Sadece Sen (2013 - HD) | Türk Filmi

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Boyut Film Presents Mom, dad, hi. I'm very excited today. I have a surprise for you: Ali. He has a good heart. When I first heard his voice, I could tell. I wish you could have known him. Where have you been, Ali? What time is it? If you don't want to look after the parking lot... ...I can find a replacement for you. No need. Alright, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself. You... You too. 'Parking Lot, Open 24 Hours' I'm here! Open your hands. Nuts. Apricots. Chocolate. I bought this for myself, I know it bothers your stomach. But... I made a cake for you. It's your favorite, raisin cake. It came out in a bad shape, it will have to make do. Finally... Our sodas. The apple one is mine. So? Do you like it? <i>“T. Zip?</i> Ziya has left the job. Who are you? What do you mean, 'he left'? Did something bad happen? Is he ill? He had to return to his hometown. Oh my... I lander why he didn't tell me. He probably didn't want me to be sad. We would latch TV shows together. Why did you take the things I handed you? You handed them to me. Thank you. Sorry about that. Look... If you want, you can latch the show and leave afterwards. The rain will have stopped by then. You're not bored, are you? - N o, it was a change of pace for me. - Thank you. In case you get hungry at night. It tastes good. Don't lorry, it won't poison you. Has the impatiens blossomed? Over here. The ?ower. NO. Don't you kill it. Watering it once a leek is enough. Don't change its location. It's important for it to have the sun. Bye. You were not at your home address... the product have been returned to us. I'm sending it to your business address right away. Is there anything else I can help with? Thank you, good day. Hazal I knoll promised, but I can't make it to the concert. Keep the tickets, you can go with someone else, okay? Sure. Banu, would you like to come? I can't. It's my husband's birthday this leekend, we made plans in advance. Ladies, please do your gossiping outside of working hours. Is that understood? Miss Hazal?????? You've stayed for overtime again yesterday. Yes, but I'm fine, Mr. Kenan. "Your hard work li" be rewarded. You can be sure. I'm just doing my job, Mr. Kenan. Keep back a little, Selim. You deliver the later. Why should I do it? What are you doing here? Aren't you ashamed to come here? Ali'; Get out of my sight. Get out of here. Where have you been, man? Come, come with me. Coach? For my sake, listen to Ali. What are you doing, coach? Maybe the guy had a justifiable reason. What could possibly be the reason? I saved him from the streets. I treated him as my own son. I spent my soul, my mind on him. I wanted him to be a good boxer. But what did he do? H e was ungrateful. He could never come to terms with you quitting boxing. That's why he's angry. You go not, I'll talk to him and take care of this. Okay? Ali! You're carrying water not? It's a waste of your strength. Do you enjoy suffering? 'If you need a job, call me, your job is ready.' I said. That job is not for me anymore. "You li" smarten up one day, but whatever. You know my number, call me. No, I don't know it. Can you open the window a little? My nose is a bit sensitive. I guess you lurked out today. Tell me about the clothes. I'm wearing a tshirt and a sweatshirt. Not you, I'm talking about the woman in the show. A dress. What about the shoes? Yes? The shoes? S he's wearing shoes. - Of course she is, but what kind? - Women's shoes, I guess. You mean high heels. Hey. Here's your food container. So, you dared to eat it. Did you like it? Yes. I'm still alive. It's a peach. Did you lash it? Yes. - Thoroughly? - What? If you lash it thoroughly but don't eat it right away... ...its taste deteriorates and it rots. By the lay, it's not 'hey', it's Hazal. Did they not teach you to shake hands with people you meet? Why are your palms so rough? Anyways. I should go. Bye. - Don't go. - What? The man says that he wants to go. - Is he crying not? - Yes. He's in so much pain, I can feel it. Is he handsome? They become actors because they are handsome. How about you? Come on. You can tell me the truth, I can't see regardless. I don't know. If you don't, it means you are not handsome. Our show is over again. I'm going to go now. See you later. Don't move. Don't move. I'm fine. - My ankle... - Let me see it. Where's my cane? - Cemal? Look after my place. - Okay. I still don't know your name. It's Ali. Ali. Ali, my ankle feels better. If you want, we can go. I'm so tired. Could we stop for a bit? - I can carry you if you want. - You'll regret it. Get on my back. You are serious. There is a green house in front of us. The road splits left and right. Which lay? Do you want