it never existed that that's crazy can reaction that's ins say right the reaction to actually find that is in just to know to even have the idea for to do that you know at the last second as well oh nice tuck right there getting risky playing so high but that's what you need to do to yeah look at all four screens look how aggressive they were all playing every single one of them had their stack at least above half the screen but no holes in sight that's how efficient all these players are very disciplined burns are being taken by all oh nice flat burn up there for alext there's another Tetris we're nearing maxed out territory for the bottom yeah scooty right there at 920 at 918 yeah nine definitely going to get a max out soon here both players set up oh nice adjustment over there from Alex there's another Tetris 919 888 up top we're at a potentialy on the verge nice tuck yeah he's going to have to oh misses the spin was trying to get that right sco's going to have a board maybe not quite ideal at uh kill screen here yeah uh and there it is a max out for scooty and for H okay scooty getting the board back into shape for kill screen is going aggressive oh no there was the eyepiece right there going to look needs another Long Bar get the tetris okay going to stay alive than get the right side needs a Long Bar he gets it in there but things are looking tight B on scooty's board can scooty survive this no it's not going to happen H Tak around yeah there we go 1 on the bottom we have double Maxes and I got to give the cowbell for SV and Alex t as well up on top still action on kill screen Sid with a very slight lead just a bit more ATT now two tetrises beautiful oh my gosh set up send up a couple of Mis drops Alex C needs the Long Bar the drought where there it is and C's going to top out Alex needs the where is it nowhere Dr at the wrong time right there and you can see Alex is beside himself he's just like I just need it that one long bar but the uh the TS were not kind they wanted to even it up one1 and that's what we saw on both boards here go 3 2 1 [Applause] Tetris at this point in time it almost feels like the only way any of these guys are going to top out is the droughts so it's almost like the game itself is like you know I need this is the only way we can get these guys to to to lose looks like we're going to have a restart up top or we'll we'll figure it out as it happens but we're going to continue with the match on the bottom oh yes continuing with a drought at the bottom as if on Q but there you go they finally got the long bars right there you see both of them on the exact same 67% Tetris right there their scores are literally the same at oh not now but they were for a second yeah top looks like they're going to restart their seed they were getting wrong pieces [Music] nice little hang set up there by a h and now Tetris ready you can see right there scooty needs to uh get that column 9 filled out did it just in time for the eyepiece boom Tetris for scooty Huff is going to have to do the same over there on the right side and still not Tetris ready yet now Tetris ready and there's a Long Bar boom Tetris for Hub finally started up here at the top both players on the same seed sidnev with a one-point lead as per tradition oh I like the delay burn that sidnev sets up there [Music] yeah we're tied all across the board everyone one to one so we're not going to see any sweeps here almost as if RNG were trying to you know make this as exciting as possible for us but you know what in that case everybody wins we've got a great oh really checked up high Alex as well nice double flip over there from Sy opens up the hole trying to get the well open oh oh no the Miss flip a Mis rotation right there oh dangerous still still staying alive look at that survival dirty Tetris for sidb that is clutch within frames death defying and being able to survive that wow and again just everybody watching at home is just like you know even if you got half that problem right there so many people would just like drop the controller and be like I'm done but these guys over here that all these players are here just completely amazing here yeah it goes with the territory I mean in order to be able to survive it you have to know what to do in each situation and that's one thing that's admirable about these players is the perseverance you know being able to try and find a way to get out of those problems cuz now you're in a match you can't just you know soft reset like what a lot of us like to do when we're in our practice [Music] sessions having to fill in that left side does have a lead though yeah again just as a reminder you know the players are getting the same pieces the two players going up against each other getting the same pieces and so you can actually see that you know from Alex and sidn have obviously are top rated players uh from the FME over there but both of them with uh 50% Tetris rates right now because the pieces have just been so awkward yeah I mean when the game doesn't cooperate doesn't give you log bars you catas yeah and Alex and C in particular they both have a history with each other Alex actually leads them from a 9 to3 record minutes at exactly 1:30 p.m. we will be starting the Blockbuster world CH finals meanwhile on the bottom match over there huff and scooty both with amazing