Scarlett - Full Movie | Great! Hope

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[Music] [Music] [Music] God I look back on my life and I see your hand my father went to get rid of me before I was even born my mother had to fight for my life but God you are the only one that gave me a chance to live this [Music] life thank you for the parents that adopted me help me be the same kind of father as the one that you brought me and a good husband to Scarlet so how's Scarlet have yall said that wedding date yet not yet but when we do you'll be the first one to know I promise she is going to be a great wife and mother I know I know she's amazing oh you know the happiest day of your mother's life was the first time she held you in her arms tell me more about my biological mom well she was a housekeeper she worked for your parents do you think I look anything like her yeah a little bit I'm glad she didn't have an abortion and I'm here yeah your mother Anna loved you she would never have done something like that she was just so young yeah eat all of that now I have to take it to go I got to get the catch on and work okay all right I love you Grandma I love you too see you later God give me wisdom uh yeah my neighbors are fighting and I just saw a gun hey how's it going sir can I help you did you call the police no sir stop you don't want to do this he is your savior and he loves you he really I hope he's okay maybe you're here what's going on sweetie one more and what I'm not sure I'm sure'll call you to do you need to shut up hey down okay nobody here wants to hurt you her character reminds me of you I'm going to give me the gun please everything's going to be fine will you help me make that dish you made tonight absolutely I'd like to make it for Chase okay just don't tell him how easy it is [Music] oh that's crazy I guess at least he's in jail now yeah let's just hope he stays there yeah hey hey excuse me man come on are you okay yeah I just got dizzy i' been getting dizzy a lot lately are you sure you're okay yeah I'm fine [Music] thanks yeah Mom I know I just needed to stop and see her okay okay but you know your father's going to be disappointed about tonight yeah I'll make it to dinner tomorrow night all right son bye [Music] byebye can I help you yeah I'm here to see U meia pearcing are you family uh friend well it is visiting hours but be sure you give her PL of rest she need rest okay okay see you for short a moment thank you do [Music] [Music] okay hey I'm Chase I heard about you through a friend I'm your neighbor I live in the house with all the trees I'm Mia so you live in that big house was it you that called the police get I saw you guys fighting I suppose and he had a gun I didn't know what to do so I call the cops you shouldn't have done that now I'm going to have nowhere to go let's go you must have somewhere you should really think about staying with someone I know no one family friends I don't have anyone or anywhere to go you you could stay at my place at my house I understand that kind of pain and I just want to help you that's what I do I help people I'm okay but you don't understand he's too strong I just want to be your friend I I'm your neighbor after all sorry you saying I have a Good Samaritan yeah Jase Scarlet see here it's going to go right around here and then we got L ta block 99's going to sit right here in this area yeah this is really good land yes it is somebody donated all this land to the church we need more people like that yes we do they're going to be really blessed this is my dream I can't wait for this to be a church your dream is my dream we'll make it happen see my dad excuse me I just yeah I'm sorry Dad it's just been really busy lately you know yeah getting harder and harder to have a meal with you well me and Scarlet got that big project that's what we really want to focus our energy on right now nice if you'd make a little more time for me and your mom yeah we will greater love has no one than this than to lay down one's life for his friends it's the kind of love that we need to strive for kind of love that only God can give us a goty love do you know who my favorite teacher is Pastor Dave you're wrong you're dad you really don't know it's you hello oh I completely forgot I'll be right there I said I'd show someone my brother's place I really do do want to meet Mia though bye Scarlet bye would you like to buy some flowers thank you have a flower no thank you no no please have a flower God bless [Music] you come in you came back yeah hey R nobody's ever gotten me a flower before this is my mom's favorite color where is your mom I haven't seen her for quite some time it smells so good thank you I love it who's this he's nobody just a friend come on let's go I'm supposed to to stay get up come on get up he he dud can't do dude come on a gun stop come on stop [Music] nurse [Music] hey stop stop I'm sorry I thought you were somebody else I'm sorry no no you know Pastor Billy would like construction to be completed by the end of the new year yeah it's almost impossible I know you can do it the whole congregation is praying well if they're praying uh and Scarlet will work all through the night and get it done through the night if you promise me scarlet I know I can trust you too mhm yeah she's the best you guys working together can do anything I think the draft her