Kızım Gibi Kokuyorsun | Yerli Dram Filmi (İngilizce Altyazılı)

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Pierre, that’s it, I’m on the train. I have a very good news. I have found a very nice apartment, very sunny. If you have a little time next week, we can go to Paris to visit it No, reallly? The house in the mountains? With Nathalie, dad and mom? Oh, you’re a love, thank you my love, I’m so happy Yes, yes. I’m coming in a few hours. Many kisses, I love you. How many times have I told you... ..not to talk among yourselves? Ha! It is too bad, I am in shock. A big truck ran over people in the coastal area clo-sed to the traffic... ...there are people who has died and has been wounded. ...their connections are being investigated, both of the leaders, especially pre-ferred by british tourists, the area, information up to now, among the dead... Nathalie... ...beautiful Nathalie, my beautiful girl. Dad, look over here please. Yes, like that. Could you hear something? Hush, they can hear us. No. Hush! Our time of arrival to the area is about 20 minutes, we have two slightly woun-ded people. Our aim is to bring the 8 prisoners safely to the Afad Camp in the early morning. I know, I made my decision. I am going to repatriate them to Turkey. I do not want them to stay in this chaos. I just want their souls to rest in peace I am going to take them away from here, to Antakya, the city of peace, that’s what my grandfather said. The Armenian village, where my father was born. Mamma has never been seperated from him and I want Nathalie to be with them. Yes, I know but... ...insecurity is everywhere even thousands of kilometers away. For Pierre... do what you want. It’s your brother. It’s been a week, a week! She wants to take them to a place she has never seen, never known. I don’t know... ...especially on lands close to terrorism. Damn! Attention please, Anadolu Jet Airlines flight number 7228 is ready for departure.. Passengers are kindly requested to proceed to gate number 207B. I informed the hospital in Reyhanli about the wounded in advance Thank you, captain. They have minor scratches. We had a security intelligence and a close contact in a village 50 km from this area. We are very tired. Let’s get on the road as soon as possible. Sure, sure. The number was 8 in total, wasn’t it? Yes, captain. Here are 8 prisoners, however 5 women prisoners from the other region have been rescued... ...and delivered to the logistics convoy from Central Idlib. They’re on their way to Antep right now. Okay, let’s go. ...all she wanted was to do her job, but cute little pandas did not allow her. The woman caretaker ran out of patience. The final verdict of Breivik is supposed to be passed after a week. Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison, he killed 77 people... The world is becoming more and more dangerous day by day, where does this hatred end? - Did you hang the laundry, dear? - I did. What is biting you? No, honey, I’m fine. I hope everybody can rejoin with their families asap. I hope so. Anyway... ...I am going to the regiment. See you at the regiment. Sir, these three girls are from our village. God bless you. No problem, it is our duty. Are there any girls who have been rescued? 5 more girls have been rescued they have been taken to the Gaziantep Afad Camp. What did she say? She is wondering about the other girls, asking what happened to them. Come on guys, let’s go May he rest in peace, your father was a childhood friend of mine. He used to call me a few times a year. I wish we had a ceremony here, too.. Don't upset yourself, please, it was a ceremony in France. He has regained the land of his birth, that's enough for him, sir The guest house of our church has been prepared for you. Please come here, I'm waiting. If you don't mind, I'd like to stay here a little longer. Take care of whatever the girls need; food, water or washroom... ...tell them. Yes, sir. If you need to use washroom, let me know. You can get off. 20 bottles of water, please. - The bottles are in the fridge. - I will take those, too. Mom... ...I miss you too, but... know what kind of situations we are in and there are problems with the day-offs I will be there as soon as I can. Sir, she’s escaped. Sir, the little girl in the toilet has escaped. What? One will stand watch here, the others, seperate! - Quick! You will find that girl promptly. - Yes, sir. Why I was not with them at that moment? Why did you take everything from me? Why? What should I do, where should I go now? Don’t, don’t, don’t do that! This is not the solution. - Let me die! I am telling you to get off me! - Please! Calm down! İbrahim! How are you, grandma? Come and sit down. Have you lost yout way or did they kick you out of Miami? Thank you. No, well... I