Tetris rates 87% for scooty right now 73% for huff and it's crazy to say that at 74% Tetris rate right now he uh Huff is behind by uh over two tetrises meanwhile up on top scores are neck and neck which is what you want to see between two so equally matched players and players that are so capable of uh aggression and survival we're seeing the perfect balance of that this is going to be one to remember yeah right now s trying to get the well open that Burn's going to work out nicely there DET tetes for alext 326 s at 322 wow Huff just chucking those pieces over to the left to dispose of them in time for the Long Bar boom Tetris or Huff Alex has been fighting this RNG for most of this game right now but and that's a testament to how clean the board and look at this burned all the way down and what a setup for that L piece right there scooty developing some holes in the stack but as we've seen from the past able to usually burn them off pretty efficiently maybe even turning it into a dirty that might be exactly what scoy is trying to do here so high dirty tet tetr scooty so high so dirty and opening up the well Tetris scooty absolutely filthy and a little fist pump right there from scooty as well and look at that tuck as well and you know what that L piece is going to make it look like nothing ever happened I'm actually feel a little sorry for gamescott because there's so many highlight moments that this is going to be an editing nightmare it's like hey here's the tetris ctwc highlights and he just links to the whole video you know gam Scout just shows up on the screen and says here uh it was good watch this we do have transitions down at the bottom 635 for scooty currently here at level 20 and 655 for huff also at level 20 and both of them with very very clean play Fields look at this yeah I could eat off of these matrixes right now it's so clean transition up top for cyna 558 to now 517 alext is going to transition with that Tetris goes up to 541 so almost neck and neck up top neck and neck and boom Tetris for huff now so Huff ohoh a a Mis rotation on that t-piece over there not going to be a problem but definitely going to slow down the tetris rate a little bit yeah take advantage of that just a bit it's going to take some Burns there's a triple right there and maybe go for a row one no actually Huff is going to be cleaning up a little bit here doesn't want to go for that Row one Tetris there's that flat burn on the uh eyepiece over there let's see what he decides to do here yep he does actually burn down to R all the way to row one back to back tetrises for scooty jumping into the lead 76,000 points and that's the tough thing you know if you're in host position you want to go aggressive so you don't fall too far behind but you also want to be able to survive whatever RNG throws at you and that choice to you know survive has allowed scoy to build up almost 100,000 point lead yeah again 71% Tetris rate for huff and he's down by two and a half tetrises oh Alex T whoa uhoh oh wait that doesn't burn need to get the well open still surviving but he's not getting the right PA pieces are not cooperating but starting to be able to dig back down trying to make it work looking for ideal pieces the left side's a bit of a concern wow look at the survival skill wow oh my gosh this could be the Dig of the day here oh nice there is alext what a dig he's still not out of it yet the the the pieces are still no never mind there it is right there right when I said it cleanly done that is insane but oh scooty actually going dirty here and there it is 30 for scooty wow almost 1.1 million right now and huff however having to do a dig of his own at this point but that's going to clean out pretty nicely over there kill screens are coming players want to get their playfields in order on the bottom our bottom game starting earlier than the top because of the restarts all right Huff almost clear all the way through here next line clear will put scoy in Kill screen might do it with the Tetris gets the pieces boom Tetris scooty into kill screen max out for huff and max out for sidnev as well nice adjustment over there for huff able to Huff in the kill screen yeah and scoy oh small M drops here again it's not even just about the rolling but you have to start the rolling with such precise timing and another max out for Alex there developing well if the Pieces come properly this one it seems like scooty and huff are kind of like sizing each other up like who's going to go set up for the first session there he is scooty with a Long Bar Miss drop on the left needs to get one over to survive oh my goodness gets it scooty nailing that save there and clean all the way down scoo back all players deep into the max out and deep into the kill screen now and almost everybody with such a nice FL oh scooty though the hangs on the left oh no cat SC to get it over to the left next Long Bar drop oh but it doesn't result in a line clear all right we've got a chase down here 1.5 tetrises now for huff but will huff line it out or will aggression be the way to go yeah are running out of time Alex T also in trouble wait no way no way split triple wow sting them is maxing it's topped out alext has a small chase down can pull surv it but H hold on hu look at H H is not going to complete the chase down on top sou oh my goodness what a