Scariest Places in the WORLD

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all over the world there are places that should only exist in nightmares before is covered with abandoned dolls to underground tunnels decorated with real human bones these are the top 10 scariest places in the world number 10 door to heck also known as the darvaza gas Crater where the heck located and there was a freaking huge that's what she said in 1971 Engineers thought that they would find oil reserves there that looks TGI is this a fake one whoa so is it just always on fire to save nearby towns from the spread of the gas they decided to light the gas on fire that's nuts wait is this where your Minecraft skin was born that's actually the Earth's butthole it's always gassy looks like the mouth of a dragon that police I totally if the world was going to get invaded by dragons they would start right there at their spot number nine the Bermuda Triangle the Bermuda Triangle is a region in the Atlantic Ocean I've been here was the water black like that not on that day but it did take my sunglasses and that was pretty scary in this area Travelers have said that their compasses stop working and tons of time go missing it's really scary just because you can't see anything and you're just in a Minecraft boat what did what how much you have to pay someone to take you out there for twenty thousand dollars the scariest thing about the Bermuda Triangle is having to pay somebody 20 grand to Lug me to the seat this is real though legit because it's one of the biggest Urban myths ever but it's just like when will it be proven we need a cruise line that goes into the Bermuda Triangle Bermuda cruise we sail from one point to the next there's a place just like this in Japan called The Devil's Triangle now you're totally lying and if this one gets 500 000 likes we'll make Scott swim across it I think you just want to go to Japan but sure listen who doesn't want to go to Japan number eight the Winchester House oh I've heard of this really a Mysterious Mansion in the United Sarah Lockwood party Winchester built it after her husband passed away [Music] that's what your beer will look like if you grew one wait this is the guy that's named after the I've shot that to stay ahead of the ghost haunting her she designed her house to be like a maze through which only she knew the correct path okay let's I don't think that the confused the ghosts who can go through walls anyways they should have invented the ghost Blaster what ammo would the Ghostbuster shoot um so the house was actually under construction for 40 years until she died so I don't think the ghost wanted her to finish actually number seven doll island the story oh my God what is this where Legends say that one day he discovered the body of a girl who drowned in a canal he found a body inside of the canal soon after the man began hearing whispers and footsteps to the trees why why were you searching in the canal for bodies he lived on the island collecting dolls for 50 years until he passed away it is said that his body was found in the exact same spot these are really creepy do you think that he actually drowned in the same Canal where he found the woman allegedly are you not paying attention I thought he was buried there not in the booty club no but if you thought this one was scary it would you see number one number six clown motel in Tonopah Nevada lies a terrifying clown Motel you don't like crowns do you I don't mind clowns but why would I want to go to the clown and it looks like a fun amusement park their father also happens to be buried right next door to supposedly one of the most haunted cemeteries in the west the Tonopah Cemetery imagine that's your kids party and you're like yep in 100 years here's where you're gonna end up right there there's someone watching me through that one's eyes Ranch is that the Jack-in-the-Box clown give me some 99 Cents tacos sir this is a Starbucks that's still acceptable in our culture we're canceling clown culture please help us cancel clown culture with the clown emojis genuinely if you want us to go do a 24-hour survival challenge video there I think that's a banger spot I'm gonna pitch it for the Brianna channel for the brand new channel I'm glad you didn't say Keeley channel number five Chernobyl most interesting place on April 26 1986 Chernobyl one of the largest nuclear power plants located in the north of the Ukrainian Soviet Union experience one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century people that worked at the plant or for the plant all of this was housing honestly we should invest in some land here yeah I heard it's going to be up and coming in the next you could make this Preston land it could be all yours you hear that Soviets we're coming for your fire World a series of missteps took place which resulted in a massive steam explosion blowing up the reactor the explosion release bursts to fire Steam and radiation up to one kilometer in the air so this thing is measuring the radiation and it tells you right there like normal radiation .03 that's because in Texas if you want to go work from the oil fields you have to bring your own housing that's called a trailer there's any animals still living there that was literally being mutated and if you do end up growing a second head guys please we've got plenty of hats for you you could look like that number four Snake Island I'm fine with this off the coast of Brazil lies in Ireland the Mysterious Island is known as Grande and is home to around 2 000 to 4 000 