SCFA Football Week 7: Moorpark at Canyons - 10/17/19 - 7pm

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[Music] [Music] alright guys we're back and we are on the third podcast and we are coming in on another win first road go road hump road game of the season let's just forget that happen let's talk about how did you feel about this game you know what it was it was quite a trip I'll say that you know we played basically essentially five the five of the first weeks we were at home which is unheard of having that Santa Barbara game come back to our place and our scrimmage was at our place so I did not know what to expect from this group I mean this would be our first road test it was we were gonna get him up early it was an hour and a half hour and 45 minute bus ride and we were playing at 1 o'clock so there was a lot of factors and it kind of made me nervous we talked about it all week long we hammered the guys about it but you know we started off a little slow and I think you know all those factors kind of played into that but obviously we got some things corrected made some second-half adjustments and got the win so that was nice so obviously me and Jesse we're not there so we didn't have eyes on the field so all you know we're just looking at the game recap so you guys are foreign one now it was a 3524 game what you said that you guys picked it up in the second half what was the first half like well it started off with a bang let's say that we we took the opening kickoff we lost the coin flip and they deferred so we were receiving and we fumbled the opening kickoff right back to them so they basically started an offense on our 30-yard line they scored in like 3 or 4 plays so within like 45 seconds they had put seven points on the board and I think it was a gut punch to our group there's no I mean no you talk about just the air being let out of the room I think you know we looked on the sidelines and guys were just kind of like eyes wide open like what just happened and then we go out we receive the next kick off and we go three now we punt to them and then they drive down and they kick a field goal so within the first five minutes of the game there 10 nothing and and now everyone's like on edge like wow like so I think you know again we didn't start off the way we wanted but we settled in you know we scored on that we scored on the essentially our third possession we got the game back in hand and we went in at halftime down but not out right and I think that the silver lining in that is you can kind of look to our resiliency we weren't we weren't deterred by that mistake that costume stink but again at the same time you know you don't want to you know you don't want to look through two rose-colored glasses you want to kind of fix those mistakes and not have those errors so you know that's what we talked about yesterday after we watch the film but there's definitely some positives to be taking away from this group I mean this group doesn't quit when they're down so that's that's awesome and I think that's something really positive to look out with you guys that even if you guys are down either at the half or you started out rough you guys don't let that set the mood for the rest of the game and like you said you know not to rose-colored glasses it's we're aware of our mistakes we're gonna fix our mistakes and we're gonna keep moving forward which some people you know if they saw that they'd be like that's it that's the momentum of the game and this is how it's gonna be and some people would take the win and just go hey it doesn't matter we won but again you know we talked about last week like we're not a program that's gonna be complacent we're gonna even if we're winning we're still gonna look to fix those little things because you know I'll catch up and bite you in the butt eventually exactly coach going back you know you said you guys were down 10 nothing's obviously overcome that adversity and I think that's been a real harm hallmark of this team the last couple of weeks if you go into the halftime locker room you make those adjustments you know looking back you know we have the unanswered point 21 unanswered points first Golden West the kind of respond and get the win 42 unanswered against Santa Barbara 14 unanswered against Cerritos talked about that you know being something your team is going to be known for here you know it's it's it's indicative of our program and the way we train and the way we condition in the way left I mean we push our voice hard and we know that we're gonna have more in the tank or at least that's what we trained for us they have more in the tank later on in the game when other teams are a little gassed other teams are you know they're they're over there on their knees and we're bowling our next ready to go you know you'd love to see that fight in your team but again it's a double-edged sword it's like you oh gosh well what are the mistakes that got us down by 14 but you know I think that you know you play the game the ball bounces funny and you know sometimes we're gonna be up at 1/2 and sometimes we're gonna be down at half and you like to see that you know our boys fight yeah up or down so that's that's that's a good thing just kind of going back to that I mean I can imagine what the coaching staffs message would probably be going into halftime like that what are the players you know what is their responses that are a leader out there that kind of gets the locker room rally you know I again in this day and age it's it's there's no one guy that's leading the charge and you know everybody's following I think it's a group mentality and ya know I mean walking in at halftime nobody's happy you know offense the defense seems nobody's happy no the guys are like oh well we're doing ok and now everybody's upset everybody's saying the right things and you know we know where we go we have a halftime routine where our guys are supposed to you know they're supposed to do a certain thing and then they're supposed to get to a certain spot and they know and they got right there and you know I say the room is quiet you know when we're down and we have we need we're we're it's time for us to listen to what the coaching is the room is quiet and the boys are listening and you know they take those messages to heart we could definitely see that exactly the purpose of the pudding no you know normally we're always talking about the offensive side of the ball and how we are but we did have some pretty standout players on the defensive end so I'm gonna bring up Kaden cannon done okay now offensively yeah I mean he's tremendous there's no question I mean he took the game over in the second and third the third or fourth quarters you know we really when the game is in jeopardy I say and it's time for us to okay we're gonna end this game we're gonna ruin this ball we're gonna try to run this clock out our offensive line has been phenomenal and Cayden has been that steady as a rock like the Rock of Gibraltar out there I mean it just you know he hits the holes he had some hard I mean he had a great hit 30 yard touchdown run to kind of put the game away it was a it was a good performance by him there's no doubt and you know obviously he's just he's we rely on him we lean on him very heavily especially when the game is you know in doubt sure just to recap Katyn down 16 carries 125 yards touchdown long gain the 32 and like you said really helps cement that second-half turnover for you guys just so you know something that a lot of fans might not be aware of came down the legacy player for us absolutely his older brother Devin Dunn was a quarterback in 2014 at 15 so this is a young man that came in knowing about the program knowing about the importance of the things you guys did talk about what that is met and his role here well I've known Kaden done since he was a munchkin I was just a young coach and I was training kids on the side I was trained and his his older brother Devin's Pop Warner team okay and Kaden was tagging along he was the little brother that wouldn't you know kids now here he is a grown young man and and and having amazing success for this program just like his brother did you can't say enough about the Dunn's and their character and their work ethic and I mean they're just impeccable young man and it's a pleasure to have Devin and it's it's a pleasure to have coached Kaden as well that's all and now so you guys are you guys have such a great momentum to the start of the season and now you guys are going into the bye week now is that ever a factor is that a worry that you know you're going on such a momentum and then it kind of just is slowed down is it going to be harder to pick back up you know I think anytime you disrupt the routine mm-hmm at this level I think it can be distraction I think it can lead to you know maybe just a sense of okay we can relax we don't have to focus as much so you know the onus is on us as coaches to kind of make sure that the boys understand that you know yes this is a week to relax and in a sense but we still have conference play right ahead of us and again it's not a troop by week per se where we have to four weeks off we come back and we have a short week because we plan on Thursday so we have to use this week to prepare as well as rest and recover and get better so you know it's a very delicate balance I think we have a good plan and we've we played this Thursday game now I think three or four years so we kind of know what we want to do and what we want to accomplish so it's it's I think old hat for us great but we still have to be vigilant as a coaching staff to make sure the boys understand because it's a new group we've done it for years now but these boys have only done it one or two years right so we got to make sure they understand what we're trying to get done well you talked about a coach a different type of atmosphere and feeling lining up playing on a Thursday night already had the opportunity to play on a Sunday night we know about Saturday's talked about are the guys aware I mean obviously they know they're playing on a Thursday but are they what's the mindset there you know we talked about it after the game on Saturday you know we don't we have we should have the mentality we don't care if it's 7:00 in the morning if it's midnight Sunday Saturday Thursday we need to be ready to play so that's gonna be kind of the mantra this week and next week is the day doesn't matter the preparation matters you know you line up you do your you prep your practice and you line up and you kickoff and the game goes and here we go right so that's and then I gotta have a curious question on your bye week is that when you start you know since you're a little more laid-back and the boys are doing their own thing is that when you start to look at other local high schools for your recruitment well I mean yes we will definitely recruit this oh yeah I'll be honest with you we've been recruiting since it started absolutely my coaches are phenomenal there are tireless workers and they've been at high school games all across LA County since the season began since the high school football season beyond which you know there and I think they're in like week seven or eight right now there are weeks ahead of us so ya know we've already seen several several high school programs and we're gonna see more and I tell my guys listen if you're gonna recruit this week on a Friday night that's fine but make sure you take Saturday off relax kick your feet up spend some time with your family because this is a time for us to recharge as well to get ready for that second half bush coach you talked about you know needing to take care of business not changing the focus too much but I know you guys have a little bit of fun on by a week as well tell me about that tradition that's kind of been around the last few years so today will be a regular practice today will be a lift and a run it'll be like our regular Tuesday practice so we're gonna get after a little bit tomorrow the boys will come in and we will get dressed in our game uniforms and we will take a team picture that's when we do our team picture on the bye week and then we will practice in our team uniforms which is always just kind of fun for them to run around or a game unit and then Thursday is what we call our throwback Thursday so you know as you know our conditioning programs tremendous you and I say that the boys we run I say there's another way we run we run like crazy so throwback Thursday is a day where we tell the kids to you know hey come dressed in your high school you know uniform and you know your game jersey your pants and what I do is I pick the top five guys that put that go all out the top five guys get out of condition on Monday when we come back from the my week so I yeah I usually get some really good participation that's a good reward right I would like like to see like who really pushes it like who really tries to get that one no question helmet stick it's a fun fun day and then we usually take a team picture after with all the different you know high school programs and no it's a fun day it's a fun day and it's a lighter practice house there ever been a time where you had to just put a sixth person in if there's a guy close I'll get him in the man very fun well just going back again you know we talked a little bit about Caden done some of the guys on the defensive side of the ball Jonathan Thomas seven tackles in a scow led the defense talked about him his performance on Saturday well he is a big-time prospect there's no question he's you know he's a huge kid - I mean 6-3 235 pounds and run he is having quite an impact for us and you know his role each week has gotten bigger and bigger as his understanding of the scheme and what we're looking for he's hit the sky's the limit for him and we're we're not shocked one bit at the impact he's out right and he's leading the team in touch and that's right in tackle still 27 on the year leads the Cougars yep and it draws back to that you know that line back in court you're not thought was gonna be phenomenal this year they're really showing it and he's a standout freshman in that group so it's nice to have that yeah we talked a little bit of beginning of the season you know everyone knew i Iike John's and Richardson and this young man's really started to emerge and made a name for him yeah it's exciting to see another name out there chase Edwards Morgan 7 tackles a big interception had one earlier in the season had one that was turned away so really should have three I think but talk about him well you've had a second there another another dynamic freshman in the second area where you know we're young there we graduated six divisional and defensive backs last year so we knew going into the season I mean we're gonna have some new faces back there and you know we're looking for that group to get better every week and he has been I mean he's been our steady Eddie back there he's you know phenomenal and zone he's very good at man he's plays the ball well and you know that's a testament to his interceptions I mean you don't have that you know you don't have that step and just another a group to kind of point out your defensive line rotation getting after it each and every week not a not a specific name so to speak to call out but those guys are after it every week yeah I know they're playing at a high level right now and it's just siding because we're getting some kids that have been banged up a little we're getting them back going into conference which is always nice you know it doesn't usually happen where you're going into conference and you're getting guys back usually you're going into conference and you've lost a couple guys because you know first five games physical but it just so happens we're getting some guys back this week so that's really nice very cool and now you see them like playing to their full advantage or do you see them kind of like playing a little bit conservatively because they are coming back or is it they're full and ready to go we'll see we'll see I mean III think that they're ready to go and we're gonna evaluate in practice but they had a good week last week and you know we're gonna look for them to really contribute going down down the home stretch and then back I guess again you know we we can't talk about a cougar victory without talking about quarterback play Armani Eddins been tremendous probably not his top game statistically last weekend but still got the job done rushed for two scores threw for two more he's currently leading your guys's conference 11 passing touchdowns leads the conference of 265 yards per game again I mean we've talked about them already what more can you really say but to be able to pull out a victory not have his best game statistically and still leave - Victor yeah I mean it was it was a crazy game you know there that Golden West my hat's off to them they do some things defensively to kind of be aggressive and disguise coverages and they do some funky stuff on their coverages that aren't traditionally what you'd see you know weekend week out but our money you know he got she had some nice throws and we were also statistically you know we were we had five drop passes and a couple of those were 30-plus yard completion so you know you think about you know those drops and I mean he could have had another 150 yards passing right there so it's it's he's playing at a high level he's making good decisions he's knock on wood he's being very good with the ball he's managing the offense we couldn't be more happy and what I you know it stands out to me getting everybody involved again nine different receivers I think it was ten the week before everyone's got a role on that offense and he looks to each and every one of them well and that's the beautiful thing about the offering since there's no we don't call the plague oh we got to get this kid the ball here let's call this play the play is to play and the progression is the progression so he sees the coverage and he makes his pre snap and then you know as the ball is snapped he justs and he goes to his first progression secondly sometimes he's on his third for the aggression and that's why so many kids are getting involved he's not just owning in on his first right or locked in on one guy he's he's a true quarterback he's playing very well and I think I've said it before that it you you can see his you know you see his wheels turning in his head he's not just you know throwing to one specific person like I've said you know normally at this time you know names because they're always being constantly called because they have a favorite one let's say but there's names that I'm like wait a minute who's this it's not it's not the normal one you know and I think that's I think it shows it's a testament to to you as a coach and to him as a quarterback and I think you've done really really well instilling that you know it's like you say you get the job done not to who you know absolutely and he is he has taken our coaching very in the year off you know you always wonder like is he ready is he ready and you know you don't see you don't see a true quarterback like Armani's real game in shorts and a t-shirt yeah you know because so much of his game is predicated on his ability to evade the rush and to extend the play and you know that doesn't come out in spring and summer because there is no pass rush there is no pads there's no chance for him to evade but getting him in game mode and watching him grow the last just five weeks you can tell I mean he's really flourishing so it's nice that's awesome well five games in five games we're four and one yeah but some would say now is when the season begins absolutely conference play how do you guys change the mindset do you change the mindset you know I'm not one that's gonna go though this is a big game this is a you know I don't believe in that I believe every game is a big game it's the game at hand yeah and if we don't play well this team could beat us more part could beat us there's no doubt they have enough playmakers they have a great quarterback they have phenomenal receivers they're d-line is big and fast and they have enough talent and good enough coaching over there to beat us yeah we have to play well so you know I don't I don't believe in this games bigger than that game with this game you know whatever this is a begin this is our biggest game of the year right now because it's our first conference game we need to get a win you know to do what we want to do in this moment so we're gonna hammer that home yeah Moorpark I've watched them on film I've seen all their games and theirs they're very good and I think I think one of your players has said it before that um your guys are very very much worried about their own positions but also playing as a team so they go out there each one of them does what they have to do in order to execute what needs to be done and I think I've told you this before you know when you say things I'm like you don't have to worry and I really you know I don't think you do because you're I mean you've got a good team out there and like you know like any anything there's a couple little bumps here and there but I could I can't wait for this Thursday night game so yeah I mean it's it's gonna be a lot of fun there's no nod I mean that there is a level of excitement with conference games because we do see each other every year we know each other so well a staff and you know a lot of the a lot of the boys I mean there's a lot of guys over there that are friends with a lot of the guys on art so there's that level of excitement so you're right I mean it I think that I wouldn't say we as a staff are gonna promote this game as being a bigger than normal game but I think that the boys know that there's you know a little more on the line because now we are at conference well I think I talked about it last week on the livestream that you know college of the canyons is a program that has aspirations beyond the conference championship and this is sort of the first checkmark on that on that Pat on that map you know on that path definitely I mean in order for us to do what we want to do our goal is always to win the conference you know nothing less than that and so but obviously yeah you're absolutely right I mean we grew up in the era of coaching for Chuck lines where you know the conference championships just