Scaring Passengers In a 1,300hp SLEEPER SUPRA!!! The Rat Rod Supra's Mystery Issue is FIXED!

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you have turbo lag though yeah you want to see the worst turbo lag you've ever seen in your entire life takes a while watch yeah I'll floor it wait for it wait for it it's coming it's coming be another five minutes so lucky for us even though the turbo lagged some guy in a lab came out with this thing called anti-t turbo lab and really lucky BRS I got a button for it right here I see the button I'm willing to hit hit that button boy hit it hell yeah brother you're on the please FR YouTube channel Bu you're doing your metal work a little close to my finest shiniest race car brother I'm worried you're going to scratch it you know and I don't know what I'll do if you scratch my Supra in broad daylight all right guys the Supra was having some issues at FL 2K you saw that RPM Trace in the data log it looked awful and I took Paul for a ride the other day will you race this one is that you doing no it's more of a street car okay hopefully this thing runs good it's been running kind of weird and it was kind of doing this shuttering thing where it's like according to the datal log and nothing wrong all my helicopters are analog right no computers I don't want any computers running my engine right damn wo damn you got to be here with no gear no cure nothing like that damn you are crazy brother all right you got my attention now damn I was expecting that bro yeah that was pretty tall even though the car did Scare him it was still having that issue so today we're going to put the rat rod Supra on the dyo over there and see if we can sort out with this crazy boost situation we've got going on is I don't even know what it is but we've tried to trace it down the street we can't figure it out let's hop on the dyo and that'll sort it out Supra going on our inhouse dinno here that fresh parachute looking good daily dude been able to rip yeah you're daily I know dudee been driving the heck out of this [Music] thing Rat Rod Supra smelling like some pure E85 come on back come on back [Music] oh good you're good right there check the toep to should I check it yeah probably what was that I just off the metal try again good now I'm actually wor okay I think they put a timer on it dude dude better give her a minute to idle down I me she runs like a top weird real weird hope Victor don't see that one well I mean I'm only two Ste for like 10 seconds like a pound of boost normal honestly ah four straps on the back huh Toyota Su I don't know what level boost I think I can do it on level two or three and it should do the should be able to hear it we'll see what it sounds like oh I heard it's what it sounds like when you're headed back to the trailer when your car goes they got me sent back to the trailer I know dude I don't know if I would have had that car so the only variables are we changed some boost settings and then we put that fuel in it which that fuel brought the ethanol content up really high cuz e98 maybe it just doesn't like that I don't know one way to find out make a pull and then we'll just add a bunch of normal E85 to it E85 let it run cycle it through de the E90 see what it does almost E100 E9 yeah I know yeah I got an idea the old I know Marlin buddy help this help us with this misfire would you oh he's getting a little D have a serious problem cuz then it just went away on the toone it's going to come back on the road yeah load I want it to do it we definitely want it to do it so we can figure it out 2 JZ still there it's still there I mean we got that much figured out you ready brother ready damn we've never done a 2J poll in the shop kind of just did one second ago Two Step times well it's going to be loud all right ta control off setting two okay setting two all right see it come on [Music] Supra [Music] 1,040 horsepower it was definitely doing it definitely did it and you still made 1,40 horsepower yeah shaking the whole car man golly all right well yeah this is good yeah we'll at least have a data log let's see what you got bud what's what is that dude what is this line I mean this RPM curve is the most dramatic I've ever seen in my life fuel pressure is dialed right yeah yeah it's definitely not a fuel pressure issue I mean it made 40 lbs of boost look how smooth the Boost is the Boost is not causing this oscillation and I mean I only made it to 7300 RPM that's just where the party starts with the Supra so we got to figure out what the hell's going on man great fuel pressure great great air fuel ratio I mean let's go to the ethanol content fuel composition so it is at 90% ethanol which isn't which it's pretty high what's it what's the duty cycle at no I'm just saying it's 90% ethanol like that content tide the duty cyle nothing it's chilling what occurred before the fuel got added anything no nothing like it just doesn't look like anything weird in