should be a little a little larger yeah just think about modifying the entrance and opening it [Music] up get up I'm please protect me she [Music] needs [Music] m [Music] he took her somewhere but where something's not right with Chase he always looks tired yeah we've been busy finishing the plans for the church yeah but you two are working together it's not like he's working alone yeah except he's um helping the Girl Next Door Mia oh God what man are you having a 100 sheo if he loses one of them does he not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after the one which he has lost so he finds it [Music] who whoa whoa stay away from her you stay away from Mia you stay away from my family who are you don't make me come back here I won't warn you I'm okay yeah someone trying to kill you no it was just just a misunderstanding if you died I'd be alone you you'll never be alone Scarlet I love you I think about you always and when anything good happens to me I want to share it with you I just don't want to lose you oh goodness I guess we better order out huh nope we're eating this I can't believe this happened no it's good good I really need cooking classes you're my favorite cook hey um before we get married I really want to finish the plans for the church yeah it's the least I can do for God yeah it tastes better than it smells [Music] though me as [Music] home Mia open up it's [Music] me [Music] Mia I'm coming [Music] in [Music] Mia hey you're [Music] [Music] new [Music] hey Dad oh hey son how long you've been here not long got to quit sneaking up on me like that what are you praying about just for young people you know Dad when when I see you pray I see a man that I want to be I I want to be just like you thank you son it's good to hear I try to make my life all about God so that when you do look at me you see him working through me yeah what's see hell doing she's good um I've been carrying her around lately it's getting kind of heavy can't imagine why what don't you say that you're staining a little weight or something don't say that he's just joking you never say that about a woman well she's uh pretty excited to get married soon that's good know what that means we'll have grandkids soon and then that means your grandmother will have her first great grandchild that's right you know if uh Scarlet knew that you wanted to have kids so quick she she'd kill me why well she wants to work for a couple years and then make up for some lost time maybe have some twins I don't know twins hey thinking twins why not triplets no inant family yeah I'll run it past her we'll see how that works I don't [Music] [Music] know [Music] Mia Mia what are you doing here I ran away are you okay can't it's fine it's fine let's go inside okay come on please [Music] stop come in there you go bad dreams when am I not having a bad dream you know God will give you peace if it hadn't been for God that I should have been dead a long time ago baby I know you want to show yourself but you can't I need you to hide you can't keep going Jesus please please where you at [Music] coming for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God are you serious what did I tell you about that Mia sorry what are you making soup what soup I'm making soup stop mumbling okay I hate it when you Mumble what are you doing nothing I'm pregnant whose is it it's yours it's yours hey hey look at me it's okay hey we're in this together okay you and me okay right yeah it's okay I'll take you to the clinic tomorrow we'll get rid of it all right no what I don't want to get rid of it you're getting an abortion M are we clear okay listen I'm I'm really glad you didn't abort the baby and you and you didn't listen to him I think that I need to repent though for what because I just wanted him to die I just wanted to kill him I just wanted him to go away anyone in your situation without the same thing I would love him though but then I would hate him too and I feel so bad because I couldn't love him until the end I couldn't do it he killed your love for him that was his fault Chase thank you yeah you should get to sleep okay rest I'll be here in the morning right good night good night [Music] so make yourself at home this place is so [Music] beautiful reminds me of my mom's house but maybe my mom's was a little bit bigger than this I it seems so long ago what happened to your mom I don't know um do you want some food um maybe a little don't eat too many sweets now you're not going to leave any room for hamburgers I know but really only one of sweets I guess the baby knows what he wants huh mhm here I can do it here let me get it are you sure mhm are you okay I'll be fine I it happens from time to time I just need some water oh hey um Mia is here oh that's great I really want to meet her how about right now now it's tempting tempting are you okay I'm just feeling weak and dizzy you should go to the hospital I don't think so I'm just feeling a little dizzy I Don't Need a Doctor Scarlet I love you I'll see you tomorrow is that your girlfriend it's my fiance you seem happy happy she's great city is giving us a hard time on these permits they have been pretty picky lately I believe that the plans for the church will go through quickly though just got to pray for wisdom on how to proceed from here my hands in the eyes see you hey look I got to go yeah catch up how's