you know they came and yeah we were looking for state championships so you know I don't I don't you know as a young assistant coach I kind of was like conference [Music] myself I'm like you know what the conference championship is special there's no and this is it this is a much different conference than what I'll be 100% honest and what I grew up totally shocking I mean this conference is that gauntlet yeah I mean Bakersfield Long Beach Ventura Moorpark us I mean and now ELAC got it into it I mean there's a lot of talented programs a lot of very dynamic football programs so - when the conference's is a little more special I think than when maybe I was an assistant coach and once a watered down but it was but no you're right I mean we want to make it we want to win the conference and we want to make noise in the yes I'm trying to compete for a state title year in year out just a reminder Cooter's coming off a 2018 conference championship second under head coach Ted I send this so looking for more of this season and it all gets going next Thursday I know I'll be there yes we will be then we'll have the live stream going so if you can't make that web live tweets yeah don't be afraid to send some live donations we will have promos for that on the live stream you know that's a look for that coach a couple other things you know we talked about the first half coming to a close here a couple questions for you in that regard the first thing biggest surprise of the first half either a player or a trend or something about your team what has jumped out at you the most well there's a young man on defense who just pops you know we kind of we got him in spring he was a gray shirt last year he came to us in January said I want to be a part of the program we're like okay you know he's a local kid you know big good sized kid very nice kid and then when he got into pads we were like wow and every week on film there's there's like four or five plays where you're like oh he's coming he's very physical and his name is Julian Salazar he is freight train got banged up a little bit but he's back now and you know he is he's gonna have a big role there's no doubt we were very excited about him and he kind of was I mean all of us in unison at the staff meeting like he's been the most pleasant surprise like we didn't we didn't know we knew we had a good player but we didn't think we had that kind of dynamic physical physicality so he's been really awesome the first 5 mins and you said on offense - oh yeah on offense as well hi goodness I would say that offensive line you know this is in all honesty my first year as the head coach where you know we have a group up front and we have some depth of Yount we're like every week I'm not like holding my breath please let us I mean you think back even to last year I mean we had a key entry at the tackle spot and you know it really affected us going into that playoff game so you know knock on wood that offensive line and the depth that we have the talent that we have up there has been without a doubt hands down even with the play of our money in that and you know we talked about a week and how phenomenal he's doing player that offensive line has been without a doubt the biggest most refreshing surprise of this year we thought they could be good but they are playing at a high level and just as a head coach that that's the best thing I wanted to go back to Salazar real quick oh I have a question because out of curiosity more so when you a player that is a gray shirt and they say I'm ready how important is that mentally for them to perform at their best when they're actually like you know what I'm ready to play rather than all play the gray shirt is as always to me it's like flip a coin is that a good thing is it a bad thing because sometimes the young manhood gray shirts and for those of you that don't know great shirts mean essentially he were holding him back a year his a double-a clock doesn't start because he doesn't become a full-time student some kids don't take advantage that year and and we have the talk with our gray shirts like we don't want you to be the same young man you are 365 days from now something you have to utilize the weight room and the strength and conditioning the TLC academically to get you ahead the whole point of the gray shirt is to get you ahead so many of our kids and I'm sure this is true at every they don't it's hard you know it's hard to be disciplined when you're not gonna play on Saturday and you know that he is obviously a young man that took advantage of a shirt I mean physically he changed his body he's much stronger he's much bigger and yeah absolutely I think that it builds your confidence I mean you come in as a true freshman right out of high school and some kids are physically and mentally ready to play again some kids just are not and you know it's it's it was a good it was a good move for him there's no question about it and we have some tremendous success success stories with the gray shirt program then we try to do it a little differently well Julian Salazar out of heart high school so good to have a local kid no you know a little bit about heart but again going back you know this first five weeks and you know the follow-up question and Julian certainly someone that could fill this category but a freshman standout on this roster there's so many there's so many we have some big-time big-time freshmen playing at a high high level I'm gonna rattle off a couple names you guys can talk to me about him I would say Trey Elliott at the wide receiver position number nine oh wow let's see I would say defensively Ben Seymour yeah absolutely obviously we talked about Jonathan Thomas and now Julian Salazar those are also freshman you know chase Edwards Morgan a tremendous freshman very articulate very articulate player a young man we don't talk about much but he's probably one of the top at his position a true freshman Aiden Rosetti our long snapper I mean he is again it's not something I think about you only think about the long snapper when he screws it up mm-hmm no I mean this is a guy who's very talented him he's gonna get a big-time scholarship because of how well he snaps the ball let's talk about him you know in kind of you know Tanner Brown of course gets a lot of love we talked about him but that combination the long snap to hold the Tanner I mean he it starts with it starts right there no question so just talk about that you know being able to have that to turn to that well-oiled machine so to speak you know he is he's you know he's a master of his craft so you know I think that you know so often it's overlooked and you know you you want to be a wide receiver you want to be a tight end you want to be a defensive lineman but the fact of the matter is is that they give full football scholarships to young men that can long snap the ball because there's not enough of them around and he is one of those guys that's gonna get a scholarship because of how fast his times are snapping the football and he's only gonna get faster he's a freshman and he's been lifting with us he's a he's a local kid out of Valencia and he knew he was coming here he was lifting with us in the spring okay he's only gonna get stronger I was only gonna get faster I mean I know his dad pretty well the whole you know his that whole side of his family is very big I mean he's six four and a half right you know he but he's probably like 205 210 pound okay I mean he's gonna be 240 250 pounds at 64 65 and to run like he does and snapped a ball he might make some money someday so okay he's that good that's awesome yeah talk about you mentioned a Valencia guy will go right back Ben Seymour let's talk a little bit more about is Captain America is what they call them hahahahaha boys Collin Captain America he wins every win spirit you know it's funny where we're gonna start making him run with the receivers and the running backs because you know he just he never stops he just goes and yeah he's been I mean Larry Mir told me when when when we were recruiting him when we were getting him he goes coach I've I've coached two or three guys that I could say are easily the best kids I've ever color change for rain he said banging Ben Seymour is one of the best I've ever coached and when when I went out when a coach like Larry mirror or Mike Harrington tell you hey they make that statement I mean there's something to be said for that I mean a tremendous program like Valencia high school has seen a lot of guys coming through that wasn't love he was my Ben's a great kid Ben's a great teammate everyone loves him he works his butt off you know he doesn't complain he doesn't ask for anything he just works his tail off he's genuinely excited when his teammates have success you know he's been a pleasure and then the first name you mentioned trail it out of Indianapolis talk about how he came to us you know he he reached out to us I believe coach banks and you know again another one of those I want to be the next Marquis Brown you know generation contacts and you know we watched the film and absolutely saw phenomenal football player so you know he he shows up and you know you see a undersized faster dad you're like okay you know alright kind of like markeesha like oh he's pretty fast but when he gets into pads and you realize just the ability he has to go get the ball and not just that cuz you know there's a lot of guys that catch the ball but not afraid to block ya nose his nose the offense in and out I mean those are the little things that allow you to really play fast and really be successful I mean five games true freshman hasn't had one assignment error that's enough that's unheard of in our offense to which I would say not the young yeah we have we have easily a hundred different pass code I mean I can't wait to see Thursday night's game I feel a little weird that I wasn't I didn't have a COC game to be a so I'm like what do I do on Saturday I kind of just sat at home and did nothing but you know I really hope that the boys take their time rest you guys rest relax spend time with your family on this bye we take full advantage of it and I know that you guys will come out guns blazing that's the plan that's the plan Thursday Night Football under the lights cougar Stadium that's going to be a 7 p.m. kickoff so everybody you know we're used to playing at 6:00 but 7 o'clock for the Thursday night game some o'clock we'll be there coach thank you for joining us always a pleasure thank you guys thank you guys then next time we won't be struggling as bad any that won't be fumbling on some terms over here good all right bye guys special Thursday night edition of COC cougar football is the quest to defend their SCF a national division northern League crown begins tonight against the Moorpark Raiders hello everybody alongside the COC sports information director Jessie Munoz so college sports Mike Zepeda I'm Matt Robinson happy to have you along here under the lights at Cougars stadium a special Thursday night edition and a gorgeous night tonight guys for some college football here as we start conference play we're coming out of the bye week this week some extra time to get healthy for everybody Jesse as they come in the Cougars week off kind of set to relax getting ready to go as we get into conference play here tonight absolutely you know anytime you have an opportunity to kind of heal up regroup as a team and prepare for what really is the true regular-season and I'm talking about the conference schedule so I think that's exactly what the Cougars had in mind you know to keep that same intense mentality but to prepare to to come out and take things up a step as we get into this conference season so you know the Cougars had some time they did a couple different things at practice but like I said being able to get the guys healed get them regrouped and out here ready to go that's what this bye week was all about so you know when you're college of the canyons you're a program with always has aspirations to compete and win a conference title and go deep into the playoffs and I think that's really what the mindset is all season but especially here tonight and uh obviously you know a lot of the players in the surrounding area and the surrounding community dealing with a lot last week during the bye week with the fire so obviously we're wishing everybody well in that regard but as a football team that's that's more of an obstacle to overcome during your bye week you know checking on family members make sure everything's okay make sure you're okay in in addition to maybe you know altering your routine a little bit and going into the bye week we go back to their last game versus Golden West didn't start the game off very well now had the opening opening turnover I believe was it was a muffed kickoff that resulted in Golden West getting it near near the red zone and eventually going up 7-nothing in that game COC did a nice job of bouncing back in that game but obviously an opportunity for the bye week for them to clean things up and we'll we start conference play in Moorpark is it there not a slot this year this is a team that's very dangerous played Saddleback probably the top team in the state of California very very tough earlier this season you have to remember the Cougars going into the bye week of won four in a row of course that 35 to 24 win over Golden West Jesse Armani Eden was really good in that game outstanding on the offensive side the run game also started to pick up as Kaden Dunn started to find his way his best game of the season 125 yards on the ground yeah absolutely I mean we'll start with Armani yet you know having a great year so far has come in really taking grasp of that starting quarterback position and run with it and you look at some of those numbers 11 TDS on the year compared to just three interceptions over 1300 yards comes out to about 265 per game also very dangerous with his legs this is a young man that's got four rushing TDs on the year and lynx number three on the squad with 183 rushing there itself you know we'll expect to see a lot of that tonight from Armani but Caden done he has really emerged the last few weeks he came into the game we knew he was going to be you know maybe the top back or the first option and what is a stable very talented and very dynamic running back to this cougar football team but like we said Kate and on leading the team in rushing averaging seven yards a pop with three touchdowns and last year was a really breakout excuse me last week was a really breakout game for him able to set that tone establish the run game and get things going so look for more of that tonight maybe a mix in of some of those other ball carriers I started to talk about but again offensively if you're going to talk about offense you got to talk about this offensive line and five young men who are doing a stellar job Killians here gets a lot of the pub he's the big commit to Auburn already but it doesn't stop there Jordan Palmer at centers having another tremendous year as odd marcozzi and one of our captains transfer player Forrest is having a tremendous impact and then you look down the line Thomas Lee Boucher and Kadeem doof just an all-star lineup of offensive lineman getting it done in the trenches week in and week out and that's what's really spurred this Canaan's offense you talked about those big bodies up front chassis they've only allowed four sacks this year that's a pretty good number through five games less than one a game on the other side Mike the defense has been really good they've kind of bent but not broken throughout the year last week they gave up a lot of yards but through the air they didn't give a little other yards on the ground just 18 nine against and kept Golden West to five of 16 on third down that defense just continues to kind of just do their thing yeah you're exactly right they're mad you know in terms of being a little lenient in between the 20s I think that's okay when teams aren't able to cash it in the red zone that's really gonna do wonders in the win column and we see four straight now for COC after he smacked in the mouth earlier in the year by Saddleback but this is a team that has grown offensively and defensively Jesse you just talked about that trench warfare this is a team that's really come together on both sides of the football absolutely a lot of names out there probably way too many to talk about in this segment but you know what's really been a highlight for us at least statistically is not lying back in core you know you talk about some of the guys that were here last year that established themselves with Charles I believe John's but a young man that's really made a mark so far here and there early going Jonathan Thomas leads the team with 27 sacks you've had a chance to hear coach Ison to talk about him and the impact he's had this is a young man like I said that it's really emerged from a group of already established run Stoppers and play makers out there another name I'll throw out there's Tyler Richardson having a big year and a lot of big-time plays causing some turnovers and then third with last but not least Julian Salazar this is a young man that the coaches were very excited about when he came to this program didn't didn't play his first year you know was a held back racer and this year he's really making an impact to sacs three tackles for lost our four loss already and someone that the coaches anytime they have a chance to talk about are very excited about it remember a local product to went to Hart High School here in Santa Clarita was a very very good ball player on the other side Moorpark they've struggled a bit to find the win column just one win in five games they did take Saddleback right to the limit at one point in time this year they had just lost by 16 to Saddleback who we obviously saw Jesse a very good team they do have some guys to kind of watch out for obviously last week they struggled almost gave up on 50 Birger against El Camino but a team just trying to find their way and not a team to sneeze out of your COC not at all I mean you look at the records just the wins loss the last couple years a team that has had some struggles but that's natural I mean anytime you're playing in this division there's a lot of competition playing in the national division there's a lot of competition and you look at the teams they lost it like you said of Cerritos the Saddleback and El Camino not slouches at all so again especially coming out of the bye week this is definitely not a team or a program that you want to overlook I think it was important for the Cougars to keep that same mentality and that same focus and hopefully they've done that we'll see how to translates out on the field they do have a couple of guys to watch out for one in particular their quarterback Isaiah Johnson a dual threat at a Crenshaw High School in a state championship with Crenshaw he's very dangerous both wizard legs and through the air and we've seen that kind of be a struggle for COC at times during this year yeah again it all comes down to you know I'm sure this is a young man that they've scouted on tape they're aware of what he does but it comes down to execution it starts in the trenches with the defensive front carries it over to the linebackers core running around and of course the secondary out they're doing a good job we didn't get a chance to talk about them much in the pregame but hopefully during the course of this contest we'll be able to highlight some of those guys that'll be a matchup to watch out for if the moorpark offense can keep the COC offense off the field that helps because they have allowed this is their the 60th ranked team in points allowed per game which is not a good number when you look at it allowing over 36 points a game this year in Moorpark we'll have a quick break right now don't go anywhere they'll plenty more to come from cougar Stadium here in Santa Clarita as the number for COC Cougars take on the Moorpark College Raiders here on [Music] [Music] [Music] well welcome back into Cougars Stadium as we get you set up for COC and Moorpark take a look at the schedule upcoming here for college of the canyons as just one more home game on the schedule that'll be November 9th but a couple of big road games coming up the next two weeks against East LA and Ventura those are two big ones to circle on your calendar if you're the Cougars sure you know everyone circles the Ventura game year in and year out you know about the rivalry they're the playoff matchup last season so that's a big one but absolutely no slouches on the rest of this roster East LA is very competitive we know what Long Beach has done in the past they're always a strong program and then Bakersfield one of our programs traditional rivals dating back to you know when we brought back the program in 1998 beautiful facility up there so again you know this is we talked about it earlier this is when the true true season begins so to speak and Cougars got their work cut out for them Cougars will kick-off solely Moorpark to receive here's we get our first look at the talented tanner Brown getting ready to kick it away as Moorpark with two guys standing right about the five yard line as Brown will kick this one deep it will get right to the goal line and be taken there Moorpark will bring it out across the ten and up to the 20 yard line on the return look like it was DeAndre Smith trying to get a number for you but they'll start right there around the 20 yard line and actually excuse me was Alex Rd getting the return so one of his first returns of the year not one of their usual returners for Moorpark so we're gonna look at our lead Moorpark offense for the first time here today against the Cougar defense led out by Isaiah Johnson the freshman out of Crenshaw High School of course won a state championship with Crenshaw and it was the 2018 male athlete of the year at Moorpark so you know he's been around he's done some things and he's starting a quarterback here for the Raiders that actually scratch that it's Trey Johnson coming out to start at quarterback so interesting maybe Isaiah Johnson struggling with something so we'll see what Moorpark decides Trey will throw on first down Pass is caught now tried about the 25 and a couple of Cougars there to meet the man and make a tackle yeah interesting to see you know we the quarterback change we'll see how the defense reacts