BARNEY Mod in Among Us

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so once again we are going to ruin some childhoods welcome to scary barney you can turn into toy barney and bite some ankles lay down traps turn into big barney and hug people and if you hug them too much they die dude this mod is actually scary stick around for my turn to be the imposter and also if you don't get scared at this mod hit the like button down below if you're not lying it'll turn blue hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy all right you guys ready oh i gotta find the i want to listen to the intro i'm nervous listen the intro [Music] listen to the music hello i am why did you make this song what for who hurt you because i'm deeply disturbed yeah i can tell you we all look at this so dez welcome to barney this is a toy barney okay so how this mod works i'll try my best to explain it all so thanks you can search for you can search in these little areas to find the keys if you find the keys you wait no no no no no no no no i got the hot shot yeah you take it you take it you take it you take it who has it oh no is he dead he might be he might be dead did he die oh that was hot potato is he dead oh wait who was it what was it that was kate it was oh honestly she deserved it oh no she's a tiny little toy okay so you see these different no no no no hey baby barney hey no you put me down you put me down baby bar are you doing barney you put me no i'm just looking look i'm looking hey guys oh dude how did you get that red key i want a key okay i'm going to search for a red key i want to show you so how this mod works you see guys real quick for you guys i'm an imposter i have all these oh no mini game time mini game time me versus gary versus garyvee gonna win okay imposter is chosen okay so the imposter chose one of these squares we can click to go to one of the squares right so i'm going to go to the full you know i'm going to go on the couch i'm going to watch that barney on you on youtube wait i'm gonna get a tan all right okay then we gotta hit the check mark no oh okay the imposters are gonna choose a new square okay the imposter okay um i'm gonna go on the stage on the stage so the first person to get three right first wins the other person dies today gary you're cheating gary you're cheating [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna watch party now because me and him go way better if i get one more right i win if i get one more right i win okay okay i win this one i win this one [Applause] oh no like i said we got these different rooms you see this one's blue whoever gets put in this blue area they're stuck there and tell somebody with the kick [Music] no no no no no you put me down you put me down barney no stop it stop hugging me no no no like i said how this game works you see how barney was hugging me my meter went up right when that fills my hug meter fills i turn into a toy and die no no no stop hugging me and if you're around that giant barney that he just placed your hug meter goes up oh no and then there's toy barn as they do all they do things as well oh you're a real toy barney here it's about my fart just keep searching give me a key yes okay i got the blue key i got the blue key okay i got the blue key i got the blue guy i'll go get the red key i'll go find the red key hold on let me go up here let me go up here and see if the blue door is open i need to find the red key to get those two out no no no no no my meter no i'm dying no it was look um [Music] all right let's wait for my turn to be barney guys if we have to listen to this song one more time you guys ready for the song just why what i just get out of here why are you scaring me oh no are we good everybody good okay boys i am barney okay so oh you got a red key hey go open the door you got a red key richard's right right i could turn into giant barney little barney and i have all these different abilities stick around these abilities are sick okay i'm gonna do i'm gonna save hoppers i'm gonna do hot potato in a little bit to give myself a clear here's what i'm first going to do i have a combo with giant barney but here's what i'm going to do first what's going to do first see if anybody walks oh here comes how well i am here comes hello i'm going to stand right here she does that she's going to walk this way i'm going to bite her ankle oh god why no no no you leave me in my third hand alone you leave me and my third hand so what these traps do i can place down traps and like this red one the theater if somebody hits this trap they get teleported to the red room like this room is the green room right the red room is down here in the bottom left they get teleported there so what i could do i could turn into big barney and then sit right here and wait for somebody to hit that red trap there are so many combos that i wanted i'm gonna get look i'm just check this out check this out i can do toy army grab lookums and bring welcomes here [Music] who are you no are you oh [Music] you might be a dinosaur from our imagination but when you're small you're what we call it oh well that's not how i wanted this to go um [Music] that's me [Laughter] let's kill the lights let's speed up speed up i'm gonna put a trap right there look okay he just got teleported the blue room is over here he's gonna get teleported there oh this is too funny oh