Mia she had met there last night from what I can tell she gets him every night I feel really sorry for her what happened to that man I don't know she won't tell me either [Music] he P hey Mia uh this is my fiance Scarlet hi hi I'm so glad to finally meet you um May I yeah here let me help you can I have this m thanks so the first time I had Chinese food I had no idea how to use these then Chase taught me look I got it I can do it better watch out some of it might be spicy no no I like spicy especially spicy chicken it's my favorite thanks is the food too spicy no it's not the food are you okay yeah I'm fine are you okay I'm okay I'm going to get my mom no please don't guess I got that for you thanks you're sweet have you been sick no okay thanks bye Jesus help me to be strong you know my prayer and my desire to have a life with Chase you know I love him my neck here try this I can't it's way too expensive don't worry about that the clothes that you're wearing right now are too tight for the baby it's really pretty but I don't know that's a lot of money just trust me just on this card would be great okay thank you thanks ankle I think that the baby doesn't like carrots well how can you tell cuz every time I eat something it doesn't like I want to throw it up I can't wait for Chase and I to have a family when I found out I was pregnant I wanted to kill myself but you're happy now right yeah I just Rodney was hateful and I hope I don't ever have to see him again how did you two meet it's sort of a long story you see I grew up in a middle home just woke up one day and that's where I was where's my mom you're in the hospital sweetie I'm here to take care of you you're okay who are you my name's Debbie I'm going to be sitting with you here for a little while I want my mom okay okay just calm down where's my mom I'm sorry sweetie I'm here it's okay where's my mom there was this nurse and she would come in and she would read the Bible to me and she would pray with me for God so loved the woman that he gave his only begotten son that who ever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life but then one day she stopped coming too and then I would cry even more so they started to give me a shot and it would make me sleep I got tired of sleeping so I knew that I had to stop crying As I Grew Older I realized that she had put me in the mental hospital but when I was 19 I got released I just didn't have anywhere to go I was always cold and [Music] hungry I was living on the streets and so I started dumpster digging when one day while I was looking for food stranger attacked me so when the doctor told me that I would need surgery that was my chance my chance to start over my chance to change myself to be a new me but even though I liked my new look I had a lot of fear and that's how rney found me one day he promised me that he wouldn't hurt me and he gave me food he told me that I could live with him if I didn't have anywhere to go so I did and I would go home with him and I would clean and do the laundry and cook for him and then one day he hugged me and he asked me to marry him I felt really good to be loved but then I don't know what happened that's when he started to hit me he would drink sometime why didn't you run away where would I have gone I didn't have a job I didn't have an education I didn't want to live on the streets anymore now you're here with us yeah want to go get a bite my treat I have a lot on my mind Dad sorry may maybe next time okay no worries let's finish this run okay let's go I'm right behind you last minute burst here I come all energy let's see that energy come on me go oh boy I'm laughing you Dad come on woo let's go let's go then running circles around you come on you going to raise a quitter let's go all right here we go honey what is it about Scarlet's new friend why didn't you do it huh no why didn't you do it I asked you a question and now because you didn't I'm going to have to I don't care I'm killing her let him put me in prison I don't care whatever whatever stupid idiot [Music] [Music] d [Music] with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart Chase is this what you want here I'm sorry I'm so [Music] pleasan huh is this what you want huh is this what you want is that what you want [Music] [Music] morning oh hey hi is Mia up um yeah she should be wait I bought her breakfast [Music] M Chase [Music] Chase oh man we need to call the police are you okay yeah hey I'm fine come on we need to help me are you sure come [Music] on [Music] what are you doing I just don't know how he got in he's evil hey I'm actually really worried about you what what's going on yeah I'm really not feeling well okay that's it you're going to the hospital even if I have to carry you okay I like it when you can no love to carry you and you can carry me all the time it's no problem I'm really worried about Mia yeah father please protect her a come on Mia don't forget [Music] it [Music] hey what are you two doing here hey Mark uh Scarlet's not feeling too well so we're just getting her checked out oh I'm sure she's fine she's pretty healthy if I die you'll have to help and find a wife a I'm kidding it just saw my aunt she don't look very good I'm sorry how old is she she's young about 56 57 how are the kids taking it she only has one daughter and uh she doesn't even know where she is shout out