to that you know you scout for one guy all you and they they change it up on you so but I don't think again the mentality changes its containment on the outside and down the field and get after the quarterback so 5-yard gain on first down for Moorpark and they'll second and I'll set up at second down five from the 25 as Trey Johnson stays in there and we'll put fuller in motion the tight end he'll hand off here on second down cutting it to the outside is Brandon Archibald and he's got enough yardage to get a first down up across the 30 nice couple pickups there for the Raiders they're on the move like we talked about again Cougars you know kind of the bin don't break you give up a couple first downs as you start to get your rhythm start to feel out the other opponent and then we'll see what happens beautiful night here at cougar Stadium under the lights absolutely the wind is kicked up a little bit here as we start the game but nothing too bad we've seen worse here in Santa Clara last week as we talked about in the pregame show with the fires in the Santa Anas as they'll hand off here on first down to Archer ball again he tries to slash his way through the inside and the Cougars pile him up right at the line of scrimmage first man in on the hit his AP hearing peoples yeah looking from up here you started to see that hole emerge and just as fast as it emerged they've got closed up big play by ap one of those defensive stalwarts on the front line there and it's good to see him back remember he missed the first week or two first really half of the first game of the season and missed the Grossmont game due to an injury but good to see him back in there as we go on second down and nine from the 32 yard line here for Moorpark is Trey Johnson stays in there at quarterback he'll throw here on second down has to be flushed from the pocket Cougars in pursuit and he goes down and on the tackle as Jonathon Thomas well we talked about him in pregame and there he is this is a guy that flies around makes plays you're gonna see him here the pursuit just sees it sniffs it out takes a nice angle and there it goes just a great job by him to read the quarterback see his eyes know that he's gonna tuck it and run yeah he's a playmaker out there I remember Trey Johnson not a lot of opportunities just here just 13 for 23 coming into the game as he'll hand off here to Archibald has some room through the middle but is tackled again by Jonathon Thomas and that will bring up fourth down here for the Oh what do you know I think he heard us out there and he liked the call and said hey I'll give you guys another one so nice job Raiders look like they're gonna keep the offense on the field here on fourth down and market about three I guess it's a there about the 38 they need to get to the 41 yard line and engine car here early on in the game they're gonna go for it here on fourth down Johnson will take the direct snap and now he'll just pooch it away and we've seen this before from Moorpark that'll land it right about the 30-yard line take a cougar bounce and I think it will be downed it right about the 27 yard line so you'll take it if you're Moorpark you flip the field and the Cougars offense will come on the field for the first time today well that's a play call that let makes a little bit more sense you think about why would you go for it in that situation and this early in the game maybe line up see if you can't get the Cougars to jump offside something that maybe they're lacking a little bit of focus here and the early going but I think the smart call especially in a game when you're gonna want to try and limit the Cougars as much as you can so Edmond company here we go we get to see Armani head and lead the team back out onto the field for the first drive of the game here as he's been good so far this year last week 17 a 31 for 206 yards against Golden West excuse me two weeks ago so he comes out in the shotgun with done to his right as he'll send Henderson in motion here on first down and immediately the pitch to Dunn who has some room tries to get the edge and then gets tackled it right about the 30-yard line so a pickup of about 2 4 done but an interesting first call for the Cougars trying to establish the running game here early Jesse yeah the guy that's shown a lot of spark the last couple of weeks has that ability to run out bounce it outside run it up the gut so to get him going early is always going to be important for Coach Ison and the Cougars and again Armani ed and just to talk about the improvement that he's shown week in week out I think that's the most impressive thing is he's gonna throw here on second down swings it to long strength he catches it about the 35 tries to get outside and when we pushed out of bounds at about the 39 good enough for a cougar first down you're talking a little bit more about that improvement part of that is the rapport that he's been able to establish with someone who's received see the tray long stuff right there this is somebody that's really emerged the last couple of weeks didn't didn't make a big splash week one or two but as that rhythm continues to build and Eden continues to develop his skill set make better reads you continue to see these guys get more and more involved and again credit the big boys up front like he talked about the pregame show when you give Armani had enough time he's extremely accurate from the pocket when he needs to be as he'll send Henderson in motion here and a flag and I believe the Cougars are gonna be called for a false start as there was some pointing up front from the Moore Park defense and that is indeed what the call is so the Cougars will be backed up behind the chains it'll be first and 15 as they March it back yeah I mean that's one this early in the game you can live with but you see some arms folded down there on the sidelines that's not something that not a trend that you want to set for the rest of the game so hopefully they're bill to get that ironed out again this is a team that works very well as a unit so the communication is always is always key out there and I'm sure they'll get that dialed a leave it was Duke that was nabbed with the penalty so they'll go here on first and 15 and handoff the dunny cuts it back up into the middle and gets across the 40 to the 45 yard line good little run for Kaden Dunn found a hole took one that it's stung a little bit but you're exactly right Matt the ability to bounce it out or bounce it back inside you know wherever that hole eventually opens up he's got a good field vision out there so bring up second down in five as he gets the yardage back plus some more Eden stays in the shotgun moorpark likes to play in that nickel so it makes it a little tougher for the quarterback head and a good throw and he finds a man in space it's Trayvon Elliott on the catch and he's about a yard short of the first down again Trayvon Elliott one of those offensive playmakers out there for the Cougars comes into the game tonight with 14 receptions I would have been as 15th 223 yards ranked second on the team in yardage so a young man that hadn't has gone too early and often in all five games so far and see what they do on third and short here our parks showing pressure and now do flues up another flag against COC falsestart it's gonna be the call so second time doof is nabbed with movement that was Moorpark showing some extra pressure so it'll bring us back to third and six here the Cougars look over at the sidelines allowed to draw the offense all soccer or as long as you're not into the neutral zone it looked like he had actually entered into the neutral zone and then there was contact made you go against it goes against the Cougars though on this time so you'll see what they design on third and six a change in play Eddy will throw he's got some time now he's gonna have to run with it nearly got tripped up got away across the 50 he's got enough for a first down good little run from Armani Edmond just scrambled and he's got that ability with his legs to make plays happen he's already over a hundred and eighteen yards on the season see we see here on the replay Matt just uh that's great recognition right there he sees it right there and he's able to outrun the linebacker get a bit outside up the seam for the first down I was able to get my Carlos Coast who's one of the big linebackers for Moorpark this year he leads the team in total tackles and solo tackles this season right in the middle of the field so Adhan here with two backs in on first and ten from the Moorpark 46 will throw looking wants a big one but he missed his target first time he missed today as Trayvon Elliott was kind of in space but he kind of just cut under so bring up second intent first time Eden has missed on the throw today while stains at the 46-yard line of Moorpark this time the Cougars go with a three wine set out to the far side of the field COC in those blue and yellow uniforms today moving to our left here in the first Dunn is tackled but not after he picks up three yards and it will bring up third and about seven so the Cougars again come out with that same set as last time three receivers out to the far side Eden with his hands behind his back now will clap them together wants to pitch it now we'll just have to dump it off long strength trying to spin and he's tackled behind the line of scrimmage good job to come up and get him on the tackle by Colby Williams the cornerback well this is a play call that canyons has had a lot of success with here and it looks like maybe there's something just more pocket seen on tape and sniffed out and almost look like initially Jesse right off the top of the play that they wanted to pitch it to done and and better of it just didn't work out so we'll see Tanner Brown kick for the first time today Brown multi-talented as it's Artie back to receive it right about the 10 yard line of Moorpark Brown a high wobbling kick will land short at the 30 and take a good çoç bounce roll inside the 20 down to the 16 yard line actually the 17 and that's where Moorpark will take over for their second offensive possession of the day Jesse I don't know if you noticed that but look like Moorpark had a little forward lean going back the other way I wonder if cos he picks up on that get a similar situation maybe think about a fake at that point especially that part of the field yeah you know we talked about tan or brown out there and what he can do kicking the kick in the balls for hours field goals and P ATS also a dangerous weapon punting and you know an athlete out there who you can ask to do a lot of things so like you said Mike could be interesting to see how that plays out six time Brown has put a ball inside the twenty this year as a punter so you talked about that weapon and it's just another one you flipped the field back in your favor after a decent start to a drive that just fizzled out moorpark little late getting some bodies onto the field so now they take their time Troy Johnson stays them there at quarterback with Archibald in the backfield with him we'll throw here on first and ten once a big one instead will throw it under a good little seam route pass was caught by Zach Jones and enough for a Moorpark first down across the 30-yard line look like right away off this play he had his eyes downfield and his dead decided to check down so smart little throw from trae Johnson who again we haven't a lot of tape on him yeah a new look Moorpark definitely doing their best to try and push the ball down the field so some success so far we'll see how it goes I'll hand off here too Archibald he tries to get the corner cuts it back on the inside a group of Cougars there to meet him before the 35 yard line and they're able to knock him down at the 34 pick up about three I think that probably plays into the offensive calls they're you know every time they've tried to run the ball Cougars have kind of swarm closed up those holes so you go for the short to intermediate passage and see what you can get there Jesse we talked about it earlier today the the matchup historically obviously very one-sided in favor of the Cougars and this is a game you cannot really look ahead on especially this year well Moorpark is very live in this room as they throw here on second down nearly picked off stepping up to try and make the interception was Aaron Pizza he just couldn't get his hands completely on it and I think credit a Moorpark receiver that swiped it out of his hands here the all-time series 21 to 4 so you look at that on paper and you think wow that's a one-sided rivalry or competition there but you know more parts of team that can jump up and get you on any given year you know last year the first time was relatively close before Canton started to pull away and Moorpark was actually able to pull off a victory in 2015 so this is a team that can compete with these candies have another third and long here they throw quick passes caught again by Jones and I don't know if he has enough to get to the first out and to get to the marker he did he had to get to the 40 and got right to it that's great awareness knowing where you need to be gets out of bounds at the spot chance and it looked like Jesse the defense just kind of the corners got confused two guys running the same route and they didn't know which one to go to so early going Dylan Lee in motion and now a whistle and I think there's a flag down on the field in the far side I thought I saw the far judge point towards Moorpark and I think the Raiders are gonna back up five yards might get the nutrients [Music] so that helps the Cougars out put some more park behind the chains here as they'll go first and 15 from the 35-yard really put that pressure on more part Johnson in the shotgun with Arne Shabaab in the backfield with him send one in motion to the near side Archibald oh what a swing pass instead they'll throw a near side to dillon lien he's got both his knees on the ground and that loses about three yards there so not a good throw from Trey Johnson needs to get that in the air so he can let Dylan Lee who's one of their playmakers get some space and make a play that's something he saw on tape and was able to make so it'll push him back even farther on a second and 17 as we take a look here to see what Moorpark received out to the far side Cougars showing a little extra pressure will back it off they'll run with Archibald he gets the edge has some room and then get some popped out of bounds good job from Aaron Pitts to step up and knock him down at the 45 yard line yeah big-time hit there on the sidelines Aaron Pitts this guy who made some tackles of the getting the game against Golden West starting to emerge starting to get some more time out there and you see hits like that that's a reason why yeah now 13 tackles on the year coming into the game he's had two already here today so now at 15 and a couple more solo ones for him as it brings up third and 5 here another third down for Moorpark as they are 1 for 2 so far today and it's early on here still four minutes to go in the first quarter Johnson in the shotgun will throw here on third and 5 has his man in Jones and did he get to the marker and they again say he did just enough got to the 50 that's where he needed to get to have the perfect route out there knew where the sticks were got their turnaround and was able to receive the ball he saw the Cougars trying to bring a little bit of pressure just wasn't there again with a short to end immediate routes you're getting just enough to move the sticks and that could be good enough here for the Raiders and Mike we talked about this pregame kind of that bend but don't break defense lettin some big planes come up just not huge chunks of yardage but enough for first ass so at some point the defense gonna have to make a play here especially I'm throw it down as they throw a little screen pass caught and picked up to about the 45 yard line it was cancer Skinner able to pick up a good chunky yardage there on first down and puts a Moorpark right on schedule here for second and five market second and fourth I think gentlemen I think you've both agree little rust out there there's they're very late to react especially moving lateral defensively and Moorpark taking it to them right now we've talked about they're a little more lenient in between the 20s but there's a little indecision defensively early on yeah I don't know if it's rust or just unfamiliar already being you know playing on a Thursday night playing you know that your body clocks off your weekly schedules off a little bit but you're right not the top-notch performance they hand off to Archibald he tries to get the corner does broke one arm tackle and able to bring him down from behind was Tyler Richardson but not after he picked up a big chunk of yardage able to turn his feet up across the 35 and knocked out of bounds at the 34 it might going back to your point about this is you know this is when you need the Cougars to make a play they're a big-time sack or a turnover traditionally this has been the area in the field that they've done it from the 30 n and I just saw Julian Salazar trot on in the field so this is a playmaker we talked about earlier in the pregame we'll see what he can do out there and again a lot of bodies every time we bring somebody in it's somebody who is able to make that play will make an impact so it helps as the game goes on if we seen here at cougar Stadium once the fourth quarter comes the other team looking a little tired the Cougars defense is just ready to go because they have that ability to get enough bodies in the game as they go here on first and ten from the 34 and a timeout called by more part as they didn't like the look they were getting and were I think they had plenty of time on the play clock but just decided to change the play here the first time out of the game in Moorpark moving the ball well at this point in time as tray Johnson getting the start six of seven so far 33 yards through the air we haven't seen a lot of him Brendan Archibald six carries 38 yards four more partners so you wonder what what the decision was or what the reasoning was to make that switch but so far it's worked out for the Raiders and not to say that they can't go back to their other guy but so long as he's getting the job done it's gonna be up to the Cougars to respond here so far VUCA brought a leading the way along with charles like in the tackles Department for the Cougars each of them with three as it's just kind of been tough sledding for the cougar offer or defense so far Mike like we said been but don't break kind of just trying to find their way through the game here early on yeah that the game script for more part to this point couldn't be more perfect you're winning in terms of time of possession you want this deep defense to empty the clip and we want them to do it early on so if you win that that time of possession battle against a team that can put up points in a hurry you're gonna put yourself in pretty good shape so as we come back out of the timeout we'll go first and ten from the 34 yard line of the Cougars Moorpark with the football and those all white uniforms moving to our right here in the first quarter Johnson will look back at the sideline to change the play as he's got Archibald still in the backfield with him has been pretty much the exclusive back so far that time he's met right at the line of scrimmage and guess who Charles icon the play Charles like old reliable out there had a great year last year has had a great first half of the season out here the kind of bounces around makes plays in the passing game and the run him right there just wrap up and take his man down and it was a straight blitz for Mike - he was coming on a pressure no matter what he's a dude out there for us that's for sure best thing that could have happened there was the more part time out I think you shoot yourself a little bit in the foot you have the defense on their heels they get to kind of tread instead of tread water King their breath and you see it right there shot out of a cannon they go with a big back set here with fuller kind of in the middle as a fullback they'll send one in motion and Archibald stains is the feature back as Johnson will throw here on second down has a man and it's caught wow he slipped that right in a seam and found Dillon Lee enough for a Moorpark first down god Julian Salazar right there in the area I reacted up here in the booth I thought he got a hand on it tipped that down we're gonna see right here ah just out of town Street sham that's an unbelievable throw he and throws it in between the defenders in the receiver tight window they're able to track the ball through the receiver and catch it for the first down that's that's a play and Dylan Lee from Moorpark he's their big go-to guy twenty seven catches 335 yards coming into the game now with a couple of catches here today up over 10 yards right now that was a big one for first down as it brings up first and ten from the 23 yard line for Moorpark here as they throw and they're looking for Lee again he got to the sticks and got knocked down but enough for a first down and it'll put Moorpark at first in 10 from the 11 yard line here traditionally would be a smart call this is young man had said tackles last week and top defensive backs out there in the secondary so again I think these two teams really feeling themselves out seeing what's gonna happen and look at that we're we're going down into the first quarter here we will count it down here to the end of the first no score between the Cougars and the Raiders we'll take a quick timeout second quarter action here on so college sports when we come back [Music] [Music] one welcome back into Cougar Stadium we get you ready for the second corner here no score between the Cougars and the Moore Park Raiders it's a Moore Park ball first and ten from the 12 yard line a quick quick first half boys and no points on the board but both teams kind of feeling their way out of the buy at this point Moore Park will throw here on first and ten and Lee was hit hard behind the line and stumbled backwards and I think he had his helmet topped off to first man in time they hit again was Aaron Pitts that's about the third time today he's laid the LeBaron's [Music] he did not look right after that first hit from pits and then you take it it's all to injury with Salazar coming up from the backside