Scaring My Sisters with JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - SCARING THE H0ES

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what's good y'all it is Jack after a 16-month Hiatus on the internet but we are back once again the past couple of months I've been uh obsessed with the turning the tables YouTube channel a big shout out to both of those guys and it made me really want to listen to more music and more albums with my family members and that is why I'm here with my lovely two sisters Gabby hello hello and Ava hello hi yes I was conflicted about like whether I should warm you up to something that I think you guys would like or if I would just like put you guys like down and throw us in the deep end yeah exactly and just something that is more my taste we're gonna do the ladder uh just I think that would be more funny um this is an album that uh I I've been obsessed with for about a month it's like numb to my ears it's called scaring the hose that's the name of it it's a rap album by jpegmafia and Danny Brown It's a collaboration effort I've heard of Danny Brown you've heard of Danny Brown okay you know of either of those guys nope I'm not huge into around that's chill I can't name a song but the name is familiar all right so we're gonna we're gonna learn about these two guys here jpeg Mafia all kind of an all-in-one does singing rapping in production okay Danny Brown he's more like just old school like straight straight to the point rapping and uh jpeg is doing most of the production but it's very much a collaboration 12 or sorry 14 tracks 36 minutes 19 seconds we're gonna get straight into it the first song is lean beef patty here we go [Applause] please [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on down [Music] all right I didn't know you listened to that type of type of music yeah that's that's the [ __ ] right there I used to listen to rap years ago and you guys were like giving me [ __ ] the whole family gave me [ __ ] for listening to rap music well no no here's the deal because it's like it's it's had an evolution right this is very glitchy very 20 23 very like oh a PC music like EDM Festival very EDM oriented yes exactly and um and I know what you're saying about like the 2016-17 like SoundCloud rap that was definitely an era yeah it was it was a time that is not now but man uh just initial thoughts like SpongeBob Vibes you were getting there that was that's something that I personally didn't pick up on even though I'm the biggest SpongeBob stand in the world yeah that's funny yep I love that but I liked it awesome yeah it had Good Vibes second track is Step a pig uh yeah yeah and uh nothing else to say let's get into it yourself [Music] apology [Music] all right I liked all the different aspects of that song but I didn't like it as much as the first the last one okay I didn't like it up until I like the end part okay you don't like the end part or you do I do like the Empire but the rest of it I don't really really not really messing with it as much that's fair I um what makes it sound like Childish Gambino to you that's that's what I'm curious about like the voice is like the way that inflection the way the way that he's delivering the words just sounded like he's just got that flow yeah okay yeah and one thing I do love about Childish Gambino is like just his flow and his verses is that they're so easily like repeatable like you can so many songs of his I can like spit the verse myself which is like really just from a songwriting standpoint really really nice uh as a listener I feel what uh how this is like it's okay but it's not the best in the in the track list in comparison it started off a little slow it got a little bit better towards the end but it's still not at the same level as the first one I think we should have like a rating system for like for like songs so like so we should have like a hit or a miss or like something okay so like the first song on to your list not even like a tier list just like does it pass the test does the past the vibe check or does it does it not pass the vibe check okay first song lean beef patty what are you guys thinking I think that passes the vibe check yeah I could hear that at a party boom yep all right I could hear that I agree to that as well uh and for me step a pig is also a hit but it's like a light hit it's like it's like yeah it's a down time at the party I can have it in the playlist but it's like it's I'm not gonna go out of my way to like add in the queue yes title track is up next uh number three scaring the hoes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right not a fan of that one not a fan no okay that's fair what didn't really do anything I don't dislike it I don't hate listening to it right but it's not grabbing my attention in any way that's fair and it's like people have said like it's one of the more jarring like mixes of of this album like in comparison to the more more typical uh rap instrumental style it's like that clapping at the beginning I get why that's not not your Vibe how do you feel Abe yeah I didn't like the Clapping I also didn't like I don't like it generally when in music when people put bad instrumentals on purpose the squealing sacks you're not a fan of it oh that squealing sex is so good though oh come on oh that hurts my soul for you to say that I just I don't generally it hits so hard I mean here's the deal I think this song is really channeling almost a 90s alternative grunge style in in some ways with that just like grimy gritty I feel I