found a cheap ticket, so I thought I could visit my hometown. I stopped by on my father’s and mother’s graves on my way here. I wish you’d come and see them when they were alive. I will stay here for a few days, if there’s a vacancy. If not, I will take the key of the house. You can take it out only later after I have a rest. I am not angry at you. A person feels anger with whom he shares something or with whom he cares. I don’t feel anything. Nazmiye! Give him a room. Welcome İbrahim, how are you? We will continue our conversation later. - Thanks. - I am so glad that you came. I will take care of it. The place you have come from, is it nice? Stupid! Hello, Commander Zeynep. I am in front of the immigration authority. One of the girls has escaped. I don’t know... if she has disappeared, I don’t know. I will take care of that somehow, okay. Come on. Mrs. Emine, thank you very much. Syrians, right? I swear, half of the people on the plane were Syrians. They are everywhere now. Their homeland has been occupied, their homes have been destroyed, their loved one have been killed, what else could they have done? They could fight. Try to walk in their shoes. But you did the exact opposite. You started the war... ...and now you are talking behind their back shamelessly. You don’t understand what I’m saying, is it the same... ...then again, I understand them, just now... He understands! - Do you have tea? - Yes, in the kitchen, go and pour yourself a cup. You are watching news, and then you are stressing yourself. Watch some soap opera or something. Mind your own business! Thanks. Are you okay? Don’t feel bad. We will find that girl eventually. Don’t be sad. What were you going to tell me? Nothing. Okay. Nazmiye... Nazmiye... ...don’t sleep here, go to your bed. I was like that when I was a child, too. Always waiting for night so I could sleep. Anyway, okay, I am going to bed. A woman is coming with and Arabian girl besides her. Ask them in, an Arabian girl? Welcome! Room for 2 please room for 2 please room... ok They want a room. Okay. Remember to write down their passport information. I will do that tomorrow. Come with me. What are bthey doing here at this hour? What happened while we were thousands mile away from those militans? Were we too far... ...were we too safe! I can’t live anymore... God, I can’t! Mrs. Emine.. Is that you father? Good evening madam. Good evening sir. Have you seen a short foreign woman around here, her name is Beatrice... Beatrice Safariyan. Yes, they are here. They? Yes, they. There is a little girl with her. It is late, let them sleep now, they will come tomorrow after the breakfast. Anyway, good night. Thanks. - Where is Nazmiye, I haven’t seen her today? - I don’t know. - I didn’t like olives we bought this last time. - Okey, Mrs. Emine. Stand up please. Come on. Sit down. It seems that you and me both haven’t slept well for a long time. I lost my daughter, my husband and my parents in a terrorist attack. And you, what happened to you? I’m so sorry for everything but it’s not right that you want to kill yourself. The terrorists attacked our village, they killed all the men. They sold the women and the girls as slaves. ISIS terrorists made me and my sister their slaves. I was rescued by the Turkish soldiers who came to the place I was staying. I’m not sure but I think they still have my sister, maybe in a refugee camp in Antep. The God will punish them all for what they did. Do you know where she is? I lost those who were most dear to me... ...and ıf I knew one of my loved were alive... ...I would go looking for them. I can help you find your sister. Will you help me find my sister? Especially go to the Antep refugee camp? Yes, I will. Will you really help me? You have the smell of my daughter... You have the smell of my daughter... - Good morning. - Come here. - Is there any breakfast food left? - There is, come and sit down. It is so hot. Are you watching the news again? I need to rent a taxi or a car to get to the refugee camp in Antep. What are they saying? They want to go to the refugee camp in Antep. Are there any car rentals or taxis around here? There aren’t any taxis around here. What are they going to do with a cab anyway? Ah, I forgot the priest is waiting for you. He came by here yesterday, asked about the woman. - Do you want me to translate? - Yes. The priest wanted to see you. Also here you will not find a taxi or car rental. Why do you want to go to a refugee camp? Because... This girl was freed from the hands of ISIS and had an older sister. If her sister is alive, we think she's in a refugee camp. The girl has escaped from ISIS. She wants to find her sister, that is why they want to go there. They don’t know the way or they don’t know where to go. Why