but I love the reaction you bounce up on the like a couple more of those you're not gonna be too happy it's like Julian Edelman in the Super Bowl when you took that hit Chancellor moves him to second and 13 from the 15 they'll throw ball tipped off of the hands of Rhys Smith the Cougars just couldn't find it after that and will bring up third down in the red zone Raiders 59% in the red zone this year scoring touchdowns they've scored 59 percent of the time the Cougars red zone defense has not been great in terms of the numbers long 63 percent of the time the opponents to score but how much downs against you'll take that and I think some of the more memorable turnovers always a potential for a big player so third and 13 from the 15 they need to get to the two for a first down might as well just try and get to the goal line as a flag and I think there's some movement up front before the ball was snapped so more part gonna back up even further here so they get Marc Diaz the freshman out of Sylmar Charter on that one a bad time for a penalty there Mike from the offensive line you're gonna have any chance to win this game on the road conference opener you've got to come away with points on this Drive and really and expect the Cougars to pin their ears back you surprised Corbett send a couple guys yeah especially here on third and 18 from the 20-yard line trying to back him up maybe out of field goal range three men front it looks like for the Cougars plenty of defensive backs in the game right now a zone in motion Johnson gonna step back a short drop throws to the outside and knocked down nearly picked off as it was Devon J Williams right there and I think he's he just kind of grabbed it he could catch it it's knocked away just a great job defensively of timing that the receiver needs to be better job of holding his ground position almost was like the Jimmy Graham school locks out the defender exception SAR team was the one that was targeted on it so more pack will go with the field goal unit here [Music] that kick misses well wide it looked like it was the linebacker AJ Renault so stamping it that kick is not there usually kicker in he didn't even get it out of the back of the end zone so the Cougars get a big spot here as they'll take the ball over at the 20 yard line here first intent for COC so a couple back-to-back big time plays already don't break just keep them off the board be able to come out and get your offense back and really I think could this drive establish a rhythm you know they've had a couple big plays they've had a little bit of success but you really want to get that prolonged drunk going that's a factor there too Hague McKee Sheehan who's their usual kicker from Lompoc doesn't come out to kick that field goal which was well within his range instead they go with Ag Renault so so that's something to keep an eye on as the game continues on as we get to see the Cougars for the second time here on offense today as Eden will hand off knew back in the game this time as it's Cyrus Zul and he's able to churn his feet for about three yards and bring up second down at seven a matter of just getting him going getting them comfortable and he's usually the closer for the Cougars last week didn't have any touches versus Golden West the week before had ten carries for 98 yards against Cerritos so he stays in the game as the featured back the Cougars look at the sideline for the change in the play call as a market second and six from the 24 little switches sides and the Cougar is gonna take a time out that I said didn't make how much time that was taking place down w0 rather take the time out there even though it's an early time out here in the second quarter make sure you don't fak urself up after a good start to the drive from Azul to pick up a good little chunk of yardage so Cougars get a stop on a missed field goal [Music] remember you can support canyons football visit COC athletics comm slash sports /f ball click donate now tab you know always good to donate remember one more home game here at Cougars Stadium we'll have that for you on So Cal college sports in a couple of weeks time on November 9th against Long Beach City College and they will have one more game before that Brown casting around zone Cal college sports a big one against the Ventura Vikings Mike you guys will have that one for us from Ventura we will that'll be a big game and really the next three games so crucial in the north eel acts got a tough defense Ventura always good obviously in the state championship games a year ago and long reach well that's a team that had Riverside at the end of that ballgame let it slip away if Brett Peabody and company run the slate they win the north but obviously winning the north is easier said than done was ill with everybody in the mix absolutely of course Riverside as you look at the college football polls Riverside the top team in Southern California according to the SI d poll Cougars were ranked 4th in that si D Paul had picked up a yard on that last plane so third down at five here as the Cougars now go with two backs more parking to bring pressure and gonna throw has plenty of time dumps it off to Zul in space he spins around one man gets across the 32 about the 33 yard line good enough for a cougar first down at this point that's really all you wanted to do it's good and now there's a flag and and naturally there's a hold on the play they call it on the center Jordan Palmer well I want to hurt a little bit I started to say you know you really just wanted to prolong this drive get something going we'll see what the hole looks like it's a tough one to call it the center the guy falls down and the center falls on him you call holding let's put it this way that wasn't a traditional where you see the Jersey extended or I mean I think maybe it's the target Alex Tafoya that he calls if you're if you're an MMA judge good good takedown is it bringing up third and long third and 15 Eden will throw once a big one has Henderson caught at about the 45 across the 50 inside the 40 stays on his feet and is finally tackled of about the 37 yard line big throw and catch right on the money to Alonso Henders beautiful catch if he doesn't get tangled up there on the ankles he's gone and this is a guy that showed his breakout speed in the game against Cerritos with that big time touchdown at the end of the first half touchdown saving tackle from the safety Dante Gibbs with the Cougars now operating on first and ten from the Moorpark 38 at flushed from the pocket will throw downfield oh and long strip had all sorts of time it bounced off his numbers and to the turf that one back you can see his reaction immediately wide open nice play call all sorts of time hadn't able to look scramble around he he had way too much time hey you know what turn the page go out and catch them that time yeah as he lost his man Damon Johnson Johnson fallen down inside the ten I think if long stirreth just make sure he's sure handed he's got two Cougars at first at goal instead it'll be second down and ten from the 38 Cougars in business here and in the shotgun again will pitch this time to Zul cuts it back good vision from Zul spins off a couple of tackles keeps the feet moving and picks up five yards maybe six that's a big-time play his third carry the Dame for Zul that one will get him up over 10 yards on the day obviously not a lot of big chunks but averaging three point three per carry you'll take that if you're the Cougars and it puts them in a manageable third and five here from the 33 yard line Bunch set on the near side for COC Eden will throw here on third and five has plenty of protection dumps it off in the flat Henderson drop it that's the second drop here on this drive for the Cougars it seems same areas and general area of the field not quite as close to the sideline so you got to wonder but something over there maybe I'll light or just I think just a lack of concentration trying to turn around and go up field before we have it in and does it seem to the action again that's a tough one but you gotta turn the page that's two brutal jobs on this drive and you know if it's maybe just one drop in not the second you're probably going for it on fourth down instead a long one here this could be about 50 yard yes it's well within Tanner Browns range he's 1 for 2 from 50-plus this year he'll light it up from the 40 yard line hash mark right as you can expect more Park to pin their ears back a whistle right at it and I good yeah the kick was good but the whistles went beforehand and the Cougars are called for the lay of game you know Jesse there was a little indecision in terms of what they want to do League getting that through out there lay back in a 5 it's a punting situation you're gonna go for 55 the points off the board let the kid go out don't take another crack at as this will go from 55 here the last one was good from 50 and he had plenty of leg on it so we'll see from brown as you said one for two from fifty plus the kick is up up is going to bed just wide on the far side but he had enough distance on it just curled it a little too much to the left from the still scoreless here to lose the points on the penalty a couple drops on that last drive certainly something they're going to want to clean up I already see the offense starting the huddle here on the sidelines so again nothing nothing to get too worked up about too upset about but you want to clean it up you want to do better well the objective coming in was to clean it up conference opener you know you know it only gets harder after this he lacks probably gonna have a better defense if you can't scoring in some more Park what's gonna happen versus elac and you have those two brutal jumps drops that would have extended this drive and now you turn it over more Park gets good field position out of it too at the 38 yard line they'll pitch here to the receiver Skinner on first down he tries to get the edge and when we run on the bounds but maybe right at the line of scrimmage maybe you got a yard it's hard to see for where the mark is I think you just barely up I think he got a yard and I got to the 39 so they try to run that receiver little pitch play the Cougars got it well there I think that's the great thing about this you look to your defense which you know can make the plays would you know can carry this team at times his Johnson will throw here pass is caught by Lee on the outside he picks up about seven yards and it will leave Moorpark short by about two here on a third and two from their own 46 yard line a big third down get off the field and out after missing the field goal yeah sounds pretty good yeah all is not lost you know like you said get off the field the offense showed some flashes started to kind of put something together just weren't able to execute Johnson will throw he has Lee again and leaf falls down across the 50 yard line to about the 47 good enough for a war park first down and again they target Dylan Lee he's their big target averages about five receptions again a little over it and you see the replay here I mean really just hitting his spots we've been able to rifle the ball in there select areas hey doing a good job so far Cougars it's up to the defense to respond defense is on their heels that they're back on them and they're not jumping any of these routes both amor park did they're executed very well here in first half played very smartly so far here's the offense has done a good job to keep the ball in their hands they'll hand off here and who hit right at the line of scrimmage that was Malachi Meeks one of their other feature backs he didn't get anywhere surprise look who took him down [Applause] Julian Salazar I mean I saw him do that for four years at Hart High School and it still surprises me every single time I'll tell you what it's a lot of fun to watch out here he's flying around with an intensity tonight and he just looks mean out there at times like even just strutting around you can't see him on your screen right now but he's just strutting around it looks mean as the Cougars look like they're gonna bring some pressure here on second and 10 Johnson sends one emotional handoff to Meeks tries to get the edge cuts it back and is able to get across the 40-yard line a flag though right in the area of maybe I'll hold so this one lady coming back yeah regardless a nice cut you saw John Fuqua brought a right up there at the line ready to meet him a little little cut here and he found some space see what the flag is as little air yeah it's gonna be called for the hold spot spotting from our director over there every console Moore Park alum a little bit back 10 yards so you get a good little play out of Malachi Meeks and it's just another hold from the tight end who really you can't have that from your tight end right it's uh you have to make better decisions and that you're moving the football and now you're just shooting ourselves in the foot here so pushes them back across onto their side of midfield it makes it about second and twenty here from the 43 yard line they need to get to the 42 so maybe 21 yards to pick up here on the second down as Johnson fakes the pitch will throw wants a big one downfield to the sideline pass nearly intercepted and also at the same time nearly caught by Reece Smith but he couldn't keep a handle that's wide over the defensive back that's in the that's in the bucket yeah you have to bring that down that's six and that's maybe why we're seeing Trey Johnson here Moorpark wants to throw the ball more again it's just Cougar defense started Fanning this win this kid's throne shown the ability to really and he's going against it right now she took another look at it you could see Reece Smith after the play he knew he had a touchdown this was a kid that can absolutely spin the football in who's gonna have to adjust and I think the way you adjust with a with with a guy that wants to pass you bring some pressure I'm sure coach Corbett has that dialed up at some point in time maybe not putting all his cards on the table here early on Jesse as Moore Park takes another timeout they're second here and Mike he talked about it the last timeout Cooper's kind of had a chance to regroup came out made the big play coming out of the stoppage so third and 20 no better time let's send some guys he would have and see if he can't force something it's it's damned if you do damned if you don't right now right your third and 20 you want to bring some heat but also you want to play contain but I think Moorpark has demonstrated the ability to gain chunk plays and give you gain maybe 15 yards on this if you're Moorpark has a fourth down situation so we come back out here 8:27 to go here in the first half its third and 24 Moorpark back on their own [Music] 44 yard line 43 yard line excuse me is Johnson I'll handoff little draw play and plenty of room for Archibald he nearly got the first down I think he's gonna be about 2 yards short tripped up finally at the 39 but had plenty of room on this delayed run Salazar just missed a tackle and I can't see who that is that came up to make the play 39 38 yard line yeah the other 39 what's good spot so an early important 4th and 2 here for Moore Park from the 41 of çoç Johnson gonna throw and pass is knocked down behind the line of scrimmage great job by the Cougars to get up and make a play and players out there another big-time play back sit down and you see them like you said the strut the intensity and we talked about maybe time to bring some pressure and what does coach Kirby do there he brings two extra to go put some pressure on trade Johnson and forces a bad throw right into the hands of Julian Salazar to knock it down so a good stop for the defense keeps the score tied at nothing all seven 44 to go here and movement up front immediately on the Cougars so they'll push themselves back and put themselves way behind the sticks to start you know not only do I like the call there but I like the personnel choice of who you sent again this is a guy that's made a couple big plays had some big-time hits you keep ramping up the intensity for him and build his confidence he's just going to continue to do officials talking about this I think this can be approached from Eric Matteo was in the neutral zone and that that is deeper the call is force the offensive line to boom and you could see it here again on this replay it's doof on the near side and big-time Matteo in the neutral zone and do kind of throughout that left hand and that's what drew the attention of the officials but good job by the officiating crew get together talk about it make sure they get the right call Diouf did that earlier in the ballgame got whistled for a false star Thank You coach today ascendant was in the ear the officials say hey look if they move and my guy touches them that's offsides as well go here on first and five they hand off to Donnie couldn't quite get the edge tackle behind the line of scrimmage good job he defends him and Shelton to come up out of the defensive backfield to make the tenth so the Cougars got a gift of five yards they give one back here will be second and six from the 44 yard line actually still second in five they need to get to her right about the forty nine here so they get a good spot I think on that play as Edie will pitch this time to done done trying to get the edge we put his foot in the ground gets across the 50 and brought down right at the 45 yard by great job from Katie done to get his wheels turning and get going good pursuit from Carlos Coates to come back and make the tackle for Moorpark otherwise Dunn had plenty of room to operate so first down for the Cougars they put the ball on the 47 of Moorpark Dunn stays excuse me Zul comes in is the feature back for the Cougars Edmond will throw here on first and ten plenty of time now will step up as he's flushed from the pocket throws Matlin's picked off right into the hands of the Moorpark Raiders and this one has a chance to go back the other way saving tackle from Edie it was Colby Williams who just kind of fell down in space read the quarterback signs [Music] don't make that throw we had a man in flat he also had a man over the top and instead he goes right to the defensive back and it's turnover I know what I like to see in a tough guy can go but a lot of pressure there's a flag back at the 40 is this a whole secondary okay so more pocket yeah after the interceptions a more proper keep the football sorry I didn't mean to break it up but it looked like it could have been maybe a pass interference something downfield but instead of signal on side well it's a good break for the Cougars - because Moorpark was gonna be in prime position to try and put some points on the board instead they're pushed all the way back to their own 30 yard line here on first and ten after the interception so Edmond with his fourth pick of the season and just to get a forced throw from our body yet now they're gonna talk about some stuff here a little bit is the head coach for Moorpark michael stewart was out on the field and i think now they're finally getting themselves organized to make the wrong balls out of the field i think that's what the problem is and that is indeed what it is that's thrown from the umpire there to fire that one across exactly so we'll go first intent raid johnson stays at the game as the quarterback he'll hand off here to meet sue tries to cut it back through the middle and was able to roll forward after he kept his feet under him and get to the 40 excuse me the 36 yard line what parts waiting the battle is in the trenches yeah you got to figure something out if you're a college of the canyons it they're not bringing a lot of pressure they're not getting a lot of penetration and right now more parks getting the edge and they've won the time a possession battle so far over 14 minutes of possession time for Moorpark to just about nine and a half for the Cougars as they go here on second and four they'll hand off to Meeks again just smartly keeps his feet under him finds enough room and is able to get across the 40 to the 42 for a Moorpark first down and again you talked about it Mike the defense not really able to get any push on that line and that's allowed mix and Brandon Archibald to really drive some runs up for Moorpark here Jesse what's what's the adjustment at this point of the volume and he kind of taking licks up there in front yeah I mean you said it adjustment is key and I think Cooter's defense has been known for throughout the first part of the season you saw the game against Golden West last week didn't look sharp out there on either side of the ball came out a half pound and religious blew the doors off so a team that's known for their halftime adjustments and a coaching staff that will certainly let these players know what needs to be done whether what they're not doing or what they aren't doing as well as they should be - Jason couldn't be some frayed paint the locker Jacob I'm sure he gets tagged with the false start but I pretty much think that was a team full start the entire ballpark offensive line move before the snap so they back themselves up and go first at 15 now from the 37 and again movement up front on Moorpark and it looks like there's some confusion between and this is something that you know watching past games from robot they've had some trouble with this unit puts in line the center getting the ball off in a timely manner not buffing the snaps and back-to-back false start penalties is back them up inside their own 30 now little things become big things you back them up a couple times and get a big play here and you set them up into a second and long or a third and longer and things start to flip around and go in your favor you don't want to bring give up too big of a play here but I think right now you drop the hammer think about calling blitz on first down first for me Mike they've got some pressure dialed up Moorpark will run with Meeks and he's wrapped up in the backfield by a trio of Cougars but the first one in on the hit Ryan hate got a carving ski excuse me out of elecciones don't make that mistake die yeah my bad but Mike back to your point I mean you know you make the big don't necessarily dial up some big-time blitz but you get the talking for loss or you know the no pain sometimes saying out there no room for malachi meets that time is was the first in and now they'll be second 24 from