see that yeah and it's like the more aggressive vocals yeah aggressive vocals it's it's very punk in a way it's like it's giving just aggression and it's you know it's it's it's it's giving you energy um conveys them feeling it conveys a feeling it's just not yeah from a mixing standpoint it is it isn't as crispr or pristine as some of the other stuff so a myth for you guys yeah it's a hit for me I want you guys out there to know that this song hits hard this one's uh called Garbage Pail Kids but it's not like a garbage pail it's like Garbage Pail Kids like white people okay uh so yeah here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a real person but what the the tiger's name I think he's named after that person is it Genghis Khan is like the Voldemort of Asia Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire which became the largest land Empire in history okay what is the tiger's name in The Jungle Book okay Sherry Khan okay I was close enough Genghis Khan okay the glasses are going back back to the wraps [Music] [Music] thoughts on that one I thought that was a hit that was a hit I didn't know it was good I think it was unique this is my favorite beat on this album The Beat Goes so hard even though it's so simple those bass hits yeah how you feeling I like the beat as well you were hanging with Athena in the back yeah I was a little distracted with the dog but I did like the beat um a similar to the the step a pig one where it's like it's not necessarily like a pop Banger or anything but it's just like it's a good rap song That Just Hits in the playlist you know like if it's in the lineup of all of these songs it's just it's one of a one of many great songs I think big hit we're gonna move on to track number five fentanyl tester is the name of this song all right bill again [Music] a lot of people [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's around I like that one the best yeah that one's the best that one's got Good Vibes oh and Good Vibes yeah I mean what are some what are some favorites about it like what what brings you I like the mix of old popular songs in a new song yeah the Milkshake song I love pulling in the old stuff into a new song yeah yeah recontextualizing something that's that's already familiar I feel like if PewDiePie made another rewind he would use that song YouTube Rewind yeah I mean jpeg Mafia is more is an artist that kind of um encapsulates internet culture in that kind of way and like just the digital sound of his production is very emblematic with this with the style and you know Mario Kart I mean that's that's big Vibes here I I and that was the first thing just the video game just like cruising on the highway you know I like songs that kind of like like rush it so it's like a nice like cruises it makes you feel like you're going faster than you actually are it's got Pace to it it's got pace and energy exactly this next track number six it's called Burfict with a B perfect exclamation point perfect all right we're back talking about uh Burfict sorry the the camera you know it's shitty um but you know it's it's a song that had to grow on me and I think that like is it the horns I don't know they take a big place in the mix part of me wishes that like they would take it out and it wasn't so like in your face the entire time that's what I was thinking it's consistently repetitive and I don't usually like that in music in general and it's I mean it serves a purpose in some songs I think in this case it could benefit from from a little bit yeah you know because it can get to the point where it's bothersome all right cool and for me this is a hit but it's another like light hit for me so seven in the track list this is actually a double track so it's like two and one okay I'm good it's called shut yo [ __ ] ass up slash Muddy Waters okay so that's the name of it and uh it's kind of like they they each have their own song on this one oh my God [ __ ] things [Music] all right that was uh that was shut up your [ __ ] ass up slash Muddy Waters okay yeah good I mean for me this song I like Muddy Waters more than shut your [ __ ] ass up but like I listen to the full thing just because it transitions so well yeah like that slow that slow down and that little glitchy kind of in-between section I really like that um just because it's it's an it's a good beat it's still a great song in my opinion so it's like yeah it's one of it's one of those things just like good but not the best yeah I really enjoyed it though that's the thing it's like it just like both of those songs which usually I only like like one for like double tracks it's like it's not not a common thing to like both of them yeah yeah I feel that because we have hit or miss but there's like there's something in the middle that's just like I can listen to it but I'm not gonna go yeah hit miss or mid yeah okay okay that's that's our that's our three tiers yeah that's our tier list yep okay hit mid or Miss okay this next track is uh I think it's track number eight Orange Juice Jones is the name of the song [ __ ] [Music] okay dangerous all right I think that's a Miss for me just very just like monotone throughout the whole thing I was zoning out the only thing that got me back was that phone yeah okay some context for this song specifically so jpeg Mafia he was part of a record label and he had conflicts with his record label just because his previous album before this he had a bunch of samples that he wanted to get like legally cleared but like they were having issues with him and