gosh okay okay let's go over here i'm gonna drop a big barney on flico right there what the heck no dude i was on vacation i'm on vacation this is my vacation why are you doing this to me barney you were my favorite okay so that's how those things work so what i can do i do toy army bring them to the roots because when they're in the rooms they die like four times the speed i can also jump scare i can do another combo too like check this out there's zod gotta be careful you gotta be careful i don't want people to see me there's biffle there's hello i am i have an idea what if i put a giant barney here mind control hello i am red one down here oh god no no no no no i'm not it's not me okay you're gonna put me up here for what no no stop no i'm i'm a beautiful majestic unicorn i had a cord a key coming out of my floor right now okay well oh by myself okay i gotta give myself an alibi now i'm gonna give myself an alibi oh that is too good the mind control is broken okay there's that there's that naked i saw you hey hey army listen i'm also purple you can be friends i have a green coat i put him in his key so he can just open it okay here's what we do i'm gonna give myself oh no oh no oh no sizzle schedules signals listen take it he's slow too you're slow dude whatever that timer goes down oh no oh no hey wait is that 13 seconds 13 seconds when that timer goes down he dies stay away from me stay away from me no signals his knee is ready to just give him to a mini game i'm going to do a mini game now yeah his knees really yeah that's pretty bad that's pretty bad yeah that is a lot of keys oh no oh oh no wait who is this no sudden loaf okay so i get to choose one of these squares i choose that top left one now they have to choose the right one oh that's [ __ ] i collect sand castles yeah understandable i'm gonna stay in the pool stage you gotta move you gotta [ __ ] oh [Applause] oh so that's what the jump scare does it dead stuns everyone and then teleports somebody get him out get him out unless you want to fight me boy you want to fight me huh you want to fight me boy huh you want to fight me boys don't like this i want to do another combo let's kill the lights kill the lights there we go now let's become baby party let's start placing traps everywhere absolutely everywhere we are just gonna place traps all over the place i am gonna trap all of them in rooms okay let's stand here here comes gary did you just move am i crazy i knew it oh my god let's place more traps now just trap everything i'm just going oh everybody's getting teleported oh everybody's getting teleported to everybody's at okay biffle's up there with the green oh he can get himself out though oh no let's set him back let's send them back let's send biffle back once that door closes i'm going to send him back i'm going to send bill back and he's about to hit that one okay there's pat hedwig's down there passport run to the red one everybody trapped one two three four five that's everyone no matter what i do they cannot win let's go ahead and uh let's jump up here and uh let me go ahead and jump in here and take biffle ah no no take care now take care not me don't be please please [Music] why my leg oh i'm dead i'm dying yep goodbye okay so it's gary and they're all separated they literally cannot do anything i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna face i'm gonna face henry i'm gonna face henry okay uh-oh this is why why are people laughing this is um so i got a question for you how many people are in a room right now me wait where's henry how are we henry are you here okay okay i'm sorry yellow jail cell so everybody's stuck in a room right so yeah wait [Music] [Applause] we have nothing we can do but sit down i got him wait unless you have no idea what he's doing what you want to do hey you know what look at him oh dude all right all right you go okay okay i'm walking in here and wait no no no oh it's open now okay no no it's over like even if i copy him now like yeah first i can't do it i can't do anything it's over it's fun i don't even care anymore i don't believe you okay doesn't even matter oh no we're trapped in rooms keep in mind you get you you're still stuck in a room how are you going to call for you're going to choose goodbye henry there we go can't make it teleported back all right okay all right let's go ahead and let's have a family reunion shall we let's go up here let's go up here let's go up here so you know let's fight come up here turn into baby bars no hey gary what you do well just playing the playpen you know just in the sand making the sand castle you want to knees you want to have it you want to have a friendly you want to have a friendly get-together with our good old pal pat you actually brought him here you actually hold on pat stand still i got to do some surgery on you oh no here here guys teleport teleport away teleport away thank you we're in green we are literally in you just brought us this is guys if you haven't enjoyed this mod hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video and as always let us know some more mods you guys have down in the comments that that was one of my favorite ones
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,335,455
Rating: 4.9355726 out of 5
Id: HnDutffKsgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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