the 28 yard line or park looking a little disorganized here to start the drive after back-to-back false start penalties in they're gonna get called for it again more movement up front and it was by the right guard I think this time at this point just trying to get too much of her more parking they played such a good first half up until they striving the margin for error on the road against this team is it's not very high and you just can't have these type of mistakes and now it's a field position battle you want to make this you know for that man is Johan Rodriguez called for the false start that snap low they'll get the handoff to Archibald who tries to get the edge and the Cougars run him right out of bounds and right about the 28 yard line it it looked like it was Madison wheeler first in on the hit there maybe Charles Anka's well was definitely accounted for that's that's dangerously close to a new set of downs right there he had a personal foul penalty get away with one there so to bring up third and 24 from the 29 yard line here for Moorpark as the clock ticks down they've got trade Johnson all the way over at the sideline right now and actually excuse me that Skinner all the way over the sideline just waiting on the play call now they're inside of five they're going to have to take their final timeout and that's just mismanagement from Moorpark there they've looked very disorganized after the early fall start penalties and it stopped this is a big-time play you saw them already lineup with a three-man front maybe give them a little bit of cushion just to get off the field you don't want to give up that big chunk so circle this one and gentlemen I don't have to look back at the stats but before that let's talk about canyons football you know always have the chance to go out there and support our program by making a donation supports a wide array of things for the program including this broadcast so we appreciate any hope you can give this I promise but started to say out there you know the Cougars you don't want to give up the big play you really want to get off the field try and get a touchdown going in or at least some points on the board trying to go into the half and gentlemen I'll have to flip through I don't remember first a scoreless first half here at cougar Stadium at least in my tenure and if there was I've forgotten it and as the years have blurred together but this is a rarity here it's been a long time I think I don't remember one ever and that's through plenty of years of being on the sidelines and watching games and and you're talking about a COC team this year that scored 55 points in the first quarter 20 in the second quarter so they're not a bad first half team Vinton Moorpark even credit them they've held the football when they needed to and they've kind of just ate up the clock and are going here on third and 24 the clock at 304 in the second quarter miss Johnson stays in the shotgun will throw here on third and long wants a big chunk and that one's picked off and it was nearly the same type of interception it was Ryan Hank on the interception his second - excuse me his first of the year no you don't have to go as far you can take your time like I said going there try and get some points on the board and a half-time regroup make those adjustments and see what the second half brings but a long way to go before that how often do we see after turnover like that you're gonna go for the jug and the trip to the ride here for the Cougars I wouldn't be surprised it's plenty of fired up Cougars on the sidelines and out on the field we saw Edie trot out was just fired up clapping his hands he'll stand on the shotgun this time will hand off to Zul waits patiently cuts it back still has room has a couple of blockers and he picks up a huge chunk gets nearly to the sticks all the way to the 30-yard line I've said this about a couple of times it's it's it's not that he's not fast because he is very electric and dynamic but look at the patience that he runs it waits for his block sees the cut gets upfield follows his lineman that's a tremendous job that's a that's what a running back should do and that's what he's been doing this first half of the season think he got a less than favorable spot - I think he actually did get to the sticks but he'll bring up second and one here from the 30 maybe twenty nine and a half they'll throw a little swing pass on to the near side - Amar'e Smith he's trying to find some space and he's a horse-collar down and where's the flag there is no flag on the play and Ted I send it down on the sideline is hollering at the nearside official we gotta have this and I know we have it on this camera shot here this is a an egregious horse-collar - hands oh I guess they say grabbed him by the jersey so it's not a horse-collar certainly looked like it from this angle that's good job by the referees cuz he definitely did not horse collar on that tackle he got him back down at the 30 so again it'll be third and 1 here for the Cougars as they'll send Henderson to the far side along with a Mari Smith it's great job by our director tonight Emory Johnson absolutely to pick that play up as they'll hand off and Zul will just churn ahead for the one-yard heat and picked up three so a good job from the Cougars to just give it to their big back let it and let's IRAs ulle just he just do his job yeah exactly I mean he does he sees the whole you got to develop and get those hard yards so here we go under two minutes ball ticking you don't have to hurry up too much you still have all your options here you can run you can pass you've got to get in the end zone though they've got two timeouts to work with as well clock inside of 1:30 right now Edmond the shotgun with two receivers out to the far side he'll throw quickly to Henderson who tries to cut it back up the middle and is wrapped up by four Moorpark Raiders was able to pick up a couple of yards got to the 25 coming up on the one minute mark I had a sense of urgency getting to the line here we go and they go fast here it looks like two receivers out to the near side this time for Edie he'll throw here on second down has all sorts of time will work to his right now directing traffic will dump it off over the middle pass is caught by Henderson and I don't think he got enough to get the first down as maybe two yards short the Cougars immediately call a timeout let's make sure we get it in here let's make sure we execute tanner brown field goal wouldn't be the end of the world but knowing coach Ison and knowing the mindset of this coaching stuff you want to get it in the end zone heading into the halftime well you want seven you get the ball back at the end at the start of the second half too if you can get seven maybe you can put up 14 and kind of give yourself some cushion here that last play we talked about it real quick with Armani ed we saw him on the last Drive kind of the same type of play rolling out threw a ball into a bad area got it picked off that time made sure he was a little more controlled with it directed his traffic and made sure to hit his man right on and that's one thing about Edna I talked about it a little bit earlier he has improved week in and week out I think just played a play and exactly as my next point play to play drive to drive you can see him he takes those mistakes and he learns from the he adjusts you know he's a very coachable kid always looking to improve whether it's on the sidelines whether that's pregame during the week and you saw it right there so it brings up third in a couple here is there inside the 20 bad snap Eddins gonna fall on it and the Cougars are all the way back at the original line of scrimmage and right about the 27 yard line so we'll see what they decide to do here I would imagine tanner Brown comes off I think Ted I said they're gonna call a timeout late here in the play clock and just trying to take a three nothing lead of a half-time Tanner brown who's nearly automatic from 40 yards in you let it get down to about four seconds on the other play clock or on the game clock rather but a three-second differential so missed opportunity in terms of a touchdown for the Cougars there's they had that some time on the clock some play to work a third and short but a bad snap and it's not something we see often out of Jordan Palmer but it does happen on occasion and the Cougars duty they take the timeout with five to go here in this first half so we will see Tanner Brown trot out who's over one today missed from 55 nearly made it just curled it a little bit too far to the left well made the first one of course didn't count points came off the board ooh a penalty you know you shoot how many times on TV NFL college and make the first one but this is a guy I'm sure has already turned the page has been focused he was out this week not a lot of yards for either side in that first half Eden six for 10 for 64 yards Johnson 12 of 18 for 69 the run game for Moorpark has been pretty good Archibald was 16 for the Cougars Caden done in time Azul both over a couple of 20 on five carries apiece so not a lot of yards for anybody to speak of in that first the Cougars trying to make sure it's not a scoreless first half as it'll be Tanner Brown from 45 we'll call it and so far this year he's been perfect inside of 50 the kick is up and it is right through the middle of the uprights as we expected from Tanner Brown it'll leave one second on the game clock all over and I think there's a flag maybe the Cougars moved up front and yeah there's a d2 flag right about the line of scrimmage down on the turf was one of the cougar blockers it was Tyler Richardson the linebacker he was down he limps away Oh [Applause] cause about savings over all over again tough to board and back him up so as a personal foul on the defense for an illegal movement I believe or illegal motion into the play to try and make the block and I think that's my Tyler Richardson gave up came up a little limp Cougars declined the penalty take the points on the board they have a three to nothing lead when you see coach I send out they're still looking for a further explanation on that one are they allowed to assess that on the kick I think that was odd I think that's his I I agree that's what his question and I think he got an answer that was suitable enough to gate to tell him just that's okay enough we put the fire out yeah sure well we'll kick it we'll kick it down the field way he was high he was hot he was 10 yards out onto the field he was a numbers well gentlemen we got a good one yeah absolutely this is a you know a rarity for a Thursday night game this is the first the cougar stadium has hosted third year that we've actually played in a Thursday night game dating back we were at war Park last year we were at Ventura I guess that would have been 2017 so Cougars having established a tradition of playing on Thursday nights but again a rarity and we talked about it already such a low-scoring first half Cougars got the points on the board there's a long way to go expect some adjustments on both sides of the ball here in the second Brown kicking with the wind here we'll kick this one short as the Cougars want to let it bounce Moorpark they called for yeah he called for a fair catch so it should put one second back on the clock here and it will give Moorpark one plate to run and the Cougars look like they're trying to march off the field did I want to say he did I not see his hand wave like a fair catch deed we will put one second on the play clock I think the they were it's a penalty because he called a fair catch and ran with it but the ball bounced and you have to catch the ball on a fair catch you can't let it bounce so that's where the penalty is both sides clamoring to get up there as Moorpark I think doesn't want to turn one over and maybe give COC a chance to run something back or take a penalty they'll just take a knee and I'll end the first half so a low-scoring affair here from college of the canyons the Cougars on a Tanner brown field goal here late from 45 yards have a three to nothing lead we'll take a timeout and get you ready for the second half when we come back here on So Cal college sports talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back into Cooper Stadium is we get you ready for a second have action between the COC Cougars and the Moore Park Raiders Matt Robinson Jesse Munoz Mike Zepeda here in the press box at cougar Stadium and you take a look at the first half numbers their first downs and everything else more product leading the way in first downs 9 to 5 over the Cougars 6 of those coming out of the passing variety 3 4 7 on first down for Moorpark and the same for the Cougars so I mean it's a pretty even first half in terms of the stats and the offensive side of the football from both sides they're boys you know the miscues on both sides of the ball the missed field goal from Tanner Brown that's not something we're accustomed to seen so again you know a little bit of the rust coming out of the buy a little bit of an issue maybe playing on a Thursday night your body clocks are not used to that you're in your mind you've got two more days to prepare before Saturday night under the lights so again you know those are all excuses maybe you know but I think both of these teams and I know for sure college of the canyons will have made adjustments for the second half and I mean I'm sure they spend a lot of time in the locker room kind of pinpointing pointing out some of those things that need to be addressed and just reiterating the urgency of which they need to you know they need to take care of it so a lot of time left it'll be interesting to see how both teams come out and respond I mean college of the canyons is really gonna try and put the foot on the pedal and get some points on the board and go more accustomed to Cougar football that we're used to we're used to see Mike a big number you pointed out pointed out at halftime the time of possession the stance Moorpark leading that 17 minutes with the football the Cougars 12 and that's we talked about it before the game what Moorpark needed to do was keep Cougar offense off the field as much as they possibly could to in turn keep their defense off the field at the same time yeah they they did exactly that 17 minutes and times of possession versus just 12 for the Cougars but the Cougars really dodged a bowl in that first half they didn't do a lot right but they have the lead at halftime which is the the biggest thing that you get out of that first half Jesse you talked about it there's gonna be adjustments made somebody probably needs a halogens right now if you're from the coaching staff for the Cougars I expect them to come out fired up and there's got to be some type of second house trip that's gonna result in points here III have no doubt if you're a cougar fan and we'll get to see that script around away the Cougars get the ball they have a three nothing lead and they will get the ball out of halftime because we were just about ready to go and just waiting on the final few stragglers to trickle their way down onto the field it looks like the Cougars will be going with the prevailing wind as it has been through most of the game it's been blowing from left to right here at cougar Stadium so kind of out of the north at the moment as we'll get a fresh look at the offense and just a few here take a look at some of the team numbers as we talked about our money head was 64 yards through the air six of ten passing and one interception Trey Johnson is well 12 of 1869 and an interception the run game pretty even off both sides Brandon Archibald leading everybody for Moorpark with 60 rushes on her sister yards on 9th attempts and the Cougars Katyn done in cyrus Zul each with five attempts and just over 20 yards receiving Alonso Henderson with the big play had a 47 yard pass or catch and run three receptions for 56 and then a group of Moorpark Raiders up over 20 yards with a couple of receptions of peace as we wait to go here more pack we'll kick it away the Cougars will stand sign resume and Trey long strength and write about the 10 yard line to receive here as the Raiders will kick it short Cougars will take it at the 38 yard line and then it was Trayvon Elliott who kind of ran backwards and helped out Moorpark and Cooper's field position here though right about the 35 yard line yeah interesting decision for Moorpark I don't know if that was a purposeful short kick like things just didn't get it but I don't know why you would want to purposely give canyons a type of field position especially coming out here in the second half but I honestly think that's their kicking game right now that's their that's a linebacker AJ run oh so kicking which tells me that their normal kicker in hang wiki Chien is not injured not available I don't think I'm available I think is probably the best term to be used at this point so the Cougars will start at their own 33-yard line Eden will shovel pass on the inside to Henderson and he's able to fight ahead to about the 40 yard line picks up a chunk of about six excuse me it was a Amari Smith yeah a nice play call something we didn't see in the first half and really haven't seen much of thus far this season so again going to the playbook trying to get some new things not to say that the other weren't working but weren't maybe working as well as you would like so change it up a little bit try and get this thing going it is a pass since it's a forward shovel pass from Eden so now he's seven of 11 for seventy-one he'll hand off here to Moyes his Haynes fresh into the game he fights through one tackle and gets back to the line of scrimmage and it'll bring up third down here correct me if I'm wrong I think that's the first carry for Moises Gaines haven't seen a whole lot of him yet but another one of these cougar running backs that has shown some explosiveness can make some plays this to be interesting to see how he contributes here and they go for deep at the running back position do the Cougars cartellis McFadden the other running back as well and really they go even deeper than that if you really look down the roster so go here on third and three from the 40-yard line under that hard count the first half utilized very well by eating induced one false start penalty they could use one right here said we'll check back and we'll change the play a little bit here as Haynes switches sides and we'll throw flushed from the pocket now dumps it off caught by a Mari Smith it right the right at the midfield stripe at a first down for the Cougars a nice job at using his legs to create a little bit of room here you're gonna see him just kind of shuffle across find the opening and slings it kind of sidearm about all the rich can and hit types for you Raider fans out there that's a great reference first on Cougars as bettan will throw here once a big one has a man just out of the reach of the intended target down the far sideline worth the free five yards and it was trade long stretch the target there and he just couldn't get it with the down stretch hands and I think that's what Edie's asking the official is why isn't there a flag on that play they moved and we're in in the neutral zone I mean you can even just see it there with Palmer snapping the ball off so it goes as an incomplete pass it'll be second and ten from the 49 it's five wide here for the Cougars Edie short three step drop throws over the top pass caught by Elliott at the 25 yard line inside the 10 dives to the end zone and a cougar touchdown look at that protection credit Elliott to to just turn on the Jets right through the middle of the field splits three defenders and dives to the end zone and it just it looked nonchalant look like a practice play from Armani and just kind of took his time and fired it over the top as Brown on to try the point after perfect on the year at 25 for 25 kick is up and of course it's good 26 for 26 and now is a 74 70 in his career on pointers and you know you guys did you see the difference there that Drive I mean the efficiency the focus the play calling really just able to execute move the ball down the field and like I said get into the end zone as the Cougars are accustomed to doing it was a it's it's a great job by Elliot on that route it's it's a it's it looked like a skinny post but then he read the defense it he just goes up the seam he defines them four six and it's two planes in a row two from the Cougars they go to that long ball to long strip that doesn't connect and they go right back to it over the middle this time with Elliot so it just shows the confidence they have calling plays on the offensive side in their quarterback and their receiving core you go 5 wide I mean the defense knows it's coming you don't really change your approach you go back to what you've done all season what you're good at what you're known for and it's just a matter of getting the kicking now let's see what the defense can do the same thing they've had some moments they've had some highlights but as a whole to be able to sustain that continue to make those big plays and maybe for some turnovers get that offense back on the field that's gonna be the key so they only take a minute and 49 off the clock it's a five-place 67 yard touchdown drive for the Cougars and ed now up over 130 yards passing Brown will kick this one away he'll kick it towards the end zone it'll be taken about five yards deep they'll bring it out from there and knock down inside the 15 yard line no room to work for the return that's incredible coverage by the special teams I want to say that was Toby Hills and Marty Morgan off they're kind of colliding to make that stop and you can see just what energy has improved here this Krueger sideline these guys are balancing around something up you're starting to get excited starting to get this crowd into it maybe a little bit you get both sides of this team firing and it's gonna be dangerous and early touchdown I'll do it so the Cougars have them pinned deep inside the 15-yard line Moorpark with a new quarterback in there as we get to see Isaiah Johnson for the first time he'll keep it on a option keeper and tucks it and gets up across the 15 to about the 16 maybe the 17 yard line so now we get to see Isaiah Johnson for the first time today Cougars curveball couldn't play the first hand was sitting out the first but either way cougar gonna have a new look to get