wanted him to like change his change his albums track listing and change the songs and all of that and just a bunch of [ __ ] okay um basically he's off his label now so he's just an independent artist which gives him the the the the the leeway to use whatever samples he wants and people are laughing uh at this track specifically because like he basically went broke to use a Michael Jackson sample that's what that little thing is in the background the instrumental with the the 70s drums and all that um and I agree with you it's it's very much like it's a good sample but it's it's carrying the piece in in this in this scenario yeah I did like the sample it's a good sample it's just that it's it's not comb it's not Dynamic enough with with these two wrappers in their in in their voices I think uh there there's more to be desired with this track yeah I do think that it was a kind of a good like thoughtless song to listen to like you just put it on you're just like not even paying attention it's Vibes it's Vibes yeah yeah which is like there's not a problem with that it's like of I'll say this because like I've listened to this album in full myself just on my own time a lot and this is the one track that I more often than not skip yeah it's like oh yeah just get past this one yeah all right number nine this is a song called Kingdom Hearts key this is actually the only feature on this album so it's it's jpeg and Danny Brown and then a young rapper by the name of red Veil is featuring on here okay so here we go [Music] every day [Music] foreign [Music] foreign that's a win yeah this the singing into the into the the wrap again I liked that um I'll say this because we were talking about like repetition of samples and like like you know the same thing over and over again this is a scenario where I think it works just because that like you're floating on this beautiful like ethereal sample the entire time and uh it doesn't take away from them it doesn't it doesn't take away from the vocals right and also like the in the middle part where it like slows down you can feel the tempo change and it's like oh just that little bit is enough to completely change the dynamic of the song just for a moment I agree um it does give the um Kingdom Hearts behind him too okay yeah yeah with the I was thinking what you what you what you would what you would think about like that that kind of vibe well I've never played Kingdom Hearts but like there's a theme to it and for the people at home Ava Ava's the resident gamer of the bunch you know me and Gab are not as into that we play Nintendo games and she's the real one so what do you guys think about red Veil he was on there at the end he had the he had that little extra verse I mean I like it average you think it's average like in comparison is that where it was like singing and then back into rap that was the final verse yeah yeah I liked the final version it was like good but like it was nothing right okay middle of the road I mean I I think it's it's it's a it's a good verse you know and like two uh really interesting rappers are already on every track of this it's like it is a nice breath of fresh air to have some guests in here every once in a while I'll just be like you know a third part yeah a third party is always is always welcome that back female voice just sounded like Moana oh really I don't know yeah just sounded like Moana to me just something that gives off the beach marches Disney what is Kingdom of Hearts Kingdom Hearts is Kingdom of Hearts there you go it's a video game yeah it's a series of video games right yeah yeah Disney bought it basically and now they're making Disney crossover s along with every and everything else that's owned and it's like anime boys okay that is weird yeah I mean I don't know capitalism whatever yeah this is this next song uh is called it's called God loves you okay and this is like one of the the single like bangers off the tracks all right thank you baby [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I like that one yeah that was a hit that was a head the sample in the vocals got along well they didn't they're not clashing yeah yeah they didn't Clash they got along and you could clearly hear everything and you could hear the I think this song is just emblematic of like people twerking at church like that's just the vibe that it gives off you know like just throw ass you know and church and I just you know it's it's a good vibe and uh and it fits the for me it's like it's almost in the same like category as like fentanyl tester and lean beef patty like that I agree the production Styles it's just like it's digital it's very it's very like scratching your ear you know yeah but it's it just yeah it's so good anyways the next track number 10 is going to be called run the jewels and I don't you guys probably don't know who run the jewels are but they're another rap group okay so they're just naming another rap group that has nothing to do with the song okay run the jewels here we go [Laughter] [Applause] thank you is that it that was the that was that was it that's the very short shorter song more of an interlude almost in this kind of piece I mean here's the deal it's a hit for me but it's like it's not it's not as big of a hit just because it's like they didn't flesh out all the ideas just because there's so little traffic like duration you know yeah that little second uh part of the instrumental like after the after the the the the brass kind of went away um I loved that that that piece but it's like