later um Scarlet feel better okay thank you later Chase see you how long have you been feeling dizzy like this about 6 months other than that I'm pretty healthy Monday everything should be in and we'll know okay thanks thank you okay thanks how was it I should know everything by Monday everything good I think so you hungry I'm always hungry let's go get some food [Music] I love the sound of the ocean I bet it sounds like heaven you should eat you should eat I'm fine you're fine yeah you're so fine Miss I'm hungry all the time huh B come here we're going to take a [Music] picture you know you look cuter in pictures I'm kidding come [Music] here you tired Dad we just started you sure you look pretty tired to me I said we just got started if you need to stop that's another story okay Dad let's stop uh for me yeah sure yeah thank you son no no thank you so I heard Scarlet went to the doctor yeah she needs a lot of prayer she's been feel really dizzy for the couple months hey what' the doctor say why did you wait so long to come to the hospital I didn't feel too sick if only we could have found this sooner we would have had a real chance to beat this what what is it I'm so sorry to tell you but you have a very aggressive and serious type of cancer called non Hotchkins Lymphoma and for this particular type of cancer there are no therapies available it's got to be a mistake it has to be I wish it was a mistake there's got to be something at this point only a miracle can help sorry Scarlet look at me we're going to get through this God can do anything we have taken two biopsies from her we've done blood analysis I've even sought out professional consultation on this case and every time we all agree that this is a very aggressive stage 4 non- hutkins lymphoma it is that type of cancer that is untreatable at this time just take her home and enjoy the time she has left [Music] [Music] by his stripes we are healed Scarlet I believe you can get better you really believe that I mean I have to believe that's that's all I have please please don't leave me I don't know what I will do without you why me why is God doing this to me why is he punishing me I'm 27 years old I I want a family I want kids I want to be with you forever why me God God loves you and and I love you love what is love you think God loves me enough to give me cancer and make me die what is love I had a plan for 27 years I have loved him and now I get to die don't pray he's not listening Scarlet he been in this moment right now right now he's here yeah where where are you why can't I hear you when I see you I see God I see him in you and if you don't see the same thing in me there's something wrong with my faith sorry I'm just really struggling want to die whatever happens we're going to get through this together are you really going to start working on this yeah I'm sorry I I have to why it's a Scarlet what's going on with her she um diagnosed with cancer what she doesn't got much time and what time she does have I just I want to spend it with her I I'm really sorry to hear that man really am Pastor Billy will understand he likes your work I'll wait for you yeah my U my aunt passed away from cancer last week too sorry [Music] [Music] and I want to marry you more than ever now even still so let's go right now [Music] yeah I love you chase I should have studied medicine and become a doctor then I could actually do something to help her you made the right choice to study architecture that was how you met Scarlet I'm going to marry her before she goes whatever you decide I am with with you ever since we were young you told me life is it's full of sunshine and I always believed you I just don't know what to see anymore with God's grace everything everything is only for a season now you smile for her you're right give one of these thank you honey hey what's this now I can really get some work done you know I've been thinking about it I'm going to take a leave of absence from work but don't you want to finish the plans for the church what I want to do I want to spend some time with you I just want to watch you want to play with you and ride horses with you and go to the ocean watch the waves well if you love me he'll help me finish the plans for the church whatever you want I'm going to support you are you sure you can do do that it's not in my strength it's in God's I'm going to be fine okay just do me a favor and get home wait for me I'll be there soon I just got it out of storage I know fit her you know it's the same dress I wore when I married your father she's going to be beautiful she is you know we're praying for you chase and Scarlet too I just really love her mom love thanks Mom you're so welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] Scarlet don't you dare come in here if you do I won't marry you is everything okay Scarlet you look what come on let's get married [Music] hey do you want to stop not yet well you've got to be hungry only for some ice cream yeah let's go get some just let me finish this first I'll help you with this last section all right I love the water it washes away everything in our bodies you're [Music] beautiful I can't wait for people to come into this church so we can help them find Jesus yeah I'll be watching from heaven [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] yeah please please let her live just a little