don’t they go to the police? Why are they trying to find her on their own? - Do you want me to translate? - Yes. Have you considered going to the police? - A cop, but why? - Yes No. The kidnappers of this girl and her sister killed all my loved ones, my family, too. It's not long since I buried my daughter. Fate has brought us together. Helping him find his sister will ease my fever a little bit. We don't even know if her sister survived, but we'd like to go look for her, even if it's a small chance. She says she wants to go no matter what. Gosh! There is nothing to do. Take your grandfather’s car, you take them there and guide them. Why me? I don’t care. There is a state of emergency, I’m not going anywhere. Don’t let the good, kindness and mercy in you die, İbrahim. I haven’t had my breakfast yet! OK, I'll take you. - Where is the key? - It’s in the car. I hope I won’t miss my plane. I hope so, too. Can we stop by the church, I need to see the pastor. - Yeah, wait, this is it, let's stop. - Is he here? Thank you. Don't be afraid, I'll be right back. Oh my Gosh! I have brought trouble on myself. Beatrice, take care of yourself. Is that OK? Is everything all right? Yes, thank you. Let's go find Hevi's sister. Why don't we ask for information from the Afad camp or the security forces here instead of going to the Gaziantep camp? But he told us that his sister might be at the Gaziantep camp. Look, this girl is "Ezidi" and she's scared. Yeah, but he doesn't have to be scared about it, especially here. Don’t cry, okey. I'm asking you to say anything... ...I know people here, they've been living Decently together for years. You saw the church, the mosque is just around the corner, the synagogue is just around the corner. He is Ezidi, you are French, I am Turkish. There's no difference here, unders-tand? I understand. Now let's go to the refugee camp here and consult with them, shall we? Yes, Ibrahim, but please.. İ really want to go to Antep camp; it's for him. - Let's go. - All right. Alright! I assume you live abroad? My wife and I have come to Istanbul once, but I am also coming here for the first time. - Have you ever thought about coming back here? - No We have to stop to get diesel fuel in the future, we have about 2 hours to get to Antep. If we don't find her sister there, we'll go to the next camp. Okay, great. We will buy some gas and after that we will have to hours left to the camp... ...if we can’t find your sister there, we will check the other camp. - Do you want me to fill it up? - Yes. Come on. What does my princess want today? Good afternoon. Good afternoon. How can I help you? Our girl, Hevi sitting on the back of the car, has been rescued from... know what by Turkish forces; we are looking for her sister, incase she is here. Leave the car here go through the security search, and they will help you after that. Okey, thank you. -I'll park the car, and then we'll go inside, okay?, -ok. There are 60 people staying in the container number 1461... ...with the head of the family, his wife and their child. Okay sir, I got it covered, sir. How can I help you? Thank you, we are looking for this girl’s sister, they got seperated, we believe that she might be here. - Are you Kurdish or Arabian? - Kurdish Kurdish. What is your sister’s name and from which region is she? Nucan Achkar, 24 years old, single and from Idlib. Okay, Nucan Achkar. There are two girls with that name. One is 45 and the other one is 20 years old. She is not 45, but maybe her age has been written wrong as 20. She is actually 24 years old. Okay, I will bring you together with the young one. Her sister is 24 years old, but there is someone 20 years old in the computer files with the same name. Maybe her age age was written down wrong, so let’s go and check it out. Sure, sure. Looks like a girl that meets the criteria, maybe she could be his older sister. But first, we will record her information, after that, our manager will grant the necessary permission. Okay. You guys wait here, I will go and get her, okay? He went to call the girl. Hevi... ...calm down Hevi... Hevi! Hevi... Hevi! Calm down! I promise, we will find your sister no matter what. Read this please. Hevi... Hevi... ...please! Roger that, sir, three vehicles... Okay sir, thanks. Take care of yourself okay? Don’t worry. Still, let’s check once more, just to be sure. We know that the girl is looking for her sister. The officer from Antep told me I wish you hadn’t bothered all this way, we have an automation system. -So, you are sure she is not here -Unfortunately. - Thank you okay then. - No problem, it’s our duty. I will explain Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. Don’t. We.. Do you speak Turkish? Nice. We are Tukish soldiers. We came to get you, I mean