there's so little of it it's like how do I know where you're gonna go with it if you're just gonna give me 20 seconds right so good little transition yeah but like a little a little drink a little a little drink of water just get some hydration a little bit little sip Jack Harlow combo meal is the name of this song all right [Laughter] he is oh yeah he's the snacks [Music] [Music] yeah yeah your path is looking like [ __ ] I actually don't like the singing really yeah I think that it fits just in like a little pocket I think if he were to go off with that like and have that be the entire end of the song it would have been not good it's a good little like brief interlude before his next verse true also the mixing is a problem between JPEG Mafia and Danny Brown like Danny's verse is just kind of with this Jazz sample they're not mixing as well as I think jpeg's voice does like the lyrics are just more clear for his verse in comparison to the first one so that's a flaw in the track Ave what are your thoughts it kind of feels like Lo-Fi if you sprinkled some wrap dust on it okay Lo-Fi wrap test we got the got the Dorito the Dorito powder it definitely gave me low-fi Vibes yeah yeah Jazz rap I mean and it's I like the Jazz more than the singing it's it's kooky but um yeah I mean for me this is actually kind of mid this is yeah this fits in the mid category I agree but I will say also that Jack that Jack Harlow line man I can't [ __ ] with y'all y'all like uh y'all let Jack Harlow sell y'all chicken uh people uh other commentary channels shout out to Sean C have talked about like in the rap game how it's like white people will just take on like black culture and just kind of use that to sell and it's like that's there is Artistic Merit in that in that messaging I just think from a mixing standpoint uh this song could have been better but you know it is what it is the 13th track it's called ho which stands for heaven on Earth in parentheses okay thank you so perfect [Music] [Music] we're back and we just listened to heaven on Earth and the beat switch and subverting expectations is is just such a good uh skill set that jpeg Mafia has in his production like he just adds just random Sounds here and there and it's just it catches You by surprise but you're not like uh does it not fit it doesn't not fit yeah exactly it's just like it doesn't disturb the piece of the track it's it all it all is one cohesive piece yeah we only have one more track left uh the hoes have been scared but we're almost to a close here the last track number 14 is called where you get your Coke from all right [ __ ] [Music] thank you I don't remember it big [ __ ] don't know her name cause I'm so generous all right my camera died but we're back and we just listened to where you're getting Coke from thoughts about that last track I mean very limited to me it's kind of like a wrestling theme almost or like just some type of like 80s like rock hip-hop Fusion thing that's going on yeah and I thought it was good but it was insignificant okay in the track listing it's just like it's not really a standout yeah yeah I think it was a solid end though and I think that it was catchy and I like how there was a little bit of Rhythm there here and there right and I personally love that little like I don't know what you call it like a b section like interlude where it has that jazz sample like like transitioning from the big like rock like uh swing there in the in the chorus section this last like closing track I think is just emblematic of the entire album where it's just it's it's like it's energy it's it's anger but it's also like just in your face and it's just it's a big punch in in the mouth but it's like you're like thank you for punching me in the mouth Yes I I I'm in pain but this feels good for some reason uh so yeah big masochism Vibes overall about this album though I mean we're we listened 14 tracks down start to finish you know just overall thoughts what do you guys uh they're artists I mean it is I mean it is a really like a unique piece that is sounding like nothing that's on the on the scene right now so that it has value in that sense it has personality and I like that major personality yes for sure I mean album overall is it a hit mid or Miss it's a hit compared to some other rap I agree light hit I guess all right yeah for me heavy ass hit heavy hit okay this song and this album all 14 songs are worth your time if you haven't listened to this album you need to go check it out right now and I don't know why you went to this video without listening to the album first but if you have any album suggestions for what we should listen to what I should show my beautiful sisters in the future please let us know in the comments thank you for getting to this point in the video despite all the tech uh problems uh we'll be back in the future with more listenings and we're out see you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Jack Skylar
Views: 15,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jpegmafia, danny brown, danny brown jpegmafia, jpegmafia danny brown, scaring the hoes, scaring the hoes reaction, scaring the hoes vol 1, scaring the hoes jpegmafia, album reaction, sisters album reaction, my sisters react, scaring the hoes album reaction, jack skylar, jpegmafia lean beef patty, lean beef patty, lean beef patty danny brown, jpegmafia lean beef patty reaction, jack, skylar, jackskylarjack
Id: qp6f-hcPpsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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