wild ending two Chase Downs that were able to be completed right there but so close behind right there there you see Huff only down by like 36,000 points and I think the same thing in the top match it was just barely like 20,000 or 30,000 separating them is it the pressure because they were just going along and then right when they needed that chase down when they knew they needed to pull it off it just spiraled out of control I've never seen anything like that ready 3 2 one Tetris tetr and in case you guys is are keeping track here sidnev two to one over Alex T scooty right now uh two to one over Huff but wouldn't be surprised if all of these matches were going to the ciders cuz that's what we've been having all top 16 long yeah anything can happen I mean all these players are equally matched and it's just amazing to see how it plays out because we we can't predict it it's uh on a moment to moment it could change on a dime and uh it's just so exil ating to see how it unfolds truly phenomenal play by everyone especially on the 29 when those pieces weren't friendly for really anyone just just trying to survive that's crazy because without the super kill screen being implemented I mean the players could just try to line it out but we haven't seen anyone even doing that I mean they are maximum aggression all the time even after kill screen amazing to see right so I mean just again for the new viewers here you know or maybe the viewers who were watching last year who haven't been keeping up here we there has been a new kill screen implemented at 39 so you know last year in the grand finals we had some long Chase downs and such but now with the super kill screen at level uh 39 it is back to being a necessity to have that Tetris rate to have that pressure to to play as efficiently as possible we just got a stat and scooty's movement uh to the left is the max possible at 30 htz so I guess uh in terms of rolling being able to uh move the actual fastest speed that Nest can handle at 30 HZ is uh something to uh behold yeah it's literally frame perfect yeah okay Alex t with a that's insane miss shift over there he's going to have to get another Long Bar to fill that in Long Bar dependent don't see that too often oh that is a rough situation yeah you got to start burning if you're at anywhere remotely three line bar dependent you just cannot push that the probability of getting three in line bars I mean obviously it happens but the probability of getting them so close to each other very rare simal tetrises for huff and scooty they are within a couple of tetrises of each each other with scooty being in the lead scooty fighting to end this early and huff down one fighting for his terminate life here yeah Huff looking to make top four again or again cuz Huff made top four back in 2020 and I believe 2021 well 2021 made top two yeah and now he's on the verge of being eliminated by Blue scooty you know CT debut here ctwc debut yeah such a strong debut too and definitely no matter what the outcome is a player to watch here as perhaps a next generation of players moves into the spotlight again the younger you are man you don't know fear yet so going to play as aggressive as possible as we've seen scooty do all uh weekend long really close game up top most and Alex yes s tetrises 357 to 357 neck and neck looks like a drought's developing and Alex T yeah needing to fill that with a ideal piece playing up high gets a triple into a Tetris oh no s with some M drops okay see if Huff can get a a piece into that little hang that he created there finally manages to get one and is back to having a neutral play field ready for Tetris and there it is Boom Tetris for H and again 74% Tetris rate and 77 for uh scooty but scooty having a little bit of a oh that was so beautiful from scooty right there and you see adjustment yeah amazing for side for scooty set up for Road two and of course he's going to go for it that's the aggressive scooty we all know yeah the thing about scooty is anytime you know like a burn happens or or any kind of uh delayed burn usually it results in a Tetris well being formed it's just poetry in motion boom Tetris R scooty and again same kind of situation that I was talking about earlier basically all four players on the screen right now at 70% or better Tetris rates just huff at a 69 right now but it's going to jump above 70 right there so look at that s 70% 75% and two 74% that we're seeing on the screen right now yeah each player is super efficient just really taking the minimum number of burns you could see that they know the combination to you know when something doesn't fit they'll make a combination that'll burn it off cleanly back to the thank shout outs to the Portland Retro Gaming expoy blue scooty transitioning up a little high oh no whoa oh boy safety triple what you need to do oh what a delay that adjustment oh that's perfect the well is open holy foul okay and there's a Long Bar boom Tetris with scooty and boom Another Tetris for scooty beautiful and you know what it looks like scooty is going to go for that road to Tetris just going to stay aggressive uh as he's been doing all weekend long look at that had an opportunity to get a tripple didn't take it and there it is boom Another Tetris for scooty and he's going to stay at that row two Tetris yeah row two on 19 is ridiculous