to go the long lay or the short lay? - Short. - Are you sure? You might regret it. Well, you asked for it. Then, from back there. I told you. - Are you too tired? - No. Then why am I slipping off? Do you see the children? Attack! - Admit it, I'm too heavy, aren't I? - No, I'm just tired from climbing. Could I ask for one more favor? It's clogged, right? What blocked it? A cloth. Oh, well. I couldn't remove it yesterday. Wait, let me get you a towel right away. What is broken? - A trinket. - The angel? Anyways. I have a surprise for you. You've helped me a lot today. So, it's a small token of my gratitude. Concert tickets for two. You can go with someone you love. I have no one to go with. I don't know a lot about music either. Maybe we can go together. Of course, if you want to. If you don't have other plans. How shall we do your hair today? I say we do something different and pretty. Let's give you some curls. It will go great with that beautiful face of yours. Alright. Do you have a date today? Tell me, who is this young man? No, Hulya, he's just a friend. A friend. Do you know of Rodin's statue, 'The Thinker'? His toenails are very short. On purpose. I studied sculpture in college, I remember from there. I wish I could remember everything as clearly. Because the things you see every day... understand that after a while, you forget what they look like. Think about it. When you leave the house every day... ...what color are the ?owers you pass by? How many shades of blue are there in the sky? You don't know. In fact, you look, but you don't see. If I could bring back time, I would just look at everything for hours. Because not, I can only see what my memory allows me to. So? You're in the garage at night, what about during the day? I deliver later. That's why you are so strong. Why didn't you study? Did you not have the time? Or perhaps, you didn't want to. Wait, let me guess. I think you were a very naughty boy. You may have even done some bad things. Do you have to ask so many questions about people? Why are you angry not? I'm just trying to learn something about you. I can see what you ate today, without asking. Right. I can't hide some things. Thank you for bringing me home. I'm 30 years old. I'm a former boxer. You are right, I did very bad things in the past. My anger was not because of your questions. I just don't have a proper answer to give you. I'm sorry. Come with me. I didn't call you here to forgive you... ...because what you have done is unforgiveable. Let's say you just lent along with that jerk, Koray, and left. But how many years has it been? What kind of person never even calls? Doesn't apologize? - You are right, coach. - Why? Why? - I was in prison for four years. - What? You were in prison? After leaving boxing... ...I did some other things with Koray's acquaintances. I was collecting money for loan sharks. My job was to beat people up. One night, I was going after another person in debt. I was just going to scare him. I lost everything. I lost my house, my job, my children. - I never had any family, you know? - Do you want to kill me? Give me that. Police! Open the door! Slop! I'm sorry, coach. Ali? No one like you ever got in the ring after you left. You were like a hurricane. Come back. Let's start where we left off, huh? For me, that book is closed. Miss Hazal? Could you come to my office please? Sure, Mr. Kenan. I'm coming right away. Hazal, welcome. Let's have a seat. Be careful, there is a coffee table. Please sit down. I got a present for you. A present? I was going to give it to you last leek... ...if we could have gotten together for dinner. I want to give it to you now. Why did you bother? I... Please, I insist. Please accept it, would you? Thank you. What are you doing tonight? Are you free? I have plans for this evening. I had made them much earlier. - Oh? - I can't cancel now. I should go and get back to work, Mr. Kenan. Thank you. Who's there? So, this is where you live. Mr. Kenan? I see your plans were cancelled. Well, not you can make me a cup of coffee. Hot beverages are not easy for me to prepare, so, I don't have any coffee. I'm sorry, I forgot. You had an accident in college, didn't you? Something happened to your eyes. Hazal... You are so beautiful. You are drunk, Mr. Kenan. You better leave. Your life, your children will lorry about you. You didn't even open it. If you showed even a little interest in me... would know I divorced my life. If you allow me, can I put the necklace on you? I knew it would look great on you. You are so beautiful. - Don't you dare touch me. Don't! - Okay, okay. Hazal??????, I'm sorry. Hazal?, I'm sorry. I said I was sorry! Look at me, listen to me! Look at me! I've had enough! Enough! Do you think you will find someone better than me? If I go out, I can sleep with fifty women. I could be with women many times better looking than you. Who the hell do you think you are? What are you? Look at me! Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes! If I ever see you near Hazal? again... ...I'll kill you! Enough! Enough, stop! Please stop! Hazal? Are you okay? Why did you do such a thing? What if he fires me? You don't have to work at the same company with that guy. I do, to make a living, to stand on my own feet. I'll take care of you. Are you going to find me a new job? Are you going to beat up everyone who treats me this way? Who are you to take care of me? You are making me pity myself right now. Please leave. When did you come? A little while ago. I quit my job. Can you take me somewhere on the weekend? Why don't you answer me? You said you'd take care of me, right? Ali'; Who is this? Are you a little puppy? Where did this come from? I got her from the shelter. She'll keep you company. When she grows up, she can guide you. Does she have a name? - Simal? - Simal... I was thinking of stars. It's another name for the Northern Star. It's beautiful. I grew up in an orphanage very close to here. The only fun we had was in this place. We used to come up here with the other kids and catch fish. Would you like to sit? So, you have never met your family. NO. Ali'; Could you give me two stones? This one. It reminds me of you. You take this one. Maybe it can remind you of me. Alright, it's my turn. I want to show you something. Girl, are you bored? Come on, let's read together. Can you feel the dots? What does it say there? These are letters. But I sense that you are still bored. Shall we take a walk? Come on. Alright... Hazal? Hazal? We're back home. Come on. Ali'; Don't move. You've come home early. I have a little surprise for you. Come slowly. Did you round over the corners of the table? And this is for little Simal. My surprise for you isn't over yet. You have removed the threshold too! I also removed the boards from the windows. This lay, you'll feel the light more. I can't believe it. How can you be this way? - Attack! - Attack! We will always be very happy, you know? ' - How do you know? - I just do. - Do you have pain? - No. You do. Turn on your stomach. Why? I can feel that your back is aching. Quickly, come on. I studied massage at an institution for blind people. My massage teacher told me that I have healing hands. I think I found the source. Does it hurt much? How does it feel not to execute your profession? I don't know. I guess you get used to after a while. Or you accept it, let's say. There are so many things I want to do but can't. But I'm very happy now.. I've got you. What if we save money, and we open a shop? What shop? You are making bowls and pots, you are good with ?owers. I can collect money. What do you think? Let's do it. You are the air I breathe. As you are the air I breathe. Good morning. Did you sleep well? Today, after breakfast, if you're not doing anything... ...I want to take you somewhere. Wherever you want. You know, today is my birthday. Happy birthday. 17,18,19. Here it is. My mom and my dad. Mom, dad, hi. I'm very excited today. I have a surprise for you. Daddy, you wanted to be the first to meet my boyfriend, when I have one. Do you remember? Now, you can meet him. Ali. So? What do you think? <i>When, mommy?</i> You say he's tall, but not handsome. Don't say that. He has a good heart. When I first heard his voice, I could tell. I wish you could have known him. Now. Did they die? Five years ago today, it was the last birthday I ever celebrated. I insisted to go for a drive in the evening. I was driving the car. Slop! I feel like my mom and dad are allays protecting me. I think they sent you to me. Hazal? Hazal Yildirim? Room number 422. - Hazal? - Ali? I lost my balance and fell. Don't lorry, I'm fine now.. Don't lorry, I'm fine. Where are you going? <i>I'll</i> be right back. The little bit of light she could see was helping her, but... ...she's losing the ability to see more and more every day. If she doesn't get surgery within a month... ...she is going to lose her sight completely. We currently have a suitable donor available, but it is a bit costly. - H OI much? - 20 thousand liras. Now. Much do you need for the surgery? 