longer for me [Music] Jesus stop praying I'm going to go in his time I'll never stop praying I won't I'm just really scared to Loser dad take a seat it's not over yet son I feel so hopeless wish there was something more I could do you've done everything you can in this fight Dad I'm scared and I don't want Scarlet to see me like this help me I need a miracle [Music] dad sorry I had slept so long no you could have slept longer and I'd be a lazy wife no come on [Music] [Music] [Music] on I can't have to try to eat something fight the good fight of Faith lay hold on eternal life I'll fight this cancer until the end I know you will because you're strong last night was really difficult when I am weak he is strong for [Music] me rest [Music] okay [Music] I'll be here I'll be here yeah Scarlet's working real hard Pastor Billy would be very happy she's fighting she's trus in God and Lord please give me the strength to finish this [Music] J Scarlet Scarlet it's okay it's okay come here I had a perfect life with you I'm sorry I have to leave you you don't have to apologize for anything just wait for me okay I'm going to wait for you forever did you put me in the bed yeah not going do [Music] [Music] that Scarlet [Music] SP [Music] yeah hey Mia m we've been praying for you where you been I missed you guys so much there's someone who would love to see you [Music] Scarlet Scarlet Scarlet what's wrong with you me I'm so glad you came I missed you I thought I was going to get to hold your baby probably not what what's wrong with you I have to go soon No Cry no no I've lived a good life after her baby Mia needs you yes do you take me to the [Music] [Music] beach that love you shared with me is beautiful and I enjoyed every moment I'm giving you to guut I fought the good fight just like Jesus now it's your turn promise me you'll do that I promise to fight the good fight life is a battle of Good and Evil but God he always wins Jesus never loses even if I die I win even if I live I win please don't leave me I'm not I'll go there and I'll wait for you I love you my husband Scarlet [Music] Scarlet [Music] Scarlet scl [Music] [Music] how you doing Scarlet she she's the last of her strength to finish this project I respect her she fought the good fight with cancer I pray soon that somebody will find a cure for it but it lost a lot of people Mis I feel like I could still here haunts me you know when I was at my aunt's funeral I realized how short life really is it's too bad they uh never found a daughter we're still looking I guess the last wehe heard she was in a mental hospital God that's good work thanks [Music] Mark [Music] hey Dad doing okay just can't get over I don't know if I'm supposed to you will TT time son the Lord never gives us more than we can handle that's [Music] how come get me Chase we're going to be [Music] okay oh Lord I just want to lift up Chase to you right here and now and just ask that your spirit speak to his heart and his mind and give him some peace in the name of Jesus [Music] Amen the world hates you keep in mind that it hated me [Music] first don't touch my mom like that Mia I don't like him apologize to him now no no stop it it's it's okay it's okay it's okay mommy no you can't no more don't touch me don't touch me m me it's okay it's okay Mia Mia it's okay come here Mia it's okay it's okay [Music] don't leave me alone here no no please you can stay in this house as long as you like promise yeah that's what Scarlet would have wanted [Music] back up rnie back up Ronney is this what you're doing man you laying in his bed huh Ronnie I'll go with you don't hurt him Chas that's my wife you're sleeping with Mia shut up no no Mia it's too late I'm going to kill him I'm going to kill you shut [Music] up no no you don't you don't no come on baby come on you shoot me baby shoot me a it's [Music] [Music] okay I grew up in in a middle hospital and my name is Mia green this is my real name look he can't hurt you anymore okay we really want to get you checked out at the hospital make sure everything's okay God really help me through this Chase Chase look this is my cousin Mia green F check that out it's a small world do you mind if I uh yeah yeah yeah yeah take it I'll be right back all right can I help you hi I'm Melanie Stone from Channel 57 News I'm here to interview Mia green was she expecting you yes I spoke with her this morning okay come on in thank you and in local news her mom left her $70 million inited million from her mother who she had been ested from as a young child it's amazing wow is that for real that's as real as a g amazing that's L that is amazing well yeah mark She's excited to see you I'm actually kind of nervous the last time I saw her she was just a little kid well she's there anytime I'll call you later man hey let me get that you're too kind to me you should really take it easy you could have the baby any minute now I'd like to stay busy though I'll go get that no here I'll get it for you hi it's you wow W look at you hey so when are you going to move into your house it's not my house it's my mother's okay anyways come on okay so house construction on the church they've stopped the construction what why just calculated the cost no more funds coffee tea yeah I'll have a cup how can I help the construction of the church we're all praying for it to be finished don't give up Pastor Billy