that entire sequence was a highlight reel oh my goodness yeah all players all four players transitioned here sov little bit looked like a double flip there not a problem beautiful bur from s yeah just going to keep that that well open for that Tetris and there we go finally filling out that left side over there yeah just a combination for those really cool delayed Burns yeah all of the scores for all four players are incredibly close yeah I I I look at that less than 25,000 points separating all four players right now neck and neck and neck and neck Alex se's getting set up for a sturdy oh committing to this there's the drought counter yeah the drought counters in effect gets the dirty Tetris and set up for another keeping it oh wow that shift wow opens it right back up and set up again with the next drop yeah and you can see scooty right now having to do a little bit of cleaning never mind there it is a clean play field boom Tetris for scooty such efficient play from Alex he 21 for scooty 798 for huff Alex at 864 and cidb at 853 little bit of an opce uh burst right there for huff oh nice adjustment over there for Alex again all these players any small little problem is so quickly resolved Alex T getting close to maxing out here 967 next Tetris will do it looking for that JP JP is not falling Long Bar will do it look at that the burn set up perfect and there it is Boom Tetris Alex Steve max out level 27 s that not far behind one change it would seem well scooty is just waiting for that long bar to to max out at this point and there it is Max out for scooty s level 28 and boom Tetris said to the max out Alex also getting another Tetris be in the 29 there it is Alex yep and Alex not the best shape going into kill screen but Alex probably resolve this some good good placements wow wow that speed look at these Burns right here but now oh left side this is going tries to Flat burn it but it's got left able to get it over has a chase down and here we go if sidnev can get this chase down she will advance to the next round Alex te's 20,000 points is is at the mercy of sidnev right now less than a Tetris to go only 14,000 points now 13,000 yeah mostly clean board too can probably line it out has plenty of time to do so Huff setting up for a Tetris oh the M from Huff oh no Huff is going to hang Huff is going to top out going to top out and scy is going to take that round and S compl the CH down simal ending simal Enders and sidnev and scooty are going to advance three to one and I think if I'm not mistaken every single game we just saw in this block here was a max out I don't think we had anything less than a max out this entire set I believe so too that's I mean we kind of got a taste of that in qus all these players getting more than 10 Max outs as s of in the case getting 16 yeah that's a requirement basically to survive now but wow so we have an international player advancing and one a young Next Generation player advancing it's going to be a very interesting final four so we're going to send this over to King to interview some of our players here all right thank you Sharky ladies and gentlemen giveing it up for Al Al T wow Alex man you got a lot of fans over here because uh you're an aggressive player wouldn't you say that wouldn't you say yeah I'm like really aggressive like I go for like Center well Tetris like as many as possible and that you know that that that game style of yours right is important in this era of class Tes right you see that we got super kill screen going on right now you have to keep the pays going on you're going toe-to-toe with sidnev clearly the number one seat and many people say the best player in the world right now do you feel like that was the case yeah CV is like one of the best she like went like the she goes on good pace and does really good kill screen like I couldn't keep up with her at all well one of the things you kept up with us is our hearts beating very fast with some crazy digging that you were doing on on the top like what's going through your mind and those moments where you're like just five tapping like crazy getting those pieces where they need to belong are you just vibing like you always do well I was like listening to music I try to like not like I try to ignore the audience and like the noise like I just want to play my own and if I top out it is what it is now do you feel like the the live crowd helps Infuse you or is it something that like you mentioned the kind of the nerves get up there and you're just trying to be in your own moment okay after game one the like the crowd pumped me up like a lot like and during the like top outs like everyone was still like yelling it it got me distracted but like it's it's the it's environment like the comp environment absolutely you know live sports going on the world is out there they're watching it's like being in a sports arena right where the infus M of the the crowd is driving you now Alex you got out last year in the top 16 here you are top eight do you feel like next year you keep gunning you keep moving up that ladder everyone's going to get better like exponentially I don't like even though if I can keep up with these guys like they're all just so good well I think we all can agree that you are so good and wonderful job today you know before you go Alex there is one last thing uh the