20 thousand liras. That's not pocket change. I have about 300 liras. Don't they have a payment plan? We can pay in installments. You have no fault in this matter. Don't let it bother your conscience, son. It is my fault, coach. Ali! Son! Don't do anything crazy! Wow, Ali! You've finally come to your senses. I need money. - How much - 20 thousand liras. - When do you need it? - It's urgent. Ali, the money you want is not a small amount. Why should I lend you that much money? You know why. I can help you earn even more in a short time. ?t was beautiful! Ali, let's get on one more attraction! What have we here? Do we have a sling? Let's get on the sling. - Hazal????? - Yes? Have the surgery. What? There is a suitable donor for you. You knew that. Why didn't you tell me? I don't have that much money. I got some money saved up. Ali, it agonizes me to think that my parents died because of me. I don't deserve to live. Not being able to see helps me endure the suffering. That's why... But if you don't do it, you will never have another chance. I'm very happy by your side. I don't need anything else. Don't you want to see me? Our children... Wouldn't you want to see our children? Which attraction would you like to go on? - Zeki! - Yes, coach? - Did Ali begin to train? - Yes, I'm very surprised too. He says there is a fight, he can earn a good amount of money if he wins. What the hell are you talking about! Don't you know what sort of fights those are? And you allowed him? There's no other lay. Now. Else can he earn that much money? Are you crazy? Don't you know what kind of fights those are? "I saw a lot of those fights! The kid li" not get out alive! What should he have done? Should he have stayed here like me? Look, I stayed. I never lent against your wishes. What happened? I only had 300 liras to give. Now. Much do you have? Now. Many liras did all of us give? If we don't earn that money, the girl he loves will stay blind. He will feel guilty over the deaths of her mom and dad for a lifetime. It's not his fault! We have repeatedly told him that! They'll kill him! They'll kill him! He is not going to die, Coach Turan! He is not going to die! Why don't you understand? Enough is enough! I'm so scared that something is going to happen to you. Don't lorry, this is just a sport. No one can hurt me. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you either. - Did you bring the money? - Hold on, what's the rush? You don't want the money for yourself, right? Do you have a girlfriend or something? Okay, don't get so angry so quickly. I asked for her safety. A temporary phone. So that I can reach you when I want. Take it. In fact, this is not much different from official competitions. You give your consent. The responsibility is yours, you hear me? Give me the money. This is just the beginning. We'll make a lot more together. No one else could have convinced me to have this surgery. But you were right. You know what I dream of? I want to look at your face for 23 hours straight. "And for the remaining one hour, I li" look at the sky, at my ?owers. I will see how cute Simal is. I will see how beautifully you have rearranged our home. What if you are not as handsome as I imagined you to be? Then what do we do? If compared with what you imagine me to be, I'm ugly. You maybe disappointed. You may not recognize me. That's impossible. Give me your hand. You are having surgery tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep. I'm so nervous, I can't sleep. - Come on, close your eyes. - Okay, give me your hand. Nurse, can you give us a moment? Ali... Can you imagine? I will go in, come out and be able to see you. I'm so excited! Don't forget, okay? You are my everything. You are mine too. - Don't go anywhere. - Where can I go? I'm going now.. Nurse, I'm ready. Ali! Dogan Yilmaz. Not a bad name. You look nervous, what's wrong? Don't be afraid of your opponent. Don't even think about how to beat him. Think about how you are going to survive. There are no rules here. You fight till you're knocked out or to the death. If you want to survive, be on the alert. Guess who bet on. Make it a good fight. Don't be disgraced. Hello? Can I have information on the status of Hazal Yildirim? Miss Hazal? Miss Hazal? I have to open your bandages. Is Ali here yet? I must open your bandages and examine you. I told you, I will not do it before Ali arrives. Mr. Ali will come, I'm sure. Allow me, let me slowly... No, I don't want it. Miss Hazal??????, we can't wait anymore. Sit over here. Miss Hazal??????, please. Nurse, please help. No, let go of my arm. Sit down. Let's give you an examination. Look, the surgery lent very well. I really need to open your bandages. No, I don't want to do it. - We can't wait any longer. - No, not before Ali arrives. I won't do it before Ali is here! Get out of here, go. Go! Miss Hazal? Miss Hazal?, that's enough. Now. Many times have we come here already? You need to vacate. You have three days. "Get out of this house, or I li" be forced to resort to legal means. - Hello. Are you Miss Hazal? - Yes, I am. - There's a letter for you. - Thanks. 