Scariest Things Seen in People's Basements

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(suspenseful horror music) - [Advilll] Whoa, Jesus! - [Scott] What the (beeps) was that? - How're you doing? I'm Kallen and this is Slapped Ham. Today we're looking at some scary videos no one can quite explain. So hit that subscribe button and get ready for more mysterious content, just like this. (tense music) This footage was initially caught during a live stream by paranormal investigators, Shawn and Cody, for their Instagram, the_new_reality11. The stream begins with the investigators explaining that they're in an abandoned building somewhere in the deserts of Idaho. - I don't know where we're at. We're in the middle of the desert and we found another abandoned location. - Got a knock right where that was. - (laughs) Yeah. - [Kallen] They claim that as soon as they arrived, they heard strange voices and banging sounds coming from empty rooms. - And it's got a creepy vibe too it, right? We came in, we were getting knocks. We heard the voice in the other room. - Yeah, and then those where K2 hit you on the attic there. - [Kallen] The clip shows them exploring room after room of the derelict building. - [Cody] This place is massive, guys. Like... it's crazy. - [Kallen] More than half an hour into the stream, the pair of investigators find a mysterious hatch leading to a small basement. Inside the room, they discover an old children's swing set among the debris. - [Shawn] My stomach. - [Cody] How creepy, look at that child swing, bro. - [Kallen] The ghost hunters comment on the eerie vibe of the basement. - [Cody] That's crazy, dude. - Nah, bro. - [Cody] Dude, so, when we went down to the attic, I got a feeling, it's a bad feeling, but I got a feeling of a little baby in there. - Like, kept down there. I felt like it was a punishment area, like, get down there and whatever. - [Kallen] Towards the end of the stream, the brave investigators decide to take one last peak in the basement. This time something truly unsettling happens. Take a look. - [Shawn] Hi. - [Cody] Is that a ball? - [Shawn] There's a ball. - [Cody] Oh, it just moved! Oh my God, it just moved! Holy! - [Kallen] As you can see, the ball on the ground seems to move all by itself. - [Shawn] There's a ball. - [Cody] Oh, it just moved! Oh my god, it just moved! Holy! - [Kallen] Cody and Shawn are stunned by the strange event. - [Cody] Oh, it just moved! Oh my god, it just moved! Holy! - [Kallen] The strange sounds and whispers and the inexplicable movement of the ball have left viewers wondering if something sinister happened in this building causing it to become abandoned? - [Cody] Another knock. - [Shawn] Yeah, right. - [Kallen] Could that basement have been used as a punishment room for some poor child long ago? Let that thought sink in for just a moment. Shawn and Cody also run a YouTube channel called The New Reality Paranormal. They regularly investigate strange and eerie locations. As always, there's links in the description box below. - [Cody] Did you hear that? - Yeah, it was a knock. - [Cody] That was a knock, right? - [Kallen] Basements are often feared for the eerie quiet and still darkness, but what about when they're full of inexplicable sounds and creepy images. YouTuber, An EveryDay Canadian captured what may be considered the ultimate nightmare for many, with his hair raising video. The video begins with the YouTuber explaining the situation to his viewers. He says that he was upstairs when he started to hear strange banging sounds coming from his basement. The sounds are unlike the usual laundry machine noises he often hears, making him question what could be happening downstairs. He announces that he'll go down and check out what's happening. - [Scott] And I'm gonna go down and check right now. This is, this is freaky right now. - [Kallen] He slowly descends the stairs, saying that he's freaked out as he rarely goes into his basement, an unfinished room in his house. - [Scott] This is freaky right now, 'cause I rarely go in my basement, it's an unfinished basement. - [Kallen] As he goes down, there's a loud banging sound that scares him. - [Scott] Holy (beeps) (something bangs) Oh, what the (beeps) is that sound? - [Kallen] He shows viewers the dark basement, moving the camera around slowly. - [Scott] Holy (beeps) - [Kallen] He walks further into the basement, stating that he's alone down there when he spots a small old looking baby carriage, take a look at what happens. - [Scott] It's just me in the basement. Holy crap. What the (beeps) was that? What the (beeps), what the! - [Kallen] As you can see, the baby carriage begins to move and speeds towards the YouTuber as he screams and the video ends. - [Scott] What the (beeps) was that? What the (beeps), what the! - [Kallen] Commenters on the video agree that it was a scary situation and offered a few suggestions for how to get rid of the potential ghost or other paranormal figure. Some suggested bringing a priest into the house to banish the presence, while others recommended buying a ghost cleansing material such as burning sage and spreading it around the basement. Others, however, think that the carriage could have been pulled by a string. As you can see the bottom of the carriage flip upwards as though it's being dragged by something. - [Scott] What the (beeps) was that? What the (beeps), what