accustomed to that man that look is big yeah 6 to 250 for 225 is what he's listed and 250 I think yeah well they say 225 so but looking at him on the screen yeah absolutely cuz they'll hand off to Archibald here and he's wrapped up Arian people's in on the first contact and he's fired up as a trio of Cougars there to help him out including Charles Ike and Jonathan Thomas strength damn near a suplex almost a German suplex third and long here to start the third quarter for fire they come out with trips to the right Archibald the lone back looks like he's in a protection spot as they may be you're gonna throw they'll send one in motion RPO they'll throw that one bounces off the receiver high in the air and the Cougars just couldn't get ahold of it three Cougars went up after that football after it bounced off the receiver reads Smith and that was just a jump ball Rada Mitch Charles I you like that you like that swarm you like the guys flying with a ball trying to make a play just didn't work out but hey a fourth down that's fine if the punt get that offense back on the field so Moorpark will have to punt it from deep they're right about the two yard line is the punter and it is a bad punt and kicked it very low it bounced it's at the 35 takes a Moorpark Rowland rolls out of bounds at the Moorpark we'll say 38 yard line we'll see what the spot is but the Cougars with great field position and now a chance to really put the pedal to start the half something that came back to haunt evaders and now this punt if the Cougars can capitalize here that's gonna be 2 for 2 on special teams plays that have helped flip this game in the momentum in the favorite college of the canyon no we've talked about the wind being a factor the wind not a factor on I think that was just a massive shank it was Steve Vasquez who's kicking so again Mookie Sheehan who's been their punter and their kicker not available so that makes a big difference the Cougars with great field position here on the Moorpark 39 to backs in the game this time with Edie he'll hand it off this time and on to the outside for the run is Jordan Anderson his first carry of the game and he had a blocker in front of him inside resume was able to pick up about five yards opportunity keep throwing talented dudes out there and something Goods gonna happen you see the lead blocks IRAs all up there up front Killians they're in on the pile I mean these guys are yeah these guys are playing with a renewed passion out there and you can see it that's a scary group of lis blockers right there was ooh who will punish you and 0 who will as well as the Cougars here on second down we'll throw Edie rolling to his right throws it over the middle pass is caught by Henderson he's tackled about the 22 yard line but a good chunk of yardage on a design play to roll out to the right and now they're clicking you see Thomas little shake roll out here personal protective for Edie he's got all day and there's the guy right there as Ella Henderson so a good chunk for the Cougars first and 10 from now to 21 they take a little bit more time here Armani with his own security detail disease to the end on campus Anderson to the backfield this time each streaks out and all sorts of time wants to throw to the corner pass interference flag gonna come down on the field though as Henderson was trying to get to that corner out of the backfield either now if this is P I I wonder if Moorpark has a case is this a catchable ball this is out of the back of the end zone nearly tackled him at the 10 yard now there's certainly illegal contact I don't think this can be Piz I think they're trying to figure out where the ball will move up to it's definitely a penalty against Moorpark what I will say is that it could have been maybe a timing route where you're playing you're throwing to the spot not necessarily the person so by virtue of him getting held up it may have looked like I'm in catchable ball but hard to save him up here moves it ahead to the 9 yard line so it's a first down for the Cougars consuming the 11 yard line so it moves it to a first intent from the 11 for COC and that was a different look to have Henderson out of the backfield as they keep Zul in there as the feature back heading in the shotgun big set in front tough snap he had to drop it into Xul's hands he's able to get the edge and gets across the 10 before he's wrapped up and taken down Carlos Coates on the tackle Jesse does that go down as a passer or or lush I think that's gonna be a rush but you see Marcos Ian on the replay get out there in front really doing a tremendous job again he's lime and a talented group we knew that but showcasing some speed out there helping these these Cougars are some quick hits so a chunk of yardage maybe four five on the play they say four so to be second and six from the seven here and was Zul in the backfield will hand off again Zul bounces off a tackle now will turn around he's taken down back at the 15 yard line good late pursuit out of Antwon wind to come back and get it just you talked about the cutting ability of Zola but you know there's a lot of Easton West and not enough North and South you see it right there just too much ground as well you gotta go up the gut to make the most of it try instead he tried to bounce it back around you got to like the mindset this is a guy that's confident in himself and his abilities always has that potential to Juke make a dodge and take it upfield but in that situation that close to the goal line you can't be losing the odds like that Moises Haines now the feature back for receivers for the Cougars here on third down Edmond back to pass will step up in the pocket throws over the middle pass is caught and right about the 2 yard line by Alonso Henderson will see where the spot is I think they gave him the 1 so it'll be first and goal from the 1 for the Cougars anybody and you know great surplus in the first half scratch that they move the mark back to the to the far the near side official had it at the 1 so actually it moves back to the 3 so the Cougars need a yard here for a first down it looks like they're gonna bring a little late to get on the field here for Tanner Brown it's not a very long kick just a chip shot for him at 20 yards but he's got to get it off here fast with four seconds they will get it off and Brown will chip it through the uprights and it is good so the Cougars take the three points and now have a 13 to nothing lead here over Moorpark scored on the last play the tendency is to want to try and push it punch it in and get you know extend the lead even further but the smart call the safe calls the three points and go back your defenses out there flying around everything is clicking right now see it and they're great two up bringing them down the other goal line but they wanted that no doubt about it they could smell the goal again I like to call take the three points this has been a closely contested here keep doing what you do I think the spot was just yeah it was pretty close the original line judge on the near side had moved it all the way up to the one-yard line and then or the the field judge excuse me was marking it at the 1 and the line judges another no I'm gonna mark it this is my spot 13 to nothing Cougars here 8 minutes to go as Brown will kick it off as Sarty in to receive this time along with Jordan Cuevas and they'll kick it towards Sarty he'll take it it right about the goal line and bring it out from there cuts it back outside the numbers and will run out of bounds inside the 15-yard line so I get a poor return for more part as they try and bring it out from the goal line and they'll have a long way to go 85 yards to try and get into the end zone again terrific pursuit by a special teams if you have more park backed up just you're exactly right coming out of halftime you know the adjustments obviously have been made but the sense of urgency it looked like tonight after with the late start the Thursday night game it just they were out of sorts early on and had you're exactly right they're clicking and also at this point I think maybe came out a little flat a little anxious RPO that did not go anywhere as in the backfield Jack Schultz takes down Isaiah Johnson he should have let this one go to Archibald instead he kept it himself and Schultz right there to keep it a great job just reading that you see him it's tendency his first step is up and in and then just read a Jack Schultz one of our captains having a great season right there so a sack I guess you call it a sack it moves back four yards it'll be second and 14 from the 10 yard line here Johnson has three receivers out to his left Archibald the backfield with him he'll throw looking right the whole way that one nearly picked off as coming up to get it was chase Edward Morgan and now he wanted a flag on top of it I think the offensive player made a good defensive play and just breaking that up he's chased Morgan Edwards had that in his sight and immediately she got the usual it goes guys and look into the heavens for an explanation but hey third long keep doing what you're doing Cougars able to get a lot of pressure with this four-man front so far not really dialing up a lot of blitz packages and it's working they go for wide again three out to the near side so delay the handoff to Archibald he's wrapped up in the backfield once again Bradley Brown in the game on the front line able to get to him first folks this is cougar football this is what canons has done this is what they're expected to do tonight and now they're showing them around with distance ten tackling the season so now they'll kick this one away from about nine yards deep in the end zone as its vasquez back standing to kick last time you didn't get one off very good this time it's a little bit better but it's wobbling and we'll bounce it about the 25 take a Moorpark roll to the Raider 33 is just funny you can see the frustration there and I was trying to make amends for it but you know really unfortunate breaks for this Moorpark football team who was in this game throughout the first half special teams a huge factor and when you can't execute like that it's going to come back to bite you now if you're Cougars and you love it you love the short field position you want to see you guys back out there but again disheartening for a Moorpark program and a fanbase who have watched this team hang in there throughout a couple bad breaks and the Cougars are taken aback again I think in Moorpark next time out you might very well see trait Johnson because Johnson was pretty effective that first half moving the football and outside of a drop Bobby has a touchdown but right now Moorpark still close not emotion not a lot of yardage from grant or firm excuse me Jordan Anderson that time on the pitch again and this is the third time we've seen that pitch from COC so a new wrinkle maybe trying to work in this week how things were going in the first half it's time to open up the playbook flip back a couple pages go to some things that maybe the Raiders or anybody hasn't seen on tape yet absolutely as they go here on second down they say Andersen picked up two yards on his second carry of the day Zhul now the feature back in there with split receivers out to each side and whoa all to his right throws over the top towards Henderson caught right at the goal line and he falls into the end zone for a cougar touchdown Wow this team's a lot of fun to watch right now I'm already and what a beautiful throw this rolls out there how does protector again and finds he's got and it's not same RPO that we saw earlier where he has the option to hand it off to excuse me Anderson in the game that time or to keep it and throw and he decides to keep it and throws it right on the money to Alonzo Henderson just a picture-perfect throw right at the goal line touchdown Cougars enter Brown in for the Tri Cougars with a 19 to nothing lead Brown nearly has it blocked they think there was an offside on the play though is way in the backfield before the play was Mike Lopez Brown drove it through regardless hope it was about eight steps deep no matter where this is what we expected from them this is what we expected to see against this opponent and to see it finally come together here in the second half it's been fun to watch so far they have a 22 nothing lead now after the touchdown to Henderson's second touchdown pass of the day for Armani Edmond who's now at 183 yards Henderson with a touchdown reception Elliott with a touchdown reception Anderson of course leading the way with 108 yards receiving and the cougar rush game just hasn't needed to be there today they've had it in the passing game so far well I'd have to go back and check the play-by-play but I don't think it has any incompletions about maybe one perfect so yeah I mean and he's a guy that gets into that rhythm I used the Rich Gannon comparison before but that's something that's the type of thing you see those and get into the rhythm and good things happen it's this one out of the back of the end zone pardon me and Moorpark will take over on the 25 Jesse you know Andrew Brito was a kid who had a great feel played last year played the year fire or COC and it's just a great feel in the pocket knew when to step up and I think in terms of the maturation process for Imani Adel that's what I'm seeing now he's learning to feel when the pressure is coming from the outside instead of trying to take it to the outside backup he's stepping up into the pocket by himself about three four or five seconds they credit to the offensive line they're giving him a ton of time and he's going through his progression since finding receivers down the food Moorpark will hand off here on first down Archibald able to sneak through a hole that dives ahead to the 35 yard line good enough for nine yards as they spot him about a yard short like not to talk too much about the offense while the defense is out there but I'm re Eddie truly a student of the game you can see him and his preparations each each week he craves getting better you know he's a good kid that studies film makes the adjustments on the sidelines in the locker room and you see it you see it right in front of our eyes certainly been impressive so far today the defense now trying to be just as impressive they give up nine on a first down play it'll bring second and 1 here for Moorpark is Johnson will throw he has plenty of time now is flushed from the pocket will try and spin it back inside this is where Johnson can be dangerous he just dives ahead gets enough for a first down they saw everyone was pursuing him with a couple guys that got close and he just kept it Brown tucks it back balls out there a little bit loose people could have got a paw on that but finally goes down because plus yardage timeout called for COC as they were not ready for Moorpark it look like Moorpark was gonna go hurry up there and college-educated wasn't ready to say that I send a decides I'm gonna take a timeout and get my guys organized for 44 to go here in the third quarter we'll take a quick break 222 nothing in favor of the Cougars here on so college sports [Music] you now the timeout moorpark with the football here first and ten from the 38 yard line Johnson will throw over the middle pass was caught leaping in the air he picks up five maybe six yards on the play got enough him to take him down but that could have been a big time to our part going hurry up the abroad with Archibald he's able to pick up enough for the first down moved it across the 50 yard line to the cougar 46 of Moorpark going hurry up here trying to catch the Cougar defense without subs though throw here on first down Pass is caught on the outside by Kenyatta Skinner and he's taken down right maybe a couple yards ahead of the line of scrimmage go for Moorpark I like this play call change things up a little bit you know wasn't working on the second half so hey why not why not go to the hurry up see if you can catch the Cougars maybe in a mental lapse or a substitution wrong personnel package out there and see what you can get they slow it down here a little bit on second and eight from the 44 yard line Johnson wants to throw as a man caught in a nice little seam by Reese Smith and he's able to dive ahead inside the 30-yard line to the 25 and again more part gonna go hurry up here they want to get the ball snapped quick keep the Cougar defense on the field the way it is so you'll see a little disorganized trying to find the right numbers they'll keep it with Johnson and he's taken down just a couple of yards ahead of the line of scrimmage live it up push through the pile like maybe Taylor Lewis on the first contact again Moore Park stays in a hurry up here second and seven ticking inside of 308 Archibald stays in there's the feature back three receivers to the near side they'll throw pass on the outside to levy falls down inside the 20 and it'll be third and about four it's gonna be up to the Cougar defense to respond and you know stop the three from big-time three down come here is this third quarter starts to tick down we are under three minutes here to go down 20 under 3:00 to go in the third kicking game suspect this is for naught territory here Jess if you go as they slow down again here and they'll hand it off this time on a run for Skinner design and he's able to pick up enough for a first down got the edge and got inside the five so to be first engulf for more part on that end around from Canyon so skinny and Mike I wouldn't be surprised they do get it here go ahead and go for two after because the you know yeah you're miss it you're still two touchdowns now sign up to twelve now Moorpark takes their time back to the law it was interesting they were going fast then slowed down a lot the Cougars to get some different personnel in the field but moving the ball nut they're just the same they'll hand out the Archibald he tries to dive through the line of scrimmage met by four Cougars peoples in there along with Tyler Richardson and just a trio of other Cougars right there on the tackle well this is a tired offensive unit I wonder if they go back to that jet sweep action get this team see if they can get the edge cuz they look a little gas right now to the Cougars three wide out to the near side here from Moorpark he'll send the tight end fuller and motion no throw here Johnson wants to get to the outside he's able to get around his man and get into the end zone for a Moorpark Raider touchdown and that's what we talked about before the game with Isaiah Johnson he's dangerous with his feet was able to outrun Cooper defendant get in there we got a ballgame absolutely right back into does more Park and they look like they're gonna send the kicking unit out onto the field here actually that is kind of that offensive sent with the swinging gate will come back to the line up for a field goal here change a Renault so in to try the extra point we saw a miss of field going from about 30 out he's able to get the point after touch up and good and so more park on the board puts up seven and the Cougars now lead 20 to 7 here in the third quarter take things up a tick get into the end zone if your college of the canyons you don't want to focus on that think of it as a letdown and anyway go back out there get your offense back on the field and do what you were doing folks just a reminder you can donate to support the college Athenians football program COC athletics comm slash sports now football that's the football specific homepage click the donate Now button we appreciate all the support we can get goes to fund a variety of things for this program including this live stream broadcast so we appreciate your viewership out there appreciate your support and cool with all season long so once wanted to go here in the third quarter Moorpark gonna keep this one away Cougars have moved well up after the last kickoff attempt from Moorpark as again another short kick taken by TQ Elliot right at the 25-yard line he'll cut it back to the near side of the field has some room to operate gets around his man across the 40 now across midfield has plenty of blockers out in front and finally taken down inside the Moorpark 30-yard line great return from TT Elliot this is a point in the game where he's able to make his impact here you see him just get upfield trio blockers up there almost took it all the way so smart call [Music] [Music] somebody first and ten for the Cougars they have it at the 30 yard line great field position once again a chance to try and punch another score into the end zone here Zul the feature back they'll hand off here on first down Zul met at the line of scrimmage is forced back and I think they'll say he got to the line of scrimmage so it'll bring up second down at 10 to the play not a bad move good job by Daniel Henderson first time we've called him today for Moorpark the redshirt sophomore another one of their big bodies in the linebacking corps for Moorpark timid coats are really the guys that they look to on the defensive side to make plays and the radar showing no signs are backing down there keep continuing to maintain that physicality out there they stay in that nickel defense the Cougars with three receivers they'll send Smith in motion to the near side Edun will throw here on second and ten was gonna be hit right in the backfield as Coates untouched right through the middle and I think it was just smart from led just to get it off yeah you could tell Azul wasn't in a spot yeah that's who he was going to and just had to get rid of it it will not even turned around well I mean Sewell has to understand that he's the hot on that play if somebody shoots the gap up the middle he is wide open in the flat is he gonna come off here I'll get an earful from Coach I'm sure I'm sure about that so it'll bring up third and ten from the 30 so a tough start to the drive for the Cougars they go 5 wide here though 3 receivers out to the far side for Edie Moorpark bringing pressure Cougars initially picked up the Blitz and now hadn't sacked in the backfield they just got to him good enough as it was Jamar Walker able to get in on the tackle just enough pressure for Moorpark yeah that's a tough break Edmond was able to dodge the first guy just didn't have enough time to get rid of the get rid of it or get away from the second one so again now 4th down this is well within Tanner Browns range he's missed one earlier tonight on of