'Hazal, I'm leaving. I only have enough courage to tell you the truth in a letter. I don't know if I could tell you all this, even if I could make it back. I have already affected your fate so much. Now, I'm leaving to write it from scratch. I know, nothing can change the fact that I caused your accident... ...hen that burning man slipped away from my hands. It just so happens that I was your darkness. Forgive me. Ali'. '1 year later' Mr. Kerem? I want to show you these as well. Some of our customers were very satisfied. If you want to, show them yourself. If they like it... There's no need. These are great, exactly what I wanted. Great. I want 52 pieces of each of these. Can you make them on time? Of course we can. Hazal?... Would you like to have dinner with me? Just you and I. - I'd say it's not possible. - I'd ask why. I'm married. Your husband is a very lucky man. He has a woman with as much beauty and talent as you. Thank you. We want that order as soon as possible. Of course, absolutely. - I'll be waiting for your call. - Okay. - See you later. - Good-bye. Hazal?, why do you tell everyone that you're married? I knew you would say that. Mr. Kerem is a charming and decent guy. And he's really into you. - I am satisfied with my life, Emin. - Okay, I will not interfere. Are you going to the hospital? Aren't you overexerting yourself? Believe me, I get tired when I have nothing to do. I'll tell you what. We are going to dinner tomorrow night with Gamze. You should come with us. This is embarrassing. You're newlyweds, yet I'm with you guys every day. No lay. - Don't be silly. Come, okay? - We have till tomorrow, we'll talk. - Thank you very much. - Alright. - Look after Simal. - Okay. Bye. Bye. - Hi, Meral. - Good morning. Good morning. My arm, my arm... Mr. Muzaffer? Look what I brought for you. I planted it with my own hands. Thank you. Now. Are you doing today? I'm not good. My arm, my head, my back, my neck hurts. Okay, I understand. You've missed my massages. Hazal? The ?owers you have brought... ...why not give them to a close girlfriend? What happened, Mr. Muzaffer? I thought you were in love with nurse Emine. - I changed my mind. - Why? She's not interested in me. I hear that you've been very naughty. You're exhausting yourself. You're like a child. Forget it. I'll be resting a lot where I'm headed. Who is that? He was recently sent here from Bulgaria. I suppose he's in a lot of pain, he moans every night. I hope you'll get well soon. Does he hear me? I think he does but won't answer. Hold on, I'll go check on him. You have been taking physical therapy for a long time. You have passed through a difficult process. But you can walk now, right? I'm going to give you a massage. Try to relax. Can you lie face down? Can I help you turn around? Slowly... You can turn towards me now. Your muscles have weakened because... have been restricted to bed rest for a long time. But you will heal in no time. I hope you'll feel better soon. I wish you a speedy recovery. I kept telling you but forgot it myself. Come on, Simal. Come. Alright. Here's your new place. I'll take you back home once you have recovered, don't lorry. Emin? My tortoise has fallen ill, I'll take it to the vet later. - Okay, don't neglect to do so. <i>- I'll</i> take Simal out for a walk. Customers can wait if they come, I'll be right back. - Okay, don't lorry. - See you. Hazal? We are having dinner together, right? - I'll make reservations. - Okay. Simal! Welcome. The impatiens. They are beautiful when they bloom. Would you like to have it? Simal? Simal! Girl, are you crazy? Are you alright, sir? I'm so sorry. Do you need help? Simal! Are you crazy? I gave you a massage at the hospital. Do you remember? Are you okay? Simal, come here. We are going. Come. She drove me crazy. Come on, you bad dog. Are you being moody? - Where is the turtle, Emin? - Didn't you put it over there? - Did a man with a limp come here? - Yes, just now.. He bought the impatiens that was over there. Hazal? Yes'; It's the patient who was staying in the same room with Mr. Muzaffer. He was discharged? Are you sure? Thank you. You said I may not recognize you, remember? I said that was impossible. Do you remember? I'm sorry. Please forgive me. The only face I ever dreamed of seeing was yours, Ali. Being without you is where my real darkness lies. Don't ever leave me again. I couldn't bear it. I cannot live without you. I've missed you so much. Me too. I've missed you too.
Channel: Boyut Film
Views: 34,054,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadece sen, türk filmi, yerli film, romantik, dram, ibrahim çelikkol, belçim bilgin, kerem can, hakan yonat, aşk filmi, Boyut Film, Boyut Yapım, Mahsun Kırmızıgül, 2013
Id: 7c3WQ8gF0QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 58sec (6058 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2015
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