the! - [Kallen] So what do you think? Flippant hoax or genuine haunting? Love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comment section below. - [Scott] What the (beeps) was that? What the (beeps), what the! - [Kallen] Shadow people have been seen by millions of people worldwide. These are shadowy figures that tend to resemble human beings and are usually caught in the individual's peripheral vision. YouTuber Drew flow may have managed to capture one on camera for everyone to see quite clearly. The beginning of the video shows the narrator walking down the steps towards his basement, whispering that he's hearing strange sounds and hoping to capture something on tape. - [Drew] Let's see if I can get anything on video. - [Kallen] When he gets to the basement, he pans the camera around, giving us a good view of the whole scene. There's a toy box in the center of the room, with toys spilled out around the carpet and the narrator claims that no one's been in the basement all day. - [Drew] Nobody's been down here all day. - [Kallen] The man looks around some more before backing out of the room. We'll play at a normal speed first, see if you can spot anything weird. - [Drew] What? - [Kallen] When you slow it down as he shifts the camera away, viewers get a brief glimpse of a terrifying shadowy figure with bright eyes looking straight at the camera. The man turns the camera back to the basement where there's now nothing. He looks around more for a few moments before going back up the stairs. Shadow figures are often associated with mal-intent and dread for most individuals who have the misfortune of spotting them. They're even more suspicious, as many individuals can't see the figures head on. While many see these figures in the evening or at night time, could it be that this YouTuber caught one in the middle of the day for all to see? Also, just on a side note, how freaky is the painting on the wall on the far right? That alone would cause laundry day to come early. - [Drew] What? Oh, no, no, no. - [Kallen] In this bizarre video uploaded by Xhauntings, viewers are treated to two potential paranormal activities, ghosts and orbs. The creator of this video claims the renovations they completed in their house stirred up some pretty strange activity as renovations often do for many. The video starts at regular speed, showing the camera operator walking in their basement and moving the camera around with nothing initially bizarre being shown. The clip is then played again, this time in slow motion, listen to what was captured. (entity growling) As the camera operator turns left, a horrifying scream and growl is heard coming from the room opposite. (entity growling) If you watch closely, a strange light seems to zip right past the camera. Here it is once again in slow motion. The clip then jumps to another scene. Here, the camera operator moves the camera around the basement, take a look at what they captured. - [Camera Operator] Oh, hello. Oh my God. (chuckles) - [Kallen] This time, orb looking objects seem to jump around, with someone off camera exclaiming, oh my God, before the clip ends. - [Camera Operator] It smells in here. Oh, hello, oh my God. (chuckles) - [Kallen] Orbs have been the cause of many debates within the paranormal community. Some believe that orbs are supernatural with potentially evil intent. Others argue that they may simply be floating dust particles that reflect the light of a room or camera. The number of orbs moving around as well as the scary scream and flash of light, make this video lean more towards the realm of the paranormal. But as always, I'd love to hear what you think in the comment section below. (entity growling) Often, people associate ghosts or other worldly figures with slow floating movements as they wander around scary basements. In HarryMcClarry's TikTok video, he caught anything but a slow going figure, leaving many viewers looking over their shoulders. The clip starts with the cameraman walking through his kitchen as loud banging noises are heard coming from the basement. (things banging) (dog barks) He turns the camera around to capture a scared looking girl with a hand covering her face in fear. (things banging) The cameraman turns on the lights for the stairs and begins to descend. His dog barks in the background in response to the loud sounds. (things banging) (dog barks) The man stops halfway, as viewers see the entrance to the dark basement. The man calls out, hello? What happens next will surely give you the chills. Take a look. - [Harry] Hello? (footsteps tapping) Oh my god! - [Kallen] On a repeat viewing, we can hear the sound of loud footsteps coming up the stairs. - [Harry] Hello? (footsteps tapping) Oh my god! - [Kallen] Since the man turned so quickly in the video, it's hard to see what exactly seemed to storm up at him. Regardless, the inexplicable banging sounds and freaked out girl and dog, prove that there's no doubt something unfriendly lurking in the dark. - [Harry] Hello? (footsteps tapping) Oh my god! - [Kallen] Blake Smiths Gaming Blitz provided a video saga of ghostly wailing coming from his basement. The three videos he uploaded to his YouTube channel, give three different accounts of a very mysterious situation that would eventually even involve the police. In the first video, the YouTuber explains that he's alone in his house and hears what he