snakes that's a lot of snakes a big massive snakes what's wrong I mean I think the bigger they are the less venomous they are to be fair please don't make me go here Preston we should go here for a video oh no one of the main snakes on the island is the golden Lance heads type of Viper and one of the deadliest serpents in the world ah YouTube wonderful bit by this and you can die within an hour hey God nice creation let's nuke it the Island used to have people that lived there did you hear that there were people that used to live there oh my God at a lighthouse they came all the way we all the snakes can swim why can snakes swim like if you look at them they get nice bodies but I wouldn't expect them to be able to swim Legends say that maybe the snakes were brought there by Pirates to guard their treasure though the snakes most likely chose to live there due to the rising sea levels Snake Island is closed off to the public and to reach the island legally you need the cooperation of the Brazilian Navy oh nice look at that Gatorade Snake Island not the scariest for me I don't mine snakes number three RMS Queen Mary wait is this the Queen Mary that's in Scotland this is in California built in 1936 the RMS Queen Mary was designed to be the fastest passenger ship to sail across the Atlantic look at those giant steam engines bro during World War II the ship was turned into a wartime vessel named gray ghost where he carried up to 16 000 troops that's massive it should be considered one of the top 10 most haunted places in the entire world yeah why is it haunted in 1942 gray ghost aka the Queen Mary accidentally crashed into another ship the HMS kurokoa over 300 people died in the accident how many people died supposedly you can hear the screams of those who died still today in 1966 the horrors continued after the Queen Mary transitioned back into a passenger boat they converted it back into a passenger boat they need to get a new captain we're behind it an 18 year old crew member died from being crushed by a mechanical door in the engine room it is believed if you knock on door 13 the spirit with her team member will knock back no wait we could actually go here though people tour it right oh and they painted the big toilet paper rolls so apparently there's just nothing but paranormal activity on side that boat and I want to try it just to see is it cheating if you like start with the ghost number two ancient ruins of XI Chang yes we love XI Ching Chinese government flooded the valley at the base of wushi hey why did they flood the valley purpose of industrialization and creating the kiwanda lake this forced 290 000 people to relocate their homes and more than 1 300 Villages tens of thousands of Acres of farmland and two ancient cities I've only done this in Minecraft but there wasn't 290 000 villagers well they did an IRL and that's awful a little bit worse when it's in Real Life Look at that architecture that's a horse arches five City Gates and Towers paved roads and other structures like carvings and guardian Lions lay at the bottom of the lake so this stuff is going to last here for a long time because it's not it's not salt water right wait maybe this is where the myth of Atlanta just came from China thank you for your myths I mean I would dive down here this is a sick this is super cool I would love to walk down there this is a 24-hour underwater challenge that's when you go to survive we need some Sandy the squirrel helmets we need some underwater mics underwater lights underwater cameras and approval from the Chinese government that's the easiest thing what if we say it's for tick tock they'll let us do it then please subscribe so we can get approval from the Chinese number one the catacombs of Paris France in the beautiful city of Paris France there lies a massive Maze of Darkness hidden underneath the city I knew French people were messed up this area is known as the catacombs of Paris and it is a network of tunnels used as a burial place in the 18th and 19th centuries that extends for 200 miles 200 miles and they don't even use miles in France the deceased were buried in the catacombs starting in 1780. it's like every dead person that's died in Paris from 1780 is down there largest cemetery the bodies of the deceased ahead the church officials allowed for the catacombs to be their official resting place to prevent the spread of disease so there was actually a reason I mean honestly I understand France you don't want a bunch of Bones floating around for the kids to see so you put them underground and made it really creepy only two kilometers of the Catacombs are open to the public for tourism the rest are mostly closed off due to the very real danger of getting lost in the tunnels and never returning back in the day you know they had no sanitization that more guided he's one of them
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 4,210,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preston, PrestonPlayz, PrestonReacts, Preston Reacts, funny, funny reaction video, funny video, video, comedy, reacts, reaction, react, reaction video, preston, prestonplayz, family friendly, family, fun, 2022, challenge, Comedy, entertainment, Funny, game, games, gaming, hilarious, humor, laugh, new, no swearing, prank, pranks, Recordings, Scariest Places in the WORLD, scary, scariest, haunted house, survive, surviving, most haunted, creepy, creepiest, scary video, terrifying
Id: DNZjcTSFml8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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