thought factors into the decision either way you're gonna let the clock run down and flip the field so well we'll head to the fourth quarter 22 7 lead for the Cougars we'll take a break fourth quarter coming back [Music] [Music] back inside cougar Stadium here the Cougars are gonna punt this away to start the fourth quarter here on a fourth and 20 so just outside of Tanner Browns range I guess with the win his punt is inside the 10 taken in the end zone and Moorpark will run it out from there they had to as it was picked up right at about the one-yard line in just another mental error for Moorpark they're just your collagen cannons that'll work Tanner brown and a nice punt short return so you back him up again again a weapon out there whenever he's on the field I'd love to see that put the Cougar defense back to work and let's close out this game I think it was Alex Artie again on the return play that he could have just let bounce and it likely would have bounced into the end zone as it was going to hit right about the goal line instead caught it and ran back two steps and was forced to return it so tough field position here for Moorpark as they're pinned all the way back inside their 10 yard line they send Isaiah Johnson to start here with three receivers out to the left-hand side Archibald in the game is the lone back he'll throw over the middle pass juggled initially but picked up by Kenyan tough Skinner and he's able to get across the 20-yard line and get Moorpark out of trouble as a timeout on the field the umpire in the middle of field got knocked down oh [Music] and he got taken out hard - it was Charles like trying to make the tackle it he flat-backed and it's being checked on by the athletic training staff the medical staff Erik Neutron go Sarah or some out there looking at him right now a lot of fire [Applause] so a timeout basically here for the Cougars and looks like there's Jesse's got to go off headset here for a second Mike is there something else going on as well no it's some extracurricular I mean obviously this is uh two colleges within close proximity yeah close proximity of each other so often times you know we see it we cover a lot of Cerritos and Long Beach games whether it be basketball or football back and get fairly hotly contested and looks like the referee might be coming off are they going to the bullpen so he'll get checked on by doctors here for COC dr. Cardell down there from Southern California orthopedic checking on him some of the fine doctors from so from SCOE so we'll go here first and ten from the 21 as we go back to football Johnson will throw here on first down he'll roll out to his right I think he's just gonna tuck it has room cuts it to the middle lost the football but it bounced right back up to his hands as I was taken out at the 30 yard disaster averted there and well that's one heck of a run but you got to secure the football as it was maybe that takes a big hit from the backside [Applause] I think was Caleb John's that made the initial contact dr. right yeah and they go quick here again the hurry-up offense again for more partiers it worked last time and the spot is wrong because they have a first down so they gotta get the chains move so it slows moorpark down a little bit here but they go hurry up clock ticking inside of 1415 here they'll handoff on the inside and it's Archibald trying to fight ahead and he's able to pick up maybe 3 yards got to about the 41 yard line John's in the middle of the fray once again shocker lead on again Moorpark can I go hurry up trying to catch the Cougars sleeping once again they'll handoff again this time it's Malachi Meeks and it was actually Meeks on the initial carry and he gets up to the 40 yard line will run from Malachi Meeks and again Moorpark just going to hurry up but keeping the ball on the ground here so I don't know if they have a choice out of the way this clock continues to tick they'll throw here on third and 3 Cougars can't quite get him wrapped up at the 45-yard line they need to keep him short of that it's another more part first down you know Jessie they're gonna go back to the tape the tackling tonight's been incredibly poor and it's definitely not something that we're used to seeing from a cougar ballclub and got a feeling that's gonna be a focal point of practice in the coming week so I was just saying without a doubt that'll be something to coach Ison and his staff will pinpoint you know that's one of the fundamentals that they're keen on and I know ever since the week one game that's been a point of emphasis in practice mist pass on that last one Reece Smith was there and had his hands on it but it went right through his hands so it'll slow the game down a little bit the clock stopped at 316 second and 10 for Moorpark at their own 44 yard line they go trip receivers in a bunch formation out to the left here Johnson takes the snap and flags immediately false start against Moorpark and this is what we saw last time from Moorpark in that first half when they had the ball and kind of got disorganized the offensive line started moving and then they kind of lost their mojo Jacob and Ronnie marked with it again second time today he's been nab put the false start well if you're Moorpark playing from behind you definitely don't want the penalties and I understand they've had some success with the hurry up and the short yards moving the chains but eventually they're gonna need to take a shot down here at this point in the game fourth quarter clock continues to tick and the Cougars it's not like they're done offensively even if the score here Kim is gonna come right back at them so interesting to see when they pull the trigger so throw here on second down in 15 johnson has to get out of the pocket he's taken down in the backfield Taylor Lewis on the contact good job from him to get upfield make a play Taylor Lewis out of Chicago Illinois it just swallows up the ball carrier here both both arms around him and takes him to the ground that's a nice tackle he charged right through the line of scrimmage and good job to stay in pursuit against Isaiah Johnson so to bring up third and 20 here all the way back at the 34 yard line for Moorpark so they had it up near the 50 and marched back a steady 10 yards here on a couple of plays so another third and long here for the Raiders three receivers out to the left for Johnson he will step back to pass throws over the top pass juggled and not caught nearly had Dillon Lee in space and he just couldn't get his hands enough on it hit him in the hands just couldn't hold on to the football that's unfortunate a couple times here tonight with the receivers have not been able to bail out their quarterback and a break for cannons being able to get off the field I mean that would have if not passed the marker that would have been right there I'm probably prompted a fourth down attempt so tough break for the Raiders cannons will take it ednan company raring to get back out there the Cougars with two back to receive it's Elliott and I think damaji Williams standing back at right about the 40 in the 35 yard line high snap Huff kick spiraling towards the 30 taken excuse me it's a Mari Smith at the 30 yard line cuts it back outside the numbers across midfield dives back towards the numbers at the 40 yard line and is taken down an a really a big return saving tackle from Zack Jones he saw the high snap and a tough job getting it off but that was probably the best punt that she turned in tonight and kind of out kicked his coverage so to speak was it had that had that opening there so cannons will take it and they'll get another good spot on field position here will COC at the 42 yard line first and 10 with a chance to again go towards the end zone try and punch one in here and give yourself a little bit more of a cushion it'll be interesting to see if we build the ground and pound try and run out the clock and still get some points or you air it out here quick and get this another touchdown swing the momentum keep the moment I should say back in your favor three receivers out to the right for Edie Moorpark bringing pressure Eden throws quickly pass dropped dropped by Amari Smith and that's for third third one tonight for the Cougars in the third we're more parkas bringing pressure right up the middle and the Cougars have failed to find the blockers for it well credit to Armani getting the ball out quickly just the receiver needs to make a play there and if fundamentals issue just like you talked about the tackling that's one of those things see the ball into your hands then turn upfield and get the yardage cougar just a little too anxious out there I think everybody wanting to make that big play want to put their stamp on the game first things first Moises Haynes in there is the feature back and we'll keep it runs to his right throws over the top nearly intercepted I think it actually just hit Damon Johnson in the chest he didn't know what was coming to him well he wants that one back probably why he plays defense and not offense but the safety right over the top just came over and was in a great position to make that play a break for head you know more parts wishing they had that Henderson may have gotten a hand on it a tip and away from him too you might want to credit Alonso Henderson with a good defense that way you know you're looking at that play again on the replay and our Monty has a blocker in front of him and he's one-on-one with the linebacker how about just turning it up the field and your one-on-one with a linebacker and a blocker yeah and he certainly has the ability to do that he's shown that I think that's a matter of just progressing through your reads you saw the opening you wanted to go for the big chunk Cougars nearly had a I think an illegal formation out there they had five guys five receivers on the line of scrimmage and a running back in and enough guy enough blockers in line of scrimmage so coach I said able to take a timeout before the foul maybe 12 men on the field so I think the look maybe we can go look at that one again but nonetheless it's a timeout for the Cougars their second charge timeout so down to one here going the rest of the fourth quarter for the 1151 to go and still a long way to go you know appears to be a comfortable lead at this stage of the game but anything could happen Cougars I know want more just to feel a little bit safer more Parker's obviously shown some flashes no reason why they wouldn't build a punch one in the end zone again you get a couple breaks or a turnover at some point so game far from over and Canada's gonna need to do a great job the rest of the way yeah they're definitely a 12 guys with the field on that last play and closing this one out Thank You Emery for finding that for us so a good timeout from Coach I ascended to count the number of guys in the field and get the timeout before the foul an important third down here early in this fourth quarter third and 10 from the 42 of Moorpark zulan is the feature back and in the shotgun two receivers out to each side will throw over the middle pass caught by Smith gets away from his man inside the 40 and then we'll cut it out of bounds at right about the 34 yard line so it leaves the Cougars about two yards short of the first down marker and a much better job they're seeing the ball all the way and even with the defender on your back able to set him and get up close to the first down work - job now the winds starting to swirl is a factor I think you need to go forward here obviously in the range of 10 around but yeah the wind kind of blowing out of the north and blowing straight into the offenses face right now so I think the Cougars are gonna keep the offense on the field here with 4th and 2 from the 34 yard line they'll bring in some extra big bodies on the line of scrimmage his three receivers out to the near side Zul the lone back in the backfield Edie will keep it throws wants to dump it off and it's in between his receivers and the Cougars will turn it over on downs good job by Moorpark bringing pressure forcing even get the ball out before he wanted to and Ed you could see him snap his chin strap and he was not happy with the throw he made on that last yeah that's one that he's gonna walk back you know a great job by the moorpark defense getting off the field though can is if they're able to convert that they can really start to slow down and dictate the pace of this game take their time to try and punch it in the end zone so a tough break there it could be what Moorpark was looking for and really credit the Moorpark defense they've done a good job to keep the Cougars off the board this is a defense that is allowing over 36 points a game as they throw for a big one and Lee just couldn't hang on to it was outstretched it was right on the money from Isaiah Johnson but Lee just couldn't keep his hands on it well that was almost scripted to perfection for the Raiders I mean you get the you get the change the turnover and not the turnover excuse me but you get off the field and you immediately take the shot down down if that converts Cougars are on their heels again and a lot of time left in this game with would have been more Park knocking on the door and some more Park is you look another take another look at it another beautiful throw I was right there just may be a touch too long for Dylan Lee who's listed at 6-foot 185 I think that's a little generous he might be more 510 511 as they'll throw here on second down Johnson pressured steps up in the pocket now will tuck it run and will scamper out of bounds at about the 37 38 yard line so break up third and long here for Moorpark we talked about it a few plays ago or more parks last Drive looks like we got an injured man now - two injured Raiders right now it looks like mark Diaz is limping off the field and started to say we talked about when would Moorpark take that shot you know things are getting getting late here there's a sense of urgency they took it there on first down just didn't work out take a look at that shot go just just off the hands you got to make that catch that's a beautiful babe well if anything to credit canyons maybe he heard the footsteps of the DiMaggio Williams closing in there Jacques Buddha brought a on the other side so again I mean I know up here it looks like that's a catchable ball and it probably should have been but don't count out the the presence of the Cougars around there to help distract or break up that play see the last play here I think the center yeah he gets rolled up on Senator Mark Diaz and for a team in Moorpark that's kind of thin on the offensive line you don't want to see that they've had a couple of different centers this year shamed if tari has been one of their centers Diaz has kind of taken over the last couple of weeks and I think it was Johan Rodriguez that kind of rolled up on underneath him he's gonna be helped off as the medical staff Teresa Mitri the head athletic trainer from Moorpark out there trying to help out yeah that's a tough break and we certainly hope he's gonna be okay and of course Erika trongo Sarah aresome also out there to help out the crack medical staff for the Cougars as it's a tough break for mark Diaz so now you're talking for more Park their into their second center see who comes out over Center from our Park so tough you've gone the whole game with these and now you got to go with a new guy and especially on a key third down here they go with four right wide receivers Johnson puts one in motion will hand off to Archibald he's taken down by Charles Ike in the 30 yard [Music] he's a playmaker out there big time tackles for loss and you saw the high snap with the new center in there I just shoots the gavin's right there he's he's a baller and it's just beautiful vision from him we saw him for Hart Crane school along with Julian Salazar number of years those two they did that all the time in high school together I'm glad they chose us as the program is they're a lot of fun to watch out there and I think the best is yet to come as we continue to get into this season and these guys continue to evolve fourth and 14 Moorpark gonna go from it from their own 30 yard line here they send Archibald in motion out of the backfield so they're basically five wide Johnson's gonna run he gets across the 35 knocked out of bounds in front of the 40 and the Cougars will take over inside the Moorpark 40 yard line on downs and now here we go I think Candace's got a point in the game she's a little high snap and he tried to make the most of it but started to say I think canyons is at a point in the game where we're gonna start to dictate the pace here a little bit you bring in you bring in one of our closing running backs and you see Sai Raziel out there already that's sort of been the trend for college of the canyons second half give the ball of that young man and see what he can do so I wouldn't be surprised to see ground-and-pound but you can never discount the fact that cannons will air it out at a moment's notice they're spread out here already this will go first and 10 from the 39 edy nice pickup runs to his right throws downfield looking passes deflected and knocked down just under through TQ Elliott maybe the wind plays factor in that one certainly that's something they could have connected on I like the Blitz pickup here Cyrus Sewell you're gonna see just gets enough a little chip gives that in the time and that's coats again right through the middle but I think that was that tql it was that Gilmore TQ Gilmore I say le excuse me they look baby I'm very similar they have similar jets to and we saw a couple a couple plays earlier in the game where both of them have a couple afterburners they can work with the Cougars will go with two backs this time with Bulls Zul and Anderson out there Edie in the shotgun between the two of them well throw this time has Anderson and Zul out of the backfield dumps it off to Zul he breaks one tackle and then is able to fall forward to about the 31 yard line a pickup of about eight they'll bring up third and short here for the Cougars the clock continues to tick that's the most important thing at this point going back to the play before it looked like a loser will over the middle and almost breaks that gets tripped up there but back to the play before you saw ed and it looked like again like he could have probably taken off and run but I really like his discipline and sticking with his read sticking with the play calling yeah you know he has the ability to do that but it's great to see that he doesn't rely on it every play and here under Center the big bodies in the game a bunch of extra tight ends and they'll hand off - Zhu Li tries to plunge through the line he's met and pushed back the ball is out loose on the ground Moorpark able to return it back to the 50 yard line we'll see if they say Zul is down but right now it's more Park football the absolute last thing you want to see for if your college of the canyons I don't I think they're going to say that his momentum balls out for sure it's a depending on if the forward momentum or not is marked and they say his forward progress was stopped so a big break for the cougar [Applause] and the more part coach and stuff can not be all yet about that especially at this point in the game and the situation here not that's a big time turnover watch it hit that wall is gonna come out here it's that its feet I mean it was out before he was stopped that was a fumble and the Cougars gettin Higgy break I think it was jarred loose that initial contact trickles out the Cougars catch a break it's always nice to be home and on another level I think we would have seen the red flag come out there but fourth and two the Cougars go 5 wide here and gonna throw on 4th and 2 threw it over the middle and again the Cougars will turn it over on downs as he threw it behind a Mari Smith so the wind playing a factor forcing the Cougars to go for it on 4th and short from the 31 yard line somebody on that Moorpark sideline saying yeah I think that's exactly you know you get a bad call against you and like you said Jesse at another level the red flags out and more parts got the ball 250 so all things considered it yeah your fear the Cougars you got a break you didn't get it I guess you'll take the trade there I think the biggest thing Cougars barely milked any time off the clock we're still at over 8 minutes here and you know Moorpark misses out on a big-time turnover but really have it still have a lot of opportunity here down to touchdowns to 8 minutes to go plenty of time have shown the ability to make some big offensive plays have had some near misses that could have really turned this game around for them so here we go Moorpark with the wind is Johnson will throw throws it short it's dropped by the tight end Dupree fuller and that's a the second or third drop for Moorpark today as well so I want to say that's the fourth here Matt well the drops have been the theme of this ball game for both teams I don't know if it's the wind or the nearly full moon out here or the Thursday Night Lights combination both fingers someone needs some hand warmers out there with both sides failing to execute on some of these plays that on normal weeks would look routine we're getting close to Halloween maybe the spooks would come out here I don't know as we go on second and 10 here johnson in the backfield we Anne Archibald next to him will throw here on second and 10 right up the middle come the Cougars and somehow Johnson escapes now we'll look downfield this passes again dropped right into the hands of Skinner and he was met right away and dropped the football well fortunate for college of the canyons jock booboo kobata was right there but how does he get away from all these Cougar defenders still make that throw right on the money and huka brought a with a great pass break up right there to be right with his man and jock not known as a coverage safety he's more of a center fielder but did a good job in coverage that time so it brings up a third and 10 from the 31 clock it 759 so I mean it's not a lot of time moving we had a fast-moving game up until this late part of the fourth quarter Johnson gonna throw on third and 10 has plenty of time we'll step up in the pocket and run with it can't stay outside of the numbers and the Cougars able to knock him out of bounds it may be the 41 yard line know they say the 42 that give him the