believes are crying noises coming from his basement. Possibly of a young woman or child. - I hear what sounds like crying coming from the basement. I got a deadbolt for the basement after the last occurrence down there, but. - [Kallen] He recently purchased a deadbolt for the basement he elaborates, after the last time this same situation occurred, hoping to keep whatever was crying out. He states that he even called the police last time, who managed to find wet footprints in the basement after a search of the area. - I even called the police, they found wet footprints down there when I let them down there. So, I don't know what to.... Let's just. - [Kallen] He walks down the basement stairs, listen to what he captured. (child wailing) It sounds like a crying child. (child wailing) The man calls out hello to no reply except more loud wailing. - [Blake] Hello? (child wailing) What the (beeps) is that? Hello? - [Kallen] He continues to call out as he walks into the basement. He shows viewers a weird substance on the wall that resembles hand prints, before panning the camera around to an empty room. - [Blake] I don't know what those are. There's nothing there, there's nothing there, okay, I'm going back upstairs. - [Kallen] This next video, which is a little longer, sees the YouTuber explaining the situation again, where he adds that he's heard loud bangs and other eerie sounds coming from the basement recently at unusual times. - I don't know what's going on now. I keep hearing bangs and just really weird noises coming from the basement. - [Kallen] He adds that some viewers of his last video, recommended that he leave his phone in the basement to see if he could capture anything peculiar. He walks down to the basement once more, moving the camera around to see if he can spot anything unusual, but nothing appears. He then sets his phone down and leaves the room. A minute after he goes, the noises begin. (child wailing) (child screaming) The noises are a mix of screaming, wailing and howling. (child wailing) (child screaming) After a couple of minutes, the man comes back downstairs, looking around and asking if there's anyone there. - [Blake] Hello? - [Kallen] There are no more sounds. The man picks up his camera and leaves the room. As he begins to walk up the stairs, he whispers that he just saw a shadow and he flees up the stairs. - [Blake] I just saw a shadow move away from underneath the, I'm out, I'm out. - [Kallen] In this last clip, the man walks down the stairs, turning on a bright light as the scary sounds emerge once again. (child wailing) - [Blake] Hello? - [Kallen] The man shines a light in the basement calling out to no response before the video abruptly ends. - [Blake] Hello? - [Kallen] These YouTube videos have received tens of thousands of views and mixed responses. Some argue that the sounds resemble those usually found in a recording or video and therefore, might be fake. Others swear that there's a spirit haunting the basement, possibly a child who died there long ago. (child wailing) However, the fact that the police allegedly found wet footprints in the basement, make this video saga chilling for all who see it. (child screaming) Often wondered if Christian music can successfully keep demons away or if the music brings demons out? YouTuber Donnie Drunkard decides to test this theory after seeing shadow figures appear in his home that he swears are of a demonic nature. The video creator reveals that a shadow figure has been appearing at the top of his staircase to the basement as well as inside the basement itself. He believes the formation may be demonic in nature. The video then cuts to footage of the video creator's basement, as the narrator describes how he's been seeing a fast moving shadow out of his peripheral vision when he's sitting in the basement alone at night time. - [Donnie] Always over there in the corner of my eye, I can see something like that, like black like that just go zip, zip, zip, like that, always out of the corner of my eye. He then begins to play Christian gospel music to see if he can provoke the demon. 20 seconds later, The video cuts to camera footage of the stairs leading down to the basement. The video goes back and forth between the two images. Viewers are taken back to the camera from the top of the stairs where something truly eerie is seen. (Christian gospel music) As you can see, an identifiable black figure seems to float down the stairs as the lights on the ceiling begin to shake. ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ - [Kallen] Back in the basement, the sound of beer bottles clinking and falling can be heard in the distance. (beer bottles clinking) - [Donnie] One second. It's here. - [Kallen] The narrator picks up the camera and walks towards the sound saying, I heard you, you are not welcome here. - [Donnie] I heard you. You are not welcome here. - [Kallen] There's more sound of beer bottles falling as the man continues to walk down the hallway where nothing appears. (bottles clinking) The strange black mass, the shaking of the lights and the sound of beer bottles falling is certainly creepy in its own right, Though, whether the Christian music being played is protection or provocation is a question perhaps we'll leave up to you, the viewer to decide. - [Donnie] You're not welcome here. (bottles clinking) - [Kallen] Objects randomly moving on their