icon of classic Tetris himself Mr Ben Mullen was right in front row watching you I believe he's one of your Tetris Heroes anything to say to the icon right over there Ben come on over here quickly get Ben get over [Applause] here ladies and gentlemen the past and the present and the future of classic Tetris Alex any words to the I love Ben [Applause] Mullen he's my hero I love Alex T you're my hero hug it out gentlemen hug it out ladies and gentlemen Alex T can I shout out to I'm going to shout out to a lot of people right now so let's name them all uh Tommy and DG budo Kevin uh Adrien Justin uh Luke uh Lauren ASA uh yeah that's all that's I going say you sure did you get everybody in the front row I don't even know if you did all right thank you Alex T ladies and gentlemen no bias here but one of my favorite players in the entire world hav alas hav man another strong game strong games but you played someone that is really laser focus they're on the game the blue scooty was this perhaps one of the most toughest matches you've played in your career yeah for sure what is it about blue that when you're going one-on-one and you're going into that 29 play what is it about blue that you have to kind of up the aggression along with him I don't know everyone has to up the aggression this year so yeah H you are back in 2020 the online year you finished in the top uh four there in the 2021 Edition you made it to the finals to play a dog these last two Live Events you're making it to the top date you're a regional winner like all over the place do you feel like this has been the strongest field you've participated in by far H will we see you again coming back in 2024 for more classic Tetris action for sure yep hus a man of very few words but he lets it all go on the Playfield congratulations again good job today oh and and yes we shout we're going to give shout outs all day long please hubster the shout out so my mom and my aunt are in the front row right there my dad watching from home and guess that's it no no shout out to Miles the great and Miles the great of course thank you congratulations hovas well done today Chris James Sharky take it away hello everyone I'm your favorite on water host shy and I want to say thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the match then be sure to leave a like comment down what was your favorite moment me personally I liked when all four players were on 29 and just scoring tetrises and Rapid succession but of course we want to hear what your favorite moment is and also be sure to subscribe with notifications so you never miss out on another upload and you can stay up to date on all things ctwc 2023 and Beyond and last thing if you want to support C WC we are Grassroots and definitely we want to continue bringing this amazing content you can become a channel member right next to the Subscribe button now I'm going to keep this short and sweet because we had an absolute bangover match where you're starting to integrate the interviews now we're in top eight so let's just talk about what has happened and what is going to happen right now SV number one seed beating Alex T not in the sweep this year but still very convincingly and there was a couple of close moments just really untimely droughts especially I believe that was game three where Alex T just needed just a little bit to chase down and unfortunately was unable to make it and now we have scooty beating Huff so Huff still maintaining his position of being consistent top eight every ctwc but now this 13-year-old rookie now has a chance at a title or to become a finalist however blue scooty is going to have to go through synip in order to achieve that for our next match up we're going to have fractal versus Andy and versus dingler fractal of course really strong tournament so far has yet to drop a game and right now Andy looking to try and have the opportunity to face his brother dog in the semifinals of course it requires for dog to beat dingler who managed to make it past rhubarb which if you haven't seen that match truly phenomenal very close definitely would recommend checking it out so dingler now has to go up against a two-time world champion to advance to top four and Andy has to go up against last year's finalists in order to advance the top four as well but that's going to do it for today's lore drop just something to look forward to for the next few uploads especially tomorrow's match between Andy and fractal and dog and dangler anyways I'm your favorite underw host shy and once again check out all the relevant information down the description below and I'll see you in the next match of ctwc 2023
Channel: Classic Tetris
Views: 27,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tetris, nes, e-sports, esports, gaming, retro gaming, james chen, classic tetris, ctwc, harry hong, jonas neubauer, thor aackerlund, nwc, nintendo world championship, puzzle game, nintendo, hypertap, portland retro gaming expo, darts, poker, dr. mario, columns, tetris the grandmaster, tgm, tetris battle royale, tetris effect, tetris theme, joseph saelee, CTWC, Classic Tetris, Tetris World championship, Classic Tetris World Championships, Oscar, Xeno, Coal, Cobalt, game break, crash, beat
Id: nWfA8eoEsh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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