sticks he's got a first down he just got enough he extended the ball or that she was going out of Bounce - heady play and it's hard for he's he's a deceptive runner two guys where he's just he doesn't look like he's moving fast but he's just eating up a lot of ground he gets on quick and he's a big he's a big bother yeah tough to bring down my QB said I think 225 is a little low on the number I think he's closer to 250 s he'll throw here on first and 10 instead will decide to scramble now throws it downfield wanted to go over the top and went well over the top trying to find the target of Julia lipkin first time we've called his name today really first time he's been in the game today 225 well I think what my wife's driver's license says she's 105 I think she should tell you that she's no longer 105 but she's gonna keep the number she's not listening for this right you're not gonna get in trouble for that one I would say you're a very brave man to be talking about certainly not what I would bring up I started said the 225 that's his weight in the beginning of August you get about five six weeks in and it's a different story and I believe Moorpark is taking a timeout here so they're down to one timeout yeah I think you're absolutely right I think 225 is that's his that's his offseason just walking around we regardless a big body out there and you see why he was a state title winner with Crenshaw a couple of years ago he's had at least one touchdown pass in each game this year and house touchdown run yeah he's got a touchdown run today he's not and yeah keeping this Moorpark team right in this ball game I mean if you would have asked me three four minutes into the second half it looks like cannons was running away with it yeah able to come in kind of halt that momentum get more Park on the board and here we are seven seven plus to go there right in this game a couple of those big plays and it's a different story you know the record not indicative of how dangerous is more part later squad is well credit to the Cougars tonight up 22 7 and then the driver's seat but you still have to maintain your lead going into triple zeros so we reset out of the break second and ten to forty two here for more water Cougars leading 20 to seven was seven nineteen to go here in the fourth quarter loan back his Archibald they'll go on play action he'll dump it off too Archibald easy hit hard right in the back good job to step up by Madison wheeler and jar the ball loose wheeler does a great job he doesn't headhunt he leads with the shoulder not the crown of the helmet but it that's a heady tackle and a disruptive play and a good receiver breaks it up and that's really on Johnson down that's that's a hospital that's exactly what I was gonna say you got to get you guys in a little bit of safer spot there that's a we'd call a buddy pass on the ice ring so we go here on third and ten from the 42 they'll send a man in motion they try that jet sweep now a reverse' throw they're looking for Johnson he was bumped Archie was fuller and pass interference will be called against the googly pass interference Ted I ascended down here saying it was overthrown it was an uncatchable ball we're gonna see right here definitely a collision I don't know what you call that I mean they definitely collided I guess by the letter of the law it is a pass interference but I don't think that's a catchable ball not for Dante fuller maybe if it was Dylan Lee you might say he's got enough jets to get to it but it doesn't matter it goes against the Cougars here yeah and you can see the disappointment both from coach Ison and coach Stan Corbett down there just kind of the come on cook the come on man look yeah and we saw it down there Adam off the field they tried the trickery it did not work the Cougars had it spotted well but instead it's a first and ten from the cougar 43 here for Moorpark as they send fuller in motion they'll run it here this time now they'll throw and that one's picked off again they try for the trickery it's Williams with the interception and eager turns it back across the 50 cuts it back inside still on his feet inside the 20 he has some blockers and he's gonna take it into the end zone for a cougar touchdown tricky equal treat here for the Cougars and that should put the icing on the cake yeah that's a backbreaker but more Park had a little bit of momentum going and I think just tried to get too cute a couple you know what's out a halfback pass there yeah it was fuller trying to excuse me Morrison trying to throw it and I understand trying to add a wrinkle to the PlayBook trying to do something to spark a momentum but I mean that's not I think it's a halfback toss option there and the halfback had no option to pass the football he does it anyway and he throws right to a cougar well here's my question for you guys you just went with a similar play why are you going back with it again that's why I said tried to get a little too cute yeah go back with what's working for you I mean that's a backbreaker and canons is clearly in control right now under 650 to go lay onto the field from Moorpark Brown on to try the point after it is up some good even the officials were a little unorganized on that one everybody was kind of lost there but again the sidelines still celebrating as it's dommage a Williams that returns it for the touchdown his first pick six of the season is you take another look at the halfback pass and Williams was just right there caught it and did a good job to stay on his feet get to the numbers and then just find some room to run cut it back and that was a great cut right there to beat Dante fuller and you look you can see the defensive guys who don't run with Tyler or Jonathon Thomas Charles Ike out there blocking in front of him so a big plane for the Cougars a pick six the majide' Williams takes it to the house and the Cougars now with a twenty point advantage once again here's that cutback again Wow just meet fuller completely miss chuck the crew Brockovich got back down in the backfield I don't think he was trying to block his man but then saw that Williams was gonna take it to the house and kind of threw his hands up so we'll wait for Brown to kick it away a big defensive play for the Cougars and again we talked about that Jesse that been but don't break defense from COC they've kind of done it all game long they've kind of bent but have not broken they've allowed 252 yards today for Moorpark but they get seven points on the board off the defensive side of the ball the Cougars oh that was huge and that's gonna be you know if you circle a play in this game there's been a few but that one in particular that's a free ball the Cougars picking up and they got a chance to try and run this into the end zone and they see no he stepped out of bounds but that's an onside kick essentially for the Cougars it's picked up by Cameron Bell and that's just miscommunication from Moorpark on a short kick from tanner around the wind just caught it and kept it short and the Cougars get an onside kick recovery Wow just a weird play no things are starting to crumble for Moorpark cannons in full control here as we take another look the kick just short Browns kick got caught in the wind nobody from Moorpark comes up to play it and there's Cameron Bell to just grab it and I don't think he ever stepped he ever stepped out of bounds oh you see right there at the end just barely but a great heads-up play to pounce on that ball and take a deal right there good luck every good look right there doesn't matter it's a cougar 1st down and they have it at the 21 yard line they'll run here on first down to zuly cuts it back to the far side takes it inside the hash marks and then just kind of fell down backwards is able to knock him down was AJ Ramos Oh but now the Cougars have a chance to really put this one out of reach punch one in the end zone and take some time off the clock well all can in turn these last couple of minutes you know they're gonna want to punch one in here and just end all all speculations so to speak but a tremendous shift of momentum here and a couple tough breaks for the Raiders they'll throw here swinging it outside to Smith cuts it back inside the numbers a flag gonna be thrown as holding it's gonna be called against tquan Gilmore here as he was a little too aggressive on his man on the outside so this plane gonna move back so actually it's a block in the back against Gilmore so you had Smith in space which is what you want but instead the plane moves back and so the Cougars are behind the chains here on a second down exit second in about 14 maybe 15 here they bunch up at the line of scrimmage this time to COC Zul the feature back standing to the left of Elliot they'll try a jet sweep of their own able to get the corner was Gilmore and he's able to get across the 15 and tripped up inside the 15-yard line to about the 12 just checked up by Ray Shawn Williams well then maybe save another cougar touchdown and it'll ring up third and one for the Cougars here they need to get to about the 11 yard line and they're on the 12 here Sewell stays in as the feature back they stay in that same Bunch they'll hand off to Zul right up the middle plunges through the line stays on his hood to to the Cougars push him to the end zone we wait on the signal and it is a cougar touchdown good job by sign resume to keep his feet going in the line helps him out well Stanley up there nice job good heads-up helping your runner get into the end zone and we've talked about the big boys up front a lot today already and that was another example of what they can do up front there Jesse oh they're a talented group interested each and every one of them's going to be putting at the next level and the thing about it is there's guys behind them better just good this is good that could step up and play at a moment's notice so a very talented group credit to coach Mark dumb loud coach Spencer's all offseason they played tremendously well together and I think that's the most important thing a lot of physicality up there and you've seen the results here not only tonight but throughout the single unit so now all of a sudden inside of five minutes at 448 the Cougars now with a big advantage as they punch seven on the board after the on the what essentially was an onside kick an unattended onside kick but recovery off the kick off the Cougars put up a quick seven there with cyrez ool able to finish one off his first touchdown run another day boy have the tables of turn yeah just a few minutes ago we're talking about there's still any minutes more parks in it couple things go the other way you blink we're barely under five minutes and canyons and clear control here foot on the gas pedal up by multiple scores and really playing with house money here you know it's just a matter of now let's close this game out no mistakes no injuries let's get off the field go home you talk about they get a pick six which takes no time off the clock and the Cougars driving and then they get the ball back and take 159 off the clock on the four plays and punch it into the end zone so good the offense much more efficient they had a four play eight yard drive for as this one's kicked out of bounds by Brown so I meet this is how crazy the wind is right now here at cougar Stadium I have never seen tails kick two balls another oddity in here to know that short it's a great turnaround kicking the ball out of bounds right and missed one I mean when what are the odds on that if you're gonna parlay that together what's what's the astronomical odds on that but again playing with house money Cougars and control you can afford to make a mistake like that of course you don't want to see it you wouldn't want to see it next week but in this situation I think they're so hyped right now and playing with such energy that you might overlook that one tonight and then talk about it on Linda I mean it's a swirling wind right now looks like it's blowing out of the North according to the flags but the flags are moving quite a bit so maybe Brown just couldn't figure out where to kick into it so to put the ball on the 35 first and 10 here for Moorpark they need to get something going offensively Isaiah Johnson will tuck it and run he's across the 40 yard line tripped up and knocked out of bounds good job to step up on the tackle by Joseph Miller coming in at another their name just being called by the Cougars excuse me it was actually a B Harris that made the tackle Abby Harris had a golden valley high school and again just a lot of dudes out there that are capable yeah make plays hard-nosed got a nose from the ball flying around out there and when they finally get their opportunity there they're primed and ready to make the most of its a lot of fun to watch give Johnson a pick up of six on the play he moves the ball but the 41 yard line was where they gave him the spot Cougars trying to pressure him on second down he wants a big one throws over the top and that's gonna be well wow he threw that all the way down to the five-yard line and it was 20 yards ahead of his receiver that's I mean wind-aided but still he was looking downfield and it's a heck of a cannon off that young man yeah we've talked about it he's an athlete there's no doubt about it you know gonna come up on the wrong side here tonight but I think a bright future and a lot of potential for him stops the clock at 4:01 34 to 7 in favor of the Cougars here third and four from the 41 yard line of Moorpark as the Cougars have gotten touchdowns today from San Razoo on the ground Alonzo Henderson Trayvon Elliot through the air and of course DiMaggio Williams on the pick six as they will keep it on an option play with Johnson and he fights ahead for two or three yards and it'll leave about three yards short of the sticks as they mark him at the 42 43 maybe 42 and a half we'll see and for our Marnie excuse me our money and you know we've certainly seen stronger games but a well-managed efficient game you know was able to get some things done here as another drop that one was in the hands of Skinner and he dropped it and that'll turn the ball over on downs here on fourth and three so the Cougars will get the football back a lot of talking from both sides going on over there and this is what you worry about here late in the game things start to get out of control the Jong the emotions the frustration and again you just want to see this thing closed out both teams get out of here healthy and leave it at that so the Cougar offense will go back on the field with good field position once again at the 42 yard line of Moorpark here and 3:30 on the game clock here in the fourth quarter well fellows how about a shout out to the crew here tonight Mike mom Mike Nahor on our main camera shot Jorge Zepeda on out where the camera shots on the field a little bit extra here tonight Andrew Johnson directing his mastery at the controls of the replay and some of the stuff you see in the frozen frame and so I'll come together pretty nice in here tonight and we appreciate you there anyway absolutely it takes an army to do a production like this I think we've got some of the best guys around so guys we appreciate you also want to give a shout out to our stat crew Lauren Anderson AJ wild and best in the business up here keeping us primed and ready to go with live stats and the whole rest of our box and booths up here even though we were giving AJ a little bit of a hard time earlier on let the ball go out about this but Matthew Henson our graphics producer he is monitoring from afar from Arizona so shout out to him and what he does we appreciate everything that he does for for our program and Scott Buckley on music and a quick shout out Janet Vinci graphic design on the college of the canyons sign appreciate all the work she does helping prepare some of those slides and some of the graphics that we feature each and every week so appreciate her as well we had an interview in a podcast this week yes let's not forget about Sanchez a key member of Cougar sideline reporter playing a great role hosting the canyons football podcast and guys just a quick plug for that was it something new we started this season look into tape every Monday and you can look for that in the days that follow typically we recap the week before and then look ahead to the next week so tune in to that COC athletics calm Cougars will hand off here on first down as they'll give it to trying to figure out who it is sorry they give it to Lennox Howard and he's able to pick up a big chunky art ajiz Michael Wilson in the game to take over at quarterback the Cougars look like they're just gonna keep the ball on the ground and give Howard a lot of credit found the edge and was able to just drive up field with some speed well just I don't think they're looking ahead as of yet on the field but we can certainly look ahead as to what's coming up on the slate for the Cougars in a big matchup next week at ELAC a team very stout defensively oh absolutely I mean we talked about the pregame there are no there are no easy opponents in this conference you know so again canyons only one road game so far this year by just by virtue of circumstance and so again another tough test you have a few more days to prepare but you know it's easy to look forward to Ventura Long Beach and Bakersfield but you can't look past East LA you take one game at a time goals to win a conference championship you got to play everyone a big one in the sense that it's just the second real road game for the Cougars this season or one of their road games early in the year against Santa Barbara City College got moved here to college of the canyons after a field issue in Santa Barbara so last week your two weeks ago against Golden West was your first road game now you've got a really big test on the road against East LA going into next week you talked about that we go back to their last time out on the road versus Golden West did not start the game off very well in that one didn't start out here tonight coming off of the by so some to work on going into next week versus Eli a little run for Michael Wilson able to dive ahead through the line of scrimmage enough for a first down and the Cougars are in the red zone once again inside the 10 here's the clock ticks inside a minute and 50 seconds a couple more games for us this weekend we have doubleheader coverage on Saturday Antelope Valley hosting San Bernardino and big one in the South Southwestern travels to Saddleback and that'll be a game in the Southern Conference that there's gonna be a lot of eyes on that one that's for sure yeah Saddleback a team we've seen this year beat COC early in the season plays has been playing very good football 5a no so far in the year coming into this week as the Cougars now and kind of a victory formation we'll take a knee and we'll just let the clock run out just one more time to snap the football and this one is done with the Cougars we'll take a thirty four to seven victory over the Raiders it wasn't pretty at all times but finding away especially in the fourth quarter as the Cougar offense comes to life late in terms of aesthetics you only look for one thing w yep absolutely you get a big defensive play as well out of damash a Williams well yeah that's you're absolutely right Mike you say you only look for a W yeah you've got things to clean up and that's good to have it on tape and you kind of get a good break coming out of the bye against a more part team that isn't anybody to sneeze at but also isn't one of your top dogs right now as the Cougars snapped the final time they'll take a knee and that will do it 34 to 7 the victory here for COC is well lit wait for the final 30 to tick off the clock is we think Jesse Munoz for his help he's got a jet down to the field now to go help with some final interviews for everybody so it'll be Mike and I to take you the rest of the way home we'll clean up some final numbers as the clock just ticks down the Cougars out in the victory formation lined up and walking across the field so a good win there for COC Mike well we'll bring up some of the final stats here and we have that on screen as well take a look offensively the Cougars not their best night but picked it up in the fourth quarter Armani and fifteen or twenty six for 197 yards two touchdowns and an interception that interception came early but he learned from it he played better throughout the rest of the game I think I think moving on the on the run he needs to improve his accuracy on the run that's something where he does a nice job of eluding defenders and buying himself some more time in the pocket stepping up in the pocket but the same time you're gonna have to throw on the run and make a play at some point during a big ballgame and right now I don't know if he has that trick in his bag so something for him to work on certainly their guru rushing attack didn't have their best night again tonight but they did their job when they needed to hire Azul 11 carries 37 yards how to touchdown as well as you take a look as we scroll down we take a look at the receivers here and a big night for Alonzo Henderson six receptions 108 yards a touchdown Trayvon Elliott a nice day as well two receptions for 53 yards was only targeted a couple of times but got a touchdown out of it as well two targets two receptions the big one for 49 yards in the touch so a nice game for the Cougars despite the troubles you'll take the win that's all that matters you improve to five and one now you keep yourself at the top of the the Northern Division standings and that's what you want right now slow start nice finish you get the win and on to ELAC so we look ahead to East LA we got some final team stats for you we'll try and get those dialed up here never mind no we won't this is Paige's died on me and it's how it works so we'll just clean this one up that's the final here the Cougars take it 34 to 7 for our sports information director Jessie Munoz Mike Cepeda our director Andrew Johnson hi Matt Robinson have a great night everybody and we'll see in a couple weeks back here from cougar Stadium for our next home broadcast on November 9
Channel: SoCalCollegeSports1
Views: 2,757
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: I4EN3S44P9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 41sec (12941 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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