to rescue you. We are responsible for you for now. After the war is over, you can go back to your village. You can trust us. We have a long way ahead of us. Go towards the other people waiting. Come on! Come here, come on. Come on! My commander! Take position... take position! Do you live in Paris? No, he's in Nice. I'm a literature teacher. What's your connection to this place? If you don't mind me asking, why did your father want to be buried here? My grandfather and father emigrated from here to France. My father always told me, made me promise when I was alive. My grandfather was buried here... ..and my father's only desire was to be with my grandfather. That's why I brought my whole family to this land, where it all started, and buried them. These lands! To be honest, I don't know if this land is unfortunate or sacred. For hundreds or even thousands of years, there has been no lack of war, suffering, death on this land. But somehow he always managed to overcome it. If this land were not so strong, people would not still be living here despite so much pain and death. That's why I believe in this land. Perhaps you made the right decision to bury your family on this land. Slept. During his time in captivity at their hands, he could not sleep for who knows how many days or nights. I think he quit because he felt safe. He's not afraid of you anymore either. I did some research on the Yazidis. It's been an oppressed society for centuries. It was İbrahim, right? Mr. İbrahim, if you want I can explain to her if madam knows English It would be perfect yes. According to the procedure, only a refugee can take it as a guest in exchange for a signature. And in addition, only one T.C. his compatriot can do this right now. You can do this by using the vehicle of the Embassy of France. Or... Either through the United Nations or through Unicef, which we work with in partnership. I will sign it, is that alright? While you are preparing the permit, I will sign. Meanwhile, Mrs Beatrice will have started the necessary process for Hevi. In this way they can stay together. Sure. I'll sign it for now until you finish processing it. Why did it take so long? In any case, it is the same thing, it takes time. What did you do with the civilians? There wew slightly wounded people among them. My commander, they went to drop them off to the immigration authority with the convoy. Okay. Nazmiye, what are you doing there, come over here. Come please, come here. As you can see, they don't have to be afraid, there are a lot of Ezidi people living in the camps. You know, the Arab guy took Nucan with him to protect him and made the ter-rorists believe that she was my wife. At some ISIS checkpoints, she pretended to be the little girl's mother and that's how they got here. I hope the Arab man and his daughter are happy. Shall we go? Shall we get up, Hevi? We should go, goodnight. Let us get up, good night. Goodnight. Nazmiye, what happened to you? I’m really moved. The daughter of my ucle is very emotional person. Do you want to eat fruit? No, thank you. Eat some, come on. Are you well? Do you want something? You know, Hevi means ”hope." Nucan is "life again". I didn't know. Life again, huh? Has anyone ever died in it while they were alive? Good night. I know what you are thinking right now, I know. You are questioning yourself... ...yes, you are questioning yourself right now. Don’t worry I have heard everything. I have heard everything before everyone. İbrahim didn’t start the war... did. My father... uncle. But you, you... ...especially you. No one wants to marry their uncle’s daughter. İbrahim didn’t start it, I did, not him. Look, I'm going to get a tattoo of your name on my arm tomorrow, and if you cheat on me one day, I'll get this tattoo removed from here. Ibrahim, I love you more than anything! We assure you that, we have done our best. Our condolences. Son, haven’t you talked to Zeynep yet? Didn’t you tell her that you love her? In order for you take both of girls, the embassy has begun the process for the required filings.
Channel: Videomite
Views: 309,241
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Keywords: yerli film izle, sinema, Kızım Gibi Kokuyorsun full, Yılşen Özdemir, suriye, Olgun Özdemir, asker filmleri, olgun özdemir, festival filmleri, askeri operasyon filmleri, dram filmleri, yerli dram, alt yazılı filmler, kızım gibi kokuyorsun 2020, dram, turkish drama, turkish movie, tolga güleç, çağlar ertuğrul, şerif sezer, caglar ertugrul, aşk, koku, scent, IŞID, antakia, beatrice, armenian village, syria, syrian, motel love, military operation, military movie, war, action, savaş, suriyeli
Id: 6JmcXlXUmCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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