have faith here hey is everything all right no your brother's not home and it's almost midnight Jason you are not okay Chase going to get your keys we got to take a no no doctors this time oh my oh my God we got to go okay I'll take you to the hospital yeah I I'll go get my keys hey son that baby here yet yeah Dad please just uh pray for Mia she's going to be just fine she's hurt real bad it'll all be over soon I just don't know what yeah but if something happens to her everything's going to be fine God is with [Music] her [Music] Mommy it's okay it's okay Mommy I can't do it now that I'm here Chase I don't think I can get out listen you can do this okay I'm right here okay okay yeah yeah come [Music] on wow you know growing up in that middle hospital I thought of this place every day really it's the same nothing's changed no it's just the way I remember it so when you moving in moving in Chase I want to stay with you I don't want to move in please don't make me what do you want to name the baby I'm going to name her Scarlet Scarlet yeah you know she never really died she's here with me still yeah yeah Scarlet hey [Music] Scarlet your Project's almost [Music] done I wish you were [Music] here not that long ago Mia green inherited $70 million from the mother she had been separated from since she was just a young girl just recently she has donated a portion of her inheritance to complete the building project at First Christian Church so I'm just going to check if you done anything on the bed pan okay let's turn over why she said she wanted to show her love for God and honor the memory of scarlet Miller cancer Scarlet Miller was the architect who spent her final months designing the church you feel that M said is deeply touched by Scarlet's dedication to God and her desire to leave a legacy [Music] behind she's been gone 7 years [Music] feels like it was just yesterday I was with her well I understand that [Music] feeling how are you Grandma I'm great still take a walk every day maybe I'll walk with you sometime [Music] chase you need to open your heart don't worry about me Grandma I'm going to be fine I promise [Music] Mia has been waiting for you a long time me as a very special [Music] person Scarlet wants you to be happy okay to love [Music] again [Music] Scarlet after Scarlet died I thought my life was over but I realized that one life is gone and another is come when I look at young Scarlet I thank God for my mother and Mia for every mother who fights for their unborn baby to bring them into this world I can see that God is the one in charge of life and death every life is valuable in his eyes life Love and Hope continues and that is the grace of God [Music] [Music] if you find yourself in Mia's position I'm here with Charity Ferrar to talk about the Life Choices medical clinic so can you tell me a little bit about it yes absolutely we are based in San Antonio Texas we've been operating for 19 years and we started as a Crisis Pregnancy Center and the Lord open so many doors for us to become a woman's health clinic about 5 and 1 half years ago we treat the physical the mental the emotional and the spiritual we have the medical services of course we have a professional counselor on staff we have education classes our fatherhood class our motherhood class General parenting classes we have nutrition breastfeeding we have Bible studies the gospel is extremely important to everything that we do we know that if Jesus Christ is present in your life things will go much better for you we see about 2 200 patients a year for our little clinic that's a good number we tell them about parenting we tell them about adoption and we tell them about abortion and we want to give them the facts because we want them to make a really good well informed decision for them and for their families we have been given a vision by God to build a brand new medical facility from the ground app and this facility will be about 23,000 Square ft we're fighting a spiritual battle but it's very very real so the prayers of God's people is so very important for us secondly we need financial support because this is a huge undertaking for us to put a dent in the abortion industry business we've got to do it bigger and we've got to do it better with excellence and so our goal is provide excellent service to our members of our community we have to have money to do that third we need material assistance diapers wipes baby clothes because we do offer material assistance to our families and if we don't have them then we have to take it out of the budget to buy them because we won't let anyone go without so those are three areas that you can help the the fourth would be to come and volunteer we're always in need of volunteers mostly for Spiritual counselors so if you like to share the gospel this is the place for [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Great! Movies Hope
Views: 91,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, free movies, full movies, hollywood movies, free youtube movies, full length movies, best movies, family movies, christian movies, inspirational movies, scarlett, scarlett full movie, Heather Bash, Bill Capskas, Thomas Conklin
Id: 34O0XxihYxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 35sec (5555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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