own have been common in many horror movies, shows and video clips. Advilll's first video shows just why this event has many people getting goosebumps. While his second video explores an even scarier nightmare for many. Advilll's first video begins with him calling out hello while pointing the camera towards the stairs leading to the basement. - [Advilll] Hello? I'm gonna turn on the light, all right? - [Kallen] He looks around, claiming that he heard something, asking if there's anyone in the room. - [Advilll] Okay, I heard something. - [Kallen] After a few seconds, something terrifying is caught on camera. Take a look. - [Advilll] Whoa, Jesus! - [Kallen] If you slow it down, a rack of some kind suddenly starts to move towards the camera. - [Advilll] Whoa, Jesus! - [Kallen] The uploader screams and retreats in fear. - [Advilll] Whoa, Jesus! - [Kallen] In the second video, a voiceover explains that the video was recorded after voices were heard coming from downstairs. - [Advilll] the following footage was recorded after hearing voices from upstairs. Please be advised, the images that you see may be disturbing. The clip begins with the same narrator calling out again down the stairs that he heard noises. - [Advilll] I heard some noises again, hello? - [Kallen] After a moment, strange whispers can be heard. - [Advilll] Hello? (indistinct whispering) - [Kallen] Then something chilling happens, take a look. - [Advilll] No way, oh! - [Kallen] A dark figure is seen walking across the basement at the bottom of the stairs. - [Advilll] No way, oh! - [Kallen] At First, it's hard to see, but if you lighten the image, the strange figure becomes more apparent. Could this same dark figure have been the thing that moved the rack in the first video? Commentators aren't sure, but they all agree that the video creator should look for a different place to live or face even scarier consequences. - [Advilll] No way, oh! - Cameras set up around a house are usually there to provide comfort for a family that no unwanted visitors are inside. But what if something paranormal arrives instead? Reddit user kittyk38 shared footage of some frightful activity going on in her basement at night time. With this clip, viewers see an image of the video creator's basement, where nothing looks amiss. 10 seconds later, however, a sheet in the middle of the frame shifts down by itself. (sheet rustles) About 30 seconds after this, the light switches off before another light in the middle of the room grows larger and brighter. The regular light switches back on. With this happening once again before the video ends. As no one was around when these mysterious events happened overnight, the Reddit user is completely stumped as to what could have caused these weird events to happen. Love to get your thoughts on this one in the comment section below. Before we take a look at something truly terrifying spotted in Japan, remember to hit that subscribe button, then tickle that little bell icon there and turn on all channel notifications. That way you'll be in the loop every time we drop our scary and mysterious videos. Also a freeway to support our channel is to click that thumbs up button there. And if you don't click it, may a giant spectral thumb haunt your dreams forevermore. For centuries, there's been sightings of the paranormal around Japan. With such a long history and rich culture when it comes to spirits and ghosts, it's perhaps no surprise that there are many videos on YouTube that claim to show scary things occurring in the country. In this video, an individual is exploring an abandoned building somewhere in Japan. Viewers can see a derelict building in disrepair. During one part of the video, the camera operator pans downwards, where viewers can see a square hole in one of the building's walls. Take a look. Initially, there seems to be a small ball of light that appears. But if you replay the footage in slow motion, something sinister becomes apparent. In the dark, you can just make out two bright orange eyes peeking out from the hole. Replayed once again at an even slower speed and with the image brightened a little, viewers can now see a gray face belonging to the eyes, staring at the camera operator. The figure's facial shape resembles that of a man but the grayish skin and ghoulish eyes seem to take on the shape of something out of this world. Could it be that an evil spirit has taken refuge in this abandoned building and is not happy with an unwelcome visitor? Now, if you wanna watch some more scary videos, then check out that link on the top there, otherwise, we have a massive curated paranormal playlist right there. Now remember to check out our awesome range of hoodies and t-shirts as well, they're available in the merch shelf just down below there. And that's it for me, I'll see you all next time. Pew! (creepy music)
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 1,315,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, ghost videos, scary things seen in basements, scary basements, creepy basements, creepy things seen in basements, scary things in basement, creepy things in basement, scary things, creepy things, ghost in basement, basement ghost, ghost, ghosts, scary basement, creepy basement, slappedham, slapped ham
Id: dBSSuXslSfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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