here it's got no like cam sync issues nothing like that do you have a tuneup from before we changed everything like the like the tuneup from when we rolled over there I might it's a good question save this one uh save everything except for that last part where it stumbled leave that part out got the old tune this is the tune from before we went Roll Racing cuz I just grabbed it and I was like well let me put it on let me just save this so I always have the the OG tun okay so we'll try this yeah I mean and hopefully it runs great that would be the tick if it doesn't run great then it's not in the tune cuz we know it didn't do it with this [Music] [Music] tunea well even worse on that one not a tune there not a tune thing that makes me feel kind of good I guess it would have been nice for was a tun thing but now we know we got something the only other thing that changed would be the fuel you know what we should do is put Nitro in it yeah that'll that'll definitely get rid of the problem exactly get rid of the whole engine I guess I just got to put out there that the engine might be hurt because the last time it had a good run remember I had that that big fuel cut right up at the big end yeah cuz it lost fuel pressure for that Split Second and went but then it SS and dri is perfect I mean maybe there is a hurt hole you just can't reveal it until you're under boost but it's not like breathing crazy or anything like that I hate to believe it might be that but I may have heard it by running it low on gas which be a big idiot move so let's just hope that putting this street E85 in it brings it back to life it's like dude that fuel is too fancy for me a rat rod give me that straight fuel give that straight fuel also do not believe the torque that this is saying because I just remember that fifth gear is one to one on these I'm in fourth a so the torque is a little boosted up on this all right let's I'll let it idle now all right get it mixed up E85 all right so we got our street E85 there this this is a a hope and dream right here it's like we're down to 83 % ethanol look at the data log fuel pressure's good oil pressure is good injector Duty Cycle's good spark and everything looks good and I would think maybe it's blowing out the spark plugs you know but it starts doing this at like 14 lbs of boot so it's just it's such low low oh all right well we changed the fuel back to what it was before we put the other fuel l so let's just see what it does [Music] Next Step compression test leak down I got to be hurt dude oh man gosh dang it didn't have anything nice I mean you take good care of it you don't beat on it and all of a sudden this you know this is going to end up 100% my fault if there is a cylinder HT it's 1,000% from when it was running perfect ran out of gas and then never ran perfect since that moment it's got to be that moment so Jack stand's going to do a leak down test right now and we'll find out which cylinder we hurt on our brand new induction engine but uh good thing it's got a warranty yeah yeah I'm sure that's still part oh this is warrantable this is not a warrantable offense buddy Dam probably not you're going to be done but hopefully not what up hey bud what's going hey what's the warranty like on these if you run them out of uh fuel mid pole and potentially potentially hurt the engine no yeah well it was at fl2k which is technically your event and I was why you run the car with no fuel well dude the gauge isn't exactly accurate yes it is all right it's accurate I'd say it's off about a couple percent though oh okay anyway you know how I was making that breaking up noise yeah we tried everything to get to stop doing it we're doing a a leak down test right now brother how's she looking I have no results yet I just called to speculate with you all right we'll do we'll do a compression test real quick but here's the deal it's like things making a perfectly smooth pull until it reaches 30 lb of boost for example on this one it's perfectly smooth and then it drops a hole or maybe two you got someone who could take a gander of this if we send it to you we did all new coils all new coils all new plugs yeah just send me send me the log I'm going send it right now brother we're going to get to the bottom of this we'll do a compression test in the meantime all right we're going to do a compression test and then we'll send this stuff over to Victor and see what we can find all right Bud Moment of Truth here everyone cross their fingers all right we get all right 130 130 they all have to be the same would be ideal all right got 130 okay all right they're the same so far I'm just sitting over here you know just with my fingers crossed patiently Wai the worst feeling when the compression tester's out it's never a good sign it's the worst feeling like I don't think I've ever seen a compress test come out and everyone's like oh woohoo oh we're good yeah I've never have I pulled one out and been like hell yeah it's all good number three here we go all right 130 same yes three three out of six this might be the first time I get a good I'm feeling good number four than you come on baby all right right what is it 130 number five number five right how is it 125 took a little longer to get there but you know interesting yeah I don't like that don't doubt her yet it's 2 JZ the buzz and dozen well half dozen oh buzz and half dozen all right buddy Moment of Truth last one all right 130 okay so what do what are we thinking I mean we had that one that was down five PSI I don't think that's enough to really the back two are usually a red flag five and six usually run harder than the rest they're both like 5 lbs down but it's not like it it's not crazy it's Square across the board all right here's the deal brother we got 130 130 130 130 125 130 on the compression check what do you think you know our gauge could read it's hot I mean that's not bad and they very very close okay you guys look at that tune we'll keep looking over things see if we can get to the bottom of this I already emailed it to you brother I'm on it all right thanks The Mystery of the Rat Rod Supra continues Induction Performance believes that this is a plug wire situation H do you think it's a plug wire situation I don't see how it could be don't see how it could be all right so we got we put the hch coils back on we tried our coils the ones that we pulled off mullet that we knew were good that didn't fix it it's not like we took these plug wires off the car and then the issue arose the issue arose just while we were ripping so took these off they look perfect but we got Freshies on there so let's see what it'll do Victor said his guys listed all the logs and everything looks good so this doesn't work Victor's coming to pick it up and over to die make one more pull this sounded good this sounded good 1224 no way that's it wire ridiculous no way was plug wire just made 1224 I like it500 I like it got be kidding are perfect socky there is not a single issue with these fug wires we got of back to back maybe they just weren't fancy enough we a double a five yeah superas man I don't know tried everything but the plog wire it's just cuz it need the compression test it needed the re encouragement all right well let me try I'm going to turn it up the higher boost see what it does see what she'll make 1224 solid [Music] what was that what was that break a strap I don't know if we just broke a strap or [Music] what oh the strap slipped oh my [Music] gosh 1200 on that little bit [Music] yeah oh yeah so if you see the blue one is getting ready to go higher y yeah look I lifted at 7400 and still made 1226 holy cow let's let her cool off for yeah let it chill out for a little bit dud that was sketch that was I don't know whose eyes were bigger mine or yours I was like please don't do this I know we've never had a dino crash and I don't want to be in a dino crash compilation video I was like oh that's be four straps though one failed yep other three kept her good yep if you only had two back there we'd be picking up a super out of the wall you know what the issue is that ain't going anywhere now we're good ah finally guys a clean looking pole check that out smooth as can be oil pressure freaking 101 PSI it made 48 lbs of boost all right making double sure man those things tight man [Music] [Music] tight [Music] 122 solid that was solid I think that turbo tapped out I can see the boot number starting to fall oh yeah dude 1272 I think it said solid 1300 horsepower car daily driver you never been in a car this nice with a paint job this clean yeah you have turbo lag though yeah want to see the worst turbo lag you've ever seen in your entire life takes a while watch we 3,000 RPM typically that's where like you can pretty easily SP up FL it wait for it wait for it and it's coming it's coming be another five minutes so lucky for us even though the turbo lag some guy in a lab came out with this thing called anti-t turbo lag and really lucky BRS I got a button for it right here I see the button I'm willing the hit hit that button boy hit it button works pretty good that button is great I need that button a thought Back to Future only problem is I had to decommission my windshield wiper clue that is gnarly it hits hard hard and it's so stable like you had traction like you would just locked oh yeah this car is incredible dude it's crazy cuz I got a lot of cars that make this much power more but like they just can't put it down the Supra is just like Supra I know I'm ready all right guys R Rod Supra is fixed running good dial dialed in that's it for now thanks for watching new for we'll freaking see you later [Music] you
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 2,222,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: -MK3teDVgrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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